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    Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter


    Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter  - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter

    Post  Guest Thu Nov 26, 2015 7:45 pm

    Mustafa wrote:
    PapaDragon wrote:
    Mustafa wrote:
    PapaDragon wrote:
    Mustafa wrote:...............................

    Don´t worry about Turkmens in northern syria. They won´t end like serbians in kosovo.

    Of course they wont, Serbs are still alive. Turkmens on the other hand... lets just say that every trash has expiration date and their's is coming up.

    Syria is due for some housecleaning and vermin needs to be exterminated.

    Given the news I would be more concerned for Turkey if I  were you. Unlike USA, Russia does not have tradition of giving presidential pardons for Turkey on thanksgiving...  Twisted Evil

    Kurds say hi... Razz

    dude if you think you can anger me you should change your ethnicity. you are a serb. I can´t take you serious.

    Ohhhh look who's talking.... we are still digging up Turkish skeletons in here. You guys are pretty good fertilizer I give you that much.

    Most of them were serbs we took away from their families, reeducated them and made them our soldiers. Not much tears about that.

    Actually Jannisaries were very rarely used aganist Serbs simply coz of their origin, which was not a secret, Ottomans knew they woulnt be very reliable so they on Balcans aganist rebellions almost always tried to use their regular troops or troops from other parts of the empire. But.. you surely knew this already...right?

    Jannisaries were sent to Balcans during wars with Russia/Hungary, France and Venetian Republic. Good try none the less.

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    Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter  - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter

    Post  Kadmos45 Thu Nov 26, 2015 7:47 pm

    Mustafa wrote:
    Russian wrath? Because one dead pilot? I didn´t know russian foreign office is run by idiots. Professionals clear this behind closed doors. Evrything else is show.

    I promise you, in 2 or 3 weeks nobody will give a shit about this anymore.

    Yeah you're right Mustapha Russia just love backstabbing traitors like everybody else , and will do absolutely nothing to punish you.
    Putin probably already apologized to Erdo . So cool , i think you could go to your fav Apple store and chillout.

    Why even posting here ? Everything will be perfectly fine .

    BTW. The most important thing is that Turkey is warm country and you don't much heating anyway and russian tourists.
    You probably have really cozy flat and will welcome back all those poor Turkoman brothers who just wait to sunbathing on riviera instead of being killed by rocket attacks.

    Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter  - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter

    Post  Guest Thu Nov 26, 2015 7:47 pm

    KiloGolf wrote:
    Mustafa wrote:reeducated them and made them our soldiers. Not much tears about that.

    So after re-education they breed with your women through islamic marriage and produced what we called "modern Turks"?

    At some moments half of their major military commanders were of Serbian, Jermen and Greek origin. Serbian was even regular language at court. "I cant take Serbs seriously" my ass.
    par far

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    Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter  - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter

    Post  par far Thu Nov 26, 2015 7:48 pm

    Mustafa wrote:
    Militarov wrote:
    Mustafa wrote:
    Acheron wrote:
    Mustafa wrote:I already said a dozen times it was a bad mistake. I´m also no supporter of Erdogan as a person, but i will never speak against the president.

    I want good relations between our nation and russia. The only one who profits from this idiocy (which happened because our mistake) is ISIS. Evryone in the region is pretty nervous. It looks like nobody checked what airplane this was exactly. Which was a mistake.

    But i want bring one point here, why we will never accept Assad in power in Syria. And russia pretty much knows they won´t be able to hold him in power if we actively work against it. Assad uses posion gas. Our government has the duty to protect our boarder, property and even more important life.

    What if Assad sends an airplane to do a poison gas attack on some boarder city? What then? We all sit down and say: my bad?

    Assad and his family clan have no future in syria.

    If russia wants an agreement they better find a puppet that can replace him.

    The turkmens are not secure under his regime. You either kick Assad out or cut off the turkmen areas and make them part of turkey.

    There is no scenario where turkey or any other nation in the region will ever support Assad. Considering the fact, that 80% of syrians are sunni and hate him with passion as well you know where this is going. This is a point totally independend from erdogan. No turkish president will allow Assad to rule over turkmens. Thats the red line.

    You can install there whoever you want. And even if you chose Lady Gaga as queen, so be it. But it won´t be Assad.

    That area is our crimea. And our people always come first, even before economic interests.

