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    Syrian War: News #15


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    Syrian War: News #15 - Page 31 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #15

    Post  GunshipDemocracy Sun Sep 24, 2017 8:24 pm

    I am not sure if Russia responds bombing sht out of allied SDF/IGIL/ US forces. But would be nice if yes. Now most important is a corridor between Iran and Syria... this is strategic victory for Russia or defeat if US closes it first.


    Russian Lieutenant-General, Valery Asapov, killed near Deir Ez Zor. "Our source in Syria says that the general and two colonels perished under mortar fire by precise guidance, the shell hit the command post"

    They dont need to understand they need to perish.

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    Syrian War: News #15 - Page 31 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #15

    Post  GunshipDemocracy Sun Sep 24, 2017 8:44 pm

    Video: In Syria to force the Euphrates arrived unique technology RF
    For crossing the water barriers in Syria, powerful Russian engineering equipment is directed. The video of arrival at the airfield Khmeimim ferry-bridge machines PMM-2M, thrown by the An-124, has already been published on the Internet.

    looks like Euphrates is going to be crossed anyway Smile

    In Syria ZPU-4 on "Sadko" became a deadly "broom"

    Syrian War: News #15 - Page 31 1506055340_ya

    GAZ-3308 Sadko vehicles in the Syrian army are installing various types of weapons. The Nizhny Novgorod cross-country vehicle turned into a rocket launcher system, a self-propelled artillery system with various, including anti-aircraft guns.

    According to some reports, the most common was the option with a 23 mm ZU-23-2 installation. However, this artillery system strongly shakes the car during firing, and therefore the accuracy leaves much to be desired. A 14.5 mm ZPU-4 installation is better suited.

    Recently, "Sadko" with quadruple machine guns CPV are found in the conflict zone more often. The anti-aircraft system created more than 70 years ago serves as a kind of "battle broom" with a solid rate of fire - 2200 rounds per minute.

    It is capable of "cleaning" not only the enemy's live strength, but also light armored vehicles, bomb-cars at a range of up to 2 km. It is known that at a distance of half a kilometer the bullet fired from this installation is capable of penetrating up to 50 mm of armor.

    This conflict is interesting because along with the latest technology successfully used and old Soviet weapons, showing the greatest potential that was laid by domestic designers. The machine gun veteran of the CPV is still the most powerful serial large-caliber machine gun, and while in the world there are no rivals who could compete with him.

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    Syrian War: News #15 - Page 31 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #15

    Post  JohninMK Sun Sep 24, 2017 9:43 pm

    I don't know if he said it or who heard it but this looks like a promise from a man who matters. Based on a view of life that few in the West still understand.

    Ivan Sidorenko‏ @IvanSidorenko1 45m45 minutes ago

    #Syria #DeirEzZor Words Allegedly Said by #SRG Brigadier General Issam Zahreddine over the Walkie Tlakie to #Kurds #Kurdish #TwitterKurds

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    Post  JohninMK Sun Sep 24, 2017 10:00 pm

    Looks reasonable from what's on Twitter

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    Syrian War: News #15 - Page 31 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #15

    Post  BKP Sun Sep 24, 2017 10:03 pm

    Uncle Sam vs. Russia in Eastern Syria: the Nightmare Scenario
    Mike Whitney, 9/22/17

    The impending collapse of ISIS has touched off a race for territory in the oil-rich eastern part of Syria pitting US-backed forces against the Russian-led coalition of Syria, Iran and Hezbollah.  This is the nightmare scenario that everyone wanted to avoid.  Washington and Moscow’s armies are now converging on the same area at the same time greatly increasing the probability of a conflagration between the two nuclear-armed superpowers.  The only way a clash can be avoided is if one party backs down, which seems increasingly unlikely.

    Earlier in the week, it looked like the Syrian Army had a leg up on the SDF as troops and armored vehicles crossed the Euphrates headed east to the oil fields. But reports that appeared late Thursday indicate that the SDF has beaten them to the punch...

    This is a major setback for the Russian coalition. It means that the SAA backed by the Russian Airforce will have to fight a group which, up to this point, has been an ally in the war against ISIS. Now it’s clear that the mainly-Kurdish SDF is no ally, it’s an enemy that wants to steal Syria’s resources and carve a state out of its eastern flank.

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    Syrian War: News #15 - Page 31 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #15

    Post  miketheterrible Sun Sep 24, 2017 10:07 pm

    The Kurds were no ally to the Syrians, as they have been not fighting period. Just walking in. Eventually the Kurds will end up having to fight and realize they cannot win. The US has put their bet on the wrong horse here and essentially have not just Russia to deal with in regards to this, but their own ally the Turks and the Iranians who also do not want the Kurds to have power.

