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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #4


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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #4 - Page 11 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #4

    Post  medo Fri May 09, 2014 11:27 pm

    Airbornewolf wrote:
    KomissarBojanchev wrote:
    Firebird wrote:I'm starting to think the same.... if something big doesn't happen soon.
    America, the Banderites and the Euroloons are frankly piss taking.

    Question is, who would replace Putin?
    Rogozin? Rottweiler but prob not smart enough
    Medvedev? Nope too Eurofriendly and not abrasive enough.
    Zyuganov? No substantial demand for a |Communist.
    Lavrov? diplomat and skilled, but a military leader?
    Zhironovsky? Ok people dont take him seriously. MAYBE tho... its because they were all wrong!
    Shoigu? Well his qualification is that he's a defence minister. Any other qualifns?
    Zyuganov has much more political experience and is even more dedicated to stand up to the west than putin. That's why I support him. The others are too specialized or not competent enough...

    this conflict its not about Russia standing up to the West.

    this conflict is about breaking the U.S its hold over europe and that so far in recent years have been effective for Russia and Putin. sympathy and understanding for Russia is present in general in europe among the population. and the U.S initiated wars and spy scandals that E.U leadership simply accepted generated a lot of distrust towards the U.S and E.U leadership among the average european civilian. where i would like to point out the dramatic climb of anti-EU party's in polls that publicly spoke out that Russia is treated "unfair" and the West initiated the crisis in Ukraine.

    you guys are entitled to your own opinions and even if i disagree with them i accept. but to state my own point of view:

    in short-terms, yes. im angry the U.S managed to support people that just kill unarmed people in the middle of the streets in broad daylight. but this is nothing new under the sun. since their establishment 1776 they had 21 year of peace,...the remainder 214 years they had war/conflict. they went all over the world and now its Ukraine. this is bullshit also of course and none of those people have done anything to die by Neo-nazi hands. but what do you think the U.S did in Vietnam?, Serbia?, Iraq? and Afghanistan?. the blood of thousands if not millions by now is on their hands. just in 2014 in the age of widespread internet and mobile recording devices it does not remain hidden or ignored. the CIA agents advising Kiev know of this and try to "enrage" russia in making a stupid mistake. Russia can not permit as a returning and leading superpower (it was never gone but it certainly reclaimed its glory in the recent two years on the world stage) to lose its national interrests by the provocation of a bunch of Neo-Nazi's in Kiev and Imperialistic idiots like Nuland, Mccain and Kerry.

    in long-term, Putin is propably one of the best strategists i have seen in politicians. the massacre the Kiev junta is commiting is just brutal provocation incited by the U.S to draw russia in a bad spotlight and make them the "enemy" to the west. the U.S knows that western europe is turning towards Russia, and their propoganda machine and millitary-industrial complex elected goverment is making a final attempt to keep an hold over Europe. witch was doomed to fail from the beginning anyway, the american goverment consider the E.U nothing more as a sattelite state to the U.S but miscalculate how the average civilian feels. where i would like to point again to the dramatic rise of anti-eu party's within E.U.

    one nice example is one of my country's main newspapers that spews propoganda against russia. 80% of comments are pro-russia and anti-U.S. spying scandal, illegal wars and economy are all reasons for choosing Russia.

    China and Russia already are co-operating with eachother on a large scale or plan to in the immidiate future. India already grown anti-U.S feelings and has close ties with Russia. south america already hates the guts of the U.S being Venezuela and Brazil the biggest ones that gave Washington the cold shoulder. that does not include the grounding of Bolivia's presidents aircraft on the instructions of the U.S or Argentina's frustration with the U.S biggest ally Brittian. when the E.U parlaiment chooses co-operation with Russia witch will happen sooner or later as things move now the U.S foreign power will be rendered a shadow of it once was. the E.U simply can not excist without Russia's economy and EU company's already stated that. Shell, a dutch oil and gas multinational already said it will not suspend any co-operation with Russia regardless of sanctions and warned the EU parlaiment of "catastrophic" results if the EU shuts out Russia. Shell's CEO personally went to Putin in Russia to promise Shells co-operation with Russia.

    the chesspieces are against the U.S, and Putin knows it. Strategy is not about what is perceived as it appears, but about the end result when you kick the legs from under your opponent. he does not forget the people in the eastern ukraine, Putin is anything but a coward.

