So western regimes are lying about the pandemic. Not surprising since their dogs in Russia are trying to spread fear and lies about tens of thousands of infected and thousands of dead. The retards do not even try to sound plausible. The travel between China and Russia is not so rapid that Russia can have pandemic progression similar to China. And Russia actually did lockdown its border unlike Italy, Germany, UK, etc.
Russia did test around 600,000 people. Russian government does take it seriously. They are on the same level of awareness as South Koreans. I do believe Russian medical system is not the greatest at the moment and they can't afford loads and loads of sick people this is why such measures are taken
Regular wrote:Russia did test around 600,000 people. Russian government does take it seriously. They are on the same level of awareness as South Koreans. I do believe Russian medical system is not the greatest at the moment and they can't afford loads and loads of sick people this is why such measures are taken
I was not clear on the actual measures taken. Russia fully closed the border with China in January and any Chinese in Russia after that point were checked for and tracked for symptoms. The prompted a protest from the Chinese government about "discrimination". FOAD. The WHO is chirping that profiling is bad. The WHO! These clowns are not even trying to do their jobs. Profiling is not about the "feels" of self-described victims, it is about tracking disease spread vectors. PC brain rot is terminal.
i was looking for a video , that i saw long time ago.. in a conspirational theories website.. because sometimes you get real information there , others not.. and finally found it.. again.. was reuploaded.. it was a video i saw 10 years ago.. in 2010.. and the information was not believable at that time for me.. Basically it was a meeting by western elites ,in some popular place that political elite meet.. to discuss international politics.. and in that video ,one who attended it told. that the elites was planning a biological attack on china.. that was going to kill a lot of people. and they were making jokes about it.. how the chinese were going to get sick.. at first it didn't made any sense to me..what did that means.. since everyone gets sick in every country.. but now that old video ,makes you wonder ..if this was , about a biological attack they were planning on china to bring down the chinese economy... it have to be clarified that Russian government have been complaining that US is building biological facilities of weapons ,right next to Russian borders.. in ukraine and in georgia there are such facilities ,hosted by US military. So im sure Russia military had to be warning the pentagon.. that if any of those weapons attacks their country ,that it will be seen as a declaration of war.. and that will respond.
While i have no evidence that corona virus is a biological weapon . there are many signs ,that it could be a man made virus ,to target china.
-in how fast it spread in china and iran.. like wildfire. -how suspiciously is that russia have largely not been affected by this virus.. -how even iranian government have several top leaders sick with the virus ,when this is a virus that only targets a small number of population. - how italy ,who have been friendly to china is also attacked.. -how american media ,have been drawing attention too much ,to "dismiss" conspiration theories that they engineered it.. -how american media ,specially fake neutral media ,like infowars is promoting conspiracies ,that the video was manufactured by the chinese.
-what is more concerning about corona virus ,is not if this is a man made virus or not.. -what is more concerning is that no matter if corona virus is nature made... if it wasn't man made.. in the future it will be man made.. because US have shown total disregard for humanity , and human civilization ,is embracing the killing of millions in syria ,yemen and in venezuela too in different ways.. and they even provoke russia with nukes simulation attacks.. and build biological military facilities near russia borders.. and test the viruses in civilians.. they claim the facilities is to find vaccines to world more lethal viruses.. so why they build those facilities in Georgia ? next to sochi? why build them in ukraine? this is clear a major provocation ,and US military have shown total willingness of being capable to use biological weapons against any nation who stand in their global government project. on top ,the idiots not sleeping ,will know , that world trade centers 911 attacks was an inside job 100%. done by the same government.. and blamed in talibans in middle east. and US alliance with ISIS and Alqaeda in syria shows ,they will not care at all ,about any rules ,any ethics ,any international laws.. any morals ,and are perfectly capable to do horrible things against any nation who they consider adversaries to them..
infowars.. who since trump won the elections .. have become part of the fear mongering propaganda that trump is promoting demonizing china for everything ,and claiming that the virus is a weapon that was done by china.. but that "it got an accident" and ended attacking its own nation. interestingly his own right hand editor of infowars..contradict alex anti chinese propaganda and released a video blaming his own american elites for the virus attack in china ,and show as evidence ,companies in US that had registered vaccines to cure corona virus.. before china began to experience the attacks..
all that said.. here is the video.. i saw it 10 years ago.. and was trying to remember where i saw it.. an finally found it.. here is it. so is this an amazing coincidence?
grab this video and reupload it back if deleted by youtube.
