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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #14


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #14 - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #14

    Post  Dr.Snufflebug Thu Apr 28, 2022 8:39 pm

    ludovicense wrote:Michael Tracey
    White House fact-sheet says part of the mammoth $33 billion spending package it's requesting for Ukraine will be to "support independent media." Because nothing screams "independent" like being directly funded by the US Government as part of its "information warfare" initiative


    The black hole grows endless..... but remember not everything is going for it.
    There's a new generation of multimillionaires being built with the American taxpayer's money.....someday someone will wake up there and start screaming.

    The level of shtifukcery is amazing, honestly. Poroshenko shut down a lot of independent media in Ukraine but Zelensky delivered the final blow and went North Korea on the few that managed to survive the Poroshenko purges.

    Indy media in Russia has a hard time occasionally, but is thriving overall, esp regionally. Indy media in Ukraine is nowadays simply illegal by law. And it is the former that receives flak, and the latter that receives praise.


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #14 - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #14

    Post  Ispan Thu Apr 28, 2022 9:12 pm

    Alexander Khodakovsky
    Forwarded from
    Vladimir Legoyda
    The powerful flow of monotonous information pouring from Western media and social networks is striking in its synchronicity of presentation. Noteworthy is not only the interpretation and evaluation of often unverified, and often elementary falsified facts, but also the fact that a wide range of topics in principle falls out of the attention of the "independent" Western press and is simply hushed up. For example, the topic of the Russian genocide in the Donbas and Nazism in Ukraine.

    Reality, however, does not disappear, even if it is denied. The network is known to remember everything. Just Google, for example, who is "Gorlovka Madonna". This is 23-year-old Kristina Zhuk, who died during the shelling of a park in Gorlovka, where she was walking with her 10-month-old daughter Kirochka. The girl was torn apart by shells fired by Ukrainian Grads ,and she died in a pool of her own blood with her daughter in her arms. Kirochka died immediately. On the same day, later called "Donetsk Bloody Sunday", three more children were killed.

    Or Google about the children's beach in Zugres, which the Ukrainian security forces bombed with cluster bombs. There were no military installations. Children were swimming there. And they were torn to pieces right in front of their parents.

    And many, many other facts. First-hand experience. Verified, verified, and documented ones.

    Now they are collected in one place - on the RIA Novosti website in the special project " Donbass.Genocide. 2014-2022. The whole truth about the 8-year War" and the telegram channel of the same name.

    If someone hasn't taken the time to find out about this in recent years, now is the time to check it out.
    Donets Basin. Genocide 2014-2022
    Every day, we tell the truth about what happened in the Donbas during the eight years of war without any notes

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #14 - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #14

    Post  limb Thu Apr 28, 2022 9:14 pm

    GunshipDemocracy wrote:
    mnrck wrote:Well, USA means of sovereign.

    "Washington, Warsaw Discuss 'Reunification' of Poland & Western Ukraine - Russian Foreign Intel Chief"

    well from the Russian perspective it might be advantageous.  Lvov and western orc land doesn't have to be managed and money pumped in coming years. And Remaining parts can happily be split into small republics and join Russia-Belorussia USSR2?

    PapaDragon wrote:
    ALAMO wrote:...Sorry folks, but that is utter bullshit.
    There is zero sentiments towards Lvov in Poland...

    Agreed on Poland sentiments but we are talking about what folks in DC think that Poland should want

    Polish govt consists of people  loving US more then most of US citizens do.  Similarly to Ukro one. Whatever US desires Poland desires too .

    Hole wrote:
    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #14 - Page 17 Frylbn10

    Nice to see Kh-59 at work Smile I wonder how many were produced so far?

    How do people still mistake the Kh-29 for kh-59s here?

    It's a kh-29.

    There have only been a few kh-59 and kh-35 strikes on ground targets in this war. There are zero kh-69, kh-38, grom glide bombs, drel guided cluster munition glide bombs, KAB-50, KAB-250, LMUR, Hermes or any new Russian guided air launched munition. It's absolutely pathetic. Meanwhile NATO has JSOW, SLAM ER, Taurus KEPD, Kongsberg NSM, and Brimstone in regular use since 2010.

