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    Talking bollocks thread #3


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    Talking bollocks thread #3 - Page 7 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread #3

    Post  GarryB Wed May 27, 2020 5:10 pm

    Russia is not S T R O N K enough.

    And that is a problem because for many the only way for Russia to be really strong is to basically be the US but to back the right people and make different decisions that are less selfish and more in line with their often professed morals and ethics which they trot out when listing their opponents crimes, but rarely use as a guideline for their own actions.

    It is almost like being told santa does not exist and then finding out the tooth fairy is not real either... the double whammy...

    Wonder how he will react as Russia gains more and more advantages in strategic weapons to the point where MAD is ancient history.

    Strategic weapons are international suicide... if they are used we are all likely dead meat.

    And what annoys me even more are fanboys with attitude that ''It's awesome that Russia f*cked up [INSERT PROJECT NAME HERE] because that means they will now have a chance to do [INSERT PROJECT NAME HERE] even better!!!''

    That crap don't fly in my book

    Easy to sit on an internet forum and tell them what they should or should not be doing... we don't even know half of what goes on... and complaints that they are doing something wrong only work if you can prove beyond a doubt that the problems that interfered with their plans were somehow something they could control.

    Might does make right, remember Abkhasia, South Osetia and Crimea?

    Hahahahaha... are you comparing those little actions with serious war crimes like the bombing of Serbia because apparently the Serbs were mistreating the Albanians living in Kosovo... are you actually trying to say because HATO is big and powerful they had every right to interfere in what should be an internal matter for Serbia and create a situation where the Albanians are actually doing openly what they were crying that the Serbs were supposedly doing to them... why doesn't HATO intervene again and free the oppressed Serbs?

    If kosovo Albanians get Kosovo then Bosnian Serbs should get a serbian Bosnia of their own... or perhaps attach it to Serbia?

    Clearly might does not make right... In Georgia Russia was actually responding to Georgian aggression, and in Crimea was simply allowing the local people to vote as they pleased while they kept the peace... democracy in action... if the locals had told the Russians to go away they would have... they would not have had much choice really.

    If it is right... as Crimea shows... only a bare minimum of might is needed to keep the peace.

    You should use it more often, it gets results

    Afghanistan and Vietnam show it can also result in disasters of enormous proportions...

    But that's the secret of success is it not?

    Learning how to turn a disadvantage, into an advantage

    More mature than just firing everyone and having a tantrum about it.

    Shit happens... and you deal with it as best you can.

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    Talking bollocks thread #3 - Page 7 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread #3

    Post  The-thing-next-door Wed May 27, 2020 6:51 pm

    GarryB wrote:Strategic weapons are international suicide... if they are used we are all likely dead meat.
    Not if Russia does what the american wish they could do and builds a fullscale multilayer ABM network, the only question then would be what is the cause of victory total economic collapse of the enemy or atlantic creme brulee.

    PapaDragon wrote:

    All hentai includes underage characters (which are also alien vampires... with tentacles)

    Keep up with the program, dude  Cool

    Wait what? do thoes filth japs think it is mandatory include underage characters or is that a joke?

    I am not exactly an expert on hentai, what I know is the sort of thing you might have someone shot for.

    But is there seriously no hentai with only adults in it?

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    Talking bollocks thread #3 - Page 7 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread #3

    Post  PapaDragon Wed May 27, 2020 7:58 pm

    This is really off-topic but we might as well rip the band-aid off while we are at it:

    The-thing-next-door wrote:Wait what? do thoes filth japs think it is mandatory include underage characters or is that a joke?

    News that flew under everyone's radar about a decade ago was that Japan finally made possession and distribution of child porn illegal and all citizens of the Empire were given one year to delete and destroy all such content they possess before ban went into effect

    Animated child porn (anything animated in fact) is still kosher in Japan

    Marijuana however will immediately land you in prison lol1

    As long as it doesn't interfere with workplace productivity and family reputation anything goes in Japan

    Japan is one seriously fucked up place

    They have some good videogames and beautiful anime series (about 0.0001% of the total output) but they also have a lot of shit you wouldn't believe

    The-thing-next-door wrote:I am not exactly an expert on hentai, what I know is the sort of thing you might have someone shot for.

    Just reading through list of hentai tags is enough to give you nightmares (I stopped reading when I reached "eye penetration" and I advise you don't start reading at all lest you want to pay the price of curiosity like I did)

    The-thing-next-door wrote:
    But is there seriously no hentai with only adults in it?

    That subgenre is called "vanilla" and it's really nice

    One I personally stick to is called "yuri" (after all I am a big fan of Russia Cool )

    But like I said watch out for for rest​ of it because there is some seriously dark demonic shit over there


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    Talking bollocks thread #3 - Page 7 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread #3

    Post  owais.usmani Wed May 27, 2020 8:22 pm

    Never thought I would be reading about hentai in Russian navy news thread! Off Topic

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    Talking bollocks thread #3 - Page 7 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread #3

    Post  The-thing-next-door Thu May 28, 2020 1:47 am

    Well I must agree this is getting far off topic could one of the mods perhaps just create a new thread for this slime, it really should not be polluting the navy news thread unless the pacific fleet is involved....

    PapaDragon wrote:

    Animated child porn (anything animated in fact) is still kosher in Japan

    Marijuana however will immediately land you in prison lol1

    As long as it doesn't interfere with workplace productivity and family reputation anything goes in Japan

    Japan is one seriously fucked up place

    That is just outrageous and that the entire world has negligently sat there and done nothing about this is just disgraceful.