my mayor concern is ,that if this story video if anything close to the truth of what is corona virus.. that china will not stay with hands tied for this attack and will seek revenge.. and we might witness only the start of a world war 4.. (world war 3 is in syria a proxy war between NATO,israel vs Russia and allies.) and in a world war 4.. it could be a biological war , and this story in the video if anything remotely close to the truth. because from the point of view of Russia or china.. they will understand clearly ,that all red lines were crossed.. and if this attack is not responded ,more will come.. so we will know for sure if there is a biological world war observing what is not being told and happens.. movements of warships , new restrictions for planes travel.. if for example trump ban chinese airliners from flying above US territory ,this could be a big powerful signal ,also if china bans american planes too.. from flying over china airspace.. since viruses weapons could be spread using planes .. also a real interesting coincidence ,that i read a week ago ,was that before the virus in china november 2019 , just weeks earlier, there was international war games ,celebrated in china ,the first ones..and NATO was invited and participated in the games..if the virus is man made , then the attack could have happened through military cargo planes ,that the virus was sprayed in chinese airspace. whatever it is the truth.. if corona virus is man made and china was the target ,(And later morphed the virus to target non chinese too) then i don't believe china will leave things like nothing happened and move along. a major biological war could happen.. with new viruses or using the same corona virus and using their military ,planes ,submarines ,or simply "tourist" to spread the virus in those who attacked china.
trump officially banned all flights from europe ,into america.. question is.. why europe only? why not ban asia or latin america? it suggest that they afraid europeans might get revenge for this corona virus attack.. if it is true that it was a man made weapon by the US elites to target china only ,an asian biased virus.. that went wrong and began to mutate ,to target every other ethnic group.. so if this a man made weapon or it was as western media claim a problem created by the bad habits of chinese eating snakes and bats?
reports of corona virus attacks of israel and in US of corona virus ,could be largely exxagerated ,to drive away the attention of their participation in any attack.. because it will be too suspicious if the entire world is infected and their country not.. so far.. i don't know what to think.. it looks like chinese were biologically attacked by the west.. since trump wanted to break chinese economy ,they were at war ,so US will had benefit enourmosly with such attack and they will have the ethics (or lack off) of doing such a criminal thing . i think europe will be the key to know ,if corona virus is or not a biological weapon... trump is block all travels from europe only to united states.. and it remain to be seen in which direction european union goes.. after the corona virus incident pass. if they all open the doors to chinese 5G ,and become more hostile to US ,it could be a signal of something suspicious happening behind doors.. between US and europe relations.
To prove that this virus is man-made or naturally occurring, then they have to find a way to distinguish between organisms that have had gene editing and gene insertion, versus mutation of existing gene in organism. This I think is highly specialised field, and for us to know for sure, is very difficult. We can guess and think of course. To my mind the following questions come up :
( 1 ) Humans and Bats have shared same habitat for millions of years, in cave dwellings. Plenty time for any virus to evolve and transfer. Why now, we see this new virus?
( 2 ) There is big difference in death rate. From one in twenty in Iran to one in seventy in UK. Are we dealing with the same virus?
For me.. there is enough reasons to think is a man made weapon..
1)US and trump are in a very desperate mode to take down China technological development ,specially this.. they don't ban chinese toys or commodities ,they not even ban chinnese electronics that pentagon buys.. but they do have panic attacks ,nightmares with China selling high tech (smartphones,5G) ,that threatens their world leadership in most popular nation business.. not only wants a band on huawei and 5G in US ,but in the entire world..(Why putin don't take a hint about this) ..
2) the virus spread in a completely selective way.. china,iran ,italy ,germany and spain seriously attacked by the virus... but all others in europe attacked far less.. 3) the virus attack heavily all chinese borders..south korea ,vietnam ,japan but not Russian ones.. there is not a single case reported in Russia. when Russia receive the largest number of chinese visitors.. tourist. neither turkey attacked much. but iran even their parliament and top leaders attacked.
4) Trump close travels from Europe but not from Asia ?
5)Australia who have a large number of chinese citizens ,and canada too ,their infested are very low numbers less than a couple of dozens last time i saw..specially australia , but what are the probabilities.. that from 40 people infested ,2 of them are tom hanks and his wife.. popular hollywood actors?
6) iran the nation that the virus have attacked more, top leaders in the country.. 7)germany seriously attacked but nothing poland in the border ??? now the best one.. Kazakhstan shares a huge border with china and zero reports of the virus there.
So there is something extremely unusual about the way this virus spread.. don't behave in the way virus does.. it jumps countries and attack selectively , it targets harder the european nations and asian nations who cooperated with china huawei and 5G and but major NATO anglo saxon allies barely targeted.. almost nothing. on top of all that you have a very credible report 10 years ago ,from a serious honest investigator , like Bill Ryan.. that even though he did not claimed the information to be correct.. he shared an information to the world a decade ago,and wanted to be told to Chinese government too.. to its intelligence agencies.. that some whistleblower told him about plans for a biological attack from US and UK on china.. that it was a lethal biological attack that was aimed at assian ethnic group..
to make things even worse.. i saw reports how it was released in the media ,forgot the source, though it was fortruss.. that Russian government was accusing Americans of creating biological weapons on its borders (Georgia) that was targeting slavic people race.. and there were reports of hundreds of ethnic russians killed by US experiments in a laboratory in Georgia..
but the most suspicious thing is that Russia was not harmed by the virus.. when Russia have so many cooperation with chinesse business.. but iran in the other hand was devastated by the virus..
