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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #53


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #53 - Page 26 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #53

    Post  ALAMO Sat Feb 17, 2024 8:37 am

    Wanna know my observation?
    I will tell anyway Laughing Twisted Evil

    I see a change in pattern.
    Till very recently, every strongpoint like this was extensively covered with psyops materials.
    Professional photo sessions on the ground, with brave and unbroken warriors.
    It was a usual practice.
    Nothing like that happened with Avdeevka.
    My guess is that they don't care much anymore, or - even more probable - the mood in society changed so much that those actions would give an opposite effect.
    What makes me wonder, is that they have not staged that even for sponsors. scratch

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #53 - Page 26 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #53

    Post  Sujoy Sat Feb 17, 2024 8:57 am

    GarryB wrote:The Europeans are pushing India away just like they pushed Russia and soon China away

    Despite the existence of a supposed western arms ban on China, Europe has consistently supplied China with weapons and technology to keep Russia occupied in the east. France provides missiles, Israel offers drones, Germany delivers turbines, and the UK collaborates in intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance. NATO air force pilots are training the PLA-AF regularly.

    The Chinese are a rational and commerce-oriented race that are cold blooded in both senses. They share the Anglo-Saxon's lack of morals and values. They would readily ally with the West to betray Russia.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #53 - Page 26 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #53

    Post  ahmedfire Sat Feb 17, 2024 9:14 am

    Congrats russia , Selydove is the next target .

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #53 - Page 26 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #53

    Post  SeigSoloyvov Sat Feb 17, 2024 9:14 am

    Big_Gazza wrote:Whoa....  Shocked

    Looks like the Ukrotrash have indeed abandoned the city and legged it.  I was expecting a repeat of Artyomovsk but at a much increased tempo (and less losses) but this is more like Lisichansk with the Ukies cutting and running.


    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #53 - Page 26 20240210

    That was the correct choice, they should have ditched it months ago but Zelen made them hold.

    The new commander might be a big problem for Russia he wants to dig in and use gorilla tactics to inflict heavy losses, he doesn't want to perform offensive actions as he realizes how futile they are.

    Ukraine should have been fighting like this day o e it would have made the Russians job immensely harder.

    So you better hope Zelen overrides this guys plans

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #53 - Page 26 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #53

    Post  ucmvulcan Sat Feb 17, 2024 9:21 am

    SeigSoloyvov wrote:
    Big_Gazza wrote:Whoa....  Shocked

    Looks like the Ukrotrash have indeed abandoned the city and legged it.  I was expecting a repeat of Artyomovsk but at a much increased tempo (and less losses) but this is more like Lisichansk with the Ukies cutting and running.


    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #53 - Page 26 20240210

    That was the correct choice, they should have ditched it months ago but Zelen made them hold.

    The new commander might be a big problem for Russia he wants to dig in and use gorilla tactics to inflict heavy losses, he doesn't want to perform offensive actions as he realizes how futile they are.

    Ukraine should have been fighting like this day o e it would have made the Russians job immensely harder.

    So you better hope Zelen overrides this guys plans

    Gorillas lobbing their poo around only works if you expand over your objectives. Will there be terrorism against Russia? Yes. Will the poo flinging gorilla soldiers you dream about have any impact on the war? No. Russia won't expand too much beyond the territory it already has, it will liberate the rest of the Donbass and Kherson and Zaprozhiye and continue to use drones, planes, and rockets to pretty much take out the Ukrochimps.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #53 - Page 26 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #53

    Post  GarryB Sat Feb 17, 2024 9:27 am

    Russians do not have the forces in ukraine for that, it will be a year plus before you hear of any possible advance in that direction

    They don't have the numbers to fight their way and take large towns and cities, but if the Ukraine forces collapse they have enough to keep the peace and insure order while referendums are organised and things are sorted out.

    In other words, isn't the Bandera regime overdue a collapse, even if there are 500k cannon fodder left etc? Does anyone have any predictions on when it will end?

    War is not just violence... it is coordinated violence, and with the Ukrainians relying on  Starlink for communications and the Russians reportedly jamming it during their attacks I would suspect Russian advances will become rather more common and more successful because retreating troops will be horribly vulnerable...

    And why hasn't Russia been successful in some form of pro Russian coup attempt? In fact, it seems it hasn't even tried.

    Any attempt at a coup that is too early will be crushed and will make further coup attempts troublesome... they will need to pick their time.

    I rather suspect part of their campaign to hit Ukrainian military facilities in urban areas includes likely communication with civilian officials that includes them mentioning how powerful they are and how good they are for not just leveling the place like the Americans would or Kiev would if it could.

