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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #48


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #48 - Page 28 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #48

    Post  SolidarityWithRussia Thu Sep 14, 2023 11:38 am

    If the reports of the Russian MoD are right, then they are increasing the pain on Ukraine more than usual after the attacks on Crimea. Ukrainian artillery in 129 areas and 800 soldiers wiped out in just one day.

    GarryB, d_taddei2, Big_Gazza, kvs, PapaDragon, Godric, zardof and like this post


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #48 - Page 28 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #48

    Post  TMA1 Thu Sep 14, 2023 12:00 pm

    mr_hd wrote:There was big drone attacks on both sides over night, in Ukraine and over Crimea...

    Ukraine is getting more bold in asymmetric warfare, its arsenal and means to execute long range attacks are getting more sophisticated.

    And costs for Russia involvement is sky rocketing in any is the strategy that actually works quite well so Ukraine will not change it.

    Russia went into war to assure its status as great power, project power more far from its borders and make its own security terms. But is now more unsecured then ever, its projection capabilities for example in Black Sea are under big stress and loss of equipment is astronomical...and there is no way out of it.

    That is what this war costs Russia till now.

    The war was inevitable after Kazakhstan. Have you been paying attention to what the neocon stooges have been saying thr past week? This is a war for survival. If Russia is regime changed then no other nation will stand in the neocons way.

    But you know this. Why are you posting such nonsense? If an American with little knowledge can read the signs of the geopolitical times, then certainly so can you. There is nothing wrong with criticism and anger but you guys are being unreasonable to th4 point where I got to question your motives.

    sepheronx, GarryB, Werewolf, Big_Gazza, kvs, Manov, JohninMK and like this post


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #48 - Page 28 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #48

    Post  Mir Thu Sep 14, 2023 12:11 pm

    TMA1 wrote:
    But you know this. Why are you posting such nonsense?

    What else can you expect from Mr_HoholDefined dunno

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #48 - Page 28 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #48

    Post  mr_hd Thu Sep 14, 2023 12:29 pm

    TMA1 wrote:
    mr_hd wrote:There was big drone attacks on both sides over night, in Ukraine and over Crimea...

    Ukraine is getting more bold in asymmetric warfare, its arsenal and means to execute long range attacks are getting more sophisticated.

    And costs for Russia involvement is sky rocketing in any is the strategy that actually works quite well so Ukraine will not change it.

    Russia went into war to assure its status as great power, project power more far from its borders and make its own security terms. But is now more unsecured then ever, its projection capabilities for example in Black Sea are under big stress and loss of equipment is astronomical...and there is no way out of it.

    That is what this war costs Russia till now.

    The war was inevitable after Kazakhstan. Have you been paying attention to what the neocon stooges have been saying thr past week? This is a war for survival. If Russia is regime changed then no other nation will stand in the neocons way.

    But you know this. Why are you posting such nonsense? If an American with little knowledge can read the signs of the geopolitical times, then certainly so can you. There is nothing wrong with criticism and anger but you guys are being unreasonable to th4 point where I got to question your motives.

    Russia under Putin is not doing well - neocons are irrelevant. You can see this war as fall out from USSR collapse and it is clear sign of diminished power of Russia on global level.

    Putin problem is that one side he is tyrant and megalomaniac. He destroyed any opposition past 20 years and thus Russia is set into very dark direction for many years to come with no functional institutions or Parliament or legal system - it is a missed huge opportunity for Russia and its people. On the other hand he has view of geopolitical world order that is already dead for 50 years, so yes he is weak leader with many wrong ideas and he will ruin Russia long term in many aspects. Why not to write about that?

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #48 - Page 28 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #48

    Post  nomadski Thu Sep 14, 2023 12:53 pm

    When two sides in a conflict have rough ( short term ) parity , then the motion of the frontlines becomes slow , and both sides move in slow waves , in all directions , like the waves in a shallow pool . So this back and forth is normal . And military planners should be ready to meet these waves in all directions . Russia during WW2 , moved entire factories East , and started to manufacture equipment . This plan put the factories out of reach of enemy Aircraft and Artillery . What the enemy felt , when they were advancing or attacking , was forces able to fight , not factories or repair yards . So the entire new Russia area , is fighting zone , within reach of enemy fire . But Russia proper is out of reach . In fact entire Ukraine area is fighting zone , since their suppliers and factories are also out of reach , in NATO country .


