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    Taliban insurgency in Afghanistan

    Hannibal Barca
    Hannibal Barca

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    Taliban insurgency in Afghanistan - Page 20 Empty Re: Taliban insurgency in Afghanistan

    Post  Hannibal Barca Mon Aug 16, 2021 1:25 am

    I don't buy the pray for the women argument.
    We have thousands of Afghan refugees, the tiniest fraction been women.
    Don't see an outcry against Islam either, on the other hand we have effectively became atheistic although church stopped breaking our balls for decades now.
    In other news, Taliban prevailed, let's do business now.

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    Taliban insurgency in Afghanistan - Page 20 Empty The Sunset of Empire

    Post  calripson Mon Aug 16, 2021 2:20 am

    SeigSoloyvov wrote:What a moronic remark, for a country like Afghan 300k is a normal-sized military and 300k was more than enough to keep the Taliban in check.

    Afghanistan is not Poland, completely different, learn some facts before you run your mouth.

    The reason they didn't keep the Taliban "in check" is because broad segments of the Afghan population support the Taliban. The $88 billion the US taxpayers were fleeced over the last 20 years to support "nation building" lined more than a few pockets. The trillion dollar U.S. "defense/intelligence" racket is the second greatest racket going, surpassed only by the genius of fractional reserve central banking.

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    Taliban insurgency in Afghanistan - Page 20 Empty Re: Taliban insurgency in Afghanistan

    Post  Backman Mon Aug 16, 2021 3:27 am

    calripson wrote:
    SeigSoloyvov wrote:What a moronic remark, for a country like Afghan 300k is a normal-sized military and 300k was more than enough to keep the Taliban in check.

    Afghanistan is not Poland, completely different, learn some facts before you run your mouth.

    The reason they didn't keep the Taliban "in check" is because broad segments of the Afghan population support the Taliban. The $88 billion the US taxpayers were fleeced over the last 20 years to support "nation building" lined more than a few pockets. The trillion dollar U.S. "defense/intelligence" racket is the second greatest racket going, surpassed only by the genius of fractional reserve central banking.

    The govt collapsed this way because a faction of the US establishment wanted it to.

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    Taliban insurgency in Afghanistan - Page 20 Empty Re: Taliban insurgency in Afghanistan

    Post  Backman Mon Aug 16, 2021 3:30 am

    Sujoy wrote:How the US ensured that the Taliban comes back into power.
    Yes. It was done on purpose.

    From the link
    1) The final decision about Afg was made 3 years ago. What? Yes. The US will bring back Taliban into power. Why? US global priorities changed and Afg didn't fall into those. How? Through the Doha and whatever happened in those 3 yrs.

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    Taliban insurgency in Afghanistan - Page 20 Empty Re: Taliban insurgency in Afghanistan

    Post  flamming_python Mon Aug 16, 2021 3:31 am

    All that money went to the warlord-governors, to the corrupt upper bureaucracy in Kabul, to civilian & military contractors, to the defense-industrial complex, and to US politicians. Also a bit to the army of grant-eaters, presstitutes, NGOs and 'human rights activists'; the Afghan side of which are all now stranded in A-stan with no way out. Some petite-bourgeois in the cities managed to run businesses that a tiny fraction of that money also trickled down to. That's about it.

    20 years and near zilch to show for it.

    Granted there was a gain - given the extreme length of the intervention, a whole new urbanized generation grew up in Kabul and a few other Afghan cities that basically managed to experience life under semi-modern social norms and rule of law, and basically had their rights protected irrespective of tribe, ethnicity or gender. Well not any more.

    Last edited by flamming_python on Mon Aug 16, 2021 3:38 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Taliban insurgency in Afghanistan - Page 20 Empty Re: Taliban insurgency in Afghanistan

    Post  Backman Mon Aug 16, 2021 3:37 am

    SeigSoloyvov wrote:
    Finty wrote:
    Sujoy wrote:Russia Today is reporting based on interviews with locals on the ground that Taliban is carrying out terrible atrocities across the country. Civilians have been killed by Taliban in large numbers.

    I suspect this was bound to happen because Pakistanis comprise a bulk of these fighters.

    It's bad, people getting beaten for listening to pop music and others having their eyes gouged out.

    but but according to fanboys here the Taliban are okay guys and the people want this.

    The fact is life under the Taliban will be utterly brutal and any morons who thinks otherwise needs to go live there then come and talk.

    We gave the afghans the ability to defend themselves, their military commanders just betrayed their own people for deals with the Taliban.

    we helped them for 20 years and while we were there, the Taliban was kept in check, America did its part, it was up to them and they failed now they reap the rewards of this failure.

    The US intentionally turned power over to the Taliban.

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    Taliban insurgency in Afghanistan - Page 20 Empty Re: Taliban insurgency in Afghanistan

    Post  PapaDragon Mon Aug 16, 2021 3:47 am

    Hannibal Barca wrote:I don't buy the pray for the women argument....

