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    Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF


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    Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF - Page 26 Empty Re: Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF

    Post  flamming_python Tue Jun 22, 2021 6:42 am

    PapaDragon wrote:
    franco wrote:Full reservoirs: How Crimea's water problem was resolved in a few days

    It looks like the "water" problem of the Crimea is being solved in a natural way. Due to the abundance of rainfall last week, local reservoirs quickly filled with water. On Wednesday and Thursday, the rains on the peninsula were so strong that the issue of water supply to the Crimeans was closed....

    I have a feeling that God/Karma/Fate/Cosmos might hate the Ukraine lol1

    The floods happened across the Ukraine too.

    Only there they came with no silver lining, never mind a silver lining that's fatter than the actual problem

    Still, let's not jinx it.

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    Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF - Page 26 Empty Re: Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF

    Post  flamming_python Tue Jun 22, 2021 6:45 am

    Scorpius wrote:
    franco wrote:Full reservoirs: How Crimea's water problem was resolved in a few days


    As of June, the situation with the provision of Crimean residents with water has noticeably improved in comparison with the previous year. Anatoly Kopachevsky, director of the research and production company "Water Technologies", suggested that by the end of this year the reservoirs feeding Simferopol will receive about 30 million cubic meters of water. In his opinion, there will be no problems with water supply on the peninsula in the coming years, which will allow making strategic decisions in this area.,se

    One of the main reasons for water scarcity is its huge losses during transportation and preparation, reaching up to 80% (for comparison: on average in the Russian Federation, losses are 20-30%). The authorities, according to the federal target program, expect to solve the problem by 2025. It is planned to spend more than 18 billion rubles from the federal budget on measures to eliminate the deficit. In particular, it is planned to build desalination plants with a capacity of 20 thousand cubic meters of water per day by 2025. Earlier it was reported that the budget can allocate about 8 billion rubles for the construction of factories.

    The desalination plants were a last resort. They were giving consideration to other measures earlier.

    Well, I guess not any more russia

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    Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF - Page 26 Empty Re: Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF

    Post  Russian_Patriot_ Wed Jun 23, 2021 2:31 pm

    Strengthening of the temporary dam in Yalta by mobile detachments of the Russian Defense Ministry. 

    The servicemen cleared more than 52 thousand square meters of streets, private courtyards, residential buildings and social infrastructure, removed more than 370 tons of garbage, and delivered more than 264 cubic meters of drinking water to the civilian population.

    About 21.5 thousand people and 1,367 units of automotive and special equipment were involved in helping the population of Crimea from the Russian Defense Ministry. Relief efforts involving military personnel have been deployed in 36 flood-affected localities.

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    Post  Russian_Patriot_ Fri Jun 25, 2021 6:43 pm

    Transfer of military construction and engineering equipment to eliminate flood damage in Yalta

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    Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF - Page 26 Empty Re: Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF

    Post  Russian_Patriot_ Sun Jun 27, 2021 1:52 pm

    A new kindergarten for 260 children has been opened in Simferopol. The building is designed so that in the center there is a courtyard with a glass roof, which will eventually be turned into a winter garden. 67 jobs were created.
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    Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF - Page 26 Empty Re: Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF

    Post  Russian_Patriot_ Sat Jul 03, 2021 1:35 pm

    Bolshaya Morskaya (Eng: Large Sea) Street in Sevastopol, reconstructed in 2020.
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    Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF - Page 26 Empty Re: Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF

    Post  auslander Sat Jul 03, 2021 3:47 pm

    Russian_Patriot_ wrote:Bolshaya Morskaya (Eng: Large Sea) Street in Sevastopol, reconstructed in 2020.

    Yes, but you see, you are not here and don't know the details. By widening the sidewalks etc they have eliminated 80% of the parking on Morskaya. Street used to be lined end to end with small, locally owned shops and eateries. Now almost all of them are gone, no place to park means no business. Locals fought 'them' tooth and claw but to no avail. Pity, Morskaya was a very pleasant street to walk and shop on. Our favorite restaurant, the old 'Flot Cafe', is gone now, in business for almost 60 years and the best food in town, all cooked in the kitchen including breads and sweets.