    Over time Ukrainians will realise who the bad guys are and rethink their position and hopefully if the Orc army collapses and ceasefires and surrenders can be negotiated for cities... certainly in the west and south, that Russian forces might be able to move forward and secure the locations and process the military and civilians to find wanted criminals and then sending some men home to their families if they live in the south and the west. Then referendums can start and removing dangerous things and dealing with UXO and rebuilding can start.

    But how do people do that if they are having to fight an enemy that is being hugely assisted by the Americans and Euro-filth?

    Your country your democracy... you deal with it... and they couldn't, which is why it became Russias problem.

    Why does everyone expect someone else to save them, to spill their blood and use their money and material and resources to fix your problems... and you can bet your arse when it is all over many will complain that not enough is being spent to fix things in their area.

    Now, Navalny mysteriously died while on a supervised walk. Not suggesting anything, but still suspicious.

    He is a nothing in Russia, and his health was not good because of the drugs and alcohol abuse, and hunger strikes would not help. I would guess he had a stroke or something, but who cares.

    The west cares not for Assange or Gonzalo Lira... the latter tortured and killed deliberately, and they were actual reporters... Navalny is a traitor and a nobody.

    They will be fighting russians

    Can't understand a word she is saying but I can tell it is annoying...

    Is she upset that the army kit she has been issued with does not include enough mascara?

    The girl next to her wont stop crying so I am guessing they are going to the front soon.

    Despite the existence of a supposed western arms ban on China, Europe has consistently supplied China with weapons and technology to keep Russia occupied in the east.

    Well that would be stupid of them because Russia buys lots of stuff from China... China buys a lot of energy and raw materials and food from Russia and Russia has to do something with all that Chinese currency...

    NATO air force pilots are training the PLA-AF regularly.

    Hahaha... that is bullshit. Didn't you read what happened with the UK... they have decided there are too many white guys flying UK fighters and aircraft so they stopped accepting white guys... they want diversity in their ranks. The Chinese heard about this and offered new and existing pilots jobs training the PLA-AF with great pay including enormous bonuses.

    When the UK found out they had a shit fit and went mental... they didn't want those pilots but China can't bloody have them...


    The Chinese are a rational and commerce-oriented race that are cold blooded in both senses.

    The US threw EU energy security under the bus and are probably the direct cause of the coming recessions in several EU countries... just so they could sell more freedom gas and to try to damage Putin.

    The Chinese are rational but not stupid. They understand that when Russia was to be destroyed that they would be next in line and that helping Russia is helping themselves.

    They share the Anglo-Saxon's lack of morals and values. They would readily ally with the West to betray Russia.

    You say that and I am thinking India is a ready ally to the US who funded Pakistan against you all these decades, to help you against China, so I am wondering if you will describe your own country in the same terms?

    China and India have not joined western sanctions... and because of that they have both made good money filling gaps that sanctions have created on both sides... selling to Russia and also selling to the EU and West.

    The western sanctions have pushed Russia away from the west and towards India and China and the global East and Global South.

    China can continue to trade with the west and Russia and so does India. I don't understand why you describe their actions as cold blooded.

    I would say the behaviour of Finland and Switzerland is worse because these two countries claim to be neutral, yet are clearly not.

    They both impose western sanctions on Russia, which neither China nor India are doing... just as Turkey is remaining neutral too... which it has been doing under enormous pressure to be Americas little bitch. The entire west folded like a sheet of special origami paper, but countries with a spine have said no.

    All of these countries should get respect for that... and those that fold like a silk sheet should be pointed out as the pussies they are.

    The new commander might be a big problem for Russia he wants to dig in and use gorilla tactics to inflict heavy losses, he doesn't want to perform offensive actions as he realizes how futile they are.

    If they dig in then they will be destroyed by air delivered glide bombs, if they try guerilla tactics then they will split into small groups that should be relatively straight forward to clean up in terrain where the local civilians are hostile.

    Without airsupport and artillery they will struggle... mobility and supply will be a problem and their lack of highly skilled troops is going to be the other problem. Half trained girls and special needs people does not a guerilla force make.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #53 - Page 26 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #53

    Post  Isos Sat Feb 17, 2024 11:18 am

    The war won't be linear.

    The more ukrainian holds position the more casualities they have the easier it is for russian to push.

    Right now they lost too much for Advivka and they can't replace the losses.

    And even they have people they can't train them so they are almost useless on the front.

    Same happened for the japanese in the pacific for their air force in WW2. The conflict quickly changed when they had no more trained pilots, even if they had planes and pilots. US forces managed to quickly destroy them.

