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    Russian Navy: Status & News #3


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    Russian Navy: Status & News #3 - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian Navy: Status & News #3

    Post  hoom Mon Jun 05, 2017 9:20 am

    He lives in the USA and has his own blog.
    Heh, looking through that my browser says I've read several of his articles previously Very Happy

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    Russian Navy: Status & News #3 - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian Navy: Status & News #3

    Post  marat Mon Jun 05, 2017 6:24 pm

    TheArmenian wrote:  

    The author of that article is Andrei Martyanov.
    He served on a Grisha class corvette during the cold war.
    He lives in the USA and has his own blog.
    He knows about naval matters.

    Now when you mentioned Grisha class.

    I still do not see any project to replace Grisha and Parchim class. Or i am wrong?

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    Russian Navy: Status & News #3 - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian Navy: Status & News #3

    Post  TheArmenian Wed Jun 14, 2017 10:45 am

    marat wrote:
    TheArmenian wrote:  

    The author of that article is Andrei Martyanov.
    He served on a Grisha class corvette during the cold war.
    He lives in the USA and has his own blog.
    He knows about naval matters.

    Now when you mentioned Grisha class.

    I still do not see any project to replace Grisha and Parchim class. Or i am wrong?

    Navies don't order ships to replace older ones.
    They order ships to carry out current and future objectives/missions.

    As far as anti-sub operations near Russian coasts are concerned, the project 20380, 20385 and 20386 are the ships that are going to be the workhorses of the future.


    Now, about something else.
    TV program "Chasovoi" about the Caspian fleet,
    Lots of good footage on the Tatarstan and Dagestan frigates as well as the Buyan-M missile ships.
    Great clip about the PALASH system firing a long burst.


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    Russian Navy: Status & News #3 - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian Navy: Status & News #3

    Post  miroslav Sun Jun 18, 2017 3:22 pm

    TheArmenian wrote:
    marat wrote:
    TheArmenian wrote:  

    The author of that article is Andrei Martyanov.
    He served on a Grisha class corvette during the cold war.
    He lives in the USA and has his own blog.
    He knows about naval matters.

    Now when you mentioned Grisha class.

    I still do not see any project to replace Grisha and Parchim class. Or i am wrong?

    Navies don't order ships to replace older ones.
    They order ships to carry out current and future objectives/missions.

    As far as anti-sub operations near Russian coasts are concerned, the project 20380, 20385 and 20386 are the ships that are going to be the workhorses of the future.


    Now, about something else.
    TV program "Chasovoi" about the Caspian fleet,
    Lots of good footage on the Tatarstan and Dagestan frigates as well as the Buyan-M missile ships.
    Great clip about the PALASH system firing a long burst.

    There is something that confuses me here so if someone could enlighten me, does the PALASH system come is two modes, one with missiles and one without, there are clearly no missiles on the Russian Gepard class type and I haven seen any missiles launched from the Adm. Gorshkov, only cannon fire (would we very disappointing to hear that the Gorshov has no short range missiles of this type).

    What is the difference between the Palash and Palma modules?

    The Wikipedia states that Dagetsan has "1 Palma module with 8 Sosna-R missiles" but there is no obviously place for missile storage where the gun is located.

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    Russian Navy: Status & News #3 - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian Navy: Status & News #3

    Post  PapaDragon Mon Jun 19, 2017 11:57 am

    Just a Click Away: Russian Navy Gets Magic Ship Demagnetizing Button

    Russian sailors are now able to distort and mask their ships’ electromagnetic portrait with just one click of a button to make them less vulnerable to enemy torpedoes and mines. This is done with the help of supercapacitors, whose mass production has just been announced by the Navy, Izvestia wrote.

    ....The new system has already been tested on the Ivan Gren landing ship....

