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    Crocus City Hall terrorist attack


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    Crocus City Hall terrorist attack - Page 7 Empty Re: Crocus City Hall terrorist attack

    Post  jhelb Sat Mar 23, 2024 5:57 pm

    People of colour

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    Crocus City Hall terrorist attack - Page 7 Empty Re: Crocus City Hall terrorist attack

    Post  Kiko Sat Mar 23, 2024 6:00 pm

    "They had a window to Ukraine." The first conclusions about the tragedy in Crocus, by David Narmania for RiaNovosti. 03.23.2024.

    The monstrous tragedy at Crocus City Hall has already claimed the lives of at least 143 people, and injured another 121. This is one of the bloodiest terrorist attacks in the entire history of modern Russia. There were more victims only in Beslan.

    It has already become known today that 11 people were detained in this case, while all four terrorists who shot people at point-blank range were captured alive. Now they will talk.

    And they will tell you why they were taken in the Bryansk region. They will tell who was waiting for them there, and who pushed them to kill. They will tell you what they were promised for this.

    Actually, they are already telling. And the first footage of their interrogations is in the public domain. The price for killing innocent people is the promise of half a million rubles, but in reality it is 250 thousand. A certain “assistant preacher” instigated them, they came from Turkey. They were going to leave for Ukraine.

    And the last circumstance answers the main question - who is behind all this. The attempt to escape through the most guarded and closed part of the Russian border, where there are not only border guards, but also troops along with the National Guard, cannot be explained in any other way. The terrorists were expected there, or they themselves were sure that they were expected.

    The initial reaction of Western officials and the media, who, even before any reports from the Russian authorities, began to claim that IS* was behind this, on the one hand, is understandable - they do not want to admit that Ukraine, which the whole world is trying to extradite, is involved in the terrorist attack for an outpost of democracy and freedom on the path of Russian barbarians. On the other hand, such haste gives reason to believe that they knew exactly what the perpetrators of the terrorist attacks looked like and through whom their recruitment was carried out.

    For the Ukrainian Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense there is no difficulty in reaching out to Islamists and finding those willing to carry out a terrorist attack for money. One can only guess how many such tragedies were prevented; the work of the special services is such that only failures become noticeable.

    However, the way events unfolded yesterday suggests that four terrorists are not particularly suited to the role of ideological suicide bombers. Any similar terrorist attacks in Russian history were accompanied by the taking of hostages and the announcement of demands. Here there was a clear plan - to enter, carry out a massacre, provoke a fire in the building and quietly exit, saving their own lives. Because they could not voice any requirements - they would directly point to the customer. Because they are not Islamists who are ready to give their lives for false ideas about faith. There is no idea behind them.

    In the same way, people who pour green into ballot boxes and throw Molotov cocktails at the windows of polling stations are not liberals at all. It’s just that the Ukrainian special services managed to find an approach to both.

    And the perpetrators of the terrorist attacks had to leave alive - otherwise there would still be a chance that investigators would be able to establish their identities, and subsequently the recruitment mechanism.

    But they couldn't leave. And now all the details of the preparation of the operation will become known for certain. But this is not the main failure of the organizers of the terrorist attack.

    Yes, no one really voiced any demands, because the organizers of the massacre had one goal - to instill animal fear in Russia, distrust of the authorities, of their own intelligence services, and sow interethnic and interreligious discord. But here, too, they miscalculated—Russians now have only one request for power. And the Ukrainian authorities will not be happy with it. Judging by the appeal of the president, who openly stated that the terrorists had a window into Ukraine, this request will be granted.

    They also didn’t guess with ethnic strife - everyone understands perfectly well that the perpetrators of the terrorist attack have neither a nation nor a religion, and were only an obedient instrument in the wrong hands. Like those who killed Dasha Dugina and Vladlen Tatarsky.

    As for fear, yesterday’s tragedy brought us not only the pain of loss, but also showed examples of amazing courage - in particular, when a completely unprepared person rushes at an armed terrorist in order to save not only his loved ones, but also people completely unknown to him, risking his own life. life, or when ordinary Crocus employees lead people out of the fire. Instead of fear, the Russians showed incredible unity - and the queues of people at the blood donation points convincingly prove this. The organizers of the terrorist attack miscalculated. And for this miscalculation they will pay the highest price.

