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    Project 22350: Admiral Sergei Gorshkov


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    Project 22350: Admiral Sergei Gorshkov - Page 15 Empty Re: Project 22350: Admiral Sergei Gorshkov

    Post  magnumcromagnon Sat Nov 29, 2014 5:46 am

    Morpheus Eberhardt wrote:
    Austin wrote:We were having a discussion on and ...

    Thanks for the news that for the first time there has been a "discussion" on the mp.ret. Nothing against you personally Austin, but I don't believe it, of course.

    I thought a "discussion" required a minimum IQ.

    No kidding, those guys actually believe that the U.S. military can defeat the Russian, Chinese, and Indian military all simultaneously, blindfolded with their arms tied behind their back. I mean where talking about the same crowd who thought there were WMD's in Iraq.

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    Project 22350: Admiral Sergei Gorshkov - Page 15 Empty Re: Project 22350: Admiral Sergei Gorshkov

    Post  GarryB Sat Nov 29, 2014 6:05 am

    Can some one tell me if the 4 Faced Radar on Gorshkov is AESA or a PESA ?

    If it was only a PESA it wouldn't be taking this long...

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    Project 22350: Admiral Sergei Gorshkov - Page 15 Empty Re: Project 22350: Admiral Sergei Gorshkov

    Post  Vann7 Sat Nov 29, 2014 10:08 am

    Before any read... MY OBSERVATIONS HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH COMBAT CAPABILITIES OF THE Gorshkov FRIGATE.  ZERO..  Only discussing the power Perception of Russian defense industry ,about the quality of its hardware.. its conditions and design .That is always seen as inferior to the west..

    GarryB wrote:
    Just a glance and I can say you are wrong... there is no rail around the french boats deck, which is an enormous hazard to any crew on deck... the rail on the Russian vessel forms a radar barrier shielding items on the deck from radar... a radar a long way away will see the Russian vessel from a shallow angle so the solid railing will conceal the base of the main gun position at the front and any items on the deck over a wide range of angles.

    The Russian newest warships have so many things in the outside exposed to be captured by Radar signals.. things are not covered like it happens in latest NATO warship.

    So the solution is for the Russians to start making their equipment to appeal to their critics?
    People who label PAK FA or Armata as old junk are morons who clearly think if it isn't western then it is not sophisticated. You are being an idiot to care what they think or say.

    Because the appearance of things is also important. ,specially for hardware that cost billions..
    There is something called psychological impact of your military projection..That also helps , perhaps you will not understand this because your mosquito brain.. but is a fact that the first appearance matters.. so far the first appearance of Russian hardware is always cause jokes.. people laugh at the rusty warships or the un-stealthy things.. I have yet to see a single plane or warship that Russia makes that people consider it modern.. Is a fact that people judge things for the way it look..then why not have your newest hardware to not only perform very well but looks perfect?

    Go and look the real Gorshkov in close shot.. and see if you notice the rusty parts here and there ,discolored other parts and poorly painted in a warships that is supposed to represent Greatness of Russian Navy  ?

    If your next generation warship or Submarine is revealed to the world with poor quality conditions..
    it will create the opposite effect of what Russia intended to create.. instead of impress their competition.
    it will create jokes and disrespect .  

    RUssia have a huge problem of poor quality projection in their military industry.. everyone consider them the quality of everything they make inferior whether is Cars or warships or planes.. This is terrible from business point of view..

    Im not talking about Combat performance , ,but about military power perception..
    Brazil and Argentina both PRO Russian nations prefer to buy European Planes than Russian ones(that are way superior).. the reason is always the same.. Russia is not really good in projecting European standards in quality of their equipment.

    It is a Frigate. If you don't mount a decent gun on a Frigate how is it going to signal its intention without destroying a target?  

    There are millions of ways to deal with pirates and small boats without sacrificing a warship space for weapons that will never see use against NATO warships since they will never fight at visual distance. Patrol Boats , or Corvettes Escorts for example.. Also much lower caliber guns..  they will save a lot of space that can be used for more Missile power .

