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    Russian Space Program: News & Discussion #3


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    Russian Space Program: News & Discussion #3 - Page 16 Empty Re: Russian Space Program: News & Discussion #3

    Post  kvs Fri Nov 06, 2020 11:24 pm

    Software used to tabulate votes cast in 47 Michigan counties erroneously gave 6,000 votes to Joe Biden in Anterim County, according to state GOP Chairwoman Laura Cox.

    So now US counting software is using the names of the two candidates in its equations?

    B > T?

    Or who ever has more votes gets a bonus?

    US electoral fraud is simply cheesy.


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    Post  PapaDragon Fri Nov 06, 2020 11:25 pm

    Thank you for proving my following point:

    kvs wrote:...This reminds me of all those arguments about Roskosmos where people try to justify their fuckups by pointing at something that SpaceX did wrong

    Other people's failures are no excuse for your own

    With this little predictable gem:

    kvs wrote:.... Phobos Grunt was one of the technical failures that you will get with any sort of such activity.  Calling it a fuckup is
    for morons like you.   Is Columbia a fuckup?   How about the US Mars mission where they used inches instead of centimeters causing terminal impact with the surface?

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    Post  flamming_python Sun Nov 08, 2020 7:37 am

    Which one was it where they jammed in a sensor upside down? Laughing

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    Post  kvs Sun Nov 08, 2020 7:22 pm

    flamming_python wrote:Which one was it where they jammed in a sensor upside down? Laughing

    Western propaganda loves to talk up any failure as proof of total systemic failure. Using this retarded metric NASA, Space X,
    ESA and CNSA are all total fuckups as well.

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    Post  GarryB Mon Nov 09, 2020 9:29 am

    Wow, with all these pages and pages of problems I wonder how they continue to operate and send people to space and bring them home safely... amazing...  Rolling Eyes

    I mean I understand that the mistakes of others don't justify making mistakes yourself but you really have to point to an organisation that sends people into space that has never made a mistake and never lost any rockets or people before you start complaining really... I mean which organisation has never made a mistake that makes Roscosmos look so bad?

    More clearly... which org sends people to space and gets them back who has no fuckups in their history that makes Roscosmos look incompetent...

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    Post  thegopnik Wed Nov 11, 2020 9:03 am

    According to preliminary calculations, the methane "Amur" will receive a take-off weight of about 360 tons, the height of the rocket will reach 55 meters, and the diameter will be 4.1 meters. The carrier will have a reversible first stage and a second one of single use, both equipped with methane engines. The reusable block will receive landing rods, as well as aerodynamic lattice rudders. This equipment can be removed for launch in a traditional disposable version. With the return stage, the Amur will be able to launch up to 10.5 tons of payload into low-earth orbit, against 8.5 for the Soyuz-2 series rockets. In a one-off version, Amur will lift 12.5 tons into the same orbit.

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    Old or new info?

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    Post  thegopnik Wed Nov 11, 2020 8:27 pm

    Credit to Mikhail Buleev from Quora sharing the 3d printed engines news with me

    "The Krylo-SV system is being developed by the V. M. Myasishchev Experimental Machine-Building Plant as a hypersonic reversible stage with a rotary wing. The project is based on the failed promising cruise missile "Baikal" ( pictured above ), developed by the Khrunichev Research and Production Center. For flights at high speeds, the Vortex engine is being created, and the MGTD-150 3D-printed jet engine will be responsible for the return of the stage. The first flight of the reentry stage in subsonic mode is scheduled for the end of next year; full tests of the flight demonstrator will take place approximately in 2023."

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    Post  Big_Gazza Thu Nov 12, 2020 9:22 am

    Its a bit rough saying that Baikal "failed" given it was never funded and therefore not developed past mockup stage.

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    Post  PapaDragon Thu Nov 12, 2020 11:38 am

    The project is based on the failed promising cruise missile "Baikal" ( pictured above )...

    I don't think those guys know what cruise missile means

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    Post  Hole Thu Nov 12, 2020 11:50 am

    I guess the guy said "winged rocket" in russian which was translated to cruise missile.

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    Post  George1 Tue Nov 17, 2020 1:00 pm

    Soyuz-2 carrier rocket with three Gonets-M communications satellites were scheduled to be launched from the Plesetsk spaceport on November 24.

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    Post  kvs Tue Nov 17, 2020 4:00 pm

    A European Vega rocket suffered a catastrophic failure shortly after launch on Monday evening, leading to the
    loss of $400 million in satellites for Spain and France, reported Space News.

    Around 2053 ET Monday, the Vega rocket blasted off from the spaceport at Kourou, French Guiana. The rocket's
    initial phases appeared to go well, but something went wrong eight minutes into the flight.

    This is some context for the whole Roscosmos "fcukup" whine.

