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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35 - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35

    Post  GarryB Tue Jan 03, 2023 12:07 am

    It was a dumb thing for Merkel and Hollande to admit publicly.

    Must admit I was a bit surprised... you don't expect honesty from western politicians... I thought for a bit it might be and attempt to pull back and say well Europe and the US had something to do with starting this conflict so maybe scaling things down and calming down might be a good idea... presumably with the purpose of restoring cheap Russian energy to help Europe through this winter and next, but I think Russia and Putin already knew someone in the west intended this to happen... perhaps he was surprised the merkle and ferkle were the guilty parties... he may have thought it was US influence that was tricking Europe but these admissions expose that it was Germany and France that wanted this war as much as the US and they were clearly hoping for military as well as economic failure for Russia...

    This makes Russia really cutting off all ties with the west much easier, which will be much healthier for Russia in the long run.

    They care shit about that, and we know it.
    I would say it is a very interesting issue just from the technical perspective, and each next conflict can bring the same questions.
    How to cover aerial targets like cities from loitering ammunition, cruise missiles etc, while limiting the collateral damage caused by your own air defense?

    Of course these nazis wont care about collateral damage... they will blame it on the Russians anyway, what I was wondering is... which will do the most damage... the drones or the idiots opening fire on everything that makes a noise in the air... 24/7.

    I would suggest a court-martial for all responsible for this little get-together, as well as an investigation (and a prompt one) into the failure of air defense to intercept the rocket as well

    6 were launched and two were intercepted. Four hit the building it seems.

    I do think the Russian command could do more with attack drones to counter highy mobile weapon systems like the himars. If this happened to the US they for sure would have predator drones in the sky all day long taking out targets with hellfire missiles one by one.

    They had complete air control over Iraq in the early 1990s and couldn't hit scud missile launchers in a desert...

    The russian MoD has said that ukraine has lost over 150 Su-25s, despite entire NATO and ukraine combined not having that many su-25 airframes, in flyable condition or not

    Georgia is a HATO ally and makes Su-25s...

    @Limb... you quote someone saying they don't believe Kiev claims without further evidence, you posting the information from the Russian military does not change the fact that you believe Kiev propaganda like a little bitch traitor...

    Foab masturbator:0

    Slav doomers:1
    Precious voenkors:1
    Whiny bitches:1

    First of all, you don't get the full point because Kiev claims 400 dead Russian soldiers in that attack, and the patriots who care about Russia have been right on most other occasions so it is more like 50 to 0.2.

    Kiev and the west lies so often only a fool or a traitor would listen to them... ever.

    Idc. Im going to speak my mind, and always use tg voenkor sources. I dont care what people think. I want the truth.

    Listening to panic mongers is not finding the truth... half the accounts on there are probably bots in the US of A... and you don't want the truth, you want a reason to bitch and moan and replace Russian leadership... political and military because you are a western bitch.

    Amusing you gloat over the deaths of Russian soldiers and demand people get fired but claim to be pro Russian...

    You remind me of the hard core anti gun lobby that spooge everywhere when some idiot kills lots of people with a gun so they can call for gun bans... such people don't care about people, they have an agenda and are blind to everything else... inconvenient truths are ignored and discredited...

    Let me make things clear for you, if an actually CIA member say that, they'd laugh their asses off at you and be like "Dirt can give us more information then these fools"

    CIA are scum. They defend the "US" never asking why or what they are defending it from... they claim they are saving the world from evil yet they represent the biggest evil on the planet. Except these days the US is the billionaires and defending the US means starting wars and destroying countries to let those billionaires earn a little more money while the average American struggles by... The 1950s were a golden age... the husband earned enough to buy a house and have a holiday every year and have a comfortable life freeing the mother to be a mother... these days how many jobs do they need to pay the bills... US culture is broken and the US government spends its enormous resources making the already too rich richer... hilarious... clearly a broken system.

    Perhaps if they looked at this forum they would realise how many countries don't think they are wonderful and doing the right thing... but what can they do... you have to conform in the west or Assange or Snowden or Manning... and they were exposing war crimes and criminal activity of the western elite... in a 1960s hollywood movie they would be heroes...

