I don't understand neither CHina and India lame policies of if its not with us the problem
then we will ignore it. And Iranian weak support for Syria neither they can do far better a few hundreds advisors and 2,000 iraqui militia volunteers.. What happens in Syria is a
Direct Threat to China and India too and even more to IRAN. Americans and its coalition are simply
in an undeclared war against any Non Aligned Nation with NATO and US imperialism and they are invading those countries using Islamic extremist they recruit ,train and provide weapons.
So if ISIS or Alqaeda or Moderates cannibals/headchoppers that obama ,erdogan and nutanyahu sponsor in Syria are allowed to over run Syria. It will be really Dangerous for them, they will be
next. You will have then Syria and later IRAQ to fall too ,and now they will be able to use the oil
to finance an army of a million of terrorist. From the entire world ,that can attack China or IRAN ,or India.
So what China,India and IRAN are doing ,will be similar as if a gang of serial killers enters your city and then move to your neighborhood and they start murdering every family in city one after another ,without being stopped , not far from your house and you are aware that police will not come to the help and you simply turn around and say its not my problem.
Totally ignoring that what happens in Syria ,will happen to in their country later too for being not aligned with American Imperialism. They could be helping Syria and IRAQ with humanitarian help , with weapons ,with drones , or sending to the Syrian army night vision equipment or donating a few t-72 tanks. they could even send a
recong warship or plane to help Russia ,with monitoring the movement of NATO airforce and Navy. So many things they can do. Donate equipment to fight terrorist or money to help Russia with the burden of the war ,even humanitarian help,will be a help. will mean Russia will not have to use its economy too ,to feed Syria. without risking a single soldier life and they do nothing most of them.. There is no excuse for most of them to leave alone Russia ,because this is something
that will affect the entire world. I really think Putin have been a Disaster
is convincing its allied nations to cooperate with their 2-3 faction coalition.
This only show that the so called Shangai Cooperation Organization ,or any other military force
are just garbage , it will do nothing in case one of their members need help. And This is what
encourage Americans to continue the war in Syria because see Russia virtually alone. Had China or INDIA show some support other than words , lets say a 200 hundred "trainers" each and make Americans and Turkey suspicious that both nations are amassing a big army in secret to over run terrorist position ,they will have clear ,that the Syrian war ,is a war they cannot win.
It will send memories of the korean war ,where they have to retreat after invaded Syria.
But the lack of Support of China and India , and the weak support of IRAN only encourage
Turkey ,US and SAudis to continue sending more weapons because Russia is alone and it doesn't have the economy to hold a big army in Syria. So is really Shameful , and disgusting
India and China irresponsible Behavior in the world. The war in Syria is on their interest that it ends ,because a victory of ISIS or Alqaeda will mean ,they will be re exported to another non aligned nation with NATO and win.
NATO is now interfering in Lybia again , watch Algeria or Egypt , they will experience freedom
fighters invasions too. India and China are a bunch of idiots. and do not deserve any advance military hardware from Russia at all ,since they make no difference with their foreign policies.
There is zero Excuse for China and India to be so distanced from the war in Syria ,when they could help a lot Russia without sending a single soldier. if they so much scared of losing a life there. donation of drones , or a dozen of tanks could help. This also not to mention the invaluable experience their military could get ,by sending a few of military to Syria , volunteers
to help. the nations with highest population in the world more than 1 billion each ,cannot send not even 50 soldiers each one to help Russia fight terrorism.
so pathetic.