    Ukrainians are at the end of their trained reserves with no big weapons left. Russians will push like in a hot knife in butter very soon.

    They have some nasty thing like some Scalp missile attacks or drones. But they can't change the war at this point.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #53 - Page 26 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #53

    Post  JohninMK Sat Feb 17, 2024 11:34 am

    There must be a large amount of heavy weaponry/transport being left behind as well.

    "Crests (AFU) in Avdeevka and to the west are in complete chaos.

    Nobody knows where anyone is and how many there are. How many came out, where did they come out, how many remained...

    A more or less controlled situation is only west of Lastochkino.

    According to our estimate, there are up to 1000 people from the 3rd assault force plus other units at Koksokhim  (Coke Plant) . The estimates for the 9th quarter are too different, from 2 thousand to 9 thousand.

    (I don't think it is much more than 1500)

    🇷🇺 Sofa General Staff

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #53 - Page 26 GGh4uDQbgAA5PVm?format=jpg&name=small

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #53 - Page 26 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #53

    Post  JohninMK Sat Feb 17, 2024 11:40 am

    Battle for Avdiivka:
    Ukrainian Command Surrenders the City
    Situation as of 05:00, February 17, 2024

    🔻Commander-in-Chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, Alexander Syrsky, announced that the decision to leave Avdiivka was made by the Ukrainian command in order to protect the lives of Ukrainian military personnel and to secure more advantageous defense positions.

    ▪ The Ukrainian troops of the "Tavria" group announced that they have already withdrawn from Avdiivka. However, this is not entirely accurate as there are still pockets of resistance remaining in the city. Additionally, numerous AFU groups have lost contact and control, so they may not even be aware of the decision to withdraw.

    ▪ The disorganized retreat of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, with losses, took place through the fields towards Lastochkino along the Durnaya Gully and the surrounding area. The approaches to Lastochkino and the exit from the gully were mined by the Russian "Agriculture" system on February 15, making it possible to leave only through the bodies of Ukrainian military personnel.

    ▪ As night fell, Russian troops launched an assault on a reinforced concrete plant in the city center and continued their advance.

    ▪ It is unlikely that they will abandon the Avdeevka Coke Plant or retreat beyond Lastochkino. The Ukrainian forces had enough time to prepare reserve positions.

    ▪ If the Ukrainian Armed Forces hold on to AKHZ, Lieutenant General Andrei Mordvichev, the operation's commander, will most likely decide to bypass it and starve them out. This situation is similar to what happened with the Ilyich Plant and Azovstal in Mariupol, where a similar decision was made.

    📌Clearing the city will take at least several days, as it is necessary to demine and thoroughly inspect residential areas.

    ❗ The main priority is to maintain momentum and prevent the disorganized and uncontrollable enemy from regrouping and establishing a stable defense.

    View the high-resolution map (
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    via @rybar_force

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #53 - Page 26 GGf-9oxWwAAgyLJ?format=png&name=small

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    Post  JohninMK Sat Feb 17, 2024 11:50 am

    I wonder who is fighting there if they have already left. Ghosts? Laughing

    GEROMAN -- time will tell - 👀 --

    Our forces have already left Avdievka,” Commander Tarnavsky

    Now General Tarnavsky, who lost the battle for Avdeevka, is trying to sweeten the pill with honey:

    “The advantage of shells is 10 to 1, under constant bombing - this is the only correct decision. Encirclement was not allowed, personnel were withdrawn, our soldiers took up defensive positions at certain lines,” says Tarnavsky.

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    Post  JohninMK Sat Feb 17, 2024 11:57 am

    Most of Adiviika will now look much like this. Tough to walk through let alone fight through.

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    Post  Firebird Sat Feb 17, 2024 11:57 am

    By "withdrawal" don't the Banderastanis basically mean "send no more cannon fodder".
    Anyway, I hope Russia picks off any fleeing rats before they attempt the same thing in the next conurbation.

    I still can't follow why Russia doesn't enter via Belarus and try to control the Western Banderastani borders.

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    Walther von Oldenburg
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    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Sat Feb 17, 2024 12:03 pm

    ^ That would require a new wave of mobilization. Russia now doesn't have enough forces to cover a new front in Belarus.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #53 - Page 26 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #53

    Post  Big_Gazza Sat Feb 17, 2024 12:55 pm

    Flag raising and victory cheers  russia

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #53 - Page 26 Avdeev10

    Link to source & video

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #53 - Page 26 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #53

    Post  Hole Sat Feb 17, 2024 1:03 pm

    We have some units operating in 360 degrees
    Otherwise known as the "Baerbock defence".

    For some reason still breathing
    Interrogation first.

