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    Talking bollocks thread


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    Talking bollocks thread - Page 19 Empty Temporary thread

    Post  kvs Sun Jun 28, 2015 9:13 pm

    Look at Afghanistan before the 1970s and the CIA meddling to install a quisling regime like in Latin America.   It was
    a rather sober society without religious nutbars running around killing school girls and destroying ancient statues and
    sites.   The USSR fought off this CIA attempt but ended up invading.   Then we had the Bzezhinski created islamo-fascist
    outfits set up in Pakistan with Saudi money and zealots.   The indoctrination camps called madrassas were set up to
    train jihadis against the USSR.   In the early 1990s these vermin took over Afghanistan and turned it into a theocratic
    toilet.  It is still in this toilet today and the US-led invasion after 2001 only made things worse.   The Taliban were dogs
    that bit the hand of their master.   But make no mistake, the Taliban were created by the USA and its Saudi client state.

    ISIS is very much like the Taliban.  It is another creation of the US and its Persian Gulf client states.   Qatar was sending
    jihadis to Libya during the NATO attack that deposed Qaddafi.   Chechnya was a CIA meddling effort as well.   The US
    and its middle eastern clients used Georgia as a staging ground (Pankisi Gorge).   Werewolf is exactly right, follow the money.

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    Talking bollocks thread - Page 19 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread

    Post  jhelb Thu Jul 02, 2015 7:07 pm

    Talking bollocks thread - Page 19 Ci2ava10

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    Talking bollocks thread - Page 19 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread

    Post  Specnaz Sat Jul 04, 2015 4:03 pm

    July 4, 1776

    The second continental Congress, representing the 13 American colonies of great Britain, signed the Declaration of Independence that separates the United States from the British Empire.

    In a follow-up to the bloodbath known as the War for the independence of the United States, killing tens of thousands of people. After the war, loyalists who remained loyal to the crown and to the oath, persecuted, lynched, and killed.

    Today, July 4 — the main national holiday in the United States.

    Congratulations to U.S. citizens and sympathizers with the Day of separatism.

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    Talking bollocks thread - Page 19 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread

    Post  magnumcromagnon Sat Jul 04, 2015 4:29 pm

    Specnaz wrote:July 4, 1776

    The second continental Congress, representing the 13 American colonies of great Britain, signed the Declaration of Independence that separates the United States from the British Empire.

    In a follow-up to the bloodbath known as the War for the independence of the United States, killing tens of thousands of people. After the war, loyalists who remained loyal to the crown and to the oath, persecuted, lynched, and killed.

    Today, July 4 — the main national holiday in the United States.

    Congratulations to U.S. citizens and sympathizers with the Day of separatism.

    1.) Don't you think this is off topic?

    2.) The most anti-Russian Anglo power in the world at that time was Britain, and in fact the Russian Empire were one of the first to recognize their independence, as at that time America and Russia were seen as mutual allies against the British Empire.

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    Talking bollocks thread - Page 19 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread

    Post  Specnaz Sat Jul 04, 2015 8:49 pm

    I have no doubt, if the Russian Tsar knew who would eventually become the Americans, he would personally intervened and helped the British to crush the rebellion.

    Cucumber Khan

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    Talking bollocks thread - Page 19 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread

    Post  Cucumber Khan Sat Jul 04, 2015 9:18 pm

    Specnaz wrote:I have no doubt, if the Russian Tsar knew who would eventually become the Americans, he would personally intervened and helped the British to crush the rebellion.

    Perhaps the g*****n empress should have freed her own serfs and give her subjects a charter of liberties instead...yeah, and we all know how humane the communist were to their opponents after the about bloodbath.

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    Talking bollocks thread - Page 19 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread

    Post  Specnaz Sat Jul 04, 2015 9:44 pm

    Cucumber Khan wrote:
    Specnaz wrote:I have no doubt, if the Russian Tsar knew who would eventually become the Americans, he would personally intervened and helped the British to crush the rebellion.

    Perhaps the g*****n empress should have freed her own serfs and give her subjects a charter of liberties instead...yeah, and we all know how humane the communist were to their opponents after the about bloodbath.