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    Syrian War: News #15 - Page 31 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #15

    Post  BKP Sun Sep 24, 2017 10:10 pm

    I think that if it comes down to it, a lot will depend on how quickly the Kurds fold. The US will need a "victim people" to hide behind to do what they want to do.

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    Syrian War: News #15 - Page 31 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #15

    Post  AbdulhamidtheSecond Mon Sep 25, 2017 8:14 am

    Even though Kurds captured a lot of territory out of their capabilities, they still do not control critical points where they can have access to their "friendly" countries.

    Mediterranean was a target since Afrin is controlled by PKK. But after ES operation they could not get what it takes. After that, they tried to obtain Jordanian border. It failed as well.

    Now it is a dead end. Kurds triggered Arabs Turks and Persians at the same time. I think such a thing has no example in history. Even Poles were luckier back in the day in 1940s

    US is desperate. They have to fight more and their fight requires to be fed with more fight. That is how it goes.

    Kurds do not know how to handle things. They cant survive while fighting at 4 different frontiers.

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    Syrian War: News #15 - Page 31 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #15

    Post  ATLASCUB Mon Sep 25, 2017 9:30 am

    A lot is cooking now.... this might have a sudden burst.

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    Syrian War: News #15 - Page 31 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #15

    Post  JohninMK Mon Sep 25, 2017 9:43 am

    So, not all Tigers have gone West.

    Ivan Sidorenko‏ @IvanSidorenko1 3h3 hours ago

    #Syria #DeirEzZor Some #Tiger_Forces Air Force Intelligence Units are staying in #DeirEzZor Not "ALL" are being pulled to #Hama

    1 Tiger Force Unit that definitely left DeirEzZor is Tarmah Group since Northern Hama / Qamhana is there home village.

    #Syria #Damascus #Syrian Reporter : Ain Tarmah - Complete collapse of Insurgents who are now fleeing & Blowing up buildings @ First Lines

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    Syrian War: News #15 - Page 31 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #15

    Post  calm Mon Sep 25, 2017 10:13 am

    Guys stop mixing Kurds and SDF. Arabic part of SDF is "fighting" close to Deir Ez Zor. Or to be precise Abu Khawla exISIS gang.

    Abu Khawla would love to recruit former DeZ FSA'ers who went to the US at Al Tanf but they refuse to join his ex-ISIS circus.

    Russia bombing again
    Thanks to all the fakenews in the YPG media now the entire YPG & its global supporters are going to think Russians are bombing YPG. Those +

    + are ex-ISIS Shaitat tribals who are getting bombed after they took over the area from their Shaitat ISIS homies w/out a shot fired.

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    Syrian War: News #15 - Page 31 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #15

    Post  AbdulhamidtheSecond Mon Sep 25, 2017 10:31 am

    calm wrote:Guys stop mixing Kurds and SDF. Arabic part of SDF is "fighting" close to Deir Ez Zor. Or to be precise Abu Khawla exISIS gang.

    Abu Khawla would love to recruit former DeZ FSA'ers who went to the US at Al Tanf but they refuse to join his ex-ISIS circus.

    Russia bombing again
    Thanks to all the fakenews in the YPG media now the entire YPG & its global supporters are going to think Russians are bombing YPG. Those +

    + are ex-ISIS Shaitat tribals who are getting bombed after they took over the area from their Shaitat ISIS homies w/out a shot fired.

    Yes, Kurds are a fantasy nation existed in Game of Thrones.

    Until when you will hide the reality? Until when this can last?

    Biggest faction in SDF is YPG. Arabs in SDF is only a tool. No different than Kurds.

    Arent Americans invaders within Syrian territory controlled by SDF?

    Yes. Then I cant understand some fanatics here talking as if only invaders are Turks.

    Some guys living in dreams here

    SDF is not and will never be an ally or legitimate faction for Syria.

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    Syrian War: News #15 - Page 31 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #15

    Post  calm Mon Sep 25, 2017 10:41 am

    You must be a Turk.

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    Syrian War: News #15 - Page 31 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #15

    Post  JohninMK Mon Sep 25, 2017 11:05 am

    Interesting if true. Its the official YPG Twitter account

    Rojava Defense Units‏ @DefenseUnits 1h1 hour ago
    Replying to @DefenseUnits

    Russian warplanes, artillery and rockets heavily targeting #SDF positions in Conco gas field which was liberated from #ISIS Sep 23. #Syria


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    Syrian War: News #15 - Page 31 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #15

    Post  PapaDragon Mon Sep 25, 2017 11:06 am

    Looks like VKS kicked off a SDF themed party in the east. They kept starring at the abyss and now abyss is glancing back:

    Jets strike U.S.-backed forces in eastern Syria: SDF

    Syrian War: News #15 - Page 31 201_s

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    Syrian War: News #15 - Page 31 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #15

    Post  AbdulhamidtheSecond Mon Sep 25, 2017 11:18 am

    calm wrote:You must be a Turk.

