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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #8

    Mike E
    Mike E

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #8 - Page 23 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #8

    Post  Mike E Wed Sep 03, 2014 11:08 pm

    They are going to build a wall to block land that Russia never even crossed!

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #8 - Page 23 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #8

    Post  arpakola Wed Sep 03, 2014 11:11 pm


    Last edited by arpakola on Wed Sep 03, 2014 11:15 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #8 - Page 23 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #8

    Post  arpakola Wed Sep 03, 2014 11:13 pm

    Mike E wrote:They are going to build a wall to block land that Russia never even crossed!
    They can build a wall. By the Dneiper river..
    Mike E
    Mike E

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #8 - Page 23 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #8

    Post  Mike E Wed Sep 03, 2014 11:20 pm

    Never said they couldn't....

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #8 - Page 23 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #8

    Post  arpakola Wed Sep 03, 2014 11:32 pm
    . KUALA LUMPUR: INTELLIGENCE analysts in the United States had already concluded that Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 was shot down by an air-to-air missile, and that the Ukrainian government had had something to do with it.

    This corroborates an emerging theory postulated by local investigators that the Boeing 777-200 was crippled by an air-to-air missile and finished off with cannon fire from a fighter that had been shadowing it as it plummeted to earth

    Mike E
    Mike E

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #8 - Page 23 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #8

    Post  Mike E Wed Sep 03, 2014 11:49 pm

    Gotta loooove some hypocrites!

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #8 - Page 23 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #8

    Post  Firebird Thu Sep 04, 2014 12:14 am

    Talking of hypocrites, the discussion tonight at the NATO summit (or should I say "trade fair for death") is virtually ALL about the Ukraine as the so called "main crisis". Al Qaeda and ISIS their other 2 creations are actually taking a back stage.

    I really wonder what these bastards are up to.

    To see these clowns in the nearby town pretending to be Ukrainian hohol protestors really was quite staggering.
    I wonder if these maggots are thinking of sending forces into the Western Ukrainian region. Or perhaps trying to provoke Russia in the Baltics or Transnistria?

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #8 - Page 23 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #8

    Post  AlfaT8 Thu Sep 04, 2014 12:51 am

    Firebird wrote:Talking of hypocrites, the discussion tonight at the NATO summit (or should I say "trade fair for death") is virtually ALL about the Ukraine as the so called "main crisis". Al Qaeda and ISIS their other 2 creations are actually taking a back stage.

    I really wonder what these bastards are up to.

    To see these clowns in the nearby town pretending to be Ukrainian hohol protestors really was quite staggering.
    I wonder if these maggots are thinking of sending forces into the Western Ukrainian region. Or perhaps trying to provoke Russia in the Baltics or Transnistria?
    NATOs strategy is pretty much set in stone:
    1) Create a tragedy and blame Putin/Kremlin (aka Ukraine)
    2) Destabilize Russia/Belarus internally with NGOs, and instigate an "uprising" against Putin/Kremlin/Belarus
    3) Create civil war within Russia/Belarus
    4) Disable/damage Russia/Belarus IADN and Russia's Nuclear deterrent
    5) Move the bulk of Nato forces near Russian/Belorussian borders
    6) Create pretext to invade Belarus, then Russia (based around a "humanitarian" causes)
    7) Seize Russian oil/gas resources
    8: Rinse and repeat in S.America, China and India
    9) Secure U.S/Europe hegemony

    I'm willing to bet the farm, that this is what they're up to.  Neutral

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #8 - Page 23 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #8

    Post  Firebird Thu Sep 04, 2014 1:11 am

    AlfaT8 wrote:
    Firebird wrote:Talking of hypocrites, the discussion tonight at the NATO summit (or should I say "trade fair for death") is virtually ALL about the Ukraine as the so called "main crisis". Al Qaeda and ISIS their other 2 creations are actually taking a back stage.

    I really wonder what these bastards are up to.

