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    Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter


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    Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter  - Page 12 Empty Re: Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter

    Post  kvs Thu Nov 26, 2015 6:28 am

    Several bases of the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) militant organization were hit during air raids by Turkish air forces in Iraqi Kurdistan, local news outlet Rudaw reported on Wednesday.

    So Russia must abide by Erdo-turd-land's claims of a 5 mile security zone buffer inside Syria but Erdo-turd-land can violate
    the air space of any country including with actual hostile intent.

    Somebody needs to put this rabid dog down.

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    Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter  - Page 12 Empty Re: Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter

    Post  BTRfan Thu Nov 26, 2015 6:35 am

    ult wrote:Nice of you to come here, knowing full well what you'll read here, but obviously your opinion is in a minority in Turkey.

    But me personally, after today I'll never be able to treat the turks the same, I will not step my foot in turkey, I won't buy a single turkish product, the same goes for all my friends and family. And I don't know what I'll do if I meet a Turk who has supported this. If there will be a war I will enlist. Turkey killed 3 Russian soldiers in cold blood, for allegedly crossing the border for 17 freaking seconds. Someone is gotta pay in blood.

    Putin is too much of a statesman to respond with a blunt instrument. He will use a surgeon's scalpel.

    It is likely that he will send assistance to the PKK who will use the weapons against the Turks.
    Morpheus Eberhardt
    Morpheus Eberhardt

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    Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter  - Page 12 Empty Re: Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter

    Post  Morpheus Eberhardt Thu Nov 26, 2015 7:04 am

    kvs wrote:

    Several bases of the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) militant organization were hit during air raids by Turkish air forces in Iraqi Kurdistan, local news outlet Rudaw reported on Wednesday.

    So Russia must abide by Erdo-turd-land's claims of a 5 mile security zone buffer inside Syria but Erdo-turd-land can violate
    the air space of any country including with actual hostile intent.

    Somebody needs to put this rabid dog down.

    This may be a story from around 20/11/15 that Sputnik has possibly lazily copy and pasted attributing it to Wednesday. At least that was the date when it was initially reported verbatim. It's worth checking. Also, it "refers" to Iraq, not that it matters if the story is false to begin with.

    Another story worth checking is the story about the Turkish airforce having been grounded.

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    Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter  - Page 12 Empty Re: Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter

    Post  arpakola Thu Nov 26, 2015 7:53 am

    Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter  - Page 12 CUlry94W4AAH3cx

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    Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter  - Page 12 Empty Re: Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter

    Post  Giulio Thu Nov 26, 2015 9:45 am

    What does she say?

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    Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter  - Page 12 Empty Re: Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter

    Post  headshot69 Thu Nov 26, 2015 9:54 am

    Downed pilots were destroying the terrorists to stop them from killing yours and our peaceful civilians...

    Last edited by headshot69 on Thu Nov 26, 2015 10:00 am; edited 3 times in total

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    Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter  - Page 12 Empty Re: Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter

    Post  Mustafa Thu Nov 26, 2015 9:57 am

    KiloGolf wrote:
    George1 wrote:
    Mustafa wrote:
    He even made beef with nortehrn cyprus...NORTHERN CYPRUS! I didn´t even know this would be possible.

    what do u mean "he made beef with Northern Cyprus"?

    There is no "northern Cyprus". Cyprus is one, the Republic of Cyprus.

    There is the territory Turkey invaded and occupies illegally to this very day.
    They ethnically cleansed and displaced the majority of Greeks (> 200,000) and they brought about 100-150,000 settlers from Turkey to steal and live in their houses.

    Apparently Erdogan managed with his politics to piss off his military occupation settlers and puppet state apparatus.
    Good kemalists would never do that Rolling Eyes

    You forgot to mention that the greek cypriots started a genocide against the turkish cypriots which led to our intervention. Pretty much the very same what happened in crimea. Just that it was intense in cyprus.

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    Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter  - Page 12 Empty Re: Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter

    Post  KoTeMoRe Thu Nov 26, 2015 10:01 am

    Mustafa wrote:
    KiloGolf wrote:
    George1 wrote:
    Mustafa wrote:
    He even made beef with nortehrn cyprus...NORTHERN CYPRUS! I didn´t even know this would be possible.

    what do u mean "he made beef with Northern Cyprus"?