    PapaDragon wrote:
    Just reading through list of hentai tags is enough to give you nightmares (I stopped reading when I reached "eye penetration" and I advise you don't start reading at all lest you want to pay the price of curiosity like I did)

    Well even normal anime and computer games can go well into that realm, I guess if you want to view any japanese media you should go by recommendation only and simply never get anything without reccomendation or research.

    I wonder should someone here create a thread to list all of the 0.0000000000001% of good anime?

    PapaDragon wrote:

    One I personally stick to is called "yuri" (after all I am a big fan of Russia Cool )

    A model Serbian citizen I see do you also collect nazi militaria and paint pentagrams all over your floor aswell?

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    Talking bollocks thread #3 - Page 7 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread #3

    Post  PapaDragon Thu May 28, 2020 6:14 am

    The-thing-next-door wrote:...A model Serbian citizen I see do you also collect nazi militaria and paint pentagrams all over your floor aswell?

    Don't forget ritual cannibalism


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    Talking bollocks thread #3 - Page 7 Empty temporary talking bollocks thread

    Post  GarryB Thu May 28, 2020 2:53 pm

    Not if Russia does what the american wish they could do and builds a fullscale multilayer ABM network, the only question then would be what is the cause of victory total economic collapse of the enemy or atlantic creme brulee.

    The thing about any ABM system is that it is never going to be 100% effective... and even when it is the air will be filled with so many nuclear detonations the radiation is going to seriously transform life on this planet and not to make it easier in any way.

    Never thought I would be reading about hentai in Russian navy news thread!

    Will be shifted to a more appropriate thread soon... Smile

    That is just outrageous and that the entire world has negligently sat there and done nothing about this is just disgraceful.

    Well you could argue that if it is animated then no one is being hurt in the making of this stuff and it offers a chance for authorities to keep track of the people with this sort of interest who would otherwise be totally anonymous.

    It is not illegal to have sick thoughts, though acting on those thoughts or escalating to acting on those thoughts is an actual problem.

    The introduction of synthetic sex dolls creates the dilemma... will they all be adult dolls... will they all be human... could sci fi dolls become a thing... a guy who likes fat chicks might think a giant life sized jabba the hutt sex doll might be fun.... yuck... but in the privacy of his own home... why not?

    Well even normal anime and computer games can go well into that realm, I guess if you want to view any japanese media you should go by recommendation only and simply never get anything without reccomendation or research.

    Dude... have you ever seen a show called South Park or Family Guy or American dad... they explore some pretty outragous ideas... shocking even...

    I wonder should someone here create a thread to list all of the 0.0000000000001% of good anime?

    Sounds like a minefield I wouldn't want to tread... anyone who does keep in mind this site has a zero tolerance to porn so be careful what you post... it is in the rules.


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    Talking bollocks thread #3 - Page 7 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread #3

    Post  The-thing-next-door Thu May 28, 2020 6:18 pm

    GarryB wrote:

    The thing about any ABM system is that it is never going to be 100% effective...

    In war you will inevitably face losses but Russia is a vast country with has many cities and even then hiroshima and nagasaki are doing fine today so I would not worry too much about it.

    GarryB wrote:and even when it is the air will be filled with so many nuclear detonations the radiation is going to seriously transform life on this planet and not to make it easier in any way.

    True but the overall toxicity of the planet would decrease substantially and not even Russia has the capacity to render all of Siberia uninhabitable.

    GarryB wrote:Well you could argue that if it is animated then no one is being hurt in the making of this stuff and it offers a chance for authorities to keep track of the people with this sort of interest who would otherwise be totally anonymous.

    It is not illegal to have sick thoughts, though acting on those thoughts or escalating to acting on those thoughts is an actual problem.

    The introduction of synthetic sex dolls creates the dilemma... will they all be adult dolls... will they all be human... could sci fi dolls become a thing... a guy who likes fat chicks might think a giant life sized jabba the hutt sex doll might be fun.... yuck... but in the privacy of his own home... why not?

    This is no dilemma at all, if you someone buys fake chocolate due to chocolate not being available it stands to reason that that person likes chocolate.

    Viewing of such content animated or otherwise is disgusting and will only encourage the further development of such degenerate tendencies resulting in the disorder becoming more widespread and as such should not be tolerated.

    GarryB wrote:Sounds like a minefield I wouldn't want to tread... anyone who does keep in mind this site has a zero tolerance to porn so be careful what you post... it is in the rules.

    Oh I must apologise I neglected to clarify anime is a version of hentai without the pornography, typically differing from western cartoons in that it is often intended for a more mature ordiance (as in adult viewers not an euphemism for pornographic content) however this is anime for children somewhat more similar to western cartoons.

    PS it is good to see a strict anti pornographic content policy, now if you can just  ad a similar policy for degenerate language that would go a long way.

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    Talking bollocks thread #3 - Page 7 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread #3

    Post  GarryB Thu May 28, 2020 7:48 pm

    In war you will inevitably face losses but Russia is a vast country with has many cities and even then hiroshima and nagasaki are doing fine today so I would not worry too much about it.

    Honestly there were Japanese cities that got hit much harder than either of those cities, and in Russia there were cities that endured much more suffering... often repeated times as they were lost and captured and lost again... the suffering of Japan over WWII was nothing compared to what the Chinese suffered let alone the Soviet Union or Germany.

    True but the overall toxicity of the planet would decrease substantially and not even Russia has the capacity to render all of Siberia uninhabitable.