    So, let me get this straight, you believe that Turkey has a right to dictate to another country (in this case Syria) that their president and political elites must simply go away? Isn't that highly presumptuous of Turkey? Should it not be the Syrian populations that gets to decide who will be their elected president? The precondition that Assad must go is stupid, untenable and should have been dropped long ago. It's been 4 years now, it's high time to realize that Assad and the system he represents actually has significant popular support. Even Russia does not make such presumptuous statements about the Ukrainian leadership.

    In regards to Turkmen: have there been any concerted actions by the Assad government to restrict their cultural practices, religious practices, language, or any other serious ethnic discrimination? The only issues I have been able to find information on are the supposed claims of "ethnic cleansing" by Kurds.  However, this is from Turkish MSM, and based on Turkish (and their proxies) actions against Kurds in Syria, I don't really believe that.

    Instead of trying to justify grabbing of land populated by Turkmen, maybe the best option (in order to minimize conflict) is simply coming to an agreement that Syria should remain an undivided state with limited regional autonomy, new egalitarian constitution is adopted, and the people of Syria are free to vote for their president and representative of legislative and executive branches of government. That way, not only the turkmen will enjoy autonomy within Syria, but will also have their political representatives in both parliament and senate of Syria able to guarantee their rights and interests. Additionally, the president+government would now be chosen democratically, so Assad and his cronies can always be kicked from power peacefully. Doesn't that sound so much better than the clusterfuck which might occur if Turkey goes for all-out escalation via military intervention and annexation?

    I like democracy. What do you think about the solution to let the turkmen areas make a referendum like on crimea if they want leave syria and push their areas on turkey? Russia created an international tool with this method to solve such conflicts. That way the heat would be out of the oven from our side. The rest of syria could then freely chose its path as you suggested.

    Yea, right, lets make referendum now after every Syrian that would vote aganist is either half way fleeing to Western Europe or dead. Kosovo all over again? And no, US created that "solution" with Kosovo and ex Yugoslavia breakdown, Russia is now simply following the example. But funny enough US does not recognise Osettia, Abhazia or Republic of Serbs as possible countries, Kosovo they do, now tell me, what do you think, are they going to support another example that counters them Smile? Coz of Turks Smile? Yea, they cant live without you totally.

    Why not? Turkmens won´t allow Assad as president over them. Assad is a dead duck. Russia knows this. There is no future for him.

    This conflict will end with a compromise. And Assad won´t be part of it

    You are just a troll asshole, with the recent(shooting down of the Russian fighter jet and killing of Russian pilots) Assad is not going anywhere. The shooting down of the fighter means, Russia will bring in more Advanced weapon system(S 400 being a example).

    The biggest winners in this are Iran and Assad, Assad is going to more support and Iran becomes very close to Russia and will get advanced weapons from Russia and Russia is just going to expand its influence even more in the Middle East. The biggest loser is Turkey, they Lose big from this.

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    Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter  - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter

    Post  PapaDragon Thu Nov 26, 2015 7:50 pm

    KiloGolf wrote:
    Mustafa wrote:reeducated them and made them our soldiers. Not much tears about that.

    So after re-education they breed with your women through islamic marriage and produced what we called "modern Turks"?

    That is just half, rest of the population of Turkey is derived from assfucking, Turkish favorite method of procreation lol1

    Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter  - Page 17 Osmanlida-escinsellik_187993

    Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter  - Page 17 2015-07-03-Osmanl%C4%B1da-e%C5%9Fcinsellik-homosexual

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    Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter  - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter

    Post  GunshipDemocracy Thu Nov 26, 2015 7:52 pm

    KiloGolf wrote:
    Mustafa wrote:reeducated them and made them our soldiers. Not much tears about that.

    So after re-education they breed with your women through islamic marriage and produced what we called "modern Turks"?

    and they maried 9years old or older?

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    Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter  - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter

    Post  SturmGuard Thu Nov 26, 2015 7:52 pm

    Actually, the prefered Ottoman soldiers for retribution and rebellious regions were often Kurds and Albanians.

    In addition, modern Turks have little in common with turkic central Asian people, through their long history they have assimilated converts from many nations. At the very beginning, still Christian Armenians and Greeks (the Greeks outside Hellas were often assimilated people as well) could become Sipahis, later on lots of people from conquered regions converted as well, either to keep their benefits or just have it easier in life. I have a nice document about Ottoman forces lineup prior to Mohacs battle, and you have these nice "ghulam Croat muslims" coming in force.

    But I see no point in bringing this topic on this forum, Ottoman state went into significant decline after the initial period of expansion and prosperity (which can be attributed to their tolerance and open-mindedness) after they started being more centralised, religious and nationalistic.