    There is no "northern Cyprus". Cyprus is one, the Republic of Cyprus.

    There is the territory Turkey invaded and occupies illegally to this very day.
    They ethnically cleansed and displaced the majority of Greeks (> 200,000) and they brought about 100-150,000 settlers from Turkey to steal and live in their houses.

    Apparently Erdogan managed with his politics to piss off his military occupation settlers and puppet state apparatus.
    Good kemalists would never do that Rolling Eyes

    You forgot to mention that the greek cypriots started a genocide against the turkish cypriots which led to our intervention. Pretty much the very same what happened in crimea. Just that it was intense in cyprus.

    Let's say that the issue is far more complicated and that while the Greek Cypriots lashed out on the Turkish Cypriots, the Turkish armed forces were ready to intervene. Like really ready and implemented their own version of history. Also US help stopped the British from sending your guys back to the Mediterranean.

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    Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter  - Page 12 Empty Re: Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter

    Post  Mustafa Thu Nov 26, 2015 10:22 am

    Pirey wrote:
    Mustafa wrote:Look...i will say this and hope it is understandable. I love my nation and would never betray it. I never voted AKP. My father never voted AKP and my motehr never voted AKP.

    I don´t denie that Erdogan did many good things for our nation. The economic development simply is amazing.

    I don´t know what happened but i think he lost control. That can´t be him. I think he is sourounded by idiots and he lost it.

    He talks openly the demonstrations against him were orchestrated from the german Lufthansa airline.

    He made evryone enemy. He insulted the french, he insulted the germans. He insulted the americans. He made conflict with israel. He made conflicts with KSA. He went into full retard modus with egypt and into open war with syria.

    He even made beef with nortehrn cyprus...NORTHERN CYPRUS! I didn´t even know this would be possible.

    He build a gigantic, super palace in the middle of a nature reservat. Without permission. Even our highest court say its illegal. When journalists told him why he build a Versailles in a nature reservate he answered its not Versailles. Its bigger.

    He welcomed Fatah president Abbas with an osmanian honor guard.

    Now this shit with russia. Look...i will always defend my nation. I´m not scared about russia. I support to defend our boarders with force. But this shit was unnecessary. If we acted more diplomatic we would dominate the middle east with absolute power.

    It has come to the point where people call us islamist. Which is laughable at best. Most turks don´t care about religion at all. Islam is a tradition for me. Part of our identiy. But not partof our ideology. No women in our family covers her hair. I visited more Apple stores and Starbucks than a mosque in my life. And i get called an islamist here?

    and btw the nickname of our PM here is "Anti Midas". Because evrything he touches turns into shit.


    As you said, you support your brothers in Syria. Even thought they are part and have cooperation with ISIS.
    Even thought they do crimes against legitime Sryian government.

    I suppose you wouldn't have problems if russians start to support PPK and Kurdish people, or russian security force's suddenly start to equip and train Kurdish rebels.

    You mentioned russian support for rebels in Eastern Ukraine. Well the forces of DNR an LNR, didn't beheaded enemy's heads.
    They didn't shoot on ukrainian pilots when they catapulted themselves.
    Im pretty sure that no one sane russian would support other russians if they are in alliance with Al Qaeda or ISIS.

    As you wrote you support AKP's economical agenda. But you don't support their domestic and foreign politic.
    But you still want Turkey to rule the near east through diplomacy. Well that is the same AKP want. To rule again in neo-otoman style.From Bosnia to Iraq and Syria. So your vision equals theirs as i can see.

    Your mind set is something like this
    "I don't support AKP, but i support everything which is Turkish"
    "I don't support radical islam, but if that is beneficial to Turkey i don't have problems either"

    Im coming from Balkan, and i know very well what Ottomans did to this region.
    When whole Europe had intellectual revolutions our's nation's here were terrorized by your's Ottoman empire.
    Turkish muslimisation did damage to Bosnia, Albania and Macedonia directly.
    Bosnia is hub for radicals and wahabies. Turkey, S.Arabia and Qatar are pumping money via religious organizations.
    80 of newly built mosques in Macedonia are financed from the same countries. Erdogan even speak for his brothers from Sarajevo,Skopje, Tirana and Prishtina.

