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    Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #1


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    Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #1 - Page 21 Empty Re: Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #1

    Post  Vann7 Tue Sep 29, 2015 11:24 pm

    Militarov wrote:
    Only intact M1A1 that was captured in Iraq was the one being hauled around by Iraqi Hezbollah. The rest was either badly damaged or destroyed very soon on basically same spot where they were captured by USAF.

    Here you can see it in the video:

    But all we know it never saw any combat

    You know no SHIT... just because you found only one video.. does not means many more don't exist.. And from who Hezbolah captured the american tank? They took it away from who?
    From ALIENS?   FROM WHO hezbolah captured the american tank?  I guess you know the answer.. from Terrorist who had the tank..  So that is EVIDENCE the terrorist you sponsor
    captured American lethal weapons..  Is not even denied by Pentagon they lost equipment
    to ISIS and Alqaeda.. what they have not said is exactly which equipment they lost..

    For your information ...according to Syrian and IRAQ intelligence.. there is a
    US pentagon General ,that lead the attack of ISIS on two cities at least.. with satellite realtime
    informaiton.. One on Palmira and another in western IRAQ..  So there are no "mistakes".
    ISIS is a proxy army that American and ISrael created.. because they do not have full control of Alqaeda , which their allies Saudi Arabia and Turkey have more influence. They needed a loyal terrorist force in middle east and thats how ISIS was created.

    To see Senator John MCAIN meeting with ISIS leader in 2013..should give a clue ,even to the biggest morons of something not right with US fight "against ISIS". The fact that United States
    have blocked TWO TIMES.. Russia proposition to the labeling of ISIS in Syria as a terrorist organization. Should give a FUCKING clue to the most skeptics MORONS  of whats really going on there.

    US blocking a proposition of RUssia at United NAtions that will have criminal consequences ,to nations sponsoring ISIS in Syria.  Are you serious?   Laughing

    Why United States is blocking sanctions against ISIS in Syria and nations sponsoring them?  No

    ISIS = American/israel proxy fighters..and they are being supplied with tanks ,drones and any kind of weapon.. the only thing not supplied to ISIS by Americans is combat jets and submarines and nukes.. because even chemical weapons they given too. But it will not take long
    before they manage to "justify" and "Explain" ISIS getting american nukes.. by "mistake" opps.

    ISIS = Alliance of US pentagon/Israel + Jihadies Proxies.

    Last edited by Vann7 on Tue Sep 29, 2015 11:28 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #1 - Page 21 Empty Re: Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #1

    Post  Guest Tue Sep 29, 2015 11:25 pm

    Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #1 - Page 21 CQDndbYWoAA1GOW

    "Russian state owned Sovkomflot’s NS Concord oil tanker transits northbound Bosphorus, 100 minutes after Yauza transport ship"


    Just so you know this guy is quite legit source: he is quite known ship spotter.

    Posts : 588
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    Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #1 - Page 21 Empty Re: Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #1

    Post  ultron Tue Sep 29, 2015 11:27 pm

    America blocked Russian UNSC draft proposal to fight jihadists. See what I told you? America uses jihadists to kill Russians. America will never allow Russia to bomb jihadists in Syria. If Russia launches an air strike on jihadists, American F-22 fighter will shoot it down. Tough luck, Putin. You want to bomb jihadists? Not on America's watch.

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    Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #1 - Page 21 Empty Re: Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #1

    Post  Zivo Tue Sep 29, 2015 11:30 pm

    ultron wrote:America blocked Russian UNSC draft proposal to fight jihadists. See what I told you? America uses jihadists to kill Russians. America will never allow Russia to bomb jihadists in Syria. If Russia launches an air strike on jihadists, American F-22 fighter will shoot it down. Tough luck, Putin. You want to bomb jihadists? Not on America's watch.

    You're such a troll.

    Posts : 588
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    Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #1 - Page 21 Empty Re: Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #1

    Post  ultron Tue Sep 29, 2015 11:34 pm

    Zivo wrote:You're such a troll.