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    Russian Navy: Status & News #3 - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian Navy: Status & News #3

    Post  Austin Mon Jun 19, 2017 1:53 pm

    Interview with Deputy Commander of the Russian Navy for Armament Vice-Admiral Victor Bursuc

    On the basis of advanced technologies

    The new surface ships and submarines built for the Naval Fleet of Russia

    Our questions are answered, Deputy Chief of the Russian Navy for Armament Vice-Admiral Victor Bursuc.

    - Victor I. why in St. Petersburg today latitude synchronize watches the huge shipbuilding spheres of Russia?

    - Here is focused the main scientific potential of the Navy. This scientific-research institutes, design bureaus, Military Training and Research Center of the Navy, whose function is the military-scientific support surface and submarine. There developed the most advanced technology of domestic shipbuilding. And here in St. Petersburg, is the High Command of the Navy, stationed in the historic building of the Admiralty. This is a great opportunity to us as customers of military equipment, to communicate directly with those who produce it for us.

    - It is known that the High Command of the Navy keeps abreast of issues in shipbuilding. How does this mechanism of control?

    - It's regular meetings, meetings with representatives of the defense industry. This visit enterprises and design bureaus to verify the progress on various models of modern technology. This is routine, but very necessary work.

    Recently, for example, on the orders of the Commander in Chief of the Navy has been checked the progress of construction of surface ships and submarines at one of the leading enterprises in St. Petersburg "Admiralty Shipyards". In particular, check out the schedule outfitting works on the icebreaker "Ilya Muromets", which is currently completing testing of mooring at the berth of the plant. The icebreaker made adjustment of avionics and interior trim is completed. It is planned that the icebreaker "Ilya Muromets" will come to the factory sea trials in mid-July of this year. In the Navy icebreaker will go down to the end of 2017 after all the testing phases

    In the field of view is and the progress of construction of Arctic patrol ship "Ivan Papanin" zone, which completes the formation of the body. The second ship of this project, "Nikolai Zubov" will be laid for the Russian Navy in the "Admiralty Shipyards" in 2018.

    In the view of the progress of construction of serial non-nuclear submarines of Project 677 ( "Harmony") "Kronstadt" and "The Great Luke." It is planned that the diesel-electric submarine "Kronstadt" will be launched in 2018. This is the second boat in this series. Type submarine of Project 677 "Saint Petersburg" is held towing operation in the Northern Fleet.

    Submarines of Project 677 type "Lada" have a number of unique qualities. They embody many of the latest advances in science and technology submarine. Here is a fact. In the making of this submarine research organizations and enterprises of the defense industry made more than two hundred research and development activities, which resulted in the creation of modern, efficient small-sized, low noise, and low power consumption electronic weapons systems, equipment and ship samples of the new high-precision weapons.

    Distinctive features of the submarines of Project 677, compared with the previous-generation submarines are: the possibility of conducting salvo missile firing at naval targets; improved characteristics of electronic weaponry, the presence of integrated automated management system of the ship, its fighting, technical equipment and weapons; the existence of a new modern sonar system capable of detecting low-noise targets at large distances, the presence of non-invasive in a rugged enclosure sliding devices. Submarines of Project 677 "Lada" have protivogidrolokatsionnym new generation hull coating.

    - Comrade Vice Admiral, and when can we expect the construction of a series of submarines of Project 636.3 for the Pacific Fleet?

    - It is natural that one of the major challenges facing the "Admiralty Shipyards", - execution of the order the High Command of the Navy for the construction of six submarines of project 636.3 units for the submarine forces of the Pacific Fleet. In July, the first two boats in the series will have already been laid. We hope that the company will keep within the allotted time frame, as the "Admiralty Shipyards" already have the experience of building a series of six submarines of this project for the Black Sea Fleet.

    - General Command of the Navy recently announced the re-equipping of mine-sweeping forces. How will this program be implemented?