So if i was going to guess ,if this if Corona virus, indeed what it looks to be.. it is.. a limited biological weapon of mass destruction attack by US shadow gov on china economy.. it seems that they were scared at the idea of attacking Russia too.. because Russia economy have next to zero business with americans ,contrary to China. and the response of Russia To US was unpredictable ,if they discovered that US ,used biological weapons of mass destruction of Russia. so they feared Russia response a nuclear super power,with thousands of nuclear weapons and did not used biological attack..
if Corona was indeed a biological weapon attack ,we will know for sure by many signals.. if new lethal viruses show up in the world.. but this time Target US and UK , then this could strongly suggest there is a biological war going on between Russia and China vs the anglo jewish powers.. and so US ,Canada ,Australia and Israel become major targets.
and like i said , the cases reported of "corona virus" in US could be faked.. if for example no case reported in anglo powers.. but hundreds of thousands in each asian country and pro russian nations.. that will be incredibly suspicious.. so IF corona is aweapon.. that they could try to hide their participation on the attack. by sacrificing a few hundreds of their own people.. or even faking reports.
the chance/probabilities that Tom hanks and wife contract Corona virus.. by a visit to australia.. when their numers of infested are in the low dozens.. is like winning the lottery from millions of possibilities.
So all this things could be distractions ,of those who are behind the virus.. to try to artificially make it look the virus targets every nation regardless of politics ,but the behavior of how corona spread is completely suspicious.. specially ,how it destroy iran.. but ignores Russia ,kazakistan ,belarus and ukraine. is hard to not believe in conspiracies ,when such things happens.. Trump can say tomorrow than 200,000 americans are infested ,but that they "managed to contain it.." and that still will not end the controversy.. like i said ,they could be inflating their numbers or totally making them up ,to not raise suspicions on international community about Corona being a weapon.
One last signals ,that corona is a weapon.. is that since day 1 ,american media in total unity , was spreading the conspiration that corona virus could have escaped from a chinnese laboratory in Wuhan.. by accident.. so there is a clear intention of american media to deviate the attention from US from day one.. and blame China military for the corona cases in china.. that opps.. the v irus by mistake escaped the laboratory in wuhan.. and infowars.. which is a propagandist of trump , have also been since day 1 accusing china of being behind of the virus attack..on their own citizens to supposedly was made to "get rid" of hong kong protesters. and to knock down america.. so is reverse psycology ,to blame the victims of being the authors of a criminal act.
however it could become more confusing ,understanding this as a weapon... if for example chinese start to retaliate at US ,UK and Canada with their same medicine.. and target their cities with the a mutated version of the virus.. if corona is a weapon ,this could trigger a world wide biological war. and the most ideal way to spread the virus are western civilian airliners and drones ,using spray above the cities that fly.
Vann7 wrote:For me.. there is enough reasons to think is a man made weapon..
1)US and trump are in a very desperate mode to take down China technological development ,specially this.. they don't ban chinese toys or commodities ,they not even ban chinnese electronics that pentagon buys.. but they do have panic attacks ,nightmares with China selling high tech (smartphones,5G) ,that threatens their world leadership in most popular nation business.. not only wants a band on huawei and 5G in US ,but in the entire world..(Why putin don't take a hint about this) ..
2) the virus spread in a completely selective way.. china,iran ,italy ,germany and spain seriously attacked by the virus... but all others in europe attacked far less.. 3) the virus attack heavily all chinese borders..south korea ,vietnam ,japan but not Russian ones.. there is not a single case reported in Russia. when Russia receive the largest number of chinese visitors.. tourist. neither turkey attacked much. but iran even their parliament and top leaders attacked.
4) Trump close travels from Europe but not from Asia ?
5)Australia who have a large number of chinese citizens ,and canada too ,their infested are very low numbers less than a couple of dozens last time i saw..specially australia , but what are the probabilities.. that from 40 people infested ,2 of them are tom hanks and his wife.. popular hollywood actors?
6) iran the nation that the virus have attacked more, top leaders in the country.. 7)germany seriously attacked but nothing poland in the border ??? now the best one.. Kazakhstan shares a huge border with china and zero reports of the virus there.
So there is something extremely unusual about the way this virus spread.. don't behave in the way virus does.. it jumps countries and attack selectively , it targets harder the european nations and asian nations who cooperated with china huawei and 5G and but major NATO anglo saxon allies barely targeted.. almost nothing. on top of all that you have a very credible report 10 years ago ,from a serious honest investigator , like Bill Ryan.. that even though he did not claimed the information to be correct.. he shared an information to the world a decade ago,and wanted to be told to Chinese government too.. to its intelligence agencies.. that some whistleblower told him about plans for a biological attack from US and UK on china.. that it was a lethal biological attack that was aimed at assian ethnic group..
to make things even worse.. i saw reports how it was released in the media ,forgot the source, though it was fortruss.. that Russian government was accusing Americans of creating biological weapons on its borders (Georgia) that was targeting slavic people race.. and there were reports of hundreds of ethnic russians killed by US experiments in a laboratory in Georgia..
but the most suspicious thing is that Russia was not harmed by the virus.. when Russia have so many cooperation with chinesse business.. but iran in the other hand was devastated by the virus..