    Dear friend, give me one revolution in the world which would have passed without blood?
    Cucumber Khan

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    Talking bollocks thread - Page 19 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread

    Post  Cucumber Khan Sat Jul 04, 2015 9:59 pm

    Specnaz wrote:
    Cucumber Khan wrote:
    Specnaz wrote:I have no doubt, if the Russian Tsar knew who would eventually become the Americans, he would personally intervened and helped the British to crush the rebellion.

    Perhaps the g*****n empress should have freed her own serfs and give her subjects a charter of liberties instead...yeah, and we all know how humane the communist were to their opponents after the about bloodbath.

    Dear friend, give me one revolution in the world which would have passed without blood?

    Perhaps not, but why then blame the american revolutionaries for things the US did more than a century later? Read Washingtons farewell adress and see what they thought of foreign entangelments.

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    Talking bollocks thread - Page 19 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread

    Post  franco Sat Jul 04, 2015 10:10 pm

    Cucumber Khan wrote:
    Specnaz wrote:
    Cucumber Khan wrote:
    Specnaz wrote:I have no doubt, if the Russian Tsar knew who would eventually become the Americans, he would personally intervened and helped the British to crush the rebellion.

    Perhaps the g*****n empress should have freed her own serfs and give her subjects a charter of liberties instead...yeah, and we all know how humane the communist were to their opponents after the about bloodbath.

    Dear friend, give me one revolution in the world which would have passed without blood?

    Perhaps not, but why then blame the american revolutionaries for things the US did more than a century later? Read Washingtons farewell adress and see what they thought of foreign entangelments.

    Have you watched Eisenhower's farewell speech to the American people?

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    Talking bollocks thread - Page 19 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread

    Post  Specnaz Sat Jul 04, 2015 10:11 pm

    Cucumber Khan wrote:
    Specnaz wrote:
    Cucumber Khan wrote:
    Specnaz wrote:I have no doubt, if the Russian Tsar knew who would eventually become the Americans, he would personally intervened and helped the British to crush the rebellion.

    Perhaps the g*****n empress should have freed her own serfs and give her subjects a charter of liberties instead...yeah, and we all know how humane the communist were to their opponents after the about bloodbath.

    Dear friend, give me one revolution in the world which would have passed without blood?

    Perhaps not, but why then blame the american revolutionaries for things the US did more than a century later? Read Washingtons farewell adress and see what they thought of foreign entangelments.

    The problem with Americans is that they seriously consider themselves exceptional, God-chosen nation, while all other sub-humans which can not be ignored. Power of mind is not necessary so to speak. I'm sure ordinary Americans in generally good people, but your leaders are pushing the world to the abyss. And when a big ass, the presence of nuclear weapons will play a bad joke.
    Cucumber Khan

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    Talking bollocks thread - Page 19 Empty Temporary thread

    Post  Cucumber Khan Sat Jul 04, 2015 10:28 pm

    Specnaz wrote:
    Cucumber Khan wrote:
    Specnaz wrote:
    Cucumber Khan wrote:
    Specnaz wrote:I have no doubt, if the Russian Tsar knew who would eventually become the Americans, he would personally intervened and helped the British to crush the rebellion.

    Perhaps the g*****n empress should have freed her own serfs and give her subjects a charter of liberties instead...yeah, and we all know how humane the communist were to their opponents after the about bloodbath.

    Dear friend, give me one revolution in the world which would have passed without blood?

    Perhaps not, but why then blame the american revolutionaries for things the US did more than a century later? Read Washingtons farewell adress and see what they thought of foreign entangelments.

    The problem with Americans is that they seriously consider themselves exceptional, God-chosen nation, while all other sub-humans which can not be ignored. Power of mind is not necessary so to speak. I'm sure ordinary Americans in generally good people, but your leaders are pushing the world to the abyss. And when a big ass, the presence of nuclear weapons will play a bad joke.

    This is not the thread to argue about these things, but I just want to say that if I was american, I would have been insulted. But since i'm not, i'm not.
    Morpheus Eberhardt
    Morpheus Eberhardt

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    Talking bollocks thread - Page 19 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread

    Post  Morpheus Eberhardt Sun Jul 05, 2015 12:41 pm

    jhelb wrote:Talking bollocks thread - Page 19 Ci2ava10

    Good post.

    The first tweet was sad; what followed, however, should be expected now in an Orwellian society.

