Not really about Ukraine, but I'm happy she got to see resurgence of Russia, the beginning of the end for Murkan hegemony, and the Bear wrecking the Ukrop project. May this evil fcking bitch burn in Hell and SCREAM for an eternity
Madeleine Albright dead at 84
The family called Albright a “tireless champion of democracy and human rights” and a refugee “who rose to the heights of American policy-making, receiving the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2012, the nation's highest civilian honor.”
Yeah sure, as long as you're not Russian or Serbian, in which case this evil witch hated your guts and wanted nothing more than the complete destruction of your nation & culture while holding you to blame for your demise. Good riddance to an evil cnt. May she rot in the Devils arse until the Universe fades to nothing.
GarryB, franco, psg, Firebird, Werewolf, d_taddei2, magnumcromagnon and like this post
Big_Gazza wrote:Not really about Ukraine, but I'm happy she got to see resurgence of Russia, the beginning of the end for Murkan hegemony, and the Bear wrecking the Ukrop project. May this evil fcking bitch burn in Hell and SCREAM for an eternity
Madeleine Albright dead at 84
The family called Albright a “tireless champion of democracy and human rights” and a refugee “who rose to the heights of American policy-making, receiving the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2012, the nation's highest civilian honor.”
Yeah sure, as long as you're not Russian or Serbian, in which case this evil witch hated your guts and wanted nothing more than the complete destruction of your nation & culture while holding you to blame for your demise. Good riddance to an evil cnt. May she rot in the Devils arse until the Universe fades to nothing.
Took her too long to finally bite the big one, but at least she got so see the end of the hegemony that she helped create. Indeed, "I think the half million dead Iraki children were worth it". The miserable c**t should be a turd stuck in satan's ass for eternity and a day.
GarryB, franco, Werewolf, d_taddei2, magnumcromagnon, Airbornewolf, par far and like this post
auslander wrote:Took her too long to finally bite the big one, but at least she got so see the end of the hegemony that she helped create. Indeed, "I think the half million dead Iraki children were worth it". The miserable c**t should be a turd stuck in satan's ass for eternity and a day.
Yeah brother, sing it from the mountain! I've been looking forward to this day for years! I've got a grin on my face and a spring in my step, and the world is looking like a brighter place than it was yesterday.
Lots less Azov nazis and their ilk stinking up the planet, and the Chief Witch herself is now room-temperature worm food. Coincidence, or unmistakable signs in a karma-induced continental shift?
GarryB, franco, kvs, auslander, BliTTzZ, Hole and Broski like this post
There cannot be too much left of the original line of contact between the orcs and the Donbas republics. A quick count would suggest less then 100 kilometers and that has been broken in at least 3 places leaving 4 sections.
Last edited by franco on Wed Mar 23, 2022 10:52 pm; edited 1 time in total
Arkanghelsk wrote:Another reason russian casualties are lower than estimated is that the bulk of fighters in the east are militia
The use of Russian forces is predominant in the south and Kiev as well as Kharkov where there is idle standing while LDNR take their damn time
Heavy battles going on around Nikolayev and Izyum (Kharkov. obl) I think, Ukrainians are attempting to counterattack there, although without success at least for what concerns Izyum
Irpen (Kiev obl.) witnessed a heavy battle not long ago, might be gearing for another one
In all of these Russian forces are based
We also have some dead from Chechen forces in Mariupol, don't think too many but anyway. They count as Rosgvardia
We also have a list of 8 confirmed KIA from Novosibirsk obl.
На данный момент погибло 8 бойцов из Новосибирской области
Стали известны имена всех жителей Новосибирской области, которые погибли во время спецоперации на Украине. Впервые о погибших на оперативном совещании 3 марта сообщил губернатор региона. Позднее сведения о погибших стали публиковать на сайтах районных администраций.
22-летний Константин Рыжичинский из Сузунского района, уроженец села Заковряжино, погиб 24 февраля. По данным властей, после срочной службы он остался служить по контракту дальше.
36-летний сержант Сергей Сивидов из Ордынского района, был похоронен 11 марта в селе Новый Шарап. Также служил по контракту после срочной службы. Погиб в Чернигове 26 февраля. У него остались жена и двое детей.
41-летний капитан Александр Ильин из Усть-Тарского района, был похоронен 15 марта в селе Щербаки. Представлен к награждению Орденом Мужества, указ пока не подписали. Погиб в Черниговской области он 1 марта.
