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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #2


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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #2 - Page 22 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #2

    Post  Vann7 Sun Jan 17, 2021 11:19 pm

    kvs wrote:
    LMFS wrote:
    kvs wrote:It is manifestly about genetic engineering.   They want the ability to change the DNA in every cell of your body.

    I knew you would say something comforting pale

    Narcissists willing to play God with the tools to actually do it, what could go wrong?

    In principle mRNA should not change anything with nucleus DNA isn't it? But I agree the final goal is advance this kind of technologies. When you hear about their parallel programs like "allied insects" (cannot remember the exact name) and the amount of US labs surrounding Russia you really wish the technologies to counter this shit are being created by the authorities at full speed.

    mRNA uses reverse-transcriptase which is found in every cell to make an "m"DNA fragment that is inserted into the cell DNA in the
    nucleus.   That is how the whole concept works.   The mRNA is designed to hijack cell DNA to make virus proteins.   Of course
    the mRNA is not the whole virus RNA since that would result in the cellular machinery being hijacked to make whole viruses.  

    I am not familiar enough with how female ova and male sperm DNA is created since it is "fresh" and not differentiated and has
    the maximum number of telomeres.  But it is an established fact that humans carry a legacy of virus-infection DNA fragments.  
    That implies that ova and sperm can be "GMO"ed to pass on any desired change to offspring.   I am quite sure that the Pfizer
    approach can be made to modify human DNA across generations.   Regardless, screwing around with living human DNA has all
    sorts of value for narcissist deciders.

    all said will you still vaccinate with pfizer and moderna nano vaccines?  

    genetic engineering experiments with humanity sounds cool no ? lol1

    if you say no , papatroll and others in this forum will call you antivaxer and
    conspiracy crazy . Laughing


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    Post  kvs Sun Jan 17, 2021 11:40 pm

    I intend to avoid taking any vaccine at all. But depending on Justin "Skippy" Trudeau I may forced to do so.

    At least American journalists can take Sputnik V. I am not afforded such freedom.


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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #2 - Page 22 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #2

    Post  PapaDragon Sun Jan 17, 2021 11:42 pm

    Vann7 wrote:all said will you still vaccinate with pfizer and moderna nano vaccines?  

    genetic engineering experiments with humanity sounds cool no ? lol1

    if you say no , papatroll and others in this forum will call you antivaxer  and
    conspiracy crazy .   

    I am calling you a retard, keep up

    We are way past antivaxxer, that part is just a tiny slice of a buttfuck moron pie that is you

    You hit the stupid stratosphere with the nanomachine skit the other day


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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #2 - Page 22 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #2

    Post  JohninMK Mon Jan 18, 2021 12:03 am

    Yugo90 wrote:I would never take any western covid 19 vaccine. Because we now know this is man made virus from the lab and i dont trust people like Fauci the devil and wannabe dr.

    Too sweeping a conclusion. Whilst both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are man made synthetic 'vaccines' using unproven mRNA some of the others, like Oxford/Astra Zeneca and Sputnik V use traditional vaccine techniques. The Russians have even offered Sputnik V to Oxford (they are similar) to use as the second jab to improve its effectiveness and I think trials have started.

    And Garry, re your HIV comment. The Americans checked their blood banks and found the HIV virus in blood from the 1940s so it could have been in the population for a long time before AIDs appeared.

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    Post  Kiko Mon Jan 18, 2021 12:27 am

    French outlet Le Monde reveals the amount of pressure EU suffered to approve Pfizer's vaccine.

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    Post  kvs Mon Jan 18, 2021 1:15 am

    BTW, DNA viruses clearly demonstrate that introducing DNA fragments into cells leads them being incorporated into the
    cell DNA in the nucleus. If this did not happen then such viruses would not be able to make copies of themselves and infect
    humans and other organisms. RNA viruses do the same thing but with an extra step leveraging the reverse-transcriptase
    in the host organism cells to promote the RNA to DNA which is inserted by the cell's own internal mechanisms into the
    cell DNA. This is a fundamental functionality.

    Note that RNA viruses do not typically carry a variant of their own reverse-transcriptase and leverage this enzyme found
    in host cells. The little tag "m" in mRNA does not magically neuter its ability to form DNA under action of reverse-transcriptase.
    RNA is RNA and the enzyme works at copying the amino acid groups that make up the single helix RNA into a double helix.

    mRNA under action of the RT enzyme creates cDNA which can be incorporated into the full DNA in the nucleus:

    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #2 - Page 22 Retrovirus


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    Post  Vann7 Mon Jan 18, 2021 2:48 am

    Vaccine Side Effect? Norway Sounds Alarm As 23 Elderly Patients Die After Receiving Pfizer Vaccine

    23 killed in just 3 weeks after taking the vaccine . if pfizer vaccinated them , it had to be
    because they though their vaccine was safe .. no ? , but it wasn't. so it can't be blamed on the people for dying to their vaccine. but on the pharma for a rushing a vaccine so early. at very least , this is if we assume pfizer had good intentions in first place and not seeking to depopulate the world as evidence of what they doing with their vaccine suggest ,nanochips and intrusive genetical manipulation of DNA of people is.

