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    Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia


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    Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia - Page 8 Empty Re: Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia

    Post  KoTeMoRe Mon Aug 17, 2015 12:53 pm

    Regular wrote:Takes back Chechnya. Complains about muslims in Russia. Lel. They were always there btw.

    Actually given there's a republic in Russia whose name's Tatarstan and there Bashokortostan. These two republics concentratre three times the number of muslims in Chechnya. ... Yet they aren't a problem...Guess why? Oh and they weren't always there...there were other people before the Chechens and the Muslims, just like Tatars weren't in the depth of the Russian Empire.
    Walther von Oldenburg
    Walther von Oldenburg

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    Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia - Page 8 Empty Re: Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia

    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Mon Aug 17, 2015 1:12 pm

    Islam is more than just some prayers, reading the Quran and fasting during Ramadan. It's an entire civilizational complex that comprehensively covers every single aspect of life - including international relations and relations between Muslims and non-Muslims - and it's not permissable to change them (introducting innovation is called bid'ah)

    So if some Muslim aays it's permissable to rule by something else other than sharia or that it's permissable to modify sharia by i.e. allowing non-Muslims to live with Muslims as equals (and not as dhimmis) etc. then he becomes an apostate.

    Google "nullifiers of Islam" for more info

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    Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia - Page 8 Empty Re: Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia

    Post  PapaDragon Mon Aug 17, 2015 2:52 pm

    bmtppk wrote:it was pretty bad over there last time i was in 2011

    Churkas ( thats the term we used) walking everythere, trying to sell you trinkets or drugs right on the street, trying to force you to buy stuff, etc most petty thieves ..basically the situation was looking grim. The police working alongside them of course not giving a shit. Neither did the government care obviously about their native people being robbed or killed by foreign muzzies( alll they did was introducing more and more taxes to leech off  their actual working class native populace because most muzzies didnt even work where i was)

    at the same time i know it sounds really weird and unpatriotic i kind of want the 3rd world country that russia now became (ty mr putin for making it 3rd world instead of 2nd world)  to be taken over by those muzzies... completely..glad i got out of that shithole with my family ..still have my uncle living there but he'll manage....maybe then the  zombies will finally see how their own gov't betrays them

    lol1 lol1 lol1

    OMG, did you fuck yourself over or what!!!

    If it is Muslims you are worried about then I have some soul-crushing news for you moron:

    Unless you moved to Japan you are fucked hard because at this rate North America and Europe will be  90% Muslim long before their number in Russia hits 40%.

    Check the news from time to time, it pays off... russia

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    Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia - Page 8 Empty Re: Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia

    Post  Werewolf Mon Aug 17, 2015 6:59 pm

    Another retard that thinks he knows terminology of 3rd and 2nd world...a fool that has no idea about russia a non russian and blames Putin, just simply fu!

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    Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia - Page 8 Empty Re: Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia

    Post  sepheronx Mon Aug 17, 2015 7:12 pm

    This guy is either really stupid or trolling hard. Either way, we dont need him. I think mods should ban him. But first check his IP, cause it seems odd how many bad trolls we are getting lately.

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    Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia - Page 8 Empty Re: Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia

    Post  medo Mon Aug 17, 2015 8:06 pm

    Considering the war between Sunnis and Shias in ME, I don't think, there will be many muslims left in 2075.

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    Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia - Page 8 Empty Re: Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia

    Post  bmtppk Mon Aug 17, 2015 9:01 pm

    nice try im more russian than you could ever hope to be( and no i aint no jew)

    you can bend it however you like but russia IS a 3rd world country now whenever you believe it or not

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    Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia - Page 8 Empty Re: Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia

    Post  Werewolf Mon Aug 17, 2015 9:28 pm

    bmtppk wrote:nice try im more russian than you could ever hope to be( and no i aint no jew)

    you can bend it however you like but russia IS a 3rd world country now whenever you believe it or not

    Probably one of thsoe immigrated primates from abroad. You still have no jack shit idea what a 3rd world coutnry is. Japan, South Korea are third world countries. Learn meaning of words you imbecile. You are no russian at most some liberal scum from abroad.