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #48 - Page 28 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #48

    Post  flamming_python Thu Sep 14, 2023 1:01 pm

    mr_hd wrote:There was big drone attacks on both sides over night, in Ukraine and over Crimea...

    Ukraine is getting more bold in asymmetric warfare, its arsenal and means to execute long range attacks are getting more sophisticated.

    And costs for Russia involvement is sky rocketing in any is the strategy that actually works quite well so Ukraine will not change it.

    Russia went into war to assure its status as great power, project power more far from its borders and make its own security terms. But is now more unsecured then ever, its projection capabilities for example in Black Sea are under big stress and loss of equipment is astronomical...and there is no way out of it.

    That is what this war costs Russia till now.

    Costs for Russia are plummeting

    Have a good look at that graph a few dozen pages ago. The one which shows Russian casualties.

    This one

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #48 - Page 28 Img_2353

    Granted the figures probably weren't final at time of publishing, but it quite clearly shows that Russia took far less casualties in August compared to July. And many less casualties in July than in June. Less in June than in May. And so on. In fact the casualty figures for August were the lowest yet for any month since the start of the war and by a large margin.
    And naturally that will translate into less material damage too to equipment and supplies.

    At the same time casualties for the Ukraine have risen to a record high. Just 2-3 weeks ago there was a report about it being the bloodiest day or the bloodiest week for Kiev so far.
    All that Western wunderwaffen being destroyed - it's the most expensive yet. This isn't your uncle's T-72M we're talking about - but some of NATOs most expensive ground vehicles being melted down increasingly. Leopard 2s, Challenger 2s, Bradley IFVs, Archer SPAs, etc...
    The same Storm Shadows, Scalpels and so on too being expended; the Ukraine's Tochka-U supplies are long depleted. Russia spends dozens of its most sophisticated cruise missiles every week on destroying Ukrainian targets, and with a far higher success rate - but those latest Russian missiles still cost a fraction of NATO's latest ones.

    So keep your stunt with the abandoned oil platform and whatever drone strikes, even the strikes on the Russian ships under repair, it's frankly uninteresting as are your posts here, and we all know that the Ukraine will run out of manpower and the will to fight long before any meaningful impact on 'Russian projection abilities' or whatever the latest Western media claim is. Wasn't the plan at the beginning about breaking apart Russia or breaking its alliance with China, getting rid of Putin or something anyway? Quite a climb-down.

    Last edited by flamming_python on Thu Sep 14, 2023 1:11 pm; edited 2 times in total

    GarryB, psg, d_taddei2, Big_Gazza, kvs, ALAMO, Walther von Oldenburg and like this post


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #48 - Page 28 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #48

    Post  GarryB Thu Sep 14, 2023 1:04 pm

    I didn't create multiple accounts and violate forum rules, whereas that fellow Sujoy must have done that. No wonder so many anti Chinese comments. Already one Indian handle was busted, sujoy should be investigated.

    There is no rule on multiple accounts, though it is a symptom that suggests a disease that needs attention.

    I have multiple accounts, one of which is Admin, which allows me to manage the site.

    This is why I want the US to give the Ukrofilth a few ATACMs.

    ATACMS sounds like a FROG-7 with more range and terminal guidance and should be very straight forward to shoot down.

    Did you use an ukrainian calculator to come up with that result?

    No, of course not... of those 96 ready to fire missiles there of course will be 105 that will be shot down and of course 105 targets will be hit (96 by the Iskander missiles and the remaining 9 other targets will be hit by the S-300 missiles that Russia will secretly launch and not tell anyone about...).

    The question is why 10 Storm Shadow and Adm 160 MALD managed to break through the very strong anti-aircraft defense of Sevastopol and the surrounding area

    What makes you think 10 missiles got through? But if they did WTF did they hit a dry dock?

    This is dangerous because it turns out that NATO is able to hit important infrastructure with a small number of cruise missiles.