    This pfizer vaccines only have few weeks being used for vaccination and already the alarm
    if happening across the globe on the internet with western vaccines. With major social media
    outlets like youtube ,facebook and twitter having a major difficulty in censoring those who speak
    negatively of any western vaccine.. they banned me ,but they can't silence the internet and people
    will continue to speak and it will be impossible to hide this totally unsafe vaccines. Cool

    now a fan of iran ,but twitter censored iran government anti pfizer post for calling them very untrusted and completely unsafe too.. lol1

    most comments from youtube are surprisingly showing major awakening of
    international community of this scam vaccination programs of the west.

    people speaking the truth . Smile

    @Radu Belcota
    1 day ago
    When this fragile people died in spring, they were used to create a mass histeria. 9 months later their deaths are labeled as not relevant. Is it me or a different criteria is being used, when sick people with a positive PCR test die and are considered Covid deaths and when elderly people die due to the vaccine , it seems like a normal situation . The main stream media hypocrisy and lack of critical behavior is mind blowing.

    @jeff phillips
    1 day ago
    this is euthanasia sanctioned by the state . CRIMINALS

    @Penny Gooms
    1 day ago
    A 56 year old Doctor in Florida. A healthy man before the vaccine his wife said .

    @Slithering Soundcat
    23 hours ago
    Also died, yep. And another thing they don't tell the unsuspecting public, is that those "common" side effects are actually indicators that their bodies will have long term health issues from these vaccines. Brain, bleeding, bowel, breathing, etc...
    The safety and efficacy of vaccines in general, is still contested among professionals to this day. The science is NOT settled. For decades now, the industry has been trying to create an effective vaccine for ANY of the MANY Corona viruses we deal with EVERY year, and they've failed every time.
    And now...just because they really really want to, we're supposed to believe in the safety AND efficacy of these vaccines?
    Line up like cattle to get the shot?
    Sure ....that's not dumb at all. [/i]

    @count ac
    23 hours ago
    It's funny how the excuses are all the same -- "This is to be expected ... the vaccines were not the cause ... still trying to determine the cause ... yadda yadda yadda" ... the fact remains that they would STILL be alive today had they not gotten the jab in the first place

    @Qualicum Wilson it's not 2 million dead OF covid. They HAD covid within 28 days of dying. The detail is in the wording. Like the guy who died in a motorcycle accident 3 weeks after testing positive. Put down as died from covid. lol1

    @Alejandro P
    19 hours ago (edited)
    Well just look at the vaccine as a potential gene pool cleanser. If their such dam fools that their willing to roll up their sleeves and be big pharma's lab rats , then maybe they don't need to be sharing our space and reproducing. Even the FDA recently said in so many words that the new Pfizer , Astrazeneca & Moderna Covid 19 vaccines have not been approved nor have they been in any way licensed by the FDA for general use , only under political pressure they have been authorized for emergency use. It is still considered an investigational vaccine in the experimental stages , so anyone taking this vaccine at this point in time can basically consider themselves a test subject .

    @James Hom
    1 day ago
    It is unlikely "old and frail" people were included in the Phase III trials. So, these people are involuntary participants in a new Phase III trial, what we use to call "guinea pigs".

    @Omkar Kumar
    1 day ago
    Never underestimate Medical-Mafia they will do anything to suppress competitors sales.

    1 day ago (edited)
    And a Portugeuse nurse has also died suddenly, two days after a covid vaccine. And a Miami doctor died from a stroke following a covid vaccine. An autoimmune reaction lead to his platelet destruction. They weren't 'old' or 'frail' individuals.
    EDIT: And now there are 13 Israelis with facial paralysis

    @free Ireland
    3 hours ago
    if this thing happened with China's vaccine, (or Russia) it will all over the mainstream media! the mainstream media just "care about" any bad news of China, not ourselves!


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    Post  GarryB Mon Jan 18, 2021 9:28 am

    Thats so easy Garryb.. lets for a moment imagine you were a serial killer ,and criminal ,who

    Ahhh come on Vann, lets not be children... the west and the 1% have no police or government to answer to... they control the media, and therefore control the flow of information to the general population... they could kill anyone they like and no one in the west would give a shit...

    They could simply pick a country to fight and start a war... it is not like they have not done that before...

    The only difference is this time pick a country that can fight back so there will be lots of death on both sides and perhaps nukes will need to be used... perhaps a pathetic western coalition against Iran, or maybe Pakistan vs India... it wont matter... they will make sure none of their relatives or friends have to go to war, or even get any risk at all, but a good war with Iran will kill tens of millions... it will mean the US military budget will quadruple and they might even need new laws to control any commies who are not on board with invading Iran... just because they are innocent and have done nothing wrong is no reason not to invade them...