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    Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia - Page 8 Empty Re: Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia

    Post  KoTeMoRe Mon Aug 17, 2015 9:41 pm

    bmtppk wrote:nice try im more russian than you could ever hope to be( and no i aint no jew)

    you can bend it however you like but russia IS a 3rd world country now whenever you believe it or not

    hHUEHUEHUEHHEUEH a self-hating Russian. Ok main, now please start working on your second session of exams, that degree won't be earner by itself. Trollo.

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    Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia - Page 8 Empty Re: Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia

    Post  Rodinazombie Mon Aug 17, 2015 9:41 pm

    Lol what a tool, russia has very little to worry about in thsi regard. In the school i went to, 55% were muslim so i think our country will be islamic long before russia.

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    Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia - Page 8 Empty Re: Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia

    Post  sepheronx Mon Aug 17, 2015 10:21 pm

    bmtppk wrote:nice try im more russian than you could ever hope to be( and no i aint no jew)

    you can bend it however you like but russia IS a 3rd world country now whenever you believe it or not

    Lol, yeah ok. Concept of worlds is based around diplomacy. If you want to equate it to wealth, and thrn knowing that Russia is ahead of Germany in PPP terms, then that means germany is third world?

    Or are you a supposed Russian that lives abroad and just hates home? I met a few of your type.

    If you want statistics, we can give you some. Moscow is far from being muslim.

    I have a feeling you are simply trolling. No self respecting Russian is this dumb, not even navalny.

    A person doesnt even need to go there to see that Russia changed a lot since the 90's. It was third world then. Now it clearly is a lot better. Maybe things could be even better, but everything doesnt come at once.

    Edit: BTW, the crap you said earlier about shitty Russian hardware and third world countries, well:

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    Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia - Page 8 Empty Re: Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia

    Post  bmtppk Mon Aug 17, 2015 11:43 pm

    lol how blind do you have to see that the standard of living has completely dropped down

    anyways enjoy your food now imported all the way across the world from brazil instead of ..Lithuania or something (gee i wonder how much does that cost)

    oh and enjoy stuffing putin's pockets with more money that he spends on Crimeans and makes them complacent. So long as putin plugs them full of money they will be on his side..but as soon as that dries up ..idk XD

    about the whole hardware thing. Idc. Ive been watching the Syria channel since 2011 and ive seen soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much rus hardware get demolished /destroyed in every way imaginable that i just consider all of it to be deathtraps. No wonder the jihadists even use BMPs /tanks as VBIED over there..(the BMP kind, the more expensive one compared to BTR) cuz no one wants to sit in that junk. Its actually kind of sad because a few years ago i thought it was top notch stuff. dont belive me -scroll through liveleak Syria there is at least 1 tank and or a BMP knocked out daily.

    Werewolf wrote:
    bmtppk wrote:nice try im more russian than you could ever hope to be( and no i aint no jew)

    you can bend it however you like but russia IS a 3rd world country now whenever you believe it or not

    Probably one of thsoe immigrated primates from abroad. You still have no jack shit idea what a 3rd world country is. Japan, South Korea are third world countries. Learn meaning of words you imbecile. You are no russian at most some liberal scum from abroad.

    typical russian instantly resotring to violence/cuss words in an attempt to defend the disgusting govt that has brainwashed him close to North korean level. Classic.

    No economic body in the world considers Russia a "developed" country. Ok fine maybe we aren't 3rd world either yet... but somewhere in between. But soon it will be.  . Japan 3rd world? Nice try. You are just mad they are 1st world and you are about to be 3rd world. How does it feel to not have any running water during the summer? Or any hot water so u have to heat up pans and then try to bathe. And that was in the city. In villages you still probably have to use a well. I still remember that.

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    Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia - Page 8 Empty Re: Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia

    Post  zg18 Tue Aug 18, 2015 12:27 am

    KoTeMoRe wrote:hHUEHUEHUEHHEUEH a self-hating Russian. Ok main, now please start working on your second session of exams, that degree won't be earner by itself. Trollo.