    Hahahaha... if HATO was penetrating Russian air defences at will then they would have used those Storm Shadow missiles to take out something more fucking important than an old ship repair yard... they would have gotten Russian Naval HQ and a few more juicy targets on that piece of land.

    The fact that the only missile or missiles that made it to their target hit a shipyard that was repairing old ships suggests the air defences are actually very good which does not bode well for HATO if all they can hit are minor targets of no importance.

    And they have thousands of cruise missiles.

    Bullshit. They probably launch a few hundred missiles per conflict and then run out... their missiles are expensive... and they probably don't have enough missiles to fill the launchers they have operational right now... they also don't have thousands of SAMs which is a very critical problem for them if Russia starts to launch things at them.

    And attacks like this make attacks on the west more and more likely.

    I thought Russia already killed Nato generals and officers in Ukraine. Maybe they did not target all of them to keep the escalation level low, but I guess the gloves will be off very soon.

    Well the US said it would not let Ukraine target Russian territory... which they have broken multiple times so perhaps Russia should target US territory in the form of the US embassy in Kiev... they can say they were using the wrong maps or something I am sure the US will appreciate that mistake.

    any half decent translator who speaks Ukrainian can verify Podoliak comments were disparaging of Chinese and Indians,

    A Nazi being a nazi... why is anyone surprised.

    They will do what they do best, absolutely nothing just a few cruise missile and drone strikes here and there and that's it.

    He says from his comfortable chair. Each time Kiev did something stupid Russia has responded but western media wont show the damage so it appears they do nothing.

    The UK sends DU ammo to Kiev... a lot of which is destroyed by Russian forces hitting the factory it was stored in, but they also deploy nuclear weapons to Belarus... the US does not seem to think that is nothing either.

    Nato gets lots of data and very good experience on using cruise missiles and decoys to penetrate hardened Russian air defense systems on Russian soil.

    Except the only target they actually reach is a shipyard repairing old ships which means it was probably not well defended at all... was it even a target they were going for?

    They'll wait for the response now, but for the past 9 months it has been a series of gradual escalations, so one can expect if it's just another volley of drones and cruise missiles there will be something even more substantial in the future. This occurring so quickly after Pskov, however, suggests the pace may be increasing.

    Actually this is probably a good thing because it shows they are going to continue to try to kill Russians and they are not going to stop so an offensive of their own that pushes them back out of range of Russian territory is their only real solution... no peace agreement will be respected and would just be used to give them time to build up forces and train for another go, so keep on killing them and start to degrade the situation for civilians in Ukraine by hitting infrastructure targets and making life unbearable for them. Destroy trains and trucks and all forms of transport going in any direction so hitting them with food and supplies and ammo and weapons...

    That will end the war.

    Proclaiming a no fly zone east of Snake Island followed by shooting down few US and NATO drones, to show that you mean business, should do the trick. It's not like they'll go to war over few drones.

    That could be part of the solution and of course they can always use the US standby that such drones are a danger to air traffic anyway.

    Would like to see the US embassy in Kiev hit because they are essentially running the Ukrainian government and probably the war too, which makes them a legitimate target.

    Why hit ship in dry dock , and why now ? Dry dock means ship completely static and weapon very reliant on GPS .

    I suspect it was not on the target list and if it was then it was on the list because it was not well defended in close like other more desirable targets would be.

    You are quite right actually

    OMG, they are identical...  Twisted Evil

    You've cracked it...  pirat

    The way the Russian do PR really is questionable.

    The relevance of PR in this conflict is questionable... it might work in the west, but in the rest of the world they seem to understand better what is actually happening and they are staying out of it.

    The time for talk is over, just rain 25 cruise missile on decision making centers already. Why they even are allowed to exist puzzles me.

    They were probably emptied when they launched this attack.... expecting a Russian response... being predictable is bad.

    The stark reality is that every AD system can be defeated by saturation, the only question is, what is the saturation level.

    In theory yes, but if they were going to overwhelm the defences so some missiles got through why the **** are they wasting missiles on an old ship repair yard... unless the real targets they wanted to hit were too well defended and if they had gone for them all their missiles would have been shot down... this is the equivalent of overwhelming the defences and then firing a shot at some civilians because you know you will get a hit because they can't defend all the civilians and would seriously weaken their defences if they wanted to try.