    Oh women are definitely getting fucked and not in a fun way, that's a given

    I am personally just taking the opportunity to have some laughs for several days here on account of DC's total strategic and logistical fuckup but it will not be as funny once the psychopaths get comfortable and kick off their regular horror show

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    Taliban insurgency in Afghanistan - Page 20 Empty Re: Taliban insurgency in Afghanistan

    Post  PapaDragon Mon Aug 16, 2021 4:01 am

    Taliban are declaring Afghanistan War officially over:

    Wikipedia lists result as: "American failure and Afghan Taliban victory"

    Title of the article is about to be changed from "War in Afghanistan (2001-Present)" to "War in Afghanistan (2001-2021)"

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    Taliban insurgency in Afghanistan - Page 20 Empty Re: Taliban insurgency in Afghanistan

    Post  SeigSoloyvov Mon Aug 16, 2021 4:23 am

    Backman wrote:
    SeigSoloyvov wrote:
    Finty wrote:
    Sujoy wrote:Russia Today is reporting based on interviews with locals on the ground that Taliban is carrying out terrible atrocities across the country. Civilians have been killed by Taliban in large numbers.

    I suspect this was bound to happen because Pakistanis comprise a bulk of these fighters.

    It's bad, people getting beaten for listening to pop music and others having their eyes gouged out.

    but but according to fanboys here the Taliban are okay guys and the people want this.

    The fact is life under the Taliban will be utterly brutal and any morons who thinks otherwise needs to go live there then come and talk.

    We gave the afghans the ability to defend themselves, their military commanders just betrayed their own people for deals with the Taliban.

    we helped them for 20 years and while we were there, the Taliban was kept in check, America did its part, it was up to them and they failed now they reap the rewards of this failure.

    The US intentionally turned power over to the Taliban.

    Lol yes because a tweet from some guy proves that

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    Taliban insurgency in Afghanistan - Page 20 Empty Re: Taliban insurgency in Afghanistan

    Post  Mir Mon Aug 16, 2021 10:05 am

    It took them 20 years to "destroy" the poppy harvest and to deplete the precious minerals.

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    Taliban insurgency in Afghanistan - Page 20 Empty Re: Taliban insurgency in Afghanistan

    Post  ALAMO Mon Aug 16, 2021 10:13 am

    Still have this Taliban delegation member in Moscow a while ago, stating that there will be no more drugs issue in Afghan, as there will be no ore CIA Laughing
    That was funny.

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    Taliban insurgency in Afghanistan - Page 20 Empty Re: Taliban insurgency in Afghanistan

    Post  Airbornewolf Mon Aug 16, 2021 10:26 am

    Complete anarchy at Kabul airport.

    Afghan's rush C-17 wanting to start take-off. AH-64 charges in to scare them off.
    C-17 rolling down runway with people near its gear and under the wings.

    Well,...i guess Brad pitts world war Z jeruzalem airport scenes are possible in real-life after all.

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    Taliban insurgency in Afghanistan - Page 20 Empty Re: Taliban insurgency in Afghanistan

    Post  Sujoy Mon Aug 16, 2021 10:43 am

    Afghanistan's first vice president Amrullah Saleh has retreated to the northern part of Afghanistan, vows to keep on fighting the Taliban

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    Taliban insurgency in Afghanistan - Page 20 Empty Re: Taliban insurgency in Afghanistan

    Post  ALAMO Mon Aug 16, 2021 10:55 am

    SeigSoloyvov wrote:What a moronic remark, for a country like Afghan 300k is a normal-sized military and 300k was more than enough to keep the Taliban in check.
    Afghanistan is not Poland, completely different, learn some facts before you run your mouth.

