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    Russian Navy: Status and News #5


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    Russian Navy: Status and News #5 - Page 32 Empty Re: Russian Navy: Status and News #5

    Post  lancelot Wed Jun 23, 2021 10:24 pm

    More reasons not to return the Kuril islands to Japan. They belonged to the Ainu anyway.

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    Russian Navy: Status and News #5 - Page 32 Empty Re: Russian Navy: Status and News #5

    Post  Big_Gazza Thu Jun 24, 2021 1:02 am

    lancelot wrote:More reasons not to return the Kuril islands to Japan. They belonged to the Ainu anyway.

    The Japs don't get the Kuriles.  Not now.  Not ever.

    Japs lost all rights to the Kuriles when they started sucking Murican cock, and decided they liked the taste.  That, plus the abrogation of the Treaty of St Petersberg in 1877 which governed a formal swap of territories, with Russia ceding some of the Kuriles and recognising Japanese sovereigntyin return for Japan ceding part of Sakhalin and accepting Russias ownership of the entire island.  Japan violated the treaty in 1904 when they chose to attack and initiated the Russo-Japanese war.  They occupied the southern half of Sakahalin until 1945 when the USSR liberated their territory in the close of WW2.  They took back the Kuriles as well, IMHO partly for "compensation" but also to stop the US from getting them. If Stalin hadn't done that the US would today have bases and missiles on them, and the Japs still wouldn't have sovereignty.

    Japs spoke with forked tongue and chose war over peace, and then lost.  Tokyo needs to accept that shit like that has consequences Twisted Evil

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    Russian Navy: Status and News #5 - Page 32 Empty Russian Warships Came Within Just 34 Miles Of Hawaii During Recent Drills

    Post  Finty Thu Jun 24, 2021 11:32 am

    Russian Warships Came Within Just 34 Miles Of Hawaii During Recent Drills

    The top U.S. military command in the Pacific says that Russian naval vessels passed between 23 and 34 miles of the Hawaiian Islands at one point during their recent exercises in the region, but have now departed the area. This disclosure follows reports over the past 10 days or so that the presence of Russia's warships, as well as its combat aircraft, in the region had prompted the scrambling of F-22 Raptor stealth fighters on at least two separate occasions and the movement on short notice of an entire carrier strike group to the waters off Hawaii. It was previsouly understood that the Russia flotilla was hundreds of miles from Hawaii, not anywhere near as close as we now know was the case.

    U.S. Navy Captain Mike Kafka, a spokesperson for U.S. Indo-Pacific Command (INDOPACOM), which is headquartered in Hawaii, confirmed to The War Zone just how close the Russian warships had gotten to U.S. territorial waters, though they stayed in international waters the entire time. The Honolulu Star-Advertiser newspaper had been the first to get this official confirmation.

    "At the closest point, some ships operated approximately 20 to 30 NM [nautical miles; 23 to 34 statute miles] off the coast of Hawaii," Kafka said. "As part of our normal daily operations, we continue to track all vessels in the Indo-Pacific area of operations through maritime patrol aircraft, surface ship, and joint capabilities."

    This is much closer than the Kremlin had previously acknowledged, having only said that the ships from the Russian Navy's Pacific Fleet were conducting major exercises, including practicing to destroy enemy aircraft carriers, some 2,500 miles southeast of the Kuril Islands. This would have put them hundreds of miles away from the Hawaiian Islands. Earlier reports from U.S. outlets had said that the Russian ships and aircraft were operating in and over the Pacific between 300 and 500 miles from Hawaii, as well.

    "While I am not going to get into our tactic and procedures, I can say that we operate in accordance with international law and expect Russia to do the same," Kafka added when asked about whether or not U.S. military forces issued any warnings to the Russian ships or otherwise communicated with them as they sailed past Hawaii. "U.S. military forces are present and active in and around the Western Pacific on a daily basis in support of the homeland and to ensure a Free and Open Indo-Pacific."

    "The Russian vessels are transiting west and are out of the Hawaii Operation Area," Kafka had also told the Star-Advertiser. “As part of our normal daily operations, we continue to track all vessels in the Indo-Pacific area of operations through maritime patrol aircraft, surface ship and joint capabilities.”