    This war makes it look like all the new Russian small-mefdum guided munitions are just MAKS expo models

    It's especially stupid to see no Hermes or LMUR being used instead of Russian helicopters having to launch S-8 rockets and Su-34s having to fly on top of targets.

    I believe the fact that the Su-34s have only 2 kh-29s, when they can carry 8 of them, shows that Russians severely lack reserves of even these 80s tech missiles and have to ration them out in tiny amounts.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #14 - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #14

    Post  JohninMK Thu Apr 28, 2022 9:19 pm

    Ispan wrote:Today's report and a compilation of news sources and analysis

    Thank you. Top maps in article missing.

    YESTERDAY 27 April - summary Readovka

    Perhaps the most important news today is Putin, who said that the nuclear mace is ready and will definitely strike, and not later, but immediately, if "someone wants to intervene in the situation in Ukraine from the outside and will create a threat of a strategic nature - the attacks will be ultra-fast." All the necessary decisions have already been made for this.

    More and more people are wondering why the offensive is moving so slowly that it seems that the front stops. The question arises: are we grinding the enemy or are we grinding ourselves slowly? Comrades on the battlefield are sure that we are grinding. The tactics are as follows: we advance carefully, if the reconnaissance encounters serious resistance, the troops stop and constant rocket and artillery attacks are inflicted on the enemy's defensive lines. Until it is removed or destroyed. The infantry cleans up what is left after the artillery. This is confirmed by the heavy losses of the Ukrainian army. This can be seen even in the photo of the bodies of the soldiers of the Ukroreich, of which there have been enough of them lately. According to the enemy, Russia is generally increasing the pace of its offensive in Ukraine in all directions, this was stated today by the spokesman of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine Oleksandr Motuzyanyk.

    On the fronts. West of Izyum, Russian troops occupied Zavodye, reaching the village of Velikaya Kamyshevakha. South of Izyum, there is an advance towards Barvenkovo, the battles continue in the direction near the village of Kurulka - the control of this area will cut off the supply route along the railway to the entire Kramatorsk – Severodonetsk group of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. It must be assumed that the Ukrainians sent their last reserves here. Southeast of Izyum, we reached Krasny Liman from the northeast side, occupied Maslyakovka. There are struggles to establish control over the Liman-Svyatogorsk highway. They write that they occupied Yampol, there is fighting in the village. In Lugansk, progress is less noticeable. Allied troops have already occupied most of Popasna. To the north, they are storming Orekhovo, tank battles are reported in the village.

    From the fronts they report that enemy artillery firehas also become more active. Apparently, they sent ammunition to the front. Shelling against the center of Izyum continued. At night, 80 Grad rockets were fired from the Avdeyevka area along Yasinovataya. The anti-aircraft defense did not stop firing in Donetsk. In addition, there were again arrivals in the Kursk, Belgorod and Voronezh regions.

    At the end of the day in Kherson there was an attempt to bomb the TV tower in the center with missiles "Tochka-U". The air defense shot them down right above, the TV center continues to work.

    We also do not lag behind the Armed Forces of Ukraine, we give them a light. Once again, yesterday's bridge in the Odessa region was "calibrated" (bombarded with Kalibr cruise missiles) for safety. Also missiles in Odessa, Nikolayev, Kharkov, Poltava. Artillery shelling was carried out along the entire front line, in the Gulay Poley area on the contact line in the Krivoy Rog region.

    A tense situation has remained in Pridnestrovie for several days. Today there were new attempts at provocations, shooting, Ukrainian drones were shot down. Now the local security forces are keeping the situation under control. "In connection with the introduction of the "red" level of terrorist danger, all objects of national importance have been taken under protection," the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the republic reported.

    From the interesting: in recent days, more and more videos with "fighting Tuvans" are appearing. Many nationalities living in our vast Motherland are famous for their military qualities, which were also manifested in the Great Patriotic War. Some of them are compatriots of our Minister of Defense, the Tuvans. Now, in addition to Russian and Chechen fighters, we see Tuvan soldiers in action.

