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Cowboy's daughter
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    US Domestic Politics and internal affairs

    Cowboy's daughter
    Cowboy's daughter

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    US Domestic Politics and internal affairs - Page 11 Empty Re: US Domestic Politics and internal affairs

    Post  Cowboy's daughter Sat Aug 28, 2021 11:53 pm

    Hundreds of migrants depart southern Mexico in caravan to protest slow asylum process

    by Reuters
    Saturday, 28 August 2021 17:17 GMT
    By Jose Torres

    TAPACHULA, Aug 28 (Reuters) - Hundreds of migrants and asylum seekers from Central America and the Caribbean departed the southern Mexican city of Tapachula en masse on Saturday in a caravan headed to the Mexican capital, where they hoped to seek expedited asylum proceedings.

    The group of approximately 500 people included families with young children from Haiti, Cuba, Central America, and Colombia, according to a Reuters witness.

    On Saturday morning, dozens of migrants gathered around a banner reading "Tapachula Migrant Prison" before they began marching through the streets, waving flags and chanting "Yes We Can," according to a video posted on social media.

    U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agents have conducted more than 1.2 million arrests or expulsions of migrants crossing the U.S. border since October.

    Mexico is facing mounting pressure from Washington to take steps to curtail U.S.-bound immigration.

    In recent weeks, the Mexican government has sent thousands of migrants to southern Mexico by plane, where they are transported by bus to the Guatemalan border.

    The United States has also urged Mexico to clear tent cities where thousands of migrants are camped out in dangerous Mexican border towns hoping for the chance to cross into the United States.
    Cowboy's daughter
    Cowboy's daughter

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    Post  Cowboy's daughter Wed Sep 01, 2021 2:16 pm

    Texas law banning most abortions takes effect

    At least 12 other states have enacted bans on abortion early in pregnancy
    The Texas law, signed by Republican Gov. Greg Abbott in May, would prohibit abortions once a fetal heartbeat can be detected, usually around six weeks and before most women even know they’re pregnant.

    Abortion providers who are asking the Supreme Court to step in said the law would rule out 85% of abortions in Texas and force many clinics to close. Planned Parenthood is among the abortion providers that have stopped scheduling abortions beyond six weeks from conception.

    At least 12 other states have enacted bans on abortion early in pregnancy, but all have been blocked from going into effect.

    Cowboy's daughter
    Cowboy's daughter

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    Post  Cowboy's daughter Thu Sep 02, 2021 11:35 am

    Pr 31:8 Open thy mouth for the dumb in the cause of all such as are appointed to destruction.

    Pr 31:9 Open thy mouth, judge righteously, and plead the cause of the poor and needy

    Supreme Court votes 5-4 to leave Texas abortion law in place
    Chief Justice John Roberts dissented along with the court's three liberal justices
    WASHINGTON — A deeply divided Supreme Court is allowing a Texas law that bans most abortions to remain in force, for now stripping most women of the right to an abortion in the nation’s second-largest state.

    The court voted 5-4 to deny an emergency appeal from abortion providers and others that sought to block enforcement of the law that went into effect Wednesday. But the justices also suggested that their order likely isn't the last word on whether the law can stand because other challenges to it can still be brought.

    The Texas law, signed by Republican Gov. Greg Abbott in May, prohibits abortions once medical professionals can detect cardiac activity, usually around six weeks and before many women know they’re pregnant.

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    Post  kvs Tue Sep 07, 2021 1:30 am

    Wow. And these thin skinned losers expect to roll over Russia. Much like der furher expected to roll over the USSR.

    They are clearly simple bureaucrats who play politics and have no mettle. Trump's comments were right on target and
    that is why they hurt these cretins so much.

    Trump was the best American president since Kennedy. That is why he was removed. People worship Reagan. He
    was not all that since he prepared the way for the transfer of US jobs to China. He also did not reverse Carter's
    insane limits on nuclear power and fuel reprocessing. Instead he pulled the retarded stunt of removing some solar
    panels from the White House roof. Regan had nothing to do with the implosion of the USSR for which he is endlessly
    given credit. He also oversaw the absurd SDI program and its fake laser tests. Neither the SDI, nor US military spending
    bankrupted the USSR. The USSR had no way to be bankrupted since it did not function on money but on physical
    allocation. Claims about the USSR spending so much money on the military as to undermine itself are inane. The USSR
    did not have to reallocate workers from other sectors to make weapons. It did not have to sacrifice any resources at
    all. It had other problems and they predated Reagan.