    The Star-Advertiser reported that this was the closest Russian ships had sailed to Hawaii "in a long time." Other past reports had described the drills as the largest the Russian Navy had conducted anywhere in the Pacific since the end of the Cold War.

    Captain Kafka did not specify which Russian ships, specifically, sailed close to Hawaii or when that transit took place exactly. The Russian Ministry of Defense has previously said that the Slava class cruiser Varyag, the flagship of the country's Pacific Fleet, along with the Udaloy class destroyer Marshal Shaposhnikov, and the Steregushchiy class corvettes Hero of the Russian Federation Aldar Tsydenzhapov, Gromky, and Sovershenniy, were participating in the Pacific drills. The flotilla also notably included the Marshal Krylov, originally built to support the Soviet space program and that was also capable of tracking and collecting useful data from missile tests, and was reportedly converted into a command ship in recent years.

    A satellite image, seen in the Tweet below and reportedly dated June 19, had previously emerged that some had suggested could show some of these Russians ship, as well as others, along with U.S. Navy Arleigh Burke class destroyers and a U.S. Coast Guard Sentinel class cutter shadowing them. The low resolution makes it difficult to conclusively identify any of the ships, but it does show a formation of vessels sailing approximately 35 nautical miles south of Honolulu, which would be perfectly in line with Captain Kafka's statement.

    The proximity of these Russian warships to Hawaii during these drills, even if it was only for a relatively short period of time, could easily be described as highly unusual and provocative. If the U.S. military had gotten any prior indications that these vessels might get so close, or had already, it would certainly go a long way toward explaining the Navy's usual decision to move the Nimitz class aircraft carrier USS Carl Vinson and other elements of its Carrier Strike Group to the area on short notice. The Carl Vinson Carrier Strike Group is ostensibly still in the midst of preparing for its next scheduled deployment.

    It's unclear exactly when that movement occurred, but a picture, seen below, that the U.S. Navy's Pacific Fleet released late last week shows Carl Vinson, as well as the Arleigh Burke class destroyer USS Dewey, transiting the Pacific Ocean on June 13. The Carl Vinson Carrier Strike Group had previously been training off the coast of southern California.

    June 13 is also the date of the first of two other separate incidents in which F-22 Raptor stealth fighters scrambled from Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam in Hawaii, reportedly in response to approaching Russian "bombers" also taking part in that country's Pacific drills. A second such scramble took place on June 18.

    While the Russians did not say any actual bombers took part in the Pacific exercise, Tu-142 Bear long-range maritime patrol planes, a design derived from the Tu-95 Bear strategic bomber, did participate, along with Il-38 May maritime patrol planes and MiG-31BM Foxhound interceptors.

    A Russian Tu-142MZ Bear long-range maritime patrol plane. This was the specific variant of Tu-142 that had been observed taking part in the recent Russian Navy drills in the Pacific.

    "No intercepts were conducted with the Russian planes likely turning away from the path toward the state," the Star-Advertiser reported. At the same time, this could indicate that the Russian planes appeared to be flying mock attack profiles at targets in Hawaii when the decisions were made to launch the F-22s.

    It's also worth remembering that this Russian maritime drill was going on before, during, and after President Joe Biden met with Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin in Geneva on June 16. The Russian spy ship Kareliya, the presence of which led to the delay of a U.S. missile defense test in May, is still operating near Hawaii, as well. This comes as another American missile defense test in the Pacific appears to be imminent.

    No matter what, the revelation about how close the Russian ships got to Hawaii, along with this added detail about the potential nature of the F-22 scrambles, puts the entire exercise in a very different light. There has been multiple instances of increasingly provocative Russian naval activity aimed at the United States in the Pacific, among other places, in recent years.

    However, a significant Russian naval flotilla operating so close to American territory and so far away from home is a radically different show of force that is clearly meant to send a signal to the United States.

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    Russian Navy: Status and News #5 - Page 32 Empty Re: Russian Navy: Status and News #5

    Post  JohninMK Fri Jun 25, 2021 3:45 pm

    Major Russian Navy/Air Force combined arms exercise just started in the Med, probably close the the Royal Navy carrier group.

