The funny thing is that these Wuhan biolabs have foreign staff and interact with the US military.
I doubt it; the level 4 lab is secret but the US diplomats were permitted to enter it 2 years ago. The level 2 lab wasn't even worth visiting as it had even less safeguards & worked with the same viruses.
The funny thing is that these Wuhan biolabs have foreign staff and interact with the US military.
I doubt it; the level 4 lab is secret but the US diplomats were permitted to enter it 2 years ago. The level 2 lab wasn't even worth visiting as it had even less safeguards & worked with the same viruses.
They could have foreigners, but US & Canadian labs also had Chinese staff. It would be highly unlikely for the US military to have direct contacts with Chinese labs, for obvious political & security reasons.
Last edited by Tsavo Lion on Fri Apr 17, 2020 7:26 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : add link)
The story that US "did not knew" of a corona virus ,happening in wuhan, during the olympic games way before anyone died.. is now collapsing that a house of cards.. even israeli media is jumping ,that US intelligence warned them.. so american intelligence knew about a very lethal virus happening in wuhan (during the olympic games) , but back in washington dc ,you have Trump complaining ,they are suffering a virus ,because China did not warned them early.. guess what.. US intelligence knew ever before china of a major virus running like wildfire in china ,even before china lost a single person.. so again and again.. americans were better informed of what was happening in wuhan , they knew it.. but it took trump 3 months later to close their cities in a fake close.. because contrary to China that totally locked wuhan.. so the virus don't spread.. US did nothing.. they knew in november... december , january ,february and march what was happening in china.. and it was not until april 2.. that florida gave the order to ask for business non essential to remain close.. disney world was fully open in late march..
So talk about a nation totally careless about the lives of american citizens , spreading in china and europe like wildfire but US acted that is none my problem. for 3 months ,after they knew first there was a pandemic like event in wuhan.. now they want to blame china not only for "not warning earlier" , for their suffering.. when they knew what was happening ,but also blaming china for the virus escaping from the lab.. when there was nothing hidden in that laboratory ,and americans scientist could go there and participate in their research..
this is so pathetic.. There are even rebel intelligence factions inside US ,contradicting the story of american media and pentagon that they did not knew on time.. (False) and that the virus came from an "Accident" from a chinese lab.. again completely false... even american scientist who visisted the lab ,she saw the level of professionalism happening inside the facility.. where americans were welcome to do research.
who have nothing to hide.. have nothing to fear.. that Fort detrick should be the one opened for investigation so the world knows ,what secret bio programs they were working there..
it looks to me ,that intelligence agencies from US ,that not supporting of this pandemic event ,initiated by rogue forces in the US pentagon are sabotaging their own gov false flag on china during wuhan games..
more evidence that US knew about the lethal virus spread in wuhan.. even before china was aware of how serious it was.. China reported first confirmed casualties in december 2019. US media even reported of a mysterious virus killing many in summer 2019.. months earlier. virus came from US and from there passed to china through US olympic team.. and the rest is history.. the narrative to backdown their "china did it story" already exist.. because there have been many reports. that the test kits that US had to detect covid19 were wrongly reporting their virus as influenza..and that later was corrected..
If US media and Pentagon and Washington elites back down on their "china is to blame" story.. could only be ,if Europe and Asia not convinced and refuse to cooperate in this criminal false flag event that even bill gates knew was going to happen and run their pandemic fake simulation ,in the same day that Wuhan olympic games began.. not a coincident at all.. US elites likes to mock their victims ,before they start any major operation.. they use a lot entertainment industry ,to warn of their future attacks on adversaries too.. but so "simulations" of the future.
in other news.. Youtube is taking down videos ,that doesn't fit the "China is to blame " narrative..
check this.. taken down by youtube..
but people are reuploading them again.. the US mainstream and social media don't want the world to know that US soldiers were infested with the virus ,when they visit wuhan olympic games.
hopefully not deleted again
why they don't censor western big corp media but t any research that shows that US soldiers were infested before they visit china is deleted what is the fear ?