    Not everything is milk and honey here.


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    Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF - Page 26 Empty Re: Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF

    Post  kvs Sat Jul 03, 2021 5:11 pm

    Thanks for the update. Looks like bureaucrats are still screwing up deliberately. These smarmy maggots probably are playing the game,
    to increase dissent, of doing "good deeds" that have bad impacts. A pretty street is worthless if it is a dead street. People in Crimea
    need to organize grass roots action and push back. At least in the current climate and current leadership (Putin) they will not be crushed.
    Don't let the maggots do what they want, they are only strong if people bend over. We can see what "moya hata s krayu" gets one
    in Ukraine.


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    Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF - Page 26 Empty Re: Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF

    Post  flamming_python Sat Jul 03, 2021 7:47 pm

    kvs wrote:Thanks for the update.   Looks like bureaucrats are still screwing up deliberately.   These smarmy maggots probably are playing the game,
    to increase dissent, of doing "good deeds" that have bad impacts.    A pretty street is worthless if it is a dead street.   People in Crimea
    need to organize grass roots action and push back.   At least in the current climate and current leadership (Putin) they will not be crushed.
    Don't let the maggots do what they want, they are only strong if people bend over.    We can see what "moya hata s krayu" gets one
    in Ukraine.

    No, it's a trend in many Russian cities

    Gentrification, pushed by liberals, conversion of cities away from chaotic car park zones and towards more greenery, bicycle paths, rentable electric scooters, and wider pedestrian crossings. Along with better public transport systems

    I think it makes sense, on balance. But the population and small businesses will take time to adjust. When people start moving away from cars and towards public transport, bikes and scooters, then you should see such streets coming to life again.

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    Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF - Page 26 Empty Re: Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF

    Post  Russian_Patriot_ Mon Jul 05, 2021 1:36 pm

    The underground museum in Balaklava in the Crimea after reconstruction. Initially, it was a huge submarine base, built in 1961 under Mount Tavros. Submarines could swim directly into the mountain, and the design of the bunker had to withstand a nuclear attack of 100 kt. In the 90s, the base was abandoned and looted, in 2003 a museum was opened here. Now it has been improved, renovated and beautifully illuminated, and the exhibits have been presented in a more interesting form. 
    Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF - Page 26 G3hm9b10
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    Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF - Page 26 Empty Re: Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF

    Post  auslander Mon Jul 05, 2021 5:30 pm

    Events of 05 July 2008, Sevastopol. Shows the real Sevastopol and what they thought and think of the orcs. Reprint from open source local article posted today in Sevastopol.

    "Historical events on Grafskaya - on video filming of the Sevastopol SBU.

    What happened ten years ago on the Grafskaya pier became the eve of the Russian spring and for many years did not allow the Ukrainian authorities to sleep peacefully.

    This event caused fierce resistance from the Sevastopol residents, which grew into an open confrontation with the Ukrainian military. The clash on Grafskaya in 2008 rightfully formed a series of historical events that preceded the Russian spring in the Crimea and Sevastopol.

    On July 5, 2008, the command of the Ukrainian Naval Forces in Sevastopol, at the behest from Kiev, attempted to illegally, without the necessary approvals, install a commemorative plaque on the Grafskaya pier, allegedly in honor of the 90th anniversary of the raising of Ukrainian flags on the ships of the Black Sea Fleet.

    A few days before July 5, pro-Ukrainian activists announced that "the plaque will be installed solemnly, in the presence of Sevastopol residents."

    Despite this, they began to install the sign on the morning of July 5, cordoning off the Grafskaya pier with cordons of military personnel and not letting anyone into its territory under the pretext of cleaning the pier. “The presence of the Sevastopol people” was provided by the Sevastopol people themselves - without the consent of the military. The cordons were broken, and under the cries of "Sevastopol - Crimea - Russia" the plaque was torn from the wall and drowned at first near the coast, and then - in the very middle of the Sevastopol Bay. For a long time, this place was called "tabakin pond" among the people.

    In memory of those events, ForPost publishes a video at the disposal of the editors, filmed that day by the security services of Ukraine. His footage shows how the security forces "fix" the most active participants in the action and try to capture all their actions with the aim of further persecution.

