NATO laws prohibit the supply of weapons to mercenaries ,groups ..and thats exactly what US have been doing in Syria for 3-4 years. NATO is actually giving weapons already to ukraine.. Canada supplied javelin missiles just a week ago and one convoy was intercepted. So NATO which is nothing other than US military extension ,never follow any laws.. they will break any law whenever they want it..and it serve its strategic interest.
Supplying weapons for example to groups in a civil war is against UN charter ,totally illegal and they do it.. Obama do it under the pretext they are "moderates" , still is illegal.. he is fueling violence in a nation sovereign nation. period.
So NATO already supply weapons to Ukraine..anti-tank rockets - cheap drones - communications devices..artillery munition with white phosporous.. that comes from US army that they used in IRAQ. What NATO will not do is give advanced weapons to them.. not because is illegal.. since they write their own laws and rules and break it whenever they want.. The reason why NATO do not help more Ukraine and or Georgia.. is not because laws created by them that they can change at any time they want. But because if for example Ukraine Joins NATO..
and RUssia attack Ukraine.. NATO will be forced by their own laws to fight Russia.. something they will not do..
So it will look really bad for the entire organization that a NATO member is attacked and they do nothing. it will even put at risk the credibility and the purpose of NATO if Ukraine becomes a member and Russia invade and they do nothing.
So thats the only reason why NATO do not give more help to Ukraine and make them members.. it will never happen. and that is because Ukraine vs Russia war is a very likely scenario to happen sooner or later and they do not want to have to deal with a fight with a NATION with 12,000 nuclear bombs. it will be terrible and catastrophic
for example if NATO ends wiped (AGAIN) as they were by CHINA in North Korea when they invaded. Losing a war is not good for the credibility of any military organization.. neither not helping a member state.. so this is why NATO do not allow Ukraine to join ..and also Georgia. To Fight a conventional war with Russia near their territory is a recipe for disaster ,specially for their supply lines. and a nuclear war nobody will risk being nuked by Russia for defending Radicals Nazis in Ukraine ,that are killing civilians women and children.
Another reason for NATO to accepting Ukraine as full member is technology.. A very powerful reason. If Ukraine
becomes a full member ,they will have the benefit to buy any kind of weapon from NATO.. Including F-35's ,Eurofighters ,Rafales , Leo Tanks and Abraham tanks.. or advanced attack drones.. and the last thing they want
is for Russia taking control of their technology... to study it and reverse engineer it.. Something that will happen if a pilot Russian Spy defect to Russia with a F-35 plane for example.. or that Russia invade ukraine and they easily wipe NATO tanks..which will be a major scandal for the western military hardware. Remember that the west Sell weapons.. and it will be catastrophic for their sales if for example an F-35 is shotdown by an S-300.. or if a M1A3 tank is destroyed by a T-90AM using special munition.
For US and its NATO extension
world image is everything. They greatest fear is to look weak. And an useless organization..a perception like that will disband NATO .And it will be terrible for the organization future if a NATO member attacked and they do nothing or if their military hardware fails to Russian military weapons. then it will be very embarrassing. As it was the F-117 when it was shot down in Serbia. after that war.. the project was canceled. No longer reliable if can be shot down with soviet old weapons. And if Ukraine deploy for example its ABM shield in Ukraine.. they face a big risk..that Russia study it.. launch a cheap Toscka-U missile to see if it can be intercepted or a custom version of it and understand how American best defenses operate.
If Ukraine gets F-35 and is shot down by a Russian manpad from the Pro Russian separatist.. people worldwide will have a big laugh the entire month...and it could provoke countries to lose interest in the plane and not bother. yes for sure tacticians will say hey ,,the plane was not made for close air support.. but it will not matter..people image will be on the destroyed plane.. We live in the world of Perception. Good or Bad perception is the difference between Business Success or become Bankrupt.
This is why Russia if Invade Ukraine they will not use T-90s or will try to avoid them.. same with Su-35 planes..
Russia will try to avoid them in Ukraine if a war happens and only use advance weapons when airspace is cleared.
and if they can do the job with S-300s they will do it with them and avoid anything better.. To keep NATO spying away of their technology. I cannot wait to see Armata Tank ..super delicious..