    Of course Reagan not a clown like Obummer and Bidet.

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    Cowboy's daughter
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    Post  Cowboy's daughter Tue Sep 07, 2021 4:42 am

    kvs wrote:

    Wow.  And these thin skinned losers expect to roll over Russia.   Much like der furher expected to roll over the USSR.  

    They are clearly simple bureaucrats who play politics and have no mettle.   Trump's comments were right on target and
    that is why they hurt these cretins so much.  

    Trump was the best American president since Kennedy.   That is why he was removed.   People worship Reagan.   He
    was not all that since he prepared the way for the transfer of US jobs to China.   He also did not reverse Carter's
    insane limits on nuclear power and fuel reprocessing.   Instead he pulled the retarded stunt of removing some solar
    panels from the White House roof.   Regan had nothing to do with the implosion of the USSR for which he is endlessly
    given credit.   He also oversaw the absurd SDI program and its fake laser tests.   Neither the SDI, nor US military spending
    bankrupted the USSR.   The USSR had no way to be bankrupted since it did not function on money but on physical
    allocation.   Claims about the USSR spending so much money on the military as to undermine itself are inane.   The USSR
    did not have to reallocate workers from other sectors to make weapons.   It did not have to sacrifice any resources at
    all.   It had other problems and they predated Reagan.  

    Of course Reagan not a clown like Obummer and Bidet.

    Regan was the product of a Public Relations Machine. What you "saw", was not who he was.

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    Post  JohninMK Mon Sep 13, 2021 11:43 pm

    US Domestic Politics and internal affairs - Page 11 E_HMIUaVIAAasTU?format=jpg&name=900x900

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    Post  kvs Tue Sep 14, 2021 1:07 am

    This is the "primitive" society where people depend on each other for survival. Modern "civilization" has brought us
    a society where your neighbour is a nuisance and competitor and not someone you rely on. There is no community
    in modern society, there is no extended family, there is a fancy bacterial culture.

    Interestingly some of the vestiges of rural culture that survived well into the 20th century had similar community as
    described in the quote. Old style farmers understood that they needed each other. Urbanization destroyed this


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    Post  miketheterrible Tue Sep 14, 2021 3:23 am

    Now, let us not get ahead of ourselves.  Natives were good at killing each other, especially different tribes.  They never had a major civilization so the concept of locks and keys wasnt exactly necessary.  But they had no qualms in killing each other to the point of total annihilations of other tribes.  Mohawks vs Blackfoot, etc.  Heck, to this day I hear from friends (whom are Mohawks) talking about how they never liked blackfoot cause they are lazy and what not (mohawks are hard working, smart and quite business oriented people), same in the western costal areas how they feel of blackfoot.

    But what the British did was barbaric.  This isn't isolated to the western world either.  What they did everywhere is enough that the British should never open their mouths about anyone doing bad stuff.

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    Post  kvs Tue Sep 14, 2021 5:46 am

    miketheterrible wrote:Now, let us not get ahead of ourselves.  Natives were good at killing each other, especially different tribes.  They never had a major civilization so the concept of locks and keys wasnt exactly necessary.  But they had no qualms in killing each other to the point of total annihilations of other tribes.  Mohawks vs Blackfoot, etc.  Heck, to this day I hear from friends (whom are Mohawks) talking about how they never liked blackfoot cause they are lazy and what not (mohawks are hard working, smart and quite business oriented people), same in the western costal areas how they feel of blackfoot.

    But what the British did was barbaric.  This isn't isolated to the western world either.  What they did everywhere is enough that the British should never open their mouths about anyone doing bad stuff.

    Human "tribes" are still slaughtering each other. WWI and WWII outdo anything that primitive tribes did. The us vs. them
    aspect is genetic in humans. I am talking about urbanized modern society being on a metastable branch. The "obsolete"
    precursors built up what we have today. But what we have today cannot reproduce the same state and when it collapses
    it will be terminal.

    For sure no modern human can "judge" long lost cultures as being inferior based on inter-tribal warfare. There has been zero
    advance in this regard and it has actually reached industrial genocide in scale. The only time that there was something close
    to genocide in North America was the extermination of the Huron by the Iroquois thanks to British meddling. Before the arrival
    of the French and the British, the aboriginal tribes engaged in conflict were very cruel to each other and people were killed but
    the scale was much more limited and was not accumulating over time. Organized modern society combined with propaganda
    induced hysteria takes this genetic defect of humans and puts on a whole other plane.