Angela 12 hours ago Research into the origins of the coronavirus; gene sequencing of all of the different strains; all strains exist only in the US; Wuhan Seafood Market not the origin of the virus; Wuhan BSL4 lab not a bioweapons lab; over 1,000 leaks from US BSL 3 and 4 labs in five years; enormous Ft. Detrick bioweapons lab shutdown for 6 months; China virus 100% Chinese specific, same with SARS; Harvard kicked out of China for illegally collecting Chinese DNA;
D Rump 2 weeks ago CDC shut down Fort Detrick Military Biolab in Aug 2019, due to Level 3 and Level 4 violation, and more than 1000 people died due to mysterious lung death since June 2019 to late 2019, which CDC contributed to cigarettes. Corona Virus already started in US Oct 2019 in US, Italy just released some data that the mysterious lung failure death started in Nov and Dec 2019.
Some Scandalous facts that trolls will pretend that doesn't exist !!!!!
Deadly Germ Research Is Shut Down at Army Lab Over Safety Concerns ...( Aug. 5, 2019)
Deadly Germ Research Is Shut Down at Army Lab Over Safety Concerns Problems with disposal of dangerous materials led the government to suspend research at the military’s leading biodefense center.
notice how bill gates pandemic corona virus simulation began in new york city , same day of wuhan games.. at the epic center of the virus supposedly began.. oct 18 2019.. coincidence?
henry 11 1 week ago August, 2019: Over Safety Concerns, Deadly Germ Research Is Shut Down at United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases, in Fort Detrick, Maryland August, 2019: burst out of America Flu October, 2019: clinical report of unknown pneumonia, CDC claimed electric smoking as possible reason Oct. 18: Event 201, high-level pandemic drill was hold in New York city, New York. CIA director attended. Oct. 18: 2019: Wuhan Military Sports start, Hubei November, 2019: pandemic is found transmitting in Wuhan Dec. 1, 2019: First diagnosed infected Covid-19, Wuhan, Hubei Jan. 11, Chinese researchers got RNA sequence of coronavirus. Jan. 12, China shared the genetic sequence of the novel coronavirus, which was of great importance for other countries in developing specific diagnostic kits. Before this date, no swab was tested to diagnose if the covid-19 was already epidemic in other regions of the world. Jan. 23, 2020: lockdown started in Wuhan Jan. 30, 2020: covid-19 listed in PHEIC Jan. 30, 2020: America limited people who has traveled China, and cut the infection pathway of covid-19 from China. Jan 30, 2020: Italy cut down the infection channel by stopping flight between Italy and China. Feb 20, 2020: Covid-19 broke-out in the world, Korea, Tran and Italy become the center. Feb 23, 2020: Asahi Shimbun (Japanese news broadcast) questioned that if there were covid-19 among the America flu which started in August, 2019. Feb. 27, 2020: Prof. Nanshan Zhong, the leading expert in anti-coronavirus work, pointing out after serious of researches, that the covid-19 may NOT originated in China. The RNA sequencing shows that, the virus group in China are Group C, while the virus in America contains all A, B, C, D, E groups End of Feb., 2020: America gave up testing, diagnosing and treating March, 2020: CDC America admitted, that among the America flu, there were existence of coronavirus. At the same time, the report about shutting down of Lab in Fort Detrick, Maryland were massively deleted. U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention acknowledges that 20,000 deaths in 2019 are not all influenza and white lung virus,This is a new type of pneumonia covid-19, the dead test is positive
until here.. all this things are facts.. not rumors.. but facts..things that can be verified.