    Maybe the Forbes list of the most wealthy should be used as a kill list of people on the planet who should be eliminated first and their wealth and assets redistributed amongst the poorest people on the planet.

    I mean the 1% own more than 90% of the population on the planet, so it would be a useful exercise because those bastards are just getting too greedy...

    can easily identify the special killer vaccines by a serial number or any id secret identification that only you will know , that will separate the true vaccines ,from the killer ones..

    The tiny problems all over the place... first you are assuming those Pfizer idiots are competent enough to come up with an actual vaccine that actually works. The second problem is of course when people start dying in enormous numbers from the vaccine... like more people than actually die from the actual virus the vaccine is supposed to protect them from then people will stop taking it. Third... if everyone taking the vaccine dies then the virus will be the least of your problems killing everyone will also eliminate most human viruses on its own so there is no need to take any vaccine anyway. And fourth, Pfizer is not the only maker of Vaccines so killing all your customers is probably going to be bad for the name of your company while vaccines made by other companies might work properly... essentially putting you out of business, killing your customers, but not getting anywhere near to killing more than a tiny fraction of the population you want to get rid of.

    The only sure way of getting the world population down to such levels would be to set up some isolated community in the middle of nowhere...set up everything you need, make it fully self sustaining, but it has to be totally isolated from the rest of humanity... the Moon or Mars would be the best choices but moving 500 million people to either location would be seriously problematic and very much unrealistic, but if you could do it... a short WWIII on earth to radiate the environment for a few hundred years and then when you come back things should have recovered like it has in Chernobyl... but you would need the intellectual competence to basically rebuild society and start mining and production of goods and foods almost immediately...

    Perhaps some sort of hibernation technology, with nuclear powered freezers and deep bunkers in non geologically active areas... still you could end up being stuck with a bunch of assholes...

    so please explain me that GARRYB a country of 5 million people ,with only 75 of them with covid19 , that by a HUGE COINCIDENCE , the powder milk that china got from new zealand was full of
    the virus?

    Which logically makes it sound like a load of bullshit.... all of the 75 with covid in New Zealand arrived on aircraft from other countries and were in quarantine and did not exit quarantine to work in a milk powder factory.

    People can't walk across a border to get here and it is too far for most private planes and boats.... everyone who arrives from overseas is screened and quarantined... all cases we have at the moment arrived on aircraft from overseas because no one here has it.

    But only a nutter like you would believe such a source... if we had it why export it to China.... that would be like sending ice to Alaska... they already have plenty and a little extra from us would make no difference at all.

    this actually happened ,and china got many infested for this criminal behavior of new zealand ,because it cannot be real bad luck or coincidence ,that they did not verify it ,was safe for people use?? this things does not surprise me , not at all , i told you ,anglo powers are controlled
    by a criminal international banking mafia and it have been told new zealand is one of the countries ,the super rich in the west will flee ,whenever they aware the risk of a nuclear war will start.
    and another nation also sold contaminated food, who it was ..?

    Geez you talk shit some times mate, maybe we developed covid and that was an icecream shipment that got delayed... the full shipment went just over a year ago and started it all off.

    People had stopped talking about our use of Novachok in the UK to murder some Russians so we had to do something to keep killing people... I mean give us credit... with Novachok we killed one junkie and made four other people sick... apparantly... actually there is a bloody good chance the poms sent the skripals to New Zealand or Australia... it is where they normally dump their rubbish... but after only getting one kill we are clearly doing much better with this Chinese virus... over 300K dead in the US alone... you wait for the next attack... it will kill billions... mwhahahahahahahaha...

    You are close... not anglo powers.... but austen powers...

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #2 - Page 22 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #2

    Post  Vann7 Mon Jan 18, 2021 5:52 pm

    GarryB wrote:
    Ahhh come on Vann, lets not be children... the west and the 1% have no police or government to answer to... they control the media, and therefore control the flow of information to the general population... they could kill anyone they like and no one in the west would give a shit...

    They could simply pick a country to fight and start a war... it is not like they have not done that before...

    The only difference is this time pick a country that can fight back so there will be lots of death on both sides and perhaps nukes will need to be used... perhaps a pathetic western coalition against Iran, or maybe Pakistan vs India...
    Maybe the Forbes list of the most wealthy should be used as a kill list of people on the planet who should be eliminated first and their wealth and assets redistributed amongst the poorest people on the planet.

    Sorry to say this ,but you are not showing a lot of logic in your reasoning , because you are a very slow thinker ,and that's why i need to nearly make drawings to explain you all ,so painfully so you get it.

    so lets try with poker analogy .

    Will you play poker with real money , lets say bet your only bank account ,an entire life savings
    in a casino ,that everyone warns you is very corrupt,  and their employees as masters of cheating and deception ?

    Will you risk all your money savings in your bank accounts , in poker playing with a master cheater ?  yes or no ?

    Anyone with basic common sense ,will not do it. period.