    If Russia managed to get 60 troops killed by apes by putting them in one place 15km from the frontline with cellphones on then Russia didn't deserve to have those troops in the first place

    No one deserves anything... the actions of Kiev against its own people that created this conflict in the first place show you don't get what you deserve... Zelensky is probably the richest man in Europe at the moment...

    To defeat the enemy you must kill the enemy, if you fail to kill the enemy by choosing not to kill him it's your own well deserved failure

    If Russia was failing to kill the enemy then 100K+ Orcs would still be breathing... Russia has been very effective at killing the enemy, what they have not done is indiscriminately bombed and killed civilians on both sides like the Americans and British and French and Germans would (did).

    There is a difference.

    Buddy if the CIA wanted you dead, you'd be dead before you knew what hit you.......

    Tell that to Assad and Putin... and Trump.

    That is like saying if the US was invading the Ukraine it would be over by now... well they couldn't defeat the Afghans that had no outside support, how could they defeat Orcs... they don't need to win on the battlefield... just the occasional fluke victory seems to be enough for them and you.

    Ukrainians are not well armed and are not well motivated, stop trying to use this excuse

    Yeah, Stingers and NLAWS and Javelins and western super artillery is not well armed... but they had soviet equipment that would put most HATO countries to shame at the start of this conflict too... they didn't lose it... it was destroyed.

    American PlG Backstabbers!

    Sorry dude... no disrespect, but you guys are fighting MILFs? Laughing

    What do the MILF and US dealings in SEAhave to do with Ukraine?

    Pretty clearly spelled out wasn't it?

    The US supported talks between the government of the Philippines and separatists, while did nothing of the kind in Ukraine... if they had done so and allowed agreements to be reached the Russian invasion would not have been needed and large numbers of people would not be dead or about to die.

    Latest info is that the final count of russian soldiers killed in the Makeevka strike could be something between 400 to 600. This in one himars strike.

    It would be physically impossible for four HIMARS rockets to kill 400 people unless they were nukes, that is ridiculous.

    I fully believe russia will lose this.

    You live in Europe, you are obligated to hate Russia and think that... which is just fine.

    Nazis shelled a cemetery in Murom, Belgorod region(?). 15 graves were damaged. Soon they will claim that at least 15 people were killed by the

    Sounds like the joke about the Microlight aircraft that crashed into a cemetery in Poland... 5,000 bodies have been found and they are still digging... Cool

    Well clearly the Russians looked at this forum and believed the clueless experts that HIMARS is harmless so they thought "Eh it will be finnnnnnne"

    Reality is HIMARS is anything but, and now you got those dead men as evidence of it.

    It was a fixed building location... any guided weapon using GPS could have hit it... the only thing special about HIMARS is how fucking expensive they are for what they are.

    The Russians would have achieved much better results with a single Iskander missile launch over 5 times the range with twice the HE power and the knowledge that only one would need to be fired because they would not be shot down...

    And one Iskander is probably cheaper than four HIMARS rockets too.

    Nothing will happen. Putin is a dog that only barks but never bites.

    Dogs that bite normally get put down.

    This is about Russians learning what sort of people the west actually are, and with revelations from Merkel and that Frog belgium... no, holland, things should be pretty crystal clear that Russia does not have any future with the west... Gazprom has already said it is shifting its gas delivery capacity from europe to Asia, there is no going back after this conflict ends to good relations with the west... that is over.

    Anti Russian rhetoric is directly related to the reversals NATO suffers on the battlefield. This highly read article (including comment section)says among other things:

    Majority of Russians are not even Slavs.

    Russians of St Petersburg are of German descent, while those from Moscow are of Asian descent.

    Sounds like a recipe to try to split up Russia along ethnic lines... which is very unusual for Europe... they split up the Middle East 100 years ago based on known oil reserves and nothing to do with ethnic lines... otherwise there would be a kurdistan.

    Yes spooks comb over sites like this what are you retarded? And yes they were legit military targets. Doesnt make it any nicer to know this fact.

