GarryB wrote: Notice israel shot down one
Russian spy plane with a dozen of serviceman.. Syria denied shooting down the Russian spy plane..
when the news started.. So Russia military most likely was lying to try to avoid a war with israel..
Russian S-400s are in a position to cover all of Israeli airspace without having to move, so if Israel did attack an S-400 battery that battery could engage any aircraft operating in Syria and over Israel... so all Israeli aircraft would be under threat of being shot down as soon as they take off... anywhere in Israel...
You obviously don't understand the difference between having the capability to do something and actually
doing it.. It was you the one who argue with me A LOT .. with Bullshit ,that Russia don't need this or that..
to defend itself because with their nuclear deterrence "nobody will dare ever to attack Russia" .
and Israel can use its air defense to shut down those S-400 missiles. .DOH.. So using S-400s long range missiles over Israel airspace is not a good idea.. risk they being shot down , and captured and reverse engineered when seeking to intercept israeli planes.. this is why Israel.. when they hit and RUN Syria.. they always try to fly over its own airspace.. when leaving.. because if the plane is shutdown it will fall in Israel territory , not in Syrian one.
and Russia is lying about Syria shooting down their Spy plane.. the Syrian military denied that ....
withing minutes the intelligence plane of Russia was shot down.. like i said , Russia coordinates with Syrian
army all their positions . .so their planes are not shutdown.. what can of idiot military Russia is ,that you think will not consult with air defenses in the ground so their planes not shut down ? the entire story was fake..
Putin lie at times , whenever he needs to cover his ass.. It was Putin
the one who told there was no Russian troops in Crimea..
and lied and lied all the time ,that the little
green men were their soldiers.. Later he retracted his bullshit ,when Crimea was captured..
Point is .. Putin can lie.. not usual..but he does it too at times. plain and simple.. he is not the saint you think he is..wake up dude. stop being naive for once.. he will lie as many times he needs ,if with that he can defend its interest.
So the cargo plane incident was a cover up... to hide the fact that israel shut it down.. This was likely done
to not be pushed into a war with Israel ,in a timing that was not of his choice.. keeping the option for war open
with Israel... only at his time.. not at Israel time.. So he did the right thing.. but he lie at times.. is not rare..
he do it from time to time to cover his ass...
To believe that the Russian command center in latakia did not have contact by radio with Syria air defenses
in the ground. is pure idiocy.. there should be there too Syrian generals too.. in Latakkia in Russian base informing directly them.. If Americans and Russia coordinates their flights. .to avoid air accidents.. between planes.. and so none of their planes shutdown.. explain for what reason ,the Russian military will not want to coordinate too with Syrian army operating S-200 to avoid an accident ? or increase their posibilities
to hit Israel planes ??
There is a proxy war in Syria ,of israel against Russia military.. and they use the excuse of "hezbolah" or
"Iranian fighters" transfering missiles in Damascus ,to their attacks.. And Putin pretends.. that there is cooperation ,behave as is Business as usual.. and this is why Israel does the attacks they do.. because
Putin have chosen for fear of a direct war ,weakness .. and sacrifice Syrian army lives and even risk their
'own soldiers lives too ,for allowing israel planes to get away with Syria bombings.
No sense the entire Story of one israeli plane "hiding behind a spy plane" ,this was PR material for the masses
and fools.. but it was an attack on Russia.. and the fact that Russia actions and behavior was that it was Israel to blame for the death of its soldiers.. signals that it was not an accident but intentional.. and this was the very same Russian animations ,who exposed this.. that israel wanted the Russian plane down..and still Russia did.. NOTHING..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Will that mean that in the future ,they will continue forever that allowing that to happen ? i don't think so..
i think Israel was given an ultimatum that any other plane attack against Russia by israel airforce ,that Russia will strike at israel in a painful way.. and if the story of Russia submarine is true... being told by israeli media
of being very close to israel coast.. it will mean.. there is a real tensions and provocations now happening
from both sides.. and it will be a matter of time will go out of control. and a direct military comfronation happen.
between Russia and israel.. .
The point in all this argument.. is to explain you , that Nuclear weapons are not enough as you
blatantly falsely claimed.. reality is Russia can be attacked regardless if they have nukes or not.. So Nukes
will not shield Russia from an attack on its military. with conventional weapons . a strong leadership is also need.. nukes will only be effective.. if the nation who have them use them.. or show no fear to fight back their adversaries when attacked with conventional weapons.. to send a message.. something like what IRAN did.. Shot down the American very expensive Drone.. without a warning.. as soon invade their airspace.. and no longer US airforce fly over IRAN airspace. now they keep distance of IRAN.. Because contrary to Putin ,IRAN did not show weakness ,when US provoked them into a fight.
speaking ABout Israel aggression and disrespect to Russia..
a new attack happened today..
For the record.. i don't think Israel have a chance in a million ,to defeat Russia in a full scale war..
Russia have the capability to completely crush Israel in a hypersonic nuclear attack.. without even they having a chance to fight back.. or know what hit them.. If israelis push too much ,i don't think Putin tolerance
will be infinite and wil fight back. And even israel completely crushed.. if Russia see their nation security
is in a major risk.. but israelies takes advantage of Putin weakness and insecurity to attack Syria and get
away with it.