    I try to be funny. Cool  But what I say is true. The US uses jihadists to kill Russians, so the US will never allow Putin to bomb jihadists in Syria. That's why Putin will not be able to get approval in the UNSC. Putin therefore will not do illegal thing to bomb in Syria. Because Putin thinks UN is international law and it's illegal without UNSC approval. Russia is a strong country. But Russia's president is a weak leader. He did nothing when Ukrainian soldiers killed Russian civilians last year when they shelled across the border. He did nothing when Ukrainian soldiers kidnapped Russian soldiers on Russian soil.

    I will chop off my arm and give it to you if Russia does do air strikes in Syria. This is how sure I am Putin is too timid to do air strikes in Syria.

    Last edited by ultron on Tue Sep 29, 2015 11:46 pm; edited 3 times in total

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    Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #1 - Page 21 Empty Re: Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #1

    Post  Vann7 Tue Sep 29, 2015 11:37 pm

    The fact that US media is supplied Military open Intelligence of Russia military
    positions in syria, planes , tanks ,their numbers.. something that is very useful for
    any terrorist ,even the ones not in direct contact with them.. Shows in which side
    the US government is.. in the side of ISIS and ALqaeda.   You never see American
    media posting satellite information of US positions in middle east.. to put at risk
    their live..

    here is what people living under a ROCK for 4 years and suddenly began
    to claim to be experts on the Syrian subject ,about what they have or not..needs to see.
    All US federal Agencies ,including CIA, FBI ,Obama ,Pentagon ,US senate and Congress
    is working for ISIS and boosting its power in the middle east.

    American intelligence veteran with lots of connection
    in US army.. and Pentagon speak the truth of the war in Syria.

    US gov created ISIS to fight Syria and IRAN and Russia.. years before
    any arab spring happened and any violence .

    former French foreign minister Roland Dumans explain
    how years before any conflict happened in Syria ,or any unrest.. he was invited
    to a meeting in UK , by an international group ,that were planning the total destruction of Syria
    through a jihadist invasion..

    So anyone can suck my dick in trying to downplay or minimize the  American Government role in the syrian criminal war.  The "war on ISIS" is a 100% fraud.. just like 9/11 WTC was a total fraud and just like the war against Alqaeda..that began to justify the invasion of IRAQ and Afganistan..  and they supplying with ISIS with almost Anything anglozionist powers have ,including sattelite encrypted communications and military drones. and now even the US airforce coalition provide covers to them..  only thing not supplied to ISIS yet is a
    navy ,because Russia blocked its interference of US navy in the conflict..

    Last edited by Vann7 on Tue Sep 29, 2015 11:53 pm; edited 2 times in total

    Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #1 - Page 21 Empty Re: Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #1

    Post  Guest Tue Sep 29, 2015 11:39 pm

    Vann7 wrote:
    Militarov wrote:
    Only intact M1A1 that was captured in Iraq was the one being hauled around by Iraqi Hezbollah. The rest was either badly damaged or destroyed very soon on basically same spot where they were captured by USAF.

    Here you can see it in the video:

    But all we know it never saw any combat

    You know no SHIT... just because you found only one video.. does not means many more don't exist.. And from who Hezbolah captured the american tank? They took it away from who?
    From ALIENS?   FROM WHO hezbolah captured the american tank?  I guess you know the answer.. from Terrorist who had the tank..  So that is EVIDENCE the terrorist you sponsor
    captured American lethal weapons..  Is not even denied by Pentagon they lost equipment
    to ISIS and Alqaeda.. what they have not said is exactly which equipment they lost..

    For your information ...according to Syrian and IRAQ intelligence.. there is a
    US pentagon General ,that lead the attack of ISIS on two cities at least.. with satellite realtime
    informaiton.. One on Palmira and another in western IRAQ..  So there are no "mistakes".
    ISIS is a proxy army that American and ISrael created.. because they do not have full control of Alqaeda , which their allies Saudi Arabia and Turkey have more influence. They needed a loyal terrorist force in middle east and thats how ISIS was created.