    I find it particularly amusing with the west being the first to moralise and impose their own ethics on war... anything they have a hand in was justified and part of war... the massacre of Iraqi forces withdrawing from Kuwaite was a legitimate military strike... yet when depicted in computer games it was the Russians that did it and it is considered a war crime... ironic really because the evil taliban that everyone in the west didn't lift a finger to attack US forces leaving Kabul... ISIS blew some Americans up and they retaliated by killing some guys that worked for them and a dozen children that were with them... but the investigated and no one did anything wrong...

    But they accuse others of cope.

    Back on the topic, what Russia needs and should buy :

    Russia has lots of drones that size or bigger... that looks to be similar to Forepost in size and performance.

    What they should be doing, and probably are doing is testing new models in a real combat situation to evaluate what it can do and what it needs to be able to be modified to do...

    Make Ukraine pay, put paid to all foreign advisors. US troops auditing the weapons they sent are fair game. Polish mercs are fair game. Also, someone needs to take out the Rada, and also please tell me why NATO diplomats are able to go to and from Kiev at will. There needs to be no rail, air, road, internet, or phone links between the puppets in Kiev and their masters in the west.

    Part of the problem will be that their signals branch will want to monitor communications to find out what the enemy are up to, while components of the military will just want those communications nodes destroyed... it is like spotting an artillery vehicle that has just fired... you can blow it up, but watching it and following it to the large building it hides in and then hit that building with something bigger and you might get that artillery vehicle but also the support teams and spare ammo etc etc.

    When you drop the building with an Iskander there wont be photos of the destroyed artillery vehicle but it is in your interests to take those experts out and any spares and support equipment as well as the extra ammo stored there to load up the vehicle for when it leaves for its next attack.

    Russia can licence produce those drones. They are a cheap solution to get something they really need.

    Forpost-R is still present in too low numbers.

    They licence produce Forepost and can make as many as they need... not sure how you can claim they don't have enough... all of their military districts will be supplied with them... so across their military they would have large numbers.

    You are somewhat right but...
    I don't think Forpost-R has a long term future as it is an export variant of IAI Searcher.
    I think that in the near future the Russians will switch exclusively to products patented in Russia.

    It was a good base design probably with features Russian designers had not anticipated and that Israel had incorporated through their own experience, but realistically such a drone wont see a lot of targets more than 3-4km away from its position so to cover thousands of kms of front line and hundreds of kms in depth you are going to need 10,000 drones to do any decent job which is simply not practical... who would operate that many... and who is going to examine the footage and alert forces to any targets detected?

    Some people are simply delusional about how effective drones can be... all the drones in the world didn't defeat the Taliban and the terrain in Afghanistan is more open and less urban than the Ukraine...

    Personally I would have preferred to see a few pro Bandera events commemorating that idiots birthday being hit hard... but that is just me... those are the targets to eliminate in this conflict in addition to like minded Rada members and oligarchs in the country or their property.

    The Americans and British and French and Germans making the decisions will be out of reach but making them pay more for energy over the next few decades should make their people suffer... perhaps some might ask why Russia had to be an enemy, but I don't expect too much from such sheeple.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35 - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35

    Post  PapaDragon Tue Jan 03, 2023 1:14 am

    Dr.Snufflebug wrote:Seems like Russia is not above pure emotions of vengeance.

    Multiple known concentrations of UA soldiers, including WIAs were struck by Russian precision munitions in the last two hours.

    Does that make you doomers any happier?

    Russian Military finally approaching something that can be described as doing their job?

    You don't need to be doomer to be little bit happier about that

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35 - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35

    Post  ALAMO Tue Jan 03, 2023 3:42 am

    Personally I would have preferred to see a few pro Bandera events commemorating that idiots birthday being hit hard... but that is just me... those are the targets to eliminate in this conflict in addition to like minded Rada members and oligarchs in the country or their property.

    As I said a long time ago, one good bomb run along Starokievska Str. would cause more damage to the kievan junta readiness for sacrifices than the next 150k dead Ukrowehrmacht.

    Edit : the "ice arena" at Druzbovka widely discussed get a secondary dose of own medicine it seems.
    This was a target :
    48.62734550094664, 37.54768075167919
    A railway station where they have been unloading replacements and ammo at the moment.
    Two Himars and four Czech Vampires.
    100 KIAs reported.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35 - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35

    Post  SeigSoloyvov Tue Jan 03, 2023 6:06 am

    Key word reported, claims with no evidence during wartime are worthless.