    Your apologies are not different from sultan's Erdogan's or his aga Davutoglu.
    Dishonest, pathetic try.
    They even didn't offer condolences for the victims of their actions. They own that to whole russian people.

    You are from Bosnia? Look...idk where you did read that i support islamism. I´m secular and i strongly disagree in supporting islamists. What i say is, that we should look who we support. I´m not even against Assad. I believe we could have heavily profited if we gave Assad some support.

    As for your region...the balkans never was supported from any great empire. The romans just walked over you and so did others. Our empire made you part of one of the greatest empires and brought your people the chance to develop. I don´t know why you see evrything in such a bad light. Bosnia was a front state for us and got more attention than any other province. Many of your people achieved high ranks in our diplomatic corps, army and even highest posts in our palace. We did build your cities and infrastructure. We brought education there. I´m sure not evrything was great but thats normal.

    You should be proud for your history and the good things you got as well the good things you gave as well.

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    Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter  - Page 12 Empty Re: Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter

    Post  Khepesh Thu Nov 26, 2015 10:51 am

    Because the past is dead is not a reason to forget, and to remember and remind about the past leads to the saying "Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it". This is a list of all the formal wars fought against the Turks, and all were victories except Crimean which was a fuck-up for everybody except the crushing victory of Admiral Nakhimov over the Turks at Sinop.
    Русско-турецкая война 1735-1739
    Русско-турецкая война 1768-1774
    Русско-турецкая война 1787-1791
    Русско-турецкая война 1806-1812
    Русско-турецкая война 1828-1829
    Крымская война 1853-1856
    Русско-турецкая война 1877-1878

    "Cowardice of the Turks and bravery of our lads"
    Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter  - Page 12 7a8444dc4946

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    Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter  - Page 12 Empty Re: Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter

    Post  Firebird Thu Nov 26, 2015 11:13 am

    Mustafa wrote:
    KiloGolf wrote:
    George1 wrote:
    Mustafa wrote:
    He even made beef with nortehrn cyprus...NORTHERN CYPRUS! I didn´t even know this would be possible.

    what do u mean "he made beef with Northern Cyprus"?

    There is no "northern Cyprus". Cyprus is one, the Republic of Cyprus.

    There is the territory Turkey invaded and occupies illegally to this very day.
    They ethnically cleansed and displaced the majority of Greeks (> 200,000) and they brought about 100-150,000 settlers from Turkey to steal and live in their houses.

    Apparently Erdogan managed with his politics to piss off his military occupation settlers and puppet state apparatus.
    Good kemalists would never do that Rolling Eyes

    You forgot to mention that the greek cypriots started a genocide against the turkish cypriots which led to our intervention. Pretty much the very same what happened in crimea. Just that it was intense in cyprus.

    Find another forum, terror supporter.

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    Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter  - Page 12 Empty Re: Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter

    Post  KoTeMoRe Thu Nov 26, 2015 11:14 am

    Khepesh wrote:Because the past is dead is not a reason to forget, and to remember and remind about the past leads to the saying "Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it". This is a list of all the formal wars fought against the Turks, and all were victories except Crimean which was a fuck-up for everybody except the crushing victory of Admiral Nakhimov over the Turks at Sinop.
    Русско-турецкая война 1735-1739
    Русско-турецкая война 1768-1774
    Русско-турецкая война 1787-1791
    Русско-турецкая война 1806-1812
    Русско-турецкая война 1828-1829
    Крымская война 1853-1856
    Русско-турецкая война 1877-1878

    "Cowardice of the Turks and bravery of our lads"
    Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter  - Page 12 7a8444dc4946

    Let us not descend into Turcophobia.

    Let's stay focused on what matters. Batter the Turkmen area ad nauseam and let's see how long before Erdogan can take it before committing a folly. And I know the Russians love to do repetitive things, like loading and unloading. I bet the moment what ever Turkish asset ventures in Syria, it will be blown up.

    They started this, Russia will finish it.