    Studies of Chernobyl show the human race is more toxic and damaging that radiation... the point is that there would be a long period of chaos and instability before new rules can be agreed upon and order created... most mutants wont be threats... they will merely be things that need to be put out of their misery... on TV and in movies you get bitten by a radioactive spider you become a super hero... in the real world you die or at least lose the use of the limb that was bitten.

    Even in computer games like STALKER there is a level of order and supply that wont be there in a real situation... there wont be med kits and ammo lying everywhere, and every time you kill you wont get to select their best armour and weapons to keep... the reality will be more like cutting off a slice of leg or arm to cook later for tea... if you don't eat you will get weak and in that sort of situation the weak get killed and eaten...

    This is no dilemma at all, if you someone buys fake chocolate due to chocolate not being available it stands to reason that that person likes chocolate.

    Viewing of such content animated or otherwise is disgusting and will only encourage the further development of such degenerate tendencies resulting in the disorder becoming more widespread and as such should not be tolerated.

    You are missing my point... if you offer fake chocolate maybe that person will be happy and never rape and kill a real woman or child because they get to do anything they want with the robot which, with AI could become very lifelike.

    It is disgusting when they rape a woman or child but is it still as disgusting when it is a robot and no women or children are being harmed but they are getting what ever they get.

    Do you think it encourages them to escalate and get worse and do it to a real person... but wouldn't such an escalation be inevidable... even if you banned such robots they might go straight to the real thing instead of building up to it.

    Sell them a doll and you have a record of the sale and that person can be monitored. Make such dolls illegal and you wont know who has such interests till perhaps it is too late and one or more children have to pay a price.

    Obviously I agree such people are mentally ill and need help, but part of the AI in their robot could psychoanalyse the customer and perhaps talk them into seeking proper help... or at least send information to local police via wifi about the person...

    Oh I must apologise I neglected to clarify anime is a version of hentai without the pornography, typically differing from western cartoons in that it is often intended for a more mature ordiance (as in adult viewers not an euphemism for pornographic content) however this is anime for children somewhat more similar to western cartoons.

    Western cartoons runs the gambit from Road Runner... harmless stuff if a bit violent and with a skewed moral code (the underdog always wins in those things), right through to South Park and Beevis and Butthead, where very adult themes are discussed very openly and topics you wouldn't see in a porno 50 years ago is normal stuff...

    PS it is good to see a strict anti pornographic content policy, now if you can just ad a similar policy for degenerate language that would go a long way.

    We cover some very emotional topics here and the subject matter is military related, so we really can't expect all language to be child friendly.

    Would you tell a Serbian member to calm down the language while American bombers are dropping bombs on their country and killing Serbs... or would you demand no swearing from Iranian posters while the US tightens the screws and makes thousands of Iranians die from things they really don't need to die from just because the American government is a bunch of ass holes.

    Sometimes you need to swear. If you do it all the time it looses its impact, but some countries and regimes deserve it.

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    Talking bollocks thread #3 - Page 7 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread #3

    Post  The-thing-next-door Thu May 28, 2020 10:14 pm

    GarryB wrote:
    Studies of Chernobyl show the human race is more toxic and damaging that radiation... the point is that there would be a long period of chaos and instability before new rules can be agreed upon and order created... most mutants wont be threats... they will merely be things that need to be put out of their misery... on TV and in movies you get bitten by a radioactive spider you become a super hero... in the real world you die or at least lose the use of the limb that was bitten.

    Even in computer games like STALKER there is a level of order and supply that wont be there in a real situation... there wont be med kits and ammo lying everywhere, and every time you kill you wont get to select their best armour and weapons to keep... the reality will be more like cutting off a slice of leg or arm to cook later for tea...   if you don't eat you will get weak and in that sort of situation the weak get killed and eaten...

    Mutants, cannibalism what the hell is wrong with you we are talking about a nuclear war not demonic invasion.

    The Pripyat incident was nothing and what evidence is there of mutation by gamma rays and amputating radioactive spiders?

    After the war there would be a declaration of marshal law and rationing of food, farms and villages would be entirely unscathed as the enemy would not have enough warhead to spare and especially not in the case of ABM systems.
    Thoes who lived in surviving cities could return there after the evacuation, dust masks could be used until all radioactive material was collected and disposed of while people from destroyed cities could go to emergency capms set up by the army near villages in Siberia while work was underway to expand the village into a city.
    As far a stability nothing better unites people than hardship and war both Russian unity and Sion Russian relations would greatly benefit from victory in a nuclear war.

    Obviously I agree such people are mentally ill and need help, but part of the AI in their robot could psychoanalyse the customer and perhaps talk them into seeking proper help... or at least send information to local police via wifi about the person...

    Just one problem there mate and that is I doubt any Russian would be caught dead creating or working with such robots.

    Western cartoons runs the gambit from Road Runner... harmless stuff if a bit violent and with a skewed moral code (the underdog always wins in those things), right through to South Park and Beevis and Butthead, where very adult themes are discussed very openly and topics you wouldn't see in a porno 50 years ago is normal stuff...

    True, I failed to think that through. What I was trying to do was explain what anime is since your reply seemed to imply that you had it confused with the pornographic subgenre 'hentai'.

    My suggestion was about creating a thread listing decent anime people have come across as it is incredibly hard to find not hentai.

    We cover some very emotional topics here and the subject matter is military related, so we really can't expect all language to be child friendly.

    Would you tell a Serbian member to calm down the language while American bombers are dropping bombs on their country and killing Serbs... or would you demand no swearing from Iranian posters while the US tightens the screws and makes thousands of Iranians die from things they really don't need to die from just because the American government is a bunch of ass holes.