    TODAY 28 April - Strelkov's report (with respect to previous days)

    Although I do not agree with most of your opinions, I share it as a counterpoint so as not to fall into complacency. It should be borne in mind that Strelkov thinks himself a Napoleon and is obsessed with the idea that it is necessary to make a complete mobilization and a total war as in 1941-1945. Everything seems wrong and insufficient to him.

    About the situation on the Donetsk front (currently I have no information about other fronts):

    Area south of Izyum:
    Fierce fighting continues along the entire perimeter of the Russian bridgehead. There are tactical advances everywhere. According to reports, the fierce battles take place on the right flank, in the area of the village of Velikaya Kamyshevakha (and, possibly, directly in the village), as well as "at the forefront" of the offensive, in the center of the head of the bridge, the area (possibly in the territory) of the village of Novaya Dmitrovka. After taking the specified locality. our troops will directly approach the Barvenkovo-Slavyansk highway and create a threat of its cutting (which will not be easy, since the settlements on this highway merge into an almost continuous agglomeration).

    It should be noted that the battles are of a continuous "fluid" nature. The enemy has enough troops to, despite the lengthening of the front line in this area, not allow Russian troops to make deep advances anywhere.

    At the same time, the enemy continues to withdraw its forces from the remaining bridgehead on the left bank of the Seversky Donets, from the Liman – Yampol area and the Severodonetsk salient, leaving the most advanced positions to the east between Severodonetsk and Popasnaya (where fierce fighting continued).
    It is assumed that the enemy will soon (today or tomorrow) leave Liman and withdraw his troops to strengthen the flanks of the group, near Barvenkovo and Slavyansk.
    The Russian and DPR Armed Forces could not prevent this and surround the enemy units.
    In general, the enemy defends himself competently, persistently, controls the situation and his troops. There is no panic in the Ukrainian ranks. It is quite clear that the enemy command is betting on BUYING TIME AND INFLICTING MAXIMUM LOSSES on the SHOCK UNITS of the Russian army (and allies), since it is slowly ceding territory.
    Ahead of the Russian troops in this direction is a huge Slayvansk-Kramatorsk agglomeration, prepared in advance for a long defense. The Ukrainian army will definitely not surrender it, but will resist to the last extreme, defending it, if necessary, as a "besieged fortress". (In this regard, the fate of the remnants of the Mariupol garrison is very important: they should not be liberated or interned in any case, otherwise the Slavyansk – Kramatorsk garrison will defend itself just as long and stubbornly, or longer and more fiercely). However, this "fortress" will still have to be encircled, which is very difficult to do with the limited forces available and with such a slow advance, in which the enemy freely withdraws his units and prepares new defense units in advance.

    In the south, in the area of Gulay-Pole and Orekhov, the situation has not changed significantly. "The southern part of the pincers" stalled.

    In the central zone, near Donetsk, the situation in general has not changed. In most areas, there is a lull, fighting is taking place only in the area north of Avdyevka, where the Donetsk militia has minor tactical successes.

    The general conclusion, unfortunately, is gloomy: the offensive of the Russian group to envelop and encircle the Donetsk group of the Ukrainian army, which did not count on surprise, met fierce resistance and almost certainly will not lead to a complete encirclement and defeat of the enemy.(unless 2-3 additional tank corps suddenly "fall from the sky" in order to sharply break through the front and move deep into the rear of the enemy forces). There is definitely not going to be an envelopment like in Cannae.

    At best, the enemy will be "squeezed out" slowly and with heavy losses (mutual, of course) from the Donbass for many weeks and even, it is possible, for several months. This will allow you to create, train and mass introduce strategic reserves in any selected area without much haste for the summer. And also - to crush Transnistria, to gather sufficient forces for this and not to risk defeat near Donetsk during the operation.