    “So, [the Ukrainians] really asked us to really proactively take part in a major act of war,” Musk concluded.

    He sounds like that sensible British officer in Pristina who didn't want to fire on Russian forces to take an airport... just as well there are such people around.

    Submarine 636 is also destroyed.

    Destroyed?  Probably externally singed a bit.

    He said that there is no other option for Russia but to win. Ukrainian idiot cut the video

    Deception from the Ukraine side... hard to believe...   Suspect

    But I trust you.  Laughing

    This is a playground for them and they just carried out their first major strike on a military target via proxy on Russian soil.

    Ohh, please... HATO can now penetrate Russian air defences at will and they mount an attack on Sevastopol and they hit... a dry dock and scorch the outside of a couple of very old navy vessels. Please. Surely they would take out Naval HQ for the Black Sea and Med fleet, or a modern ship at least... but no... they hit a couple of old boats in dry dock... were there not any civilian houses they could have hit instead?

    Interesting thing is that modules for glide bombs are installed right on the airfield. Good close up photos

    Hahahaha... not to go somewhere dark but all the talk of Russian soldiers being rapists it appears it is their pilots that use strapons that will be visiting Ukrainian soldiers soon...

    NATzO propagandist PlGS are already exaggerating the damage done to both vessels.

    Even if both were reduced to burning scrap... so what. Wont change anything, but the response the Russian will be preparing might make a difference... they will certainly strike back.

    Timing is everything... if they cut off Uranium now they might be able to prepare for alternative supplies before winter or next winter...

    Hahaha 160 motherfucking decoys and multiple cruise and ballistic missiles in one strike and you faggots are shocked that air defense was penetrated? You idiots believe in the tooth fairy as well?

    Except that is not even true... 160 decoys and of course stealthy cruise missiles and modified ballistic missiles based on old SAMs and the only target they could reach was a dry dock...

    And it is the same people pushing demoralizing nonsense that can easily be shut down but is tedious af. One interesting note is the wave of shill posting is nearly identical in timing on some other forums. I find this unsettling.

    An obvious pattern.... and part of the fight by the west to weaken Russia... which is hilarious because although Putin consults me about every move he makes I don't really talk much to Shoigu or Gerasamov...    clown

    "160" is the name of the system, not the decoys number.

    To be fair we don't know how many decoys and jammers and actually cruise missiles and ballistic targets were used.

    We should really encourage Russkie to follow this example, it will bring some fresh air indeed.

    Honestly I think their claims that suddenly an attack has meant Russia is going to lose this and Putin needs to go to be funny... it is like a lawyer trying to get someone off after a full confession and video and DNA evidence that all prove convincingly prove guilt... But you spelt his name wrong so he is innocent...

    That is what this war costs Russia till now.

    Russia went to war because the west and Kiev gave them no other choice and actions since the attack have proven that the attack was both necessary and a good thing for Russia. It is making money and creating business relationships with the rest of the world that are now bypassing western middle men who used to gouge the Russian economy and get them to sell cheap when they really didn't have to because there is demand for what they have.

    Russia is being torn away from the west by the west and that is the best thing that could possibly happen to Russia for Russia.

    The west is evil... just look at how it treats the world... it is a boil and it is getting lanced.

    Russia under Putin is not doing well - neocons are irrelevant.

    Putin has guided Russia to a point where it is actually better off without the west... the west is becoming irrelevant.  Even France wants to join BRICS... but BRICS wont take them. How shameful is that?

    You can see this war as fall out from USSR collapse and it is clear sign of diminished power of Russia on global level.

    It is an extension of the collapse of the USSR, which I think was actually good for Russia as those other republics were a drag on Russia and did not really add any value, but if you look at this conflict it is the west than has Russia under sanctions, but the rest of the world continues to trade with Russia... in fact international trade with Russia has replaced Russian trade with Europe which was their main source of trade. BRICS is expanding and will continue to expand and countries are lining up to join it, because it makes sense... unlike the west which seems to exist to promote and protect the US dominance of the world. But the US is circling the toilet and as they go down they lash out at Russia and China and try to use them to lift them out of the water... Russia and China have done nothing to the US to put her where she is but they wont risk themselves to save you either.