So if i was going to guess ,if this if Corona virus, indeed what it looks to be.. it is.. a limited biological weapon of mass destruction attack by US shadow gov on china economy.. it seems that they were scared at the idea of attacking Russia too.. because Russia economy have next to zero business with americans ,contrary to China. and the response of Russia To US was unpredictable ,if they discovered that US ,used biological weapons of mass destruction of Russia. so they feared Russia response a nuclear super power,with thousands of nuclear weapons and did not used biological attack..
if Corona was indeed a biological weapon attack ,we will know for sure by many signals.. if new lethal viruses show up in the world.. but this time Target US and UK , then this could strongly suggest there is a biological war going on between Russia and China vs the anglo jewish powers.. and so US ,Canada ,Australia and Israel become major targets.
and like i said , the cases reported of "corona virus" in US could be faked.. if for example no case reported in anglo powers.. but hundreds of thousands in each asian country and pro russian nations.. that will be incredibly suspicious.. so IF corona is aweapon.. that they could try to hide their participation on the attack. by sacrificing a few hundreds of their own people.. or even faking reports.
the chance/probabilities that Tom hanks and wife contract Corona virus.. by a visit to australia.. when their numers of infested are in the low dozens.. is like winning the lottery from millions of possibilities.
So all this things could be distractions ,of those who are behind the virus.. to try to artificially make it look the virus targets every nation regardless of politics ,but the behavior of how corona spread is completely suspicious.. specially ,how it destroy iran.. but ignores Russia ,kazakistan ,belarus and ukraine. is hard to not believe in conspiracies ,when such things happens.. Trump can say tomorrow than 200,000 americans are infested ,but that they "managed to contain it.." and that still will not end the controversy.. like i said ,they could be inflating their numbers or totally making them up ,to not raise suspicions on international community about Corona being a weapon.
One last signals ,that corona is a weapon.. is that since day 1 ,american media in total unity , was spreading the conspiration that corona virus could have escaped from a chinnese laboratory in Wuhan.. by accident.. so there is a clear intention of american media to deviate the attention from US from day one.. and blame China military for the corona cases in china.. that opps.. the v irus by mistake escaped the laboratory in wuhan.. and infowars.. which is a propagandist of trump , have also been since day 1 accusing china of being behind of the virus attack..on their own citizens to supposedly was made to "get rid" of hong kong protesters. and to knock down america.. so is reverse psycology ,to blame the victims of being the authors of a criminal act.
however it could become more confusing ,understanding this as a weapon... if for example chinese start to retaliate at US ,UK and Canada with their same medicine.. and target their cities with the a mutated version of the virus.. if corona is a weapon ,this could trigger a world wide biological war. and the most ideal way to spread the virus are western civilian airliners and drones ,using spray above the cities that fly.
I have heard about 5G. I want to know the truth; is it really dangerous to people's health which I hear a lot in the US or is it propaganda because the Americans don't like China providing that technology to other countries?
I have heard about 5G. I want to know the truth; is it really dangerous to people's health which I hear a lot in the US or is it propaganda because the Americans don't like China providing that technology to other countries?
Vann7 wrote:For me.. there is enough reasons to think is a man made weapon..
1)US and trump are in a very desperate mode to take down China technological development ,specially this.. they don't ban chinese toys or commodities ,they not even ban chinnese electronics that pentagon buys.. but they do have panic attacks ,nightmares with China selling high tech (smartphones,5G) ,that threatens their world leadership in most popular nation business.. not only wants a band on huawei and 5G in US ,but in the entire world..(Why putin don't take a hint about this) ..
2) the virus spread in a completely selective way.. china,iran ,italy ,germany and spain seriously attacked by the virus... but all others in europe attacked far less.. 3) the virus attack heavily all chinese borders..south korea ,vietnam ,japan but not Russian ones.. there is not a single case reported in Russia. when Russia receive the largest number of chinese visitors.. tourist. neither turkey attacked much. but iran even their parliament and top leaders attacked.
4) Trump close travels from Europe but not from Asia ?
5)Australia who have a large number of chinese citizens ,and canada too ,their infested are very low numbers less than a couple of dozens last time i saw..specially australia , but what are the probabilities.. that from 40 people infested ,2 of them are tom hanks and his wife.. popular hollywood actors?
6) iran the nation that the virus have attacked more, top leaders in the country.. 7)germany seriously attacked but nothing poland in the border ??? now the best one.. Kazakhstan shares a huge border with china and zero reports of the virus there.
So there is something extremely unusual about the way this virus spread.. don't behave in the way virus does.. it jumps countries and attack selectively , it targets harder the european nations and asian nations who cooperated with china huawei and 5G and but major NATO anglo saxon allies barely targeted.. almost nothing. on top of all that you have a very credible report 10 years ago ,from a serious honest investigator , like Bill Ryan.. that even though he did not claimed the information to be correct.. he shared an information to the world a decade ago,and wanted to be told to Chinese government too.. to its intelligence agencies.. that some whistleblower told him about plans for a biological attack from US and UK on china.. that it was a lethal biological attack that was aimed at assian ethnic group..
to make things even worse.. i saw reports how it was released in the media ,forgot the source, though it was fortruss.. that Russian government was accusing Americans of creating biological weapons on its borders (Georgia) that was targeting slavic people race.. and there were reports of hundreds of ethnic russians killed by US experiments in a laboratory in Georgia..
but the most suspicious thing is that Russia was not harmed by the virus.. when Russia have so many cooperation with chinesse business.. but iran in the other hand was devastated by the virus..