    - Yes it is. We are talking primarily about the construction of anti-mine defense ships of the project 12700 (type "Alexander Obukhov"). The Navy Command plans to equip the mine-sweeping forces of the fleet with new ships mine defense of the project envisages the construction of 12,700 in the short term 40 ships of this project. Navy expects that 2018 Mid-Nevsky Shipyard will be based on at least two ships of the project 12700 per year. In addition, it is planned to launch the construction of ships of 12,700 mine defense project at the enterprises of the Far East.

    These ships have a number of unique qualities. They are equipped with a robotic search means minutes, allowing mine-sweeping naval forces to effectively carry out mine problem in ensuring the deployment of naval forces in designated sea areas and the output power of the points-based.

    Mine defense ships of the project 12700, the purpose of which is to deal with all types of sea mines, are constructed of reinforced fiberglass commissioned by the Navy in the framework of the State program of shipbuilding. The lead ship of the project 12700 "Alexander Obukhov" already carries out tasks in the Navy, following three ship mine defense "George Kurbatov," "Ivan Antonov", "Vladimir Yemelyanov" are at various stages of construction.

    The main feature of the newest ship mine defense is the world's largest one-piece body made of composite materials. The advantage of this body in a higher strength compared with steel casings, which provides greater survival of the ship when searching min. Term housing service of monolithic fiberglass greater than that of the magnetic steel body. Thus significantly less body weight.

    The construction project of 12,700 vehicles sold newest Russian technologies and technical solutions, which have no analogues in the world. The ship is equipped with the latest search and mine detection means it has a high maneuverability and seaworthiness. The composition of anti-mine weapons ship enters unmanned boat that will allow you to search and detection of mines without any risk to people.

    - And what will happen with the trawlers, which have long been carried out tasks in the Navy?

    - They will continue to carry them out. Along with the construction of new mine-sweeping ships will service the mine-sweeping ships existing projects that are in the fleet of the Russian Navy in order to maintain their technical capacity at the proper level. This applies to the base, offshore, offshore trawlers.

    By the way, mine-sweeping forces of the fleets of the Russian Navy, in accordance with the plan of combat training is made in the current year, more than 100 exercises with the use of anti-mine weapons, as well as take part in more than twenty exercises naval forces, during which spent task of mine to ensure tactical groups and heterogeneous groups of naval combat ships.

    - Navy corvettes project awaits 20385. What can you say about these ships?

    - These ships will come from the Navy. So at the end of June 2017 at the plant "Severnaya Verf" in St. Petersburg will be launched on the new corvette project 20385 "Gremyashchy", equipped with high-precision weapons and engines of the Russian manufacture.
    Ship communication Project 18280 "Ivan Khurs" will be handed over to the Navy in November this year

    These ships are designed to detect and destroy submarines and surface ships of the enemy, ensure the landing, as well as the solution of various problems in the near sea zone. On corvettes arms have artillery, missile and anti-submarine systems, and advanced radar systems.
    The possibility of basing on this project corvettes helicopter significantly increases the possibility to detect and destroy submarines and carry out other special tasks as intended as part of the Navy groups and singly.

    Commissioned by the Russian Navy at the plant "Severnaya Verf" four corvettes being built right now. Corvettes "Gremyashchy" and "Agile" are being built under the project 20385 corvettes "Strict" and "zealous" for the project 20380

    the least of the fact that in 2016 the corvette "Gremyashchy" were equipped with engines of domestic production. They are produced by the Kolomna plant in accordance with the technical requirements of the High Command of the Navy as part of the import substitution program surfaced in military shipbuilding. For this purpose, according to the task Navy Central marine engineering CMDB "Diamond" offices and employees of the company "Northern shipyard" were produced by corresponding calculations, allowing an efficient integration domestic engines without violating design characteristics Corvette.

    - When the fleet is planning to take in the latest ship connection "Ivan Khurs"?

