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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #36


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #36 - Page 35 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #36

    Post  PapaDragon Sun Jan 22, 2023 3:06 am

    About bombings in Sweden: that folklore tradition was in fact introduced by immigrants from the Balkans during the 90s and later

    Bombs became all the rage here in those days

    I just had to rectify this despicable attempt at cultural appropriation Cool

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #36 - Page 35 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #36

    Post  Belisarius Sun Jan 22, 2023 3:18 am

    Why Russian soldiers were marching on foot and not in IFV or APC?

    The picture quality is so poor and the distance is so great, that the soldiers marching on foot are nothing more than black dots, how the hell do you know who these soldiers are?
    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #36 - Page 35 C28d3c10

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #36 - Page 35 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #36

    Post  Big_Gazza Sun Jan 22, 2023 4:34 am

    Dmitry Rogozin's Blood-Soaked Reply to Macron

    Good video by Marc Sleboda. Nice trolling by Rogo. thumbsup

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #36 - Page 35 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #36

    Post  flamming_python Sun Jan 22, 2023 5:13 am

    Wow, a nonbrainwashed finn here. AFAIK 91% of finns want to send weapons to the ukraine. Thats what 100 years of russia hating even before the winter war has done.

    A Finn BTW donated 400 euros to help my friend with her cancer treatment a couple years back. He didn't know either me or her personally, although he certainly knew we're both from Russia.

    So again, be careful with sweeping statements.
    About Ukrainians too. Spoke to many people from the Ukraine; they're of course supporting their own side but they're not going full Nazi about it or sacrificing human decency. It's just a bad situation, people are suffering and they don't understand the complicated causes of the situation, and it doesn't matter for them either. Easier to buy into bullcrap.

    What we're dealing with are some hardcore Washington Neo-con-worshiping regimes across Europe who have spent years spreading anti-Russian nonsense. The Ukrainian government is but an extreme case of that.
    Illusions though tend to fade sooner or later. I think this is happening in Europe already with all populations steadily souring on supplying more weapons and money to Zelensky.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #36 - Page 35 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #36

    Post  flamming_python Sun Jan 22, 2023 5:17 am

    My friend lives in the objectively beautiful city of Moelme.
    For the last two years, they have never entered the park they have across the street.
    It is gangsta paradise.
    Mostly from Somalia nad Mali (the second made me curious, but I will figure that out).
    You live in a fuckin' city in the middle of Europe, and can't visit a fukin' PARK on the other side of a street.
    That is unbelievable.

    Oh that was normal in London as well, and for a long time now. Some places further from the center you just wouldn't risk going to. At night especially, but even during the day it's just better to skip it. And if you did go, make sure you don't have a hat or hoodie covering your face; otherwise some gang from the neighborhood might assume you are hiding your identity for a reason.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #36 - Page 35 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #36

    Post  Regular Sun Jan 22, 2023 7:35 am

    The picture quality is so poor and the distance is so great, that the soldiers marching on foot are nothing more than black dots, how the hell do you know who these soldiers are?

    Maybe ants, but if you watch footage posted by GreyZone or other Russian source you will see close up.

    Why they are marching on foot? Theories are many, from a **** up to anti vehicle mines. Ukrainians were also filmed doing that, but with more artillery falling on them.

    As I said, the most important point is - if that’s the only footage there is, it seems that Ukraine has shortage of artillery there. Drone is there filming, but they can’t respond as they were able during early stages where artillery rained on anything that moves. Precise artillery is never a solution to proper fire for effect, bounding barrage on the whole grid.

    Anyway, so far the progress for Russia is good, only lends credit to statements that Bakhmut drained Ukrainian manpower and resources

    Oh that was normal in London as well, and for a long time now. Some places further from the center you just wouldn't risk going to. At night especially, but even during the day it's just better to skip it. And if you did go, make sure you don't have a hat or hoodie covering your face; otherwise some gang from the neighborhood might assume you are hiding your identity for a reason.

    I lived in London in 2008, I remember 080808 war because it interfered with my studies. Glad it lasted few days.
    Even in Pimlico there were stabbings. Drug usage, howling foxes at night, homeless, tons of humans, To Let signs (honestly, thought London was full of toilets back then) public transportation, terrible atmosphere, dirt, rubbish, disgusting outer-city architecture… it didn’t change in 2016 too, outskirts got even worse.