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    Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter  - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter

    Post  Bolt Thu Nov 26, 2015 7:53 pm

    Guys, please, let's behave more civilized and not like fifth-graders, please?

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    Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter  - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter

    Post  KiloGolf Thu Nov 26, 2015 7:53 pm

    Militarov wrote:At some moments half of their major military commanders were of Serbian, Jermen and Greek origin. Serbian was even regular language at court. "I cant take Serbs seriously" my ass.

    Many Greek-origin admirals indeed. Most of their known chartographers, which they proudly present as theirs, were Greek. Turkey is a funny country, they have this notion of turkishness, but if you scrub the top it's all filled with Greeks, Armenians, Assyrians, Arabs, Serbians and as son.  And about of half (30-40%) of them are Kurds or mixed-married.

    It's basically a mini, islamic Byzantium, just look at these three:

    Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter  - Page 17 G%C3%BClerdo%C4%9Fandavuto%C4%9Flu

    They are much closer to us than they think.
    Anyway I stop here too.

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    Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter  - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter

    Post  Rodinazombie Thu Nov 26, 2015 7:56 pm

    Anyone notice how he doesnt reply to me?

    Maybe cus i called him out for what he is? He is only replying to you lot who are responding to his baiting.

    Some of the racism im seeing on here is a bit shameful though.

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    Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter  - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter

    Post  Mustafa Thu Nov 26, 2015 7:59 pm

    KiloGolf wrote:
    Mustafa wrote:reeducated them and made them our soldiers. Not much tears about that.

    So after re-education they breed with your women through islamic marriage and produced what we called "modern Turks"?

    yes. Thats why we are the best. Its called heterosis effect. The better your genetics, the stronger your nation. Thats also the reason why greeks looklike they do today. We resetted their genetic code. Unfortunatelly your country isn´t that sucessful recently.

    btw how did your referendum against the EU financial stuff end up?

    Guys...this is a topic between turkey and russia. Both great nations. Its not a topic with serbia. A country that has fallen back on 3rd world level and still cries for losing kosovo. Ad even more so its not a topic for greeks...greece a country we beat again and again. That is bancrupt and gets ass raped from Merkel. Sorry if i´m not that friendly towards you guys but respect must be earned.

    You know what was best part about greece going bancrupt?

    Little greece hoped Putin would help them against the bad EU and germans. Tsipras even went to Moscow and set all his cards on Putin. Putin is no idiot. Why should he anger Merkel for greece?

    So Putin gave a few warm words and pushed Tsipras out of the door.

    The best part was when Tsipras made this referendum so his people vote against the EU plan. And then few days later Tsipras accepted even more harsh things than his people voted against.

    Dude i work as a fitness trainer and can tell you, the stuff you guys pull is the best abs training possible. We laugh so hard it hurts.

    P.s.: why do you list macedonia as your place when you label yourself greek? Macedonia is a different country. Smile

    P.p.s.: for the russians here, don´t be angry. Its just how greeks, serbs and turks talk with each. Smile

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    Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter  - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter

    Post  BKP Thu Nov 26, 2015 8:01 pm

    Mustafa wrote:
    PapaDragon wrote:
    Mustafa wrote:
    PapaDragon wrote:
    Mustafa wrote:...............................

    Don´t worry about Turkmens in northern syria. They won´t end like serbians in kosovo.

    Of course they wont, Serbs are still alive. Turkmens on the other hand... lets just say that every trash has expiration date and their's is coming up.

    Syria is due for some housecleaning and vermin needs to be exterminated.

    Given the news I would be more concerned for Turkey if I  were you. Unlike USA, Russia does not have tradition of giving presidential pardons for Turkey on thanksgiving...  Twisted Evil

    Kurds say hi... Razz

    dude if you think you can anger me you should change your ethnicity. you are a serb. I can´t take you serious.

    Ohhhh look who's talking.... we are still digging up Turkish skeletons in here. You guys are pretty good fertilizer I give you that much.

    Most of them were serbs we took away from their families, reeducated them and made them our soldiers. Not much tears about that.

    Wow. Kind of an ugly thing to be proud of, don't you think my man?

    I swear, I cannot take "Mustafa" seriously either. But it's because I keep thinking about:

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    Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter  - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter

    Post  SturmGuard Thu Nov 26, 2015 8:04 pm

    This isn't about Mustafa, whether he is real or not. This is about very obvious cognitive dissonance displayed by many here recently, as well as a very palpable inferiority complex and subject mentality so common among Slavic nations.