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    Post  Vann7 Tue Nov 17, 2020 5:35 pm

    miketheterrible wrote:Well, in the end, it's good. Cause it prevents over inflated prices and sends those responsible to jail. While it should be a reminder to all you are not an untouchable.

    But as always you completely choose to ignore ,who are the incompetent people who hire
    those corrupt managers..  try harder next time.. if putin constantly  recruit incompetent
    and corrupt people ,then he have very serious problems as a manager ,and so the corrupt
    managers are not the only ones that needs to go,, but those who hire them. In the soviet union
    times ,when someone recommended anyone for a job position and that person failed ,and another
    then another more, then that manager will be kicked too from his seat.. for incompetent.

    a good leader ,one of its major abilities ,should be to identify highly competent and responsible
    people.. and a good leader is one that inspire others to do their job right and stay away from
    corruption. if putin can't influence people right next to him ,to do their job right ,then he is the
    problem and he is the one that needs to go.. with those that he recommended too.

    Prior to Rogozin, they were sitting with just Proton and Soyuz and problems with Vostochney. Now they have more or less gotten a handle on Vostochney issue, building or planned of Soyuz 6, and other rockets, and a new space craft Federation. Only issue is Rogozins mouth.

    Roscosmos has a lot changing actually. Like I said, new space center outside of Moscow which is also acting as a Technopark.

    lol.. so you want people who stay quiet ,when they see corruption and incompetence?

    that's actually one of the reasons i support Rogozin.. while i generally agree ,under normal
    scenarios ,that brilliant engineers are the ones that lead other engineers.. in the case of Russia
    things change.. because putin is so incompetent.. that the out spoken Rogozin is the only one
    that is truly telling the truth of what the hell is going on with Russia space program..
    and just like i suspected... this is the things rogozing have been exposing from russia space program
    and from their collaboration with nasa.

    Rogozing exposed
    1)The massive under funding of russia space program..  
    who will complain about Rogozing claiming in public ,that on his own words
    quote "they want us to do as good as the american space program and china but with 1/20 of the funding"

    Russian space budget is only about 1 billion $USD a year. thanks to the "4 dimensional chessmaster president" lol1 compare that with the 20 $billions of the american space program and about 15 billions of china. Now if you compare that with the 70 billions $usd.. that putin invested in olympic events from 2014 to 2018 , you will see this as a major crime.. major treason of putin to the russian
    people ,by sacrificing so much for nothing.. since nobody give shit anymore about sochi.. neither remember it.. but everyone remembers russia put the first man on space, the first probe on the moon ,venus and mars. perhaps communist party needs to overthrow putin to fix this. ?

    2)the industrial sabotage happening at russian space program assembly plants..and the very low payment of engineers.
    3)The fake moon landing.. I don't like that bullshit Putin constantly support the lies that the west
       sponsors , like covering 911 inside job attacks , covering nasa fake moon landing and today
       covering covid19 biological attacks by US on the world.. something that china already pointed
      fingers to US military but the coward president putin have remained silent.
    4)Also rogozing expose that nasa astronauts were behind the sabotage of soyuz inside the international space station, with a scredriver someone drilled a hole and later covered it with glue.
    all this things are completely signature of terrorist states of north america ,does not surprise me at
    all .. because putin have been living and running russia as IF ,there was not an undeclared war going
    on russia.. when there is one.. so he continue speaking about the west "like his partners" and disinform russian society about the dangerous time they are living..

    So the last thing Russia federation needs, is yes man to putin ,to cover up western terrorism and sabotage and this is the major reason Rogozing needs to stay..  perhaps i will prefer him as supervisor and public relations manager of space industry with full autonomy to say whatever thing he wants.. so people well updated with the issues of russian space program.. instead of bullshit cover ups as putin all the time likes to do ,So we really can now ,what is the real problem russia space program facing .. which thanks to Rogozin we now.. which is   massive under funding.. because the  president ,did not gave priority to russia space program and dediced to invest instead of completely meaningless international events as the olympics , where russia invested up to 60 -70 billions $USD dollars in infrastructure and in security and customer service related jobs ..  money that putin could have better used in the military in advancing their military or far better ,investing them in a real robust
    and ambitious space program.. but is the massive waste of money ,of putin ,what is now holding back russia in so vital areas for Russia future development..  because there will be no reward for
    a second place..  also russia could have invested that money on a real ambitious semiconductor industry to end their dependence on the west.. and will have helped china smart phone industry.
    but so far the idiot president ,preferred artificial development of the nation by wasting the money
    on olympics activities, something that only last 2 weeks and still is artificial , instead of building a
    very strong space program with very ambitious space exploration .

