par far wrote:The population can be helped by the government, if the Russian government made a genuine effort to help the population grow, than it will grow(and I fully think that the Russian government is doing that.) Helping out with child support, giving parents the full support they need, good health care and good schooling.
I think that the Russian population will grow because the government has made positive gains in child support, helping parents and child care. They can do more of course but they are making positive gains.
There are too many false articles about Russia and the Russian population (which have been going on for decades and centuries going back in history.)
Tsavo is an idiot, ignore him.
He repeats bullshit. The demographics of Russia has always floated around the 120M mark. It's population now is massive and what he nor his idiot mind thinks can't comprehend is that the events of the 90's is showing itself now. Broth rates are high but not enough to counter the sad events of the 90's. So Russia's population will teeter to the amount of 142M for a while. Demographics always are like that.