    Putin problem is that one side he is tyrant and megalomaniac.

    There are plenty of alternatives, but none that stack up.

    Compared with most western countries where a leader gets a vote because they are not as bad as the alternatives... democracy at its greatest...

    What white old rich guy will be next US president?

    On the other hand he has view of geopolitical world order that is already dead for 50 years, so yes he is weak leader with many wrong ideas and he will ruin Russia long term in many aspects. Why not to write about that?

    He is a driver of BRICS which seems to have quite a list of countries wanting to join...

    When two sides in a conflict have rough ( short term ) parity , then the motion of the frontlines becomes slow , and both sides move in slow waves , in all directions , like the waves in a shallow pool .

    Except this conflict is not about two sides with parity... this is a country with the economy of Germany taking on a fucked up broken shell of a country with a significant military force that had been built up and trained the 8 years up until the conflict started to meet the challenge of defeating Russia and it had the support of HATO the most powerful military force on the planet we are told driven by the worlds last superpower... in fact it calls itself a hyper power because it is arrogant and stupid... and HATO has pumped billions of dollars of ammo and weapons and money into this broken country, while this country with the economy of Germany has used a small force and hasn't even called this a real war and is cutting through their enemy like farm machinery cuts through a field of grain.

    There appears to be a deadlock because one side chooses to limit the damage this conflict causes to civilians the way the US and HATO NEVER DID EVER.

    Calling Putin bad for that is amusing HD... (wont call you MR because you might spontanously change gender on us and get offended... ) and in fact a little hilarious because you claim to be a moral western civilised person who is in the right, vs the demon Putin. Yet all you want is what most westerners seem to want... let this war be over... we declare ourselves the winner and start sending us that cheap gas and oil like before... but that is gone... there is no going back to that... Europe does not understand the effect of sending weapons to murder Russian soldiers is actually having on Putin and his country of patriots... no more partner... its over.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #48 - Page 28 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #48

    Post  Kiko Thu Sep 14, 2023 1:16 pm

    Find and expose a Burisma breakthrough scoop through 404 infiltration means.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #48 - Page 28 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #48

    Post  ALAMO Thu Sep 14, 2023 1:21 pm

    flamming_python wrote:

    At the same time casualties for the Ukraine have risen to a record high. Just 2-3 weeks ago there was a report about it being the bloodiest day or the bloodiest week for Kiev so far.
    All that Western wunderwaffen being destroyed - it's the most expensive yet. This isn't your uncle's T-72M we're talking about - but some of NATOs most expensive ground vehicles being melted down increasingly. Leopard 2s, Challenger 2s, Bradley IFVs, Archer SPAs, etc...

    Ukraine formally ordered Krab SPG.
    It is the biggest running artillery program in the whole of NATO.
    Yet the destruction rate is so high, that Poland was forced to order K9 from Korea, being unable to retain a production rate to match the destruction.
    Which meant we were running low on Krabs in our own military.
    But sure, we can keep the phantasies running, especially in Meta sphere.

    Just arrived : New York Times just wrote that Russkie ammo production outnumbers the western by 7. SEVEN times. They are supposed to make 2 mln rounds a year.

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    Post  higurashihougi Thu Sep 14, 2023 2:21 pm

    Like it or not, Maidan regime and Western powers have been using the missile strikes as propaganda against Russia, and as I said, some sort of heroin and drug to maintain the fighting spirit for the Maidan fanclub so that more people can be used as cannon fodders for the Nazi.

    We know that casualties is inevitable but it is also neccessary for Russia to fix the loopholes to minimize the losses from such instances.

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    Post  GarryB Thu Sep 14, 2023 2:58 pm

    We know that casualties is inevitable but it is also neccessary for Russia to fix the loopholes to minimize the losses from such instances.

    The reality is that no country on the planet has enough air defence systems just to protect all the potential targets on the Crimea.

    If you think about it there are probably 10,000 military targets on that Peninsula... maybe 100,000 and probably ten times more significant civilian targets that are not military but would have an effect like the fresh water supplies or food storage or oil storage, or barracks, or ammo dumps.... the list would be enormous and the air defence systems have a fixed range and performance against a range of targets.