    To see Senator John MCAIN meeting with ISIS leader in 2013..should give a clue ,even to the biggest morons of something not right with US fight "against ISIS". The fact that United States
    have blocked TWO TIMES.. Russia proposition to the labeling of ISIS in Syria as a terrorist organization. Should give a FUCKING clue to the most skeptics MORONS  of whats really going on there.

    US blocking a proposition of RUssia at United NAtions that will have criminal consequences ,to nations sponsoring ISIS in Syria.  Are you serious?   Laughing

    Why United States is blocking sanctions against ISIS in Syria and nations sponsoring them?  No

    ISIS = American/israel proxy fighters..and they are being supplied with tanks ,drones and any kind of weapon.. the only thing not supplied to ISIS by Americans is combat jets and submarines and nukes.. because even chemical weapons they given too. But it will not take long
    before they manage to "justify" and "Explain" ISIS getting american nukes.. opps.

    First of all, i will block you for start after this reply since saying "You know no SHIT", is aganist rules of every forum i ever had pleasure visiting and posting and i dont have wish to be insulted by randoms that claim stuff they lack proof and source for.

    Second, its not ME that found only one video, its EVERYONE, there is no video of operative M1A1 in hands of ISIS, whatseover, noone found it, noone saw it, which means it does not exist. Everyone on battlefield has mobile phone, everyone. What do you think from all these photos and videos are coming from? People that are there, and M1A1 in hands of ISIS would be quite a news.

    Third, here they got it? I got, no damn clue, same as everyone else except those that captured it.

    "The convo shown in this video shows a long group of vehicles, comprising mainly pickup trucks, but also various vehicles provided by the USA to the Iraqi Forces, including M1A1 main battle tanks, transported on standard US Army Heavy Equipment Transporter (HET), M113 Armored Personnel Carriers and M151, military trucks hacked with rocket launchers to become mobile rocket launchers. Unlike tanks shown by ISIS, that were damaged in battle, this equipment seems intact, and may have been taken by the Hezbollah from Iraqi storage of abandoned by military units." - Source:

    If Hezbolah really operated it, they would release combat videos and photos of it after this for propaganda purposes as all groups fighting there do, but there are none, which means it was either given back to Iraqis, destroyed or its just being laying somewhere in desert coz of lack of fuel/ammunition/skilled crew.

    "There is that general, doing that, with realtime that, saying that, doing that" - Source? Info? Video? Picture? Claim? Anything? I am sorry but forum is not place for imagination when we are discussing real situation in field and combat, if you want to post your opinions which got no solid base go write a blog.

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    Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #1 - Page 21 Empty Re: Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #1

    Post  ultron Tue Sep 29, 2015 11:40 pm

    Vann7 wrote:
    The fact that US media is supplied Military open Intelligence of Russia military
    positions in syria, planes , tanks ,their numbers.. something that is very useful for
    any terrorist ,even the ones not in direct contact with them.. Shows in which side
    the US government is.. in the side of ISIS and ALqaeda.   You never see American
    media posting satellite information of US positions in middle east.. to put at risk
    their live..

    here is what people living under a ROCK for 4 years and suddenly began
    to claim to be experts on the Syrian subject ,about what they have or not..needs to see.
    All US federal Agencies ,including CIA, FBI ,Obama ,Pentagon ,US senate and Congress
    is working for ISIS and boosting its power in the middle east.

    Is that the British guy who blasts global warming alarmists? Shocked Lord Moncton?

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    Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #1 - Page 21 Empty Re: Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #1

    Post  Zivo Tue Sep 29, 2015 11:53 pm

    ultron wrote:
    Zivo wrote:You're such a troll.

    I try to be funny. Cool  But what I say is true. The US uses jihadists to kill Russians, so the US will never allow Putin to bomb jihadists in Syria. That's why Putin will not be able to get approval in the UNSC. Putin therefore will not do illegal thing to bomb in Syria. Because Putin thinks UN is international law and it's illegal without UNSC approval. Russia is a strong country. But Russia's president is a weak leader. He did nothing when Ukrainian soldiers killed Russian civilians last year when they shelled across the border. He did nothing when Ukrainian soldiers kidnapped Russian soldiers on Russian soil.