    As you know, the trial of seven participants in the events at the Grafskaya Wharf - Alexander Karavaev, Anatoly Mareta, Dmitry Solovyov, Sergey Tolmachev, Tatyana Menshikova, Alexander Danilov and Vyacheslav Bebnev - in Sevastopol lasted almost six years - until the reunification of Crimea with Russia."

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    Post  kvs Mon Jul 05, 2021 5:46 pm

    Ukr "jurisprudence": witch hunting of dissidents. These were pure political persecutions. Throwing some "in your face" chauvinist
    plaque in the water is not a crime requiring six years of litigation. It is at worst a $17 fine.

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    Post  Maximmmm Wed Jul 07, 2021 1:02 pm

    Russian_Patriot_ wrote:The underground museum in Balaklava in the Crimea after reconstruction. Initially, it was a huge submarine base, built in 1961 under Mount Tavros. Submarines could swim directly into the mountain, and the design of the bunker had to withstand a nuclear attack of 100 kt. In the 90s, the base was abandoned and looted, in 2003 a museum was opened here. Now it has been improved, renovated and beautifully illuminated, and the exhibits have been presented in a more interesting form. 

    What's cool is, I think I remember from a bunch of years ago a youtube video where the museum director talked about structural damages to the complex and how some businessman from Moscow who ran a construction company that worked on the metro and underground crossings offered up a bunch of help to stabilize things. And it was already nice to see the guy relieved that at least a bunch of the leaking had been stopped.
    Now the MOD stepped in and it looks great!

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    Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF - Page 26 Empty Re: Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF

    Post  JohninMK Wed Jul 07, 2021 1:41 pm

    Russian_Patriot_ wrote:
    Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF - Page 26 E4ioah10

    That really is one hell of a weapons system and beautiful to boot.

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    Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF - Page 26 Empty Re: Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF

    Post  franco Fri Jul 30, 2021 9:55 pm

    Veselovsky: The water blockade turned out to be the most difficult

    Deputy Prime Minister Marat Khusnullin said that Crimea is provided with fresh water for the next two years.

    Khusnullin is on a working trip to Crimea. The Deputy Prime Minister said that the republic has an additional volume of drinking water in underground horizons at the rate of 110 thousand cubic meters per day. The first batch of fresh water was received from a 100-meter well in the Sea of ​​Azov. The water is now being tested for quality. The Deputy Prime Minister noted that one of the factors for improving water supply in the republic will be putting in order the pipeline networks.

    Political scientist Sergei Veselovsky commented for Zhurnalisticheskaya Pravda whether the problem with fresh water in Crimea has been finally resolved.

    “I would like to draw parallels: there were several types of blockades in Crimea - food, energy and transport. We solved these three problems quickly and efficiently. The water blockade was the most difficult.

    People who discuss the thirst of the Crimean people do not understand the main thing: there is enough drinking water in Crimea for 10 million people, plus or minus tourists. The problem of the water blockade of Crimea hits the agricultural business . Our irrigation systems do not work. Artesian water is needed for fields. This is the main problem.

    Ukrainians are shouting that they will drink from a bottle or a can of those who show a Ukrainian passport, but will not need it, we initially did not have a problem with drinking water. Fresh water is needed to irrigate lands. Perhaps, if desalination plants are installed now, and their cost is not very high, then the Azov and Black Sea water will be used for irrigation. The Israelis somehow get out, desalinate. The same can be with us.

    Every normal Crimean in the depths of his soul flatters himself with the hope that the madmen will soon leave the territory of Little Russia, destroy the dam themselves, and the water will again go to Crimea. There is such a simple human hope.

    Fresh water extracted from a well in the Sea of ​​Azov appeared due to the fact that our scientists conducted research and prepared applied measures. Now fresh water is supplied to Crimea from the wells of the Sea of ​​Azov. This is great! I don't know where exactly she will go, but multiply Khusnullin's joy by ten, and you will understand how happy I am. ",se,elem

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    Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF - Page 26 Empty Re: Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF

    Post  Big_Gazza Sat Jul 31, 2021 2:40 pm

    franco wrote:Veselovsky: The water blockade turned out to be the most difficult

    The blockade of water to Crimea is a deeply criminal act, and the refusal of the US and EU to condemn it is an absolute confirmation of the perfidy and hypocrisy of these hegemonic enemy states.