    * Terrorist organization banned in Russia.

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    Crocus City Hall terrorist attack - Page 7 Empty Re: Crocus City Hall terrorist attack

    Post  ALAMO Sat Mar 23, 2024 6:30 pm

    We might face an interesting night in 404, so for the folks who will awake earlier like Asia/Oceania ... prepare a short resume for us please Twisted Evil welcome

    Just for the records, as some of you might still be unaware of the fact.

    This is a scale of damage.

    Crocus City Hall terrorist attack - Page 7 418771669_375355265458108_7955330744646235928_n.png?_nc_cat=106&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5f2048&_nc_ohc=vhejXyCm2gIAX8JRFM5&_nc_ht=scontent.fktw1-1

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    A whole roof and levels just collapsed.

    This is why they are still unsure of the real scale, 150+ killed at the moment.

    According to the monitoring, there might have been about 200 people in the theatre alone when the roof collapsed.

    Bodies are in bad condition due to fire and the scale of the event.

    Last edited by ALAMO on Sat Mar 23, 2024 6:50 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Crocus City Hall terrorist attack - Page 7 Empty Re: Crocus City Hall terrorist attack

    Post  Mir Sat Mar 23, 2024 6:50 pm

    ALAMO wrote:
    I have a funny memory concerning Finland, when I was a teenager

    They all were drunkards. 17 y/o, 18 y/o, does not matter.

    As it is a kind of strict society, and it was not well seen to feel the odor of alcohol from teenage girls, chicks were  sticking inside soaked tampons

    The other funny fetish I remember was virginity.
    All the teenage chicks out there carried it for the future beloved husband.

    But it is not that they didn't enjoy sex, they did!

    You don't ask a Finn girl if she does, it is not needed. They take up in ass all way long

    I have heard from a faaar distant cousin that Swedish girls are quite different from Finish girls? Laughing Laughing Laughing

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    Crocus City Hall terrorist attack - Page 7 Empty Re: Crocus City Hall terrorist attack

    Post  ALAMO Sat Mar 23, 2024 6:51 pm

    Never been to Laughing

    Weird, isn't it? scratch Just realized the fact.
    Maybe I will take a ferry on Monday Laughing Laughing  to check some ... ekhm .. rumors Very Happy

    Edit : on the other hand ... I am not a teenager anymore, so my experience might be misleading Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing

    Edit : it a; has just collapsed, all levels down to the floor Shocked

    Crocus City Hall terrorist attack - Page 7 Zrzut188

    I am seriously afraid of the final number of victims revealed.

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    Crocus City Hall terrorist attack - Page 7 Empty Re: Crocus City Hall terrorist attack

    Post  Kiko Sat Mar 23, 2024 8:06 pm

    The trail of the terrorist attack at Crocus leads to Ukraine, by Andrey Rezchikov for VZGLYAD. 03.23.2024.

    Experts: Inconsistencies in the actions of the terrorists who attacked Crocus point to the West.

    Russian President Vladimir Putin announced the preparation of a “window” on the border on the Ukrainian side for the escape of terrorists from Crocus. Four participants in the attack were detained in the Bryansk region. In the West they say that the “Islamic State*” is behind the terrorist attack, but experts believe that it would be beneficial for the West to blame the Islamic State in order to hide Ukraine’s involvement.

    In the first hours after the tragedy in Crocus City Hall, where, according to data at the time of publication of the article, 133 people became victims of terrorists, the Western press named the organizers of the terrorist attack as the “Islamic State*” (IS or ISIS*). As the American newspaper The New York Times wrote , citing its sources, in March the United States allegedly collected intelligence that a branch of the formation based in Afghanistan was planning an attack on Moscow. According to one of the publication’s sources, members of the group are “actively operating in Russia.”

    In turn, Reuters, citing a certain Telegram channel, reported on the alleged appearance on the Internet of an ISIS statement claiming responsibility for the terrorist attack. However, experts soon questioned the veracity of this statement. Nevertheless, French President Emmanuel Macron, who has recently been speaking out with bellicose rhetoric against Moscow, said that he “strongly condemns the terrorist attack for which the Islamic State has claimed responsibility.”

