The west uses poorer countries as slave labour and it just happens they found China didn't have high wages or strong worker rights, so building factories in China was easy when you bribed the local officials to look the other way and any worker who objected to the way they were treated could be made to disappear easily enough. The west didn't start doing this in China... they have done the same thing in Japan and Malaysia and Hong Kong and Taiwan and Indonesia and Singapore and South Korea and Vietnam and when they move out of China they will most likely move to Bangledesh or Pakistan or somewhere else where their bribe money keeps the locals in line and makes production cheap.
You will notice from that list places like Japan or Singapore... hardly any cheap labour there... well not now... investment and jobs stimulates the economy and clever local people exploit these people earning peanuts in western money terms but very good money for the region and they progress and develop... Japan went from cheap plastic crap to quality stuff, and other countries did the same... the dirty secret is that any country could be wealthy like many white countries are... they just need the chance and in fact they actually could do it better than the west does...
The west has been bought out by the rich and powerful... I would like to see how China and Russia and other countries not part of the west that will never be fully accepted by the west progress and develop...