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    Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter  - Page 12 Empty Re: Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter

    Post  Mustafa Thu Nov 26, 2015 11:18 am

    Khepesh wrote:Because the past is dead is not a reason to forget, and to remember and remind about the past leads to the saying "Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it". This is a list of all the formal wars fought against the Turks, and all were victories except Crimean which was a fuck-up for everybody except the crushing victory of Admiral Nakhimov over the Turks at Sinop.
    Русско-турецкая война 1735-1739
    Русско-турецкая война 1768-1774
    Русско-турецкая война 1787-1791
    Русско-турецкая война 1806-1812
    Русско-турецкая война 1828-1829
    Крымская война 1853-1856
    Русско-турецкая война 1877-1878

    "Cowardice of the Turks and bravery of our lads"

    I really like orthodox art. You know where you can find the finest art of your culture? Smile

    At a place that was once your most holy place in your highest city. I must admit i honor that strength. I don´t know how your culture could live on with that gigantic loss.

    But at least you can visit it. We made it a museum. You should do it its really impressive.

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    Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter  - Page 12 Empty Re: Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter

    Post  higurashihougi Thu Nov 26, 2015 11:20 am

    Sorry if anyone has posed it.

    Well, not very surprising, as Zeman is a staunch supporter of peace and cooperation with Russia.

    Milos Zeman, President of Czech Republic wrote:Sometimes, a suspicion is voiced that Turkey is informally interacting with the Islamic State. Considering that the Russian air group is fighting against the IS, then, of course, the attack [which caused the aircraft’s crash] is an extremely radical measure. It will only make the atmosphere worse.
    Morpheus Eberhardt
    Morpheus Eberhardt

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    Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter  - Page 12 Empty Re: Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter

    Post  Morpheus Eberhardt Thu Nov 26, 2015 11:22 am

    Guys, guys,

    I am surprised that you have filled so many pages discussing this kind of stuff with the user Mustafa.

    Considering that Turkey is a very primitive form of an Orwellian society, this user can only be an agent of those same foreign entities that are immediately in charge of that society; otherwise, he would have already been arrested for even posting the material he has posted here. What would be then the point of having conversations with him. This is his day job; he is a Tom Parsons.

    Last edited by Morpheus Eberhardt on Thu Nov 26, 2015 11:30 am; edited 3 times in total

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    Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter  - Page 12 Empty Re: Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter

    Post  higurashihougi Thu Nov 26, 2015 11:24 am

    From the communists

    Communist deputy of the State Duma Vadim Solovyov came up with a proposal to expel Turkish construction companies from Russia, as well as to ban the imports of Turkish foodstuffs and textiles, Izvestia daily said.

    "By its unexpected escapade, Turkey calls into question a possibility of political and, on top of that, economic trust in it," it quoted Solovyov.

    "Much has been said about severing relations in the tour industry but this isn’t the only sphere where our countries have had close cooperation," he said. "Turkish companies are engaged in many landmark construction projects in Russia, like the Federation Tower in the Moskva City business center."

    "Why should we allow the companies from a country, which doesn’t support our policies and cooperates with terrorist groupings, make money here?" he asked somewhat rhetorically.

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    Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter  - Page 12 Empty Re: Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter

    Post  Acheron Thu Nov 26, 2015 11:39 am

    Militarov wrote:Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter  - Page 12 CUrjeeLWsAAWiOI

    Apparently navigator few moments after being saved.

    Really? According to sources, he was supposed to be picked up at night and delivered back to base by ~4:00 am, after a day of evading durka durka search parties.


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    Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter  - Page 12 Empty Re: Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter

    Post  headshot69 Thu Nov 26, 2015 11:44 am

    Acheron wrote:
    Militarov wrote:Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter  - Page 12 CUrjeeLWsAAWiOI

    Apparently navigator few moments after being saved.

    Really? According to sources, he was supposed to be picked up at night and delivered back to base by ~4:00 am, after a day of evading durka durka search parties.

    I saw this picture at another forum with description that it displays crew of downed Mi8AMTS with SAA and specops forces

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    Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter  - Page 12 Empty Re: Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter

    Post  KoTeMoRe Thu Nov 26, 2015 11:53 am

    Acheron wrote:
    Militarov wrote:Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter  - Page 12 CUrjeeLWsAAWiOI

    Apparently navigator few moments after being saved.

    Really? According to sources, he was supposed to be picked up at night and delivered back to base by ~4:00 am, after a day of evading durka durka search parties.

