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    2024 Iran–Israel conflict


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    2024 Iran–Israel conflict - Page 14 Empty Re: 2024 Iran–Israel conflict

    Post  dionis Sun Apr 14, 2024 9:09 pm

    Any satellite shots of something of value actually being hit yet?

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    2024 Iran–Israel conflict - Page 14 Empty Re: 2024 Iran–Israel conflict

    Post  JohninMK Sun Apr 14, 2024 9:11 pm

    Perhaps THE photo of last night. Iranian munitions over the Knesset. Humiliation.

    2024 Iran–Israel conflict - Page 14 GLGtjEBWAAAhT2O?format=jpg&name=small

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    2024 Iran–Israel conflict - Page 14 Empty Re: 2024 Iran–Israel conflict

    Post  ALAMO Sun Apr 14, 2024 9:12 pm

    lyle6 wrote:
    The difference is Russia can sustain this effort indefinitely. They actually have the oversized capacity to manufacture replacements SAM systems and interceptors; even now they are fulfilling orders for export customers - go figure. Only Russia can invert the missile defence dynamic and actually outlast the attacker which is exactly what they did against Ukraine's massive stocks of Tochka and HIMARS.

    Don't get overreacted to take down this dumb troll.
    404 was left with a stock of 400-1000 Tochka missiles.
    Nobody has ever revealed the real number, so the difference is because of that.
    It the Russkie took the unitary stocks while withdrawing, or not, what number was sold abroad, etc.
    General conclusion is, that they are out of those anyway, with some single pcs left.

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    2024 Iran–Israel conflict - Page 14 Empty Re: 2024 Iran–Israel conflict

    Post  JohninMK Sun Apr 14, 2024 9:13 pm

    dionis wrote:Any satellite shots of something of value actually being hit yet?

    Who will release any photos of any value? US/EU commercial Very Happy

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    2024 Iran–Israel conflict - Page 14 Empty Re: 2024 Iran–Israel conflict

    Post  lyle6 Sun Apr 14, 2024 9:23 pm

    ALAMO wrote:
    Don't get overreacted to take down this dumb troll.
    404 was left with a stock of 400-1000 Tochka missiles.
    Nobody has ever revealed the real number, so the difference is because of that.
    It the Russkie took the unitary stocks while withdrawing, or not, what number was sold abroad, etc.
    General conclusion is, that they are out of those anyway, with some single pcs left.
    The CIA spent untold billions vacuuming the shit out of warehouses of Soviet crap from anyone who will take their monopoly money. Russia could have very well face tanked the entire world stockpile of Tochka missiles that aren't held in their reserve stash. They certainly did against NATO's total wartime stock of HIMARS missiles which is why Israel couldn't seem to fire any throughout their own clusterfuck of a war.

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    Eugenio Argentina
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    2024 Iran–Israel conflict - Page 14 Empty Re: 2024 Iran–Israel conflict

    Post  Eugenio Argentina Sun Apr 14, 2024 9:43 pm

    🇮🇱🇮🇷 The Israeli Ministry of Defense released footage of repairs to a damaged part of the runway at Nawatim Air Base.

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    2024 Iran–Israel conflict - Page 14 Empty Re: 2024 Iran–Israel conflict

    Post  Eugenio Argentina Sun Apr 14, 2024 9:52 pm

    There are several very important points about last night’s retaliatory attacks that need to be paid attention to: According to Western sources’ claims, Iran fired 185 drones, 110 ballistic missiles, and 110 cruise missiles towards the occupied territories in the attacks last night, and it is claimed that most of these missiles and drones have been intercepted; but the ground reality is different!

    👉 The first important point; Iranian missile and drone attacks took place while the Israeli regime’s air defense network was in the most prepared state possible, and all military combat information capabilities of the regime, from defense systems to fighter jets, were 100% mobilized to counter Iran’s attacks. In addition, all military capabilities of the US and its allies, such as the treacherous country of Jordan, also came to the aid of the Israeli regime. On the other hand, all attacks were carried out from the Iranian soil, and it were coordinated with other axis of resistance countries such as Iraq and Yemen to refrain from carrying out extensive missile and drone attacks; And in fact, Iran did not use the potential of the resistance in Iraq and Yemen to saturate the enemy’s defense systems! And alone, with the launch of dozens of suicide drones and cruise missiles, it saturated the defense systems of Israel and the United States. Of course, there is an exception regarding the targets hit in the northern occupied Golan Heights, where Lebanon’s Hezbollah helped to saturate the air defense systems in this area by targeting some positions of Israel in northern occupied Palestine with its attack.