    You don't even understand your own propaganda?
    300k IN 20 YEARS are your words.
    Won't even bother to check if that is correct or not, hoping it is not just bullshit taken straight from your ass.
    The number means that you managed to train 15k conscripts a year.
    It is a joke for a country with such a young population, and being at war.
    Poland trained more than your great "achievement" placed here to impress us I guess in three conscript rotations. Functionally 1.5 years.
    20 years? respekt Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing
    Your whole Afghan extravaganza is a sick joke just from the beginning, but this sick joke cost hundreds of thousands of dead bodies.
    Including US and allied soldiers.
    Our soldiers, some of them being my friends.
    My company sponsors the wounded veterans' who served both in Iraq and Afghanistan treatments each year.
    All that blood is pointless, all that pain&suffer of both soldiers and the civilian population is degraded, all the sacrifice is pointless.
    But when we look at that from a wider perspective, there is something even more disturbing.
    Not only you have lost another war, being humiliated in front of the whole world.
    This is just another army you constructed, that proved to be incapable of withstanding any pressure.
    The same story has already happened in Iraq, and those are Iranian instructors who hardened the army when you have been told to GTFO.
    They wiped out the Kurds, whom - again - you have trained for years, in one single blow.
    Georgian army in 2008, you have invested in them and trained them for half a decade, just to watch them running like rabbits when first Russkie tank rolled out of Kodori tunnel.
    You have trained the Ukrainians, hell, they used to have a contingent in Iraq, remember? The whole Ukrainian army was melted and flushed down the toilet by the irregular forces of the local population, with small assistance from the Russian army.
    You have trained the terrorists in Syria, and Russkies simply rubbed them along the desert without any serious challenge.
    US assisted the training and equipped all of the Gulf satrapies, and they all combined are being bitten by the band of guys running in rubber sandals, yapping "yalla yalla, death to America, death to Israel!" attack
    Hell, each and any army you have trained in the last 2 decades, was wiped out when only someone seriously took some action against them.
    Being a US citizen, I would be not only shocked but quite terrified by that fact, because simple logic proves that your "mighty army" is just the same.
    The only thing you still have, is extreamy efective propaganda machine. But it is getting less and less effective each day.

    Last edited by ALAMO on Mon Aug 16, 2021 11:12 am; edited 2 times in total

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    Taliban insurgency in Afghanistan - Page 20 Empty Re: Taliban insurgency in Afghanistan

    Post  Airbornewolf Mon Aug 16, 2021 10:56 am

    propably real, since people are seen rushing the C-17 on the runway in other video's.

    C-17 gaining altitude from Kabul losing people that clinged to its hull.
    It is the point where the C-17 retracts flaps, gains speed and retracts it gear.
    So good luck holding on to that.

    Meanwhile, White house Biden and Psaki are on vacation...
    What an complete dumpsterfire.

    #Saigon 2.0

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    Taliban insurgency in Afghanistan - Page 20 Empty Re: Taliban insurgency in Afghanistan

    Post  SeigSoloyvov Mon Aug 16, 2021 11:16 am

    Afghan has a totally different GDP and needs from the military than Poland again, you are a clueless moron running his mouth with no actual idea of the topic you're trying to preach.

    300K was within their budget and was more than enough to address their security needs.

    Don't worry soon the Taliban will start laying more bodies down, you have no idea just how bad things are going to get for those people now. Taliban are already lashing young girls for wearing sandels.

    You can bitch and moan all you want, I never thought we should have gone there but at least under our protection, those people enjoyed freedoms and other things the Taliban will put an end to.


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    Taliban insurgency in Afghanistan - Page 20 Empty Re: Taliban insurgency in Afghanistan

    Post  ALAMO Mon Aug 16, 2021 11:19 am

    What a dumbass Laughing Laughing

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    Taliban insurgency in Afghanistan - Page 20 Empty Re: Taliban insurgency in Afghanistan

    Post  SeigSoloyvov Mon Aug 16, 2021 11:21 am

    ALAMO wrote:What a dumbass Laughing Laughing

    Nothing I said was wrong fanboy, btw do me a favor. Move to Afghanistan, your tune will change real goddam quick lol!

    btw while we were there Taliban was kept in check, also the commanders betrayed their own people and sold them out to the Taliban, orders to retreat not fire, surrender etc.

    Other people also reported this here. You're just running your mouth clueless about what happened, don't get me wrong we could have left in a better state but how long? 5, 10, 20 more years?.

    Eventually, the Afghans had to step up. It's not America's job to stay there forever and protect them.


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    Taliban insurgency in Afghanistan - Page 20 Empty Re: Taliban insurgency in Afghanistan

    Post  ALAMO Mon Aug 16, 2021 11:50 am

    All you have said is wrong because it is a propaganda attempt from the beginning.
    But as you are not the smartest chicken, you can't even notice that.
    You have no fuckin' idea what you even talk about, from any perspective.
    ANA official strength used to be 185k+ men on paper, because nobody really knows how many of them used to be just missing souls, or organized attempts to steal the money assigned to non-existing footers.
    With the age structure of Afghanistan, there is about 400k men annually fit for military service.
    With the military budget of $12bln, and most of the equipment granted from the sponsors.

    What does it tell you? I suppose hardly anything, so let me help.
    A $12bln for 185k army there, is actually a giant allocation.
    To put it into perspective: it is 20% more than the military expenditures of Algeria.
    Do you know Algeria? A big country in Africa? Africa is a continent. You know what a continent is, do you?
    A country owning the most advanced army in Africa, with both Su-30, T-90, Iskanders, S-300V4, and all that big guy's toys.
    It is on pair with Taiwan.
    You know what Taiwan is, right? And hey ... Taiwan's armed forces are almost double the size, at almost 300k man.
    A Taiwan size budget, allocated to an army 60% of Taiwanese strength, in a shithole like Afghanistan, where purchasing power ratio is about the tenth fold of Taiwan, is actually HUGE money.
    There is a lot of cash, allocated to a mid-size army, in a country torn by war, and having 400k men a year conscript potential.
    How does your 300k apply here?
    It has no connection with ANA size, nothing to do with annual conscript potential, and an opposite clue when combined with the budget allocations.
    Now I really suppose you took thet number from the ass, trying to impress with numbers you don't understand.