    To see these clowns in the nearby town pretending to be Ukrainian hohol protestors really was quite staggering.
    I wonder if these maggots are thinking of sending forces into the Western Ukrainian region. Or perhaps trying to provoke Russia in the Baltics or Transnistria?
    NATOs strategy is pretty much set in stone:
    1) Create a tragedy and blame Putin/Kremlin (aka Ukraine)
    2) Destabilize Russia/Belarus internally with NGOs, and instigate an "uprising" against Putin/Kremlin/Belarus
    3) Create civil war within Russia/Belarus
    4) Disable/damage Russia/Belarus IADN and Russia's Nuclear deterrent
    5) Move the bulk of Nato forces near Russian/Belorussian borders
    6) Create pretext to invade Belarus, then Russia (based around a "humanitarian" causes)
    7) Seize Russian oil/gas resources
    8: Rinse and repeat in S.America, China and India
    9) Secure U.S/Europe hegemony

    I'm willing to bet the farm, that this is what they're up to.  Neutral

    Ofcourse yes. But the question is, how will Russia counter this?

    Put nukes in Cuba. Even suitcase/small nukes inside America. All countering the US ABM system.
    Get friendly with Mexico (ok takes time)
    Poison the EU US relationship more+ somehow get some/much of Europe onside (carrot ie gas+ trade and the stick)
    Promote civil unrest in the US (takes lots of time)
    Ally with China in various matters esp patrolling the seas etc.
    Destroy the US Dollar's hegemonic status using BRICS.
    Maybe Russia will give America a taste of its own medicine re the creation of extrmist groups on US shores?
    Militarise space and advanced weapons such as weather/earthquake weapons/EM pulses etc.

    I see Russia doing a fair bit of defending. But Obama and co can sit very smugly when they are 1000s of miles away from the shit.
    I wonder when Russia will take the battle to America. The world is a dangerous place when there is one side thinking it has the power to order everyone else around without fear of justice being dispensed.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #8 - Page 23 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #8

    Post  Vann7 Thu Sep 04, 2014 1:29 am

    AlfaT8 wrote:
    Firebird wrote:Talking of hypocrites, the discussion tonight at the NATO summit (or should I say "trade fair for death") is virtually ALL about the Ukraine as the so called "main crisis". Al Qaeda and ISIS their other 2 creations are actually taking a back stage.

    I really wonder what these bastards are up to.

    To see these clowns in the nearby town pretending to be Ukrainian hohol protestors really was quite staggering.
    I wonder if these maggots are thinking of sending forces into the Western Ukrainian region. Or perhaps trying to provoke Russia in the Baltics or Transnistria?
    NATOs strategy is pretty much set in stone:
    1) Create a tragedy and blame Putin/Kremlin (aka Ukraine)
    2) Destabilize Russia/Belarus internally with NGOs, and instigate an "uprising" against Putin/Kremlin/Belarus
    3) Create civil war within Russia/Belarus
    4) Disable/damage Russia/Belarus IADN and Russia's Nuclear deterrent
    5) Move the bulk of Nato forces near Russian/Belorussian borders
    6) Create pretext to invade Belarus, then Russia (based around a "humanitarian" causes)
    7) Seize Russian oil/gas resources
    8: Rinse and repeat in S.America, China and India
    9) Secure U.S/Europe hegemony

    I'm willing to bet the farm, that this is what they're up to.  Neutral

    They cannot declare war against Belarus ,or abkhazia or armenia or any ally bordering Russia.. it will be war against Russia. So there will be no invasion.. what they aim is an economic war with the destruction of Russia image world wide and as a bonus have all their military asset bordering Russia.

    What will i do if i was Russia..
    1)is move the capital away near balkai center Russia to be closer to China..
    That will make totally useless their gains in Ukraine from a strategy point of view.. Also i will develop and massive land attack navy in the caspian sea..  So in case of an NATO-ISIS like invasion of jihadist ,lets say 200,000 in their cities.. or simply another chechen war..Russia can use the caspian sea and from there assist their army with strategic precision land attacks. From Caspian sea with a powerful land attack navy, Russia can also easily backup former soviet territories in any war..
    2)try to convince Kazakistan to become another Crimea..and autonomous not necessary but will help alot in security and with its business with CHina.
    3)enchance security of Kaliningrad and far east.. with bigger armies and naval fleet.