    Sometimes you need to swear. If you do it all the time it looses its impact, but some countries and regimes deserve it.

    I was not referring to swearing so much as the sex disgusting analogies posted all the time over here andwhat I have to say to our Serbian and Iranian members is, do not insult your country by using deranged language, be culturally superior to your enemy instead.
    Tsavo Lion
    Tsavo Lion

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    Talking bollocks thread #3 - Page 7 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread #3

    Post  Tsavo Lion Fri May 29, 2020 12:30 am's not Russian surface fleet that​ does anything or has any value, it's other branches of armed forces that do all the work
    W/o the Pacific Fleet, the USSR would have to fight a land/air war with China if the latter didn't withdraw from Vietnam in 1979 after she was told to do so, "before it's too late".
    Don't tell me the N. Fleet has no value in protecting their Arctic claims, EEZ & the NSR, as well as deploying to N. Atlantic, Med. Sea, & occasionally Indian Ocean. In the Baltic Fleet, BSF & Caspian Flotilla their small missile boats armed with Kalibres r asymmetric force multipliers.

    Odin of Ossetia
    Odin of Ossetia

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    Talking bollocks thread #3 - Page 7 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread #3

    Post  Odin of Ossetia Fri May 29, 2020 3:13 am

    PapaDragon wrote:
    flamming_python wrote:Yeah I have the feeling Papa is going to make the classic switch from Russophile to Russophobe any day now  What a Face
    Seen it happen before. Not pretty
    Russia is not S T R O N K enough.

    Papa is Serbophile first and foremost

    And while I do very much like Russia it doesn't mean I will cheer every time they do something stupid and pretend everything is fine

    I give Serbia same treatment, only harder

    And what annoys me even more are fanboys with attitude that ''It's awesome that Russia f*cked up [INSERT PROJECT NAME HERE] because that means they will now have a chance to do [INSERT PROJECT NAME HERE] even better!!!''

    That crap don't fly in my book

    flamming_python wrote:Might makes right and the US & A is the mightiest of all so...

    Might does make right, remember Abkhasia, South Osetia and Crimea?

    You should use it more often, it gets results  thumbsup

    The-thing-next-door wrote:...hentai that includes underage characters ...

    All hentai includes underage characters (which are also alien vampires... with tentacles)

    Keep up with the program, dude  Cool

    About Abhazia and South Ossetia:


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    Talking bollocks thread #3 - Page 7 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread #3

    Post  GarryB Fri May 29, 2020 3:04 pm

    Mutants, cannibalism what the hell is wrong with you we are talking about a nuclear war not demonic invasion.

    Genetic mutation is a natural result of excessive radiation contamination of the ground, water and air... and there was plenty of cannibalism during WWII... in places that would surprise you.

    The Pripyat incident was nothing and what evidence is there of mutation by gamma rays and amputating radioactive spiders?

    When I say mutation I don't mean Spider man or the Hulk... I mean webbed toes, or the terrible birth defects like you get with some chemicals... thalidomide was an excellent drug for what it was prescribed for, but had a horrific effect on the children of mothers who took it... radiation can have similar effects by damaging genetic code down to the DNA level... that is what makes depleted uranium so bad... it is not very radioactive but is genotoxic and when used as an armour penetrator or as armour that is hit the super fine dust created enters the human body quite readily.... outside the body it is harmless because the faint radiation it gives off wont penetrate the outer layer of dead skin on a human... inside the body however...

    After the war there would be a declaration of marshal law and rationing of food

    By who? Most of the people in all your major cities will be dead or dying... law will be from the muzzle of a gun by whom ever gets a hold of one... in New Orleans people waited on freeway over passes for days to wait for help... but it never came.... if one hurricane overwhelms one city and region what do you think the simultaneous detonations of thousands of nuclear weapons all over the country is going to do.

    Probably 25% of the survivors will probably just kill themselves... because this isn't going to sort itself out on its own... lots of very very hard work ahead of you and that assumes some bunch of crazies don't take charge.

    farms and villages would be entirely unscathed as the enemy would not have enough warhead to spare and especially not in the case of ABM systems.

    Farms require workers... most of their customers are now dead... how will the new economy work... will the hungry demand food.... will they just take it... will it be given freely in the hope that everyone will help with the next crop. Major dams and power stations will be hit... without fuel and without power those farms are going to be hand plowed... production potential will plummet, so it will be good that population numbers would also take a huge hit.

    For Russia their main targets will be western population centres... so mostly cities and military HQs...

    Thoes who lived in surviving cities could return there after the evacuation, dust masks could be used until all radioactive material was collected and disposed of while people from destroyed cities could go to emergency capms set up by the army near villages in Siberia while work was underway to expand the village into a city.

    You need food to sustain cities... all major cities on both sides will be devastated... it would be quicker and easier to build new cities if you can get together enough people to warrant the need for new cities... the buildings themselves will be radioactive... metal and water tend to hold concentrations of radiation....

    As far a stability nothing better unites people than hardship and war both Russian unity and Sion Russian relations would greatly benefit from victory in a nuclear war.

    Victory is an oxymoron to nuclear war... there are no winners... only survivors...

    Just one problem there mate and that is I doubt any Russian would be caught dead creating or working with such robots.

    There are no Russian child molesters?

    Take the colour tinted sunglasses off...

    My suggestion was about creating a thread listing decent anime people have come across as it is incredibly hard to find not hentai.