    So if you will not play poker with real money ,with a cheater , then why you want to bet/risk
    your life and family lives by trusting in a highly corrupt anglo pharma industry ?
    ,that have a very long record of cheating , to avoid lawsuits for people who got kill by their vaccines, and pharma that is owned by highly corrupt business people ,billionaires like Rockefellers ,Soros , bill gates ,blackrock hedge funds who totally controls  western pharma industry?

    So if you will not risk your bank accounts life saving playing a poker game with cheaters ,
    why you defend that people play with their lives and vaccinate with cheating pharma industry/billionaires and governments in the west ?

    And the example of new zealand was to show you ,that the possibilities that china will get covdi19 infested food from new zealand from a country with the most lowest numbers in the world ,that better managed the pandemic ,is close to zero..  so the only ways china could get the virus
    from new zealand from food is...

    1)a very incredibly bad lucky coincidence.
    2) or that new zealand intentionally infested the food to china ,to pass them the virus.

    which one you think it happened?  i don't think china lies , and new zealand being a puppet colony
    of the anglo system will have all the motives in the world to pass a virus to china ,because anglo
    powers are already in a trade war with china , political war , proxy military war , and economic war ,
    and media war.. So this will not surprise me.. you can say china lied , if you want ,but my experience
    tells me is far more likely they telling the truth ,because is the west who wants to take down china ,
    while china only wants to do business and that their territory integrity ,including hong kong and taiwan respected.

    Ahhh come on Vann, lets not be children... the west and the 1% have no police or government to answer to... they control the media, and therefore control the flow of information to the general population... they could kill anyone they like and no one in the west would give a shit...

    They could simply pick a country to fight and start a war... it is not like they have not done that before...

    That's not very clever, Garryb.. that plain totally dumb , that will be risking a civil war and as soon the military knows ,their family and or friends being murdered by their own government  ,their loyalty will completely end , don't you think?

    and people in the media will also rebel and expose the truth , this rebelions from time to time
    happens and could even trigger a revolution in the general staff , people that was hidden their true
    loyalty. American government , british government , Canada ,Australia ,new zealand will not do very well ,starting an open day light ethnic cleansing ,not only the population and most of the military will stop it ,  but the public image world wide will destroy any trust ,any alliance they had until that day.

    And start a new war to depopulate your country?  Laughing
    common , that's completely dumb.. they will have no control at all ,over when the war will end ,
    and the nations that will join against you ,neither control of where russian ,chinese and pakistan nukes will fall .

    Remember Russia empire had all the control of the world ,all the control of their army ,all the control of the press ,but when they started an ethic cleansing of population protesting them ,the revolutionthat began later bring down the empire. by forcing those in power to resign

    And the prohibitive cost of starting a war with iran ,with pakistan ,will be in the trillions
    ,and can bring down the american economy.. so even more dumber ,garryb.

    If the west follows your logic , then the west alone on its own will have sinked the american empire long time ago ,as soon they start wars with all nations they don't like and can fight ,iran ,pakistan ,iraq and all the nations that will later join in the opposing side without russia and china having to fire a bullet , you sink all by yourself the entire western empire by showing the world you are crazy mad , and this endless very big wars will sink your economy ,not mentioning the many nato soldiers killed
    and the very negative public opinion by their own military and citizens ,how careless they are
    for their lives and their real needs.

    The western anglo jewish powers ,wants to depopulate the world and do it while hiding their hands
    on the crime , because they will no last long in power if they start killing millions of people in the streets and the world watching. US or UK could even end being by their own allies to stop the ethnic cleansing..  Simply it will not happen . the only way the west can reduce massively their population by hundreds of millions without provoking a civil war , will be if they convince very dumb people (after are already doing) with help of corrupt media ,that their lives are at very serious risk of dying at any moment , to inspire massive fear and to promote that their vaccines are "safe".

    but this is not working very well because they don't have control of all the media
    and alternative media .. exist.  Cool

    in more covid news..

    More painful facts  for vaccine lovers..

    Woman who suffered convulsions after taking Pfizer Covid jab being screened for permanent neurological damage, son tells RT

    Another vaccine lover byte the dust. Brain permanent damage by pfizer vaccine, this is sad to
    see ,video inside RT.

    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #2 - Page 22 6005525320302765bf7fc7d5


    “I’m not in any way shape or form an anti-vaxx person. My mom wasn’t – she was all for the vaccine before this happened,” he said.  

    If it’s going to cause reactions like what it caused to my mom, it’s not worth it to me.

    After a video of his mother’s condition went viral, the son of a woman who was hospitalized after receiving Pfizer’s Covid jab told RT that, even though he was not an anti-vaxxer, he had serious doubts about the drug’s safety.
    Brant Griner issued an appeal on Facebook last week, after his mother began experiencing serious medical issues several days after taking the vaccine. In a now-viral post, Griner shared a video of his mother shaking uncontrollably as she attempted to walk, using nearby walls and a door to support herself as she inched forward.