    This is why Moscow moved Black Sea Fleet's Moskva Project 1164 cruiser, Admiral Essen from the Black Sea. Expect HMS 'Destroyer near Crimea' to exit the Black Sea pronto.

    More details in my post at

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    Russian Navy: Status and News #5 - Page 32 Empty Re: Russian Navy: Status and News #5

    Post  Isos Fri Jun 25, 2021 3:47 pm

    Russian tu-22M loaded with kh-22 and mig-31K with Kinzhal are getting ready for an exercice in the mediteranean sea off the Syrian coast.

    UK carrier is in the area. I guess they will buzz the ship and if they act just as stupid as in Crimea that ship will visit Nemo.

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    Russian Navy: Status and News #5 - Page 32 Empty Re: Russian Navy: Status and News #5

    Post  Kiko Sat Jun 26, 2021 1:44 am

    Russian navy ships to conduct exercises next to British aircraft carrier 26.06.2021

    MOSCOW, June 26 - RIA Novosti. Ships of the permanent formation of the Russian Navy in the Mediterranean will conduct rocket firing a few tens of kilometers from the British aircraft carrier strike group , led by the aircraft carrier Queen Elizabeth, follows from the international notification system for air personnel (NOtice To AirMen, NOTAM).

    According to the system, the maneuvers of the Russian Navy ships with missile launches will take place on June 26. The area of ​​the Mediterranean Sea south of Cyprus is closed for them.

    The NOTAM notes that the British aircraft carrier group operates from 1 to 30 June in a small sea area also south of Cyprus. The northern border of the naval exercise zone and the area of ​​operation of the aircraft carrier Queen Elizabeth is separated by only about 30 kilometers.

    As reported earlier in the Russian Ministry of Defense, on June 25 in the eastern Mediterranean began joint maneuvers forces continuous task force and naval aviation videoconferencing . Five ships, two submarines, as well as aircraft carriers of MiG-31K hypersonic missiles and Tu-22M3 long-range bombers are involved in the exercises.

    The Western press said that Queen Elizabeth in the region was involved in an operation to combat Islamic State terrorists *. The last flight from an aircraft carrier to strike at militants took place on June 22. The location of the strikes and the targets hit were not specified. The aircraft carrier's air group includes fifth-generation F-35 fighters.

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    Russian Navy: Status and News #5 - Page 32 Empty Re: Russian Navy: Status and News #5

    Post  thegopnik Sun Jun 27, 2021 3:54 am

    Since the Lider class destroyers proposed S-500 air defense systems what other ships propose S-500 air defenses?

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    Russian Navy: Status and News #5 - Page 32 Empty Re: Russian Navy: Status and News #5

    Post  Mir Sun Jun 27, 2021 10:47 am

    thegopnik wrote:Since the Lider class destroyers proposed S-500 air defense systems what other ships propose S-500 air defenses?

    Both Kirovs should be candidates.

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    Russian Navy: Status and News #5 - Page 32 Empty Re: Russian Navy: Status and News #5

    Post  GarryB Mon Jun 28, 2021 3:48 pm


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    Russian Navy: Status and News #5 - Page 32 Empty Re: Russian Navy: Status and News #5

    Post  thegopnik Fri Jul 02, 2021 6:19 pm Brief description of Russia's Navy, I would be happy if they just purchased 1 Lider destroyer instead of the planned 6.

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    Russian Navy: Status and News #5 - Page 32 Empty Re: Russian Navy: Status and News #5

    Post  Big_Gazza Sat Jul 03, 2021 2:21 am

    thegopnik wrote: Brief description of Russia's Navy, I would be happy if they just purchased 1 Lider destroyer instead of the planned 6.

    Minor quibble but that 2nd photo is a 20380, not a 20385.

    Don't agree with your apparent criticism of the Nahkimov/PtG modernisations. The new destroyers are not cancelled, just deferred, and refurbing the 1144s just makes so much sense. Large multirole vessels with nuclear propulson, unlimited endurance and an ability to defend against most conceivable scenarios (short of outright conflcit with the USN) give the RuN a global reach that her other vessels cannot match. They would have to be Ukropi-level stupid not to extend their lives.