    It doesn’t feel modern as it pretends to be, but it has that modern coldness and repulsiveness. Like, you can’t really feel like you own something in there. No land, no privacy. I can’t imagine having a cozy life there as living there felt like a marathon, no wonder about British exodus from there. At least museums and some architecture are interesting. I would rather live in Bakhmut. Sorry for the rant.

    Last edited by Regular on Sun Jan 22, 2023 8:03 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #36 - Page 35 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #36

    Post  thegopnik Sun Jan 22, 2023 8:00 am

    MBTs, APCs and IFVs protect personnel but tanks need more assets to protect them which is not seen in the weapon's package. Russian helicopters have 100km-250km radars 10-12km Vikhr missiles or 30km Hermes missiles designed to destroy tanks and armored vehicles. You can attempt to shoot it with MANPADS but if there are a bunch of soldiers in certain locations more than likely the helicopter will contact artillery support to give locations even though drones can do this as well, after Bakhmut it will be an open field giving exposure to armored vehicles to get hunted. Patriots is included but no idea if it will be near the frontlines, outside the city or inside the city in which buildings will obstruct the radar view or not. Lancets have like 40km ranges based on size they are small on radar and plastic is harder to detect than object made of metal also can fly low below radar horizon, 70km range makes it seem if it just rode along with the AFU getting set up and all, it can still get hit by Russian artillery being attacked constantly by an artillery barrage and I would not spend 4.1 million dollars a SAM on some 300mm rocket so I wonder how many SAM ammunitions will be provided for the patriots in Ukraine?

    I think it would be a great Idea to give Ukraine like a Pantsir system that can move and shoot and have SAMs with 20km-40km ranges or the Buk-M3s with a 70km range but NATO has no such things to give to Ukraine from getting their tanks blown up. But if they did have them than Russians will have to rely on SEAD operations, but they have no need for that because it's all drones and artillery like the armenian-azeri border conflict but on a massive scale.

    Also, Russian T-90M and T-14 production is on the rise which makes it seem based on optics, armour and penetration specs can deal with latest western MBTs but its rather pointless if the tanks Ukrainians have will be hunted down by helicopters, drones and artillery. So, is there something more than just tanks from this package? Even if the m1a2 SEPV4 gets supplied with its 3rd gen FLIR it won't outrange the T-14s radar or attached drone which can coordinate positions with helicopters, or T-90Ms in its unit.

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    Post  Regular Sun Jan 22, 2023 8:13 am

    If Ukraine will get M1 tanks, I have no doubt US will tell them to use it in Kievs defence. Americans love to control others what they do with their military equipment and loosing Abrams on a a mine or IED is last thing they want others to see.

    Also, technical performance of M1 tanks is one thing, but tank performance is very crew dependent.
    T-14 will also not see real battles, there is absolutely no need. I believe they are being tested to near combat situations, have to traverse the muddy fields, be used in high readiness and harsh battlefield conditions, serviced by crew and support personnel in the field. Something that you could hardly emulate on training grounds. But sending them into battle… well, there no targets that T-72B3 can’t engage. Even then, ATGM platforms could solve Ukrainian offensive ambitions

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    Post  Stealthflanker Sun Jan 22, 2023 9:25 am

    For T-14 tho... i think it needs to see at least 500-600 in numbers first and proper support established.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #36 - Page 35 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #36

    Post  nomadski Sun Jan 22, 2023 10:02 am

    It is good to see soldiers marching in the snow . It is good exercise . Are they wearing Snow- shoes ? Armour will probably get stuck in deep snow . Invading armies leaving ? Well , I think a lot of the problems in the modern world arise , because of our lack of historical understanding about " sovereignty , " of nations . Most significant social development , leading to the homogeneity of modern nation states , has taken place in the past 100 years . This is enough time , for the formation of a national identity or consciousness .

    The trouble comes in , when we try to separate regions , where no separation exists . Or try to unite , where no unity exists . Therefore we are in the wrong place , at the wrong time . Either steaming ahead , or lagging behind . The Soviet Union , existed for seventy years , many generations passed , new cities formed , people moved . Therefore the fight in Ukraine , should be seen as a civil war . Nobody is invading anyone .

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #36 - Page 35 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #36

    Post  ALAMO Sun Jan 22, 2023 10:35 am

    That's something :

    In short for non-Russian speaking, Herr Goebbelsovitch being "nonpublic figure" can tell what he wants and thinks.
    And he is saying, that those who believe in Ukro victory are all wrong. And it is not an incident, that many western figures are saying same.
    Citing Polish president Duda, who said that it is not the Ukro victory under the question, but its existence at all. Gebbelsowitch asks if Duda is saying the thing just because, or because he has some serious intel on the matter.