    On Saturday morning, FSB Director Alexander Bortnikov reported to President Vladimir Putin about the detention of 11 participants in the terrorist attack on Crocus City Hall. Among those detained were four direct participants in this terrorist attack. They were caught in the Bryansk region near the border with Ukraine. According to the FSB Public Relations Center, the terrorists planned to escape across the Russian-Ukrainian border; they had contacts on the Ukrainian side.

    Later, in his video message to Russian citizens, Vladimir Putin said that a “window” had been prepared for terrorists to escape to Ukraine. “Terrorists, murderers, non-humans who do not and cannot have a nationality face one unenviable fate - retribution and oblivion. They have no future,” the president said.

    Foreign Ministry official Maria Zakharova noted that if the United States had reliable data on the terrorist attack, then it should be transferred to Russia. She also pointed out that Washington’s reaction raises questions, where they stated that Ukraine and Ukrainians were not involved in the terrorist attack at Crocus. The diplomat wondered “on what basis do officials in Washington draw any conclusions about someone’s involvement in the midst of a tragedy.”

    According to experts, the behavior of the terrorists and the direction of their flight may indicate the involvement of Western countries that are waging war against Russia. “In my opinion, the trail leads not only to Ukraine, where they apparently tried to break through, but also to the West,” says Vitaly Demidkin, a veteran of the FSB and the Alpha unit.

    In turn, member of the Public Chamber Alexander Malkevich drew attention to the fact that on social networks Ukrainian nationalists supported the bloody actions of the terrorists who attacked Crocus. “The Ukrainian Center for Information and Psychological Operations (CIPSO) also worked on this topic all night and on Saturday morning, dispelling fake news about terrorists. All this once again confirms the maximum involvement of Ukraine. And there is no need to talk about the position of the Western press. This is an attempt to mislead the audience.

    Those who ordered the crime specifically selected such perpetrators in order to create for Western audiences the image that they were supposedly Islamists,” Malkevich explained.

    The level of organization of the terrorist attack suggests that “this is an operation of Western intelligence services in a proxy war with Russia, the purpose of which is to sow discord, fear, panic, and undermine the consolidation of society,” adds Malkevich.

    RT editor-in-chief Margarita Simonyan argues in the same vein. She points out that the perpetrators of the terrorist attack were specially selected so that the world community could be convinced that it was carried out by members of the Islamic State. In her Telegram channel , she wrote that Western intelligence services and Ukraine were most likely behind the terrorist attack, since even before the arrests of the perpetrators, it was they who began to convince the public that it was ISIS, which, in her opinion, “set the cap on the thief on fire.” “This is a well-coordinated team of several other, also widely known, abbreviations,” Simonyan pointed out, probably hinting at the intelligence services of countries unfriendly to Russia.

    Journalist Alexander Kots shares a similar point of view. “No political statements, no blackmailing demands, no hostage-taking attempts. This is not how classic terrorists operate.

    This is more like the behavior of hired killers. Or the animal cruelty of non-humans, blinded by hatred of everything Russian.

    And this is already familiar from our relations with our western neighbor,” writes Kots in his Telegram channel.

    The journalist believes that the West’s statements about Kyiv’s non-involvement in the terrorist attack are similar to attempts to “excuse” their negligent hooligan stepson. The military correspondent said: this is what they say when they know exactly who committed the crime. “When the usual antics began in Kyiv, launching a worn-out record in the genre of “shooting at themselves,” the last doubts dissipated. Ukrainian special services are behind the terrorist attack. Well, those who stand behind them. You just had to find performers who hate Russians as much as they do,” Kots said.

    According to the military correspondent, the terrorists could have been used in secret, because they learned this very well in Kyiv. The attackers may have thought they were carrying out an assignment from the leader of some Islamic group. In addition, “Ichkerians” under the command of Ruslan Azhiev, also known as Abdul Hakim Shishani, who led one of the terrorist groups in Idlib in Syria, appeared on the border with the Belgorod region.