    How do you indicate to a fishing vessel to stop running? How do you deal with small high speed boats?

    See above.. lower caliber guns can do that.. Coast Guard boats can do that.. without a fucking big Gun that again will be useless against any potential conflict against NATO..

    Maybe the leader destroyer will do it right..
    The early models looks more forward looking

    Ummm... DUH... Van... the line drawing you posted shows the same layout as the Gorshkov you berated... gun in front with vertical launch systems and a bridge...
    Which is the same layout as the French design you seem to think is so wonderful.


    Not really , the leader have most things hide in the foredeck .. Gorshov have the classical design in the fore-deck with hundreds of things outside not covered.. so shows it will be stronger its radar signal.

    Good... unlike the F-22 an F-35 the PAK FA is not for invading other countries and imposing a foreign will on people... it is to defend Russian air space and shoot down F-22s and F-35s.

    Any SU-27 upgraded can equally defend Russian airspace.. Is not like Russia needs a stealth plane to defend their airspace.. S-400s can do that. Pak-FA is more about power projection.. and so far its first debut are anything but impressive in projecting power.. everyone else only talks about how un-stealthy is. Go and read Air power Australia Review of Pak-FA it was ok but not as good as F-22.  

    Pak-Fa looks like an unfinished plane and that sucks..

    Bullshit .  

    yes it does.. It is missing the cover of their rear engines .. if you do an stealth plane you do it right or not do it at all.

    From a practical perspective the French boat could not have any crew on the foredeck...

    And thats because they wanted the warship to be more forward looking its design more stealthy. Is not an ice breaker it was never meant to do that.. Russia use icebreakers to move in the front of their warships when they travel the artic when a need exist.

    Again for the people that cannot read,my observations Have nothing to do with combat capabilities of the Gorshkov..    my observations is about Russia power projection , what image they project.. showing rusty planes or warships you are not going to impress anyone.. only show you are careless of the quality of your hardware Either in design or in quality conditions or both ..They do a plane or a warship and always project that its quality is behind the western designs standards ,specially europeans ones.  The Gorshov is no question the best frigate ..of all.. but its physical design is not as forward looking as western next generation warships. I really think Russia can do better.. and more than anything there is no excuse for a new warship soon to enter service to already show signs of being rusty. It just give a bad impression about the quality of their hardware. what in business people call second thoughts. IF anyone mad for me wanting Russia to seek perfection in their designs ,because they can do it.. Their Space Rockets industry fortunately does not have those problem of looking inferior to what the west can do ,is actually the opposite.. Russia finally have show their quality in space industry is better.. but thats not enough they need to do the same thing in the entire industry. specially in military hardware that is supposed to represent the best you can do.

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    Project 22350: Admiral Sergei Gorshkov - Page 15 Empty Re: Project 22350: Admiral Sergei Gorshkov

    Post  GarryB Sat Nov 29, 2014 5:19 pm

    The Russian newest warships have so many things in the outside exposed to be captured by Radar signals.. things are not covered like it happens in latest NATO warship.

    They are not supposed to be invisible to radar... those big four faced radar antennas built into the main mast will be operating a lot of the time.

    the Gorshkov is more like a Rafale... a LO ship not a stealth ship.

    Have said it before... will say it again... law of diminished returns... make a ship low observable and it will cost $100 million... all the changes needed to make it stealthy will cost $100 billion. Neither the western or Russian vessels will be stealthy in all radar frequencies... long wave radar stealth just doesn't exist.

    Because the appearance of things is also important. ,specially for hardware that cost billions..

    Bullshit. No one won a war because their uniforms looked pretty.

    Nobody bought equipment because it looked pretty.

    There is something called psychological impact of your military projection..

    There is... and it has nothing to do with what your weapon platforms look like because most enemies will never see them in real combat. the mental impact of mach 3 anti ship missiles penetrating those pretty shiny angled NATO ships will have all the mental effect Russia wants.