    As I said before, Russia have to patiently wait for EU election on 25th May, that eurosceptic parties win as many votes as possible, because this will change politics inside EU and eurosceptic parties will not be so much willing to support eastern EU histeria and far less for Ukraine to join EU, that millions of Ukrainians come to EU looking for jobs. You could be also sure, they are not forgetting Nuland "**** the EU" and that this mess was done after agreement between EU ministers, Yanukovich and opposition. Escalation of terror from Kiev regime will also give better ground for intervention, specially when rebellion against junta in Ukraine become massive.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #4 - Page 11 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #4

    Post  magnumcromagnon Fri May 09, 2014 11:50 pm

    UKRAINE Kiev-Appointed Governor Praises Hitler On Victory day, Crowd Becomes Furious:


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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #4 - Page 11 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #4

    Post  magnumcromagnon Sat May 10, 2014 12:43 am

    Iryna Farion Calls for the Murder of Protesters:

    Hannibal Barca
    Hannibal Barca

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #4 - Page 11 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #4

    Post  Hannibal Barca Sat May 10, 2014 12:53 am

    This is gold guys from a hungarian-jewish motherfer and a CIA retainer. It seems that even the haws of pentagon know that their strategy is nuts.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #4 - Page 11 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #4

    Post  arpakola Sat May 10, 2014 12:57 am

    KomissarBojanchev wrote:
    Firebird wrote:I'm starting to think the same.... if something big doesn't happen soon.
    America, the Banderites and the Euroloons are frankly piss taking.

    Question is, who would replace Putin?
    Rogozin? Rottweiler but prob not smart enough
    Medvedev? Nope too Eurofriendly and not abrasive enough.
    Zyuganov? No substantial demand for a |Communist.
    Lavrov? diplomat and skilled, but a military leader?
    Zhironovsky? Ok people dont take him seriously. MAYBE tho... its because they were all wrong!
    Shoigu? Well his qualification is that he's a defence minister. Any other qualifns?
    Zyuganov has much more political experience and is even more dedicated to stand up to the west than putin. That's why I support him. The others are too specialized or not competent enough...

    take it easy..
    Politics without power , military power is nothing but a buble

    but military mite and strenght is nothing more then a bull (ready to be slotered), without political plan

    So is time for stregth and time for politics..

    I m surprised that almost every body in here cannot se that NATO and Pupets.. are desperatly try to drug Russia in an invasion.
    All these provocations in Odessa and Marioupol arre not coming from RS. RS is the tool . The minds are NATO. And NATO is desperatly trying Russia to get involved in the Ukraine sheet. Ans why is that ?
    Because NATO failed in their plan to over take Ukraine.
    What they can get at the most .. a have ruined Ukraine.. with a Russian VETO .. that will not join NATO and NATO will not olace any missiles in . Anything else will be casus beli.

    With their stupidiness they missgaged Vlad and though he will invate. And the political theater in the west was been set. But he didnt.. and now what is left to NATO

    How a politisian from the west can go to Mariopole - Odessa or Donetsk and try to get some votes out of them? So is obvius that politicaly LOST the EAST.

    And even if the military batle is not won .. the political batle is won for the East. What is the use for Kievans to re- re capture the Major building in Marioupole .. if nobody goes to vote for them but  set up ballots  in every olace , scholl , caffe  etc for the referendum ?

    And lets go to the WEst.. they have say presidensial elections.. how .. with half of the army in the streets of the east cities .. with street fight ? .. he he he .. what an election process.
    What option they have.. but to avccept the Russian proposal at the end about federalisation..

    And they dont accept again the Russian proposal , Russia can go on with a proxy war , sypplying small and medium arms RPGs , sniper sta , small mortars , so the thugs will have an tough time in the east. Also a NON flying zone  up to 200 km from the borders would do .. with some Igla.

    How long Kiev can afford a situation like this ?

    So before any easy conclutions , consider politics also as basic parameter

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #4 - Page 11 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #4

    Post  macedonian Sat May 10, 2014 1:34 am

    Interesting read:
    (it's from 26 of March, don't know if it was posted yet)

    Swede Patrols Ukraine's Streets with Right-wing Paramilitaries

    Utrikes.Three weeks ago Mikael Skillt worked for a construction company in Stockholm, Sweden. Today, he is a volunteer in a nationalist organization in Kiev. In an interview with Fria Tider, Skillt tells the story of a Ukraine where the role of the police has been assumed by paramilitary Right-wing groups.