    I have bad news for you, Alexey ... You will commit suicide soon, and nobody will ask you if you like it or not.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #36 - Page 35 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #36

    Post  Arrow Sun Jan 22, 2023 11:15 am

    Zaporizhzhia Oblast.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #36 - Page 35 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #36

    Post  JohninMK Sun Jan 22, 2023 12:02 pm

    Post supplied with a 'those were the days' photo Laughing

    Victor vicktop55
    How the Ukrainian army of NATO is formed.

    The Poles switched to a new scheme for providing military assistance to Ukraine. Now Poland itself will be engaged in the formation of Ukrainian army formations.

    The scheme is this:

    -to create a fresh infantry brigade, the Poles immediately provide 30-40 T-72 tanks and 80-100 BMP-1 in working order and with ammunition;
    -the Ukrainian side must provide a fresh brigade with officers and soldiers;
    -the Ukrainian side, when sent to the front, also organizes for the fresh brigade the rear, communications, engineering support and all other service personnel, if possible;
    -the Poles take upon themselves the cohesion of the brigade and the joint training of the combat subunits and their headquarters in the brigade-battalion link;

    formation and training on the territory of Poland

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #36 - Page 35 FnD7es7XoAMoaVH?format=jpg&name=small

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #36 - Page 35 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #36

    Post  GarryB Sun Jan 22, 2023 12:21 pm

    Yeah not sure at all why someone said stingers are if questionable value against drones.

    The evidence of Russian drones not getting shot down.

    The very latest Stinger might have an anti drone version, but they seem to only received old out of date bits of crap from deep storage...

    Igla-S and Verba and the new model Russian MANPAD is optimsed for hitting low IR signature small targets with dedicated and working proximity fuse system to destroy things they don't make contact with in flight (because either they are manouvering too hard or are too small or both...)

    The longer this lunacy goes, the more I'm convinced that kievan junta is doing everything only to involve as many people in the misery as possible.

    Agree with everything you said in that post but the reason the US does not send any tanks is because their equipment is based on a fiction that they are all perfect and American made... the armour is British, the gun is German, the coaxial machine gun is Belgian...

    Good riddance to that scumbag child killer. Funny how Russian patriots can shoot back, unlike kids or villagers in Af-Pak or Iraq or NE Syria. Rot in hell you stupid prick.

    Don't normally support Seal clubbing, but when that seal defends nazi ideals... well...

    Yes because it could not end with the Ruskies just packing thier shit up and just left Ukraine?

    Russia invaded because it was going to invade the Donbass and eventually likely Crimea, so leaving would just lead to Kiev building up forces and its military and trying again in 5 years time.

    There is no Ukrainian territory for them to leave right now, in fact Kievs forces currently occupy bits of Russia and need to be removed and Russian forces are in the process of doing that.

    The war started with Russia invading Ukraine and will end when Russia goes home.

    Russia was invited on to the territory of a Ukrainian faction in a Ukrainian civil war that has been going on for 8 years. That Ukrainian faction has joined the Russian federation and Russian territory needs to be reclaimed.

    Once Sweden owned Baltics/part Pukraine and Swedish king said the same yet Russians visited Stockholm and no Swedes St Petersburg. History can teach you a lot. If you dont learn guests can visit you again.

    HATO and the EU taught the world the power of a referendum in Kosovo... without even having one... The difference is that Russia is honouring referendums of the people on the ground.

    It may look unfair, but afaik the kill ratio is about 1:8 in favor of Russia. In this regard one Russian soldier is much more worth than a Ukrianian one. The freed Ukrainian POWs might not enjoy their freedom for too long, if you think about how they are maltreated by the Kiev regime. There are not many reasons to envy them.

    Even if they send them to the front they can tell other Ukrainian soldiers they were treated with respect and within the laws of war to counter the BS that Kiev tells its soldiers going to the front to get them to not surrender.

    Why Russian soldiers were marching on foot and not in IFV or APC?

    Would normally be the discretion of the commander, but in Arab countries soldiers followed doctrine and rolled up to enemy positions in BMPs and were killed in their vehicles by anti tank weapons of various kinds... including anti tank mines that could not be cleared before the attack that humans would not set off.

    Russian helicopters have 100km-250km radars 10-12km Vikhr missiles or 30km Hermes missiles designed to destroy tanks and armored vehicles.