    That also helps , perhaps you will not understand this because your mosquito brain.. but is a fact that the first appearance matters.. so far the first appearance of Russian hardware is always cause jokes.. people laugh at the rusty warships or the un-stealthy things.. I have yet to see a single plane or warship that Russia makes that people consider it modern.. Is a fact that people judge things for the way it look..then why not have your newest hardware to not only perform very well but looks perfect?

    Those people are idiots.

    Immerse a large metal object in salt water and it rusts. Look at a close up photo of any ship that has been in sea water.

    Keep the personal abuse to yourself. Just because you don't understand that salt water + time equals rust...  Rolling Eyes

    Go and look the real Gorshkov in close shot.. and see if you notice the rusty parts here and there ,discolored other parts and poorly painted in a warships that is supposed to represent Greatness of Russian Navy  ?

    What are you smoking? Who said the Gorshkov is supposed to represent the greatness of the Russian Navy? Why would a frigate represent the greatness of any navy?

    If your next generation warship or Submarine is revealed to the world with poor quality conditions..
    it will create the opposite effect of what Russia intended to create.. instead of impress their competition.
    it will create jokes and disrespect .

    Maybe they want to be underestimated? Maybe it is all just a plan to lull NATO into a false sense of security so the complete rearmament of the Russian military does not cause NATO to do the same so Russia will be ready and NATO wont...

    they are building a frigate that has comparable or better capabilities to destroyers and cruisers and you are getting pissy because they don't paint it enough?

    RUssia have a huge problem of poor quality projection in their military industry.. everyone consider them the quality of everything they make inferior whether is Cars or warships or planes.. This is terrible from business point of view..

    The world is split into will and wont.... part of the world will buy Russian stuff and a few spots of rust on a ship wont make fuck all difference to them. Part of the world wont and those that wont will act like everything they are trying to sell is on fire or radio active.... it is clearly the latter you are talking about and who gives a fuck what they think?

    Really who cares if the US Navy wont buy Su-33s for their carriers, or Australia wont buy Su-35s to replace F-18s and Su-34s to replace F-111s? It is not lost money if they never had any intention of buying them in the first place.

    Brazil and Argentina both PRO Russian nations prefer to buy European Planes than Russian ones(that are way superior).. the reason is always the same.. Russia is not really good in projecting European standards in quality of their equipment.

    Bullshit. It has more to do with US and western pressure... ask France how easy it is to deal with Russia... and not Russias fault either.

    There are millions of ways to deal with pirates and small boats without sacrificing a warship space for weapons that will never see use against NATO warships since they will never fight at visual distance. Patrol Boats , or Corvettes Escorts for example.. Also much lower caliber guns..  they will save a lot of space that can be used for more Missile power .

    So why does the french frigate have a gun? Why do fighter planes still have guns?

    You say Russian ships should be focused on fighting NATO? Why? They are 1000% more likely to deal with pirates and smugglers and illegal fishermen than NATO... which version of Onyx would you suggest for use against a medium sized container ship?

    See above.. lower caliber guns can do that.. Coast Guard boats can do that.. without a fucking big Gun that again will be useless against any potential conflict against NATO..

    And troops just landed on a beach coming under fire call in coordinates... do you fire a laser guided 130mm shell costing $600 or a 2,500km range land attack cruise missile costing a million dollars?

    Not really , the leader have most things hide in the foredeck .. Gorshov have the classical design in the fore-deck with hundreds of things outside not covered.. so shows it will be stronger its radar signal.

    Seen from the high angle the photo is taken from the radar will be close enough to be detected and engaged. From a shallower angle from further away the things on the deck will be hidden by the railing and therefore radar invisible.

    Any SU-27 upgraded can equally defend Russian airspace.. Is not like Russia needs a stealth plane to defend their airspace..

    No it can't. Being difficult for NATO to spot using airborne fighter radar and AWACs, it will be rather easier for PAK FA to "surprise" NATO aircraft inside and outside Russian airspace and it will be much harder to target by NATO air forces. With only Meteor and AMRAAM long range missiles in the UK and US armoury all PAK FA needs to do is be an invisible target for those missile radar seekers and they are safe from long range attack by UK and US aircraft... which means the combination of PAK FA and Su-35 and MiG-35 will be a very potent force indeed... and much more capable than with just upgraded Su-27s alone.