    “Mom is getting even worse today and I still don’t have any answers from doctors as to how to fix this. Please pray for her. I can’t stand to see my mom this way. It makes me want to cry. knowing I can’t do anything to help her. Please don’t take the covid19 vaccine,” he wrote.

    The hospital determined that she was experiencing a “neurological reaction,” he said, adding that doctors believe the medical condition was caused by “the metals in the vaccine.”

    Make no mistake ,human stupidity can kill and ruin lives forever ,specially by fanatics for
    any pharma industry ,a religious like cult ,of faith to any pharma industry. choosing to become
    the laboratory rats of highly untested and rushed vaccines ,by trusting  western fake news media.
    The western media was celebrating the arrival of pfizer vaccine in hospitals ,like the winning
    the lottery , like a "miracle" ,with jumping doctors and nurses and thumps up to the camera .
    "See... is safe" they usually say.  Rolling Eyes

    Seems George Soros pharma industry rushed so much their killer vaccines ,that they forgot to calibrate them correctly , so those nanochips don't release too early their poison and kill too early ,or provoke major illness too soon , before all society is vaccinated . . Nothing of this will be known ever in the world if only liberal media like CNN ,newyork times and BBC and skynews was the only media in the world , and there was no real alternative media like RT . So expect the censorship of RT in less than a year .  I predict , major censorship will happen very soon ,and in less than 3 months they will shutdown RT and will be blamed of " sponsoring terrorism " so my bet is RT will not last another year online , but it could be just 3 months of life or just few days ,before is shutdown by democrats. RT is too dangerous for the western crooked politics.  Smile

    in more news..
    more people reports of brain neurological damage , this time is moderna vaccine.

    Watch: Healthy Woman Uncontrollably Shakes After Receiving COVID Vaccine

    i not a fan of infowars ,but they many times get it right ,and the video speak by itself.


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    Post  PapaDragon Mon Jan 18, 2021 9:40 pm

    Vann7 must be scared shitless knowing that majority of white people everywhere will get Pfizer vaccine and will be killed by nanomachines inside them while unvaccinated minorities will inherit the Earth

    He will be like Eric Cartman in water park lol1

    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #2 - Page 22 South-Park-Season-13-Episode-14-3-0b73

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    Post  kvs Tue Jan 19, 2021 1:34 am

    California Halts COVID Vaccinations From Moderna Batch Linked To "Unusually High Number" Of Adverse Reactions

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    Post  Vann7 Tue Jan 19, 2021 2:37 am

    interesting info that did not saw .. from this women who got brain damage .

    Since posting the video of his mother, Griner says he has received messages from “hundreds” of people sharing their own stories about vaccines triggering serious medical episodes. One woman who contacted him said she was experiencing “continuous” health issues after receiving the Moderna Covid shot.

    In a follow-up video posted by Griner on Saturday, his mother explained that she opted to have the jab to “protect her parents” and that, so far, MRI scans and blood tests have not revealed any underlying condition that might have prompted the adverse reaction.

    So there you see hundred(s) of people confirmation ,just like that women ,experiencing very serious illness just after taking either moderna or pfizer vaccine.

    So we only manage to see if we look for it few cases , but vast majority of people who are injured
    by the vaccine ,their cases never made it to the media for censorship of facebook and twitter and youtube. the video of the women above was posted in facebook and seems they deleted it. No

    This is how you can depopulate a country ,with the help of lying bs media ,and censorship.
    Most people are sheep and use mainstream media to get their information.

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    Post  Vann7 Tue Jan 19, 2021 2:53 am

    kvs wrote:

    California Halts COVID Vaccinations From Moderna Batch Linked To "Unusually High Number" Of Adverse Reactions

    from your same link.. interesting info..

    you were right on the controversies with mRNA .  Smile

    4 hours ago

    But mRNA is a tricky technology. Several major pharmaceutical companies have tried and abandoned the idea, struggling to get mRNA into cells without triggering nasty side effects."

    “It’s all vaccines right now, and vaccines are a loss-leader,” said one former Moderna manager. “Moderna right now is a multibillion-dollar vaccines company, and I don’t see how that holds up.”

    “[The technology] would have to be a miraculous, Hail Mary sort of save for them to get to where they need to be on their timelines,”  
    one former (moderna) employee said. “Either [Bancel] is extremely confident that it’s going to work, or he’s getting kind of jittery that with a lack of progress he needs to put something out there.”

    those nasty side effects that other pharma industries saw ,are the same ones moderna
    and pfizer are experiencing. They were definitively caught of guard by the Russian sputnik V vaccine,
    seems they did not expected in their wildest dreams Russia  and china will have a vaccine so quickly and so effective and so rushed their guinea pigs experiments with volunteers idiots to put their lives
    on the line for a few hundred dollars.