    Imagine the frenzied shitstorm that would result if the Syrian and Lebanese dammed the tributaries of the Jordan River and denied the Ziostanis free access to its waters, yet the "Free West" that so loudly champions "human rights" and "international law"  will not raise a single objection to the Ukronazi persecution of Crimeans. censored , the whole lot them.

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    Post  franco Tue Aug 31, 2021 8:16 pm

    Nine desalination plants are ready to be built in Crimea to solve the water problem

    The state corporation "Rostec" is working on various options for the construction and power supply of desalination plants in Crimea, which will help solve the problem with the supply of fresh water to the peninsula.

    The Kommersant edition writes about this, noting that by 2030, nine desalination plants with a capacity of about one billion cubic meters of fresh water per year can be built in Crimea to cover the projected shortage of fresh water. And to provide these complexes with electricity, according to the publication, Rostec plans to use the state corporation's gas turbine engines GTA-25 and GTA-16.

    Alexei Fadeev, an employee of the Institute of Natural Monopolies Problems, said in an interview with Kommersant that nine desalination plants in Crimea may require new capacities of up to 900 MW, and the cost of a project to build new power plants in Crimea to meet the electricity needs of desalination plants could be 78 billion rubles.

    At the same time, the publication notes that the Russian government previously announced plans to build two desalination plants in Crimea by 2023, spending 7.8 billion rubles on this.

    According to the vice-president of the Center for Strategic Installations, Tatyana Karavaeva, expensive equipment is needed to build desalination plants in Crimea, but international political and economic sanctions are still in force against the Russian peninsula. Therefore, according to Karavaeva, the use of desalination plants in Crimea can only be used to solve local problems with a shortage of fresh water.

    Meanwhile, the Crimean authorities hope that the problems with the peninsula's water supply will be resolved in an integrated way, and this will allow the region to avoid a sharp increase in tariffs. For example, the reserves of fresh water found in deposits under the seabed of the Sea of ​​Azov will be used, as well as reservoirs for the cathedral of natural waters in Alushta and Simferopol will be built, and a desalination plant for water supply to Yalta will be built.

    Recall that until 2014, about 85% of Crimea's needs for fresh water were covered by the Dnieper water cut, which entered the peninsula through the North Crimean Canal, built in Soviet times.

    However, after Crimea joined Russia as a result of a popular referendum held in the spring of 2014, the Ukrainian authorities, which refused to recognize the legal right of Crimeans to self-determination, blocked the North Crimean Canal, organizing a water blockade on the peninsula. At the same time, Kiev organized a transport and energy blockade of Crimea, the consequences of which Russia successfully overcame. Currently, work is underway to provide the Crimea with the required volume of fresh water. So in the summer of 2021, Rosgeologia drilled wells in the bottom of the Sea of ​​Azov and confirmed the presence of fresh water reserves there.

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    Post  kvs Tue Aug 31, 2021 8:52 pm

    Big_Gazza wrote:
    franco wrote:Veselovsky: The water blockade turned out to be the most difficult

    The blockade of water to Crimea is a deeply criminal act, and the refusal of the US and EU to condemn it is an absolute confirmation of the perfidy and hypocrisy of these hegemonic enemy states.

    Imagine the frenzied shitstorm that would result if the Syrian and Lebanese dammed the tributaries of the Jordan River and denied the Ziostanis free access to its waters, yet the "Free West" that so loudly champions "human rights" and "international law"  will not raise a single objection to the Ukronazi persecution of Crimeans. censored , the whole lot them.

    The NATzO west champions a "rules based system" of its own invention and deprecates international law and the UN.
    These "rules" are naturally capricious and only NATzO gets to apply them and decide who is right and wrong. After all,
    NATzO has the God given authority (TM).

    Crusaders gonna crusade.

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    Post  GarryB Wed Sep 01, 2021 7:48 am

    I would suggest disobedience...

