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    Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia


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    Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia - Page 14 Empty Re: Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia

    Post  higurashihougi Mon Aug 08, 2016 6:37 am

    Will there be Captain Soviet or Red Star lol1 lol1

    Pentagon Claims Russia Creating Bionic Superhuman Soldiers With Brain Implants
    Turns out that the Pentagon appears to be speaking about programs they have sanctioned under DARPA in addition to similar efforts by the British military which have pretty close to nothing to do with Russia.
    Top American military officials claim that Moscow is working to create “enhanced human operations” technology they say "scares the crap" out of them with the specter of stronger, faster, and more deadly super soldiers on the horizon according to the latest musings from the Pentagon.
    In the bid to develop a superior fighting force, most countries are looking to weapons based around robotics, lasers and exoskeletons to create a real-life Iron Man, but the US military officials, perhaps in a bout of propaganda, suggest that Russia is focused on also augmenting human biology – think more X-Men than Iron Man – in order to create the most deadly fighting force in the world.
    "Our adversaries, quite frankly, are pursuing enhanced human operations and it scares the crap out of us," said US Deputy Secretary of Defense Bob Work.
    While some of this purported human biological enhancements come by means of drugs and steroids according to US defense officials in order to make soldiers tougher on the battlefield and able to traverse longer distances at faster speeds, the Pentagon has a strange fascination with the outlandish claim that Russia is using brain implants embedded into soldiers’ heads to make them follow orders.
    They also fathom that microscopic technology could be implanted into soldiers for more benign purposes such as enhancing the body’s wound healing capabilities without the need of a medic or bionics to allow men to control machine or extensive prosthetics with their minds.
    If this sounds crazy and like it would dehumanize the Russian soldiers in the minds of an unsuspecting American public then perhaps the Pentagon has accomplished its feat. The US, whose secret science DARPA division is already exploring this precise technology claims that they "are uncomfortable" using such technology in the words of Undersecretary Bob Work.
    Similarly, the British Ministry of Defense is exploring the feasibility of such super soldier technology in the next 30 years according to confidential papers made public in 2013 including augmented bodies and signaling to an electronic chip in soldiers’ brains to ensure that they follow orders.
    In fact, it seems like there is a wealth of evidence that the United States and Britain are both engaged in exactly the same unethical and deeply disquieting programs that they allege that Russia is exploring despite providing absolutely no evidence of these claims.

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    Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia - Page 14 Empty Re: Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia

    Post  andalusia Thu Aug 11, 2016 2:03 am

    GarryB wrote:
    Garry thank you. Your responses sound well informed and intelligent.  You respond with good logic and reasoning.  I think we Americans know little about Russia and listen to a lot of propaganda.  I think Americans underestimate Russian capabilities.

    The really sad thing is that stupidity is contagious and after discussing such topics with those who believe western propganda I find myself putting down western achievements for the sake of putting them in a better context in comparison with Russia.

    The Americans put men on the moon and that was a fantastic achievement... but the fanbois claiming US superiority in everything demanding that is further proof that the US is superior to Russia leads me to point out that a few minor changes and it could all have turned out very differently for both sides.

    I fall in to their pattern of thinking where it is not enough for my side to be great... everyone else has to be proven to be rubbish too.

    For a while the open thinking of America attracted the best and the brightest the world had to offer... but now it seems it is just money that draws talent there.

    The US has had its own way for many years through fair means and fowl and the system it has created around itself is failing. They might smash it down and rebuild it, but I have no confidence they will rebuild it into anything that could be remotely considered fair... it will be a biased once sided system that benefits the already rich and the already powerful and ultimately themselves. When you only reward your own success then the 99% will find they have no future and therefore no real alternative.

    The huge irony is the proliferation of Zombie movies and TV shows... the unwashed masses with the smaller and smaller group of "civilised humans just fighting to survive".

    In fact I saw the perfect TV show a year or so back where a plague or something wipes out a huge percentage of the population and the rest have to fight it out... based on a US Navy warship of course...

    What do you guys think of this:

    Does Russia have Hypersonic missiles?

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    Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia - Page 14 Empty Re: Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia

    Post  GarryB Fri Aug 12, 2016 1:30 pm

    Does Russia have Hypersonic missiles?