So if i was going to guess ,if this if Corona virus, indeed what it looks to be.. it is.. a limited biological weapon of mass destruction attack by US shadow gov on china economy.. it seems that they were scared at the idea of attacking Russia too.. because Russia economy have next to zero business with americans ,contrary to China. and the response of Russia To US was unpredictable ,if they discovered that US ,used biological weapons of mass destruction of Russia. so they feared Russia response a nuclear super power,with thousands of nuclear weapons and did not used biological attack..
if Corona was indeed a biological weapon attack ,we will know for sure by many signals.. if new lethal viruses show up in the world.. but this time Target US and UK , then this could strongly suggest there is a biological war going on between Russia and China vs the anglo jewish powers.. and so US ,Canada ,Australia and Israel become major targets.
and like i said , the cases reported of "corona virus" in US could be faked.. if for example no case reported in anglo powers.. but hundreds of thousands in each asian country and pro russian nations.. that will be incredibly suspicious.. so IF corona is aweapon.. that they could try to hide their participation on the attack. by sacrificing a few hundreds of their own people.. or even faking reports.
the chance/probabilities that Tom hanks and wife contract Corona virus.. by a visit to australia.. when their numers of infested are in the low dozens.. is like winning the lottery from millions of possibilities.
So all this things could be distractions ,of those who are behind the virus.. to try to artificially make it look the virus targets every nation regardless of politics ,but the behavior of how corona spread is completely suspicious.. specially ,how it destroy iran.. but ignores Russia ,kazakistan ,belarus and ukraine. is hard to not believe in conspiracies ,when such things happens.. Trump can say tomorrow than 200,000 americans are infested ,but that they "managed to contain it.." and that still will not end the controversy.. like i said ,they could be inflating their numbers or totally making them up ,to not raise suspicions on international community about Corona being a weapon.
One last signals ,that corona is a weapon.. is that since day 1 ,american media in total unity , was spreading the conspiration that corona virus could have escaped from a chinnese laboratory in Wuhan.. by accident.. so there is a clear intention of american media to deviate the attention from US from day one.. and blame China military for the corona cases in china.. that opps.. the v irus by mistake escaped the laboratory in wuhan.. and infowars.. which is a propagandist of trump , have also been since day 1 accusing china of being behind of the virus attack..on their own citizens to supposedly was made to "get rid" of hong kong protesters. and to knock down america.. so is reverse psycology ,to blame the victims of being the authors of a criminal act.
however it could become more confusing ,understanding this as a weapon... if for example chinese start to retaliate at US ,UK and Canada with their same medicine.. and target their cities with the a mutated version of the virus.. if corona is a weapon ,this could trigger a world wide biological war. and the most ideal way to spread the virus are western civilian airliners and drones ,using spray above the cities that fly.
I have heard about 5G. I want to know the truth; is it really dangerous to people's health which I hear a lot in the US or is it propaganda because the Americans don't like China providing that technology to other countries?
The only credible danger is from the cell phone and this has nothing to do with 5G and has been there from day one. Exposure to high frequency EM radiation can and does damage animal cells including their DNA. Crooked regulators are hiding behind the body's repair mechanisms (designed to handle natural radiation) to pretend that there is no clear link. After a sufficient number of years and millions of deaths they may act on it like with all the other cases where some corporate fat cat's income is affected.
Vann7 wrote:For me.. there is enough reasons to think is a man made weapon..
1)US and trump are in a very desperate mode to take down China technological development ,specially this.. they don't ban chinese toys or commodities ,they not even ban chinnese electronics that pentagon buys.. but they do have panic attacks ,nightmares with China selling high tech (smartphones,5G) ,that threatens their world leadership in most popular nation business.. not only wants a band on huawei and 5G in US ,but in the entire world..(Why putin don't take a hint about this) ..
2) the virus spread in a completely selective way.. china,iran ,italy ,germany and spain seriously attacked by the virus... but all others in europe attacked far less.. 3) the virus attack heavily all chinese borders..south korea ,vietnam ,japan but not Russian ones.. there is not a single case reported in Russia. when Russia receive the largest number of chinese visitors.. tourist. neither turkey attacked much. but iran even their parliament and top leaders attacked.
4) Trump close travels from Europe but not from Asia ?
5)Australia who have a large number of chinese citizens ,and canada too ,their infested are very low numbers less than a couple of dozens last time i saw..specially australia , but what are the probabilities.. that from 40 people infested ,2 of them are tom hanks and his wife.. popular hollywood actors?
6) iran the nation that the virus have attacked more, top leaders in the country.. 7)germany seriously attacked but nothing poland in the border ??? now the best one.. Kazakhstan shares a huge border with china and zero reports of the virus there.