    Typical Russian liberal ("liberast") , good example why 90% percent Russians consider "Westernophilia" a form of treason. It`s not like it`s something wrong in liking the Western culture (i do) , problem comes when clowns take over claiming to be more American & Western European than Americans & Europeans themselves and spit on everything that represent native culture or way of life and thus making anything related to West repulsive to the rest of populace. TBH that is not purely Russian phenomenon, far from it , unfortunately.

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    Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia - Page 8 Empty Re: Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia

    Post  bmtppk Tue Aug 18, 2015 12:50 am

    zg18 wrote:
    KoTeMoRe wrote:hHUEHUEHUEHHEUEH a self-hating Russian. Ok main, now please start working on your second session of exams, that degree won't be earner by itself. Trollo.

    Typical Russian liberal ("liberast") , good example why 90% percent Russians consider "Westernophilia" a form of treason. It`s not like it`s something wrong in liking the Western culture (i do) , problem comes when clowns take over claiming to be more American &  Western European than Americans & Europeans themselves and spit on everything that represent native culture or way of life and thus making anything related to West repulsive to the rest of populace. TBH that is not purely Russian phenomenon, far from it , unfortunately.

    im no liberal. Im just as homophobic as the next russian is(well maybe not really i dont become a retarded inbred monkey when near homos i just try to avoid homos completely as long as they dont hit on me idc what they do who am i to tell them,unlike 90% of russians who for some reason go batshit crazy over homos..its like theyre closet gays or something)

    ive lived in US for 11 years and traveled abroad. Ive lived in russia for 11 years. Ima tell you. Russia is a 3rd world shithole soon to be taken over by muzzies or maybe even the chinese. It may even happen in my lifetime.

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    Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia - Page 8 Empty Re: Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia

    Post  zg18 Tue Aug 18, 2015 1:07 am

    bmtppk wrote:im no liberal. Im just as homophobic as the next russian is(well maybe not really i dont become a retarded inbred monkey when near homos i just try to avoid homos completely as long as they dont hit on me idc what they do who am i to tell them,unlike 90% of russians who for some reason go batshit crazy over homos..its like theyre closet gays or something)

    ive lived in US for 11 years and traveled abroad. Ive lived in russia for 11 years. Ima tell you. Russia is a 3rd world shithole soon to be taken over by muzzies or maybe even the chinese. It may even happen in my lifetime.

    Nice trolling.

    BTW Russian/East European "liberalism" has nothing to do with Western. Western liberal tend to support "gay rights" , immigrants , Muslims , minorities etc. While even in my country i`ve met people who consider themselves to be liberal while totally on opposite side of the debate. "Liberalism" has became a sanctuary for US puppets & NGOs while having nothing in common with Western Liberalism in the real word.

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    Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia - Page 8 Empty Re: Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia

    Post  Regular Tue Aug 18, 2015 2:16 am

    Blyaaaaaaa... Shocked
    Relax man. Too much anger. Rather find a constructive way how to improve Your motherland.
    Problem with Russians is that they either live ears deep in shit and don't care or they whine and everywhere You take them is bad.
    I don't want to generalize but You Russians are lazy people, that's what I can tell by traveling across Russia. I grew up in countryside myself and I regularly went to Russia back in early 90s to spend summers with my cousins.
    Uncut grass in the gardens, Sosnowski weed growing everywhere, fences that more crooked than all noses in Jerusalem, stray dogs (yeah even in a country side).
    But there is always one guy who has his house and garden tidy among all dermo around him. Russia needs that kind of people.
    Too bad You left, but some fella muslim already took Your place:pirat:

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    Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia - Page 8 Empty Re: Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia

    Post  bmtppk Tue Aug 18, 2015 2:42 am

    Regular wrote:Blyaaaaaaa... Shocked
    Relax man. Too much anger. Rather find a constructive way how to improve Your motherland.
    Problem with Russians is that they either live ears deep in shit and don't care or they whine and everywhere You take them is bad.
    I don't want to generalize but You Russians are lazy people, that's what I can tell by traveling across Russia. I grew up in countryside myself and I regularly went to Russia back in early 90s to spend summers with my cousins.
    Uncut grass in the gardens, Sosnowski weed growing everywhere, fences that more crooked than all noses in Jerusalem, stray dogs (yeah even in a country side).
    But there is always one guy who has his house and garden tidy among all dermo around him. Russia needs that kind of people.
    Too bad You left, but some fella muslim already took Your place:pirat:

    thats exactly how it was when i was over there. All russians living in deep shit.