    I will chop off my arm and give it to you if Russia does do air strikes in Syria. This is how sure I am Putin is too timid to do air strikes in Syria.

    Russia deployed those aircraft knowing full well that the US would block any Russian UNSC resolution. Russia's moves have basically forced the US to vote in favor of supporting ISIS and against common sense, while at the same time, Putin had publicly outed western support for ISIS. The Division 30 debacle just reinforces the public's opinion that the US government is in the wrong.

    BTW, when don't send me your arm. I don't want to get a visit from the FBI.

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    Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #1 - Page 21 Empty Re: Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #1

    Post  sepheronx Tue Sep 29, 2015 11:57 pm

    As soon as Assad gives the go ahead to Russia for help, they don't need UNSC resolution. As well, France nor anyone else has a right or an agreement to bomb in Syria and Russia knows this, hence they will do as they please anyway.

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    Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #1 - Page 21 Empty Re: Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #1

    Post  Book. Tue Sep 29, 2015 11:59 pm

    ultron wrote:America blocked Russian UNSC draft proposal to fight jihadists. See what I told you? America uses jihadists to kill Russians. America will never allow Russia to bomb jihadists in Syria. If Russia launches an air strike on jihadists, American F-22 fighter will shoot it down. Tough luck, Putin. You want to bomb jihadists? Not on America's watch.

    US can no stop Ru. Slava C300 missle boat the sea. SAA Pecho2M BukM the land.

    Ru anti air umbrella good. F22 no differ the toy!

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    Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #1 - Page 21 Empty Re: Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #1

    Post  Zivo Wed Sep 30, 2015 12:02 am

    sepheronx wrote:As soon as Assad gives the go ahead to Russia for help, they don't need UNSC resolution.  As well, France nor anyone else has a right or an agreement to bomb in Syria and Russia knows this, hence they will do as they please anyway.

    Stare Decisis. Russia is just following legal precedence, which defines how laws are to be interpreted.


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    Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #1 - Page 21 Empty Re: Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #1

    Post  ultron Wed Sep 30, 2015 12:04 am

    Zivo wrote:
    sepheronx wrote:As soon as Assad gives the go ahead to Russia for help, they don't need UNSC resolution.  As well, France nor anyone else has a right or an agreement to bomb in Syria and Russia knows this, hence they will do as they please anyway.

    Stare Decisis. Russia is just following legal precedence, which defines how laws are to be interpreted.

    Laws? There is only 1 law: jungle law. I wouldn't be surprised if F-22 jets attack Russian planes if Putin decides to bomb jihadists in Syria. If not, it is likely the US would bomb SAA if Putin decides to bomb jihadists in Syria.

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    Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #1 - Page 21 Empty Re: Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #1

    Post  Book. Wed Sep 30, 2015 12:09 am

    ultron wrote:Laws? There is only 1 law: jungle law. I wouldn't be surprised if F-22 jets attack Russian planes if Putin decides to bomb jihadists in Syria. If not, it is likely the US would bomb SAA if Putin decides to bomb jihadists in Syria.

    Ru militant satlite see everthing. how hide F22?

    Nato F22 base no safe easy target the Ru cruise missle!

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    Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #1 - Page 21 Empty Re: Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #1

    Post  ultron Wed Sep 30, 2015 12:11 am

    Book. wrote:
    ultron wrote:Laws? There is only 1 law: jungle law. I wouldn't be surprised if F-22 jets attack Russian planes if Putin decides to bomb jihadists in Syria. If not, it is likely the US would bomb SAA if Putin decides to bomb jihadists in Syria.

    Ru militant satlite see everthing. how hide F22?

    Nato F22 base no safe easy target the Ru cruise missle!

    Okay well then in that case the US, Turkey, Israel would bomb SAA if Russia bombs jihadists.

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    Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #1 - Page 21 Empty Re: Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #1

    Post  ultron Wed Sep 30, 2015 12:12 am

    ultron wrote:Ru militant satlite see everthing. how hide F22?

    Nato F22 base no safe easy target the Ru cruise missle!

    Okay well then in that case the US, Turkey, Jordan, Israel would bomb SAA if Russia bombs jihadists.