So there is something extremely unusual about the way this virus spread.. don't behave in the way virus does.. it jumps countries and attack selectively , it targets harder the european nations and asian nations who cooperated with china huawei and 5G and but major NATO anglo saxon allies barely targeted.. almost nothing. on top of all that you have a very credible report 10 years ago ,from a serious honest investigator , like Bill Ryan.. that even though he did not claimed the information to be correct.. he shared an information to the world a decade ago,and wanted to be told to Chinese government too.. to its intelligence agencies.. that some whistleblower told him about plans for a biological attack from US and UK on china.. that it was a lethal biological attack that was aimed at assian ethnic group..
to make things even worse.. i saw reports how it was released in the media ,forgot the source, though it was fortruss.. that Russian government was accusing Americans of creating biological weapons on its borders (Georgia) that was targeting slavic people race.. and there were reports of hundreds of ethnic russians killed by US experiments in a laboratory in Georgia..
but the most suspicious thing is that Russia was not harmed by the virus.. when Russia have so many cooperation with chinesse business.. but iran in the other hand was devastated by the virus..
So if i was going to guess ,if this if Corona virus, indeed what it looks to be.. it is.. a limited biological weapon of mass destruction attack by US shadow gov on china economy.. it seems that they were scared at the idea of attacking Russia too.. because Russia economy have next to zero business with americans ,contrary to China. and the response of Russia To US was unpredictable ,if they discovered that US ,used biological weapons of mass destruction of Russia. so they feared Russia response a nuclear super power,with thousands of nuclear weapons and did not used biological attack..
if Corona was indeed a biological weapon attack ,we will know for sure by many signals.. if new lethal viruses show up in the world.. but this time Target US and UK , then this could strongly suggest there is a biological war going on between Russia and China vs the anglo jewish powers.. and so US ,Canada ,Australia and Israel become major targets.
and like i said , the cases reported of "corona virus" in US could be faked.. if for example no case reported in anglo powers.. but hundreds of thousands in each asian country and pro russian nations.. that will be incredibly suspicious.. so IF corona is aweapon.. that they could try to hide their participation on the attack. by sacrificing a few hundreds of their own people.. or even faking reports.
the chance/probabilities that Tom hanks and wife contract Corona virus.. by a visit to australia.. when their numers of infested are in the low dozens.. is like winning the lottery from millions of possibilities.
So all this things could be distractions ,of those who are behind the virus.. to try to artificially make it look the virus targets every nation regardless of politics ,but the behavior of how corona spread is completely suspicious.. specially ,how it destroy iran.. but ignores Russia ,kazakistan ,belarus and ukraine. is hard to not believe in conspiracies ,when such things happens.. Trump can say tomorrow than 200,000 americans are infested ,but that they "managed to contain it.." and that still will not end the controversy.. like i said ,they could be inflating their numbers or totally making them up ,to not raise suspicions on international community about Corona being a weapon.
One last signals ,that corona is a weapon.. is that since day 1 ,american media in total unity , was spreading the conspiration that corona virus could have escaped from a chinnese laboratory in Wuhan.. by accident.. so there is a clear intention of american media to deviate the attention from US from day one.. and blame China military for the corona cases in china.. that opps.. the v irus by mistake escaped the laboratory in wuhan.. and infowars.. which is a propagandist of trump , have also been since day 1 accusing china of being behind of the virus attack..on their own citizens to supposedly was made to "get rid" of hong kong protesters. and to knock down america.. so is reverse psycology ,to blame the victims of being the authors of a criminal act.
however it could become more confusing ,understanding this as a weapon... if for example chinese start to retaliate at US ,UK and Canada with their same medicine.. and target their cities with the a mutated version of the virus.. if corona is a weapon ,this could trigger a world wide biological war. and the most ideal way to spread the virus are western civilian airliners and drones ,using spray above the cities that fly.
How a virus can be "guided" from humans to attack selectively?
miketheterrible wrote:Since you are out there in Ontario, how are things KVS?
I am gonna call 811 today and get my family tested since my kids are rather sick.
I am doing OK, but the mood has changed in the last week. The supermarkets are being pillaged.
I hope your kids are just getting the routine end of winter flu. And I hope that you can actually get proper covid-9 tests since there has been a shortage of these in North America for weeks.
Since you have kids, you are sampling the latest viruses going around. But I think the Corona virus infection rate is too small at the present time to be likely in your case. Anyway, it is very important to act fast since from what I have read, patients experience sharp worsening of their condition that can be lethal.
Minimize exposure to crowds such as public transit, shopping and schools. In Ontario they are shutting schools down for a couple of weeks after March break. I think they should cancel them for this academic year (no big loss, really) and force workers to telecommute to the maximal degree.
People will say that this just delays the pandemic and it can return at any time. But that misses the critical aspect that this is a retro-virus and it mutates. So it is stupid to expose millions to it even if the death rate is "small". If it mutates into something worse, then that will defeat any sense in letting it progress naturally and weed out the weak. That is why border control should have been harsh starting in January. Instead, we have the case of closing the barn doors after the horses have fled.