    - I think that the delay in this will not happen. It is planned that the vessel connection of the project 18280 "Ivan Khurs" located after the launching of the final stage of completion at the plant "Severnaya Verf", will be transferred to the Navy in November 2017. A boat will take all necessary steps to test this time. It was launched on May 16, 2017. Currently, the board conducted outfitting work on the water. We keep this process in sight.

    - The media has repeatedly paid attention to refurbish amphibious forces and navy facilities and, in particular, the need to re composition of large landing ships. What can we say on this issue?

    - This year, the Navy will enter a large amphibious ship "Ivan Gren" (Project 11711) after the completion of all testing phases. Currently, the BDK "Ivan Gren" is at the stage of factory sea trials at the shipyard "Yantar" in Kaliningrad.

    The second large landing ship of Project 11711 "Peter Morgunov" is under construction on the stocks of the company "Yantar". It is formed on the housing and made loading on-board systems and equipment. It is planned that the BBC "Peter Morgunov" will be launched this summer for subsequent outfitting works.

    These are good ships. With improved characteristics. In particular, in accordance with technical requirements, which filed the High Command of the Navy plant at BDK "Peter Morgunov" will be created at the current crane equipment for loading equipment on the ship. In addition, the loading equipment can be carried out independently, through a ramp. BDK "Peter Morgunov" be able to take on board more than 10 tanks and 30 armored personnel carriers and infantry fighting vehicles. It is possible to load a Marine battalion. On the ship significantly improved living conditions for accommodation and accommodation of the crew, paratroopers and marines. BDK "Peter Morgunov" has a cruising range of up to 4,000 miles, allowing it to carry out effectively the task in the far sea zone.

    - At the end of June in St. Petersburg will be held the International Maritime Defense Show. As it will be submitted to the Navy?

    - Navy will be represented by warships, boats for different purposes. You will see a wide range of the latest developments - from the engine to the radio equipment. We have much to be proud of.

    Russian Navy: Status & News #3 - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian Navy: Status & News #3

    Post  Guest Mon Jun 19, 2017 11:35 pm

    PapaDragon wrote:
    Just a Click Away: Russian Navy Gets Magic Ship Demagnetizing Button

    Russian sailors are now able to distort and mask their ships’ electromagnetic portrait with just one click of a button to make them less vulnerable to enemy torpedoes and mines. This is done with the help of supercapacitors, whose mass production has just been announced by the Navy, Izvestia wrote.

    ....The new system has already been tested on the Ivan Gren landing ship....

    Its actually old Soviet project. Onboard installations of that system have been spotted before too.

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    Russian Navy: Status & News #3 - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian Navy: Status & News #3

    Post  kvs Tue Jun 20, 2017 12:52 am

    Militarov wrote:
    PapaDragon wrote:
    Just a Click Away: Russian Navy Gets Magic Ship Demagnetizing Button

    Russian sailors are now able to distort and mask their ships’ electromagnetic portrait with just one click of a button to make them less vulnerable to enemy torpedoes and mines. This is done with the help of supercapacitors, whose mass production has just been announced by the Navy, Izvestia wrote.

    ....The new system has already been tested on the Ivan Gren landing ship....

    Its actually old Soviet project. Onboard installations of that system have been spotted before too.

    So what. You make it sound like it was completed before 1991. And in the minds of NATO drones
    Russia=USSR anyway.

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    Russian Navy: Status & News #3 - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian Navy: Status & News #3

    Post  hoom Tue Jun 20, 2017 5:36 am

    there are clearly no missiles on the Russian Gepard class type and I haven seen any missiles launched from the Adm. Gorshkov, only cannon fire (would we very disappointing to hear that the Gorshov has no short range missiles of this type).
    I think I read a while back there is an issue with the missiles.
    Pretty sure Palma/Palash don't have auto-reload of the missiles, intended to be a lighter/easier installation vs Kashtan.

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    Russian Navy: Status & News #3 - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian Navy: Status & News #3

    Post  GarryB Tue Jun 20, 2017 10:49 am

    PALMA has no missiles AFAIK.