    Anyway, I am not romanticizing the harsh life of the primitive hunter gatherers. I like my modern comforts, but they will not
    last on time scales relevant for society as opposed to individuals. People who expect some shining utopia to emerge in the
    coming decades are terminally deluded. Our parents had it better, on average, than we have it. The downward slope is
    already apparent, but we have not been hammered by the legacy of our economic decadence yet.

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    Post  JohninMK Tue Sep 14, 2021 11:35 am

    miketheterrible wrote:
    But what the British did was barbaric.  This isn't isolated to the western world either.  What they did everywhere is enough that the British should never open their mouths about anyone doing bad stuff.
    The Spanish before us and the Belgians in the Congo were pretty nasty.

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    Post  JohninMK Tue Sep 14, 2021 11:54 am

    kvs wrote:
    Anyway, I am not romanticizing the harsh life of the primitive hunter gatherers.   I like my modern comforts, but they will not
    last on time scales relevant for society as opposed to individuals.   People who expect some shining utopia to emerge in the
    coming decades are terminally deluded.   Our parents had it better, on average, than we have it.   The downward slope is
    already apparent, but we have not been hammered by the legacy of our economic decadence yet.

    Totally in agreement with you there but I suspect that in the West (ex Germany) it was my parents' age 1920-2010 that had it the best in terms of increase in standard of life. For a working man his wealth has been in decline since around 1971 when the US shut their gold window and paper currency, fiat, was allowed to let rip shifting wealth, via inflation, into the pockets of those who owned capital.

    Anyone who thinks that the next 10 years are going to be like the last 10 is not paying attention. The World will become a different place during my remaining lifetime and I'm 75. The most significant driver of this will be the US$'s reducing use as the global reserve currency which will have traumatic effects in the US which may well cause them to lash out. Going down fighting so to speak.

    With Putin as the frontman, whoever is planning Russia's strategy is doing an outstanding job. Strategic depth was a given but heavy defence and food and other self sufficiency weren't.

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    Post  Mir Tue Sep 14, 2021 6:41 pm

    Slightly Off Topic

    The British has a terrible "human rights" legacy - esp during the Colonial period.

    A YouGov poll found 44 per cent were proud of Britain's history of colonialism, with 21 per cent regretting it happened and 23 per cent holding neither view.

    One of the worst atrocities happened in South Africa during the Second Boer War (1899-1902), the British rounded up around a sixth of the Boer population - mainly women and children - and detained them in overcrowded concentration camps where all sorts of diseases were thriving and many starved to death due to scant food rations. Nearly 30 000 woman and children perished, along with an unknown number of black Africans. The British also used the scorched earth policy to destroy farmsteads and crops.

    Churchill himself was well known for his hard core racist remarks but to be honest he was racist to everybody except white Protestant Christians! Laughing
    This is what he had to say about the Chinese for instance: "I hate people with slit eyes and pigtails. I don't like the look of them or the smell of them – but I suppose it does no great harm to have a look at them."

    Genocide with gas was also right at the top of his list: "I do not understand this squeamishness about the use of gas." He goes further: "I am strongly in favour of using poisoned gas against uncivilised tribes." A true Fascist! Laughing

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    Post  kvs Tue Sep 14, 2021 7:21 pm

    But one thing that British colonialism contributed to was elimination of slavery. This is a serious plus. But as we see with the Irish potato
    famine and the famines in British run India (see "Heart of Smugness"), it was not all unicorns and fairies.

    The real history of the world puts all the sanctimonious bleating about the USSR and the 1930s collectivization famines in context. What
    happened in the USSR under Stalin was no worse than what happened under the British in numerous places. What we have is an attempt
    to project false narratives on these events such the case of the "Holodomor" lie. The USSR was not attempting to exterminate Ukrainians
    like Jews in Nazi Germany. In fact, Ukrainians were over-represented in the ranks of the Communist Party, right to the top layers. The
    British may have burned crops in South Africa, but the only crop burning in Soviet Ukraine was by the farmers resisting collectivization.
    They also slaughtered livestock to spite the regime. This directly contributed to starvation.

    It is evident that there is absurd exaggeration involved when the Holodomor museum in Ukraine uses photos of famine victims in Bengal and
    passes them off as from Ukraine. The same BS happens with Soviet civil war famine victims in the Volga region being claimed as in Ukraine
    in the 1930s. This propaganda was spread by Randolph Hearst's (Citizen Kane) yellow newspapers and integrated into the Nazi-supporting,
    Stepan Bandera worshipping Ukrainian "nationalist" narrative that is official in Ukraine today.

