flamming_python Sat Jul 11, 2015 5:01 pm
Regular wrote: flamming_python wrote: Regular wrote: PapaDragon wrote: sepheronx wrote: Cowboy's daughter wrote:
Is this legit??
In the 17th Tank Brigade (2nd Battalion) rebellion is brewing!
A Ukrainian tank brigade rebelling? That would be interesting.
Once SBU and Azov give them good old ass-rape these clowns will quickly go back to being obedient little female K9s...
There is already much hate between volunteers and army. I know UA is mostly to blame for civilian deaths thanks to their incompetency, but I will be cheering for them when they will turn on Kiev.
But You are right about SBU. They were ruthless with Januk in power, and they are ruthless now. KGB type guys. Tho very bad at making propaganda material.
Yeah, incompetency - these orcs just shell the city at random. No targets in particular; or even if there are - they could care less about the accuracy; just levelling entire towns and villages; shelling Donetsk and Lugansk day & night.
Nothing to do with incompetency; they know what they're doing.
Hope Pravyj Sektor makes an example out of them - and Pravyj Sektor can be dealt with later by hanging at high dawn.
I was referring to soldiers. While there is no questions that Ukrainian gov has more sinister plans, but soldiers get the orders. They obey it. I doubt that they know where exactly their shells land.
What strikes me the most, Ukraine is targeting infrastructure, it means they lost all the hope in winning this war. Now they want to inflict as much damage as possible.
LOL, you think artillery battery commanders, sub-commanders and crew shoot w/o even consulting a map?
They get co-ordinates, they check those co-ordinates against their topographical data (maps whether paper or electronic), as well as against landmarks and any nearby orientiers that angles and directions have already been calculated for; and then calculate they calculate the direction and angle that they need in order to hit those co-ordinates.
They know exactly where they are shooting, what's nearby and what sort of area it is.
They know the CEP/accuracy of the howitzers/mortars/rocket artillery equipment that are assigned to them across the entire span of ranges and under different weather conditions with different types of ammo. They have all the technical data on graphs and tables, and more than likely would have memorized the key parts.
Most likely, they would outline a circle on a map that would outline where 95% of the shells would be expected to land, and perhaps another for 50% of the shells. Many times they won't have point targets; but area targets - it would be their job to completely saturate an area of say 500 sq. metres with artillery fire. Here, once again, they will know exactly what they are shooting and the extent of the area where the shells would hit, and just what's within this area.
Blood-soaked criminals, the lot of them.
Artillery-men should not be let go in prisoner exchanges, but sent to work in the mines to provide coal for the Donbass's power grid.
If by chance some Ukrainian artillery shells land on top and cause a cave-in; then one might call it irony or poetic justice.