    ICBMs and SLBMs and even some of their SAMs are hypersonic.

    The S-300PMU1 can engage targets flying at 2.8km/s and S-400 expands that beyond 4.8km/s... S-500 can engage targets moving at 7km/s... exactly what does Russia have to be afraid of?

    What do you guys think of this

    Ohio, B-2, F-22, BMD, US allies...

    Yeah... funny there is no mention of the most expensive military programme on the planet... F-35?

    Ohio will only be a problem in WWIII so it is no more a problem for Russia as the Boreis and Deltas are for the US.

    The B-2 for all its cost and expense is no more effective than the Tu-160 with its 5,000km range stand off cruise missiles.

    The F-22... there are less than 190 of them they will likely remain in the US... they took them away from Syria pretty quickly... suggests they have no confidence in them with S-400s there.

    BMD is actually more dangerous to the US than to Russia... it will lead to the tearing up of New Start and likely the INF treaty as well and Russia will just make lots of IRBMs which will make any ABM systems ineffective.

    And regarding US allies... they way the US uses and abuses them they really only hang on for the handouts and breadcrumbs... how many will put their hand up for a real war with Russia?

    The new allies like Poland and the Ukraine probably will but how much help will they be?

    Old allies wont be that stupid.

    It would actually be hard to put together a list that the US should fear... SU-35s with Photonic radars fitted in the next decade, Zircon hypersonic anti ship missiles, PAK FA, Armata, Kornet, New generation ICBMs on road, in silos, on rails, and new SLBMs under the water... and the fact that the US has pretty much screwed most countries of the world and they are likely now looking for a country that means what it says and wont drop you in a heartbeat if it suits your interests to do so...

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    Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia - Page 14 Empty Re: Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia

    Post  George1 Mon Aug 22, 2016 3:55 pm

    German Tabloid Bild Excludes Russia From Olympic Results Rally lol!

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    Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia - Page 14 Empty Re: Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia

    Post  kvs Sat Aug 27, 2016 6:18 pm

    George1 wrote:German Tabloid Bild Excludes Russia From Olympic Results Rally lol!

    Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia - Page 14 1044519462

    Bild is also the biggest fan of Daesh. In other words a freak show that is considered a mainstream
    media source in Germany. Jihadi Julian and this joke omission are not something Germany should
    feel proud of.

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    Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia - Page 14 Empty Re: Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia

    Post  Werewolf Mon Aug 29, 2016 9:28 am

    It isn't considered a mainstream media it is the most consumed propaganda of US here in germany.

    Anti-German to the core.

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    Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia - Page 14 Empty Was Soviet Union trying to take over the World?

    Post  andalusia Mon Aug 29, 2016 11:38 pm

    I heard a lot of Americans always referring to the Soviet Union trying to take over the world during the Cold War for Communism.  I want to know was this true? Was it propaganda?  There is a saying that American soldiers sacrifice by defending the freedom of people worldwide; do you guys believe in that?  They say that American troops defend Americans freedoms.  People here believe that as a religion.  Was the USSR planning to take away American freedoms during the Cold War?

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    Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia - Page 14 Empty Re: Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia

    Post  Svyatoslavich Tue Aug 30, 2016 1:17 am

    Yes, it was true in the sense that the Soviet Union wanted to impose its political, economical and cultural regime over the entire world. It even got at odds with other Marxist countries that didn't follow the exact Soviet rules, like China, Albania and (to a lesser extent) Yugoslavia.
    What is also true, on the other hand, is that the US was trying to do exactly the same: impose its political, economical and cultural regime over the entire world. Now, 25 years after the end of the Soviet Union, Russia is a pragmatical country which tries to have normal and mutually beneficial relations with other states, respecting their sovereignity, while the US is still playing the old game: trying to impose its political, economical and cultural regime over the entire world.

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    Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia - Page 14 Empty Re: Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia

    Post  GarryB Tue Aug 30, 2016 11:14 am

    I heard a lot of Americans always referring to the Soviet Union trying to take over the world during the Cold War for Communism. I want to know was this true? Was it propaganda?

    The soviet union was never in a position to "take over the world".