    They managed to hit a dry dock with an old ship and an old sub. Neither was operational so if they were totally destroyed in this attack Russia lost no capability at all.

    This could be called a loophole but it is not worth fixing because to protect all their old shipyards they will have to take protection away from something else.

    They can't stop everything.

    They can analyse what happened and why and work out how the enemy did it and make a few changes so that wont work next time but the enemy have HATO resources to find gaps so they are going to find gaps.

    Russia can be pleased that even though they are finding gaps the effects and results are so inconsequential and useless to the Ukrainian war effort.

    The western leadership are wasting their time and money and effort so Russia should actually be celebrating if that is all they can achieve with all this preparation and planning and hard work... and now the retaliation is going to kill lots more.

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    Post  TMA1 Thu Sep 14, 2023 3:13 pm

    higurashihougi wrote:Like it or not, Maidan regime and Western powers have been using the missile strikes as propaganda against Russia, and as I said, some sort of heroin and drug to maintain the fighting spirit for the Maidan fanclub so that more people can be used as cannon fodders for the Nazi.

    We know that casualties is inevitable but it is also neccessary for Russia to fix the loopholes to minimize the losses from such instances.

    No the drug you refer to is the notion that the western world is "too big to fail". The issue is that Ukraine does not border America but borders Russia, and Russia has all means capable to prosecute this conflict. This may not be to the liking of those who side with globohomo and wish for regime change like mr_hd.

    Right now the west is desperate for Russia to act early. Did any of you shills even listen to your savior Nuland and her recent words? And about PR victories the west is desperate for there is nothing that can be done about it. If you lived here in the west you would understand the disturbing grip on media that the elites have, and how many have fallen into it. What Russia must do now is trust what Putin's admin is doing, as there is no alternative. Russia has one chance at this, and I am beginning to see now that they have held back for so long in wait of the perfect time to pounce. I think it is coming soon, because you dont have to read a lot between the lines to see the west is getting scared and desperate.

    The illusions of the western world will only pop when they see Russia utterly win. No other PR tactic will work. If Russia tries showing restraint or compassion it is immediately seen as weakness. If Russia threatens it is seen as a bluff. If Russia tears Ukraine a new asshole in some way thr Russians will be portrayed as le ebil monsters. So no, PR games are useless. Russia must win and nothing else.

    And at this point if you are supporting Putin's removal you might as well say you love Vicky Nuland and want regime change for globohomo.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #48 - Page 28 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #48

    Post  Manov Thu Sep 14, 2023 3:20 pm

    mr_hd wrote:
    TMA1 wrote:
    mr_hd wrote:There was big drone attacks on both sides over night, in Ukraine and over Crimea...

    Ukraine is getting more bold in asymmetric warfare, its arsenal and means to execute long range attacks are getting more sophisticated.

    And costs for Russia involvement is sky rocketing in any is the strategy that actually works quite well so Ukraine will not change it.

    Russia went into war to assure its status as great power, project power more far from its borders and make its own security terms. But is now more unsecured then ever, its projection capabilities for example in Black Sea are under big stress and loss of equipment is astronomical...and there is no way out of it.

    That is what this war costs Russia till now.

    The war was inevitable after Kazakhstan. Have you been paying attention to what the neocon stooges have been saying thr past week? This is a war for survival. If Russia is regime changed then no other nation will stand in the neocons way.

    But you know this. Why are you posting such nonsense? If an American with little knowledge can read the signs of the geopolitical times, then certainly so can you. There is nothing wrong with criticism and anger but you guys are being unreasonable to th4 point where I got to question your motives.

    Russia under Putin is not doing well - neocons are irrelevant. You can see this war as fall out from USSR collapse and it is clear sign of diminished power of Russia on global level.

    Putin problem is that one side he is tyrant and megalomaniac. He destroyed any opposition past 20 years and thus Russia is set into very dark direction for many years to come with no functional institutions or Parliament or legal system - it is a missed huge opportunity for Russia and its people. On the other hand he has view of geopolitical world order that is already dead for 50 years, so yes he is weak leader with many wrong ideas and he will ruin Russia long term in many aspects. Why not to write about that?