    About Ukraine joining NATO as a full member ,i don't think so.. it will be a major backstab against TUrkey waiting for a full membership too.. on top that members have the right to buy all NATO weapons..and the last thing they want is to see American Apaches hellicopters or f-35 being shut down by RUssian rebels with manpads. and later Russia getting access to their technology ,radars., etc.. All what NATO offer Ukraine in in terms of alliance is carefully based on how to help them..while maintaining a legal justification to not help Ukraine when Russia invade.
    None of NATO members will fight Russia openly for Kiev. Specially when Kiev is the one attacking Russia by killing ethnic Russians in eastern ukraine.

    Last edited by Vann7 on Thu Sep 04, 2014 1:37 am; edited 1 time in total

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #8 - Page 23 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #8

    Post  cracker Thu Sep 04, 2014 1:33 am

    Ok Hi all, I just logged in.

    I follow this thread and other "67 pages threads" about ukraine crisis(es), as well as similar subjects on other forums... (MP...). The level of clownery and idiocy in our medias (i'm french) is just appaling, and of course, i'm one of the few who has the ability to outpass the mass of lies given to eat to the ineducated masses, like all of you out here (you're the "few", not the latter), because I have a profound interest for geopolitic and military issues, technologies and history, especially all that touches russia.

    I have many generic questions that litterally obsess me (I'm not really able to, nor I have the time for, do it myself and search on the russian internet, first hand sources like VK accounts or twiter etc...)

    So far, it seems that this war, is the most spectacular one we've seen in europe since WW2. Chechnya, bosnia, transnistria, and even both georgia wars are not even comparable in terms of heavy weapons used by seemingly "regular" opposing armies, adimitedly one of them (the rebels) formed its "conventional army" with the equipment of the other... Few could belive we'd come to such a terrific situation, but, it's here now.

    And, by reading this forum, I learned many things, maybe too much "pro russian" in certain posts, but, nontheless much more refreshing and true than the BS we can eat on TV or some other forums...

    I'm obsessed by this war, litteraly.

    Now questions:

    1- someone can even tell me a total (guesstimation... I know) number of troops on both sides, on this day? I mean:

    -how much UKR "forces" (that is to say ALL factions that fight for kiev, army, Natguard, paramilitary groups, foreign merc groups, etc) are deployed in total to this day, only in the "ATO" operation? Really, how much could it be? 30.000? up to 60.000? more?

    -how much conscripts and "volunteers" and police forces does Ukraine have right now on duty, on the whole territory, borders, and maintaining "calm" into the whole ukraine? 150.000? 300.000? (this number include also all forces "at war" or without if you please, just precise in the answer)

    -how much is the "Novorussia army" now? 25.000? up to 40.000? Where are they mostly? Around donetsk and Lugansk? and, how many are in the "push to mariupol" and around?

    -among Novo, how many are russian citizen(not "russians" with ukr nationality)? (= mercs, veterans, or simple men with or without military service/background, =/= russian military)??? 4.000? up to 10.000?

    -among Novo, how many are russian military men (let's face it, there are russian military, advisors/fighters/etc...) few hundreds? More than 1.000? In russia already 8.000 to 15.000 men were/are declared missing by families (mother commitees and such), clearly, how does it work? Orders come, and, the people in charge of brigades/divisions send a part of their men? Some "evidences" really disturbed me - notably the destroyed MTLB column with clearly obvious remains of soldiers wearing 6b-7M1 helmets and 6b-23-1 body armour, both in digital flora camo... And the burned-out AS val rifle... Clearly a detachement of a RU motorized brigade, certainly from the recce company...  And more recently, the new flow of alledgedly RU vehicles: kamaz trucks, BMD/BTR with RU modernisation elements (optics), the seemingly more and more present T-72B tanks, and even more embarassing the T-72B3 tanks...

    -among Novo, how many foreign (non russia/ex USSR) fighters? I know of spanish, french, germans already, etc... How many? 200, 600?


    2- the casualties of ukraine "forces" (whole)... It's just crazy, every 1/4 of a day it seems there are new videos/photos/reports of destroyed/wiped/anihilated UKR forces... It's just... How many have they lost up to this day? Precisely:

    -how many men dead in whole? (include all branch of army + the paramilitaries and mercs), 10.000? 12.000? already 15.000? It seems too high. I think 5.000 to 8.000 looks more plausible, no? Or we would hear much more protests and angry UKR families, don't you think? Anyway, it's already very high, and of course at least 10x more the "ofiicial" BS of UKR propaganda reports.