    The US did more to take control of the world...

    There is a saying that American soldiers sacrifice by defending the freedom of people worldwide; do you guys believe in that? They say that American troops defend Americans freedoms. People here believe that as a religion. Was the USSR planning to take away American freedoms during the Cold War?

    America only sent in their troops when it was in their interests, and their interests often had more to do with mineral wealth or economics than any freedoms.

    American troops didn't even defend American freedoms for Americans... ask the black people... or the 99% who are not embarrassingly wealthy... you know... the 60-70% who work for a living.

    Yes, it was true in the sense that the Soviet Union wanted to impose its political, economical and cultural regime over the entire world.

    Russia has been the victim of western aggression for more than 3 hundred years and this has nothing to do with communism and everything to do with colonialism.

    Of course where it had the power the Soviets installed friendly to them governments... eastern europe, Afghanistan etc etc, but the US does that in peacetime now undermining their own democratic values by promoting often violent coloured revolutions that end in death and chaos so they can send in oil company representatives and infrastructure manufacturers to clean up and to clean up in concrete and financial terms.

    It even got at odds with other Marxist countries that didn't follow the exact Soviet rules, like China, Albania and (to a lesser extent) Yugoslavia.

    The Soviet Union was a bullied kid with few friends that all the rich kids picked on and would play games with by getting them into fights with other children... divide and conquer.

    It is a bit rich claiming the Soviet Union wanted to take over the world considering the US foreign policy... they called the 20th century the American century... how arrogant is that?

    Even more so considering the size of the British empire for much of the last century or two...

    Now, 25 years after the end of the Soviet Union, Russia is a pragmatical country which tries to have normal and mutually beneficial relations with other states, respecting their sovereignity, while the US is still playing the old game: trying to impose its political, economical and cultural regime over the entire world.

    Agree with this... for the last few decades the US has lost its way and clearly believes its own propaganda.

    Check out my signature...

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    Post  George1 Tue Aug 30, 2016 1:25 pm

    That was Reagan's propaganda in 80s lol! USSR seek a global communist state

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    Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia - Page 14 Empty Re: Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia

    Post  andalusia Tue Aug 30, 2016 11:43 pm

    GarryB wrote:
    I heard a lot of Americans always referring to the Soviet Union trying to take over the world during the Cold War for Communism.  I want to know was this true? Was it propaganda?

    The soviet union was never in a position to "take over the world".

    The US did more to take control of the world...

    There is a saying that American soldiers sacrifice by defending the freedom of people worldwide; do you guys believe in that?  They say that American troops defend Americans freedoms.  People here believe that as a religion.  Was the USSR planning to take away American freedoms during the Cold War?  

    America only sent in their troops when it was in their interests, and their interests often had more to do with mineral wealth or economics than any freedoms.

    American troops didn't even defend American freedoms for Americans... ask the black people... or the 99% who are not embarrassingly wealthy... you know... the 60-70% who work for a living.

    Yes, it was true in the sense that the Soviet Union wanted to impose its political, economical and cultural regime over the entire world.

    Russia has been the victim of western aggression for more than 3 hundred years and this has nothing to do with communism and everything to do with colonialism.

    Of course where it had the power the Soviets installed friendly to them governments... eastern europe, Afghanistan etc etc, but the US does that in peacetime now undermining their own democratic values by promoting often violent coloured revolutions that end in death and chaos so they can send in oil company representatives and infrastructure manufacturers to clean up and to clean up in concrete and financial terms.

    It even got at odds with other Marxist countries that didn't follow the exact Soviet rules, like China, Albania and (to a lesser extent) Yugoslavia.

    The Soviet Union was a bullied kid with few friends that all the rich kids picked on and would play games with by getting them into fights with other children... divide and conquer.

    It is a bit rich claiming the Soviet Union wanted to take over the world considering the US foreign policy... they called the 20th century the American century... how arrogant is that?

    Even more so considering the size of the British empire for much of the last century or two...

    Now, 25 years after the end of the Soviet Union, Russia is a pragmatical country which tries to have normal and mutually beneficial relations with other states, respecting their sovereignity, while the US is still playing the old game: trying to impose its political, economical and cultural regime over the entire world.