    Blogger Yuriy Podolyaka also called it no coincidence that “for this terrible crime, the Kiev special services hired migrants from Central Asia.” “Logically, the next step of the organizers of the terrorist attack should be an attempt to organize an analogue, but on the part of some “frostbitten Russians,” which will already have either migrant or Islamic overtones,” he believes. “And then, according to the authors’ idea, massacres on national or religious grounds should begin in Russia, which will allow the West and Kyiv to win the war in Ukraine. Because there are no other options for them to do this for a long time.”

    Vladimir Shapovalov, a board member of the Russian Association of Political Science, agrees with the assessment that the attack was supposed to “sow panic and split society, cause distrust in the authorities,” and instill in people a sense of insecurity and fear. “But the attack did not achieve its goals, but caused the opposite reaction,” Shapovalov is sure .

    Malkevich especially noted that the terrorist attack was strongly condemned by the Taliban* movement (banned in Russia), the Houthis, Saudi Arabia, Iran and other major Islamic countries. “They clearly stated that such a crime is contrary to the norms of humanity. Under no circumstances should a tragedy be used as a reason for interreligious and ethnic hatred. And our enemies will now actively stir up the ethno-religious factor,” the expert warned.

    * Organization(s) have been liquidated or their activities are prohibited in the Russian Federation.

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    Crocus City Hall terrorist attack - Page 7 Empty Re: Crocus City Hall terrorist attack

    Post  ucmvulcan Sat Mar 23, 2024 8:15 pm

    I have no more words on this tragedy.  All I can do is vote the sick **** who thought triggering this war so the MIC could make a killing out of office and pray.  My deepest thoughts and prayers.  So awful in every way.

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    Crocus City Hall terrorist attack - Page 7 Empty Re: Crocus City Hall terrorist attack

    Post  ALAMO Sat Mar 23, 2024 8:31 pm

    ucmvulcan wrote:I have no more words on this tragedy.  All I can do is vote the sick **** who thought triggering this war so the MIC could make a killing out of office and pray.  My deepest thoughts and prayers.  So awful in every way.

    What is a problem here is that the real master of the puppets behind struck really, really hard.
    Tajiks are one of the less accepted workforce minorities, for multiple reasons.
    They are unfortunately seriously undereducated, unskilled, and keen on jihadi propaganda.
    All those factors correlate, so ...
    It creates a really shocking mixture for Russian society.
    It is Russian income generated by the migrants that fuel the Tadjik state per se.
    Russkie are shocked how a nation that owners them big - can be so much unfaithful.

    And this is a scarve they hit.

    Just as with Malesian airliner. They took it down, because the Netherlands was one of the most Russia positive countries in the EU.

    Those are not accidental coincidences. It is all planned.

    GarryB, d_taddei2, kvs, JohninMK, Rodion_Romanovic, zardof, LMFS and like this post

    Karl Haushofer

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    Crocus City Hall terrorist attack - Page 7 Empty Re: Crocus City Hall terrorist attack

    Post  Karl Haushofer Sat Mar 23, 2024 8:32 pm

    ucmvulcan wrote:I have no more words on this tragedy.  All I can do is vote the sick **** who thought triggering this war so the MIC could make a killing out of office and pray.  My deepest thoughts and prayers.  So awful in every way.

    Russia should stop reeling and start killing.

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    Karl Haushofer

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    Crocus City Hall terrorist attack - Page 7 Empty Re: Crocus City Hall terrorist attack

    Post  Karl Haushofer Sat Mar 23, 2024 8:33 pm

    ALAMO wrote:
    ucmvulcan wrote:I have no more words on this tragedy.  All I can do is vote the sick **** who thought triggering this war so the MIC could make a killing out of office and pray.  My deepest thoughts and prayers.  So awful in every way.

    What is a problem here is that the real master of the puppets behind struck really, really hard.
    Tajiks are one of the less accepted workforce minorities, for multiple reasons.
    They are unfortunately seriously undereducated, unskilled, and keen on jihadi propaganda.
    All those factors correlate, so ...
    It creates a really shocking mixture for Russian society.
    It is Russian income generated by the migrants that fuel the Tadjik state per se.
    Russkie are shocked how a nation that owners them big - can be so much unfaithful.