According to trolls Facts doesn't matter ,coincidences either matter just a coincidence,and past behavior neither matter.. if someone had a track record of crime in past, using bioweapons against civilians.. like US military was ,that doesn't mean that they could have done it again or had the motives to do it again.. And those with prophetic powers ,like US military and bill gates and rockefeller foundation ,and bill ryan with a video called [anglo saxon mission] who reported that got information from western elites ,that in 2010 ,the western elites were planning an attack on china with a respiratory virus that will threaten its entire nation existence ,you guess it.. that also didn't matter.. like bill gates prophetic powers that didn't neither matter.. lets move on.. lets show a fox news video accusing china and move on.. And neither it matters ,that the nations more hit by the virus ,are the ones that Trump was in a trade war and were cooperating with Russia and china.. economy.
now leaving behind the sarcasm ,since some trolls really think ,people are as stupid , to be fooled so easily by their anti chinese propaganda.. i don't think trump is behind this covid-19 event.. and probably he was taken by surprise.. US intelligence agencies and Pentagon ,runs the show , US foreign policy.. as syrian war .. is also a policy that began in 2003 at pentagon.. and he could not change it much.. but he at least tried to changed ,but the military disobey his orders.. of leaving syria.. so this attack on china and the world ,will have happened regardless who is the president in US.
The next video . not for trolls.. but for honest people interested to know the truth. American mainstream media attacking [George Webb] investigations and google taking down his after another.. if he is crazy . why google youtube have to shutdown his videos and censor what he says ?
next videos are a mix of opinions with some few facts.. don't agree 100% with all the info always ,but still many interesting info ..
Virus is a SARS engineered bio weapon.. says expert.. that is under attack by fake independent media , for contrary to pointing fingers at anyone , leaving the door open ,saying that US or China could have done it.. but he can't explain well what motives china could had to attack wuhan.. he did saw motives for the west to do it on china ,to target its economy.
magnumcromagnon wrote:If they're saying China made the virus in a bio lab, it's fair game to bring up they did it first in North Carolina.
The funny thing is that these Wuhan biolabs have foreign staff and interact with the US military. There was a whole group of US military in Wuhan in the last few months enough to raise questions about who spread what.
I really hope China has learned it's lesson of not letting foreigners working in high sensitive places like bio labs and not letting US Military anywhere near your country. This is a bio attack done by the US, there is no doubt about that.
The Chinese are slowly helping with their Health Silk Road. Iran has been producing tests kits along with Turkey and Iran is also starting to make a lot of masks. The best thing is if Iran starting sending this "aid" all over the Middle East" including to Saudi Arabia and the UAE, that would definitely make the Zionist heads spin.
Tsavo Lion wrote:They could have foreigners, but US & Canadian labs also had Chinese staff. It would be highly unlikely for the US military to have direct contacts with Chinese labs, for obvious political & security reasons.
China in Focus is a anti Chinese "alternative". Will a second wave happen in China? Maybe or maybe not but China in Focus is pushing flase propaganda.
Shows why all the bitching about Putin's "regional dictators" is so much BS. Morons can be removed on short notice. In the US Trump can do nothing while Demo-tard hacks sabotage the whole country out of spite.
magnumcromagnon wrote:If they're saying China made the virus in a bio lab, it's fair game to bring up they did it first in North Carolina.
The funny thing is that these Wuhan biolabs have foreign staff and interact with the US military. There was a whole group of US military in Wuhan in the last few months enough to raise questions about who spread what.
I really hope China has learned it's lesson of not letting foreigners working in high sensitive places like bio labs and not letting US Military anywhere near your country. This is a bio attack done by the US, there is no doubt about that.
The Chinese are slowly helping with their Health Silk Road. Iran has been producing tests kits along with Turkey and Iran is also starting to make a lot of masks. The best thing is if Iran starting sending this "aid" all over the Middle East" including to Saudi Arabia and the UAE, that would definitely make the Zionist heads spin.
The current NATzO campaign to punish China for "starting Covid-19" (what a BS concept) makes me think that SARS-CoV-2 is really a biowarfare agent and not a natural transfer from bats to humans. NATzO can't stand the fact that China is not conforming to their imperial agenda and had the gall to align with Russia. Russia is targeted for genocide by NATzO. Too bad for the maniacs in NATzO but China + Russia > NATzO in terms of real GDP. Mao was right, the west is a paper tiger. Made out of debt paper posing as economic activity.