    I am still in disbelief how stupid, short-sighted and forgetful can people become.

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    Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter  - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter

    Post  BKP Thu Nov 26, 2015 8:07 pm

    ^C'mon, sir. Butthurt is the glue that binds humanity.

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    Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter  - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter

    Post  KiloGolf Thu Nov 26, 2015 8:07 pm

    Mustafa wrote:yes. Thats why we are the best. Its called heterosis effect. The better your genetics, the stronger your nation. Thats also the reason why greeks looklike they do today. We resetted their genetic code. Unfortunatelly your country isn´t that sucessful recently.

    You reset our genetic code by posting online? Sadly not.

    In fact back during the Ottoman occupation there were no official mixed marriages due to religion. Either women were abducted, rapped and islamized and their children were Turks, i.e. those that live in Turkey now (who have mixed looks). If a woman was rapped and left on her own, most of the times they did not keep the baby as it was considered "shame".

    Orthodox Greek populations pro-created with Orthodox Greeks and when we revolted it was lineage from Byzantium.
    Greeks in those 300-400 years did not marry with Muslim Turkic folks because their families did not allow it. Muslims did not allow their daughters to become Christian and marry a Greek or Serbian man.

    When the time of revolution came, we kicked out all non-Orthodox. Like all of them, even if they spoke Greek.
    It was difficult to be traitor to the "faith and nation" back then.

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    Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter  - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter

    Post  zg18 Thu Nov 26, 2015 8:09 pm

    KiloGolf wrote:They are much closer to us than they think.
    Anyway I stop here too.

    Yep, Erdogan is of Georgian origins.

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    Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter  - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter

    Post  GunshipDemocracy Thu Nov 26, 2015 8:11 pm

    SturmGuard wrote:This isn't about Mustafa, whether he is real or not. This is about very obvious cognitive dissonance displayed by many here recently, as well as a very palpable inferiority complex and subject mentality so common among Slavic nations.

    and besides trying to offend other posting materials you got anything to say?
    Walther von Oldenburg
    Walther von Oldenburg

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    Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter  - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter

    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Thu Nov 26, 2015 8:13 pm

    Laughing that dude made me laugh sooo badly. Laughing

    Dear Mustafa - you are wrong and reality is 100% opposite - you and Greeks look alike because you are just turkified Greeks. Yes, Turks are not Turkic by ancestry but a mix of turkified Greeks, Kurds, Armenians, Arabs etc. "Original" Turkic peoples were Asiatic in origin and looked more like Mongols, Tuvans etc.

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    Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter  - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter

    Post  SturmGuard Thu Nov 26, 2015 8:14 pm

    GunshipDemocracy wrote:and besides trying to offend other posting materials you got anything to say?

    This isn't meant to offend anyone, this is a wake-up call. You all act as if Turkey is an independent factor in the region, and an isolated case, or acted on its own. What do you think, how do people like Auslander manage to predict provocations and incidents? Because they look beyond the paper wrap, read between the lines and ignore pleasant sounding cynical speakers.

    Over night, people here seem to have lost track of previous events and how it even got to this point.

    Another reason why I reacted is because reading through these posts reminded me about stuff people in NATO countries speak and write about Russians and Soviets. Don't go down that line. And you cannot deny there was a very obvious internal hope and desire among Russians to be again welcomed and recognized as parts of "THE Europe". I mean, you have stupid Serbs voting for EU and NATO less than 20 years after they were bombed and dismembered (both Kosovo and Montenegro were direct consequences). That is not a coincidence.

    Last edited by SturmGuard on Thu Nov 26, 2015 8:19 pm; edited 2 times in total

    Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter  - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter

    Post  Guest Thu Nov 26, 2015 8:17 pm

    SturmGuard wrote:This isn't about Mustafa, whether he is real or not. This is about very obvious cognitive dissonance displayed by many here recently, as well as a very palpable inferiority complex and subject mentality so common among Slavic nations.

    I am still in disbelief how stupid, short-sighted and forgetful can people become.

    Oh, try spending 21 day with 30 Turkish soldiers in same barracks, you will start developing superiority complex after a week, after 3 weeks you will switch to Orthodox church and ask for Jermenian passport. Been there done that trust me.

