People be warned with the trolls in this forum..
using a lot of [CIA Anglo empire linked MEDIA] ,
from the 5 eyes countries... pushing the same bullshit narrative that the virus began
in a chinese lab.. promoting the "chinese accident" story ,totally unfounded accusations..
They conveniently ignore american delegation was at the crime scene in wuhan
weeks before the virus began to hit china, and the
FACT ,that a mysterious virus was killing many civilians in US in summer 2019 ,near an american military base with bio lab..
Here is the real reason Trump is at war with the -World Health Organizaton- [W.H.O.]
and is trying to damage the organization credibility..
China’s Foreign Ministry has said that claims about the novel coronavirus originating in a lab are not based on science, citing the WHO as it rebuked the latest news story on Covid-19 ‘patient zero.’
“I want to remind you that the head of the [World Health Organization] has repeatedly stated that there is no evidence that the novel coronavirus has been produced in the laboratory,” Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian told reporters on Thursday.
US elite are mad at WHO ,because they destroyed their false flag operation ,against CHINA
when the virus was spread by US infested soldiers in Wuhan military games.. back in Oct 18 2019.
Investigations on animals transmissions on illness ,virus ,are normal in the entire world.. in US ,Russia,
China ,UK. ,france.. animals ,like rats ,bats ,spiders, snakes,mosquitoes ,pigs ,this are the kind of animals
that you will find investigated in bio security labs all over the world ,either because this animals drink blood
or because they are poisonous.. What American media are doing.. are trying to create doubts ,suspicion ,
into the world society as to why will china was investigating bats.. when all world labs needs to investigate
bats and all other animals , who are suspected to help transmit virus to porks ,cows or from animals to
humans.. this is the normal thing to do.. So they are fooling the world with incomplete information..
for example.. like omg.. china was caught studying bats.. dirty bastards.. making a virussssssss..
but reality is all animals ,who are suspected of helping in transmission of viruses to animals or people
or any insects that can cause damage in agriculture ,have to be studied and there is nothing suspicious if there are animals ,including bats in china labs.. specially if people eat them.. and so there are
bats in every NATO lab too.. so perhaps NATO and China.. conspired to create covid-19 together ?
my theory is Covid-19 indeed was created in a lab.. but in an american lab.. and its goal was to break
China economy completely.. turn China in a failed state.. and so american senators and american billionaires
knew about a major pandemic event in the world that was to happen soon... and similations runs.. US intelligence warned about a major pandemic event in november.. a month before china had its first covid19 death.. So US is far more bigger suspect of creating the virus than China. US had all the motives in the world
to attack china.. they were already trying to break china high tech industry with sanctions..they knew it first...that a major pandemic was going to start.. and how could they have known of a pandemic ,something never happened before in this generation ,unless they were the ones planning it.
So the ball is already in motion rolling.. and the those who throw the ball wants to create
an avalanche ,that destroy everything under it... the only question is ,in which side of the mountain
the ball will end falling.. destroying everything that step in middle ,in the chinese direction or in the american one..
so like i said ..potential scenarios developing..
1)US gov ,elites ,fake news media,financed NGO trolls , continue pushing the narrative ,the virus came
from a chinese lab.. This is an attempt of US to isolate china economy from the world or at least promote
a major boycott on chinese technology world wide. if they don't pay west $Trillions . in this scenario
Europe after pressure ,accept to join the US side.. and accuse china of being responsible for the virus..
for "Escaping" their lab.. and demand payment.. or face isolation .This is Europe capitulate resisting US
and accept to live as colonies. this will be a collective suicide for Europe future. unlikely they will do this ,unless US threaten the lives of the european leaders and families and they submit to this pressure.
2) US fails to accuse china into a wrong doing..fails to get Europe and asia development natons behind them and
becomes the one isolated and not china..after starting a new cold war with china.. Europe goes
one step close to the east ,china and russia.
3) US backs down in , their Chinal lab did it ,accusations and switch to their previous trade war ,their last hope
will be that with the help of american fake news and 5 eyes nations bullshit media.. at least they can encourage civilians individually on their own to boycott chinese products. and promote anti chinese xenophobic sentiments against chinese business.
Some sat pics of military medical installations currently build in Russia.
if the images and information above are correct.. will show ,Putin again was caught off guard by his western friends and not prepared to manage a biological war. Putin was caught off guard in syrian conflict and in the ukrainian too..
world war 3 will be fought not with nukes.. but with biological weapons.. they are extremely effective weapons
in destroying nation economies.. and destroying societies.. we could be heading into a new reality ,of a
quarantine world until the american empire cease to exist and stop its terrorism.. because is unlikely americans
on their own will do anything to elect a government that will end the wars anytime soon. and so a face mask
will become permanently a necessary security measure from now ,to forever , until the american empire collapse
and disband.. as soviet union did.. that's when the siege on the world and humanity will end.
a new way of doing business will be required and the digitalization of the economy.. to move towards online sales
services and home delivery will become not only the new norm ,but the only way to progress in the future.
putin's deams of turning russia into an olympic capital of the world ,and into the world major tourist destination
destroyed in a million of pieces.. by this new phase of hostilities ,by the west on Russia and china. this is no longer a cold war.. but a semi hot slow war..