Can China substitute all her exports to the West in the near future? Her economy depends on it:
Shows why all the bitching about Putin's "regional dictators" is so much BS. Morons can be removed on short notice. In the US Trump can do nothing while Demo-tard hacks sabotage the whole country out of spite.
This is the typical partisan politics we see in America, when a Democrat is president we see similar tactics from Republicans. The only time when the jackasses on Capitol Hill get something done in a bipartisan way is to give mega banks mega-bailout money, or to invade a 3rd world poverty stricken nation with immense natural resources.
Russian Foreign Ministry accuses US of developing deadly pathogens outside the country
The Russian Foreign Ministry has information about the creation of laboratories by Americans outside the United States. It is possible that pathogens were developed in these institutions, which pose a mortal danger to humans.
Such a statement was made by the official representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Maria Zakharova. According to her, the US government invited the Georgian authorities to expand the biological research program for the needs of the US military. The laboratory located in the vicinity of Tbilisi was supposed to do this directly. Zakharova suggested that there could be a whole program for the development of biological weapons outside the United States:
It cannot be ruled out that in such reference laboratories, Americans are working on the creation of various pathogens of dangerous diseases, including for military purposes.
The representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry believes that the United States is expanding the presence of its biological laboratories in other countries, including in the former Soviet republics.
After the outbreak of coronavirus in China spread around the world, turning into a pandemic, the United States accused the PRC of spreading the infection, although Beijing rightly notes that it warned other states in a timely manner of the danger and imposed strict quarantine in the country.
The Russian Foreign Ministry believes that the United States is trying to shift the responsibility for increasing the number of COVID-19 diseases to other countries.
US bio-labs specifically buy up Russian bio-waste. This should tell you all you need to know by their intentions. It is clear that the US engineering pathogens to selectively attack ethnic Russians.
kvs wrote:US bio-labs specifically buy up Russian bio-waste. This should tell you all you need to know by their intentions. It is clear that the US engineering pathogens to selectively attack ethnic Russians.
I also checked the comments someone said the Pentagon is funding bio weapons research in Armenia:
So I looked it up, and sure enough this came up:
New National Center for Disease Control
Armenia is better prepared to monitor, track, investigate, and stop dangerous viruses, bioweapons, and disease thanks to a series of labs renovated and modernized by the United States. The latest, a new centralized national joint facility in Yerevan, was opened on Wednesday, July 13, 2016, by the Minister of Health Dr. Armen Muradyan, the Minister of Agriculture Mr. Sergo Karapetyan, and U.S. Ambassador to Armenia Richard Mills, Jr.
The Ministry of Health’s National Center for Disease Control and Prevention and the Ministry of Agriculture’s State Service for Food Safety Central Facilities are housed in the two buildings that were built and renovated thanks to funding from the U.S. Department of Defense’s Defense Threat Reduction Agency. The construction comes as part of the Agency’s Cooperative Biological Engagement Program, designed to track and secure especially dangerous pathogens in Armenia and around the globe. The efforts will strengthen Armenia’s ability to detect and monitor disease patterns in order to reduce the risk of outbreaks of dangerous diseases, whether human or animal.
“The opening of this new national central facility and our cooperation with the Ministries of Health and Agriculture benefit not just Armenia, keeping this nation safe, but the larger world by helping fight the spread of disease,” Ambassador Mills said. “We know that in today’s globalized and interconnected world, diseases have no boundaries. That is why we must all work together to prevent the proliferation of bioweapons.” Along with the two updated national facilities in Yerevan, the U.S. has also recently completed the renovation of the Tavush and Shirak regional laboratories and will complete the construction of three more facilities in Lori, Gegharqunik and Syunik in 2017. All of these regional laboratories will be linked to the national central facility in Yerevan.
In addition to building new labs, renovating existing labs and providing upgrades, the U.S. is providing training and equipment to support the Armenian staff working in these labs.