    A Turk as real as what I mentioned above

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    Syrian War: News #15 - Page 31 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #15

    Post  eehnie Mon Sep 25, 2017 11:39 am

    GunshipDemocracy wrote:

    Video: In Syria to force the Euphrates arrived unique technology RF
    For crossing the water barriers in Syria, powerful Russian engineering equipment is directed. The video of arrival at the airfield Khmeimim ferry-bridge machines PMM-2M, thrown by the An-124, has already been published on the Internet.

    looks like Euphrates is going to be crossed anyway Smile

    They can be unique vehicles, but this is not exactly high level technology. This is a MT-T platform based vehicle, like the PTS-2, BAT-2, MDK-3 and others. This only means that older technology for this purpose is exhausted in Russia (T-54/55/62, AT-T, or old trucks like the Kraz based technology).

    Note that the MT-T platform is based in the T-64, but being for other role, can be considered a different group. And being significantly more recent (produced between 1979 and 1992), the MT-T based vehicles seems not to be between the material to disappear soon in the Russian Armed Forces, in fact disappeared not with the T-64.

    Last edited by eehnie on Mon Sep 25, 2017 11:59 am; edited 4 times in total

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    Syrian War: News #15 - Page 31 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #15

    Post  eehnie Mon Sep 25, 2017 11:46 am

    It was commented here before, that it was an obvious tracking of Syrian generals to kill them, and a very likely share of information with forces on the ground.

    The same people has been tracking also the Russian general and used the information to kill him.

    The type of ammunition used says clearly how this has not been Kurd peasants using a standard mortar. This has been very likely a US paramilitary group.

    Russia obviously knows it, and will retaliate on them. Dressed of Kurds or not.

    The US is promoting a war of Russia vs the Kurds, and they will not have it.

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    Syrian War: News #15 - Page 31 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #15

    Post  AbdulhamidtheSecond Mon Sep 25, 2017 12:14 pm

    eehnie wrote:
    It was commented here before, that it was an obvious tracking of Syrian generals to kill them, and a very likely share of information with forces on the ground.

    The same people has been tracking also the Russian general and used the information to kill him.

    The type of ammunition used says clearly how this has not been Kurd peasants using a standard mortar. This has been very likely a US paramilitary group.

    Russia obviously knows it, and will retaliate on them. Dressed of Kurds or not.

    The US is promoting a war of Russia vs the Kurds, and they will not have it.

    Russia is not Syria, as long as Russian interests are there, participation of Syria is OK for Russia.


    How will loyal unitarian Arabs, Persians and Turks be held back?

    Region will experience a chaos.

    And solution is, let it happen !

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    Syrian War: News #15 - Page 31 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #15

    Post  JohninMK Mon Sep 25, 2017 2:09 pm

    PapaDragon wrote:
    Looks like VKS kicked off a SDF themed party in the east. They kept starring at the abyss and now abyss is glancing back:

    Jets strike U.S.-backed forces in eastern Syria: SDF

    Hold the horses

    NOTE: Due to the vague nature of original Kurdish reports, it was first reported in this article that Russian artillery units were attacking US-backed troops in eastern Deir Ezzor Governorate, however now official Kurdish sources are clarifying their reports, claiming the artillery bombardment is both the doing of Russian and Syrian forces.

    BEIRUT, LEBANON (1:15 P.M.) – In addition to allegations coming in about an hour ago that Russian warplanes bombed the positions of Kurdish-led forces in eastern Deir Ezzor Governorate, official Kurdish social media sources are now also claiming that their defenses are being struck by both Syrian Arab Army and Russian artillery.

    According to reports from the official twitter account of the Kurdish People’s Protection Units, in addition to Russian airstrikes targeting US-backed fighters around Conoco Gas Field, Russian and Syrian Army artillery is also carrying out a bombardment of the same area.

    Kurdish sources say that the joint Russian-Syrian Army artillery bombardment consists of rocket and standard shelling attacks.

    The latest reports claim that the attack is still ongoing.

    Al-Masdar News cannot confirm anything at this time.

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    Syrian War: News #15 - Page 31 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #15

    Post  JohninMK Mon Sep 25, 2017 3:49 pm

    ISIS area of Hama seems to be shrinking fast.