    And whoever tries to compare afghan to Ukraine when it comes to drone use is armchair expert who has never fought the Taliban and is completely clueless and shouldn't be talking.

    Taliban relied on ambush. Hit and run. Gurella warfare, etc by the time a drone arrived they where gone when dealing with an enemy who uses tactics like these drones aren't that useful.

    In Ukraine you have huge groupings of forces and static frontlines etc it's a much different type of war and in this type of war drones are very good and Putin admitted they need more capable drones.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35 - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35

    Post  Dr.Snufflebug Tue Jan 03, 2023 6:48 am

    UA put a gag order on everyone regarding what was struck at the train station and thereabouts, which was caught on film by chance by that French news crew. Big boom, definitely included ammo and/or fuel.

    Other wester journos on site reported, in real time at least 9 large impacts.

    Now they pretend it never happened and they're only showing that damaged ice arena nonstop.

    So, in other words...

    Last edited by Dr.Snufflebug on Tue Jan 03, 2023 6:58 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35 - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35

    Post  d_taddei2 Tue Jan 03, 2023 6:48 am

    @seig who was comparing drones warfare in Afghanistan Vs Ukraine?

    It's a bit rich calling people armchair generals when u have been certified as one. And certified as a Walter Mitty. U seem to have a double standard on the forum quite often happy to accept reports when it suits Ur agenda, but won't accept reports when it doesn't. As I said earlier to many people here happy to spout nonsense, but not willing to to informative.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35 - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35

    Post  ALAMO Tue Jan 03, 2023 7:08 am

    So, in other words...

    ... in the best case scenario, object was used as a warehouse ...

    And it was only one of the objects hit there, some reports talk about as many as 9 explosions. So either it was rather valuable targets concentration, or some quite serious secondary detonations suggesting ... guess what?

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35 - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35

    Post  Dr.Snufflebug Tue Jan 03, 2023 7:48 am

    Minute of silence in Samara today.

    Samara governor went to Moscow to meet with the Russian ministry of defense:

    Meanwhile, the MoD now officially say they destroyed two HIMARS launchers that were "responsible for recent strikes on settlements in the Donetsk region". Unclear if they mean the Makeevka one(s).

    Also "130+" militants killed in the strikes.

    Last edited by Dr.Snufflebug on Tue Jan 03, 2023 7:56 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35 - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35

    Post  Hole Tue Jan 03, 2023 7:52 am

    On another note people harping on about why Russia hasn't did the great big offensive they are talking about. 
    They´re killing 500 to 1.000 enemies a day. Keeping that pace the enemy forces will losse another 100.000 fighters in the next 3 months.
    In other words their combat-capable forces will loose half of their fighters (source: MacGregor and others, including Zalushni).

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35 - Page 17 Flixcp10
    Current air alert

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35 - Page 17 Flhdas10
    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35 - Page 17 Fligrm10
    The target were those warehouses and the train station in the middle of the pic.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35 - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35

    Post  Hole Tue Jan 03, 2023 8:09 am

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35 - Page 17 Scree556
    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35 - Page 17 Scree557
    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35 - Page 17 Scree558
    Theory is that debris from the first or secondary explosions hit the arena. The roof collapsed.
    A direct impact wouldn´t leave those cardboard boxes undamaged.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35 - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35

    Post  Hinex1988 Tue Jan 03, 2023 8:12 am

    ⚡ Russian Defence Ministry report on the progress of the special military operation in Ukraine (3 January 2023)

    📄 Part 1 (read Part 2)

    The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation continue the special military operation.

    💥 In Kupyansk direction, over 40 Ukrainian personnel, 3 armoured fighting vehicles, and 3 pickups of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) have been eliminated near Sinkovka, Ivanovka, and Berestovoye (Kharkov region).

    ◽ 2 AFU sabotage and reconnaissance groups have been eliminated near Novosyolovskoye and Tabayevka (Kharkov region).