    And this is a scarve they hit.

    Just as with Malesian airliner. They took it down, because the Netherlands was one of the most Russia positive countries in the EU.

    Those are not accidental coincidences. It is all planned.

    One way for Russia to ensure that this never happens again is to arrange a massacre in New York or London.

    But Russia is too weak to do this.

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    Crocus City Hall terrorist attack - Page 7 Empty Re: Crocus City Hall terrorist attack

    Post  lyle6 Sat Mar 23, 2024 9:04 pm

    ALAMO wrote:
    What is a problem here is that the real master of the puppets behind struck really, really hard.
    Tajiks are one of the less accepted workforce minorities, for multiple reasons.
    They are unfortunately seriously undereducated, unskilled, and keen on jihadi propaganda.
    All those factors correlate, so ...
    It creates a really shocking mixture for Russian society.
    It is Russian income generated by the migrants that fuel the Tadjik state per se.
    Russkie are shocked how a nation that owners them big - can be so much unfaithful.
    It is a big mistake to allow these ungrateful pukes to latch on to the Russian money for their sustenance...

    Russia has zero obligations to these churkas. **** them. The North Koreans can take their place.

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    Crocus City Hall terrorist attack - Page 7 Empty Re: Crocus City Hall terrorist attack

    Post  Isos Sat Mar 23, 2024 9:07 pm

    They should also investigate how that building was build. To destroy it this much with few molotovs and ak-47 like firearms is really weired.

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    Crocus City Hall terrorist attack - Page 7 Empty Re: Crocus City Hall terrorist attack

    Post  ALAMO Sat Mar 23, 2024 9:17 pm

    lyle6 wrote:
    It is a big mistake to allow these ungrateful pukes to latch on to the Russian money for their sustenance...
    Russia has zero obligations to these churkas. **** them. The North Koreans can take their place.

    Yes, that is correct, and I was addressing that a long time ago in one of my posts.
    Russia can absorb as many workforce as they wish, from alternative sources.
    But there is one "?" remaining - what about mild force that is being multiplied by that?
    Sure, it brings lots of problems - but what are the gains?
    I am not sure, and lack data to model.
    I wish everyone the same modesty.

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    Crocus City Hall terrorist attack - Page 7 Empty Re: Crocus City Hall terrorist attack

    Post  Hole Sat Mar 23, 2024 9:42 pm

    They all were drunkards.
    That´s why they are the "happiest" nation on the planet.
    With a huge suicide rate.  Suspect

    have resorted to false flag operations to persuade everyone that ISIS* 
    Typical western operation.
    Like after the shot down of the plane above the Donbass.
    5 minutes later CNN was on air.
    They come up with the first statement and after that all others
    are deemed lies.
    From now one they will claim that "we" know that it was Daesh and not Banderites.

    Akhmat forces cut off the ear of one of the attackers and put it into his mouth.
    Usually you take his

    They are unfortunately seriously undereducated, unskilled, and keen on jihadi propaganda.
    Their grandparents were fairly good educated.
    Because Tajikistan was part of Russia (formerly known as SU) back then.
    This current state of affairs with those artificially created entities playing
    independent countries doesn´t work.
    That´s why "Ukraine" was completely overrun by those Banderites.

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    Crocus City Hall terrorist attack - Page 7 Empty Re: Crocus City Hall terrorist attack

    Post  Hole Sat Mar 23, 2024 9:44 pm

    Kim Dotcom @KimDotcom

    Sanctions didn’t work. Billions in weapons didn’t work. Unwavering support didn’t work. Counter-offensive didn’t work. Non-stop propaganda didn’t work.
    Rules-based terrorism is all they have left. It won’t work either. It just shows how evil and desperate they are.

    Craig Murray @CraigMurrayOrg

    I have been explaining for years that the US and Israel are behind ISIS.
    See it now?