    Casualty reports for 27 April

    Statement of the Russian army

    Ukrainian losses, 300 killed yesterday

    The interdiction of the railways

    About railways, very good article about the attacks on the railway system of Ukraine, via Cassad

    Report about Maryinka

    Seeing that there are still houses standing after eight years of war and that there is not so much saturation of projectile funnels, it seems to me that these strong points of the front are not any Stalingrad, if not minor affairs fights of a few companies, I do not believe that the Ukros can put entire brigades in a village that had 20,000 inhabitants,

    Of course, I could be underestimating the destruction and artillery bombardments because, due to my interest in the Great War, I am used to apocalyptic bombings that leave a lunar landscape being the norm. The artillery bombardments of 1916-1918 were rarely equaled and never surpassed in the Second World War. It is also possible that Maryinka was not seriously bombed until this year's operations, especially its western part, being occupied by the Ukrainians all this time.

    Avdeyevka being an industrial city, I do imagine that it will be much harder to crack, due to the number of air attacks that the "Rooks" have made (Sukhoi 25)

    I get the impression that the offensive capacity of most of the militias is very poor, and that at points like this it is really not worth taking a lot of ruins by storm, so everything is left in firefights from one trench to another and shelling until the enemy gets tired and withdraws from a position because it is too exposed and maintaining it costs him a continuous drip of casualties. And since the Ukros have numerical superiority, they send reinforcements as many times as necessary, although I can't imagine what they gain by keeping this town, no matter how much trench and bunker they have invested in.

    Strange war!

    A few more words about the capabilities of the army of the Donbass or Lugansk republics, or Novorussians for short. It must be differentiated that in reality there were always two armies, the territorial militia, poorly armed and trained, infantry defended the static front, and a maneuvering mass, the Korpus, an army corps of three or four divisions organized according to the Soviet model, with tanks and armored.

    Among the units of the Novorussian army there are good, bad, and worse. Shock regiments such as Somalia, Sparta, Vostok.. they are good, better than the regular Russian troops because they have combat experience, and those who have borne the brunt of the struggle in the rupture of the front and the assault on Mariupol. Then there are the militia units that now have conscripts who are worse armed and motivated.

    That said, Strelkov has been deceived by sharing a blog of an alleged participant about the battle of Rubezhnoye. It is possible that he is telling the truth, or that it is based on real data, taken from participants of the battle, but I suspect that it is a fiction of the Ukrainian psychological warfare and propaganda centers. I have checked it with Russian acquaintances from military forums and people point out the obvious, that the commenters of the blog are all Ukros, and that a caricature is made of the Chechens.

    It is not the first time, like the famous falsification of the testimony of a Buryat tank crewman who participated in the alleged Russian intervention in 2014.

    The Siege of Kharkov

    Modernized BMP-1 armored vehicles with new turret with 30mm cannon

    About the territorial battalions

    About Ukrainian losses and forces in the Donbass salient

    No idea how many Ukrainian troops are fixed in the Donbass salient, it's not a bag yet, but it's tens of thousands, an estimate quoted in the blog at the end of the previous report gives a figure of 60,000 that seems reasonable.

    There is no escape from the bag, they have not gone anywhere, on the contrary, if you read my reports on the Izyum front they comment that the prisoners are conscripts to the force and reservists from central Ukraine, from the Russian regions, and many are middle-aged reservists. Far from retreating, they send more troops.

    As for the casualties, according to the communiqués they are about a hundred Ukrainian dead collected a day, more or less. The separate communiques of the Russian army and the two republics would give about 300 dead and twice as many wounded a day on average, about a thousand daily casualties. And that those who are collected on the battlefield, the dead taken by the Ukros are not counted, nor the casualties that cannot be verified, such as those from bombings and airstrikes in the rear

    I have checked the archives of my blog, and indeed in 2014-2015 during the great battles the casualties were a thousand per day, and a hundred on quiet days.

    As we have already been in the war for two months, a prudent estimate would be about 50,000 casualties, between the fourth and the fifth part of the total Ukrainian forces. It should be remembered that only in Volnovakha and Mariupol suffered 15,000 casualties, most of them killed.