    -how many wounded and thus out of action (including the mental illnesses/PTSD well hidden by UKR gov)? I think already 15.000, maybe much higher? That would made easily a total of 20.000 dead/wounded men for kiev since april... Anyone can give more accurate figures?

    -how many desertion? It seems it's very common, those poor soldiers are given ridiculous orders and have Zero support. Maybe, 3.000 already?

    -how many UKR forces turned to pro russian, including before the fighting in march/april and up to now? (excluding the alledgedly 18.000 ones in crimea), thus giving heavy weapons and munitions to rebels even before the war itself... several thousands?

    -how many POW... POW in novorussia, and, POW who went by themselves into Russia? The latter is at least 1.200 if I recall correctly... The total might be 5.000 ?

    -to conclude, how many men in total are lost to kiev? 50.000? It would explain the total failure of UKR army and the de facto defeat as of today. Looks like Kursk salient battle, where the attacking force of the army was crushed and counter attacked, leaving only a defensive army now facing the adversary on the attack...

    -material losses, basically it seems like UKR AF ceased to exist... Can someone give a total of downed aircrafts/helos? And, how much importance the abscence and defeat of the UAF has in the loss of Ukraine?

    -tanks (strictly), ok I look often the "lost armour" page with pictures proofs, but, how many in real? (destroyed/captured), around 100? Mostly T-64BV, some T-64B/A and a few T-64BM, was any T-84 operated or lost? And several T-72 it seems...

    -other AFVs? (excluding AA, SPG), maybe 400 already? BMP, BMD, BTR etc...

    -AA systems? 2 OSA, 1 BUK? More?

    -SPG, already ~10 2S3 I think, no? and at least 1 2S19, 1 2S4 and 1 2S5... Correct? Maybe also several 2S1? How, and of course, several dozen BM-21 grad already, right? and how many BM 27/30 urag/smerch... 5-10 in total? What a hell...

    -other vehicles? maybe 1.000 already in total ? :/ ... URAL, KRAZ, etc trucks, jeeps and whatnot...

    3- casualties of Novoruss?

    -what about their material losses? it seems they lost already many AFVs including tanks... But, not near as much as a 10th of UKR losses...

    -human losses? Possibly 5.000 dead already? It seems too much. And the wounded? and the POW?

    -Russian army losses? Those embarassing T-72B3... The unexplained MTLB column, POW paratroopers, and more..

    Sorry for the long post... Basically, I wish someone or several of you could make a CLEAR post with numbers, numbers are what matters.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #8 - Page 23 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #8

    Post  arpakola Thu Sep 04, 2014 7:10 am

    . Commanders of Azov, Aidar, and Dnepr saying they will be protesting tomorrow (September 4) at the president's office. They have numerous grievances to voice to the president regarding the ATO. As a reminder, Semen Semenchenko of Donbas Battalion together with other volunteer battalion commanders have recently voiced their concerns to the president as well (see previous video I posted).

    Some translation of what these guys said:
    - They believe there is a movement to eradicate the volunteer battalions.
    - They are upset leadership and oligarchs that they believe started this war have not changed and are still in power.
    - They said they are fighting with many guys they used to serve with and would like an answer why they are made to be killing each other.
    - They are largely of the opinion this war has been manufactured by those in power in Ukraine.
    - They say it's wrong that if they go to European Union, Russia is their enemy. If they go to Russia, European Union is their enemy. He says that maybe both are our friends instead? Why treat either one as enemies?
    - He says if European Union is not helping them, why are they wanting to go there?
    - Interestingly, a captain from Donbas Battalion interjected and says he somewhat disagrees with the guys in that their battalion's position is that they want Ukraine to be part of EU and NATO.
    - They say that both sides (separatists and them), instead of killing each other on an open field and having the winner march on Kiev, should perhaps march on Kiev together.

    . . Poroshenko said Wednesday he hoped the peace process to end the conflict in Ukraine's east could begin on Friday in the Belarusian capital. "I greatly hope that on Friday in Minsk the peace process will finally begin," he said in a statement.
    "The people of Ukraine are fully in favor [of peace], while politicians want to play at war. I want to say that I will not allow this," Poroshenko added.
    Oh dear...

