Ispan Mon May 09, 2022 8:58 pm
Comrades! I know there is at least a couple Russian speakers here, so I need a little help
If you allow me a little off topic. On Victory Day some relatives of my wife unearthed and old picture of her great grandfather who served in the Great Patriotic War, after some internet searches this is what I found.
He was born in 1902 and seems to have conscripted into a 218 Army Reserve Rifle Regiment, in Nov 1941. No info about division but the combat path seems to have been to the 65th Army and the 33th Army, he served in the Western Front and the 2nd Byelorussian front, I don't know what's the sequence, but he survived through the war being wounded three times by bullets. But he never talked about the war as "there was nothing to tell". Family believed he was just one anonymous soldier like millions that served in the infantry and lived to tell the tale.
Much to our surprise we found he attained the rank of Guards 1st Lieutenant (don't know what rifle division he served in and and got a couple awards, for the liberation of Warsaw and an order of the Red Star.
I thought he was an infantry platoon commander, unusual as he was so old but we can't decipher a sentence from the award citation and now I think he might have been an artillery battery commander, from a self propelled SU-76 gun
In the archives there's this entry my wife can't decipher, it's some sort of abbreviation but nothing turned out
7 автомобильный огужтб 33 А ЗапФ
7 automobile (dettachment or something?) 33rd Army Western Front
here's the text of the award:
В боях с 22.06.1944 при прорыве вражеской обороны взвод старшего лейтенанта Чесанова смело выдвинулся на открытые огневые позиции и под сильным артминомётным огнём уничтожил: до 45 солдат и офицеров, 2 ДЗОТ, 2 станковых пулемёта, сделал 3 прохода в проволчные заграждения противника. При бое в глубине огнём и колесами сопровождал свою пехоту, отбил 2 контратаки противника, подбил 1 танк и уничтожил одно самоходное орудие противника.
improved machine translation
In the battles from 06/22/1944, when breaking through the enemy defense, the platoon of senior Lieutenant Chesanov boldly moved into open firing positions and destroyed under heavy artillery fire: up to 45 soldiers and officers, 2 bunkers, 2 machine guns, made 3 breaches into the enemy's defensive wire barriers. During the advance in depth, he accompanied his infantry with "fire and wheels" (I think it means fire and movement), repulsed 2 enemy counterattacks, knocked out 1 tank and destroyed one self-propelled enemy gun.
- So most likely he was a commander of an artillery battery, I think a self propelled gun, but could be even some sort of wheeled antitank or infantry support gun. I am leaning towards a SU-76 tracked self-propelled gun due to the mention of "breaching the enemy wire".
Nothing spectacular, nor overly heroical, but a good soldier that did his duty and went through 3 years of war wich in itself is a impressive feat.