    What a joke, keep living in dreamland. You sound like a MSM fed tweenie

    GarryB, Firebird, flamming_python, d_taddei2, Big_Gazza, kvs, Godric and like this post


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    Post  GarryB Thu Sep 14, 2023 3:47 pm

    The illusions of the western world will only pop when they see Russia utterly win. No other PR tactic will work. If Russia tries showing restraint or compassion it is immediately seen as weakness. If Russia threatens it is seen as a bluff. If Russia tears Ukraine a new asshole in some way thr Russians will be portrayed as le ebil monsters. So no, PR games are useless. Russia must win and nothing else.

    And that is why the west does not understand Russia because it is seen through the lense of idiots.... all at once it is powerful and dangerous when they want to fund their war machine, but when questions arise about how they get such value for money while US military costs are enormous they become weak and vulnerable and they just have to kick the door and the whole structure will come down.

    The west calls Putin weak for being a human being, before this conflict giving the Ukrainian people every chance to surrender and minimise bloodshed with the Minsk agreements to settle this all peacefully, and when that clearly wasn't working and that they were moving forces to their front line and Russia did the same the west got jumpy because they realised Russia understood they were going to tear up the Minsk agreements and take back territory by force and so Russia struck first, but even as they did so they did it in a way to minimise civilian casualties in a country that is largely urbanised, but lies were told about their imagined barbarity and Russia was the evil country invader... no country had ever invaded another country before so this was all new for the west... and then agreements were made and Russia withdrew from Kiev as part of that agreement which Kiev then went back upon...

    How can any future agreement mean anything with this lying prick?

    After this Zelensky could have been targeted for death, but it would of course be more useful for Russia for Ukrainians to realise the evil of Zelensky and take him out themselves... they could then work out the stuff the new guy is made of and decide whether to talk or if things need to continue...

    Zelensky wont be part of the solution and neither will Biden or HATO or the EU... their word is meaningless... as is the word of the countries who joined US sanctions like Switzerland et al.

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    Post  GunshipDemocracy Thu Sep 14, 2023 4:35 pm

    mr_hd wrote:
    with no functional institutions or Parliament or legal system
    Sure FSB cannot decipher laptop of Hunter Biden, with bribes of Burisma, Putin cannot talk straight and falls asleep during ceremonies, cannot speak or talk wit hout signs of mental meltdown, rigged legal system wont let Epsteins list of pedofiles out.. all but few  democratic politics are on . Damn Putin

    weak Russia

    Russia is weak because the whole western world cannot win with 18m months its war against Russia? yes pork is halal

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    Post  higurashihougi Thu Sep 14, 2023 4:36 pm

    TMA1 wrote:And at this point if you are supporting Putin's removal you might as well say you love Vicky Nuland and want regime change for globohomo.

    I do not say so. Do you mistake me for someone else ? Or have I say something that caused that misunderstanding ?

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    Post  TMA1 Thu Sep 14, 2023 6:14 pm

    higurashihougi wrote:
    TMA1 wrote:And at this point if you are supporting Putin's removal you might as well say you love Vicky Nuland and want regime change for globohomo.

    I do not say so. Do you mistake me for someone else ? Or have I say something that caused that misunderstanding ?

    Sorry my post was all over the place because I was angry. Was talking to mr_hd. Was only deploying to you in regard to my opinions on the propaganda war. Your posts are breddy gud even when I thoroughly disagree with them.

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    Walther von Oldenburg
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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #48 - Page 28 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #48

    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Thu Sep 14, 2023 6:22 pm

    Pro Ukr sources report a destroyed S-400.

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    Post  Arrow Thu Sep 14, 2023 6:24 pm

    Pro Ukr sources report a destroyed S-400. wrote:

    Perhaps one launcher?


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #48 - Page 28 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #48

    Post  mnztr Thu Sep 14, 2023 6:57 pm

    TMA1 wrote:Hahaha 160 motherfucking decoys and multiple cruise and ballistic missiles in one strike and you faggots are shocked that air defense was penetrated? You idiots believe in the tooth fairy as well?

    You shills are either delusional and expect 100 percent perfection in what is the hardest military endeavor currently (air defense), or you are malevolent shills. Even the best protected air defense sites can and will falter under zerg rushes combined with primo intel and good and varied military kit.