I have heard about 5G. I want to know the truth; is it really dangerous to people's health which I hear a lot in the US or is it propaganda because the Americans don't like China providing that technology to other countries?
You wont get the truth... right now they are saying it is dangerous because the Chinese have it and the US does not... once the US has it they will say it is fine, but only our stuff and not the Chinese stuff because we took longer because we care about peoples safety and the Chinese don't (seriously trying hard to keep a straight face)...
The facts of the matter have not changed very much... high energy EM signals held to your head are bad... use a phone with an ear piece so you can use it at arms length, or text.
How a virus can be "guided" from humans to attack selectively?
Genes and history effect vulnerability... for instance when europeans went to America they found the native americans did not have resistance to a lot of diseases europeans had been exposed to for centuries and had some immunity to. Things like Small Pox and Diptheria and a whole range of other diseases were lethal because their bodies had never been exposed to anything like them before.
Equally Africa wasn't colonised by white people because Malaria was a real killer of white people... it kills other people too but easy access to Africa was not possible early on because of malaria and other african diseases.
One of the problems with Corona virus is that it pretends to be something the body can use, and diabetics are particularly vulnerable it seems because when the body detects the virus it thinks it is something useful and accepts it into the body... a bit like a trojan horse... which again makes it sound like something man made.
On this virus being natural or man made. I think it can be established. I am not a biologist, but read through the news, and they say that the virus is a combination of , Bat coronavirus and Snake coronavirus and HIV and some kind of protein. Now a Russian official also saying that this virus is man made. I was thinking that if the scientists already know the genetic ingredients, then experiment can be designed to see if virus evolves in simulated human body with basic ingredients. If it does not, then can it be made using gene editing. The result of experiment will tell us if this is man made or not. If man made, then certainly the Americans with known stockpiles must come clean and reveal who did it....... What you guys think.?
@ miketheterrible
I hope your family safe. Advice has been social distancing and hand washing. But also you can put shallow tray with small amount of disinfectant at bottom, to entrance to room or building. Everyone then dip shoes in, when they enter. Since virus survives for many days on surfaces, and shoes will be big carrier.
GarryB wrote:Well normally I would say tinfoil hat theory, but to be honest... it is the sort of thing the Americans and British would do
Why would the US spread COVID-19? It is China that is spreading it. As if their repulsive eating habits were not enough.
Look at northern Italy, the epicenter of corona virus in Europe. Many Italians in Northern Italy sold their leather goods and textiles companies to China. Italy then allowed 100,000 Chinese from Wuhan to move to Italy to work in these factories, with direct Wuhan flights. Result: Northern Italy is Europe’s hotspot for Wuhan Coronavirus.
US racemixer mutts will be hit the hardest. They will be begging Mexicans to come over the border to dig graves for lard turds of a bodies. US has 0 social security, they have very bad health, people have 0 survival instinct, their hospital beds won't be enough. This virus will circulate in US until it develops strains to hit young people. Immunity for this won't exist. You can print as much money as you want, but bank runs will begin soon
All the previous Chinese viruses originated in S. China; Wuhan is in the center where all Chinese revolutions originated. The epidemic started in the right place & at the right time to shake up the Chairman Xi rule- I heard the young communist faction wants to take over & that's why the PLAAF got involved, to nip the rebellion in the bud ASAP.
Last edited by Tsavo Lion on Sat Mar 14, 2020 7:49 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : add link)
Asians, Africans, Caucasians, & Mestizos/Mulattoes been infected already. "In the Americas, Honduras, Jamaica and Panama, are all confirming coronavirus infections for the first time," NPR's Jason Beaubien reports. "Elsewhere, Mongolia and Cyprus are also now reporting cases."
Diseases can make anyone sick regardless of their race or ethnicity.
Regular wrote:Russia did test around 600,000 people. Russian government does take it seriously. They are on the same level of awareness as South Koreans. I do believe Russian medical system is not the greatest at the moment and they can't afford loads and loads of sick people this is why such measures are taken
It tested about 95k to date, not 600k
Which is still well above the European average mind you.
Why would the US spread COVID-19? It is China that is spreading it. As if their repulsive eating habits were not enough.
The average american is probably an OK person, but the average american has no say at all regarding US foreign policy and political direction of their two political parties... that is the 1% rich elite who are probably getting scared that while only being less than one percent of the local population they probably own more than eighty percent of the things worth owning, and that the human population is growing all the time... a good war or famine or plague or disease to wipe out a considerable percentage of the human population will actually be a huge benefit for those that survive... it will reduce pressure on resources and enable them to consolidate their positions as above the law.
You can call their eating habits repulsive... that is a cultural thing... most Chinese I know think it is repulsive to drink the milk from a cow... it is not your mother, how unnatural to drink from an animal that has been domesticated and does not exist naturally in the wild any more...
People are blaming all sorts of things but no one actually knows what happened... it could have been someone eating a bat but chinese people have been eating bats for thousands of years... when you are hungry and have no money you eat what you can find and kill... ask Bear Grylls...