    Russia and china also rushed somewhat their vaccines too ,but there is a huge major differences ,
    is that russia and china are using proven and tested methods ,traditional way of doing vaccines ,that are far more easier to develop and that have been used for many decades and very effective ,while moderna and pfizer are using totally new uncharted waters in high tech , totally unproven tech , that have never been attempted before and this is comparable to the nasa space shuttles program ,totally new and untested tech ,that was all advanced and high tech but was more useful as fireworks in the end ,and not very safe for people.

    80% of People Taking Moderna Vaccine Had Significant Side-Effects   wow  lol1  

    bill gates asked if 80% is not too much failure for his backed vaccines..  Laughing

    This is the same vaccine that the bastards hispanic media in US and their mafia doctors complicity in Telemundo was promoting heavily in all latin america ,like the second coming of jesus. and in the same in same report they discredit  of the sputnik vaccine , that was attacked in all
    spanish neoliberal media , like univision and telemundo , and many pro guaido's media.[/b]

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    Post  GarryB Tue Jan 19, 2021 5:20 am

    so lets try with poker analogy .

    Terrible example. I don't gamble, and even if I did, why would I bet everything I have on anything?

    There is currently a world wide pandemic... a virus that has proven dangerous.

    I happen to live in a country where it is very easy to limit people coming here and check them as they arrive so anybody with the virus can be identified and isolated protecting the entire population from infections from the virus.

    At some time however the number of people wanting to come here will increase and a number of people here will want to go overseas for a holiday too and the numbers involved and demands for not having to give up 2 weeks of quarantine at each end will mean we will risk getting infected people arriving and spreading the virus here.

    The only longer term protection is to get vaccinated.

    There are several options for vaccination, but I will have the luxury of being able to hear about the experiences of other countries and see the results of their experiences with the different vaccines.

    I can already tell my preferred option would be the Russian Vaccine but there are others available too.

    If you are right and big international companies want me dead so they and their families can live a more comfortable life then so what... it does not mean anything to me... any more than my thoughts that they should all just kill themselves in a big mass suicide because they are the problem creating the world we have today... not the saddams and milosovichs and putins and Xis.

    But you give them way too much credit as usual... they might want to murder 85 percent of the population but they have to be rather careful not to kill off too much because it is the 99% that the 1% feed off that makes them so rich... wiping out 85% to make life easier does not make sense if that 85% does not include the 1% that owns 90 percent of the wealth.

    The 1% have money and power, but they are no more in control than I am.

    Will you risk all your money savings in your bank accounts , in poker playing with a master cheater ? yes or no ?

    Why do you think I wont be cheating too?

    Anyone with basic common sense ,will not do it. period.

    Yeah, casinos never make money.... it is why they are tiny single table street stalls and not glimmering multi story enormous buildings with lights and energy... and money.

    So if you will not play poker with real money ,with a cheater , then why you want to bet/risk
    your life and family lives by trusting in a highly corrupt anglo pharma industry ? ,that have a very long record of cheating , to avoid lawsuits for people who got kill by their vaccines, and pharma that is owned by highly corrupt business people ,billionaires like Rockefellers ,Soros , bill gates ,blackrock hedge funds who totally controls western pharma industry?

    Because even if 500 people have been killed by the Vaccine, the virus has killed over 2 million people world wide.

    Have not heard of a single death associated with the Russian Vaccine Sputnik V...

    And the example of new zealand was to show you ,that the possibilities that china will get covdi19 infested food from new zealand from a country with the most lowest numbers in the world ,that better managed the pandemic ,is close to zero.. so the only ways china could get the virus
    from new zealand from food is...

    1)a very incredibly bad lucky coincidence.
    2) or that new zealand intentionally infested the food to china ,to pass them the virus.

    which one you think it happened? i don't think china lies , and new zealand being a puppet colony
    of the anglo system will have all the motives in the world to pass a virus to china ,because anglo
    powers are already in a trade war with china , political war , proxy military war , and economic war ,
    and media war.. So this will not surprise me.. you can say china lied , if you want ,but my experience
    tells me is far more likely they telling the truth ,because is the west who wants to take down china ,
    while china only wants to do business and that their territory integrity ,including hong kong and taiwan respected.

    The only place New Zealand could get the virus is from someone who just arrived on a plane into New Zealand. Why would we want to send a virus to China... CHINA ALREADY HAS CORONA VIRUS.
    How many people could milk powder infect in a country of one and a half billion... milk powder is a product for children mostly which is probably the safest group from the virus... if we wanted to murder Chinese people with Covid then surely we would have put it in adult diapers or hearing aids... why put it in baby food?

    Why risk our world exports of dairy products to infect some Chinese people... there are more infected people in China in Bejing than there are New Zealanders in New Zealand... are we going to take them down by introducing a virus they have already?


    That's not very clever, Garryb.. that plain totally dumb , that will be risking a civil war and as soon the military knows ,their family and or friends being murdered by their own government ,their loyalty will completely end , don't you think?

    The 1% control the media... who is going to tell them why these people are dying?