    Coal fired power stations to power the desalination plants... perhaps with a new fur seal pelt technology for the actual desalinaisation...

    I am sure the west would love it...

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    Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF - Page 26 Empty Re: Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF

    Post  Russian_Patriot_ Thu Sep 02, 2021 3:04 pm

    Stadium of the 200th anniversary of Sevastopol in 2014:
    Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF - Page 26 Djazbi10
    And in 2021:
    Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF - Page 26 _0q9z210

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    Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF - Page 26 Empty Re: Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF

    Post  Kiko Sat Sep 04, 2021 6:03 pm

    Russia will do with Crimea what France will do with the Cote d'Azur, by Elena Karaeva for RIA Novosti, 04/09/2021.

    The first results of the current summer "high" season in Crimea stunned even inveterate optimists: they turned out to be the best for the tourism industry of the peninsula for the entire post-Soviet thirty years.

    This success naturally caused the howling of various Ukrainian old women Shapoklyak in the media space controlled and funded by the West.

    Those who for many years have invested in the pearl of the Black Sea on a leftover principle, not even considering it necessary to hide their envy, immediately said that this success of both the industry and the people who chose Crimea for recreation is due to "a pandemic and a closed Europe" and that "in Turkey is still better."

    Losers historically and economically, today's oracles and oracles, winking at their sponsors, have forgotten that the very beautiful "European shores" to which they all dream to moor have actually become what they have become - like, for example, the Riviera in France - to a colossal extent thanks to Russia , then, however, not a republic, but an empire.

    Although - and here many will probably be surprised again - nowadays the most fashionable, cool and expensive resorts (be it Savoy or Nice with suburbs like Villefranche-sur-Mer or Beaulieu-sur-Mer) have become part of France relatively recently. And before that they were part of the Sardinian kingdom.

    This annexation (as they say in France) or annexation (as the descendants of the supporters of the independence of the Alps and Riviera write in blogs ) is by historical standards at a minimum distance - after all, only a little more than 160 years have passed.

    Signed by Napoleon III and the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Sardinia Count de Cavour in Turin in 1860, the document transferred such tidbits of territory to Paris , subject to the organization of a plebiscite with the participation of the local population.

    The referendum was held, its results were published (however, they forgot to add the opportunity to say "no" to the list of possible answers), and France began to develop the obtained lands.

    The screams of the disaffected, of course, were also - the whole, as they say, the progressive public condemned what was happening (including Giuseppe Garibaldi himself, a native of Nice). But since then both the EU and social networks were absent, the various Carbonari quickly shut up, and life flowed on as usual.

    And exactly at that moment, a new character appeared on the geopolitical, as they say today, scene - Russia, more precisely, the Russian Empire.

    As a result of the Crimean War and the document signed at the end of it all in the same Paris, our country was deprived of the right to have a navy in the Black Sea region.

    But if the Russians are forbidden from the Black Sea, then they have not yet managed to ban anything to the Russians in the Mediterranean, and therefore the Russian emperor concluded an agreement with the Kingdom of Sardinia and put his warships on the roadstead of Villefranche-sur-Mer.

    The phrase of the then head of the foreign policy department of our country, Prince Gorchakov - "Russia is concentrating" - perfectly illustrates this exact move in the international arena.

    Regardless of intra-European perturbations, annexations or annexations, major or minor conflicts on the continent, regardless of the outcome of the battle of other people's ambitions and ambitions outside of it, Russia has created infrastructure in Villefranche-sur-Mer, erecting docks for ship repairs, port warehouses and housing for sailors and officers.

    Colossal money went to charity, that is, to the French (by that time) poor people. Funds were provided by aristocrats, the imperial family, and the third estate - merchants and entrepreneurs.

    Nice and its suburbs flourished thanks to Russian financial participation, and the British, as usual, driven by envy, came to the Riviera later. And for other reasons: if the Russians give, the British take. If not money, then a climate that is very different from the eternal gray Albion rain.

    The Russians, on the other hand, built roads, palaces, temples. They also created scientific centers, paying for the work of the researchers there, and many decades after our military presence ended in accordance with the agreements.

    The buildings built then, by the way, are used for their intended purpose to this day.