    At the end of February, mere days after Ukraine's president, Viktor Yanukovych, was overthrown, Mikael Skillt boarded a plane bound for Kiev. He left behind a relationship that had just ended, a terrace house in a Stockholm suburb and a well-paid job as a planner at a construction company.

    The purpose of his trip was to volunteer for one of the nationalist organizations which, as a result of their central role in the Ukrainian revolution, have gone from being relatively marginal to controlling the streets of Kiev.

    It was not an easy decision to make, Skillt said when Fria Tider spoke to him over Skype. His former employer, also a personal friend, was not happy when Skillt suddenly quit his job to go to Ukraine. Skillt said he went anyway because of a sense of solidarity with the Ukrainian nationalists. “Nationalists have died on the streets of Kiev,” he recounted. “And I was able to help them. That is more important than my personal well-being.”

    Skillt is 37 years old and has been involved in various Swedish nationalist groups for more than a decade. Between 2002 and 2010 he was active in the National Socialist organization Svenska motståndsrörelsen (Swedish Resistance Movement). Today, he is a member of a small, nationalist political party, Svenskarnas parti (Party of the Swedes), but holds no official position within it. He says he is no longer a National Socialist and describes himself as an “ethnic nationalist.” “You are born Swedish,” he explained. “It's not something you can become.”


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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #4 - Page 11 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #4

    Post  Vann7 Sat May 10, 2014 3:50 am

    Hannibal Barca wrote:
    This is gold guys from a hungarian-jewish motherfer and a CIA retainer. It seems that even the haws of pentagon know that their strategy is nuts.

    People need to understand that the US congress will never pay 5 billions dollars ,(and the numbers goes far more with the allies help).
    for nothing.. To pay 5 billions for a coup ,only means they have some very serious plans with Ukraine. And its bankrupt economy and its
    divided society is not what attract them..  Basically Pentagon is intentionally promoting Necons-Nazism (Rusophobism)  in Ukraine and in all Europe ,for the simple reason to contain and weaken Russia.

    Since US and its allies cannot fight Russia directly..because it will make legit for Russia to retaliate to their nations and that will neither make them popular to the eyes of its own attack Russia.  then what they is recruit Radicals that always exist in any country ,finance them ,supply them weapons ,train them and hire them to conduct Sabotages against Russia economy and Russian people.

    So for example the neo nazis could be ordered to sabotage Russian Pipelines to europe.. and kiev later claim was terrorist who did it ,not them. They could also be used to conduct terror operations against Russians in Ukraine , they could be ordered to burn alive Russians in their houses.. every weekend.. and use that terror to scare the 8 millions of RUssians in Ukraine and force them to leave.  

    So USA have 2 main objectives.
    1)Total Control of Ukraine..with a United Fascist Rusophobic country.
    2)Sabotage Russian economy and provoke a major war against them. (so NATO do not have to fight Russia)
    3)break at any cost any kind of alliance or trade relations between Russia with Europe

    Things could be taken to the extreme as to help Ukraine neonazi junta to get nukes ,or help them to fabricate nukes in Ukraine or simply get a "stolen nuke" and later use them to attack Russia.  

    If History was reversed and Germans won in Russia.. and Russians becoming the ultra nationalist in Ukraine ,they will have done the same with Russians. So  no matter for US and its mafia allies ,who they support.. Alqaeda ,Nazis , Mexican Cartels,Colobias la farc.. They will support any radical group that is enemy of their enemy. as simple as that ... what matters is to weaken Russian economy and create unrest or provoke a war if possible in the countries that are a competition to the western Globalist mafia.  So they hope to create another Afgan war in Ukraine.. forcing Russian to invade.. and later they claim to have "nothing to do with what happens there"  as they do in Syria.. that Obama arms alqaeda and later behave as if US have nothing to do with the people killed there.  So US knows what they doing..  they are creating conditions to create a major war against Russia ,and that others will do the fighting for them. SO Neo-Nazism spreading in Europe is working as Intended ,because US congress finance them through their NGOs.