    The rate they would have to kill them at would be the inverse of the current rate of the corona virus... ie 3% survival rate... and in such a situation the chaos would be total... the three survivors in every 100 people would have 97 corpses to deal with...

    And start a new war to depopulate your country? Laughing
    common , that's completely dumb.. they will have no control at all ,over when the war will end ,
    and the nations that will join against you ,neither control of where russian ,chinese and pakistan nukes will fall .

    You are the fucking idiot who thinks the illuminati want a world population of 500 million and are using nano tech and vaccines to do it.

    I am telling you ways they might do it and how even those absurd ways will fail and never achieve such a goal...

    Remember Russia empire had all the control of the world ,all the control of their army ,all the control of the press ,but when they started an ethic cleansing of population protesting them ,the revolutionthat began later bring down the empire. by forcing those in power to resign

    Geez you talk crap sometimes, the Russian Tsar never had such power... that is bollocks... what ethnic cleansing are you talking about?
    The Russian Tsar was murdered because he was a censored who didn't give a shit about the people and they realised any crap is better than this crap.

    Maybe the people of the US will realise this or maybe not, but their votes mean nothing and have not done for quite some decades.

    Companies own the US.

    And the prohibitive cost of starting a war with iran ,with pakistan ,will be in the trillions
    ,and can bring down the american economy.. so even more dumber ,garryb.

    What cost? The 1% make money in wars.... both fighting and rebuilding afterwards. The US can print as much money as it pleases and a conflict wont help the average Joe taxpayer, but the Clintons and the Albrights and the Cheneys and the Bush's and McCains are going to make billions... why do you think they keep doing it?

    Woman who suffered convulsions after taking Pfizer Covid jab being screened for permanent neurological damage, son tells RT

    Another vaccine lover byte the dust. Brain permanent damage by pfizer vaccine, this is sad to
    see ,video inside RT.

    Nice anti vaxxer reporting there Vann... woman has convulsions and is being screened to see what is going on and you already label her brain dead and assign the cause as being a vaccine... which you previously described as nothing remember... Vaccines don't fight the virus... they just prepare the body to fight the virus.... isn't that what you said?

    i not a fan of infowars ,but they many times get it right ,and the video speak by itself.

    Blah blah blah... Mr Expert.

    So your professional advice is to don't take vaccines... I am sure for the 3% who die from it you can say... well at least you didn't get facial paralysis.... even though they kinda did.

    Funny you think a few adverse reactions justify not protecting yourself from a virus that has killed 2 million people so far. 90 million infections and 2 million dead... I have given you stats on the virus... what are the actual stats for the vaccines... have not heard of any serious side effects for Sputnik V.

    I do love the irony... because poor and anti west countries will likely be getting Sputnik or the Chinese vaccine because of cost, while the rich western countries will be getting the trojan horse stuff... the result should be that the 500 million humans who get to live are going to be black or Russian or Chinese... hilarious.

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    Post  elconquistador Tue Jan 19, 2021 5:45 am

    You have a higher chance of getting seriously ill through taking the toxic brew (some call it a vaccine, which is really a misnomer) than through getting infected by the nothingburger Covid1984. Unless you are a 75 year old stage 4 cancer patient of course.

    The Boomers should really start thinking about just shutting off the TV. All that fearporn ain't good for your brain. I am saying this out of genuine consideration.

    As for the juggling with numbers, the WHO (straight from the horse's mouth) estimated in October 2020 that 10 percent of the world population had been infected with Covid1984 already. That's 4 months ago.

    About the 2 million deaths.. The average of the deceased in many western countries is 80+. With a mortality rate between 0.17 and 0.23 (again from the WHO). There are also NO uptick in deaths ANNUALLY ANYWHERE

    Also, has anyone found the flu-deaths statistics of 2020 (in whichever country) already?

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    Post  Kiko Tue Jan 19, 2021 12:25 pm

    Russia's EpiVacCorona Vaccine Has 100 Percent Efficacy, Watchdog Says

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    Post  kvs Tue Jan 19, 2021 5:02 pm

    Kiko wrote:Russia's EpiVacCorona Vaccine Has 100 Percent Efficacy, Watchdog Says

    Yet another sane vaccine from Russia. It will not have the autoimmune effects of Pfizer's crapcine since it does not
    try to hijack human cells to manufacture viral proteins but introduces peptide sequences of those proteins directly.
    So it uses the natural path for training the immune system by introducing foreign protein fragments into the blood
    stream. If they did their job right, there will actually be no similarity between the virus peptides and any human peptides.
    In addition, these peptides are not going to form persistent molecular complexes with human proteins in the blood stream.

    Doing a search for peptide based vaccines using Google I get a spew of BS about how supposedly weak these sorts of
    vaccines are and need adjuvants. Sure, sure. If anyone bothers, they can recall that vaccines have required adjuvants
    since forever. The need for adjuvants is due to the fact that sticking the needle into your shoulder muscle does not
    trigger enough immune system attention. So the adjuvant induces an inflammatory reaction which wakes up the immune
    system. This has precisely zero to do with the nature of the vaccine.