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    Talking bollocks thread - Page 19 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread

    Post  jhelb Sun Jul 05, 2015 7:11 pm

    Morpheus Eberhardt wrote:Good post.

    The first tweet was sad; what followed, however, should be expected now in an Orwellian society.

    Thanks Morpheus. Your last sentence sums it up very nicely. One to remind.

    magnumcromagnon wrote:The most anti-Russian Anglo power in the world at that time was Britain, and in fact the Russian Empire were one of the first to recognize their independence, as at that time America and Russia were seen as mutual allies against the British Empire.

    Bang On ! Most Americans know very little about their own history. Truth is before the start of WW 1, by far the biggest military challenge that the US faced was British naval power.

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    Talking bollocks thread - Page 19 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread

    Post  Specnaz Mon Jul 06, 2015 10:16 am

    That's the price of friendship with the West

    Last week, the parliamentary delegation of Russia in full force refused to go to the capital of Finland. Because the head of the state Duma of Russia Sergei Naryshkin, along with six parliamentarians contributed to the sanctions lists. On this basis, the Finnish authorities have denied them the opportunity to participate in the session of the OSCE parliamentary Assembly in Helsinki, although the activities of the OSCE under the visa sanctions not covered

    I think it is no exaggeration to say that this situation has become a symbol of political change in the world. Helsinki world created on the basis of agreements between the USSR and the USA in the Finnish capital, ceased to exist.

    The circle is closed.

    Entering a new political era.

    And we have the sense to remember and compare.What is the Helsinki agreement?

    Many of us, especially from the younger generation can't remember a time when our country was not just a fully sovereign nation, and EQUAL in all respects a country compared to the US. And the world was divided into two spheres of influence: our and their. There was a third part of the world – one that has not acceded to the first two. It was called the non-aligned movement.

    In these circumstances, the USSR, together with its allies in Warsaw Pact took the initiative to negotiate the rules of the game. To remove tension, reduce, and it is better to stop the arms race, leading the planet to destruction.

    The result was the Helsinki conference on security and cooperation in Europe". It was attended by 33 States, all European countries except Albania, as well as the USA and Canada. It is clear that main were Moscow and Washington. And neutral Finland, has provided a platform that otsaila all. Relationship etyo country were equally good with both European political blocs.

    Without going into many details, I want to note that the negotiations took place in several stages for almost two years. Finally, on 30 July — 1 Aug. 1975 at the summit in Helsinki was adopted by the Final act.

    This document and defined life in Europe.

    It was formulated 10 fundamental principles that should determine the rules and norms of relations between States — participants of the Meeting.


    — sovereign equality, respect for rights inherent in sovereignty;

    — non-use of force or threat of force;

    — the inviolability of borders;

    — territorial integrity of States;

    — peaceful settlement of disputes;

    — non-interference in internal Affairs;

    — respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, including freedom of thought, conscience, religion and belief;

    — equality and the right of peoples to control their destiny;

    — cooperation between States;

    — fulfilment in good faith of obligations under international law.

    When was the USSR when we were strong, West-compliance with this agreement. But until then, until there was one who could be punished for failure to comply with agreements.

    Today, the Helsinki peace buried by the efforts of the US and NATO:

    the sovereignty of States is not respected, the United States considers itself entitled to intervene in any state that cannot defend themselves. Including in Europe – fate of Yugoslavia the worst example;
    Non-use of force as a principle of European policy in the past – the collapse of Yugoslavia was carried out with the use of foreign armed forces;
    The inviolability of borders, as the principle to which we are always reminded of the liberals and the USA, was broken during the destruction of the USSR, Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia and the emergence of such "States" as Kosovo;
    The territorial integrity of States was not broken in 2014 – this principle buried in Kosovo, tearing part of Yugoslavia, the borders of which were recreated in 1945;
    The peaceful settlement of disputes – the principle in the execution of NATO and the United States is a mockery;
    Non-interference in the internal Affairs of the USA that they interfere with trying to teach and instruct everyone how to live , whom to choose a leader, and now trying to make a mortal sin in the form of a new human norms;
    Respect for the rights and freedoms through its policy, NATO and the United States violate fundamental human right – the right to life, refuses all in their own inner life, adherence to its values and traditions;
    The equality of the peoples – against the backdrop of the crisis in the European Union we see how "equal" countries members of the EU, the right of peoples to decide their future – on the background of support for the coup in Ukraine from the United States, we are witnessing a constant violation of this principle by the World Hegemon;
    Cooperation between States – the United States believe that all countries are obliged to buy their debt obligations and to fulfill all their political demands, any attempt to sovereign policy Washington is trying to punish in different ways: from "color revolutions" to sanctions and aggression;
    Good-faith implementation of commitments by the US and NATO say impossible – deception follows the deception and lie after lie, NATO expanded to the East and swallowed even a part of the former territory of the USSR is still the question about the "inviolability of borders in Europe".