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    Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter  - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter

    Post  Mustafa Thu Nov 26, 2015 8:19 pm

    KiloGolf wrote:
    Militarov wrote:At some moments half of their major military commanders were of Serbian, Jermen and Greek origin. Serbian was even regular language at court. "I cant take Serbs seriously" my ass.

    Many Greek-origin admirals indeed. Most of their known chartographers, which they proudly present as theirs, were Greek. Turkey is a funny country, they have this notion of turkishness, but if you scrub the top it's all filled with Greeks, Armenians, Assyrians, Arabs, Serbians and as son.  And about of half (30-40%) of them are Kurds or mixed-married.

    It's basically a mini, islamic Byzantium, just look at these three:

    Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter  - Page 17 G%C3%BClerdo%C4%9Fandavuto%C4%9Flu

    They are much closer to us than they think.
    Anyway I stop here too.

    What do you mean by this? Of course we are byzantium. One of my great grandmothers was christian from Izmir. So she most likely was greek. But she converted to islam when she married. One of my great grandfathers came from cyprus. Why do you pull it on the genetic rail? Of course your and our people are basicly the same. We were one empire before the ottoman empire and we are only divided by religion.

    You know what? I love to visit Ephesos when i visit my grandparents who live there. I see those ruins as part of our history. I´m proud for them. Byzantium didn´t die off. It was added to a new culture and formed our empire.

    You can like it or not, but 150 years ago we would propably best friends and act like brothers. You the end of the empire chaos broke out and many bad things happened to all sides. Those mass deportations were idiotic and cruel. It created hate that lives on today. On our side and on yours.

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    Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter  - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter

    Post  GunshipDemocracy Thu Nov 26, 2015 8:21 pm

    SturmGuard wrote:
    GunshipDemocracy wrote:and besides trying to offend other posting materials you got anything to say?

    This isn't meant to offend anyone, this is a wake-up call. You all act as if Turkey is an independent factor in the region, and an isolated case, or acted on its own. What do you think, how do people like Auslander manage to predict provocations and incidents? Because they look beyond the paper wrap, read between the lines and ignore pleasant sounding cynical speakers.

    Over night, people here seem to have lost track of previous events and how it even got to this point.

    Auslander has his own opinion and perception and other have theirs. You are not expert in geopolitics but just same level as everybody else. You have full right to your opinion but it does not men you can offend others. Slavs inclusive.  Mustafa has been doing long time here.

    Obviously geopolitics has its own rights but I dont have to think about how to make Turks feel good especially ´those with Mustafa attitude. I am quite sure Putin finds the right answer without reading neither mine nor your posts Smile

    SturmGuard wrote:
    Another reason why I reacted is because reading through these posts reminded me about stuff people in NATO countries speak and write about Russians and Soviets. Don't go down that line. And you cannot deny there was a very obvious internal hope and desire among Russians to be again welcomed and recognized as parts of "THE Europe". I mean, you have stupid Serbs voting for EU and NATO less than 20 years after they were bombed and dismembered (both Kosovo and Montenegro were direct consequences). That is not a coincidence.

    There was hope AFAIK but luckily this is not anymore. But I am not sure what does it have in common with Mustafa offending others. BTW did anybody invite him to talk for Erdogan and invent Turkmen ?

    Last edited by GunshipDemocracy on Thu Nov 26, 2015 8:27 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter  - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter

    Post  Kadmos45 Thu Nov 26, 2015 8:23 pm

    Walther von Oldenburg wrote:Laughing that dude made me laugh sooo badly. Laughing

    Dear Mustafa - you are wrong and reality is 100% opposite - you and Greeks look alike because you are just turkified Greeks. Yes, Turks are not Turkic by ancestry but a mix of turkified Greeks, Kurds, Armenians, Arabs etc. "Original" Turkic peoples were Asiatic in origin and looked more like Mongols, Tuvans etc.

    Guys could you just stop this genetic/phenotype ancestry nonsense .

    BTW. None of those guys on the pictures even looks european the guy on left (erdogan) looks strongly arabized, center guy has strong tatar/mongolic roots and guy on the right has typical anatolian turk look.

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    Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter  - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter

    Post  KoTeMoRe Thu Nov 26, 2015 8:23 pm

    SturmGuard wrote:I can't believe I am going to write this....

    ...but what the hell has gotten in most of you?

    You act and write in the most irrational and illogical way. Let my exemplify this by comparing the outrage and things being said about Turkey and Turks to the level of anti-Russian actions and rhetorics they have displayed.