    This made me smile Smile

    The only thing redeeming about their Navy are the Yasen class subs, Borei class subs, the Belgorod layout, Gremyashy class corvettes, Gorshkov class frigates and fitting Zircons, new SAM missiles where some give quadpack options for cells, upgrading underwater sea SONAR networks, UUVs and new Naval Maritime tracking satellites.

    That's a lot. More than most navies have. Add on the legacy forces such as land-based naval aviation, Antei & Akula class SSGN/SNNs (some being modernised) and the growing pool of small combatants capable of carrying hypersonics and LACMs and you have a significant aggregate force that only the US and China can equal.

    Finally, I'm not sure that the map of the continental US with the contours makes much sense in the context of Russian Navy capabilities. Russias has a navy that is designed for A2AD, not for carrying out CM strikes on distant landmasses. Russia needs, and is building, a multilayered force to safeguard her maritime near abroad and defend her seaspace from enemy incursion. Zircons are for killing the ships of Yankistani invaders who attack russia, not for blowing up a relative handful of buildings in Washington. Sinking USN flattops and amphibious warfare ships (with catastrophic loss of personnel) and their escorts and auxilliaries will do more to dissuade agression from the woke nutjob bastards in Imperial Washington than a few salvos of LACMs hitting the US mainland. Destroy their tools or war and make them pay a painful butchers bill, and they will not be able to impose their will.

    Other than that, happy to upvote your Quora submission thumbsup

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    Russian Navy: Status and News #5 - Page 32 Empty Re: Russian Navy: Status and News #5

    Post  Kiko Mon Jul 05, 2021 1:15 am

    New engines, "Calibers" and torpedoes: what the Russian submarine "Serval" is capable of running on liquid oxygen, July 4, 2021. Alexey Zakvasin, Elizaveta Komarova

    Russia is developing a small coastal submarine "Serval" with an air-independent power plant. Igor Karavaev, the leading designer of the St. Petersburg Marine Engineering Bureau "Malakhit", told RT about this. This submarine is designed for the defense of naval bases, covert action near enemy positions, torpedo and missile attacks. Also, thanks to the modular design of the compartment with armament, the Serval is capable of carrying a small-sized vehicle with combat swimmers. According to experts, the most effective areas of application of the new development will be shallow seas, where it is often problematic for classic diesel-electric submarines to operate. In addition, small domestic submarines can be widely used in the navies of foreign countries.

    Specialists of the St. Petersburg Marine Engineering Bureau "Malakhit" are developing a project for a small coastal submarine P-750B "Serval" with an air-independent (anaerobic) power plant ( VNEU ). Igor Karavaev, the lead designer of Malakhit, spoke about this in an exclusive commentary to RT.

    “In principle, the Serval can go to the ocean area, but the main task of the submarine is watch in shallow seas and coastal waters, that is, work where it is often difficult for large submarines to operate. Specifically, these are the Baltic, Okhotsk, Barents, Black seas. Also "Serval" is well suited for providing anti-submarine defense of our bases, "said Karavaev.

    The materials of Malachite say that Serval is capable of striking stationary coastal targets, fighting enemy ships and submarines, patrolling and covertly transporting reconnaissance and sabotage groups.

    The normal displacement of the promising submarine P-750B is about 1450 cubic meters. m, length - 65.5 m, width - 7 m, draft - 5.2 m, maximum immersion depth - 300 m, full speed - 18 knots (33.3 km / h), autonomy - up to 30 days, total cruising range - within 4.3 thousand nautical miles (almost 8 thousand km).

    The design bureau plans to achieve a high degree of automation of control processes at Serval. Thanks to this, only four officers, with a total crew of 18-20 people, will be on watch at a time.

    Liquid oxygen

    As noted in "Malakhit", the choice of anaerobic power plant is dictated by a number of serious shortcomings of submarines with traditional diesel-electric units.

    “Yes, in terms of cost-effectiveness, diesel-electric submarines are still second to none. But their critical problem remains the need to ascend to recharge their batteries. This means a loss of stealth and the risk of becoming an easy target for anti-submarine forces. In addition, VNEU is generally safer and more environmentally friendly, ”explained Karavaev.

    The anaerobic installation, which Malachite expects to develop in cooperation with other Russian enterprises, will provide the carrier with a continuous underwater range of up to 1.2 thousand nautical miles (just over 2.2 thousand km).