    And im not angry at all , I still have the russian attitude and mentality aka aggressive hateful and rude just speaking in my ''russian tone'' like i speak with all russians.

    I still also suffer from the same inferiority most russians suffer(laziness) but ive tried hard to break that habit. Being in US for 10 years cured that somewhat.

    Oh and, you cant improve a shithole ,sorry

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    Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia - Page 8 Empty Re: Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia

    Post  warcraftee Tue Aug 18, 2015 4:58 am

    BMTPPK is guys are so brainwashed its unbelievable.

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    Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia - Page 8 Empty Re: Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia

    Post  kvs Tue Aug 18, 2015 5:57 am

    warcraftee wrote:BMTPPK is guys are so brainwashed its unbelievable.

    Another troll joins in.

    You fakes reflexively discount all information that does not confirm your prejudices and the
    comfortable narratives you grew up with. I grew up with those comfortable narratives but
    I had access to the outside of your box. This included Latin America and the ex-USSR thanks
    to my multi-ethnic and scattered family.

    It is easy to spot all you trolls. You post basically no information content and just come here
    to make personal attacks and outright racist generalizations.

    I think the moderation should apply a content filter. Members should be free to have totally opposing
    views but they have to put up or shut up.

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    Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia - Page 8 Empty Re: Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia

    Post  sepheronx Tue Aug 18, 2015 6:11 am

    Until I get hard evidence and proof from the two of you (warcraftee or whatever), you guys are full of shit.  Wanna talk about brainwash?  Then provide evidence.  We have and will continue to do so.

    bmtppk wrote:lol how blind do you have to see that the standard of living has completely dropped down

    anyways enjoy your food now imported all the way across the world from brazil instead of ..Lithuania or something (gee i wonder how much does that cost)

    oh and enjoy stuffing putin's pockets with more money that he spends on Crimeans and makes them complacent. So long as putin plugs them full of money they will be on his side..but as soon as that dries up ..idk XD

    about the whole hardware thing. Idc. Ive been watching the Syria channel since 2011 and ive seen soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much rus hardware get demolished /destroyed in every way imaginable that i just consider all of it to be deathtraps. No wonder the jihadists even use BMPs /tanks as VBIED over there..(the BMP kind, the more expensive one compared to BTR) cuz no one wants to sit in that junk. Its actually kind of sad because a few years ago i thought it was top notch stuff. dont belive me -scroll through liveleak Syria there is at least 1 tank and or a BMP knocked out daily.

    Werewolf wrote:
    bmtppk wrote:nice try im more russian than you could ever hope to be( and no i aint no jew)

    you can bend it however you like but russia IS a 3rd world country now whenever you believe it or not

    Probably one of thsoe immigrated primates from abroad. You still have no jack shit idea what a 3rd world country is. Japan, South Korea are third world countries. Learn meaning of words you imbecile. You are no russian at most some liberal scum from abroad.

    typical russian instantly resotring to violence/cuss words in an attempt to defend the disgusting govt that has brainwashed him close to North korean level. Classic.

    No economic body in the world considers Russia a "developed" country. Ok fine maybe we aren't 3rd world either yet... but somewhere in between. But soon it will be.  . Japan 3rd world? Nice try. You are just mad they are 1st world and you are about to be 3rd world. How does it feel to not have any running water during the summer? Or any hot water so u have to heat up pans and then try to bathe. And that was in the city. In villages you still probably have to use a well. I still remember that.

    Care to explain and show evidence as quality of life decreased?


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    Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia - Page 8 Empty Re: Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia

    Post  Book. Tue Aug 18, 2015 6:16 am

    bmtppk wrote:thats exactly how it was when i was over there. All russians living in deep shit.

    And im not angry at all , I still have the russian attitude and mentality aka aggressive hateful and rude just speaking in my ''russian tone'' like i speak with all russians.