    And my reply remains the same... that is fine with me as long as there is no porn.'s not Russian surface fleet that​ does anything or has any value, it's other branches of armed forces that do all the work

    Now that it has shown a proven ability to launch precision strikes from thousands of kms away against land targets I would suggest that HATO and the west will now need to take them far more seriously...


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    Talking bollocks thread #3 - Page 7 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread #3

    Post  GarryB Fri May 29, 2020 3:56 pm

    As we saw with the Mistrals, Russia will use the initial batch to develop its own designs for subsequent generations. This is
    to be applauded.

    Everybody copies in this situation... if the US gets its hands on Chinese 5g technology they will reverse engineer it and make a few cosmetic changes and call it all american new technology that is better than any other technology.

    When IBM went to Bill Gates for a DOS system gates told them to go to this other guy gates knew had developed a disk operating system. They went to that guy and he refused (bit of a hippy I think), so they went back to gates who basically whipped up a version of the other guys OS and called it MS DOS for Microsoft DOS.

    Every IBM and IBM compatible personal computer sold from the mid 1980s earned Microsoft 50 US dollars... that is where all their money came from... someone elses operating system they basically modified and sold as their own...

    I believe the same guy invented the spreadsheet on computer and could be as rich as gates if he was as greedy and financially focussed, but he wasn't that sort of a guy.

    My point is that when you are behind in a technology you do your best to find the most capable example you can steal or buy or borrow and you examine it... it will be a case of decisions and solutions chosen to solve the problems... you might keep some solutions but by changing other solutions you change the product to suit perhaps slightly different needs... and then you work to improve it... and everyone is the same... all countries...

    In ship building the Russians have spent a lot of money with Korean shipbuilding companies and used their expertise to expand some of their shipyards and ports in the far east for the purpose of improving their capacity to produce large ships... oil tankers, gas tankers etc... and they also paid to be showed how to use them efficiently and effectively... so no copying needed... it is all legitimate and paid for.

    The Soviets were the same... they bought production rights to all sorts of western things like small arms and aircraft and vehicles and ships and subs to be produced in the Soviet Union and later those products were upgraded and developed using Soviet skills.

    These nay-saying fuckwits will learn in the fullness of time.

    Russias path is scorned by the west because now she is a rival and challenger to western supremacy for world order and resources and hearts and minds... if it was easier then half of Europe would have already travelled this path but they didn't have the guts or willpower... India and China will be following the same path too so the west is going to have to learn to live with that because they are not going to back down... look at the EU to see what that looks like... pathetic.

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    Talking bollocks thread #3 - Page 7 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread #3

    Post  The-thing-next-door Fri May 29, 2020 6:32 pm

    GarryB wrote:

    When I say mutation I don't mean Spider man or the Hulk... I mean webbed toes, or the terrible birth defects like you get with some chemicals... thalidomide was an excellent drug for what it was prescribed for, but had a horrific effect on the children of mothers who took it... radiation can have similar effects by damaging genetic code down to the DNA level... that is what makes depleted uranium so bad... it is not very radioactive but is genotoxic and when used as an armour penetrator or as armour that is hit the super fine dust created enters the human body quite readily.... outside the body it is harmless because the faint radiation it gives off wont penetrate the outer layer of dead skin on a human... inside the body however...

    We are talking about Russia with a full multilayered ABM system geared towards stopping the entire us arsenal If a place is radioactive you evacuate everyone and block it if for a few decades until the radiation clears, it is not that big a problem.

    You seem to think that nuclear war is some sort of cosmic scale event that has a predetermined outcome that is impossible to alter,
    its a war not ragnarok or the apocalypse just a little war.

    And unlike in western films in reality there is no mandate that after WWIII morality is obsolete that is just a foolish fantasy of moronic western writers who are obsessed with animal like behaviour.

    By who?

    Oh I wonder who would be deployed far away from any known base during a war and have the firepower to enforce order?
    What the hell makes you think that the government would not survive and have plans for such an eventuality?
    Do you honestly think that the Russian government will rely on the goodwill of monumentally arrogant warmongering retards who would not know reality if it heit them in the face with a mace the size of the moon?

    Farms require workers... most of their customers are now dead... how will the new economy work... will the hungry demand food.... will they just take it... will it be given freely in the hope that everyone will help with the next crop. Major dams and power stations will be hit... without fuel and without power those farms are going to be hand plowed... production potential will plummet, so it will be good that population numbers would also take a huge hit.

    You watch too many western films, people (in Russia atleast) are far more likely to cooperate towards mutual survival than to be dumb enough to assume that becoming a bandit will be a better choice than a farmer.

    You need food to sustain cities... all major cities on both sides will be devastated... it would be quicker and easier to build new cities if you can get together enough people to warrant the need for new cities... the buildings themselves will be radioactive... metal and water tend to hold concentrations of radiation....

    Say Moscow gets a multilayer ABM system with around 750 interceptors the us would either need to fire mosto of its nuclear arsenal at one city in which case even if they succeed they would still have only taken out one city for say 50 years or they could simply not bother with attacking any major cities and target minor objects in which case Russia still wins.

    Victory is an oxymoron to nuclear war... there are no winners... only survivors...

    What about the countries that come out with most major cities intact and almost everyone alive? the us has to engage both Russia and China if they don't want to be colonised so how will they bypass future Russian ABM systems exactly?

    Are we talking about nuclear weapons or pandoras boxes here? there are not enough nuclear weapons on the entire planet to fully wipeout either side, only their major cities.

    You should play a game called Cuban Missile Crisis, it takes place after WWIII and paints a more realistic picture of what would happen.

    There are no Russian child molesters?

    Take the colour tinted sunglasses off...