    PALASH has 8 ready to fire SOSNA-R missiles but no reloads AFAIK.

    Both are cheap simple alternatives for Kashtan-M.

    I would expect all three are being replaced by naval Pantsir-S which I have read will come in two versions... one non stealthy model to replace existing kashtan systems and a second more stealthy version for new ships.

    I would expect the new model separates the missiles and guns with vertical launch missiles with side thrusters that direct the missile toward the target before the main booster fires... much the way the TOR missile system works. This would solve the mechanical issues of reloading and using several decks to store reserve missiles. The 32 missiles in a vertical launch grid ready to fire would be more useful and newer models of the missile could use the combined Hermes missiles with terminal guidance if needed.

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    Russian Navy: Status & News #3 - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian Navy: Status & News #3

    Post  George1 Wed Jun 21, 2017 2:16 pm


    MURMANSK, June 21st. / TASS /. The heavy nuclear-powered cruiser Peter the Great in cooperation with the large anti-submarine ships Severomorsk and Vice Admiral Kulakov at the exercises in the Barents Sea discovered and attacked a submarine of the conventional enemy. This was reported on Wednesday in the press service of the Northern Fleet.
    Tsavo Lion
    Tsavo Lion

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    Russian Navy: Status & News #3 - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian Navy: Status & News #3

    Post  Tsavo Lion Sat Jun 24, 2017 1:30 am

    I hope this has something new: В любом районе Мирового океана

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    Russian Navy: Status & News #3 - Page 17 Empty Apparently Russia Navy is now in conversation to get 10 Borei Submarines AND

    Post  Vann7 Mon Jun 26, 2017 7:34 pm

    Interesting new information..

    Apparently Russia Navy is now in conversation to get 10 Borei Submarines AND
    10 Yasen Submarines.   Shocked

    This is what they originally hoped ,but now they working ,moving pieces to get
    the money for it.

    aside of that.. they want 35 new corvettes and 15 new frigates. of the stealth ones.
    thats some decent firepower .

    google translate..

    Last week, the newspaper Kommersant, citing sources in the Defense Ministry, said that the ministry had changed plans to equip the navy with military equipment as part of the state arms program for 2011-2020 and plans to purchase ten Borei-class strategic submarine cruisers and ten Multi-purpose nuclear submarines of the project "Ash" within the framework of the state program of armaments for 2011-2020.

    The issue of increasing the purchase of submarines was being worked out," he said at a press conference at RIA Novosti.
    Earlier it was planned to purchase 20 submarines, 35 corvettes and 15 frigates, and also to put into operation eight Borei-class strategic missile submarine cruisers, the carriers of the new Bulava-based sea-based ballistic missiles.

    Now what will be really awesome , is if Russia could make a Super Cruiser with a brand new hull ,and new steel ,of the the size of the Kirov class. And make them completely stealth and with the same firepower ,they planning for the modernization of Kirov program.

    For Comparisons..

    The Kirov class vs Lider class destroyer ,is being configured too..

    (Admiral Nakhimov) Kirov class cruiser vs.     Lider class destroyer

    252 m           ------vs ----              200m  

    air defenses..

    12 × 8 = 96  S-400PMU         ----------            S-500 air defense system (56 cells)
    16 × 8 =128 3K95 "Kinzhal" (Tor)    ---------    Redut S-400? medium      (16 cells)
    44       =44   OSA-MA    SAM        ---------       3 × Pantsir-M SAM

    Cruise missiles...
    10 x 8 = 80 Kalibr/onyx missiles !!!      -------- 64   Kalibs/Onyx missiles.
    Tsirkon ??                                          ---        Tsirkon    

    SO with the Kirov Class Russia could have a major offensive power .
    up to 80x Kalibr/ Tzirkon missiles ..supersonic/Hypersonic missiles.