    I still also suffer from the same inferiority most russians suffer(laziness) but ive tried hard to break that habit. Being in US for 10 years cured that somewhat.

    Oh and, you cant improve a shithole ,sorry

    I think eat lot abc soup!

    time to die! attack

    warcraftee wrote:BMTPPK is guys are so brainwashed its unbelievable.

    Pls go back RP net!

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    Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia - Page 8 Empty Re: Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia

    Post  sepheronx Tue Aug 18, 2015 6:23 am

    Going through a few pages on here:статистика&page=0

    Will be more than enough to tell that these two individuals are trolling real hard.

    As well:

    The 90's sure look great.....

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    Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia - Page 8 Empty Re: Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia

    Post  GarryB Tue Aug 18, 2015 7:17 am

    BMTPPK and Warcraftee, it is a forum rule that your first post should be created in the rules and introductions section to introduce yourself.

    Please take the time to do so now.

    Also perhaps... looking at your initial posts you might like to think seriously about why you want to be here, as your posts so far seem to be fairly disrespectful towards existing members, and Russia.

    Ask yourself what you can add to this forum, if it is conflict then perhaps you might want to go somewhere else.

    My time is not infinite and I don't want to spend all my time dealing with conflicts involving people who just want to troll.

    Hope we are clear.

    There is a difference between diverse opinions, and trolls... it is a fine line, so be very careful.

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    Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia - Page 8 Empty Re: Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia

    Post  KoTeMoRe Tue Aug 18, 2015 9:31 am

    zg18 wrote:
    KoTeMoRe wrote:hHUEHUEHUEHHEUEH a self-hating Russian. Ok main, now please start working on your second session of exams, that degree won't be earner by itself. Trollo.

    Typical Russian liberal ("liberast") , good example why 90% percent Russians consider "Westernophilia" a form of treason. It`s not like it`s something wrong in liking the Western culture (i do) , problem comes when clowns take over claiming to be more American &  Western European than Americans & Europeans themselves and spit on everything that represent native culture or way of life and thus making anything related to West repulsive to the rest of populace. TBH that is not purely Russian phenomenon, far from it , unfortunately.

    Yeah, you can see that because he needs to flash his passport. That's like I'd flash my Albanian one, saying Albania is 3rd world. Well even if Albania became freaking Detroit, I'd still slot myself before calling it trash. There's still Stoke and Birmingham for those expletives. Now do us a favor BMwhatever, cease and desist, I'm milliseconds away from screening you. And given you're in somewhere in bad-teeth country, that's not far to travel.

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    Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia - Page 8 Empty Re: Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia

    Post  Regular Tue Aug 18, 2015 11:39 am

    bmtppk wrote:
    Regular wrote:Blyaaaaaaa... Shocked
    Relax man. Too much anger. Rather find a constructive way how to improve Your motherland.
    Problem with Russians is that they either live ears deep in shit and don't care or they whine and everywhere You take them is bad.
    I don't want to generalize but You Russians are lazy people, that's what I can tell by traveling across Russia. I grew up in countryside myself and I regularly went to Russia back in early 90s to spend summers with my cousins.
    Uncut grass in the gardens, Sosnowski weed growing everywhere, fences that more crooked than all noses in Jerusalem, stray dogs (yeah even in a country side).
    But there is always one guy who has his house and garden tidy among all dermo around him. Russia needs that kind of people.
    Too bad You left, but some fella muslim already took Your place:pirat:

    thats exactly how it was when i was over there. All russians living in deep shit.

    And im not angry at all , I still have the russian attitude and mentality aka aggressive hateful and rude just speaking in my ''russian tone'' like i speak with all russians.

    I still also suffer from the same inferiority most russians suffer(laziness) but ive tried hard to break that habit. Being in US for 10 years cured that somewhat.

    Oh and, you cant improve a shithole ,sorry
    Lol, gonish... Americans are even worse than Russians when it comes to lazyness, living in shit and apathy.
    And yes You can improve Russia, small example -look at staroveri who come back to Russia to start life a new. Watch the vid

    Maybe it's too extreem? Well then returning with some capital to Moscow to do bizz is a thing now, esp when domestic market got some air to breath.
    Tip for You - cry less.

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