    Well by Russian I meant employable citizens not the mentally ill, I would not trust a fith columnist with anything at all let alone one afflicted with the disorder you mention.

    But let us assume that some politition with weakening devotion to the ideals that make Russia great considers it a necesary evil to pull a few out of the incinerator and use them to help put the rest of thier kind in padded cells...
    What makes you think that such vermin could be trusted? What makes you think that they would eagerly conspire with the people who want them all to be removed from society?

    Legalising (you know what the subject matter is and I a uncomfortable even typing it) will only result in it becoming a social norm and removing any stigma associated as has happened already with pornography, foul language, and many forms of depravity I wish not to even think of.

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    Post  Sujoy Fri May 29, 2020 6:50 pm

    GarryB wrote:India and China will be following the same path too so the west is going to have to learn to live with that because they are not going to back down... look at the EU to see what that looks like... pathetic.
    China of course can, but India is unlikely to. China is controlled by the Chinese. India OTOH continues to be run by the same parties that were created by the Brits when they had colonized India. So the loyalties of these political parties lies with the West not with India.

    Every single Indian Prime Minister (with the exception of one) since 1947 has been appointed by the US and UK. This is why the US till date continues to secure billions of dollars of contract for selling over priced and over hyped weapons to India.

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    Post  GarryB Fri May 29, 2020 8:25 pm

    Well India might wake up to that of course... when India sees Chinas and Russias independence and then looks at itself and its restrictions from the west and it being held down and with growth and development stifled they will realise the problem... it is like alcoholism and gambling problems... it has to hurt you before most people realise it is a problem and not just a choice...

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    Post  Sujoy Fri May 29, 2020 9:36 pm

    GarryB wrote:Well India might wake up to that of course... when India sees Chinas and Russias independence and then looks at itself and its restrictions from the west and it being held down and with growth and development stifled they will realise the problem... it is like alcoholism and gambling problems... it has to hurt you before most people realise it is a problem and not just a choice...
    Garry will you please shift this conversation to the correct thread (probably the talking bollocks thread). I'm way off topic here.

    Can't disagree with what you said. But the thing is Indian Government has been watching the rise of China for the last 40 years and yet refused to keep pace.

    The reason why India continuously fails to improve is because all the major political parties are controlled by the US and UK. China and certainly Russia are not controlled by the West. China though is a close ally of the UK (In this regard the most important institution to study is HSBC)

    Ergo, the totalitarian system prevalent in India has serious disadvantage, as they inevitably foster mediocrity in the power structures and degradation through nepotism. The central government first promotes hostility, rivalry between various states and communities and then acts as an arbitrator.

    Any individual who goes against the will of these political parties or there benefactors, i.e US , UK is immediately bumped off. BTW – this explains why India doesn’t have a single company that manufactures cutting edge weapons.

    Look at the manner in which Air Force test pilots, nuclear scientists, even Prime Ministers were killed. Then there were tragedies like Bhopal gas leak carried out by a US citizen. Of course these incidents were described as accidents.

    Putin protects Russia from the West. The communist politburo protects China. Who protects India from the West…no one.

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    Post  GarryB Fri May 29, 2020 9:42 pm

    We are talking about Russia with a full multilayered ABM system geared towards stopping the entire us arsenal If a place is radioactive you evacuate everyone and block it if for a few decades until the radiation clears, it is not that big a problem.

    The thing is that for a few missiles it might work... but for thousands of nuclear detonations there is going to be a lot of radiation everywhere there are cites... and all the places that are easy or nice to live in already have cities which will be targeted, so having to move people to other places and start again is going to be a pain in the ass... how do you feed and look after the people for a start when there is nothing?

    Lots of people will die in the attack and lots more will die in the chaos afterwards... moving to big empty places wont feed our house anyone...

    Russia is much better prepared than any western country but even they will struggle..

    You seem to think that nuclear war is some sort of cosmic scale event that has a predetermined outcome that is impossible to alter,
    its a war not ragnarok or the apocalypse just a little war.

    Yeah, I don't believe in religious prophesy... people from 1,000 years ago aren't able to predict what will happen now any more than we can predict what will happen in 5 years time.
    The fact is that the west is on the decline and great powers have collapsed before... but not powers with lots of nuclear weapons... imagine if Hitler had nukes when the Soviets were rolling in to Berlin... he might not have used them before hand because he feared the Soviets or British or French or Americans or Chinese might have used theirs against him and killed him... but in the jaws of defeat he didn't care about his people... he expected them to fight to the death so if he had any he would have used them and not cared about the response.... America could be the same... or those at the top might think they can escape and survive somewhere else... I think nuclear war is more likely now than ever before because Americans are voting in idiots and don't care that they are voting in sales people selling them shit to get in and making the rich richer when they get in and screw the people.

    And unlike in western films in reality there is no mandate that after WWIII morality is obsolete that is just a foolish fantasy of moronic western writers who are obsessed with animal like behaviour.

    Ask Bear Grylls... in a survival situation you think of yourself first... and after WWIII there is probably no justice system to say who was right or wrong... just the first to kill survives and takes what the dead had.... anybody calls them on it and they can shoot them too.

    Thinking people will be nice or decent is cute... tell that to a poisonous snake or bear in the woods that they shouldn't eat you when they are cold and hungry and tired...

    What the hell makes you think that the government would not survive and have plans for such an eventuality?

    thousands of nuclear detonations... the first few might make radar and radio communications ineffectual... and then all bets could be off.

    Do you honestly think that the Russian government will rely on the goodwill of monumentally arrogant warmongering retards who would not know reality if it heit them in the face with a mace the size of the moon?