    I know it is OT, but information is information. Americans need to be super vigilant now. They are entering a type of post 1917 USSR
    transition when zealots like Trotsky can screw them over on a genocidal scale. It is not "populists" like Trump, it is the woke agenda
    degenerates. They are not harmless.

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    Post  ALAMO Tue Sep 14, 2021 8:28 pm

    Mir wrote: A true Fascist! Laughing

    It is hardly connected to fascism, as that one is social&plebeian.
    In reality, what Churchill represented, forms a very core of "exceptionalism" religion.
    That all the European powers had, and retained till now, no matter how politically correct they will call that.
    Ask our Hindu friends, how warm they remember the Bengal famine.

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    Post  Mir Tue Sep 14, 2021 9:30 pm

    This quote from Wikipedia sounds like something Hitler or Mussolini would have said but it appears to be Churchill >>

    "In 1902, Churchill stated that the "great barbaric nations" would "menace civilised nations", and that "The Aryan stock is bound to triumph"."

    "The historical record shows that Churchill was a great admirer of fascism. This information can not only be found in private letters and diary entries, but in his speeches and articles he produced in the 1920s and 1930s. Most of his biographers, except Boris Johnson, in his terrible book, The Churchill Factor (2014), have accepted this embarrassing fact, but they have tended to underplay its importance."

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    Post  kvs Wed Sep 15, 2021 12:05 am

    The Nazis were very popular in the west before WWII. People forget this. The US was all about eugenics and inspired the Nazi ideology.
    This has been thrown in the memory hole and people really believe that post WWII values were the norm before WWII. The Nazis were
    in part popular because they were seen to save Germany from the Great Depression that affected not just the USA.

    Churchill fits the historical context.


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    Post  Mir Wed Sep 15, 2021 8:49 am

    Very much so in South Africa as well. Many Afrikaner Nationalists despised the British - mostly because of the Boer Wars, and they had huge admiration for Hitler. Many children were either christened Adolf or even Hitler. Many name changes occurred after the war  Laughing

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    Post  GarryB Wed Sep 15, 2021 10:45 am

    With Putin as the frontman, whoever is planning Russia's strategy is doing an outstanding job. Strategic depth was a given but heavy defence and food and other self sufficiency weren't.

    Perhaps the cherry on top will be Siberian cities, custom made with utilities and services that are all brand new... modern wiring and plumbing and super fast broadband for all... and they could name one for each western country they would like talent from... Little Britain of course, Little France... etc etc they could be little autonomous regions that become part of the Russian federation but obviously have no rights to independence, for freedom loving people who think this woke stuff has just gone too far.

    On second thoughts, I could see why it would appeal to foreigners, but what would Russia actually get out of it.... nah....

    The fact is that people from the past were ignorant bastards which is largely glossed over and polished up to make look like a grand and civilised history... by modern standards we would judge them harshly, but for a lot of stuff they said and did and thought they should be judged harshly.

    The real question is how do we move forward... the current American system is broken... the engine is running at 120% but both axles are gone and they are just ruining the transmission and gears...

    They need their own Putin, who can't be bought, who cares about the American people over American big business or the rich and powerful... but even if they found such a person they would be shot or impeached because at high school they blacked up for some party...

    Very much so in South Africa as well. Many Afrikaner Nationalists despised the British - mostly because of the Boer Wars, and they had huge admiration for Hitler. Many children were either christened Adolf or even Hitler. Many name changes occurred after the war

    Most of the older generation here in New Zealand think the British Empire was on the whole more good than bad, and why don't these damn natives appreciate what has been done for them, but my own personal experience of the other European types, I find the Dutch to be rather more racist and often more openly racist than most others...

    Of course there are racists everywhere.

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    Post  Mir Wed Sep 15, 2021 11:37 am

    GarryB wrote:

    Most of the older generation here in New Zealand think the British Empire was on the whole more good than bad, and why don't these damn natives appreciate what has been done for them, but my own personal experience of the other European types, I find the Dutch to be rather more racist and often more openly racist than most others...

    Of course there are racists everywhere.

    The Dutch people I've come to know - esp when I lived in the Western Cape was quite the opposite and they, like many of the Europeans that recently settled here, seems to enjoy the "exotic" appearance of the darker coloured people. Being from a racist country I have experienced it many many times and even today we experience what is known as reverse racism - but black racists over here believe it is impossible for blacks to be racist! Laughing

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    Post  higurashihougi Wed Sep 15, 2021 12:58 pm

    Racism, ultranationalism, and xenophobia is still popular today in Europe, the U.S., and in some Asiatic countries, for example Japan. The governorship of Tokyo used to be occupied by a racist piece of sh*t who once bathmouthing about the victim of Sendai earthquake-tsunami.