    Russia will have to draw a line ,to the west and make it clear that they will arm cuba ,Nicaragua with Topol-M missiles , and perhaps Syria and IRAN and Egypt if they do arm or help Ukraine get nuclear weapons.. and that any attack on Russia from Ukraine , will be seen as an attack from NATO and that Russia will retaliate directly to the  countries supplying weapons to them.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #4 - Page 11 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #4

    Post  arpakola Sat May 10, 2014 10:19 am

    Vann7 wrote:
    Hannibal Barca wrote:
    This is gold guys from a hungarian-jewish motherfer and a CIA retainer. It seems that even the haws of pentagon know that their strategy is nuts.

    People need to understand that the US congress will never pay 5 billions dollars ,(and the numbers goes far more with the allies help).
    for nothing.. To pay 5 billions for a coup ,only means they have some very serious plans with Ukraine. And its bankrupt economy and its
    divided society is not what attract them..  Basically Pentagon is intentionally promoting Necons-Nazism (Rusophobism)  in Ukraine and in all Europe ,for the simple reason to contain and weaken Russia.

    Since US and its allies cannot fight Russia directly..because it will make legit for Russia to retaliate to their nations and that will neither make them popular to the eyes of its own attack Russia.  then what they is recruit Radicals that always exist in any country ,finance them ,supply them weapons ,train them and hire them to conduct Sabotages against Russia economy and Russian people.

    So for example the neo nazis could be ordered to sabotage Russian Pipelines to europe.. and kiev later claim was terrorist who did it ,not them. They could also be used to conduct terror operations against Russians in Ukraine , they could be ordered to burn alive Russians in their houses.. every weekend.. and use that terror to scare the 8 millions of RUssians in Ukraine and force them to leave.  

    So USA have 2 main objectives.
    1)Total Control of Ukraine..with a United Fascist Rusophobic country.
    2)Sabotage Russian economy and provoke a major war against them. (so NATO do not have to fight Russia)
    3)break at any cost any kind of alliance or trade relations between Russia with Europe

    Things could be taken to the extreme as to help Ukraine neonazi junta to get nukes ,or help them to fabricate nukes in Ukraine or simply get a "stolen nuke" and later use them to attack Russia.  

    If History was reversed and Germans won in Russia.. and Russians becoming the ultra nationalist in Ukraine ,they will have done the same with Russians. So  no matter for US and its mafia allies ,who they support.. Alqaeda ,Nazis , Mexican Cartels,Colobias la farc.. They will support any radical group that is enemy of their enemy. as simple as that ... what matters is to weaken Russian economy and create unrest or provoke a war if possible in the countries that are a competition to the western Globalist mafia.  So they hope to create another Afgan war in Ukraine.. forcing Russian to invade.. and later they claim to have "nothing to do with what happens there"  as they do in Syria.. that Obama arms alqaeda and later behave as if US have nothing to do with the people killed there.  So US knows what they doing..  they are creating conditions to create a major war against Russia ,and that others will do the fighting for them. SO Neo-Nazism spreading in Europe is working as Intended ,because US congress finance them through their NGOs.

    Russia will have to draw a line ,to the west and make it clear that they will arm cuba ,Nicaragua with Topol-M missiles , and perhaps Syria and IRAN and Egypt if they do arm or help Ukraine get nuclear weapons.. and that any attack on Russia from Ukraine , will be seen as an attack from NATO and that Russia will retaliate directly to the  countries supplying weapons to them.

    and from the above is obvius that politics MUST acompain  military streght.
    Russia can get involved in a proxy war with the west in Ukraine and produse the oposite of what the west expects.

    But the political fight must have as a result  that more and more people realise the true nature of NATO/EU and more a nd more to want to come closer to Russia.

    It has not any value to win military the Ukranian army and loose the harts of the people.

    And Im not talking about DonBas only .. but Zaporitsa .. Nikolayev , even Kiev..

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #4 - Page 11 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #4

    Post  arpakola Sun May 11, 2014 2:08 am

    Erevan 2012?