    Today Chervonets has published on his blog about it, citing the same sources that I collect, and gives even higher figures, of 70,000 casualties among wounded dead and prisoners

    "Now, the estimated real losses for the Ukrainian side are at least 30 thousand dead soldiers, with prisoners and wounded, the total 70 thousand. Of the combat-ready units and subunits of Ukraine, enlisted and instructed according to NATO standards, about 40-50% died, the rest (about 30% more) retreated to the west of the country, others were assigned in small groups to strengthen the Donbass group of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

    as for the Russian casualties, I still quote Chervonets:

    "As for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, after the losses in the first period of hostilities, when there were many cavalry attacks with the unprotected rear, the tactics changed dramatically. First, the artillery, then the sweep with infantry. The advance is slow, but the ratio of own losses to the enemy is from 1:7 to 1:10. Due to missile strikes and air superiority, the Russian troops maintain the advantage, and the losses of material and personnel are inferior by an order of magnitude. About 100 thousand soldiers of the 1 million-strong army have been sent to Ukraine, and there are no plans to mobilize in Russia.»
    According to other reports citing leaks from internal Ukrainian sources, which have proven to be reliable over time, yesterday, April 27, they said the following:

    "During the day, the Armed Forces of Ukraine lost 680 killed, wounded and captured. The total losses in killed, wounded and prisoners in the army, National Guard and the State Border Service are more than 46 thousand people.»

    Note that this figure is very close to what I estimated based on partial counts these last two months. Moreover, the one who publishes these leaks underlines that the Ukrainian General Staff does not even know its own losses completely, which is moreover completely logical when losing contact with destroyed units. On the other hand, they are also not interested, if it were not for the fact that something similar has already happened before in this war, I could not believe that the Ukrainian command hides thousands of dead as "disappeared" in order not to pay pensions.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #14 - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #14

    Post  Dr.Snufflebug Thu Apr 28, 2022 9:27 pm

    Double post.

    Last edited by Dr.Snufflebug on Thu Apr 28, 2022 9:36 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #14 - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #14

    Post  GunshipDemocracy Thu Apr 28, 2022 9:29 pm

    sepheronx wrote:
    It was always a silly notion that Drones was gonna replace manned aircraft.  I argued about this years ago when people said for Russia to replace manned planes with Drones.

    No, supplement the AF with drones but not replace pilots.

    but drones will replace manned airplanes, not at the current level of technology though.

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    Post  sepheronx Thu Apr 28, 2022 9:32 pm

    GunshipDemocracy wrote:
    sepheronx wrote:
    It was always a silly notion that Drones was gonna replace manned aircraft.  I argued about this years ago when people said for Russia to replace manned planes with Drones.

    No, supplement the AF with drones but not replace pilots.

    but drones will replace manned airplanes, not at the current level of technology  though.

    No.  Please, learn about the technology first before making this scathing comment.  It never will because of the fact that electronic warfare will always play a roll that will destroy the aspect of drones used in any mass use.

    I know you mean well and all but that statement couldn't be further from the truth.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #14 - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #14

    Post  Dr.Snufflebug Thu Apr 28, 2022 9:35 pm

    limb wrote:[.

    I believe the fact that the Su-34s have only 2 kh-29s, when they can carry 8 of them, shows that Russians severely lack  reserves of even these 80s tech missiles and have to ration them out in tiny amounts.

    Not gonna pretend I have some particular knowledge or insight, but I will say this:

    1. Iron bombs (FAB-100 to 500) are very plentiful, both M54 and M62, right, nobody denies that.

    2. Still you never see Su-34 in full bomb truck mode, not here, not in Syria, even though we know it is well capable of it (with four MERs of 6-9 bombs each etc, documented) and there is certainly no shortage of that particular type of ordnance.

    3. What gives? Clearly there is a different logic they adhere to. My amateur guess would be that they are given very precise tasks and armed with the bare minimum to achieve them, to reduce operational wear on the airframes etc.

    If Russia actually declares war, mobilizes several millions of personnel, and goes all-in, then I have a hunch things will look quite different.

    edit: Though actual war declaration also means nukes are on the table, so...