    And it is the same people pushing demoralizing nonsense that can easily be shut down but is tedious af. One interesting note is the wave of shill posting is nearly identical in timing on some other forums. I find this unsettling.

    As I said earlier, any AD can be defeated by saturation, the only question is, how much saturation. At least we know what it took.

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    Post  Hole Thu Sep 14, 2023 7:00 pm

    No, of course not... of those 96 ready to fire missiles there of course will be 105 that will be shot down and of course 105 targets will be hit (96 by the Iskander missiles and the remaining 9 other targets will be hit by the S-300 missiles that Russia will secretly launch and not tell anyone about...).
    46 vehicles with 2 missiles each equals 92 missiles. Not 96. At least by the mathematical standards in most of the world. Big exception: Ukraine. 
    Very Happy

    They can't stop everything.
    Fact is that Russian AD and EW systems are capable of stoping 90 to 95% of all attacks.
    Even in such a case like the hit on that repair yard that means instead of total destruction you get minor damage.
    On the other hand the best NATO AD systems can´t stop even single russian cruise missiles or drones hitting their
    targets. Now think about which side will win.

    That is what this war costs Russia till now.
    What cost? The production line of 636.3 subs will remain open a few years longer and Russia will order more modified Gren class LSTs.
    This will keep jobs and result in a lot of revenue and taxes.

    Last edited by Hole on Thu Sep 14, 2023 7:10 pm; edited 2 times in total

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #48 - Page 28 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #48

    Post  flamming_python Thu Sep 14, 2023 7:06 pm

    Russia is going to have to advance to Odessa and take the entire area to ultimately ensure the security of the Black Sea Fleet and many other high-value assets in the Crimea. Otherwise this game of cat and mouse will eventually lead to more losses.

    I believe that it's time.
    The Ukrainian offensive has been defeated, war production has ramped up several-fold, and Russia is prepared for the risk of an escalation by NATO.

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    Post  GarryB Thu Sep 14, 2023 7:12 pm

    As I said earlier, any AD can be defeated by saturation, the only question is, how much saturation. At least we know what it took.

    No, we don't... they tried saturation attack and they hit a target that likely was not actually protected by an air defence SAM battery... did they aim at a shipyard with old ships and subs in it... or did they hit ti because it was big and their missiles just landed there.

    I mean honestly if you were planning an attack for a long time with all the resources of HATO behind you would you be targeting a bloody shipyard working on a landing boat and a old model SSK?

    The Fleet HQ for the Black Sea Fleet and the Med fleet are located there and lots of other things like communications hubs and all sorts of other things of military value are there... there are probably ammo and fuel stores the Russians might be going to use soon to smash Ukraine forces on the front line and of course troops and armour and all sorts of stuff and you target a bloody shipyard dry dock... please... think about this rationally.

    46 vehicles with 2 missiles each equals 92 missiles. Not 96. At least by the mathematical standards in most of the world. Big exception: Ukraine.

    Is that all... I thought you were talking about something important... but then some of those Iskander batteries would be carrying the cruise missile model rather than the ballistic missile model so they might have four missiles on each launcher...

    Just saw a western news clip showing what they claimed was an Iskander launch and the missile went straight up and then stopped and a side thruster turned the missile sideways and the nosecap popped off and it accelerated away like the Onyx missile it was.

    Was probably thinking of UKSK launch tubes which have clusters of 8 missiles.

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    Post  Arrow Thu Sep 14, 2023 7:14 pm

    Russia is going to have to advance to Odessa and take the entire area to ultimately ensure the security of the Black Sea Fleet and many other high-value assets in the Crimea. Otherwise this game of cat and mouse will eventually lead to more losses. I believe that it's time. wrote:

    Russia currently does not have the strength for such an offensive. There is no mobilization. You will probably be disappointed. Russia's tactic is constant defense, bleeding Ukraine and counting on Kiev to sit down for talks.

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    Post  thegopnik Thu Sep 14, 2023 7:15 pm

    So they faked the destruction of the launcher with satellite images showing burned grass in September while trying to make it seem the launcher was still there in September by using an august timeframe taken satellite photo?

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