    The radars on some Russian helicopters will see large ground targets like tanks at maybe 20-25km especially if they are moving but MMW radar is a short range thing... they wont see bridges at much more than 30-35km at best... only CM air to air radar would see hundreds of kms because its longer wavelength is less effected by moisture in the air (ie weather).

    Vikhr-M perhaps 10km and Hermes... is that widely used yet ...possibly but no certain... 15km range LMUR certainly... with IIR guidance and a two way datalink so it can be flown in and change targets at the last second... yes.

    There was footage earlier on of a LMUR missile fired at a section of bridging equipment but as it approached a BMP crossing the bridge was seen and it was targeted because a follow up missile attack was performed showing the burning BMP and the follow up missile hit the bridge.

    Shows how responsive and flexible such a missile is.

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    Post  JohninMK Sun Jan 22, 2023 12:25 pm

    My Sunday morning laugh. Not sure if the figure in blue is the past day or week

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #36 - Page 35 Fm--GhWXoAAVD7L?format=png&name=small

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #36 - Page 35 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #36

    Post  ALAMO Sun Jan 22, 2023 12:31 pm

    So 749 cruise missiles have been intercepted by the best Ukro air defense, that is power plants and depots?
    Gee, I feel impressed!

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    Post  JohninMK Sun Jan 22, 2023 12:32 pm

    Those tank transporters must be a major target.

    Middle East Update
    The 155-mm self-propelled guns PzH 2000 transferred by #Italy were seen in service with the 43rd Specialized Aviation Brigade of the Armed Forces of #Ukraine

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #36 - Page 35 FnDG4_PXgAAiku-?format=jpg&name=360x360

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #36 - Page 35 FnDG4_UXgAEzYkR?format=jpg&name=360x360

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    Post  JohninMK Sun Jan 22, 2023 12:35 pm

    Middle East Update
    The first set of IRIS-T SLM air defense systems manufactured by the #German company Diehl Defense GmbH & Co. KG for the #Egyptian Armed Forces, which was subsequently transferred to the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
    The firing range of a rocket from a vertical launcher reaches 40km

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #36 - Page 35 FnDIkdzWAAE5zPA?format=jpg&name=large

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    Post  ALAMO Sun Jan 22, 2023 12:37 pm

    Most of the cockpit vids from the choppers present shooting ranges up to 8km, so I guess they are utilizing the older missiles mostly.
    New ones will welcome L2s Laughing Laughing

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    Post  Hole Sun Jan 22, 2023 12:53 pm

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #36 - Page 35 Fnb3kq10
    This time with helmet
    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #36 - Page 35 Fnbxfa10
    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #36 - Page 35 Fnclnl10
    This time Russia cancelled SWIFT.

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    Post  Hole Sun Jan 22, 2023 12:57 pm

    the Ukrainian side must provide a fresh brigade with officers and soldiers;
    This is the great problem. Men don´t grow on trees. The best they can supply is cannon fodder, not soldiers or even officers.
    Which leads to the question: Will NATO be able to hide tens of thousands of their own soldiers dying in the coming weeks/months?

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #36 - Page 35 Fnexvu10
    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #36 - Page 35 Img_2013

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    Post  ALAMO Sun Jan 22, 2023 1:00 pm

    Jokes aside bro, as Herr Leberwurst is not my favorite chancellor, the guy is put under enormous pressure.
    The fact that he still resists speaks actually in his favor.
    This orchestrated disastrous anti European madness must end ASAP, or we will all bear the consequences on a scale that the shit we have now will turn out kids play.

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    Post  JohninMK Sun Jan 22, 2023 1:15 pm

    Just in case you are too young to remember, this is where Victoria Nuland got the nickname "let them eat cookies" a la Marie Antoinette.

    Kiev 2014 Note John Kerry behind her.

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #36 - Page 35 FnATV2cXgAMxkZ1?format=jpg&name=small

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    Post  ALAMO Sun Jan 22, 2023 1:23 pm

    Oh yeah bro, good that you have reminded that because I am way too young to remember Marie Antoinette. Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing thumbsup

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    Post  JohninMK Sun Jan 22, 2023 1:23 pm

    Alamo, the US needs Germany not to supply tanks so they can be blamed for the collapse of Ukraine.

    The good old 'we did everything we could but those Europeans let us and Ukraine down' Very Happy

    The Germans must be well aware of the annimus that pictures of German tanks, supporting Nazis, will have across the World but especially in Russia. Without doubt, the video of the destruction of the first would gain that crew a serious medal.

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