    Last edited by Dr.Snufflebug on Thu Apr 28, 2022 9:54 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Post  PapaDragon Thu Apr 28, 2022 9:52 pm

    ludovicense wrote:Aldin 🇧🇦
    Downed TB2 in Kherson Oblast.
    The reputation of Turkish drones was thrown in the garbage can.... they are dropped like rotten apples on the tree....

    Drones are supposed to drop like flies during real war

    Russia should stop slacking off in this department

    Shooting down oversized toy plane is no accomplishment whatsoever, I'm amazed they are actually posting numbers of destroyed drones next to regular aircraft in MoD briefs, they don't belong there

    Russia is one building the inflated reputation of these drones with this behaviour


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #14 - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #14

    Post  diabetus Thu Apr 28, 2022 9:56 pm

    A breakthrough is urgently needed to encircle USF in donbass. This should have been the main priority on day 1.

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    Post  Dr.Snufflebug Thu Apr 28, 2022 10:03 pm

    Must add, regarding the above, that even Tupolevs launching strikes in Syria did so with very limited ordnance, far below capacity. And on occasion you'd even see a Su-35 armed with like four FAB-100s only, looks totally mad at a first glance.

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    Post  Dr.Snufflebug Thu Apr 28, 2022 10:14 pm

    Many Donbass telegram channels have turned into outright gore forums, seriously. One almost gets desensitized to seeing dead people, and you only react when they look particularly gruesome.

    Not a wild guess that several hundred UA soldiers perish each day, only along a part of the Donbass front. And they keep sending in more.

    Yesterday some OSINTers said that UA started sending "territorial defense" troops to the east. Those people correspond to the "home guard" in many EU countries. My fellow Europeans know the rest and its implications.

    Last edited by Dr.Snufflebug on Thu Apr 28, 2022 10:24 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Post  Podlodka77 Thu Apr 28, 2022 10:23 pm

    In the West, everything is combined with the goal of belittling Russia. Part of that story is the glorification of Baryaktar.
    And yes, we should not attach importance to these Turkish karsts.
    I think that Russia should continue to give priority to these planes and to S-70 combat UAV.

    * PAK-DP; THE JEWEL IN THE CROWN OF THE RUSSIAN VVS. Replacement for the evil MiG-31.
    * Su-57; PRIORITY and replacement for aircraft from the Su-27 family. The development of this aircraft was started first and there is no doubt that this aircraft is a priority.
    * Su-75; to replace MiG-29 in border areas; Kaliningrad, Crimea, what is left of Ukraine, Murmansk region, Primorsky Krai, Sakhalin, the border with Georgia and air bases in Armenia and Syria.,
    * S-70; to replace Su-25,
    * Su-34; Don't touch this plane and produce them even more in the Su-34M variant. This aircraft, of all the aircraft from the Su-27 family, must remain in production for the longest time.

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #14 - Page 17 Su-75-10

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #14 - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #14

    Post  Hole Thu Apr 28, 2022 10:27 pm

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #14 - Page 17 Frcsxe10
    Nice map of the south
    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #14 - Page 17 Scree258
    I take one tank with everything, please. Very Happy
    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #14 - Page 17 Tochka10
    Shot down Totchka-U

    The Nazi mayor of Nikaloev is screaming for volunteers to seal off the government quarter against a russian attack. But they will take back Kherson! Laughing Laughing Laughing

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    Post  Hole Thu Apr 28, 2022 10:28 pm

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #14 - Page 17 Frc4pf10
    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #14 - Page 17 Frc4y011
    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #14 - Page 17 Frc4yz11

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    Post  Hole Thu Apr 28, 2022 10:30 pm

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #14 - Page 17 Frc4m611
    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #14 - Page 17 Frc4m612
    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #14 - Page 17 Frc4m613

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    Post  Hole Thu Apr 28, 2022 10:31 pm

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #14 - Page 17 Frc14v10
    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #14 - Page 17 Frc14w10
    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #14 - Page 17 Frc15210