    The world is going down to hell today ,because the bad people continue with impunity doing whatever thing they want.. and those who can do something (like putin could do ) continue
    allowing the west to dominate in every area that is most important for world influence as
    space program ,internet and advance electronics for society daily use, things that affect every moment of people lives.. So the those that can fight evil continues totally passive doing nothing.
    with the only exception of china ,which is the only nation threatening the american system and their high tech business domination..

    So is not Rogozin the one that needs to go , is not their loud mouth the problem.Passiveness and  silence never will solve any problem ever. It is the massive incompetent president putin ,the one holding back Russia true development ,true independence from the west. and he is the one that needs to go.. Rogozing was
    pushing in public for more funding on the space program and this need to be applauded and not
    condemned.  putin passivenes ,and outdated vision of russia ,is the biggest threat to russia national
    security and even its own existence. His massive weakness and insecurity and lack of vision
    for russia is what allows the west to more easily disrespect russia ,damage russia interest and provoke conflicts and wars around its borders and this is not mentioning also the civil unrest
    that the west finance in russia.. The nations putin's fails to influence in nato (with business)
    will be the ones that russia military will need to fight later in a full scale war the americans will provoke.  So to fix russia space program , russians Gas stations economy needs to go, and  the need
    to get rid of putin. and his massive short sight vision of russia future..  there is no doubt there are far worse presidents than putin ,like poroshenko in ukraine for example..  and putin to be fair is not evil..
    but being a "good" president will not save Russia from the west ,and their undeclared war .. putin is
    like Ghandi of india.. the one that allowed india to lose half of its territory .. like nicholas 2 , the last tzar of russia empire ,he was nice and polite,and he allowed the collapse of russia for not confronting his enemies with force.. But in putin case can be argue is even worse than nicholas, because he is neither fighting western high tech business dominance in the world,neither doing anything serious to make russia a truly independent and successful nation. to finally disconnect from the western banking industry and disband nato to attrack the west toward russia orbit ,can only be possible when russia becomes a true alternative to the western high tech business world .

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    Post  Big_Gazza Wed Nov 18, 2020 10:03 am

    grrrr....  Just when I was getting used to a total lack of Vann7 Putin-hater spam-walls he comes back and pollutes the forum with his absurd screeds...  Suspect

    I'll be interested however to see how the forum clown tries to spin the upcoming Angara flight as a disaster caused by Putin, even when it flies straight and true and validates the new serial manufacturing line. It will be utter Ukropian-level nonsense Laughing

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    Post  miketheterrible Wed Nov 25, 2020 6:01 pm

    So Roscosmos and Rosatom are next on the US sanctioning list.

    So what will happen now? God damn Russia was fucking stupid taking US to space all these years.

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    Post  PhSt Wed Nov 25, 2020 6:09 pm

    miketheterrible wrote:So Roscosmos and Rosatom are next on the US sanctioning list.

    So what will happen now?  God damn Russia was fucking stupid taking US to space all these years.

    Well, isn't the extra revenue worth it? And the US could have just found another way to send their Astronauts to space.

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    Post  PapaDragon Wed Nov 25, 2020 9:51 pm

    miketheterrible wrote:So Roscosmos and Rosatom are next on the US sanctioning list.

    So what will happen now?  God damn Russia was fucking stupid taking US to space all these years.

    If Roskosmos can be affected by sanctions it means that Roskosmos was not doing it's job properly

    What are these sanctions even supposed to do exactly that would affect them?


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    Post  miketheterrible Wed Nov 25, 2020 10:30 pm

    PapaDragon wrote:
    miketheterrible wrote:So Roscosmos and Rosatom are next on the US sanctioning list.

    So what will happen now?  God damn Russia was fucking stupid taking US to space all these years.

    If Roskosmos can be affected by sanctions it means that Roskosmos was not doing it's job properly

    What are these sanctions even supposed to do exactly that would affect them?

    Fair question with no answer. Same with Rosatom.

    Possibly just a way to prevent other nations cooperating with them.

    At least it will force Russia's hand even further to work with other "pariah states"

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    Post  kvs Thu Nov 26, 2020 1:53 am

    How exactly are Roscosmos and Rosatom going to be suffering under these yanqui sanctions?   All of Uncle Swine-shit's bootlicks
    are not bending over backwards purchasing services from either.

    If the Congress-chimps think they can stop nuclear power plant construction around the world, they have another thing coming.
    As its power declines, this "hyperpower" wannabe is acting like it owns every country on Earth.  I bet Bangladesh will not cancel
    its Rosatom powerplant construction.   And so will most of the countries that make up Rosatom's order book.   Westinghouse
    can't even start filling Rosatom's shoes and its products are grossly overpriced (think over $10 billion for a single plant
    which routinely goes over $14 billion).

    Countries that do not want to save money launching satellites with Roscosmos can go and pay 5 times more to American
    and EU outfits.   If SpaceX could actually undercut Roscosmos it would not need Congress-chimps skewing the market in
    his favour.