    Go and read Air power Australia Review of Pak-FA it was ok but not as good as F-22.  

    Hahahahaha... and Air Power Australia will also tell you the Su-34 is a nice strike aircraft but still not as good as the F-111...  Rolling Eyes

    Perhaps if that review was from personal experience in developing both aircraft it might have valid conclusions, but they haven't even tested the serial aircraft for the PAK FA so we don't even know what the final aircraft will look like exactly.

    yes it does.. It is missing the cover of their rear engines .. if you do an stealth plane you do it right or not do it at all.

    F-35 is not stealthy from the rear either...

    And thats because they wanted the warship to be more forward looking its design more stealthy. Is not an ice breaker it was never meant to do that.. Russia use icebreakers to move in the front of their warships when they travel the artic when a need exist.

    So it can't operate in the north sea because any ice that forms on the front main gun can't be removed because it would not be safe to send any crew onto the front deck as there are no safety rails.

    Heavy ice on the front could cause the boat to capsize.

    Again for the people that cannot read,my observations Have nothing to do with combat capabilities of the Gorshkov..    my observations is about Russia power projection , what image they project.. showing rusty planes or warships you are not going to impress anyone..

    Yes... I understand... you are getting bitchy because the new Russian stuff isn't as pretty as western stuff.. but look at this picture... sorry it is so small, but you can see the rust around the anchor and a couple of rust spots further down the side and this is a Gerald R. Ford–class aircraft carrier... pride of the US Navy...

    Project 22350: Admiral Sergei Gorshkov - Page 15 Edpgf110

    They spend half a trillion dollars a year on defence surely they can afford a bit of paint for the pride of their navy... their flagship... what will foreign countries think seeing this old rust bucket limping into view? angel
    Morpheus Eberhardt
    Morpheus Eberhardt

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    Project 22350: Admiral Sergei Gorshkov - Page 15 Empty Re: Project 22350: Admiral Sergei Gorshkov

    Post  Morpheus Eberhardt Sun Nov 30, 2014 8:06 am

    Project 22350: Admiral Sergei Gorshkov - Page 15 TPTH2BW

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    Project 22350: Admiral Sergei Gorshkov - Page 15 Empty Re: Project 22350: Admiral Sergei Gorshkov

    Post  Austin Sun Nov 30, 2014 12:10 pm

    Morpheus Eberhardt wrote:
    Project 22350: Admiral Sergei Gorshkov - Page 15 TPTH2BW

    This is Confirmed AESA......Thank You Smile

    Any information in which band it operates X ,L or S ?
    Morpheus Eberhardt
    Morpheus Eberhardt

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    Project 22350: Admiral Sergei Gorshkov - Page 15 Empty Re: Project 22350: Admiral Sergei Gorshkov

    Post  Morpheus Eberhardt Sun Nov 30, 2014 2:07 pm

    Austin wrote:
    Morpheus Eberhardt wrote:
    Project 22350: Admiral Sergei Gorshkov - Page 15 TPTH2BW

    This is Confirmed AESA......Thank You Smile

    Pretty much, yes. Hexagonal subarrays in this geometry favor the "AESA" hypothesis.

    Austin wrote:Any information in which band it operates X ,L or S ?

    The mandatory L-band array is visible at the top.

    The main array should be X-band.

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    Project 22350: Admiral Sergei Gorshkov - Page 15 Empty Re: Project 22350: Admiral Sergei Gorshkov

    Post  Austin Sun Nov 30, 2014 3:03 pm

    Yes to me this looks like AESA Array , what is written in Russian any idea ?

    X band would be interesting , Most of the Array I know like the Indo-Israel AESA EL/L-2248 is an S band Array.

    Latest US Dual Band AESA on Zamwult is L/X band I think.

    I was expecting the new AESA from Russia to be L band to take care of Range and Detection of Target with Low RCS , X band would mean they are more designed for Higher Resolution of Targets along with Fire Control solution.