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    Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #1 - Page 21 Empty Re: Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #1

    Post  Vann7 Wed Sep 30, 2015 12:13 am

    Militarov wrote:
    Vann7 wrote:
    Militarov wrote:
    Only intact M1A1 that was captured in Iraq was the one being hauled around by Iraqi Hezbollah. The rest was either badly damaged or destroyed very soon on basically same spot where they were captured by USAF.

    Here you can see it in the video:

    But all we know it never saw any combat

    You know no SHIT... just because you found only one video.. does not means many more don't exist.. And from who Hezbolah captured the american tank? They took it away from who?
    From ALIENS?   FROM WHO hezbolah captured the american tank?  I guess you know the answer.. from Terrorist who had the tank..  So that is EVIDENCE the terrorist you sponsor
    captured American lethal weapons..  Is not even denied by Pentagon they lost equipment
    to ISIS and Alqaeda.. what they have not said is exactly which equipment they lost..

    For your information ...according to Syrian and IRAQ intelligence.. there is a
    US pentagon General ,that lead the attack of ISIS on two cities at least.. with satellite realtime
    informaiton.. One on Palmira and another in western IRAQ..  So there are no "mistakes".
    ISIS is a proxy army that American and ISrael created.. because they do not have full control of Alqaeda , which their allies Saudi Arabia and Turkey have more influence. They needed a loyal terrorist force in middle east and thats how ISIS was created.

    To see Senator John MCAIN meeting with ISIS leader in 2013..should give a clue ,even to the biggest morons of something not right with US fight "against ISIS". The fact that United States
    have blocked TWO TIMES.. Russia proposition to the labeling of ISIS in Syria as a terrorist organization. Should give a FUCKING clue to the most skeptics MORONS  of whats really going on there.

    US blocking a proposition of RUssia at United NAtions that will have criminal consequences ,to nations sponsoring ISIS in Syria.  Are you serious?   Laughing

    Why United States is blocking sanctions against ISIS in Syria and nations sponsoring them?  No

    ISIS = American/israel proxy fighters..and they are being supplied with tanks ,drones and any kind of weapon.. the only thing not supplied to ISIS by Americans is combat jets and submarines and nukes.. because even chemical weapons they given too. But it will not take long
    before they manage to "justify" and "Explain" ISIS getting american nukes.. opps.

    First of all, i will block you for start after this reply since saying "You know no SHIT", is aganist rules of every forum i ever had pleasure visiting and posting and i dont have wish to be insulted by randoms that claim stuff they lack proof and source for.

    Second, its not ME that found only one video, its EVERYONE, there is no video of operative M1A1 in hands of ISIS, whatseover, noone found it, noone saw it, which means it does not exist. Everyone on battlefield has mobile phone, everyone. What do you think from all these photos and videos are coming from? People that are there, and M1A1 in hands of ISIS would be quite a news.

    Third, here they got it? I got, no damn clue, same as everyone else except those that captured it.

    "The convo shown in this video shows a long group of vehicles, comprising mainly pickup trucks, but also various vehicles provided by the USA to the Iraqi Forces, including M1A1 main battle tanks, transported on standard US Army Heavy Equipment Transporter (HET), M113 Armored Personnel Carriers and M151, military trucks hacked with rocket launchers to become mobile rocket launchers. Unlike tanks shown by ISIS, that were damaged in battle, this equipment seems intact, and may have been taken by the Hezbollah from Iraqi storage of abandoned by military units." - Source:

    If Hezbolah really operated it, they would release combat videos and photos of it after this for propaganda purposes as all groups fighting there do, but there are none, which means it was either given back to Iraqis, destroyed or its just being laying somewhere in desert coz of lack of fuel/ammunition/skilled crew.

    "There is that general, doing that, with realtime that, saying that, doing that" - Source? Info? Video? Picture? Claim? Anything? I am sorry but forum is not place for imagination when we are discussing real situation in field and combat, if you want to post your opinions which got no solid base go write a blog.