    Durka search parties that restarted as soon as the pilot contacted base. I mean holy fvck, Turkey was even listening to get him nailed. I mean FFS how could they even pretend not to know who they were shooting when they were screening for his distress call to get him captured. I don't know what's worse knowing those fuckers had Turkish intel all along, or knowing now Turkey was lying all along.

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    Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter  - Page 12 Empty Re: Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter

    Post  Khepesh Thu Nov 26, 2015 11:53 am

    higurashihougi wrote:From the communists
    Also, despite his faults, Zyuganov has been consistently talking about and against Turkey, not as some other deputies do using the name "Turkomen" seemingly as a euphemism. The attack on the Turkish owned brewery in Ulyanovsk was led by local KPRF. It also seems that despite Putin calling Turkey accomplices in terrorism, some in the political/financial world think more about $ than dead airmen and marines, but it is the same with Donbass....

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    Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter  - Page 12 Empty Re: Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter

    Post  Khepesh Thu Nov 26, 2015 11:56 am

    KoTeMoRe wrote:
    Let us not descend into Turcophobia.
    Let not Turkey commit an act of war against Russia, and I have been very restrained in my comments compared to most others here....

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    Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter  - Page 12 Empty Re: Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter

    Post  Mustafa Thu Nov 26, 2015 11:57 am

    higurashihougi wrote:From the communists

    Communist deputy of the State Duma Vadim Solovyov came up with a proposal to expel Turkish construction companies from Russia, as well as to ban the imports of Turkish foodstuffs and textiles, Izvestia daily said.

    "By its unexpected escapade, Turkey calls into question a possibility of political and, on top of that, economic trust in it," it quoted Solovyov.

    "Much has been said about severing relations in the tour industry but this isn’t the only sphere where our countries have had close cooperation," he said. "Turkish companies are engaged in many landmark construction projects in Russia, like the Federation Tower in the Moskva City business center."

    "Why should we allow the companies from a country, which doesn’t support our policies and cooperates with terrorist groupings, make money here?" he asked somewhat rhetorically.

    Because economy has nothing to do with politics. I dont see the connection

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    Post  OminousSpudd Thu Nov 26, 2015 12:04 pm

    While we're on the subject of lost pilots, why did Russian media conduct the first interview with the downed Su-24's navigator from behind?

    I've been asked twice already today.

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    Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter  - Page 12 Empty Re: Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter

    Post  KoTeMoRe Thu Nov 26, 2015 12:08 pm

    Khepesh wrote:
    KoTeMoRe wrote:
    Let us not descend into Turcophobia.
    Let not Turkey commit an act of war against Russia, and I have been very restrained in my comments compared to most others here....

    I get your point Khep, but let's keep it at the point. There's genuine clamor in Turkey about this, people I deal with over there, tell me they brace for the blowback, they say, if anything, there will be more Kurdish attacks on police and military. But also that Erdogan condemned those Turkmens he supposedly protects. As there will be no more quarter from Russia. There aren't everyday people, but people in the State who don't mess around. So yeah, it's very counter productive for most Turks I've met. Also most of them, admit the way this happened doesn't add up with mistake, if you don't want to make a mistake you try to see what you're going to fire at.

    So i can't get into Turcophobia, because of this.


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    Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter  - Page 12 Empty Re: Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter

    Post  KoTeMoRe Thu Nov 26, 2015 12:10 pm

    Mustafa wrote:
    higurashihougi wrote:From the communists

    Communist deputy of the State Duma Vadim Solovyov came up with a proposal to expel Turkish construction companies from Russia, as well as to ban the imports of Turkish foodstuffs and textiles, Izvestia daily said.

    "By its unexpected escapade, Turkey calls into question a possibility of political and, on top of that, economic trust in it," it quoted Solovyov.

    "Much has been said about severing relations in the tour industry but this isn’t the only sphere where our countries have had close cooperation," he said. "Turkish companies are engaged in many landmark construction projects in Russia, like the Federation Tower in the Moskva City business center."

    "Why should we allow the companies from a country, which doesn’t support our policies and cooperates with terrorist groupings, make money here?" he asked somewhat rhetorically.

    Because economy has nothing to do with politics. I dont see the connection

    That's retaliation for an act of war.

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