    Any idea what is the Top Most Radar which rotates , Any details ?
    Morpheus Eberhardt
    Morpheus Eberhardt

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    Project 22350: Admiral Sergei Gorshkov - Page 15 Empty Re: Project 22350: Admiral Sergei Gorshkov

    Post  Morpheus Eberhardt Sun Nov 30, 2014 5:01 pm

    Austin wrote:... what is written in Russian any idea ?

    I don't really have any idea.

    Austin wrote:I was expecting the new AESA from Russia to be L band to take care of Range and Detection of Target with Low RCS ...

    L-band plays an important IFF role; we are, of course, talking about 3D IFF here.

    Austin wrote:Any idea what is the Top Most Radar which rotates , Any details ?

    Its designation is 5P-27, Furke-4. Its main array should be an S-band 3D ESA with additional mechanical rotation. Whether it is "AESA", "PESA", or something else, I don't know.

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    Project 22350: Admiral Sergei Gorshkov - Page 15 Empty Re: Project 22350: Admiral Sergei Gorshkov

    Post  Werewolf Sun Nov 30, 2014 6:00 pm

    Among domestic developments are embedded developed in STC "Altair" the ship's antenna modern complex AWGB.
    They are assembled in a modular fashion to force all-metal chassis and installed directly into the superstructure in the ship,
    forming a single mechanical system "superstructure - the antenna."

    Used translator, was to lazy to do it myself.
    Morpheus Eberhardt
    Morpheus Eberhardt

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    Project 22350: Admiral Sergei Gorshkov - Page 15 Empty Re: Project 22350: Admiral Sergei Gorshkov

    Post  Morpheus Eberhardt Sun Nov 30, 2014 6:04 pm

    Werewolf wrote:
    Among domestic developments are embedded developed in STC "Altair" the ship's antenna modern complex AWGB.
    They are assembled in a modular fashion to force all-metal chassis and installed directly into the superstructure in the ship,
    forming a single mechanical system "superstructure - the antenna."

    Used translator, was to lazy to do it myself.

    Morpheus Eberhardt
    Morpheus Eberhardt

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    Project 22350: Admiral Sergei Gorshkov - Page 15 Empty Re: Project 22350: Admiral Sergei Gorshkov

    Post  Morpheus Eberhardt Sat Dec 06, 2014 12:25 pm

    Morpheus Eberhardt wrote:
    Austin wrote:
    Morpheus Eberhardt wrote:
    Project 22350: Admiral Sergei Gorshkov - Page 15 TPTH2BW

    This is Confirmed AESA......Thank You Smile

    Pretty much, yes. Hexagonal subarrays in this geometry favor the "AESA" hypothesis.


    Based on the translation, they are almost certainly "AESAs".

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    Project 22350: Admiral Sergei Gorshkov - Page 15 Empty Re: Project 22350: Admiral Sergei Gorshkov

    Post  TR1 Sat Dec 06, 2014 12:29 pm

    Nothing in the texts indicates that they are AESAs, actually.

    I am curious why you guys think they are AESAs at all, based on these several graphics.
    Morpheus Eberhardt
    Morpheus Eberhardt

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    Project 22350: Admiral Sergei Gorshkov - Page 15 Empty Re: Project 22350: Admiral Sergei Gorshkov

    Post  Morpheus Eberhardt Sat Dec 06, 2014 1:08 pm

    TR1 wrote:Nothing in the texts indicates that they are AESAs, actually.

    I am curious why you guys think they are AESAs at all, based on these several graphics.

    It talks about modularity; it shows modularity. With respect to a "PESA" array, you never emphasize whatever limited modularity that a "PESA" can be attributed with.

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    Project 22350: Admiral Sergei Gorshkov - Page 15 Empty Re: Project 22350: Admiral Sergei Gorshkov

    Post  Austin Sat Dec 06, 2014 1:24 pm

    TR1 wrote:Nothing in the texts indicates that they are AESAs, actually.

    I am curious why you guys think they are AESAs at all, based on these several graphics.

    To me the hexagonal geometry indicating each T/R module in the diagram is a give away.