China is not spreading it, they are imposing quarantines, it is western countries trying to get their nationals home that are breaking quarantine and spreading the disease.
Look at northern Italy, the epicenter of corona virus in Europe. Many Italians in Northern Italy sold their leather goods and textiles companies to China. Italy then allowed 100,000 Chinese from Wuhan to move to Italy to work in these factories, with direct Wuhan flights. Result: Northern Italy is Europe’s hotspot for Wuhan Coronavirus.
Yes, that is right.... the last figures I saw suggest lethality in Italy is higher than in China itself... 3.9 % compared with 3.5 %... in Asian countries next to China like Singapore the lethality rate is like 0.9% because it gets there by being passed through people being infected, so by the time it gets to Singapore it is more adapted to the human body and less lethal. The infections from Italy seem to have come from the first victims which makes it more potent and potentially deadly.
US racemixer mutts will be hit the hardest.
My understanding is that mixed breeds are less effected by disease as they have a more diverse immunity... inbred societies have congential deformities and hereditary problems like arthritis and cancer etc etc
US has 0 social security, they have very bad health, people have 0 survival instinct, their hospital beds won't be enough. This virus will circulate in US until it develops strains to hit young people. Immunity for this won't exist. You can print as much money as you want, but bank runs will begin soon
Actually the cost of health care is a problem in addition to weak labour laws meaning someone who cleans aircraft from international flights between flights is probably on minimum wage and if they can't work for two weeks they wont get paid for two weeks which means no food no rent... if they survive they might find themselves out of a job and out on the street.
I have read the story of a guy who was mistaken for someone else and was arrested for rape. He said he was innocent but the lady in question was sure it was him... he said he was not at the party it supposedly happened at and he was held in custody for three months waiting for a hearing... he couldn't afford bail as he had a minimum wage job. The three months came around and he allowed them to take a DNA sample which proved beyond doubt it was not him so they released him... he had lost his job and after 90 days of not paying the rent he found the few things he owed that were not already stolen sitting on the street outside the flat he used to live in...... he was now homeless.
All the previous Chinese viruses originated in S. China; Wuhan is in the center where all Chinese revolutions originated. The epidemic started in the right place & at the right time to shake up the Chairman Xi rule- I heard the young communist faction wants to take over & that's why the PLAAF got involved, to nip the rebellion in the bud ASAP.
If that is true then that is super stupid because in a pandemic a government can basically pass any laws they like and can get away with all sorts of things...
Why will racemixers be hit? Not too many of them either.
Some people are racist.... it appears this virus isn't...
Anyone got a theory why Italy of all places got hammered so hard by COVID?
Priviledged white westerners thinking quarantine rule don't apply to them...
The creation of a chimeric SARS-like virus has scientists discussing the risks of gain-of-function research.
Jef Akst Nov 16, 2015 [size=11]40K[/size]
Update (March 11, 2020): On social media and news outlets, a theory has circulated that the coronavirus at the root of the COVID-19 outbreak originated in a research lab. Scientists say there is no evidence that the SARS-CoV-2 virus escaped from a lab.
MERS coronavirus FLICKR, NIAID
Ralph Baric, an infectious-disease researcher at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, last week (November 9) published a study on his team’s efforts to engineer a virus with the surface protein of the SHC014 coronavirus, found in horseshoe bats in China, and the backbone of one that causes human-like severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) in mice. The hybrid virus could infect human airway cells and caused disease in mice, according to the team’s results, which were published in Nature Medicine.
The results demonstrate the ability of the SHC014 surface protein to bind and infect human cells, validating concerns that this virus—or other coronaviruses found in bat species—may be capable of making the leap to people without first evolving in an intermediate host, Nature reported. They also reignite a debate about whether that information justifies the risk of such work, known as gain-of-function research. “If the [new] virus escaped, nobody could predict the trajectory,” Simon Wain-Hobson, a virologist at the Pasteur Institute in Paris, told Nature.
In October 2013, the US government put a stop to all federal funding for gain-of-function studies, with particular concern rising about influenza, SARS, and Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS). “NIH [National Institutes of Health] has funded such studies because they help define the fundamental nature of human-pathogen interactions, enable the assessment of the pandemic potential of emerging infectious agents, and inform public health and preparedness efforts,” NIH Director Francis Collins said in a statement at the time. “These studies, however, also entail biosafety and biosecurity risks, which need to be understood better.”
Baric’s study on the SHC014-chimeric coronavirus began before the moratorium was announced, and the NIH allowed it to proceed during a review process, which eventually led to the conclusion that the work did not fall under the new restrictions, Baric told Nature. But some researchers, like Wain-Hobson, disagree with that decision.
The debate comes down to how informative the results are. “The only impact of this work is the creation, in a lab, of a new, non-natural risk,” Richard Ebright, a molecular biologist and biodefence expert at Rutgers University, told Nature.
But Baric and others argued the study’s importance. “[The results] move this virus from a candidate emerging pathogen to a clear and present danger,” Peter Daszak, president of the EcoHealth Alliance, which samples viruses from animals and people in emerging-diseases hotspots across the globe, told Nature.