    Syrian War: News #15 - Page 31 DKk9xEFVAAEcJaG

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    Syrian War: News #15 - Page 31 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #15

    Post  lycantrop Mon Sep 25, 2017 5:34 pm

    JohninMK wrote:ISIS area of Hama seems to be shrinking fast.

    Syrian War: News #15 - Page 31 DKk9xEFVAAEcJaG

    good, very good
    soon Hama pocket is finished and some thousands of troops will be free to transfer to DeZ-front to kick ISIS/SDF asses

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    Syrian War: News #15 - Page 31 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #15

    Post  nomadski Mon Sep 25, 2017 6:41 pm

    Coordinate a simultaneous strike with Korea.

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    Syrian War: News #15 - Page 31 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #15

    Post  ATLASCUB Mon Sep 25, 2017 7:03 pm

    Don't understand the fixation of people here trying to make a distinction over whether a Kurd or an Arab under the SDF banner is the one that dies or not. Is the suggestion that a Kurd life > Arab life; or different? Obviously the right answer is no, thus the fixation on such thing is stupid, and diversionary to the discussions on the SDF. Moreover; it furthers SDF's agenda.

    What matter is that both Kurds and Arabs are flying under the SDF banner, a proxy puppet of the United States military w/ Israeli/NATO/Saudi backing - aka illegal opposition to the government. When majority arab militia within SDF captures territory in Syria, it's claimed as SDF(colloquially known as Kurds) territory. Same thing happens when Kurd militia YPG captures territory. So the idea that there are different SDF's in existance and that a distinction should be made, is, I'll repeat myself, retard stupid. I don't even need to mention that the leadership in Rojava, which has set up the SDF w/ the U.S (and is pretty much the leadership that makes the whole apparatus work) sees no division when they make their statements and press releases about territory and advances; or who their guys are. If they did, and tried to be a Kurd-only ethnic force, they wouldn't be nearly as effective, both on the ground and politically - thus their little ego trip of land grab would fail.

    So, people will continue to refer to the SDF as Kurds, and when they get bombed by Russia, whether it was a (mainly) arab militia or (predominantly) Kurd militia getting blown up people will refer to it as "Kurds getting bombed". Why o why must we persist in this? Because the goal of the SDF is a Kurdish State, partitioned from Syria. That's as simple as it gets.

    Also ludicrous is the suggestion from a special poster than somehow the SDF (Kurds) are forced to do or "put up" with American machinations and ploys. NO ONE forces anyone to do anything there. These groups and militias fall in line because they rationalize that falling in line ultimately serves their interest the best. Also, pretty simple. The YPG could decouple from the SDF tomorrow if the YPG leadership wanted to and ditch the Americans (come to agreements with Russia/Assad)... BUT THEY WON'T. Not as things stand right now.......they get air cover from the U.S, military advisors and special ops units, further their agenda, get weapons, money, food, territory --- things are good. Maybe hundreds of casualties at the hands of the Turks/Assad/Russia etc... will force their hand eventually aka a forced marriage split or even perhaps, the U.S ditching them cold if the stakes get too high --- make no mistake, both are in cahoots with each other, neck deep.

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    Syrian War: News #15 - Page 31 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #15

    Post  JohninMK Mon Sep 25, 2017 9:32 pm

    As the SAA learnt to its cost, you don't leave flanks vulnerable to ISIS, they are expert raiders. The SDF are now learning as their logistics get stretched.

    They mean it when they say there are graphic images at the link, but the other photos don't show much anyway.

    DAMASCUS, SYRIA (9:45 A.M.) – A convoy consisting of US armored vehicles and Kurdish technicals was ambushed by ISIS in an attack on the Al-Khirafi Highway in rural Hasakah following a major jihadist assault on Sunday.

    Although US Humvees seemingly managed to escape the attack at the last minute, many members of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) were captured alive or killed on the spot by Islamic State contingents in the same incident.

    The images were released by Amaq Agency and contains graphic images of dead SDF troops. Viewer discretion is therefore advised:

    On Saturday, the US-backed SDF imposed full control over the villages of Bir Fuwayji, Bir al-Banjah, Bir Ismail and Bir Dawud in a major push along the M7-highway.

    However, the Kurdish pincers have left their rearguard positions and flanks vulnerable to Islamic State raids, resulting in a heavy death toll for the SDF.


    Previously posted map showing clearly what might, emphasis might, be the problem

    Syrian War: News #15 - Page 31 DKeB568U8AEBOSz

    Last edited by JohninMK on Mon Sep 25, 2017 10:46 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Map added)

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