The claims that Putin has had all this time and has not won the prize of the Ukraine ignores the fact that friendship with the Ukraine was a burden on the Russian economy... Russia was forced to buy substandard Ukrainian products that have not really changed much since the cold war... anything they had to offer was because Russia was funding it... like the An-70 and all the money that went in to that programme was wasted.
Now Russia is building its own engines and its own transport planes and its future is actually looking much much better.
Russia still wants cordial relations with its neighbour, but has no reason to offer bribes and subsidies any more because they are now the EU and USs problem.
It is all pretty sad really because Europe thinks it is playing Chess, but the game being played is much more complex and the idea is not to defeat your enemy on the battlefield... it is not a zero sum game... the loser doesn't just disappear and you get all their resources and land and go on to the next player...
The west thought winning the Cold War meant they could boss Russia around and that Russia would become their colony of willing sheeple, but that only lasted for a decade and then Russia realised it could do better and be more... and now it is.
The west clearly won the cold war but the seriously lost the 30 years after the cold war.
All their current problems and they think their solution is to create and win another cold war with Russia and China.
Sounds like a stupid plan... the more so since I honestly don't think they could actually win a second cold war in their current condition and situation.
The Ukraine is not some rich prize.... like the Crimea was... or naval and military bases in Syria are... the things they did fight for and won.
The Ukraine is like Albania but their organised crime syndicates are not as well organised or profitable.
To be honest comparing the Ukraine and Albanian is not really very fair because Albania probably has a future.