    The point is that most of the cruise missiles, suicide drones, and even ballistic missiles were “fired with the aim of saturating the air defense systems,” and predetermined targets were hit by a number of other ballistic missiles that passed through the Israeli regime’s defensive barrier. This method and approach are quite common in the world for dealing with air defense systems. So, do not be deceived by the lies and false propaganda of the MSM about the lack of success and interception of all missiles and drones!

    👉 The second very important point; last night’s attack “was only one wave of attack,” and the subsequent waves of breaking and destroying were not carried out! In the conventional military dimension, these types of attacks are carried out in several waves for ultimate and real effectiveness. In the final moments of last night’s attacks and as the first wave of attacks was nearing its end, the Israeli regime’s air defense systems began to experience saturation, and it was at that point that some of the ballistic missiles, by passing through the defensive barrier, hit the Nevatim and Ramon airbases. This is exactly the moment when the second, third, and subsequent waves should have been carried out for the destruction of the targets, but Iran, in the true sense of the word, “restrained” itself. The reason for this is very clear and obvious. The purpose of the “single wave” attack was to send a clear warning message to the Israeli regime, the West, and its lackeys to understand the power of Iran and to know that if the Islamic Republic of Iran wishes, it is capable of crushing its enemies and ill-wishers, and they should not mess with Iran any further!

    Islamic World News - @iswnews_en


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    2024 Iran–Israel conflict - Page 14 Empty Re: 2024 Iran–Israel conflict

    Post  JohninMK Sun Apr 14, 2024 9:54 pm

    IAF film from last night showing just how vulnerable slow flying drones/missiles are to air to air weapons.

    Lets remind ourselves, what proportion of US/NATO cruise missiles does this encompass?

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    Eugenio Argentina
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    2024 Iran–Israel conflict - Page 14 Empty Re: 2024 Iran–Israel conflict

    Post  Eugenio Argentina Sun Apr 14, 2024 9:55 pm

    👉 The third important point; in last night’s attack, “none” of the powerful and advanced Iranian hypersonic missiles such as the types of Fattah 1 and 2, or the Khorramshahr missile, and so on, were used. Last night’s attacks were carried out using inexpensive and cost-effective HESA Shahed 136 drones, simple cruise missiles, and low-cost liquid-propellant Rezvan missiles, which were stored in large quantities in warehouses and remained unused for a long time. In fact, these armaments were mostly used to saturate the air defense systems, and among them, a few solid-propellant missiles like Haj Qasem and Kheibar Shekan were also used for attacking and hitting the targets. The result is that if Iran’s decision was to use more advanced missiles, with this same single wave of attack, the casualties and damage to the Israeli regime would have been much greater than what we witnessed last night.

    When it comes to the financial burden and staggering costs that Israel has incurred, there are also very important points to consider. You can pay attention to the estimated figures for last night’s operations. Quoting FieldMarshal, an independent analyst of Iranian defense and industrial technologies, the approximate cost to Iran for carrying out last night’s attacks is estimated as follows: 110 ballistic missiles: $30-50 million, 45 cruise missiles: $4-7 million, and 170 Shahed drones: $4-5 million, totaling approximately $38-62 million for Iran.
    On the other hand, however, the Israeli costs will be staggering: Considering an estimated number of 300-400 aircraft that were likely in operation for 4-10 hours, with an average hourly cost of $30,000 to $40,000, the cost would be $50-160 million. The cost of intercepting cruise missiles and suicide drones: $100-150 million, and the cost of intercepting ballistic missiles: $500-700 million. Taking into account the estimated damage caused by the ballistic missiles, somewhere between $100 million to $500 million, the Israeli regime has incurred a total of $750 million in the most pessimistic scenario, or $1.5 billion in the most optimistic scenario!!!

    This amount of staggering cost “just for enduring one night of attack only for repelling one wave of attack” translates into the complete economic collapse of the Zionists. If the battles continue for just a few days, the economy of the Israeli regime will be completely paralyzed and destroyed! This is another clear and obvious example that the Zionists do not have the capability to engage in long-term warfare, or better yet, even short-term warfare with the Islamic Republic of Iran, and that is why they are extremely concerned about responding to Iran’s last night attacks.