    Agree with this... for the last few decades the US has lost its way and clearly believes its own propaganda.

    Check out my signature...

    American propaganda says their freedoms are responsible because the troops are serving in the military and fighting and dieing overseas in wars. I don't see the connection. I just wonder do others around the world feel the same as Americans?

    Hey Garry B:  
    Many blacks would have no problem signing up to fight a war against Russia.

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    Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia - Page 14 Empty Re: Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia

    Post  Svyatoslavich Wed Aug 31, 2016 12:25 am

    GarryB wrote:
    Russia has been the victim of western aggression for more than 3 hundred years and this has nothing to do with communism and everything to do with colonialism.
    That is true, but you have to consider the underlying ideology of the Soviet Union: Marxist Communism. For Marx, socialism has to be implemented in the entire world so that communism, the perfect social order, can appear, when there will be no property, no inequalities, no states, no wars, no crimes, etc. So the Soviet Union was doing it best to spread its own version of socialism (which they considered the proper one) to the entire world, even to very distante countries in Africa, South America, Southeast Asia. Of course, as one of the two superpowers sometimes it had to acommodate with the US for pragmatic reasons (after the Cuban revolution, they stopped supporting armed revolutionaries in South America, and probably Soviet intelligence was involved in sharing data about Che Guevara to the US as he insisted in making revolutions in the entire continent), but the strategic goal of the Soviet Union was to implement socialism in the entire world.
    The Russian Empire, and now the Russian Federation, on the other hand, have no ilusions about some utopic "perfect social order" that has to be imposed over the entire world, and therefore can engage in realistic and pragmatic relations with other countries seeking mutually beneficial relations.

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    Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia - Page 14 Empty Re: Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia

    Post  GarryB Wed Aug 31, 2016 12:01 pm

    Hey Garry B:
    Many blacks would have no problem signing up to fight a war against Russia.

    And I am sure most Americans think America is a force for good in the world, but in actual fact America is a force for America.

    I am often told by internet warriors how as a New Zealander I should be grateful that I am not speaking Japanese right now and that it was the US who saved me and my country.

    They really don't like it when I point out that the blockade by the US and British before WWII of Japan forced them to accelerate their expansion to find resources they were being denied by the blockade... the US and UK created the situation where Japan first looked north for oil and resources and when they got a bloody nose in that short bloody conflict with the Soviet Union they turned south for resources... oil rubber wood etc etc.

    More to the point the US did nothing until the Japanese attacked them in Pearl Harbour... up until that point they didn't lift a finger to help New Zealand or Australia.

    The US didn't help anyone else... it helped itself... the fact that it was useful to us was incidental.

    but the strategic goal of the Soviet Union was to implement socialism in the entire world.

    And the goal of the west is to spread their own religion and politics... it has never been about everyone being democratic or socialist... the US has undermined more democratic elections than the Soviet Union ever did...

    The Russian Empire, and now the Russian Federation, on the other hand, have no ilusions about some utopic "perfect social order" that has to be imposed over the entire world, and therefore can engage in realistic and pragmatic relations with other countries seeking mutually beneficial relations.

    Ironically the Russian empire absorbed neighbours and freed neighbours quite a lot... depending upon their situation and interests.

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    Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia - Page 14 Empty Re: Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia

    Post  andalusia Thu Sep 01, 2016 5:02 am

    GarryB wrote:
    Hey Garry B:  
    Many blacks would have no problem signing up to fight a war against Russia.

    And I am sure most Americans think America is a force for good in the world, but in actual fact America is a force for America.

    I am often told by internet warriors how as a New Zealander I should be grateful that I am not speaking Japanese right now and that it was the US who saved me and my country.

    They really don't like it when I point out that the blockade by the US and British before WWII of Japan forced them to accelerate their expansion to find resources they were being denied by the blockade... the US and UK created the situation where Japan first looked north for oil and resources and when they got a bloody nose in that short bloody conflict with the Soviet Union they turned south for resources... oil rubber wood etc etc.

    More to the point the US did nothing until the Japanese attacked them in Pearl Harbour... up until that point they didn't lift a finger to help New Zealand or Australia.