    Having an outside enemy is convenient to distract the public from the economic and social injustices caused by the ruling class. It also serves to break the solidarity between the oppressed class in different nations, and to mobilize people for imperialist wars.

    And to dumb down the wages of migrant labourers. Yeah, things like "these black, brown, Moslem foreign people are sh*ts, they steal our job so we must send them all to Hell, we should not care if they are treated like slaves in sweatshops and dirty dorms during Covid-19".

    Nazi ideology can be inspired by whatever it wants but the important thing to take notice is why the ruling class adopt it.

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    Post  kvs Thu Sep 16, 2021 12:47 am


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    Post  miketheterrible Thu Sep 16, 2021 3:37 am

    higurashihougi wrote:Racism, ultranationalism, and xenophobia is still popular today in Europe, the U.S., and in some Asiatic countries, for example Japan. The governorship of Tokyo used to be occupied by a racist piece of sh*t who once bathmouthing about the victim of Sendai earthquake-tsunami.

    Having an outside enemy is convenient to distract the public from the economic and social injustices caused by the ruling class. It also serves to break the solidarity between the oppressed class in different nations, and to mobilize people for imperialist wars.

    And to dumb down the wages of migrant labourers. Yeah, things like "these black, brown, Moslem foreign people are sh*ts, they steal our job so we must send them all to Hell, we should not care if they are treated like slaves in sweatshops and dirty dorms during Covid-19".

    Nazi ideology can be inspired by whatever it wants but the important thing to take notice is why the ruling class adopt it.

    I am of the other mind. I married a woman from a different country, culture and what not. But she will agree that you cant just let everyone in. Cultures exist because these people, whom are majority, were able to keep their cultures and their way of life (that they themselves wanted) by protecting themselves.

    Look at Sweden. That is an example of things gone wrong in multiculti era.

    We will see Xenophobia and Ultranationalism take a stronghold all around the world (not just europe) in the coming years because I hear it and see it every day in such a multicultural society, that it barely functions. Everyone at each others throats, people wanting more of the pie for themselves, and other groups of people outright wanting to change how the rest of us live to benefit themselves (Islamic party of Canada is an example).

    So when you speak of xenophobia in Japan, I cant really blame them.

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    Post  kvs Thu Sep 16, 2021 4:27 am

    All of these Babylon and Tower of Babel type multi-cultural society blends are doomed to fail in the long run because of human
    genetics.   Humans are always going to fission off into groups and tribes which eventually become ethnic identities.   You can
    see this with Ukraine.   No matter how hard they lie to themselves there was no such entity as Ukraine in the 1200s and it emerged
    only after the Polish-Lithuanian occupation of Rus lands and it was the Tatar-Mongol horde that destroyed Kiev, the primary
    Rus capital.   The Rus were not any Ukrainians.  

    Experiments like Canada sort of work as long as the minorities are very small compared to the majority.   But once there is a critical
    mass of of minorities there is no longer any majority and just a pool of competing identities that project all of their problems onto
    other groups and are large enough to assert themselves.   Heck, even in the US, a certain minority is already trying to assert itself
    and blames whitey for all its problems.  

    The sort of petty racism and bigotry you see around the world is sad.   If anyone needs to self-elevate by putting others down and
    living vicariously through a tribe, then they are a total loser.   If you do not feel the compulsion to look down at other people because
    of "difference" then you are not in this category.   PC social engineering will never wipe out the loser genetics of humans.   Pretending
    that they are not there is a joke.   PC also prevents objective evaluation of failed group behaviour organized by resentment politics.
    Such as the loserdom of Ukrainians and US blacks.   It is not racism and bigotry to criticize wallowing in victimhood and lack of personal
    accountability.   People who choose not to get an education because "reasons" are not victims.   People who expect "halava" without
    effort are trash.

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    Post  kvs Sun Sep 19, 2021 8:35 pm


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    Post  kvs Tue Sep 21, 2021 10:48 pm

    And the US gives itself some "moral authority" on Democracy. There is more freedom in the Netherlands than in the USA by far.
    The US is a dictatorship and this extends all the way down to the grass roots. Naturally, this bunch of obeisant conformists then
    projects all sort of ludicrous fantasies on how oppressed other people are. You ignorant prats who have no interest what happens
    outside your borders simply have no clue.

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