    💥 In Krasniy Liman direction, Russian artillery and heavy flamethrower systems have launched attacks at 4 AFU assault detachments near Chervonaya Dibrova (Lugansk People's Republic), Novosadovoye, Serebryanka, and Grigorovka (Donetsk People's Republic).

    ◽ The enemy has lost over 120 Ukrainian personnel, 4 armoured fighting vehicles, 3 pickups, and 2 motor vehicles.

    ◽ 1 AFU sabotage and reconnaissance group has been eliminated near Stelmakhovka (Lugansk People's Republic).

    💥 In Donetsk direction, Russian forces continue their offensive.

    ◽ Up to 90 Ukrainian personnel, 2 tanks, 5 armoured fighting vehicles, and 7 motor vehicles have been eliminated near Krasnoye, Petrovskoye, Nevelskoye, Georgiyevka, and Pobeda (Donetsk People's Republic).

    💥 In South Donetsk direction, artillery attacks at AFU units have resulted in the elimination of over 30 Ukrainian personnel, 2 armoured fighting vehicles, and 3 pickups near Prechistovka, Zolotaya Niva, and Novodonetskoye (Donetsk People's Republic).

    💥 High-precision strikes launched by Russian Aerospace Forces at the provisional bases of the units from the 'Foreign Legion' have resulted in the elimination of over 130 foreign mercenaries near Maslyakovka, and Kramatorsk (Donetsk People's Republic).

    💥 Missile Troops and Artillery of the Russian groups of forces have neutralised 72 AFU artillery units at their firing positions, manpower and military equipment at 104 areas.

    ◽ 4 AFU ordnance and equipment depots have been destroyed near Gulyuaypole and Chervonoye (Zaporozhye region).

    ◽ 1 AFU armament and hardware depot has been destroyed near Tyaginka (Kherson region).

    #MoD #Russia #Ukraine #report

    ⚡ Russian Defence Ministry report on the progress of the special military operation in Ukraine (3 January 2023)

    📄 Part 2 (read Part 1)

    💥 Missile and air strikes launched at a hardware concentration near Druzhkovka railway station (Donetsk People's Republic) have resulted in the elimination of:

    ◽ 2 launching ramps for U.S.-manufactured HIMARS multiple-launch rocket systems (MLRS);

    ◽ 4 armoured fighting vehicles for Czech-manufactured RM-70 Vampire MLRS;

    ◽ over 800 rockets for MLRS;

    ◽ 6 motor vehicles, and up to 120 Ukrainian personnel.

    💥 Within the counterbattery warfare, 2 launching ramps for U.S.-manufactured HIMARS MLRS, that were used for shelling settlements of the Donetsk People's Republic, have been detected and destroyed near Kramatorsk.

    ◽ 3 U.S.-manufactured M-777 artillery systems have been destroyed at their firing positions near Artyomovsk (Donetsk People's Republic), and Chervonaya Dibrova (Lugansk People's Republic).

    ◽ 2 Ukrainian fighting vehicles for Grad MLRS have been destroyed near Volchansk (Kharkov region) and Serebryanka (Donetsk People's Republic).

    ◽ 2 D-30 howitzers have been destroyed near Kamenskoye and Gulyaypole (Zaporozhye region).

    💥 Air defence facilities have shot down 13 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles near Svistunovka, Chervonopopovka (Lugansk People's Republic), Kirillovka (Donetsk People's Republic), Trudovoye, and Berdyansk (Zaporozhye region).

    ◽ 9 rocket-propelled projectiles launched by HIMARS MLRS have been intercepted near Chervonopopovka (Lugansk People's Republic) and Novaya Kakhovka (Kherson region).

    📊 In total, 355 airplanes and 199 helicopters, 2,807 unmanned aerial vehicles, 399 air defence missile systems, 7,382 tanks and other armoured combat vehicles, 967 combat vehicles equipped with MRLS, 3,768 field artillery cannons and mortars, as well as 7,900 units of special military equipment have been destroyed during the special military operation.

    #MoD #Russia #Ukraine #report

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35 - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35

    Post  billybatts91 Tue Jan 03, 2023 8:58 am

    That unfortunate attack from a few days ago will only embolden these nazis further.

