GarryB wrote:
We realise the only thing that would make you happy is another war in Europe, but Putin is not an irrational fool like so many western leaders or their allies.
You realize nothing. A damage control bot like yourself thrives on conflict to "explain things" and keep unsuspecting sheep on a narrative. Selective on the outrage and who to reply to. Considering your hypocrisy on all of these topics, up to the point of discriminatory and inflammatory commentary against "westerners"... not to mention dream porn of Russian wunderwaffe and silly war commentary you should know better than to throw ad-hominems with that sort of glass house. A simple propagandist, intellectually dishonest to the core, as all propagandists are. Get back to the drawing board and draw up new talking points.
When it comes to this conflict, something will give. How that will take form is anyone's guess. Whether through war, or a power ceding and conceding to another (masked behind a win-win "compromise") something will give. That's the point dummy. "WE" know better, but "WE" couldn't pass up the opportunity to be disingenuous and try to mischaracterize my comment as a "war monger". A "low hanging fruit opportunity". How simplistic.
Maybe ask for a rubble pay rise, see if it can boost "WE's" intellectual capacity.