owais.usmani wrote:ucmvulcan wrote:
Why do victory by suicide when when you can just grab Ukraine the old way.
Oh sure, we have been observing for last 7 months how that grabbing the old way is working out.
At the loss of an old rust bucket, losing an island nobody wants, and a bridge that was taken out for all of 8 hours, and worst of all about 7 to 10 thousand dead, and probaby around 30 thousand wounded and pow Russia has liberated Lugansk, 60 percent of Donetsk, and most of Zaprozhiye and Kherson. They have also killed some 80 thousand Nazis, and wounded or captured another 240,000. They have also severely degraded Ukraine's industrial base, have degraded Ukraine's energy base (which also degrades their transport base) and has also wrought havoc on their air defense net and air force.
Russia has also discredited NATO and the EU. The sanctions have mostly backfired, Europeans are protesting against their governments. The non European world is pro Russian. The only front Russia is losing is the information war, but that doesn't really matter.
Remember, back in March Putin said the goals for the war was to denazify and demilitarize Ukraine, he has done that. He has said he would protect Russian sovereignty and that of the LPR and DPR and that he did not seek to occupy Ukraine. Russia is largely doing what it wants.