    With the leader class you will have S-500s to push NATO Ohio submarines
    away from Russia close proximity ,to get some early initial phase interception chance
    if manage to locate US submarines. can block any launch of their Trident missiles anywhere
    close to Russian borders in the baltic sea or barents sea ,which are the most critical zones
    to defend ,for being closer to Kaliningrad , or St Peterburg ,moscow respectively.

    So a relaunch of the Kirov program , lets say build 4x of them.   combined with 12 destroyers
    Lider class. It will be truly eye watering for NATO. Specially if Russia manage to deploy them
    on a frequent basis in the atlantic sea.

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    Russian Navy: Status & News #3 - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian Navy: Status & News #3

    Post  AlfaT8 Mon Jun 26, 2017 8:46 pm

    Vann7 wrote:So a relaunch of the Kirov program , lets say build 4x of them.   combined with 12 destroyers
    Lider class. It will be truly eye watering for NATO. Specially if Russia manage to deploy them
    on a frequent basis in the atlantic sea.

    Uhm no, relaunching the Kirov class ain't happening, to expensive, it would make more sense to just make more Liders or Lider-Ms.

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    Russian Navy: Status & News #3 - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian Navy: Status & News #3

    Post  Isos Mon Jun 26, 2017 10:12 pm

    Naval S-500 is far from being ready. So is the Lider project. Actually, if I'm not wrong they didn't allow money for it in the new state programs.

    Even S-400F is not ready. Redut is a naval S-350, nothing to do with the S-400 which is far superior. It doesn't have comparable radars neither missiles. They truely should build some project 21956 with true S-400F. This project uses weapons that are already used and so it wouldn't be difficult to build them, they are designed with S-300FM but it could be replaced with S-400F.


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    Russian Navy: Status & News #3 - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian Navy: Status & News #3

    Post  PapaDragon Tue Jun 27, 2017 2:37 am

    10 sub plan sounds great. Yasens may be on the pricy side but it's better to stick with them bit longer and give Husky class extra time to gestate. You don't want to rush this and Yasen is damn fine ship as is.

    Same goes for Lider destroyers especially if Super Gorshkov is on the table.
    Tsavo Lion
    Tsavo Lion

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    Russian Navy: Status & News #3 - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian Navy: Status & News #3

    Post  Tsavo Lion Wed Jun 28, 2017 8:05 pm

    Russia will build aircraft carriers
    Maritime Defense Show in St. Petersburg already brings surprises
    Military expert: aircraft carriers - "expensive thing", but Russia needs them
    - after the refit, Adm.K may change its home port to Sevastopol.  No need to transit the English Channel & Gibraltar. The weather is also a lot better in the Black Sea to allow more training.

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    Russian Navy: Status & News #3 - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian Navy: Status & News #3

    Post  SeigSoloyvov Wed Jun 28, 2017 8:39 pm

    Tsavo Lion wrote:Russia will build aircraft carriers
    Maritime Defense Show in St. Petersburg already brings surprises
    Military expert: aircraft carriers - "expensive thing", but Russia needs them
    - after the refit, Adm.K may change its home port to Sevastopol.  No need to transit the English Channel & Gibraltar. The weather is also a lot better in the Black Sea to allow more training.

    no one has ever denied Russia will not build AC's.

    The question on this site was how big should it be, Russia to me needs at most four carriers two for each major fleet, While one is being refueled nuclear fuel wise and maybe small upgrades the other carrier can be deployed so you just rotate them.

    They MUST have at least two tho.

    Still, the design won't be done until what 2025? You won't see a new AC in Russia's fleet tell way past 2030.
    Tsavo Lion
    Tsavo Lion

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    Russian Navy: Status & News #3 - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian Navy: Status & News #3

    Post  Tsavo Lion Wed Jun 28, 2017 9:02 pm

    As was mentioned here, they'll have helicopter carriers, possible with STOVL fighters, before true a/c carriers are built. So the situation is not catastrophic. As for their size, I guesstimate it'll be ~85-95,000T.