    To date, from the Helsinki Agreement there is nothing left. All destroyed by the West, which and then wants to play the role of a single force.

    The inability of the Delegation of our country to fully participate in the jubilee (40 years) agreement signed in the capital of Finland, is very characteristic.

    It is difficult to imagine that in 1975, someone could make members of the Politburo or the Secretary General of the CPSU in any sanctions lists. This is nonsense – when leaders of countries with which to negotiate... don't let them.

    And it is a symbol. No more Helsinki world. There is no inviolable borders in Europe.

    Nothing at all.

    Except for the army and Navy of Russia, which is the only guarantee of our existence as a people, as a unique Russian civilization.

    And "lessons Helsinki" — lessons for us all.

    You can't trust the West.

    Cheat, and violate the agreement at the first opportunity.

    But we must not become weak – all contracts West respects only as long as you are strong. He was weak – no one to abide by the agreements will not be, immediately try to break apart.

    These are the thoughts arise after the analysis of what has happened to our parliamentary delegation.

    Don't want to talk, say nothing.

    With us for once didn't want to talk at Moscow and Stalingrad.

    I had to speak in Tehran, and later in Potsdam.

    We'll wait.

    Although we are for peace. Though based on the Helsinki agreement...


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    Talking bollocks thread - Page 19 Empty The Russians now claim that their navy is bigger than the US

    Post  nemrod Mon Jul 06, 2015 6:06 pm

    Is the Russian Navy bigger than US’s?
    October 7, 2014 MiGFlug 2 Comments

    The American Navy is thought of as the world’s most powerful, far greater than any other naval force. But now some sources hint at Russian Navy could be bigger soon – even as soon as in 2020, Russia will have one of the biggest naval forces in the world. Even bigger than the one of the United States of America.
    How can the Russian Navy be the biggest?
    Russian Steregushchy class – 30 ships of this class are planned.

    This is because for a long time the Russian Navy has actually been (about) equally big as the US one (~300 ships), in terms of numbers. But by the Russian annexation of Crimea, they acquired 51 new ships, making Russia’s navy bigger than the American one. But it is of course not really honest to say that the Russian Navy is bigger than the US’s – a bluff. The Russian Navy is actually not bigger. They have specialized their Navy to be used in small canals and small seas (The Black Sea for instance) and therefore they have a big amount of small ships like corvettes, but a much much smaller battle fleet tonnage than the US. To show a contrast of the tonnage, here are the biggest naval forces in the world in terms of weight:
    Country: Fleet Tonnage (tons):
    United States of America: 3,415,893
    Russia: 845,730
    China: 708,086
    Japan: 413,800
    United Kingdom: 367,850
    France: 319,195
    India: 317,725
    South Korea: 178,710
    Italy: 173,549
    Taiwan: 151,662
    Navy Fleet tonnage comparison
    Navy Fleet tonnage comparison
    How can the US Navy be that much heavier?

    The reason for the US to be on the top of this list, but still have a smaller number of vessels than Russia, is because they have a huge number of big ships, such as 10 aircraft carriers of 100,000 tons each, and 62 Arleigh Burke class destroyers, weighing almost 10,000 tons each. While Russia has only one aircraft carrier (Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Kuznetsov) of 55,000 tons and 13 destroyers, with the biggest one of about 7,000 tons.