22-летнего Даниила Курина из Колывани похоронили 11 марта. Он был командиром взвода разведки. В июне 2021 года он окончил с отличием НВВКУ, затем по контракту служил в Кабардино-Балкарии. Погиб 3 марта.
44-летний майор Виктор Максимчук, уроженец Колыванского района. Его хоронили в Краснодарском крае 16 марта. Мать погибшего живет в Колыванском районе. Датой гибели может быть 6 марта. Погиб под Мариуполем.
21-летний Егор Дмитриев из Тогучинского района, о его гибели сообщили 14 марта на сайте администрации Тогучинского района. Дата гибели неизвестна. Служил по контракту.
28-летний Андрей Шкулепов из Болотного был похоронен на родине 17 марта. Мог погибнуть 9-10 марта. Служил в Юргинской мотострелковой бригаде.
24-летний лейтенант Ярослав Пономаренко из Искитима, прощание с ним состоялось 22 марта в Искитиме. Учился в школе № 1 Искитима, окончил Новосибирское высшее военное командное училище. Дата гибели неизвестна.
As you can see, at least one died Mariupol in the early days (as did the Russian major-general), so presumably naval infantry or SSO, which are engaged there.
Some died in Chernigov, presumably due to Ukrainian SF and partisan activities, they seem to be active there
And most actually died after the last time the Russian MoD published its casualty figures.
Hole wrote: 80% of the russian troops around Kiev look as if they were on vaccation. Waiting for their buddies in the east to finish part 1 of the plan.
Yep, they're holding the lines, and it gets bloody on both sides from time to time, but VSR has the absolute advantage and is otherwise just enjoying a field trip with grilled sausages in the spring sun etc.
Again, Kiev is a distraction for now. They're not rushing to invade it because it's not the plan. Yet.
When the Donbass has been properly secured and major cities are outside of UA terror artillery range, for the first time in 8 years, things will move elsewhere. It's a tough nut to crack though, UA has spent these 8 years fortifying that front, and it's becoming increasingly obvious that they indeed had a plan to take an even bigger dump on the Minsk agreements and take Donbass by force, which prompted Moscow to do this.
Last edited by Dr.Snufflebug on Wed Mar 23, 2022 11:23 pm; edited 3 times in total
magnumcromagnon, Big_Gazza, JohninMK, BliTTzZ, Broski and Arkanghelsk like this post
A simple method of calculating losses: The Russian Ministry of Defense confirmed ~500 killed in the first week of fighting. Even if we increase this number THREE times, we will get no more than 1,500 dead in the first days when there was the greatest number of casualties. subsequently, the losses should have been reduced by at least half. So in the next three weeks of fighting, we can assume that there were no more than 2,200 dead. In this case, the total number of deaths during the month of the military operation by Russia and the DPR+ LPR forces is presumably no more than 3,700 people. The average number of wounded is 2 for each victim. We will add another 7,400 wounded here, and about 1 prisoner for every 10 casualties wounded and killed. In total, the maximum amount of losses of the Russian side at the moment cannot exceed 3700+7400+1200 =12300 people. Let's assume that approximately 125,000 people are involved in the operation (I took this number for convenience of calculation). Thus, we understand that during the 28 days of the military operation, losses amounted to ~ 10%, which corresponds to the daily combat loss coefficient at the level of k = 0.0036 For comparison, for active hostilities during the Napoleonic Wars, k = 0.45; for World War I, k=0.12; for World War II, k= 0.04; for the Arab-Israeli wars, k=0.02.
I do not know what is happening with the Ukrainian army, but some sources suggest a loss ratio of 1:6 in favor of the Russian army.
P.S. At the moment, I have not seen more than 600 captured Russian soldiers confirmed, so we can assume that the real losses of Russian troops are half as much as I calculated.
flamming_python, dino00, Big_Gazza, GunshipDemocracy, BliTTzZ, Yugo90, Broski and like this post
It's impossible to count or even estimate Ukrainian losses. Territorial guard, police and other paramilitary forces are taking hits daily and as they don't belong to any formations, all the KIA/WIA are not even recorded by Ukraine.
Not to mention deep strikes inside Ukrainian territory. I still think that counting killed are american thing, more interested to know knocked out formations, brigades and etc. Ukrainians have great numeric advantage and killing combatants is secondary goal, we seen where US Vietnam tactics flopped.
flamming_python, Big_Gazza, GunshipDemocracy, JohninMK, BliTTzZ, Broski and Arkanghelsk like this post