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    Karl Haushofer

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    Crocus City Hall terrorist attack - Page 7 Empty Re: Crocus City Hall terrorist attack

    Post  Karl Haushofer Sat Mar 23, 2024 9:53 pm

    Hole wrote:Kim Dotcom @KimDotcom

    Sanctions didn’t work. Billions in weapons didn’t work. Unwavering support didn’t work. Counter-offensive didn’t work. Non-stop propaganda didn’t work.
    Rules-based terrorism is all they have left. It won’t work either. It just shows how evil and desperate they are.

    But it is working. 130 Russian citizens were killed and it is all but guaranteed that Russia will kill ZERO westerners as a retaliation.

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    Crocus City Hall terrorist attack - Page 7 Empty Re: Crocus City Hall terrorist attack

    Post  PapaDragon Sat Mar 23, 2024 10:01 pm

    Isos wrote:They should also investigate how that building was build. To destroy it this much with few molotovs and ak-47 like firearms is really weired.

    Modern shopping malls are prefab constructions and are not supposed to handle this sort of stress

    Fire was burning so long unchecked because it was in an ongoing mass shooting

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    Crocus City Hall terrorist attack - Page 7 Empty Re: Crocus City Hall terrorist attack

    Post  ucmvulcan Sat Mar 23, 2024 10:01 pm

    Isos wrote:They should also investigate how that building was build. To destroy it this much with few molotovs and ak-47 like firearms is really weired.

    I smell oligarchs, short cuts, and corruption. To be fair, non government or military buildings are rarely built with jackasses with lobbing molotovs and using assault rifles in mind, but yeah, the damage done seems to be out of all proportion to the devices used. I do suspect people are going to get lengthy prison sentences out of here (and I don't just mean the terrorists). This thing reminds me of the shopping centers in the Urals that went up in smoke a few years back. My guess, only because it happens in America quite often, is that palms of building inspectors were greased with cash and building/construction ordinances were ignored and the building may well have collapsed on its own in time. I don't absolve western intel because its fairly clear the US state dept and intel organs are behind the attack to one extent or another, but I also think it may have been a poorly constructed building.

    Oh and Karl, because I can never tell if you are a super nationalist who just wants to see the US and Europe burn (I wouldn't be completely against your sentiments if that were the case, I do oppose what you would like to see happen, but I completely understand why you would want to see it happen), or just a troll, my feeling is this. Lobbing bombs or killing large amounts of innocent people in London, New York, or Paris, is only going to galvanize support in those countries for the war and increased conflict. I assure you that in much the same ways there are a lot more Russians rallying around the tri color and the motherland today, if Russia were to hit London, New York, Paris, et al that the people in those countries would be seeking to escalate the war in Ukraine. At this juncture, the worst thing Russia could do would be to hit civilian targets like you are calling for. People in the west are increasingly against involvement in this humanitarian disaster. The rising costs of food and heating and electricity, the increased taxes for war at the expense of social welfare etc and seeing just how ineffective all that tax money is in helping the Ukronazis is causing people to lose support. IF Ukraine is proven to have done this attack in Moscow, a lot more people will lose support for the war because for a lot of people in the west it will actually click that almost everything Putin has said about the Ukrainian government is true. People generally do not like governments that intentionally target civilians. Its the reason despite all the money spent by AIPAC, Netenyahu is getting a hell of a lot flak for his Gaza operation.

    Right now, Putin needs to be very restrained. This doesn't mean not responding but having a measured and effective response. I think the Rada, possible when its full of deputies, needs to go up in smoke. Same for the presidental palace in Kiev, same for Kiev's rail stations and airports, and well its getting late enough in the year that Ukrainians don't need heating oil or electricity. The UN says access to safe drinking water is a human right, but nothing has ever been said about running water. Knock out all of Ukraine's ports, airports, rail stations, all major bridges across the Dniepr take the internet offline, light up country and hammer them. When French trainers are in country make frog legs. Rain down hell on the fascist filth, but do so in a way that is sparing of civilians.

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    Eugenio Argentina
    Eugenio Argentina

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    Crocus City Hall terrorist attack - Page 7 Empty Re: Crocus City Hall terrorist attack

    Post  Eugenio Argentina Sat Mar 23, 2024 10:02 pm

    “The Preacher’s Assistant” and “Abdullo Taxi”: What is known about the Crocus City Hall terrorists?

