The standards are low on both sides . However , one side , the Israeli/ American / European side , have the powder to change things for the better . But they don't do this . They could easily solve the problem , or go a long way in solving the problem . But they ( the Anglozionazis ) are interested in Israeli soil , as an unsinkable Aircraft carrier for their cancerous presence on Asia coast . The Palestinian terror , horrific as it is , is a reaction to seventy years of genocide . Just look up statistics on numbers killed or displaced , and you will see ! The Palestinians have no power to change things for the better . Just heard also a direct hit on Hospital in Gaza ! Killing hundreds . You see , their logic is live and let die ! Like 007 . Israel , even with backing from America and others , can be defeated by resistance axis , acting together .
Send fast mobile land forces first , to distract their Air force .
Quickly send heavier forces , with anti-armour units . And AD .
Enter Israel and engage in close range combat .