    👉 The fourth important point; as mentioned, Iran did not at all utilize the potential of other Axis of Resistance countries for extensive missile and drone attacks against the Zionist regime’s child-killing regime or to saturate its air defense systems in last night’s attack, and Iran alone carried out the operation. Now, imagine if attacks were carried out simultaneously and extensively from Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, and Yemen, and if Iran also entered the battlefield with a large number of missiles and drones in several waves of attacks; even the thought of this scenario is debilitating and very painful for the Israeli regime. In any case, this stage has currently come to an end to see what would happen later and for a rainy day!

    Islamic World News - @iswnews_en


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    2024 Iran–Israel conflict - Page 14 Empty Re: 2024 Iran–Israel conflict

    Post  Eugenio Argentina Sun Apr 14, 2024 9:55 pm

    ✍ Ultimately, all the last night events conveyed several important messages to Israel and the West; the Israeli regime must understand that even if the entire West mobilizes all its defense capabilities to defend the despicable Zionist regime, Iran’s hand is still open for any retaliatory operation, and whenever it wills, it can accurately and intensely hit the targets and punish the Israeli regime for its crimes. The “military objective” of last night’s operation was the attack on the most important airbase of the Israeli regime, namely the Nevatim airbase near the Dimona nuclear facility!! was successfully carried out despite the presence of the most concentrated defense systems in the world, and the pre-determined airbase was hit. The Israelis must know that every point of the Israeli regime’s entity is under Iran’s control and strike, and the bluster and threats against Iran never go unanswered…

    Islamic World News - @iswnews_en


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    2024 Iran–Israel conflict - Page 14 Empty Re: 2024 Iran–Israel conflict

    Post  Hole Sun Apr 14, 2024 9:56 pm

    The interceptions in the video were carried out using fighter jets. 
    Operational cost of a fighter jet + pay for the pilot + missiles for the actual shot down... $$$$$$$

    Hardly impressive considering it was just the first wave
    As I stated before, Iran could do this the whole week.  Twisted Evil

    It is $2k
    Give the construction plans to North Korea and you get one for 500 bucks.  Very Happy

    What is impressive is that Israel intercepted a large number of ballistic missiles.
    Something Russia did on a daily bases in the last 2 years.
    Along a 1.000+ km long fontline.
    Without 2.000km of distance between the launch point and the state border.

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    2024 Iran–Israel conflict - Page 14 Empty Re: 2024 Iran–Israel conflict

    Post  JohninMK Sun Apr 14, 2024 9:56 pm

    Iran attempting to cut the land 'backdoor' into Israel. This will really poke the USN with a red hot poker. In some ways this is more important than last night. More difficult that blocking the Red Sea.

    Victor- A
    That can’t happen. Iran does not control the strait of Hormuz. Iran was quoting UN convention, well that same UN convention on the law of the sea, provides for the principle of transit of passage thru straits used for international navigation.

    Last edited by JohninMK on Sun Apr 14, 2024 10:01 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    2024 Iran–Israel conflict - Page 14 Empty Re: 2024 Iran–Israel conflict

    Post  ALAMO Sun Apr 14, 2024 9:57 pm

    Keep in mind that those drones mission is just that.
    Trigger the AD, make them spend gazillion worth of missiles.
    You won't?
    Perfect! Those will hit Laughing

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    2024 Iran–Israel conflict - Page 14 Empty Re: 2024 Iran–Israel conflict

    Post  Belisarius Sun Apr 14, 2024 9:59 pm

    JohninMK wrote:IAF film from last night showing just how vulnerable slow flying drones/missiles are to air to air weapons.

    Lets remind ourselves, what proportion of US/NATO cruise missiles does this encompass?

    If 99% of the 320 missiles and drones were intercepted so how do they explain the videos showing more than 20 direct hits?!
    Someone needs some basic mathematics lessons Laughing Laughing

    Last edited by Belisarius on Sun Apr 14, 2024 10:00 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Post  Hole Sun Apr 14, 2024 9:59 pm

    NEW: Israel releases footage of them, with help from the US, UK and Jordan, intercepting 99% of all drones & missiles launched at them during last night’s attack.
    They show 5 interceptions but claim it were 150+.  Rolling Eyes

    Last edited by Hole on Sun Apr 14, 2024 10:01 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    2024 Iran–Israel conflict - Page 14 Empty Re: 2024 Iran–Israel conflict

    Post  Isos Sun Apr 14, 2024 10:00 pm

    Israel has the best AD in the world. They have all nato equipement at disposition whenever they want. It's not even a joke but the reality.