    Russia, in turn, gained experience of working in another country. After all, interchange with other nations helps it move on, developing Crimea, when such an opportunity arose.

    Here and now, already on its own soil, Russia is acting just as consistently and with concentration. And in the Crimea, as well as on the Riviera, our country will be a triumph.

    Crimea is becoming the center of Russian culture and the focus of Russian economic skills, so you won't have to look far for examples. They are well known, no matter what and how the "air sellers" and "Crimean platforms" try to discredit and distort them, attributing to themselves other people's achievements.

    France, which at one time annexed - annexed - Savoy and the County of Nice, that seven years ago, that today, having taken an absolutely hypocritical position of condemning Russia, seemed to have forgotten its own history and how many and in what situations it was obliged to our country for its salvation - how in the days of wars, and in times of peace.

    In Paris, they make grimaces, thinking that if they send an official of five degrees of importance to Kiev to stamp their feet, then Russia will immediately abandon both the Russian people and the Russian land.

    On the other hand, in the EU, judging by the current sentiments, the "Crimean agenda", no matter how Kiev tries to force it, has ceased to be popular, both diplomats and politicians are tired of it, except for the most stubborn Russophobes.

    Undoubtedly, we are both proud and happy. Crimea is ours, and these are not words, these are the numbers of car license plates from all over the country, these are those who came to rest, having tried for the first time (or repeating the route) the Tavrida highway and admired the spans of the Crimean bridge, this miracle of Russian engineering and the fruit of the labor of Russian workers.

    Today we are focused on re-creating the Crimean infrastructure for ourselves, solving, even though things are going hard, complex problems related to water supply.

    We know that everything will work out, because once we passed this path, having built their Riviera for the French.

    We will repeat the success in Crimea, but we will do everything better. Because this time we are building for ourselves. And forever.

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    Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF - Page 26 Empty Re: Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF

    Post  franco Tue Oct 26, 2021 12:55 pm

    Scythian gold will be transferred to Ukraine

    Scythian gold, which has been a bone of contention between Crimea and Kiev in recent years, will be transferred to the Ukrainian side. This decision was made by the Amsterdam Court of Appeal.

    Although the exhibits are territorially related to Crimea, they are part of Ukraine's heritage after it became independent in 1991.

    - the judge explained her decision.

    The President of Ukraine welcomed the decision of the Dutch court, stating that following the Scythian gold, the Ukrainians would return the Crimea itself.

    The story begins in 2013. A unique collection of 584 items was formed from the exhibits of a number of Crimean museums. Its estimated value does not exceed 1 million euros, since the overwhelming majority of the exhibits are made of bronze, ceramics or wood. The concept of "Scythian gold" has more marketing value and has become a derivative from the name of the exhibition, where the collection was demonstrated - "Crimea. Gold and Secrets of the Black Sea ". Moreover, not all objects are related to the Scythians.

    During Euromaidan, the collection was kept at the Allard Pearson Museum in Amsterdam. The Ministry of Culture of Ukraine promptly, but in absentia, seized the exhibits from the Crimean museums and transferred them for storage to the Kiev Museum of History. Thus, a litigation arose between Crimea and Kiev over the right to own a unique collection.

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    Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF - Page 26 Empty Re: Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF

    Post  miketheterrible Tue Oct 26, 2021 3:49 pm

    It will be stolen and sold now.

    I don't think anyone had hopes from the Dutch court for being impartial really.

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    Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF - Page 26 Empty Re: Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF

    Post  Rodion_Romanovic Tue Oct 26, 2021 9:26 pm

    miketheterrible wrote:It will be stolen and sold now.

    I don't think anyone had hopes from the Dutch court for being impartial really.
    Russia should help herself with some reports from the Netherlands

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    Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF - Page 26 Empty Re: Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF

    Post  Hole Tue Oct 26, 2021 9:51 pm

    miketheterrible wrote:It will be stolen and sold now.

    I don't think anyone had hopes from the Dutch court for being impartial really.

    I think that´s the reason why this "unbiased" NATO court decided this way. They knew someone in "Ukraine" will sell the stuff for a few bucks to western museums.

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