Hole wrote:
Pepe Escobar
This is a tentative list of US "protectorates" that will be represented only by the US ambassador in Moscow - assuming there will be one:
_ UK
_ Canada
_ Poland
_ Czech Republic
_ Lithuania
_ Latvia
_ Estonia
_ France
_ Germany
_ Italy
_ Spain
_ Romania
_ Australia
Keep in mind that most of these countries are dependent on the USA. They are not really independent. Germany itself has a large part of its economy focused on America. Its automotive and pharmaceutical industry, which is an exponent of this country, needs components and the American market. What's more, for explo 40% of the Airbus parts are of American origin. These vulnerabilities leave Europe hostage to North American pressure. The Baltic countries have nothing. They are nothing but cannon fodder. Italy is a bankrupt country with an astronomical debt. UK and Austraila =USA. Canada is an American state disguised as an independent country.