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #14 - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #14

    Post  Podlodka77 Thu Apr 28, 2022 10:40 pm

    Hole wrote:Russian special military operation in Ukraine #14 - Page 17 Frc14v10
    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #14 - Page 17 Frc14w10
    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #14 - Page 17 Frc15210

    Nazi Banderistan cockroaches adore SS (shutzstaffel) letters.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #14 - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #14

    Post  JohninMK Thu Apr 28, 2022 10:44 pm

    Ripped from a poster on MoA

    "There is already a German crew in Slovakia training Ukros on 2 Gepards. The German crew are quite old grandfathers but still good teachers. They were from "Traunsteiner Gebirgsflugabwehr" Gebirgspanzerflugabwehrkanonenbataillon 81

    Both mountain anti-aircraft battalions consisted of three combat batteries, each with seven FlaPz 1 Gepard. In the case of defense, the GebPzFlaRgt 8 could have used 42 FlaPz 1 Gepard.

    Gepard can be used effectively to combat russian helicopters, drones and especially infantry, including lightly armored vehicles. In combination with battle tanks, armored personnel carriers / infantry and artillery, the Russian troops can be pushed back in the more open terrain of the south and south-east of Ukraine. ​​Further deliveries from the existing stocks of the industry will be:
    88 Leopard 1A5 (Rheinmetall, FFG), 100 Marder (Rheinmetall) and 120 M113 (FFG).

    All of this will help Ukraine significantly in the medium term, and since this material does not come from current Bundeswehr stocks, this delivery does not affect German defense capability in any way

    The original task - air defense of vehicle columns - seems to be omitted due to the lack of the Russians' corresponding capabilities. Allegedly, the Russian Air Force hardly dares to enter Ukrainian airspace anymore.

    U ve to operate with Gepard then u would understand what beast it is. Tunguska is hopelessly outmatched by Gepard. The air defense purpose of Gepard is one thing but the other combat surface targets up to a distance of 5km. Combat missions in Somalia and Kosovo were impressive. The combination Gepard with Manpads in a battle put the fear of death in the enemy army. Gepard in Urban warfare is a game changer. Serbs in Kosovo ve made their deadly experiances. I think Romania has approx 40 Gepards fully operational. They will use them against the russian troops in Transnistra or send them to Ukraine.

    Btw Dozens of Gepards were extensively upgraded immediately before they were taken out of service (at Siemens Defense Electronics and its successor organization after the sale to DASA).

    In conjunction with state-of-the-art AHEAD ammunition (developed for MANTIS), the system is more effective than ever, especially against cruise missiles, drones, etc. A missing HaFla guidance system is not a knockout criterion.

    Gepard is still excellent for urban warfare as i already mentioned but also for securing marches and defending HVAs such as command posts, bridges, supply and logistics centers. However, the level of training of the crew (commander, gunner) is of course decisive for every war: no more than a few seconds are available for target detection, classification and combat. The Moskva is a prime example of what can happen when your own SHORAD is caught with your pants down.

    Leo 1 and also Gepard were originally ordered for a conscript army. They are therefore designed in such a way that they can be operated by conscripts after a "short" briefing - high school diploma is not a precondition

    Ok the system is logistically supply-intensive. The ammunition consumption is enormous, corresponding quantities have to be procured and transported. According to my information, there is more than enough ammunition in stock. What is it worth the Neutrality of Switzerland we have already learned during the Bosnien and Kosovo theater.
    They will find a way how to declare the 35mm-Munition for the Oerlikon-cannon. No problem.

    Due to my informations the western partners of Russia are already (last two three weeks) educating ukro soldiers in Slovakia near Poprad with Gepard and other equipment. At the Poprad base are 2 Gepard for training purpose with losts of howitzers from France, Germany, USA,......

    They re training Gepard in combination with ManPads.

    Slovakia has been turned to trainings and weapon hub for ukraine. In Michalovce daily arriving hundrets of tank fuel trucks with austrian and german tables on their way to the slovak ukraine border. Not only fuel trucks also trucks with military equipment. Never ever seen so many trucks in this part of slovakia."