    Moreover, in terms of a number of qualitative characteristics, the Russian VNEU should surpass the analogs that are now installed on the submarines of the naval forces of foreign states, including NATO member states.

    “VNEU of our western colleagues operate on a fuel cell or an electrochemical generator. They have their advantages, but such installations suffer from insufficient power. As a result, the submarines have to walk a lot at low speed and constantly charge the batteries, ”explained Karavaev.

    According to the designer, another significant drawback of Western anaerobic plants is the use of hydrogen as an energy component.

    “The presence of hydrogen on a submarine is very undesirable, since it forms an explosive mixture when it interacts with oxygen. In the event of an accident, the crew's chances of survival are minimal. In addition, the use of hydrogen requires serious financial costs, ”said the designer.

    VNEU, offered by Malakhit, will be designed based on the technology of using closed-cycle gas turbines or a single gas turbine power plant.

    This approach provides for the abandonment of the use of hydrogen - instead of it, liquid oxygen is used. In addition, "Serval" is capable of continuing combat duty with fully discharged batteries for a certain period of time, added Karavaev.

    Structurally, the Servala anaerobic plant consists of a hot loop, where gas exchange and cooling of the gas mixture takes place, and a section for utilizing waste gases.

    The operation of the anaerobic plant is based on a scheme for converting chemical energy into heat, which, in turn, is converted into electrical energy, Pavel Andreev, design engineer of the 1st category of Malachite, explained in an interview with RT.

    “The principle that we propose to use, a priori, slightly reduces the efficiency (efficiency. - RT ) in comparison with traditional VNEU. But the loss of energy with our conversion scheme is inevitable. The gain here is in higher power, turbine reliability and operational safety, ”Andreev noted.

    Also, VNEU "Malachita" should surpass the quality parameters of lithium-ion batteries, which are equipped with modern Japanese diesel-electric submarines of the Soryu class. The main advantage of such submarines is the release of a large volume of internal space.

    “Indeed, all VNEUs are large enough - this is their obvious drawback. It would seem that lithium-ion batteries can easily solve this problem, but their operation raises a lot of questions - primarily due to the high probability of a short circuit that can occur due to high heating. And the consequences of the fire on the submarine are well known to everyone, ”stated Andreev.

    According to him, the operation of submarines with VNEU on liquid oxygen will require the purchase of additional equipment, but will not entail a radical restructuring of the naval infrastructure. In addition, according to the specialist, "Serval" will be a simple product in serial production compared to other non-nuclear submarines.

    Modular architecture

    Many innovations "Malachite" intends to integrate into the arsenal of "Serval". So, the front part of the P-750B submarine will be designed to install several modules with weapons. The choice of each one depends on the specifics of the task at hand.

    For example, if it is required to strike at ground and sea targets, then a module with six outboard launchers for the use of torpedoes and Kalibr cruise missiles is mounted on the Serval.

    “We have located the weapons bay outside the rugged hull. In classic diesel-electric submarines, it is embedded, that is, welded into a sturdy hull. From our point of view, this approach does not meet modern security measures too much, ”Andreev emphasized.

    Also on "Serval" you can install the midget submarine "Triton", which can accommodate up to six combat swimmers. This family of small-sized submarines appeared in the Soviet years, but by now the design bureau has modernized them. "Tritons" are designed to carry out sabotage, reconnaissance and special operations in coastal areas.

    In recent years, to ensure the covert transportation of combat divers, "Malachite" has developed and then finalized the submarine of Project 865 "Piranha", capable of covering up to 1,000 nautical miles (1,852 km). The submarine's autonomy is ten days, the maximum immersion depth is 200 m.

    At the X International Maritime Show in St. Petersburg at the end of June, Malachite presented a mock-up of the Piranha torpedo modification with significantly increased autonomy and cruising range. It is proposed to equip the submarine with mines and torpedoes of 533 and 324 mm caliber.

    Another significant feature of the Serval arsenal is a separate mine-dropping device.

    “On modern submarines, sea mines are often dropped from torpedo tubes. But this is a rather noisy process - there is a high risk of detecting a submarine. Our device works very simply: the bottom cover opens, the stopper is lowered, and the mine quietly sinks to the bottom under its own weight, "said Karavaev.