“These new central facilities – which contain the latest equipment and meet the highest standards – along with the on-going training provided to the staff, will dramatically increase the capability of Armenia to detect, diagnose, and report disease outbreaks throughout the country,” said Ambassador Mills, who was joined at the new facility opening by Dr. Elizabeth George from the U.S. Department of Defense’s Defense Threat Reduction Agency.
...Also when using the Google search engine, the first thing came up (when searching this topic) in huge letters "Disinfo: The Pentagon funds bioweapons research in foreign labs"
Google got a message from above and got told what algorithms to use!
magnumcromagnon wrote:If they're saying China made the virus in a bio lab, it's fair game to bring up they did it first in North Carolina.
The funny thing is that these Wuhan biolabs have foreign staff and interact with the US military. There was a whole group of US military in Wuhan in the last few months enough to raise questions about who spread what.
I really hope China has learned it's lesson of not letting foreigners working in high sensitive places like bio labs and not letting US Military anywhere near your country. This is a bio attack done by the US, there is no doubt about that.
The Chinese are slowly helping with their Health Silk Road. Iran has been producing tests kits along with Turkey and Iran is also starting to make a lot of masks. The best thing is if Iran starting sending this "aid" all over the Middle East" including to Saudi Arabia and the UAE, that would definitely make the Zionist heads spin.
The current NATzO campaign to punish China for "starting Covid-19" (what a BS concept) makes me think that SARS-CoV-2 is really a biowarfare agent and not a natural transfer from bats to humans. NATzO can't stand the fact that China is not conforming to their imperial agenda and had the gall to align with Russia. Russia is targeted for genocide by NATzO. Too bad for the maniacs in NATzO but China + Russia > NATzO in terms of real GDP. Mao was right, the west is a paper tiger. Made out of debt paper posing as economic activity.
Of course this COVID 19 is a US bio attack, after how the Zionist media covered it, it was a clear give away.
kvs wrote:US bio-labs specifically buy up Russian bio-waste. This should tell you all you need to know by their intentions. It is clear that the US engineering pathogens to selectively attack ethnic Russians.
Why does Russia sell its bio-waste? Hopefully after this countries learn not do stupid things when it comes to bio stuff.
kvs wrote:US bio-labs specifically buy up Russian bio-waste. This should tell you all you need to know by their intentions. It is clear that the US engineering pathogens to selectively attack ethnic Russians.
Why does Russia sell its bio-waste? Hopefully after this countries learn not do stupid things when it comes to bio stuff.
There is no longer a command economy in a closed system. Privatization works wonders.
kvs wrote:US bio-labs specifically buy up Russian bio-waste. This should tell you all you need to know by their intentions. It is clear that the US engineering pathogens to selectively attack ethnic Russians.
Why does Russia sell its bio-waste? Hopefully after this countries learn not do stupid things when it comes to bio stuff.
There is no longer a command economy in a closed system. Privatization works wonders.
After all this is over, countries really need to look at the things that affect their security and Russia is no different. There are changes that will be needed to make.
scientist from United kingdom , that have been studying the covid-19 mutations ,found no evidence that the virus originated in wuhan.. but that it started months earlier.. there you go the american story of the bat and a lab.. then accident.. destroyed in a million of pieces..
Neither ‘lab’ nor ‘wet market’? Covid-19 outbreak started months EARLIER and NOT in Wuhan, ongoing Cambridge study indicates
So the western fake news media and its army of trolls ,will have a problem with that study.. because find no trace in wuhan of the original virus .. and leave the door open for the virus being passed from a different animal , to humans to humans to china.. what is more interesting is that they say the first sample china got , was already months old.. so which suggest that either it was present in an animal first without contaminating anyone or that was passed by a human to wuhan.. (which that it originated in another place possible southern china ,but also this open the possibility that it came from abroad.. because if it doesn't originated in wuhan... and it was in wuhan where china first got sick people.. it opens the door that the virus was old already ,and mutated ,before it reach wuhan.. so it leave the option for the virus coming from another region of china without infecting anyone.. or that it came from another country.