    Nothing like that happened with Avdeevka.
    Zelensky was there a few months ago.

    he wants to dig in a
    Without AD and a massive disadvantage in artillery. Let him try.

    Russians do not have the forces in ukraine for that
    Depends on the number of enemy fighters.
    If Kharkow is defended by 5.000 guys Russia would need 2.000 to kick them in the butt.
    Keeping order after the cessation of hostilities will be mainly on the local people.

    in order to protect the lives of Ukrainian military personnel 
    lol1 lol1 lol1

    more advantageous defense positions.
    You lost a fortress that was build up over a timeframe of 7 to 8 years for millions of bucks.
    That was your best defence position.

    and establishing a stable defense.
    Currently there is no stable defence along the entire frontline.

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    Post  Hole Sat Feb 17, 2024 1:05 pm

    Friends, the enemy has surrendered Avdeevka! Congratulations to all friends! I’m going to zero. Big report tonight!
    Dear friends, while public attention is focused on the events that are developing in the South Donetsk direction, we should not forget other sectors of the front. Because what we see now is a large-scale and very beautiful strategic operation.
    In my opinion (I am not a historian, so I could be wrong), the world has not seen such a global strategic operation since World War II. I think American Desert Storm is taking a break.
    We have encountered not just a serious, motivated enemy, we, let me remind you, are confronting the united force of the collective West.
    However, let’s return to real events. The essence of what is happening is that our generals are playing in different sectors of the front, like a virtuoso pianist at his favorite piano. Consistently increasing the pressure, then releasing it in different sectors of the front. Arranging a crescendo in some places, and in others, on the contrary, masterfully reducing the pressure, provoking stupid Ukrainians to counterattack.
    It’s like an experienced boxer opening himself up slightly, provoking his opponent into a rash attack in order to ultimately deliver a knockout blow.
    And in this regard, it is probably worth paying attention to the Zaporozhye Front. I already wrote in January that one of the most important tasks of the second part of our big campaign to completely defeat the enemy was the destruction of the forces of the most combat-ready group in the South Donetsk direction. In particular, Tauride.
    It was no coincidence that our generals chose the most media direction for a powerful attack, but, at the same time, not the most important in strategic terms. Here our strategists pulled ukrov on Fuhrer Zelensky’s pet peeve – real boys never retreat. They will chew off the last pencil, but they will still leave the PR behind them.
    However, the fact that the Ukrainians once again fell for the masterful deception of our General Staff means that, most likely, a knockout blow will be dealt in several places at once. Where? One can only speculate here.
    In our age of the all-seeing eye, it is almost impossible to hide large masses of troops. And the experience of two years of combat operations shows that our command has learned to “hide” its forces in plain sight. That is, designating some potential areas for an offensive and even driving strike units back and forth, overexerting the brains of Ukrainians and NATO members.
    And it is all the more interesting to follow the development of events. Now such a game is going on in several directions at once, some of which I have already written about. Another one is Zaporozhye – the Vremevsky ledge, where our troops are increasingly beginning to increase pressure on the enemy in the Priyutnoye and Staromayorsky areas. And also at Rabotino, having advanced in the area of Novoprokopovka and Verbovoy. In short, we will be watching closely. Great battles await us.

    Marat Khairullin
    Via Larry Johnsons page.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #53 - Page 26 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #53

    Post  franco Sat Feb 17, 2024 1:15 pm

    Ecuador has reversed its decision to supply Russian military equipment to the United States. Russian Ambassador Vladimir Sprinchan spoke about this after a meeting with Ecuadorian President Daniel Noboa.

    At the meeting, the president and the diplomat discussed relations between the two countries and the complications that have arisen between them recently, Sprinchan shared. According to him, there was confirmation from the Ecuadorian side that Quito, as a UN member, cannot afford to be drawn into the conflict.

    “Ecuador’s position is not to send weapons and ammunition to hot zones, but to contribute to the resolution of conflicts peacefully, through diplomatic instruments,” RIA Novosti quotes the Russian ambassador.

    When asked if this means that Ecuador will not send Russian military equipment to the United States, Sprincan said: “Yes.” He added that this would be announced early next week.

    Earlier, an official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry stated that Ecuador’s decision to transfer Russian military equipment to the States was made under pressure from third parties. She noted that Washington would not offer modern equipment in exchange for “scrap metal,” as our equipment was called in Quito.

    NOTE: had read somewhere else that an announcement was made yesterday saying banana shipments could resume... so this could be called battle of the bananas!