    In an interview with RT, Dmitry Litovkin, editor of the Nezavisimoye Voennoye Obozreniye newspaper, noted that Malakhit and other domestic enterprises have the competence to create such a high-tech submarine as Serval.

    “The small submarine Malachita is more interesting and more perfect than the diesel-electric Varshavyanka , and the Russian shipbuilding industry is undoubtedly capable of implementing this project in iron. The position of the Navy is another matter. At the moment, we do not have information on how the military themselves assess the Serval and whether they are ready to buy these submarines, "saysLitovkin.

    According to the expert, if the command of the Navy still supports the P-750B project, then the small submarine "Malachita" with a high degree of probability will gain great popularity not only in the domestic but also in the foreign market.

    Military expert Alexei Leonkov also believes that Serval will be of interest to a significant number of Russian partners in military-technical cooperation. This type of submarine is well suited for performing tasks in the coastal waters of different regions of the world, an expert said in a conversation with RT.

    “Despite the modest autonomy of navigation, the Serval can quite effectively operate in the near sea zone, guard the borders, economic resources, and act as a deterrent to the navies of unfriendly countries. This is a rather formidable naval technology, which, in my opinion, is in demand both in the Russian fleet and in the navies of other states that have access to shallow seas, ”concluded Leonkov.

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    Russian Navy: Status and News #5 - Page 32 Empty Re: Russian Navy: Status and News #5

    Post  lancelot Mon Jul 05, 2021 5:14 am

    So something kind of like MESMA instead of hydrogen fuel cells?
    I guess that makes sense.

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    Russian Navy: Status and News #5 - Page 32 Empty Re: Russian Navy: Status and News #5

    Post  JohninMK Mon Jul 05, 2021 6:57 pm

    Heading to St Petersburg to take part in the fleet review later this month? With special noise generators in action for the Danish noise signature range? Smile

    H I Sutton
    BREAKING: #Russian Navy OSCAR-II Class nuclear-powered cruise missile #submarine (SSGN) seen entering Baltic ->

    Nod @MatchlessMan410  for great #OSINT

    Russian Navy: Status and News #5 - Page 32 E5hKesxWQAEZQSL?format=jpg&name=small

    Replying to

    This is K-266 Orel, K-549 Knyaz Vladimir  will be next. Tomorrow or after tomorrow

    Expect passing under Great Belt bridge - in international waters - over next weeks:
    - missile cruiser “Marshal Ustinov”
    - anti-submarine ship “Vice-Admiral Kulakov”
    - brand new large landing ship “Pyotr Morgunov

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    Russian Navy: Status and News #5 - Page 32 Empty Re: Russian Navy: Status and News #5

    Post  JohninMK Mon Jul 05, 2021 7:05 pm

    2 Jul
    A number of submarines of Russia's Northern Fleet are currently involved in a 'special exercise' in the deep-sea waters of the Barents and Norwegian Seas, where their systems and weapons are being tested at extreme depths (over 500m).

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    Russian Navy: Status and News #5 - Page 32 Empty Re: Russian Navy: Status and News #5

    Post  GarryB Tue Jul 06, 2021 11:50 am

    New engines, "Calibers" and torpedoes: what the Russian submarine "Serval" is capable of running on liquid oxygen,

    Sounds interesting that despite all the recent noise from some members about Russia being so behind in submarine design because they don't have subs with AIP systems, it is pretty clear that they have analysed the available western systems and realised they didn't generate enough power to be actually useful, which as said above means they would not really be able to operate most of their time underwater operating like a nuclear powered vessel as they would spend much of their time creeping along at very low speeds with the AIPS able to charge the batteries or run the motors but not both, so a long time where they just moved very slowly while charging the batteries and then a period when they are using the battery power to run the sub and also running the AIP systems to move around at normal speeds... but when the batteries run down slow down to a crawl while recharging them again.

    What confuses me is that they mention hydrogen storage is a problem as it is dangerous and not available at every port, and that the system they went for uses liquid oxygen, which generates more power but presumably is also a dangerous material to have in a submarine and not available at every port either.

    I understand it generating useful levels of power even when charging batteries, but I don't understand the huge advantage, because most hydrogen fuel cells require liquid oxygen to work anyway...