    In PESA you wont see such a thing as they have TWT with just a front plate to scan not individual T/R module
    Morpheus Eberhardt
    Morpheus Eberhardt

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    Project 22350: Admiral Sergei Gorshkov - Page 15 Empty Re: Project 22350: Admiral Sergei Gorshkov

    Post  Morpheus Eberhardt Sat Dec 06, 2014 1:30 pm

    Austin wrote:
    TR1 wrote:Nothing in the texts indicates that they are AESAs, actually.

    I am curious why you guys think they are AESAs at all, based on these several graphics.

    To me the hexagonal geometry indicating each T/R module in the diagram is a give away.

    In PESA you wont see such a thing as they have TWT with just a front plate to scan not individual T/R module

    Each hexagonal module would consist of many T/R channels/modules (smaller modules, or sub-modules).

    The Puma family has a similar modular "AESA" array too. For example, the smaller Puma on proekt 20380 has 24 T/R modules, each consisting of many T/R channels/modules (again, smaller modules, or sub-modules).

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    Project 22350: Admiral Sergei Gorshkov - Page 15 Empty Re: Project 22350: Admiral Sergei Gorshkov

    Post  George1 Fri Dec 12, 2014 7:53 pm

    New advanced frigate set afloat in Russia

    Project 22350 frigates are armed with 16 Onyx and Kalibr missiles as well as the Poliment-Redut air defense missile system

    MOSCOW, December 12. /TASS/. The second Project 22350 frigate, the Admiral Kasatonov, was set afloat at the Northern Wharf in Russia's northern capital of St. Petersburg in the presence of Russia’s Navy Chief Commander Admiral Viktor Chirkov.

    “We set afloat a second Project 22350 warship designed for remote sea areas to ensure Russian national interests in any part of oceans in the world. This warship has embodied all thoughts and ideas of our designers and requirements of our fleet,” Chirkov said.

    He recalled that Admiral Gorshkov, the first warship of the project, is already at sea trials.

    “I hope that the Northern Fleet will accept these warships with a great pleasure and responsibility, because they will be first who will operate first-rank warships destined for far sea areas,” the chief commander added.

    Construction of Project 22350 frigates started in 2006, when lead ship of the project Admiral Gorshkov was laid down. This was reported earlier that it set out for sea trials for the first time in November. The warship can be taken for pilot operation in early 2015, a military source told TASS.

    Admiral Kasatonov, second frigate of the project, was laid at the Northern Wharf in 2009, construction of Admiral Golovko started in early 2012. Meanwhile, one more warship of this type named Admiral Isakov is being built in St. Petersburg. It was laid down in autumn of the previous year.

    Third Project 22350 frigate to be set afloat in late 2015

    The third Project 22350 frigate named Admiral Golovko will be set afloat at the end of the next year, Northern Wharf acting head Yuri Taratonov said on Friday.

    “We should set afloat three, five and more warships every year,” Taratonov said, noting that a third warship of this project would be built at the end of the next year.

    Project 22350 frigates displace 4.5 thousand tons and can speed at 29 knots (53.7 kph). In particular, these vessels are armed with 16 Onyx and Kalibr missiles as well as the Poliment-Redut air defense missile system.

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    Project 22350: Admiral Sergei Gorshkov - Page 15 Empty Re: Project 22350: Admiral Sergei Gorshkov

    Post  Austin Fri Dec 12, 2014 10:46 pm

    Russian Navy to receive new modification of Project 22350 frigates — chief commander

    MOSCOW, December 12. /TASS/. Russia’s Navy plans to receive more than 15 Project 22350 frigates and its Project 22350M modification, Navy’s Chief Commander Admiral Viktor Chirkov told reporters on Friday.

    “In the near future the Navy plans to receive more than 15 Project 22350 frigates and their Project 22350M modification. These warships will make backbones of naval groupings in the Arctic Region, the Atlantic and the Mediterranean Sea,” Chirkov said.

    Project 22350 frigates displace 4.5 thousand tons and can speed at 29 knots (53.7 kph). In particular, these vessels are armed with 16 Onyx and Kalibr missiles as well as the Poliment-Redut air defense missile system.

