Mike E wrote:
Even though I support it, arming the rebels did admittedly escalate the crisis at least a little. They sent troops into Crimea (Which is perfectly legal under the Partition Treaty on the State and Conditions of the Black Sea Fleet signed May 28, 1997.) which led to Kiev aggression and (eventually) U.S. sanctions.
Sending arms to rebels did not escalate the situation in any way. You have to understand that Ukropy fascists are in full support of Washington and are trying to lure Russia to intervene in Ukraine for the genocide on civilians. Ukropy are ordered to target civilians to provocate russia. They don't even try to target the rebels as the main target, because that is counter productive to USA when this conflict ends fast, they need this ukropy vs russia war desperatley.
Also people here tend to fabricate the percption that all weapons in the hands of rebels are from russia which is far away from the truth. People tend to believe and propagate the lie that Ukrainian rebels have no weapons from siezed ukrainian army bases, like the several thousands soldiers who have defected have not had any weapons or tanks,apcs,ifvs,howitzers or whatever in their bases. Like all the defectors were riding on horses with shashkas, no weapons, no tanks nothing everything comes from evil mother russia.
People should start using their brains.