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    Taliban insurgency in Afghanistan - Page 20 Empty Re: Taliban insurgency in Afghanistan

    Post  SeigSoloyvov Mon Aug 16, 2021 11:54 am

    Your numbers are already wrong afghan army wasn't 185k on paper lol. You are getting the numbers from wiki which is very inaccurate.

    If your going to talk to me don't make bullshit up.

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    Taliban insurgency in Afghanistan - Page 20 Empty Re: Taliban insurgency in Afghanistan

    Post  ALAMO Mon Aug 16, 2021 11:58 am

    The point is, you moron, that no one has a clue about the actual size of the Afghan army because it was a paper army all along.
    The only thing that was not on paper, was cash allocated on it, ending up in your corrupted officers' pockets, hand by hand with corrupted Afghan politicians, chiefs and all the participants of this well-organized fraud.
    Story is just same as it used to be in Iraq, only this time we can witness the results.

    And just for the records, this $12bln is actually a combination of all the assets applied on ANA, because they obviously could not afford that with their own budget. I bet they hardly saw a fraction of that money, as it was stolen on its way already Laughing

    Last edited by ALAMO on Mon Aug 16, 2021 12:03 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Taliban insurgency in Afghanistan - Page 20 Empty Re: Taliban insurgency in Afghanistan

    Post  JohninMK Mon Aug 16, 2021 11:59 am

    Given the scenes of crowds on the runways there must been a real risk of US and other troops being trapped there as the last aircraft to leave won't be able to take off without mowing down lots of people. Not video the US will like. Even if the last flights out to leave at night the carnage will be there the following morning.

    The US/UK have made the problem worse by flying in more troops that will have to fly out again. Potentially having to shoot their way out. Did they think this through?

    Their only hope is for the Taliban to clear the airfield. Oh the ignominy.

    An ACARS message just sent to a USAF C-17 Globemaster en route to #Afghanistan seems to suggest that if the plane returns with anything other than the crew and cargo they will be turned away from Al Udeid airbase in #Qatar and sent to #Kuwait. Is Qatar refusing refugee flights?

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    Taliban insurgency in Afghanistan - Page 20 Empty Re: Taliban insurgency in Afghanistan

    Post  SeigSoloyvov Mon Aug 16, 2021 12:02 pm

    ALAMO wrote:The point is, you moron, that no one has a clue about the actual size of the Afghan army because it was a paper army all along.
    The only thing that was not on paper, was cash allocated on it, ending up in your corrupted officers' pockets, hand by hand with corrupted Afghan politicians, chiefs and all the participants of this well-organized fraud.
    Story is just same as it used to be in Iraq, only this time we can witness the results.

    Okay chief, if you want to prove me wrong. Lets see the data from the afghan military it's self.

    Produce the proof or be known as some online troll making BS up to suit their narrative.

    Btw bringing up Taiwan is pretty next level stupid, Taiwan has much more money, Taiwan is also going to be invaded by china sooner or later. They need a large military considering the size of the PLA. Much different security concerns and situations.

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    Taliban insurgency in Afghanistan - Page 20 Empty Re: Taliban insurgency in Afghanistan

    Post  SeigSoloyvov Mon Aug 16, 2021 12:03 pm

    JohninMK wrote:Given the scenes of crowds on the runways there must been a real risk of US and other troops being trapped there as the last aircraft to leave won't be able to take off without mowing down lots of people. Not video the US will like. Even if the last flights out to leave at night the carnage will be there the following morning.

    The US/UK have made the problem worse by flying in more troops that will have to fly out again. Potentially having to shoot their way out. Did they think this through?

    Their only hope is for the Taliban to clear the airfield. Oh the ignominy.

    An ACARS message just sent to a USAF C-17 Globemaster en route to #Afghanistan seems to suggest that if the plane returns with anything other than the crew and cargo they will be turned away from Al Udeid airbase in #Qatar and sent to #Kuwait. Is Qatar refusing refugee flights?

    John come on you are better than this, We aren't going to start gunning down civis, we can remove them with non-lethal means if needed.

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    Taliban insurgency in Afghanistan - Page 20 Empty Re: Taliban insurgency in Afghanistan

    Post  ALAMO Mon Aug 16, 2021 12:10 pm

    Data from the Afghan military? Laughing
    You are obviously more retarded than I assumed Laughing Laughing
    Go and pose a soldier, or something, maybe someone will catch that bait Laughing

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