what will be interesting is investigate US media reports back in 2019 of a mysterious virus killing many americans back in summer 2019.. and the closing of fort detrick in maryland for months after a leak.. this could be the missing clue that connects US military with the virus.. just like china claimed..
probably the scientist will receive a visit from UK secret police and explain them ,what they need to say if wants to keep their jobs..and avoid "any accident.". for not cooperating with the gov narrative.
so is officially confirmed the virus began months earlier ..before it hit wuhan... this information is not an opinion but scientifically discovered.. all virus , like all life can be traced when it began .. so what this means? it means that the "Accident story "does not adds up.. to this.. because if it was an accident will will be not months older ,than when it first show up in wuhan.. so somewhere else than wuhan the virus began... and where exactly it did is what they are not sure ..they leave open the possibility that it came not only from southern china ,in another region ,but also that came from abroad.. because if china have no incidents of people infested with the virus earlier than wuhan.. then is because the virus came from another country. and so this reinforce china opinion that US military delegation had the virus already and infected wuhan market. . and [u] if it is confirmed the american delegation ,some of them were ill at wuhan and had to return to US ,could not compete in the games.. and died in America.. and they did not reported this information to anyone .. then this will be a major criminal thing. a clear attempt of american government to hide their connection with the wuhan virus incident. and because they can't revive dead soldiers ,this will be a very serious scandal..
just the act of withholding such information of death american soldiers ,when they came from wuhan... will be very difficult to explain why they did such a thing.. it will look like a clear attempt to commit international fraud and accuse china of a virus ,that they knew ,they were responsible for it.. such scandal will mean many people in the US military and from government fired from their jobs . and trump losing reelection..
and then will be blamed for playing with the lives of millions for not revealing what happened to their soldiers. this can become a real ugly scandal ,that will have tectonic changes in the relations between US and the world. many nations will demand reparation damages for this virus.. and an international criminal court , demanding bill gates and many doctors in New york to be questioned into what was really going on in US in 2019. and from where they got their information . it all will depend if europe and asia which side move.. if just let this pass.. as they did to WTC 911 false flags attacks or if they just will want the authors of this virus to be punished.. ignoring this criminal terror bio attack and allowing it to pass ,and continue things business as usual ,will be dangerous for the the future of the world.. will only encourage ,the authors of the virus ,to continue terrorising the world with bio weapons... covid19 is by far a major terror attack against the planet.. this is much worse than bombing japan 2 times with an atomic bomb.. and could have been almost as bad as hitler starting world war 2. The consecuences of this virus will destroy the lives and the business of hundred of millions people , who work in the travel industry ,tourism and also will destroy sport world wide..
my best guess.. is if many more reports continues surfacing.. very hard to counter.. then US eventually will be forced to change its narrative that china did it.. and the virus blamed on a mistake an accident in american laboratory.. that ended infecting american soldiers.. they already planted that event evidence in summer 2019.. so is this convenient accidents that happened in 2019 in maryland ,what makes me believe strongly this was all a setup.. a false flag.. because they covered their trace ,in case the attack on china did not happen as they planned. a false flag that went horribly wrong.
my best guess.. is if many more reports continues surfacing.. very hard to counter.. then US eventually will be forced to change its narrative that china did it.. and the virus blamed on a mistake
The US will continue to blame China, it has to, so it will just shout louder, apply more PR pressure and keep control of the MSM, Google, Facebook etc..
Michael Shurkin @MichaelShurkin · 18h 1081 out of 2010 sailors tested on French carrier Charles de Gaulle tested positive. 545 have symptoms.
Any solid conclusions, however, could only be made after analyzing more bats and other potential host animals, as well as tissue samples from early patients, Forster cautioned.
It's just a speculation not based on facts, but on the past history. I also find it strange if the virus starts spreading slowly before accelerating & becoming more deadly. All natural viruses mutate to weaker (to us) forms so they can infect more hosts w/o killing them.