    Of course not and of course they shouldn't... but enormous deathtolls and the famines and diseases that follow mean population problems wont be a problem for quite a while... you'd actually probably be better off in Asia or Africa or central or south america....

    You watch too many western films, people (in Russia atleast) are far more likely to cooperate towards mutual survival than to be dumb enough to assume that becoming a bandit will be a better choice than a farmer.

    Do you know where the english word for Farmer comes from?

    It comes from the old English word farme... which mean rent or revenue. The first Farmers were rent collectors who took money from people who worked the land... it made them rich enough to be able to buy land themselves... so a person whose last name is Farmer was not a farmer... they were rent collectors...
    who became land owners...

    Say Moscow gets a multilayer ABM system with around 750 interceptors the us would either need to fire mosto of its nuclear arsenal at one city in which case even if they succeed they would still have only taken out one city for say 50 years or they could simply not bother with attacking any major cities and target minor objects in which case Russia still wins.

    Or a high orbit nuclear detonation generates and EMP pulse that blinds the systems to all other incoming threats...

    The Russians are working hard to develop defences but the best defence is always to not have a war.

    Thinking you can win a nuclear war is stupid.... Mad... suicide... that applies to the west as well as to Russia and China and India and Pakistan... sadly Israel probably thinks that is a good way to go... which is why their nukes are more dangerous than anyone elses...

    What about the countries that come out with most major cities intact and almost everyone alive?

    The world economy would be in tatters and need a complete rebuild... communication alone would be near impossible to restore for the next few decades because the satellite war would mean there is so much debris all satellites would be destroyed and further add to the problems even if anyone could launch any more...

    World food production would plummet but the population would not immediately drop by the same amount so people will be hungry and decisions will be made about the sick and the weak... when there is little food do you keep feeding everyone or start to feed the strong so they can rebuild and work while the weak are left to die... lack of medication will kill a lot of people too... in some places there wont be enough living strong people to bury the dead... so the wild animal populations will increase and encroach on places people are...

    the us has to engage both Russia and China if they don't want to be colonised so how will they bypass future Russian ABM systems exactly?

    Why would Russians want to colonise anywhere? After WWIII most of America will be irradiated or damaged and the places that aren't will be filled with armed nutters...

    Are we talking about nuclear weapons or pandoras boxes here? there are not enough nuclear weapons on the entire planet to fully wipeout either side, only their major cities.

    You don't have to cut a person into tiny 1 cubic cm chunks to kill them... a few important locations and they will never be the same again.

    What makes you think that such vermin could be trusted? What makes you think that they would eagerly conspire with the people who want them all to be removed from society?

    The people they get to do their bidding might not have any idea of what the end goal is until it is too late. People lie to get what they want.

    Legalising (you know what the subject matter is and I a uncomfortable even typing it) will only result in it becoming a social norm and removing any stigma associated as has happened already with pornography, foul language, and many forms of depravity I wish not to even think of.

    To be clear I find such things disgusting myself, but I am not suggesting legalising child molestation, but if some weirdo wants a child doll sex toy that is not actually interfering with a child... or are you suggesting vibrators and dildos should be banned because they promote rape (penetration is rape in most western countries)...

    It is like the way I police the rules here... if racism was banned there would be a few members immediately banned... but would that solve racism? Has that helped anybody at all? I understand there are racist people out there and me banning them from speaking is never going to solve the problem.

    However if they use their racist views to abuse members then of course I will gladly ban them, but do we solve problems by banning or by talking to people and have those people talk to others. Most of the racist people I know don't know any people of different races and just believe all those stupid stereotypes. Everyone can be racist to a certain degree and of course bigotry is bigger than just skin colour or ethnicity... being anti russian is not racist because russian is not a race just like an anti american or anti brit is not racist either, but of course in the west while you can't say a word against someone who is gay or coloured or transgender or jewish or catholic or muslim or rich... you can say anything you want about the poor or the Russians.

    The thing is that in the past minorities were victims of society... today society is the victim of minorities...

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    Post  GarryB Fri May 29, 2020 11:02 pm

    Can't disagree with what you said. But the thing is Indian Government has been watching the rise of China for the last 40 years and yet refused to keep pace.

    But India keeping pace with China is more than just a choice any country could make... US had a vested interest in investing in China to build them up as a rival with the Soviet Union, so there was investment and access that India or even Russia could only dream of, but to their credit China made a lot of sensible decisions and maximised their benefit from this attention from the west...

    Putin protects Russia from the West. The communist politburo protects China. Who protects India from the West…no one.

    Before Putin Russia had Yeltsen and Gorby.... and China has made its own fair share of mistakes in the past too.

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    Post  Sujoy Sat May 30, 2020 1:46 am

    GarryB wrote: so there was investment and access that India or even Russia could only dream of
    USSR/Russia did not need western investments. It was already a prosperous country, unlike India that was transformed by the Brits from the world's most prosperous country to the world's most poorest.

    GarryB wrote:but to their credit China made a lot of sensible decisions and maximised their benefit from this attention from the west...
    Correct. And like I said they were able to achieve it only because the Communist leadership cared about the people.

    There is a book titled "Bad Samaritans". It's written by a Korean author I think, but basically it talks about how the West stole from the East for centuries

    So China today is returning the favor (through reverse engineering, corporate espionage, trademark violation etc) India has a far more profound reason to do the same to the West, but it can't because unlike China our politicians are sold out to Western governments.