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    Project 22350: Admiral Sergei Gorshkov - Page 15 Empty Re: Project 22350: Admiral Sergei Gorshkov

    Post  Viktor Sat Dec 13, 2014 1:16 am

    Im eager to found out what will those empty spaces lying by the UKSK launchers be used for as well as those on the stern.

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    Project 22350: Admiral Sergei Gorshkov - Page 15 Empty Re: Project 22350: Admiral Sergei Gorshkov

    Post  TR1 Sat Dec 13, 2014 3:26 am

    Viktor wrote:Im eager to found out what will those empty spaces lying by the UKSK launchers be used for as well as those on the stern.

    I am quite sure they will not be used for weapons.

    “In the near future the Navy plans to receive more than 15 Project 22350 frigates and their Project 22350M modification."

    Interesting definition of near, that mister Chirkov has.

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    Project 22350: Admiral Sergei Gorshkov - Page 15 Empty Re: Project 22350: Admiral Sergei Gorshkov

    Post  TR1 Sat Dec 13, 2014 3:41 am


    Project 22350: Admiral Sergei Gorshkov - Page 15 Attachment.php?item=421285&download=2&type=

    Kasatonov. Giant sonar bulb:

    Project 22350: Admiral Sergei Gorshkov - Page 15 Attachment.php?item=421297&download=2&type=

    Project 22350: Admiral Sergei Gorshkov - Page 15 Attachment.php?item=421298&download=2&type=

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    Project 22350: Admiral Sergei Gorshkov - Page 15 Empty Re: Project 22350: Admiral Sergei Gorshkov

    Post  GarryB Sat Dec 13, 2014 7:01 am

    Interesting definition of near, that mister Chirkov has.

    Well of course fanbois would love to see 10 big ships hitting the water every year... but in 5 years time you end up with a fleet that is so big you can't afford to man them or keep them operational and that huge work force you built up to build the damn ships suddenly have nothing to do so lots of job cuts, and all that high tech tooling and production facilities and production capacity just sits idle and gathers dust.

    Obviously a much longer term view needs to be applied... for now there are a lot of old ships that need to be retired and replaced or just retired, and a balance needs to be made of new build ships, upgrading older ships, ships for export and of course civilian production of ships to ensure all the shipyards are kept busy and can produce to schedule for its customers but wont suddenly run out of work in 5 or 10 or 30 years.

    I know it is not as cool or as exciting as some seem to want but the cold war is over and the demands of the Russian military are not required to defeat the US and NATO in quantity any more.

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    Project 22350: Admiral Sergei Gorshkov - Page 15 Empty Re: Project 22350: Admiral Sergei Gorshkov

    Post  George1 Sat Dec 13, 2014 7:39 am

    Austin wrote:Russian Navy to receive new modification of Project 22350 frigates — chief commander

    MOSCOW, December 12. /TASS/. Russia’s Navy plans to receive more than 15 Project 22350 frigates and its Project 22350M modification, Navy’s Chief Commander Admiral Viktor Chirkov told reporters on Friday.

    “In the near future the Navy plans to receive more than 15 Project 22350 frigates and their Project 22350M modification. These warships will make backbones of naval groupings in the Arctic Region, the Atlantic and the Mediterranean Sea,” Chirkov said.

    Project 22350 frigates displace 4.5 thousand tons and can speed at 29 knots (53.7 kph). In particular, these vessels are armed with 16 Onyx and Kalibr missiles as well as the Poliment-Redut air defense missile system.

    Project 22350M modification will have any difference in armaments?

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    Project 22350: Admiral Sergei Gorshkov - Page 15 Empty Re: Project 22350: Admiral Sergei Gorshkov

    Post  kvs Sat Dec 13, 2014 8:35 pm

    Admiral Kasatonov put in the water.

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    Project 22350: Admiral Sergei Gorshkov - Page 15 Empty Re: Project 22350: Admiral Sergei Gorshkov

    Post  Viktor Wed Dec 17, 2014 1:15 am

    Look carefully - it makes sense

    Is this the 22350M project?

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