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #8 - Page 23 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #8

    Post  Asf Thu Sep 04, 2014 7:44 am

    Those embarassing T-72B3


    POW paratroopers

    They weren't POW and are already released by now.

    around 100

    They lost around a half of all remaining tank park. 250-300 will be more accurate number (destroyed/lost/damaged)

    SPG, already ~10 2S3 I think, no

    They lost many artillery pieces. Don't know exact numbers, but Ukr armed forces have alredy lost battalions of artillery

    how much UKR "forces" (that is to say ALL factions that fight for kiev, army, Natguard, paramilitary groups, foreign merc groups, etc) are deployed in total to this day, only in the "ATO" operation? Really, how much could it be? 30.000? up to 60.000? more?

    They started from 30 000 to 60 000 later. Don't know exact numbers by now as some old formations are existed "on paper" and new (natguard, territorial defence) battalions are created in a hurry

    how much is the "Novorussia army" now? 25.000? up to 40.000?

    Around 25 000 - 30 000

    how much conscripts and "volunteers" and police forces does Ukraine have right now on duty, on the whole territory, borders, and maintaining "calm" into the whole ukraine? 150.000? 300.000?

    Ukraibe has virtually all their available armed forces in the South-East. Don't think it's more than 100 000 men in all National guard and armed forces at all, conscripts mostly. Border guard of Ukraine is very small. It dosen't include common police service which isn't intended to fight in armed conflicts

     how many are russian citizen(not "russians" with ukr nationality)? (= mercs, veterans, or simple men with or without military service/background, =/= russian military)??? 4.000? up to 10.000?

    2 000 - 4 000 volunteers. Most of them do have real war experience though

    In russia already 8.000 to 15.000 men were/are declared missing by families

    Millions killed by Stalin personally (russian meme).

    how many are russian military men

    None. Some of servicemen gone as volunteers may be.

     how does it work?

    Regular ukr forces commanders and politicans are trying to blame real armed forces for thier own stupidity plus gain political advantages of being viewed as a victim. That's how it works


    It is poossible. GRU do have professionals for guerilla force training on thier territory. Obviously you'll never know it.

    How many?

    Who knows? Some.

    how many men dead in whole?

    Who knows? 10 000 looks realistic.

    how many desertion? 

    3500 MIA is an official number. How many of them are actually dead and how many left their duty... may be real numbers of deserters aren't told as some of soldiers just do not follow thier orders. Most of desertion tae place during mobilisation as people just don't go to mobilisation offices.

    how many UKR forces turned to pro russian

    Pro-russian? I think many of them would prefer to serve in the russian army (see Crimea), actually many officers were ethnic russians in ukraininan army, still some of them are ukrainian patriots and some follow their oath. Actually it was told Novorussia formed a volunteer regiment from ex-ukraininan captives. No additional information though.

    to conclude, how many men in total are lost to kiev? 50.000?

    Difficult to say... I think around 30 000 KIA or wounded for Ukr forces. Many times less for novorussian forces, I have no information to say exactly.

     UKR AF ceased to exist

    It ceased to exist due to bad maintainance.

    Here is the numbers. 10 planes, 7 helos, 1 UAV + some unreported may be

    But, not near as much as a 10th of UKR losses... 

    Seems so. They don't send tanks into ambushes without infantry support

    Russian army losses?

    Don't be fooled, Russia seems to send limited number of equipment to Novorussia (border cross isn't registered by anyone yet), may be some advisors, but presence of the army can't be hidden in the time of mobile phone cameras. It was spetsnas in Crimea, not even a "line" troops, but their presence was obvious. Don't you think 8 frightened paratroopers who laid down their arms without any shot looks like an army of agression?

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #8 - Page 23 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #8

    Post  arpakola Thu Sep 04, 2014 9:23 am

    Good Night, and Good Luck

    if u dont jump u are a russian Moscal...
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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #8 - Page 23 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #8

    Post  arpakola Thu Sep 04, 2014 9:51 am
    Новороссии быть! Олигархов вон. Власть настоящим, простым людям. Это наш шанс за многие десятилетия построить справедливое, человеческое, гуманное государство.