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #4 - Page 11 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #4

    Post  flamming_python Sun May 11, 2014 2:09 am

    Wonder what the latest on Rogozin is. Stuck in Pridnestrovie still?
    Denied transit by both Ukraine and Romania. Gotta say - they made the right choice, albeit not for the right reasons Smile

    Man's a professional troll but useless for everything else, at least the Russian state companies have got rid of a sore pain in the butt that doesn't help but only moans.
    Point is, he's a lot more useful stuck as a martyr in Tiraspol than he would be for anything back in Russia. Sorry Rogozin, nothing personal. Go ahead and enjoy some Moldovan wine while you're waiting, with any luck you'll be waiting for quite a while. Tnx Romania & Ukraine.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #4 - Page 11 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #4

    Post  Vann7 Sun May 11, 2014 2:45 am

    flamming_python wrote:Wonder what the latest on Rogozin is. Stuck in Pridnestrovie still?
    Denied transit by both Ukraine and Romania. Gotta say - they made the right choice, albeit not for the right reasons Smile

    Man's a professional troll but useless for everything else, at least the Russian state companies have got rid of a sore pain in the butt that doesn't help but only moans.
    Point is, he's a lot more useful stuck as a martyr in Tiraspol than he would be for anything back in Russia. Sorry Rogozin, nothing personal. Go ahead and enjoy some Moldovan wine while you're waiting, with any luck you'll be waiting for quite a while. Tnx Romania & Ukraine.

    Rogozing is already in Russia. even after the closing of Ukraine and Romania airspace.  Suspect 

    Wondering how he did it..?

    Perhaps he flew back and forth from both territories until reach the black sea.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #4 - Page 11 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #4

    Post  Regular Sun May 11, 2014 3:24 am

    Vann7 wrote:
    flamming_python wrote:Wonder what the latest on Rogozin is. Stuck in Pridnestrovie still?
    Denied transit by both Ukraine and Romania. Gotta say - they made the right choice, albeit not for the right reasons Smile

    Man's a professional troll but useless for everything else, at least the Russian state companies have got rid of a sore pain in the butt that doesn't help but only moans.
    Point is, he's a lot more useful stuck as a martyr in Tiraspol than he would be for anything back in Russia. Sorry Rogozin, nothing personal. Go ahead and enjoy some Moldovan wine while you're waiting, with any luck you'll be waiting for quite a while. Tnx Romania & Ukraine.

    Rogozing is already in Russia. even after the closing of Ukraine and Romania airspace.  Suspect 

    Wondering how he did it..?

    Perhaps he flew back and forth from both territories until reach the black sea.
    The Situation in the Ukraine. #4 - Page 11 BnRk1jqIgAAbheA

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #4 - Page 11 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #4

    Post  macedonian Sun May 11, 2014 9:20 am

    Watching the live streams from the independence voting...huge crowds queue up to vote: - Mariupol - Lugansk - Slavyansk - Donetsk

    The Situation in the Ukraine. #4 - Page 11 Bnvdsq10

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #4 - Page 11 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #4

    Post  arpakola Sun May 11, 2014 9:34 am


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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #4 - Page 11 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #4

    Post  arpakola Sun May 11, 2014 9:35 am

    Right Sector insignias found in abandoned military base in Mariupol.


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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #4 - Page 11 Empty Referendum in Lugansk, live stream,

    Post  arpakola Sun May 11, 2014 9:41 am

    Referendum in Lugansk, live stream, 11 May 2014
    Referendum in Mariupol, live stream, 11 May 2014

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #4 - Page 11 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #4

    Post  arpakola Sun May 11, 2014 9:58 am

    Placed banner on the house on the Khersonskaya street in Moscow with a portrait of the head of Kherson region who called Hitler a liberator.

    The Situation in the Ukraine. #4 - Page 11 Z5bHoF3qrWw

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #4 - Page 11 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #4

    Post  mutantsushi Sun May 11, 2014 10:13 am

    flamming_python wrote:[Rogozin]'s a lot more useful stuck as a martyr in Tiraspol than he would be for anything back in Russia.
    :-) Agreed, and I was thinking likewise (that he was 'stuck') until I saw he had taken another flight to Moscow.