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    Post  billybatts91 Tue Jan 03, 2023 9:02 am

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35 - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35

    Post  SeigSoloyvov Tue Jan 03, 2023 9:09 am

    Nope I only accept reports that have actually facts backing them up, I have never accepted Ukraine's or Russia's words without corresponding evidence because in war everyone lies that's just the nature of it.

    So nice try bit your pulling that card with the wrong guy

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35 - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35

    Post  SeigSoloyvov Tue Jan 03, 2023 9:11 am

    Again it's war and soldiers are fair game, it's Russia's fault for giving Ukraine the chance not Ukraine's for doing it

    If I was Russia I'd love for Ukraine to attack Belarus it brings them into the war

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35 - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35

    Post  franco Tue Jan 03, 2023 9:23 am

    Surviving the cold
    "This is a very difficult time." What the military faced in the Donbass

    MOSCOW, January 3-RIA Novosti, Andrey Kotz. Winter dictates its own rules of warfare. Those who are fighting in the Donbass are opposed not only to each other, but also to "General Frost" — low temperatures and a piercing steppe wind are not uncommon here. About how soldiers cope with the cold weather, — in the material RIA Novosti.


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35 - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35

    Post  Arkanghelsk Tue Jan 03, 2023 9:27 am

    What do you guys think would be the objective of a new offensive?

    Would the military hold ground? Or would they seek to create a bigger buffer which can be mined and then pullback?

    How far would it go considering the buildup we have seen over the last months ?

    The forces in place are bigger than February invasion forces

    So how would this attack differentiate from the last one?

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35 - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35

    Post  Arkanghelsk Tue Jan 03, 2023 9:39 am

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35 - Page 17 Img_2233
    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35 - Page 17 Img_2234

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35 - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35

    Post  JohninMK Tue Jan 03, 2023 10:15 am

    So that is 4 "HIMARS" launchers, two of them in each of two locations, destroyed in a couple of days. Difficult to find in firing locations but easier when they are parked up or relocating. Don't understand why the Ukies don't keep them on their own all the time. Bet they will now.

    Very good news for the new year.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35 - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35

    Post  limb Tue Jan 03, 2023 10:56 am

    Ispan's commentary on vladlen tatarskiys harsh critcism of gthe russian army in ukraine

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35 - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35

    Post  Godric Tue Jan 03, 2023 11:33 am

    Russia needs to Hit America and the west with it's own hard hitting sanctions ie no more exports of Titanium and other rare earth metals, as well as the total succession of oil and gas supplies to EU nations, America and ban of all co-operation with NASA, announce that the Ruble is now gold backed with Russia's vast gold reserves

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35 - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35

    Post  SeigSoloyvov Tue Jan 03, 2023 11:38 am

    At this point Russia has claimed more Himars are destroyed then is actually in Ukraine, show me wrecks or no substance is there.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35 - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35

    Post  JohninMK Tue Jan 03, 2023 12:11 pm

    Possible update

    Baron of the Taiga
    ⚡🇺🇦: Correction. The strike shown on live French TV was apparently not the strike on the ice arena, but a separate strike on the 'МАН' hotel complex located in the same town. I have yet to see any aftermath footage here.

    Тоби айоделе -Tboy🇷🇺 🇳🇬
    🇷🇺🇺🇦On January 2, 2023, in Artemovsk (Bakhmut), the terry Banderist Oleg Yurchenko was destroyed,

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35 - Page 17 FlizIU7XEAAxn_U?format=jpg&name=small

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35 - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35

    Post  ucmvulcan Tue Jan 03, 2023 12:45 pm

    Ark, you might be disappointed in the scope of the offensive. I think we see the rest of Donetsk liberated, look for a pincer movement to get behind the Bandera line (the fortifications wehrmacht 2.0 has in Donetsk region) and the rest of Kherson, Zaprozhiye. You will probably also see a feint towards Kharkov and Sumy again. Drive on Kiev? Would be nice, but doubtful

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35 - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #35

    Post  SeigSoloyvov Tue Jan 03, 2023 12:52 pm

    At this point if Russia doesn't take the whole thing, the entire war was pointless, you either take it all or let NATO have whats left and if we go by Putins word will be the majority of Ukraine

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