    Как же многим не нравится и не хочется довести начатое до логического завершения!
    Только деньги, кабинеты и портфели в головах! А за что поднимался народ Юго-Востока??? Неужели только за то, что бы потерять множество человеческих жизней, потерять работу и уверенность в будущем?!
    Если мы боремся за интересы народа, кому как не самому народу решать исход этой борьбы? Показать полностью..
    Кто из так называемых членов правительств ДНР и ЛНР поинтересовался мнением ополченцев, которые теряют своих товарищей в боях, мнением родных, что потеряли отцов, сыновей и дочерей в этой схватке за право жить свободными и самим выбирать свой путь?! Думаю ни кто... Всё это похоже на фарс - спектакль, в котором роль народа Новороссии - массовка.
    Уже было несколько этапов "слива" Новороссии (в том числе и отставка Игоря Ивановича Стрелкова) Сейчас на мой взгляд, очередная попытка, с помощью переговоров остановить сопротивление и не позволить уничтожить олигархическую власть в Украине. Пятая колонна в действии... Переход власти от олигархата к народу, это сейчас страшный сон для так называемого мирового сообщества. Всем ведь понятно уже давно, что миром правят такие как Вальцманы, Чубайсы и Рокфеллеры. Отстранение их от власти, для них смерти подобно!
    А что мы видим сейчас? ДОГОВОРЁННОСТИ! И с кем??? За столом переговоров - достопочтенный Кучма! В годы его правления, толстосумы только набирали оборот и увеличивали аппетит! Коррупция взлетела до необъяснимых высот. Его судить надо, а не вести с ним переговоры! Что будет с особым статусом Новороссии, когда рядом будут находится всё те же убийцы за доллары? О каких гарантиях может идти речь с теми людьми, которые слово ПРАВДА, исключили из своего лексикона?
    Только капитуляция Киева, может разрешить сегодняшнюю ситуацию. Только отстранение бизнеса от власти, сможет дать возможность построить государство с человеческим лицом. И только суд над всеми власть-имущими, над "элитой" общества - даст возможность вернуть народу чувство собственного достоинства. Иначе всё зря... и лозунги и жертвы.
    Или мы хотим оставаться марионетками в руках кабинетных умников? Меня такая перспектива не устраивает! Не для того мы взяли в руки оружие, что бы остановится на полпути.
    Страх всегда был и будет, сейчас у многих страх перед наступающей зимой... Но, это животный страх. Меня же больше страшит остаться крепостным - остаться именно животным в руках лощённых феодалов.
    Я буду идти до конца! До достижения намеченной цели! До полной и безоговорочной победы, вольного и гордого Русского Славянского мира!!! - цинк (нашел на страничке Дмитрия Дзыговбродского)

    PS. Толковый он все таки мужик. Наверняка попытаются сожрать или убрать в тень. По сути, после того, как убрали Стрелкова, именно Мозговой стал главным барабанщиком партии войны до полного уничтожения фашистской хунты, вместо договора с ней. Рельефная антиолигархическая повестка дня, так же выделяет его среди основных спикеров Новороссии.


    Как не трудно заметить, жив и здоров, правда выглядит измотанным. Ниже видео.
    The Situation in the Ukraine. #8 - Page 23 QSuaaWHfMn0

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    Post  arpakola Thu Sep 04, 2014 12:14 pm

    Sergei Melnychuk, commander Ukrainian battalion "Aydar" reports that his unit had the mined Thermal power station in the city Schaste. This station supplies heat and electricity to the city of Donetsk and Lugansk. If the Ukrainian army will have to leave the city Schaste - that TPS will be exploded and these cities will be left without heat and electricity for the whole winter.

    Ukrainian armour abandoned after what soldiers say was #Russian rocket strike. #Luhansk area.
    there are reports that 1st armored brigade no longer exist, they abandoned several dozen T-64BM "Bulat" and ran away
    The Situation in the Ukraine. #8 - Page 23 FGGbXFA

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    Post  Asf Thu Sep 04, 2014 2:13 pm

    From here (russian):

    When the ukraininan army column started to reform into a combat formation, enemy opened small-arms and mortar fire. The army column opened return fire at random and hitted friendly howitzer positions

    Still think ukrainian lose the war because of russian army?