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #14 - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #14

    Post  par far Thu Apr 28, 2022 10:53 pm

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #14 - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #14

    Post  Podlodka77 Thu Apr 28, 2022 10:57 pm

    limb wrote:
    GunshipDemocracy wrote:
    mnrck wrote:Well, USA means of sovereign.

    "Washington, Warsaw Discuss 'Reunification' of Poland & Western Ukraine - Russian Foreign Intel Chief"

    well from the Russian perspective it might be advantageous.  Lvov and western orc land doesn't have to be managed and money pumped in coming years. And Remaining parts can happily be split into small republics and join Russia-Belorussia USSR2?

    PapaDragon wrote:
    ALAMO wrote:...Sorry folks, but that is utter bullshit.
    There is zero sentiments towards Lvov in Poland...

    Agreed on Poland sentiments but we are talking about what folks in DC think that Poland should want

    Polish govt consists of people  loving US more then most of US citizens do.  Similarly to Ukro one. Whatever US desires Poland desires too .

    Hole wrote:
    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #14 - Page 17 Frylbn10

    Nice to see Kh-59 at work Smile I wonder how many were produced so far?

    How do people still mistake the Kh-29 for kh-59s here?

    It's a kh-29.

    There have only been a few kh-59 and kh-35 strikes on ground targets in this war. There are zero kh-69, kh-38, grom glide bombs, drel guided cluster munition glide bombs, KAB-50, KAB-250, LMUR, Hermes or any new Russian guided air launched munition. It's absolutely pathetic. Meanwhile NATO has JSOW, SLAM ER, Taurus KEPD, Kongsberg NSM, and Brimstone in regular use since 2010.

    This war makes it look like all the new Russian small-mefdum guided munitions are just MAKS expo models

    It's especially stupid to see no Hermes or LMUR being used instead of Russian helicopters having to launch S-8 rockets and Su-34s having to fly on top of targets.

    I believe the fact that the Su-34s have only 2 kh-29s, when they can carry 8 of them, shows that Russians severely lack  reserves of even these 80s tech missiles and have to ration them out in tiny amounts.

    Your "logic" is NATO has this NATO has that, while stupid Russian subhumans have nothing. Change the image on the forum with this, it suits your identity better.

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #14 - Page 17 95396110

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #14 - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #14

    Post  PapaDragon Thu Apr 28, 2022 11:02 pm

    JohninMK wrote:...The original task - air defense of vehicle columns - seems to be omitted due to the lack of the Russians' corresponding capabilities. Allegedly, the Russian Air Force hardly dares to enter Ukrainian airspace anymore...

    Then whose airforce has been tearing Ukrainians a new one?

    JohninMK wrote:...Tunguska is hopelessly outmatched by Gepard. The air defense purpose of Gepard is one thing but the other combat surface targets up to a distance of 5km. Combat missions in Somalia and Kosovo were impressive.

    Who in Kosovo used it exactly?

    We definitely didn't and not a single one was ever spotted anywhere near

    Our aircraft were flying extremely low throughout the war (obviously) so if this thing is such an awesome wonder weapon shouldn't they have hit something? We were right in the sweet spot

    All our aircraft losses were due to NATO aircraft not some Shilka knockoff from the 60s

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #14 - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #14

    Post  caveat emptor Thu Apr 28, 2022 11:08 pm

    Where did you find this post? This person is some kind of a deranged pathological liar. Gepard used in Kosovo? Where and by whom?

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #14 - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #14

    Post  sepheronx Thu Apr 28, 2022 11:15 pm

    Plus russians still flying regularly in Ukraine.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #14 - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #14

    Post  JohninMK Thu Apr 28, 2022 11:20 pm

    caveat emptor wrote:Where did you find this post? This person is some kind of a deranged pathological liar. Gepard used in Kosovo? Where and by whom?

    Posted here to get this reaction. Clearly posted om MoA by a Slovac who is a wee bit confused regarding history.

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