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    Russian Navy: Status & News #3 - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian Navy: Status & News #3

    Post  Isos Wed Jun 28, 2017 9:08 pm

    Maritime Defense Show in St. Petersburg already brings surprises

    It's doubtfull they go for something so big. It looks bigger than US carrier.

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    Russian Navy: Status & News #3 - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian Navy: Status & News #3

    Post  SeigSoloyvov Wed Jun 28, 2017 9:19 pm

    Isos wrote:
    Maritime Defense Show in St. Petersburg already brings surprises

    It's doubtfull they go for something so big. It looks bigger than US carrier.

    It is.

    A supercarrier has more use then a meduim class one, More planes is better cannot deny that

    Right now Russia, however, cannot afford to field multiple carriers of that size, maybe if their economy gets better

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    Russian Navy: Status & News #3 - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian Navy: Status & News #3

    Post  SeigSoloyvov Wed Jun 28, 2017 9:20 pm

    Tsavo Lion wrote:As was mentioned here, they'll have helicopter carriers, possible with STOVL fighters, before true a/c carriers are built. So the situation is not catastrophic. As for their size, I guesstimate it'll be ~85-95,000T.  

    Helio carriers that aren't designed for STOVL fighters and could maybe fit 6. That's hardly anything to worry about if your up against it. Also never said Russia needs the carriers right now, they don't at the same time the longer they wait the more at a disadvantage they will be in the naval area.

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    Russian Navy: Status & News #3 - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian Navy: Status & News #3

    Post  Isos Wed Jun 28, 2017 9:33 pm

    SeigSoloyvov wrote:
    Isos wrote:
    Maritime Defense Show in St. Petersburg already brings surprises

    It's doubtfull they go for something so big. It looks bigger than US carrier.

    It is.

    A supercarrier has more use then a meduim class one, More planes is better cannot deny that

    Right now Russia, however, cannot afford to field multiple carriers of that size, maybe if their economy gets better

    Well your economy needs to be good for time you build it. Look the English carriers. They changed their minds 20 times between the start and the end because it takes some years to build it and the economy has a direct impact on it. They need to be sure they can finish it. They never build a carrier too so buiding the bigest one is dangerous (economicaly speacking).

    Maybe they should partener up with china and let them build the structure while they put all the system on board. No need for a new big shipyard that can allow its construction. It would be much cheaper.

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    Russian Navy: Status & News #3 - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian Navy: Status & News #3

    Post  eehnie Wed Jun 28, 2017 9:39 pm

    Tsavo Lion wrote:Russia will build aircraft carriers
    Maritime Defense Show in St. Petersburg already brings surprises
    Military expert: aircraft carriers - "expensive thing", but Russia needs them
    - after the refit, Adm.K may change its home port to Sevastopol.  No need to transit the English Channel & Gibraltar. The weather is also a lot better in the Black Sea to allow more training.

    Very interesting news.

    In agreement with the Russian maritime doctrine of 2015.
    Tsavo Lion
    Tsavo Lion

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    Russian Navy: Status & News #3 - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian Navy: Status & News #3

    Post  Tsavo Lion Wed Jun 28, 2017 10:31 pm

    SeigSoloyvov wrote:Helo carriers that aren't designed for STOVL fighters and could maybe fit 6. That's hardly anything to worry about if your up against it... Look the English carriers. ..They never build a carrier too so building the biggest one is dangerous (economicaly speacking).
    The UK used a container ship to carry 14 more in the S. Atlantic.
    If you mean that UK didn't build them, pl. see who built all these:
    Many Nikolaev shipyard personnel left Ukraine for RF years ago, & since then ex-Adm. Gorshkov was modernized in Severodvinsk & sold to India, so they do have experience & know-how. If need be, China could be consulted. They may even build them jointly.

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    Russian Navy: Status & News #3 - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian Navy: Status & News #3

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