In 1 Russian video I saw it's claimed that the Russian S-400 shot it down while aiming at those Israeli F-16s, but they don't want to admit it. I doubt it- not with the IL-20 still in the area.
If it had been the S-400 then it would have been 4 dead F-16s and one landed Il-20... why do you think China and India and Turkey and Saudi Arabia want to buy S-400?
And why the US does not want any of them to buy it?
Russia’s Long-Term Interests Place Turkey Higher Than Syria
Syria is being partitioned; Assad will have to live with it or die!
Look at the link again... anything that starts with might as well say American wet dream academy....
Syria is not being partitioned... only Americans talk about that... and really what say will they have in the long term?
If you listened to US sources Assad was a dead man 7 years ago... still in charge though...