    You know no shit about Syrian conflict..
    Just because you cannot find a video of a hundreds of american tanks in ISIS control
    DOES NOT MEAN DOES NOT EXIST . The lack of visual evidence ..does deny the existence of something. the democratically elected Government of IRAQ and SYRIA
    are saying ISIS use american made heavy weapons including tanks. They say .. that Pentagon is helping ISIS and Dropping weapons on ISIS and Dropping bombs on IRAQ soldiers "by mistake" . That the US Airforce and its coalition of dictators are merely helping the terrorist
    with logistics and not fighting them.. Reports of Kurds saying US airforce ignoring ISIS tanks..
    Reports of Russia foreign minister Lavrov saying US coalition knows where ISIS positions are..
    but refuse to give the order to the coalition to bomb them..

    So you know nothing about Syria conflict.. if you try to downplay American support of them.
    in any way ,shape or form.. then you know shit. I have no idea in which country in the world
    a TOP senator is allowed to have secret meeting with ISIS + ALqaeda linked leaders as best buddies  and get away with that and not put in jail..

    Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #1 - Page 21 ISISMcCainMeme5

    if McAin is not in because the support of terrorism including ISIS and ALqaeda ,is a perfectly American government acceptable policy.
    even if their helps facilitate the genocide of hundreds of millions .

    Last edited by Vann7 on Wed Sep 30, 2015 12:17 am; edited 1 time in total

    Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #1 - Page 21 Empty Re: Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #1

    Post  Guest Wed Sep 30, 2015 12:13 am

    ultron wrote:
    Zivo wrote:
    sepheronx wrote:As soon as Assad gives the go ahead to Russia for help, they don't need UNSC resolution.  As well, France nor anyone else has a right or an agreement to bomb in Syria and Russia knows this, hence they will do as they please anyway.

    Stare Decisis. Russia is just following legal precedence, which defines how laws are to be interpreted.

    Laws? There is only 1 law: jungle law. I wouldn't be surprised if F-22 jets attack Russian planes if Putin decides to bomb jihadists in Syria. If not, it is likely the US would bomb SAA if Putin decides to bomb jihadists in Syria.

    F22s attacking Russian jets over Syria? There is something called politics, US would never do such thing coz that would affect their political position in the world so much that it would make their society start splitting. I wont even mention it would be political suicide for whole US Senate together with President (whoever he is)... One thing is attacking Afganistan or Yugoslavia, other thing is attacking Russia, one does not simply do that. It would affect economy, not only in US but whole world.

    Also people seriously stop that "F22 this, F22 that" chanting, there is like dozen of them in total deployed in whole EU and Middle East.

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    Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #1 - Page 21 Empty Re: Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #1

    Post  JohninMK Wed Sep 30, 2015 12:15 am

    ultron wrote:
    Zivo wrote:You're such a troll.

    I try to be funny. Cool  But what I say is true. The US uses jihadists to kill Russians, so the US will never allow Putin to bomb jihadists in Syria. That's why Putin will not be able to get approval in the UNSC. Putin therefore will not do illegal thing to bomb in Syria. Because Putin thinks UN is international law and it's illegal without UNSC approval. Russia is a strong country. But Russia's president is a weak leader. He did nothing when Ukrainian soldiers killed Russian civilians last year when they shelled across the border. He did nothing when Ukrainian soldiers kidnapped Russian soldiers on Russian soil.

    I will chop off my arm and give it to you if Russia does do air strikes in Syria. This is how sure I am Putin is too timid to do air strikes in Syria.
    I'll reply to this load of tosh. You seem to be completely ignorant about so much.

    Russia has been invited in by the sovereign government of Syria. As such he does not have to ask anyone's permission, bar said government, to do anything. He could, with that permission, use his planes tomorrow to attack any agreed target anywhere in Syria. He could also, quite legally, use those planes to shoot down any US/NATO plane overflying Syria without permission, which is probably all of them.

    It is the US/NATO that require a UNSC resolution to overfly and attack targets in Syria. This they do not have so are acting illegally, as Putin says at every available opportunity. He also said, in yesterday's Russian language press conference, specifically that Russian ground troops would not be deployed in Syria.