    Sounds like a very interesting project and certainly something to keep an eye on.

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    Russian Navy: Status and News #5 - Page 32 Empty Re: Russian Navy: Status and News #5

    Post  Big_Gazza Tue Jul 06, 2021 3:52 pm

    JohninMK wrote:
    BREAKING: #Russian Navy OSCAR-II Class nuclear-powered cruise missile #submarine (SSGN) seen entering Baltic

    Russian Navy: Status and News #5 - Page 32 06-9846913-nymrstut7va

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    Russian Navy: Status and News #5 - Page 32 Empty Re: Russian Navy: Status and News #5

    Post  ALAMO Wed Jul 07, 2021 10:26 am

    We saw that. The water level rose.

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    Russian Navy: Status and News #5 - Page 32 Empty Re: Russian Navy: Status and News #5

    Post  AMCXXL Thu Jul 08, 2021 6:03 am

    At 14:00 on July 4, 150 km southeast of the island of Okinawa, the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Forces discovered the KUG of the Pacific Fleet of the Russian Navy as part of the Varyag GRKR, Admiral Panteleev, Marshal Shaposhnikov, Sovershenny, Gromkiy, "Aldar Tsydenzhapov" and KIK "Marshal Krylov".

    The group headed up the Tsushima Strait to the Sea of Japan.

    Russian Navy: Status and News #5 - Page 32 Vv980xxg8QA
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    Russian Navy: Status and News #5 - Page 32 Empty Russia's biggest naval vessels are out at sea

    Post  Finty Thu Jul 08, 2021 9:05 pm

    Russia's biggest naval vessels are out at sea

    Nuclear-powered battle cruiser Pyotr Velikiy on Thursday set course for the Barents Sea. It follows several of the Russian Navy's biggest ships.

    The battle cruiser will in the course of several days engage in training in the far northern waters, the Northern Fleet informs.

    That includes exercises on air defence and combat, as well as mapping of airspace and underwater situations.

    The 252 meter long Pyotr Velikiy is the Russian Navy’s biggest ship. It has a crew of more than 700 men and a wide range of armament.

    The nuclear-powered Kirov-class vessel will be back in Severomorsk, the Northern Fleet headquarters, in due time for Russian Navy Day 25th of July, the press service says.

    The Pyotr Velikiy set out to sea only fews days after missile cruiser Marshal Ustinov, anti-submarine ship Vice-Admiral Kulakov and the brand new large landing ship Pyotr Morgunov started an inter-fleet crossing from the Barents Sea around Scandinavia to the Baltic Sea.

    Also the Russian Pacific Fleet now has its biggest ships at sea. According to the Navy, missile cruiser Varyag and frigate Marshal Shaposhnikov have over the past days engaged in missile and artillery shooting in the Pacific. Involved are also corvettes Hero of Russian Federation Aldar Tsydenzhapov, Sovershenny and Gromkiy.

    The latter ships’ training has taken place in the Pacific Sea and included training on “elimination of enemy aircraft carrier groups,” the Russian Navy informs.

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    Post  GarryB Fri Jul 09, 2021 7:41 am

    The 252 meter long Pyotr Velikiy is the Russian Navy’s biggest ship.

    At 305m the Admiral Kuznetsov has that honour does it not?

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    Russian Navy: Status and News #5 - Page 32 Empty Russian Navy Tracking Greek Missile Boat HS Daniolos in Black Sea, Defense Ministry Says, 10.07.2021, by Asya Geydarova for Sputniknews.

    Post  Kiko Sun Jul 11, 2021 1:23 am

    Russian Navy Tracking Greek Missile Boat HS Daniolos in Black Sea, Defense Ministry Says, 10.07.2021, by Asya Geydarova for Sputniknews.

    This comes as provocations in the Black Sea have increased on the part of NATO states, with Russia stating that the West's attempts to test its Black Sea borders are "doomed to failure".

    The Russian Defense Ministry said its Black Sea Fleet was tracking a Greek guided-missile boat that entered the Black Sea on Saturday.