    The US didn't help anyone else... it helped itself... the fact that it was useful to us was incidental.

    Very enlightening post Garry B.  I didn't know the US and Britain blockaded Japan.

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    Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia - Page 14 Empty Re: Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia

    Post  GarryB Thu Sep 01, 2016 8:35 am

    Most American documentaries are crap... I don't want to say that but it is true.

    An exception is the Oliver Stone documentaries on the history of the US.

    They cover all the major events but actually look deeper into why they happened.

    The average US doco will say the war in the Pacific started when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbour, but the Oliver stone doco actually looked into why they attacked.

    Equally it delves into the european theatre of the war and includes information like the Soviets approaching Poland asking for an alliance... which the Poles flatly refused... they wanted closer relations with Germany.

    The Soviets approached the British and were told to talk to the poles.

    Stalin wasn't an idiot... he recognised Hitler as being dangerous, but the non aggression pact with Germany was the only offer on the table... there were no offers from Britain or Poland so the choice was to sign and get half of Poland or not sign and have german forces that much closer to Moscow.

    Friends don't need Non Aggression Pacts.

    As the two major powers that suffered the most from WWI before 1933 when Hitler took power there was a lot of cooperation and joint work between Germany and the Soviet Union. After hitler took power there was only raw material purchases... and if you are going to bitch about Stalin trading with Hitler then you will need to bitch about IBM selling computers to the germans... well data collation machines.

    The really frustrating thing for me is when newbies claim the US won WWII all on its own and the Soviets only survived because General Winter and Lend Lease won the day for them, the replies tend to under rate the war effort of the west... when my dad is bigger than yours it is because your dad is tiny and weak...

    If the Soviets only survived because of the cold and lend lease you could say the British survived by running away and the US survived by not turning up until the Germans were rather damaged already.

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    Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia - Page 14 Empty Re: Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia

    Post  magnumcromagnon Thu Sep 01, 2016 8:09 pm

    Remember the Russian military has never defeated any major military with will power or skill, only by the hands of winter. This is especially true with The Crimean War, where the Russian Empire fought off the combined forces of the British, French, and Ottoman empires, which took place in the sub-tropical climate of Crimea, which also occurred during several autumn, spring, and summer months... Rolling Eyes


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    Post  Svyatoslavich Thu Sep 01, 2016 11:28 pm

    magnumcromagnon wrote:Remember the Russian military has never defeated any major military with will power or skill, only by the hands of winter. This is especially true with The Crimean War, where the Russian Empire fought off the combined forces of the British, French, and Ottoman empires, which took place in the sub-tropical climate of Crimea, which also occurred during several autumn, spring, and summer months... Rolling Eyes
    Yes, but Russia ultimately lost the Crimean war. They put an impressive resistance, but lost.
    Anyway, I full agree that this myth is utterly stupid. Just to bring one example, Russia defeated Napoleon in the height of his power in 1812-1813. His Grande Armée was the biggest fighting force ever seen until then (only one century later, in WWI, there would exist bigger armies). And Russia not only kicked them out of its territory, but didn't stop until reaching Paris.

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    Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia - Page 14 Empty Re: Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia

    Post  magnumcromagnon Thu Sep 01, 2016 11:45 pm

    Svyatoslavich wrote:
    magnumcromagnon wrote:Remember the Russian military has never defeated any major military with will power or skill, only by the hands of winter. This is especially true with The Crimean War, where the Russian Empire fought off the combined forces of the British, French, and Ottoman empires, which took place in the sub-tropical climate of Crimea, which also occurred during several autumn, spring, and summer months... Rolling Eyes
    Yes, but Russia ultimately lost the Crimean war. They put an impressive resistance, but lost.
    Anyway, I full agree that this myth is utterly stupid. Just to bring one example, Russia defeated Napoleon in the height of his power in 1812-1813. His Grande Armée was the biggest fighting force ever seen until then (only one century later, in WWI, there would exist bigger armies). And Russia not only kicked them out of its territory, but didn't stop until reaching Paris.