    The US Navy tonnage is actually bigger than the next 13 Navies – combined!
    US Navy Fleet overview
    US Navy Fleet overview

    The new Russian naval vessels
    Russian Vladivostok of the French Mistral class

    Now the Russians are planning on acquiring (even) more naval vessels for their Black Sea fleet – which would widen the gap in ship figures between the US Navy and the Russian even more. The 80 new ships (planned to be completed in 2020) will make the Russian Black Sea fleet alone contain 206 vessels. Russia has also made new acquisitions for their Navy the last years. For instance the French Mistral Helicopter Carriers Vladivostok (laid down for Russia in 2012) and Sevastopol (laid down for Russia in 2013), which they paid $1.7 billion for. Russia plans to have 4 of these very modern ships in the end – but with the crisis in Ukraine and the Russian backing of the separatists – these ships are finally on hold and won’t be delivered for now. The international community put a lot of pressure onto France which hesitated as the country is in a deep crisis with stubbornly high unemployment rates.
    Russian supremacy – only on paper
    The USS Gerald R Ford is the biggest, and most capable warship ever built.

    But even though this might sound scary to some Americans, they have little to fear. The American Navy is, as previously stated, bigger than the next 13 countries combined, and 11 of these are US allies or partners. The US are planning on keeping their 10 Nimitz carriers until 2040 (or more), and their new USS Gerald R Ford, which is the lead ship of the class with the same name, which is planned to be commissioned in 2016, will add to the US naval supremacy. And even though Russia has a bigger number of vessels, the current situation of the two biggest navies in the world is like a saying from a Swedish kids show – Five ants are more than four elephants.
    Prince Darling

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    Talking bollocks thread - Page 19 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread

    Post  Prince Darling Mon Jul 06, 2015 7:04 pm

    is this supposed to be a joke topic, or just really really stupid topic?

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    Talking bollocks thread - Page 19 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread

    Post  jhelb Mon Jul 06, 2015 8:28 pm

    lol! lol! lol!

    US Paratrooper lands in mall instead of airport and gets arrested

    (CNN)Police arrested a soldier carrying an AR-15 rifle and ammunition at a Fayetteville, North Carolina, mall after officers received multiple reports of an armed man walking through a Macy's department store. Bryan Wolfinger was tracked down within minutes near the Macy's wing of the Cross Creek Mall on Thursday evening, police said. He was detained without incident, according to police, and charged with "going armed to the terror of the public."

    Wolfinger, who is assigned to the 82nd Airborne Division, was carrying the rifle, a Kevlar vest and multiple ammunition magazines, and he intended to have photographs taken with the gun and the other equipment, CNN affiliate WNCN reported, citing Fayetteville police.

    Police have released Wolfinger, and he is "with his chain of command," said Master Sgt. Patrick Malone, a spokesman for 82nd Airborne Division.

    "These charges represent actions that are wholly inconsistent with the high standards and values we expect from our paratroopers," Malone said. Fort Bragg is fully cooperating with the police investigation, he said. While initial reports indicated that a second armed man was in the mall, Wolfinger was found to be acting alone. Officers searched the entire mall to be sure there was no second armed man present, the police statement said.

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    Talking bollocks thread - Page 19 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread

    Post  George1 Mon Jul 06, 2015 9:25 pm

    No way, too funny

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    Post  kvs Tue Jul 07, 2015 12:05 am

    Stopped reading when I hit the word "annexed".

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    Talking bollocks thread - Page 19 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread

    Post  OminousSpudd Tue Jul 07, 2015 1:34 am

    jhelb wrote:lol! lol! lol!

    US Paratrooper lands in mall instead of airport and gets arrested

    (CNN)Police arrested a soldier carrying an AR-15 rifle and ammunition at a Fayetteville, North Carolina, mall after officers received multiple reports of an armed man walking through a Macy's department store. Bryan Wolfinger was tracked down within minutes near the Macy's wing of the Cross Creek Mall on Thursday evening, police said. He was detained without incident, according to police, and charged with "going armed to the terror of the public."

    Wolfinger, who is assigned to the 82nd Airborne Division, was carrying the rifle, a Kevlar vest and multiple ammunition magazines, and he intended to have photographs taken with the gun and the other equipment, CNN affiliate WNCN reported, citing Fayetteville police.

    Police have released Wolfinger, and he is "with his chain of command," said Master Sgt. Patrick Malone, a spokesman for 82nd Airborne Division.