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    Post  cracker Thu Sep 04, 2014 3:34 pm

    "there are reports that 1st armored brigade no longer exist, they abandoned several dozen T-64BM "Bulat" and ran away"

    Wow... Neutral  If it's real, then the UKR armored forces took a severe beating. Basically all the bulats served in this unit... I'd love to see a Novorussian bataillion of T-64BM, and should send some in russia for analysis and tests, I always wondered how it compares to a T-90A (probably very badly)...

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    Post  Firebird Thu Sep 04, 2014 3:46 pm

    I wonder what people view the chances of these are in the next few yrs:-

    1)The Ukraine fully as part of the Eurasian Union.
    With Transnitria part of Russia.
    And the S and E Ukraine federal states in a fuller military integration with Russia.

    2) A pro Russian Mexico eg buying Russian arms, some form of Russian presence.

    To me, I think that should be a part "payback" for the outrages caused against Russia in recent times.

    PS Porky the Prick is currently at NATO meeting, along with a number of Middle Eastern despots.

    Comparing the Western Ukraine to Japan, Japan had the shit bombed out of it by America, yet it STILL hosts US bases. The solution for the Eastern Ukr is quite clear, but the Western.. I think is harder.

    The Western financial media is hyping up bullshit of "Russian attack on Mariupol" and "Mariupol begs not to be attacked". Pure bullshit.

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    Post  Sujoy Thu Sep 04, 2014 4:05 pm

    The reason why NATO is un-willing to make Ukraine a member is simple.

    In case, Russia invades Ukraine it will only show how helpless NATO is in protecting it’s members. Because lets face it, NATO will be able to do NOTHING to prevent a Russian onslaught.

    Ideally, NATO would want Russia to invade Ukraine so that Slavs end up killing one another.

    But then, NATO will disintegrate as member states will loose faith in this alliance.

    This is what the Anglo-Saxon West is hell bent on preventing.

    It therefore serves NATO to only make some noise from the outside and not to get involved in the conflict.


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    Post  cracker Thu Sep 04, 2014 4:29 pm

    The jokes I heard yesterday/today on TV news:

    "NATO reinforces presence in eastern europe.... 4000 NATO troops will be deployed to form quick response force"... WTF? Laughing 4000? Really? Wow... What a threat!

    "US bases in baltic states reinforces security"... LOL and after, they told us there are ~300 US troops tops in whole baltic states Laughing

    "Air protection of baltic states reinforced by NATO"... Hemm hemm... Yeah, so, apparently there was... 2 (two) "fighters" to protect the "airspace" of baltic states, and now will tops at ~8... Amazing Rolling Eyes  Said portugese airforce notably will take the task...

    So, NATO really stronk heh? those "forces" will be wiped out in ~3 minutes in case of war with russia, planes shot down in seconds by AA or even russian fighters, and the "4000" won't need more than a novorussian regiment.


    And here in France, much debate around the step back in the mistral ship deal... Workers start to be angry in St nazaire, and of course we'd have to pay back every cent in case we do cancel the deal... Either way, it's great for russia: either they recieve them anyway, either they get the money back, humiliate a NATO top member, and starts to look alternative or even consider making a new class of ships themselves... Anyway Russia don't really need those ships, it's just fancy... Russia is a ground army before all. Let the dirty job of amphibious invasions to the USN and USMC, then watch them suffer against 10 years insurrections Very Happy

    Just more about france, it's pathetic, our president Mr. Snail (hollande) is one of the lowest ass-licking puppets of the USA and NATO, it's a shame when you know what france was in the great days, under De Gaulle and the independant status toward NATO. France might just as well be Poland or Estonia now, same BS.

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    Post  GustavoHF Thu Sep 04, 2014 4:35 pm

    arpakola wrote:
    Новороссии быть! Олигархов вон. Власть настоящим, простым людям. Это наш шанс за многие десятилетия построить справедливое, человеческое, гуманное государство.