    "The Black Sea Fleet has deployed forces and equipment to monitor the actions of the HS Daniolos guided-missile boat, which entered the Black Sea on July 10, 2021," a statement read.
    Greece is a participant in Sea Breeze 2021 — a military exercise that was conducted by the United States and its NATO allies in the Black Sea from June 28 till July 10, officially — under the commitment to "maintain the safety and security of the Black Sea". The NATO exercise involved 5,000 soldiers, 40 airplanes and 32 vessels from 32 countries.

    While the drills were finished on Saturday, simultaneously, some of the Sea Breeze vessels are taking part in the Bulgarian-led Breeze naval drills, and will remain in the area for some time, the US Navy said.

    Earlier on Saturday, Russia warned the US and its allies against military provocations close to its border, which have noticeably ramped up in recent months, pointing out that military maneuvers in the Black Sea — contrary to official claims — undermine security in the region. At the same time, Russia stated that attempts to test Moscow's readiness to ensure the safety of its borders are "doomed to failure".

    "Manoeuvres performed in the immediate proximity to the Russian shores with the use of U.S. and its allies' destroyers, as well as transport and landing ships—are a provocation," Russia's embassy in Washington said, referring to the Sea Breeze drills.

    A major incident occurred last month when a UK destroyer intentionally violated Russian territorial waters near the southernmost tip of Sevastopol, Crimea, prompting Russian gunboats to fire warning shots to divert the vessel. The UK government claimed it had every right to conduct an "innocent passage", justifying it by the claim that it does not recognize Crimea as Russian territory.

    Russia said that it was a clear violation of its border and not a "routine" transit, warning that its military may drop bombs on British warships if they test it again in the Black Sea.

    "The Black Sea is not the place where such games are permissible", Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov said earlier.

    However, UK Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab claimed earlier this week that British ships will continue to sail through Crimean waters despite Russia's warning.

    What was most ironic about the incident is a BBC revelation that a bunch of classified MoD docs containing details about the HMS Defender's provocation in the Black Sea was discovered by an ordinary citizen at a bus stop in Kent, a county in southeastern England. According to people familiar with the matter, some of the papers were marked 'FOR UK EYES ONLY' (which means they were not meant to be seen even by close allies, like Washington), and the documents were reportedly mislaid by a senior civil servant.

    At the same time, the very presence of such docs proves the fact that the UK government had planned the provocation in advance and — which was very likely — was awaiting a harsh response by Russia.

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    Post  miroslav Sat Jul 17, 2021 12:02 pm

    Nice video!

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    Russian Navy: Status and News #5 - Page 32 Empty Putin flexing his naval muscle: Destroyers, submarines, minesweepers and fighter jets all go through their dress rehearsal for Russia's annual Navy Day show of strength

    Post  Finty Fri Jul 23, 2021 12:54 am

    Putin flexing his naval muscle: Destroyers, submarines, minesweepers and fighter jets all go through their dress rehearsal for Russia's annual Navy Day show of strength

    Russia flexed its naval muscles Sunday in its second rehearsal of the huge Main Naval Parade, set to take place in St Petersburg next week.

    The annual event is a national holiday celebrated on the last Sunday of July and sees the superpower show off its latest state-of-the-art warships, weaponry and aircraft.

    Typically, a two-hour procession sees the battleships sail along the Neva River in St.Petersburg and the Port of Kronstadt.

    Submarines, missile ships and minesweepers - along with fighter jets - were all seen taking part in rehearsals in the Gulf of Finland today.

    Navy Day, which will be held on July 25 this year, was previously cancelled by the Soviet Union in 1980 before being brought back by President Vladimir Putin in 2017.

    Warships and marine air force units will join the procession from the Baltic, Black Sea, Northern and Pacific Fleets as well as the Caspian Flotilla, while naval bases across the country will put on similar displays.

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    Russian Navy: Status and News #5 - Page 32 Empty Re: Russian Navy: Status and News #5

    Post  ALAMO Fri Jul 23, 2021 1:05 am

    Finty my good lad, as I love your contribution, and really notice the common sense of your expression, please consider my deep regrate that you are forced to read bullshit your daily press delivers, plus the shit that fills your decision-makers heads cry
    "flexing muscles" is hardly a comment toward someone, who can wipe off your entire fleet in one passage of one regiment of naval aviation ... Without refueling.

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