sweartome123 wrote:The crap the MoD is pulling with these videos is astonishingly stupid. Calling a grain silo or a water treatment plant an oil refinery is borderline retarded. It's not fooling anyone.
Yeah you came late to the discussion ,to call now Russia a moron..
go away troll. and shot yourself in the head.. im sick of anyone defending terrorism.
While civilians are being killed everyday by US and its alliance of Alqaeda and ISIS buddies.
Listen Moron , Any facility that can be used by terrorist in Syria to continue fighting is a legal target. Food ,Ammunition ,weapons and Oil.. The only reason ISIS can fight in Syria is because NATO supply them with everything they need to continue fighting. And Because NATO is increasing its support to the terrorist and trying to destroy Syria , Russia needs to increase its pressure on the terrorist to make more difficult for them to continue their criminal and illegal operation.
Any western sponsored jihadist groups destroying Syria who wants to eat.. only needs to stop fighting and giveup its weapons and surrender.. it have happened before many times.. it just works. and if thats all you are upset after Russian MOD report.. then indeed you are a pro ISIS troll. Because any sane person will be more ALARMED for NATO open Support for terrorism with oil business ,weapons and logistics . And Russian MOD information expose the US coalition as a fraud. plain and simple.