    You literally went full retard over a single plane that was performing bombing runs in a foreign country, while there was less outrage, resolve and hate about all those blatantly anti-Russian rhetorics, actions (more like murders, crimes) over the past year displayed  by the West and Ukraine. A neighbouring, historically Russian land.

    You then proceeded to mention all those conflicts of the past between two imperial powers. Yet the fact still remains that Russians themselves killed far more Russians than Turks, and more recently. Should I go on about this topic?

    At the same time, we read here about opinions of German and French, or British and US politicans and people, comment them. Well, for starters, all of them were major Russian enemies at one point, and some continued to be to this day. Be it Catholic Church, Napoleon, Drang nach Osten, The Great Game, World Wars, Nazis, Cold War. Speaking of ruthlesness and barbaric crimes and attributing them to Turks while somehow conveniently forgetting that no one came even close to Westerners when it comes to mass murder/genocide, exploitation and conquest.

    You speak about Turkey with disgust, label them as terrorist supporters, while practically NATO is in bed with terrorism exporters, funded and equipped original Syrian terrorists (Croatia included, we all remember those cargo planes leaving ladden with weapons). These murderes of Russian pilot were proclaimed moderate by the "friends of Syria", they received western weapons, training and support.

    The initial plot was to use media propaganda campaign to brand every single nutjob as democratic opposition, when they failed in that, they quickly invented "moderates", now they are trying to replace IS with "democratic Arab tribal army opposed to IS (?!)". Every single day we heard about West arming "anti-IS" "moderates" yet no one saw them actually fight IS, IF or Al-Nusra.

    Of all the people, I can't believe that I, an ardent and convinced anti-Turk, be it Ottomans, Kemalists or Islamists, have to write common sense here.

    I guess it is easier to vent on a vasal, poorer and less developed state, than on actual string-pullers, all the while secretly hopping that the West embraces you as part of their culture.

    Friend I like what you want to say, but as a Hrvat just shut the Fuck up. You were mostly spared what we had to endure, basically because those dumbfuck Serbians, Albanians and other such Slavic and non-Slavic ethnies had to deal with Osman Bey.

    Before you desacrate the memory of my ancestors by calling my reaction an atavic hot-piss, wash your mouth and step the fucking back a mile or two. If you think we're venting at a vassal, maybe you should check what we're talking about. The dude is not talking about some grand scheme of affairs, he's talking the very same shit that was happening 20 years aback at home, your home, my home. Only this time it's Syrians that are paying the price. It's already twice the dead and wounded from half a decade of civil wars in the Balkans all this in little more than 3 years, since the war become real hot.

    If you don't understand that there's a cancer in Turkish collective litmus, then you don't get the point of why I keep ranting at Mustafa.

    We don't care about NATO in this case, because it isn't NATO doing the wet work, It's the Saudis, the Turks and those Syrians that the war has left stranded. Conversely the Iranian and Russian intervention aren't making things easier for those Syrians that either have no choice but staying put or outright prefer the Khilafat folks or any other such BS.

    But Worse, it's even more pointless to protest an Atomic Club like NATO while their "poodle" as you put it, is the one killing Syrians it doesn't like. It's also that poodle that has developped that nasty habit, fixers/pushers should never develop, which is getting hooked on their own product. Turkish foreign policy is indeed a joke and a sign of moral decadence (as going back to Grorious Times is, something you could also address to Russia at first glance) but it's also killing as much people as the US one on the region.

    Now you sit down and stop your revolutionnary, contrarian mumbo jumbo, Mustafa wanted to talk, we're talking. Period.

    Forgive my harsh words, but you're taking some folks for idiots here.

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    Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter  - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian Su-24 shootdown by Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter

    Post  SturmGuard Thu Nov 26, 2015 8:26 pm

    GunshipDemocracy wrote:Auslander has his own opinion and perception and other have theirs. You are not expert in geopolitics but just same level as everybody else. You have full right to your opinion but it does not men you can offend others. Slavs inclusive.  Mustafa has been doing long time here.

    Obviously geopolitics has its own rights but I dont have to think about how to make Turks feel good especially ´those with Mustafa attitude. I am quite sure Putin finds the right answer without reading neither mine nor your posts Smile

    Are you being serious? All kinds of insults are thrown around this forum, both personal and chauvinistic, and you call me out for "insulting Slavs" (myself included)? I am writing from personal experience. I am not writing any of this to make anyone feel good, I am reminding forgetful ones who pulls strings, makes calls, produces and delivers TOWs, training, supplies, funding.

    Who continually assaults Russian interests and people.

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