    It was more like a stalemate, biased Anglo-Saxon historians claim it's a defeat just like they claim D-Day defeated Hitler when Operation Bagration was the actual operation that crushed the 3rd Reich. They only managed to get the Russian Empire to sign a treaty on the Black Sea, at most it was barely even a Pyrrhic victory. Let's think about this critically: The combined forces of the empires of Britain, France, and the Ottomans weren't even able to permanently capture any piece of Crimea for that really a victory??? It's quite embarrassing, their combined forces couldn't accomplish more than that, and you can even claim it was a morale victory for the Russian Empire. Atlanticists have been trying to strip Crimea from the Russians for the past 2 centuries, and have failed every time lol!

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    Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia - Page 14 Empty Re: Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia

    Post  George1 Thu Sep 08, 2016 5:04 pm

    Moscow demands Warsaw punish Soviet burial site’s desecrators


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    Post  George1 Thu Nov 24, 2016 2:54 pm

    Project Canada

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    Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia - Page 14 Empty Re: Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia

    Post  Project Canada Sun Dec 11, 2016 10:58 am


    Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia - Page 14 RUSGAME

    The Washington Post newspaper conducted a research of “the enemies that players encounter in digital games” and concluded that Russians are the most widespread enemy in modern video games.

    According to the newspaper, researchers decided to “turn to a popular genre, First Person Shooters (FPS), in which a player, armed with a weapon, seeks to destroy an enemy.” As the article noted, “representations of the bad guys in video games could shape players’ perceptions of who is a threat.”

    Reportedly, the researchers compiled a dataset of the 57 best-selling FPS during 2001-2013, each with more than 1.5 million units sold.

    “We coded information such as the identity of the protagonist (the shooter), the context and location of the conflict, and the identity of the enemy in each game. We grouped enemies into several categories: generic humans; aliens; monsters, including zombies; those depicted as terrorists from the Middle East or Latin America; Russians, as the state, ultra-nationalists, or separatists; and World War II enemies and others, including Iraq and North Korea,” the authors of the article, Brandon Valeriano and Philip Habel, wrote.

    “We find that Russians are enemies in 21 percent of games (12 games), one fewer instance than generic humans (13 games) and one more than aliens (11 games). Even if we consider Latin American (6 games) and Middle Eastern terrorists (5 games) as a single combined category, the number of games with Russian enemies is still greater,” they concluded.

    Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia - Page 14 RUSS

    The researchers pointed out that this is an interesting finding that FPS gamers often encounter Russians as the enemy.

    “Long after the end of the Cold War, and despite real-world concerns over global terrorism and other security issues, Cold War-era enemies in video games could be shaping attitudes toward modern-day Russia,” the article reads. “The follow-up question is whether having seen Russians depicted as enemies in games means that Western gamers will be less likely to be tolerant of Russian aggression.”

    The researchers plan to continue their study of FPS games from the points of views of gender and ethnic diversity.

    These NATO video games are just among the many propaganda tools they use to brainwash their own people into hating the Russians for no meaningful reason. Russian game software developers should make their own games where NATO is the enemy Cool


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    Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia - Page 14 Empty Re: Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia

    Post  higurashihougi Tue Dec 13, 2016 4:40 am

    Well, f*** the EU. Very Happy Very Happy

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    Post  kvs Sat Dec 17, 2016 3:52 pm

    The US establishment has a full bore hate for ethnic Russians.

    Once again some turdlets far away have a hate on for Russia. This must go back to the British hate that predates the USA
    but has been boosted by the cold war and recently. None of these turdlets have any reason to hate Russia due to Russia's
    actions and some historical grievance. These turdlets feel that they own the planet and that Russians are in the way of their
    ambitions. Russia needs to stop with nuclear arms reduction ASAP. Time to go back to serious MAD. These turdlets should
    wet their beds at night with fear instead of planning for the extermination of Russia.

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    Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia - Page 14 Empty Re: Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia

    Post  andalusia Sat Dec 17, 2016 11:55 pm

    What do you guys think of Obama's comment about Russia?

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    Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia - Page 14 Empty Re: Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia

    Post  KoTeMoRe Sat Dec 17, 2016 11:58 pm

    andalusia wrote:What do you guys think of Obama's comment about Russia?

    Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia - Page 14 Famous-last-words

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    Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia - Page 14 Empty Re: Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia

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