    GarryB wrote:Before Putin Russia had Yeltsen and Gorby.... and China has made its own fair share of mistakes in the past too.
    Yes Russia had some terrible rulers as well. IIRC, Stalin gave away a large part of Siberia to Kazakhstan. Gorbachov jumped head on into the Afghan war not with the intention of winning it but getting Soviet troops out of there.
    Yeltsin of course was a Western agent.  But these fellows are mostly outliers. This is not the norm in Russia. Russia since the early 1900s has mostly been controlled by Russians.

    That's not the case with us here in India. Brits left but kept their boot lickers behind - in politics, military, business, virtually everywhere. Since 1947 till date these alter egos of the West control the entire country.

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    Post  The-thing-next-door Sat May 30, 2020 1:59 am

    GarryB wrote:
    We are talking about Russia with a full multilayered ABM system geared towards stopping the entire us arsenal If a place is radioactive you evacuate everyone and block it if for a few decades until the radiation clears, it is not that big a problem.

    The thing is that for a few missiles it might work... but for thousands of nuclear detonations there is going to be a lot of radiation everywhere there are cites... and all the places that are easy or nice to live in already have cities which will be targeted, so having to move people to other places and start again is going to be a pain in the ass... how do you feed and look after the people for a start when there is nothing?

    Lots of people will die in the attack and lots more will die in the chaos afterwards... moving to big empty places wont feed our house anyone...

    Russia is much better prepared than any western country but even they will struggle..

    So according to you in WWII did stalin just press his I win button and all the nazis just dissapeared with no personnel or property in Russia recieveing so much as a scratch or did the Soviet Union lose WWII?

    Or a high orbit nuclear detonation generates and EMP pulse that blinds the systems to all other incoming threats...

    The Russians are working hard to develop defences but the best defence is always to not have a war.

    If orbital EMPs are that potent tell me while does the A-135 have 100 interceptors if the whole system will be fried on the first shot?

    If they were that potent Russia could have its own above the us and europe with an analog system that detonates them if the electronics fail and opon detonation by command or attempted sabotage all ICBMS, aircraft and warships in the us and europe would be fried, a flawless Russian victory!

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    Post  Tsavo Lion Sat May 30, 2020 2:18 am

    Brits left but kept their boot lickers behind - in politics, military, business, virtually everywhere. Since 1947 till date these alter egos of the West control the entire country.
    how do u reconcile that with India's being the leader of the Non-Alignment Movement & de-facto USSR strategic partner during the Cold War?
    IMO India is more like Yugoslavia 1945-1995, trying to preseve her independence by playing heavyweights against each other.
    Will the Indians 1 day rize up in revolt to remove those corrupt pro-Western politicians & really join China's BRI (not just as now formally in BRICS) in improving their economy?

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    Post  Sujoy Sat May 30, 2020 3:37 am

    Tsavo Lion wrote:how do u reconcile that with India's being the leader of the Non-Alignment Movement & de-facto USSR strategic partner during the Cold War?
    NAM right from the outset was an impotent organization. Most members of NAM continued to receive financial, political support from the USSR and US. Note that India continued to remain a part of the Commonwealth. Nehru much like Gandhi was appointed by the Brits. Also note that the USSR did join hands with the UK from time to time to keep US outside of Asia. So the West was not at all concerned about India joining useless organizations like NAM.

    The only Prime Minister who could have troubled the West was Lal Bhadur Shastri. He was immediately bumped off by western intel.

    Tsavo Lion wrote:IMO India is more like Yugoslavia 1945-1995, trying to preseve her independence by playing heavyweights against each other.
    Which heavyweights are being used by India against one another? UK did that during the Cold War, by playing the USSR against the US. But India's foreign policy is a fine balancing act.

    Politics and economics in this country has been infiltrated entirely by the US and to a lesser extent by China.

    Tsavo Lion wrote:Will the Indians 1 day rize up in revolt to remove those corrupt pro-Western politicians & really join China's BRI (not just as now formally in BRICS) in improving their economy?
    Two separate postulates. Will Indians rise? IDK. A significant % of the population lives in abject poverty. They are illiterates as well. They don't understand the great games being played by the big powers. A large percentage of the population are being converted to Puritanism and Catholicism by the US and UK. Nepal used to be a Hindu majority state, today it has the world's fastest growing Christian population. Same can be said about Sri Lanka - a predominantly Buddhist country now being converted to a Christian country. West is seeking to achieve the same in India too.

    Now Indians do not need to rise in revolt to join China's BRI. But India will hardly get any benefit. Already the balance of trade is overwhelmingly in China's favor. China exports a lot of things to India but refuses to import too many things. BRI will only make this infinitely worse. Just see what has happened to Sri Lanka, Pakistan and Central Asia countries that opted for BRI. Sri Lanka is now borrowing money from India to pay off China. Pakistan has gone bankrupt.
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    Post  Tsavo Lion Sat May 30, 2020 4:07 am

    Which heavyweights are being used by India against one another?
    she maneuvered between USSR, China & USA.
    But India's foreign policy is a fine balancing act.
    not so successful as before, isn't it?
    Now Indians do not need to rise in revolt to join China's BRI. But India will hardly get any benefit. Already the balance of trade is overwhelmingly in China's favor.
    it would still be better to be part of the BRI & North-South corridor with Iran & Russia than to be used by US & UK against China. China is cracking down on her Christians & has Ms of Buddhists & Muslims. India should keep supporting Hindus, prevent communal violence & welcome the return of Buddhism. She also needs to resolve border disputes with Pakistan & PRC. Asia for Asians, as the Japanese used to say when taking all those European colonies 1 by 1.

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