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    Post  Regular Sat Feb 17, 2024 2:47 pm

    Congratulations to those who believed and didn’t shit their pants

    Now, I don’t envy POWs, not after their attack in Belgorod and now Melitopol. Hopefully we don’t have the same farce as in Mariupol, it you know what I mean.

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #53 - Page 26 Img_5310

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    Post  Hole Sat Feb 17, 2024 4:31 pm

    so this could be called battle of the bananas!

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #53 - Page 26 R34

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    Post  Dr.Snufflebug Sat Feb 17, 2024 4:38 pm

    Dr.Snufflebug wrote:...

    Rumors have it that the only tangible gain UA made during its entire "counter-offensive", Rabotino is in for the same treatment now. The sailent has been a fire bag the entire time, constantly incurring UA losses, but UA has kept reinforcing it (similar to the so-called Krynki "beachhead", an ongoing exercise in futility, for social media points). Now RU is supposedly prepping to close the cauldron.


    Seems to be happening now.

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    Post  mnztr Sat Feb 17, 2024 5:39 pm

    Walther von Oldenburg wrote:^ That would require a new wave of mobilization. Russia now doesn't have enough forces to cover a new front in Belarus.

    Will it? they have 150K troops in Belarus I beleve

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    Post  Arrow Sat Feb 17, 2024 5:40 pm

    The Russian army went on the offensive near Rabotino. On the Zaporozhye front, fighters of the 42nd and 76th divisions went on the offensive in the area of ​​Rabotino and Verbovoy, military correspondents report.

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    Post  Sujoy Sat Feb 17, 2024 5:44 pm

    Major advantage that Russia has enjoyed so far has been their ability to deliver accurate indirect fires while moving and direct assault engagement. Shoot and scoot is essential for artillery to survive.

    Ukraine falls short in this regard because they have not been able to establish air dominance. So their artillery can shoot but is unable to scoot.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #53 - Page 26 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #53

    Post  mnztr Sat Feb 17, 2024 5:44 pm

    franco wrote:Ecuador has reversed its decision to supply Russian military equipment to the United States. Russian Ambassador Vladimir Sprinchan spoke about this after a meeting with Ecuadorian President Daniel Noboa.

    At the meeting, the president and the diplomat discussed relations between the two countries and the complications that have arisen between them recently, Sprinchan shared. According to him, there was confirmation from the Ecuadorian side that Quito, as a UN member, cannot afford to be drawn into the conflict.

       “Ecuador’s position is not to send weapons and ammunition to hot zones, but to contribute to the resolution of conflicts peacefully, through diplomatic instruments,” RIA Novosti quotes the Russian ambassador.

    When asked if this means that Ecuador will not send Russian military equipment to the United States, Sprincan said: “Yes.” He added that this would be announced early next week.

    Earlier, an official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry stated that Ecuador’s decision to transfer Russian military equipment to the States was made under pressure from third parties. She noted that Washington would not offer modern equipment in exchange for “scrap metal,” as our equipment was called in Quito.

    NOTE: had read somewhere else that an announcement was made yesterday saying banana shipments could resume... so this could be called battle of the bananas!

    You can't get much more "banana republic" then that.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #53 - Page 26 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #53

    Post  ArgentinaGuard Sat Feb 17, 2024 6:09 pm

    mnztr wrote:
    franco wrote:Ecuador has reversed its decision to supply Russian military equipment to the United States. Russian Ambassador Vladimir Sprinchan spoke about this after a meeting with Ecuadorian President Daniel Noboa.

    At the meeting, the president and the diplomat discussed relations between the two countries and the complications that have arisen between them recently, Sprinchan shared. According to him, there was confirmation from the Ecuadorian side that Quito, as a UN member, cannot afford to be drawn into the conflict.

       “Ecuador’s position is not to send weapons and ammunition to hot zones, but to contribute to the resolution of conflicts peacefully, through diplomatic instruments,” RIA Novosti quotes the Russian ambassador.

    When asked if this means that Ecuador will not send Russian military equipment to the United States, Sprincan said: “Yes.” He added that this would be announced early next week.

    Earlier, an official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry stated that Ecuador’s decision to transfer Russian military equipment to the States was made under pressure from third parties. She noted that Washington would not offer modern equipment in exchange for “scrap metal,” as our equipment was called in Quito.

    NOTE: had read somewhere else that an announcement was made yesterday saying banana shipments could resume... so this could be called battle of the bananas!

    You can't get much more "banana republic" then that.

    Argentina and Brazil are the only countries capable of having a sovereign policy in Latin America. I do not add Cuba and Venezuela because they are very exhausted leftist regimes and without any technological or economic capacity. If Argentina and Brazil united in the south they could resist Anglo-Saxon influence.

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