    "These charges represent actions that are wholly inconsistent with the high standards and values we expect from our paratroopers," Malone said. Fort Bragg is fully cooperating with the police investigation, he said. While initial reports indicated that a second armed man was in the mall, Wolfinger was found to be acting alone. Officers searched the entire mall to be sure there was no second armed man present, the police statement said.
    I take it that he wasn't black? Otherwise I imagine the story would be about how a US paratrooper landed in a mall and was promptly shot 50 times in the back by a responding police officer.

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    Talking bollocks thread - Page 19 Empty Samuel P. Huntington: The West won the world by organized violence, non-Westerners never forget

    Post  kingodthequeens Sat Jan 30, 2016 8:01 pm

    “The West won the world not by the superiority of its ideas or values or religion […] but rather by its superiority in applying organized violence. Westerners often forget this fact; non-Westerners never do.”

    ― Samuel P. Huntington, The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order


    Have a look at the facts. Samuel P. Huntington knows nothing about cultures at all.

    1) Mongols killed 1/4 of  the world population.
    Mongols killed 50% of Chinese.
    genghis khan's law, killing a chinese = killing a donkey,
    sorry to mention this.
    2) Pol Pot killed 1/3 of  people in his country.

    3) Japan killed at least 30 million Chinese and other east Asian in WWII.
    USA and Russia saved china.
    Second Sino-Japanese War - Wikipedia
    Manila massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Nanking Massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    4) China defeated Taiwanese aboriginals
    Chinese in Taiwan ate and traded in the flesh of Taiwanese aboriginals.

    Cannibalism, Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    5) In Africa, in 1994,  in 100 days, an estimated 500,000–1,000,000 Rwandans were killed.

    Rwandan Genocide ,  Wikipedia,

    6) The horrible Chinese law  (Till the early 1900's)

    A) Killing  a person, and killing all relatives of the person,
    and killing all relatives of all relatives of the person...
    It is called the execution of 9  degrees of kinship.
    Nine familial exterminations - Wikipedia

    B) Chopping people  into at least 1000 pieces.
    Slow slicing - Wikipedia

    7) Human sacrifice in Aztec culture
    Sacrifice of captives; gladiatorial fighters; dances of the priest wearing the skin of the flayed victims.
    Human sacrifice in Aztec culture, Wikipedia,

    8.) Bride burning in India
    Bride burning or bride-burning is a form of domestic violence practiced in Bangladesh, India, Pakistan and other countries located on or around the Indian subcontinent (but not Sri Lanka). A category of dowry death.

    In 2012, 8,233 dowry death cases were reported across India. This means a bride was burned every 90 minutes.

    Bride burning, Wikipedia,
    Dowry death, Wikipedia

    9) The Arabic gang-rape 'Taharrush' phenomenon

    Taharrush jamai is the sexual assault of women in public by large groups of men.
    Taharrush gamea, From Wikipedia,

    10)The percentage of African American serial killers is 40.3%, in USA.

    Serial killer - Wikipedia

    43% of murders committed in the US were committed by blacks
    Blacks make up about 12% of the population of the US.
    ---- FBI Uniform Crime reports. 2010-2014:

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    Talking bollocks thread - Page 19 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread

    Post  kingodthequeens Sat Jan 30, 2016 8:03 pm

    And America’s first slave owner was black – Anthony Johnson.
    Anthony Johnson (colonist), Wikipedia.

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    Talking bollocks thread - Page 19 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread

    Post  kingodthequeens Sat Jan 30, 2016 8:09 pm

    Ainu people were the first people live in Japan.
    Japanese were from mainland East Asia.
    Ainu people were killed or enslaved.
    Ainu people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    max steel
    max steel

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    Talking bollocks thread - Page 19 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread

    Post  max steel Sat Jan 30, 2016 8:22 pm

    kingodthequeens wrote:“The West won the world not by the superiority of its ideas or values or religion […] but rather by its superiority in applying organized violence. Westerners often forget this fact; non-Westerners never do.”

    ― Samuel P. Huntington, The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order


    Read GarryB signature. Cool
    Walther von Oldenburg
    Walther von Oldenburg

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    Talking bollocks thread - Page 19 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread

    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Sat Jan 30, 2016 8:56 pm

    Tech was the reason Europe "won" the world. Huntington was just a political scientist and not an expert in history of science and technology.

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