    Как же многим не нравится и не хочется довести начатое до логического завершения!
    Только деньги, кабинеты и портфели в головах! А за что поднимался народ Юго-Востока??? Неужели только за то, что бы потерять множество человеческих жизней, потерять работу и уверенность в будущем?!
    Если мы боремся за интересы народа, кому как не самому народу решать исход этой борьбы? Показать полностью..
    Кто из так называемых членов правительств ДНР и ЛНР поинтересовался мнением ополченцев, которые теряют своих товарищей в боях, мнением родных, что потеряли отцов, сыновей и дочерей в этой схватке за право жить свободными и самим выбирать свой путь?! Думаю ни кто... Всё это похоже на фарс - спектакль, в котором роль народа Новороссии - массовка.
    Уже было несколько этапов "слива" Новороссии (в том числе и отставка Игоря Ивановича Стрелкова) Сейчас на мой взгляд, очередная попытка, с помощью переговоров остановить сопротивление и не позволить уничтожить олигархическую власть в Украине. Пятая колонна в действии... Переход власти от олигархата к народу, это сейчас страшный сон для так называемого мирового сообщества. Всем ведь понятно уже давно, что миром правят такие как Вальцманы, Чубайсы и Рокфеллеры. Отстранение их от власти, для них смерти подобно!
    А что мы видим сейчас? ДОГОВОРЁННОСТИ! И с кем??? За столом переговоров - достопочтенный Кучма! В годы его правления, толстосумы только набирали оборот и увеличивали аппетит! Коррупция взлетела до необъяснимых высот. Его судить надо, а не вести с ним переговоры! Что будет с особым статусом Новороссии, когда рядом будут находится всё те же убийцы за доллары? О каких гарантиях может идти речь с теми людьми, которые слово ПРАВДА, исключили из своего лексикона?
    Только капитуляция Киева, может разрешить сегодняшнюю ситуацию. Только отстранение бизнеса от власти, сможет дать возможность построить государство с человеческим лицом. И только суд над всеми власть-имущими, над "элитой" общества - даст возможность вернуть народу чувство собственного достоинства. Иначе всё зря... и лозунги и жертвы.
    Или мы хотим оставаться марионетками в руках кабинетных умников? Меня такая перспектива не устраивает! Не для того мы взяли в руки оружие, что бы остановится на полпути.
    Страх всегда был и будет, сейчас у многих страх перед наступающей зимой... Но, это животный страх. Меня же больше страшит остаться крепостным - остаться именно животным в руках лощённых феодалов.
    Я буду идти до конца! До достижения намеченной цели! До полной и безоговорочной победы, вольного и гордого Русского Славянского мира!!! - цинк (нашел на страничке Дмитрия Дзыговбродского)

    PS. Толковый он все таки мужик. Наверняка попытаются сожрать или убрать в тень. По сути, после того, как убрали Стрелкова, именно Мозговой стал главным барабанщиком партии войны до полного уничтожения фашистской хунты, вместо договора с ней. Рельефная антиолигархическая повестка дня, так же выделяет его среди основных спикеров Новороссии.


    Как не трудно заметить, жив и здоров, правда выглядит измотанным. Ниже видео.
    The Situation in the Ukraine. #8 - Page 23 QSuaaWHfMn0

    Well, does anyone here can translate this text from Colonel Cassad form Russian to English. If someone can I would really appreciate that. I am just a Brazilian dude that is trying to have acces to what is really heappening in this war in Dombass. Because I can't stand reading some bullshit that come from CNN and BBC.

    Does anyone here think that we are really going to have a cessfire?

    Long life to Novorossyia.


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    Post  Werewolf Thu Sep 04, 2014 4:37 pm

    Still waiting from the conspiracy theorist TR1 to proof that those beheading videos exists and were not a hoax.

    You said it was obvious fact then go ahead proof it.

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    Post  cracker Thu Sep 04, 2014 4:40 pm

    Apparently, we'll have a preliminary report of the Mh17 crash on next tuesday... From Dutch press.

    Can't wait to see that.

    Bets are open: "Analysis proved the evil bears of donbass shot the plane with evil russian buk missile" / "we can safely say it's an air-air missile strike, followed by canon fire. All indicates the ukrainian airforce is the sole responsible"

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    Post  AlfaT8 Thu Sep 04, 2014 4:52 pm

    cracker wrote:Apparently, we'll have a preliminary report of the Mh17 crash on next tuesday... From Dutch press.

    Can't wait to see that.

    Bets are open: "Analysis proved the evil bears of donbass shot the plane with evil russian buk missile" / "we can safely say it's an air-air missile strike, followed by canon fire. All indicates the ukrainian airforce is the sole responsible"
    Hahahaha, it'll be a COLD DAY IN HELL before they admit that. Laughing

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