    Really, it would have much better PR for Russia were he to be stuck in Moldova for a significant period, it's like propaganda on the dangers of the EU to everybody in Moldova who is positively inclined to Russia, it calls into question Moldovans' ability to travel to Russia were Moldova to join the EU. I mean, Romania (and Bulgaria?) allowed transit for him to arrive there, but one call from U-S-A was enough for Romania to bar his out-transit of all things!? (or so they hoped) ...It's not really justified by the EU sanctions barring entry to the EU as it's just over-transit not entry to EU territory, it really looks like when the Ecuadorian President's jet was barred from airspace and needed to land in Austria (over fears of Snowden taking a trip to South America from Russia, again fueled by U-S-A). Plus the whole fiasco of seizing PETITION SIGNATURES, as if that is somehow a crime of any sort. Honestly, Russia should make clear that it expects a legal justification for the incident, and that it may extend it's own airspace ban in response (which cuts off the direct route to East Asia from Europe). I believe Russia has previously ruled that out as it's a serious transit issue, but I believe that was in context of a global block on European air transit of Russian airspace, a bar on transit of specific individuals associated with anti-Russian Atlanticist policy, whether from EU, Polania, Baltics, France, UK, etc would be far more particular (and it would just force them to route thru Dubai to reach East Asia anyways).

    What's craziest about all this is that Russia is being equated with the USSR, OK, but then the USSR's own bureacratic border reorganizations are being upheld as sacrosanct by the West even as modern institutions of democracy are violated (as in Ukraine's coup). NATO darling Georgia LOVES their Stalin after all. WTF? They only get away with this because nobody is paying attention too closely and because of general mass amnesia.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #4 - Page 11 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #4

    Post  Vann7 Sun May 11, 2014 10:14 am

    There are 1500 polling stations in Donetsk and about 1400 in Lugansk. and about 6 millions citizens in both regions.. perhaps form those
    only 2 million have age to vote. Interestingly saw more people voting in 1 polling station ,from the near 3,000 that exist.. that the average protest in front of buildings. Just confirms once more there was a lot of people not participating in protest and preferred to leave to others
    that activism. Apparently the new vote is not for independence but for autonomy withing Ukraine.. Seems the decision was influenced by Russia.

    But after seeing How NATO support Nazism in Ukraine ,and the massacres in Odessa and Mariupol of the army against pro Federalization and will not go for less than Independence.

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    Post  arpakola Sun May 11, 2014 10:28 am

    Video from Mariupol, today.
    People waiting to vote in referendum:


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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #4 - Page 11 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #4

    Post  mutantsushi Sun May 11, 2014 10:42 am

    Some links of developments in Ukraine:
    Communist MPs "officially" expelled from closed session of Rada by junta fiat on politically grounds
    Donbass Republic calls for unity with Dnipetrovsk along with Kharkiv and Lugansk
    In Kherson, the junta built a levee to block the flow of water to Crimea (just for spite's sake, they had been demanding prepayment for water, and Russia agreed to that),
    but that they had to build the sandbag levee is notable because the normal control gates they had first used were being re-opened by locals every time the junta closed them.  
    Here is a bit on police state intimidation of ant-junta/federalist political activity in Kherson specificaly.
    Before the riot and arson in Odessa: The junta along with ultra thugs prevented the local judges and legal scholars' association from holding a meeting at the local law school,
    presumably on the (il)legitimacy of the junta regime and the implications of that.  Likewise, ultra thugs invaded the office of local prosecutors, threatening them.
    In Carpathia, there have been local movements in opposition to junta/similar to in SE.
    Around Dnipropetrovsk, families protested their sons being conscripted/their service period extended for the "ATO" operation in the SE,
    and in Chernivtsi (near Moldova) locals likewise protested local bases preparing to deploy to the SE.
    In the West, there was a rash of local take-overs by ultras apparently not satisfied with the Kiev junta, and Ivano-Frankivsk is apparently forming it's own independent militia.  
    Checkpoints are even being formed by junta-loyal forces (in Vinnitsya) possibly as reaction to all that.
    Here is a sweet video of a WWII vet waving the red V-day flag riding his bicycle in *KIEV* despite the junta's ban on V-day parades there:

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #4 - Page 11 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #4

    Post  Vann7 Sun May 11, 2014 11:13 am

    RT reports the Ukraine Army is attacking a village in LUgansk and blocking civilians in 4 towns from voting in polling stations.

    They are afraid of people expressing their opinion in a referendum.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #4 - Page 11 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #4

    Post  arpakola Sun May 11, 2014 11:43 am


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    Post  arpakola Sun May 11, 2014 11:51 am


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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #4 - Page 11 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #4

    Post  Viktor Sun May 11, 2014 12:14 pm

    As expected

    400 US commandos help Kiev in its military offensive in east Ukraine - reports Read more:

    and something not so expected

    Israeli immigrants ready to come to Ukraine as peacemakers

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