    ▪ They all reportedly speak Russian extremely poorly (or pretend to speak poorly) and one communicates in Tajik through an interpreter

    ▪ The terrorist attack was carried out “for money”. One person “without a name or surname” who was contacted via Telegram, calling himself “an assistant to the preacher”, failed to state the exact amount, but first said that he was promised half a million rubles, then “somewhere [around a] million"

    ▪ The name of the "preacher" is not named but one of the terrorists admitted that he listened to his “lessons, sermons"

    ▪ Turkiye is mentioned, from where one of the terrorists returned 2 and a half weeks ago. Whether he met with the “preacher” or his people there is unclear

    ▪ The “assistant preacher” also provided the coordinates of the location of the terrorist attack himself, while the organizers provided them with weapons - Kalashnikov assault rifles

    ▪ The terrorists lived together in a hostel in the north of Moscow, they hardly knew each other: at least two of the four actors met only “10-12 days ago”

    ▪ The car they drove to Crocus City Hall and then tried to escape in was bought through a family line, “they wanted to work as a taxi.” During the escape to the border, weapons were thrown away

    A coherent picture does not emerge from the interrogation fragments. It is not entirely clear what exactly connected these people, what motives they were guided by in organizing one of the bloodiest terrorist attacks in the history of Russia.

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    Eugenio Argentina
    Eugenio Argentina

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    Crocus City Hall terrorist attack - Page 7 Empty Re: Crocus City Hall terrorist attack

    Post  Eugenio Argentina Sat Mar 23, 2024 10:18 pm

    A 15-year-old boy helped about a hundred people get out of the building during the terrorist attack in Crocus City Hall

    According to media reports, the eighth-grader's name is Islam; he worked part-time as a cloakroom attendant in the concert hall. When the shooting started, he was able not to panic, quickly find his bearings and save many lives.


    GarryB, ahmedfire, d_taddei2, kvs, PapaDragon, GunshipDemocracy, zardof and like this post


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    Crocus City Hall terrorist attack - Page 7 Empty Re: Crocus City Hall terrorist attack

    Post  ALAMO Sat Mar 23, 2024 10:21 pm

    PapaDragon wrote:
    Modern shopping malls are prefab constructions and are not supposed to handle this sort of stress
    Fire was burning so long unchecked because it was in an ongoing mass shooting

    Nah, he is right.
    I have told you, my bud's sister was watching that from a balcony.
    Check my posts.
    It collapsed minutes after being set on fire.
    They may have used some really nasty stuff - one of the questions to the taken thugs was "what did you have there?" ...
    Maybe some serious incendiary grenades melted the construction scratch

    On the other hand, check the vanilla records, how they handled with the weapon ...

    They were clearly trained. Not some "charnozhopy" from Tadzhykistan ....

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    Crocus City Hall terrorist attack - Page 7 Empty Re: Crocus City Hall terrorist attack

    Post  PapaDragon Sat Mar 23, 2024 10:29 pm

    lyle6 wrote:...
    One of them was even bopped on the head so hard his eye popped out. Fucking based and Negan-pilled. Twisted Evil

    Pics please love


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    Crocus City Hall terrorist attack - Page 7 Empty Re: Crocus City Hall terrorist attack

    Post  ALAMO Sat Mar 23, 2024 10:34 pm

    Be an adult for a moment.

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    Crocus City Hall terrorist attack - Page 7 Empty Re: Crocus City Hall terrorist attack

    Post  PapaDragon Sat Mar 23, 2024 10:38 pm

    Isos wrote:It's hard to believe anyone would do such attrocity for money knowing he is a dead man after such attacks.

    There's never been shortage of retards on this planet

    Last edited by PapaDragon on Sat Mar 23, 2024 11:36 pm; edited 1 time in total
    Eugenio Argentina
    Eugenio Argentina

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    Crocus City Hall terrorist attack - Page 7 Empty Re: Crocus City Hall terrorist attack

    Post  Eugenio Argentina Sat Mar 23, 2024 11:06 pm

    More complete images of the detention of a terrorist in the forest of the Bryansk region.


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