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    Post  GarryB Thu Nov 26, 2020 11:32 am

    grrrr.... Just when I was getting used to a total lack of Vann7 Putin-hater spam-walls he comes back and pollutes the forum with his absurd screeds...

    Add him to your ignore list.

    I don't bother reading them myself any more really.

    So Roscosmos and Rosatom are next on the US sanctioning list.

    They have already picked all the low hanging fruit... now they are getting desperate.

    Sanctions on these two will be interesting... perhaps 2000% tarrifs on titanium sales to the US would be a good response... their F-35s are just too cheap at the moment and their airlines and Boeing are hurting so extra costs would be useful leverage.

    The funds generated from the tarrifs could be used to fund both companies directly... it would be amusing if they piled on super heavy sanctions on Roscosmos only to have a few problems with their new rockets that means they have to buy some more seats on Russian rockets again.

    Also ban rocket engine sales to the US... I am sure Iran would like to buy some.... Russia is already selling them to China.

    So what will happen now? God damn Russia was fucking stupid taking US to space all these years.

    Russia likely made damn good money taking those Americans into space... excellent funding boost...

    If Roskosmos can be affected by sanctions it means that Roskosmos was not doing it's job properly

    Ahh come on PD... how the fuck is Roscosmos supposed to make itself sanction proof from the countries it is working with on the ISS?

    Even a successful and powerful company like Huawei is under US sanction... how the hell is a Russian space agency supposed to become immune?

    Sell 100% of their shares to the Rockefeller family?

    If SpaceX could actually undercut Roscosmos it would not need Congress-chimps skewing the market in
    his favour.

    It is how they sell products... natural gas, F-35s, and now NPPs... and they will likely start banning Russians from specific parts of the ISS for security reasons... Rolling Eyes

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    Post  PapaDragon Thu Nov 26, 2020 11:17 pm

    Sharp budget cuts made to Russian space program

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    Post  PhSt Fri Nov 27, 2020 1:05 am

    the timeline they provided is kinda vague, After 2024 could range from a few years to a couple of decades. hopefully its more likely the former than the latter

    Russia may commence deployment of its orbital station after 2024

    MOSCOW, November 26. /TASS/. Russia may deploy its own service orbital station, manned by two to four cosmonauts, after 2024, said Vladimir Solovyov, the first deputy CEO of the Energia Rocket and Space Corporation, according to the Scientific Russia website.

    "[Vladimir Solovyov] also presented the project of a Russian Orbital Service Station (ROSS), currently in development by RSC Energia," the website reads. "According to Solovyov, its deployment is planned after 2024."

    The senior executive explained that the new station will be comprised of three to seven modules, and could be operated by a crew of two to four people. The station will also be able to operate autonomously.

    "The cosmonauts will work on the station in shifts, in order to reduce the crew’s radiation exposure and operation costs," he said.

    According to Solovyov, the ROSS will serve a number of purposes, including remote probing, research, experiments, communications, navigation, man-made disaster detection, geological survey, participation in educational projects, forestry monitoring and space tourism.

    The success of Russia’s priority goals in space depends on the orbital station programs, among other things, the official said. He added that this kind of stations enjoys such advantages as open architecture and an unlimited lifespan, thanks to replaceable modules.

    In May, Roscosmos CEO Dmitry Rogozin disclosed that Russia must commence the development of a new orbital station. According to the CEO, it is currently unclear whether it will be inhabited or visited, or whether it will be national or international.

    Rogozin noted at the time that the need for a new station stems from the fact that the ISS will, in his view, only operate for 7 to 10 more years, due to the structure fatigue and a limited resource of the modules. The new station will somewhat resemble the Mir Space Station, decommissioned in 2001. Earlier, Solovyov revealed plans to install a module for four space tourists on the new Russian space station, which will be equipped with WiFi, among other things.


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    Post  Big_Gazza Fri Nov 27, 2020 1:59 am

    PapaDragon wrote:
    Sharp budget cuts made to Russian space program

    Not buying it. Sounds like some planetary scientists are upset about a trimming of budgets of their moon probes, so the author distorts their noise to serve a bigger (anti-gov) agenda. Russia is concentrating on launch systems and infrastructure, and hasn't had a robust planetary exploration program since 1991. It stands to reason that budgets will be trimmed somewhat as a result of COVID recovery. Russia does responsible fiscal management, not profligate money printing.

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    Post  Hole Fri Nov 27, 2020 9:47 pm

    Amur recovery
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    Post  kvs Fri Nov 27, 2020 11:21 pm

    BTW, this reusable rocket format was not invented by Musk and Space X. The concept has been around since before the 1950s. There is even a
    Soviet sci-fi movie with this exact configuration including a landing platform at sea.

    But I am sure that the west will start screeching about IP theft soon.

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