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    Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #1 - Page 21 Empty Re: Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #1

    Post  ultron Wed Sep 30, 2015 12:17 am

    If Assad asks Putin to bomb jihadists and Putin agrees, then the US, Turkey, Israel, Jordan will bomb SAA and SAA will lose and jihadists will take over Syria.

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    Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #1 - Page 21 Empty Re: Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #1

    Post  Book. Wed Sep 30, 2015 12:18 am

    Israel team Ru. Turk sign the Ru atomic plant + oil the $50+ billon

    Iran Iraq Syria Egypt ally the Ru

    US no ally the ME. Jordan Saud arab? ...muppet state! clown

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    Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #1 - Page 21 Empty Re: Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #1

    Post  TheArmenian Wed Sep 30, 2015 12:27 am

    Please don't feed the troll.

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    Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #1 - Page 21 Empty Re: Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #1

    Post  Vann7 Wed Sep 30, 2015 12:30 am

    McAIN confronted over its support to ISIS..

    Senator rand paul explain Who is Arming ISIS. --> USA

    Time for skeptics to wake up..and stop defending US gov/military and CIA
    destructive and illegal role in middle east and downplaying minizing US support to ISIS.. to destroy Syria.

    If we stop training, arming  jihadists , the war will end’ – Virginia state senator to RT

    So the only question that skeptics could argue is not IF US and pentagon are arming extremist
    Jihadist.. (no longer called moderates). the only argument now is the level of support. if little or heavy and if done by "mistake".  I think the evidence speak stronger that if americans supply expensive TOW missiles to ISIS ,then nothing stop them for supplying them with Tanks too.
    Why not? if they consider TOW to be acceptable..and send MCain to talk with them.. then anything is possible.

    Former US Pentagon General scum in Syria.. helping terrorist.

    What else proof Idiots needs?  Top republican Senators meeting with ISIS leader.. and other Alqaeda linked groups and FSA in the same place.. ?  pentagon Generals helping terrorist in Syria? US lethal weapons in hands of ISIS?  American Government Blocking Russia from banning ISIS in United NAtions? are you serious?  What more evidence morons needs to know
    that the role of Americans in Syria cannot be any more bigger..than already it is.. The only thing
    left is a direct open US military invasion ,fighting side by side with Alqaeda and ISIS. Which will have been done already.. had not Russia backed Syria with weapons and politics.

    I don't think there is any incompetence at all in US they like to claim..
    whenever weapons falls in ISIS hands.. not really. They are really competent in what the do..
    very dedicated and very focused ..and really smart .The problem of the american government
    in middle east is not incompetence.. but crime. is a crime problem . A lack of care for humanity that is american government problem.. that shows that any action is valid ,as long it allows them to achieve their interest. including the support of terrorism.

    Last edited by Vann7 on Wed Sep 30, 2015 12:51 am; edited 2 times in total

    Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #1 - Page 21 Empty Re: Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #1

    Post  Guest Wed Sep 30, 2015 12:37 am

    Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #1 - Page 21 PvsVl6a

    "Suspected unguided bombs alongside dispersed Su-24 in Latakia Syria suggest Russian readiness to conduct air strikes "

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    Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #1 - Page 21 Empty Re: Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #1

    Post  JohninMK Wed Sep 30, 2015 12:47 am

    Militarov wrote:Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #1 - Page 21 CQDndbYWoAA1GOW

    "Russian state owned Sovkomflot’s NS Concord oil tanker transits northbound Bosphorus, 100 minutes after Yauza transport ship"


    Just so you know this guy is quite legit source: he is quite known ship spotter.
    Before Yauza started out from Severomorsk on the 10th September, it had a day at the Severomorsk weapons handling facility (home of the 571st Technical Missile Base) loading who knows what, then from the 27th it had a couple of days sunbathing off Greece, presumably waiting for the Concord and is now on its way perhaps to Sevastopol.

    Much more interesting will be photos of them southbound through the Bosphorus. The Yauza is an unusual ship, 98 passengers and 4 cargo holds, quite old fashioned in a way. With an 'ice breaker' bow it will look a long way from home so very interesting for it to have been summoned south.

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