    All the drones where downed by amraams paid by US taxpayers.

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    2024 Iran–Israel conflict - Page 14 Empty Re: 2024 Iran–Israel conflict

    Post  JohninMK Sun Apr 14, 2024 10:02 pm

    Isos wrote:Israel has the best AD in the world. They have all nato equipement at disposition whenever they want. It's not even a joke but the reality.

    All the drones where downed by amraams paid by US taxpayers.

    Or British.

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    2024 Iran–Israel conflict - Page 14 Empty Re: 2024 Iran–Israel conflict

    Post  ALAMO Sun Apr 14, 2024 10:06 pm

    Isos wrote:Israel has the best AD in the world. They have all nato equipement at disposition whenever they want. It's not even a joke but the reality.

    All the drones where downed by amraams paid by US taxpayers.

    ...yet, you have vids confirming multiple hits at crucial military targets.
    How to explain that?

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    2024 Iran–Israel conflict - Page 14 Empty Re: 2024 Iran–Israel conflict

    Post  Belisarius Sun Apr 14, 2024 10:08 pm

    Isos wrote:Israel has the best AD in the world. They have all nato equipement at disposition whenever they want. It's not even a joke but the reality.

    All the drones where downed by amraams paid by US taxpayers.

    There is no evidence proving that they have
    shoot down even 10% of the drones launched.

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    Post  ALAMO Sun Apr 14, 2024 10:12 pm

    Belisarius wrote:

    There is no evidence proving that they have
    shoot down even 10% of the drones launched.

    Don't geet hyped in a reverse direction.
    They surely did.
    How is if even relevant?
    Iranians clearly hit at least two of the major bases.
    Who was an end receiver of the missiles that struck "in nowhere"?

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    Post  Hole Sun Apr 14, 2024 10:13 pm

    How to explain that?
    They were unlucky.

     Iran does not control the strait of Hormuz. 
    Of course, Iran does control the strait.
    The strait doesn´t belong to Iran legaly, but he how has the long-range anti-ship missiles controls the sea!!!
    Very Happy

    provides for the principle of transit of passage thru straits used for international navigation.
    Tell that the Iranian ships captured by the west on their way to Syria or elsewhere.

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    2024 Iran–Israel conflict - Page 14 Empty Re: 2024 Iran–Israel conflict

    Post  lyle6 Sun Apr 14, 2024 10:14 pm

    Isos wrote:Israel has the best AD in the world. They have all nato equipement at disposition whenever they want. It's not even a joke but the reality.

    All the drones where downed by amraams paid by US taxpayers.
    For maybe 3 similar attacks. Then they are as defenceless as Timbuktu because last night's attack tore through 3 months of Raytheon's production in 3 hours.

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    2024 Iran–Israel conflict - Page 14 Empty Re: 2024 Iran–Israel conflict

    Post  ALAMO Sun Apr 14, 2024 10:32 pm

    ... and the Scud type of missile still hit where wished to.

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    2024 Iran–Israel conflict - Page 14 Empty Re: 2024 Iran–Israel conflict

    Post  nomadski Sun Apr 14, 2024 10:42 pm

    Friendly country need oil can come and go , not unfriendly country . Try stopping China Ship carrying oil to China ! Or goods back !  So no problem stopping troublemakers passing . The PG country can do trade with Europe but not Israel . They want to fly 24/ 7 to hit little defenceless drone ? Have they no shame ? Fly all over ME region ? Needle in a haystack ! Just limit flight over Israel the target ! But .....ooooops , AD no longer works ! Good luck ! Last night the yank and UK stood in the way ! They were warned to step aside ! From now they are target . The stronger they stand , the harder they get hit . Now, how many drone and missile they say they intercepted ? They will get these up their assets . Way should be clear now for Iran to Syria and Lebanon .


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    2024 Iran–Israel conflict - Page 14 Empty Re: 2024 Iran–Israel conflict

    Post  SolidarityWithRussia Sun Apr 14, 2024 11:39 pm

    RT is confirming what has been already written here.

    So according to an Israeli general the cost for intercepting the recent Iranian attack is over 1 billion dollars. At first I did not believe it, because this is huge for only one attack. Even if 99% of the missiles were intercepted, it would not justify the cost. The West will certainly not solve this problem by simply printing money to sustain this on the long run.
    Maybe that is why the US is telling Israel to back down. Laughing

    Also the article confirms that no deaths have been admitted so far. For now it looks like a new war will not break out.

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