    Maybe Pfizer's wonder crapcine does not need an adjuvant. But so fcuking what.


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    Post  kvs Tue Jan 19, 2021 5:41 pm

    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #2 - Page 22 Vitamin-D-and-covid-2021

    Indoor confinement makes Covid-19 worse for those that get it. Vitamin D requires enough sunlight exposure to produce.
    (It is actually formed from a type of cholesterol precursor in the skin). Winter time lowering of vitamin D levels is one of
    the reasons for the flu season. The other one is longer persistence of coughing aerosol with lower temperatures in
    public venues (e.g. bus stops and even subway platforms in Toronto were many stations receive surface subway

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    Post  Vann7 Tue Jan 19, 2021 6:17 pm


    alright @Garryb , i give up discussing with you , you show absolutely zero abilities of common sense.
    just vaccinate with pfizer or moderna , i don't care dude . just trust in the media that tells you so many trillions of people died of covid19 , ignore the reports of mass scale falsifications of death reports by covid ,just justify later their mandatory vaccines,that include people with car accidents written as covid19 deaths. cancer and other issues too written as covid death . ignore corruption of the american empire ,corruption ofthe american media ,corruption of the pharma industry ,ignore the former russian colonels intel reports that there is no natural pandemic at all ,but that the world faces a military biological attack operation by the anglozionist powers. and be happy dude.. i really don't give a shit , for people who don't care about knowing the truth , and don't care about their lives eithers ,it will not make me lose my sleep in any way .
    I only post for the others , not only in this forum but others too for the people who are really interested to know what's going in the world . i will never claim to know all , or to be always correct , but vast majority of times 95% more or less i am ,when it comes to international politics ,like this covid19 military operation is .

    Just trust  in your anglo government lies , just trust your anglo bullshit media reports of covid19 deaths , ignoring the mass scale falsification exxagerations of the numbers, to justify mandatory anything anglo corrupt media tells you is all fine .  you are not the only one blind person i know and have to deal on discussions on internet , there are millions like you , so is all fine , im not looking to inform those who are closed , but those who are truly interested in to know the truth. is not worth my time trying to explain you things ,if you are totally closed to facts and anything different of what you believe. So will simply ignore you from now on , on this covid19 topic.


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    Post  Vann7 Tue Jan 19, 2021 6:53 pm

    kvs wrote:

    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #2 - Page 22 Vitamin-D-and-covid-2021

    Indoor confinement makes Covid-19 worse for those that get it.   Vitamin D requires enough sunlight exposure to produce.  
    (It is actually formed from a type of cholesterol precursor in the skin).   Winter time lowering of vitamin D levels is one of
    the reasons for the flu season.   The other one is longer persistence of coughing aerosol with lower temperatures in
    public venues (e.g. bus stops and even subway platforms in Toronto were many stations receive surface subway

    that will explain why they tell you "Stay in your house " they don't want you take the sun , that
    can influence your health in vitamin d ,and counter their unleashed covid on the population..
    make it less effective lol1

    it seems that vitamins have been significantly underestimated by society ,its powers to
    counter people illness and viruses. No wonder somewhere i read , the west was banning or
    demonizing vitamins left and right , from population , but no idea where was that happening or if it was true. can't remember the source .

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    Post  kvs Tue Jan 19, 2021 8:15 pm

    In Canada, we had action by the FDA variant Health Canada (which is rubber stamp for the FDA drug approvals)
    to reduced the vitamin C dose one could buy over the counter. This is epic clownery since Health Canada approves
    toxic garbage that damages your health but tries to neuter a natural vitamin supplement. The human body cannot
    be damaged even by 100,000 unit doses of vitamin C. And nobody consumes such does.

    Also, if some loser decides to overdose on something, then that does not justify nanny state intervention to
    save us. Losers can overdose on sugar and die. I don't see sugar being regulated.


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    Post  Kiko Tue Jan 19, 2021 8:51 pm

    The Russian Ministry of Health explained the difference between the Sputnik V vaccine and EpiVacCorona
    19 January 2021

    The Sputnik V drug uses two non-pathogenic viruses on which synthetic pieces of coronavirus are implanted, and the EpiVacCorona vaccine is completely synthetic, Chief Freelance Microbiologist of the Russian Ministry of Health Professor Roman Kozlov told the VZGLYAD newspaper.

    The press service of Rospotrebnadzor said that the vaccine against the coronavirus "EpiVacCorona" by the "Vector" center, according to the results of the first and second phases of clinical trials, has one hundred percent immunological effectiveness. Russians will be able to take this drug from March this year.

    “The fundamental difference between the Sputnik V vaccine and EpiVacCorona is that these are two completely different approaches. Sputnik V uses two non-pathogenic viruses that are implanted with synthetic pieces of the coronavirus. The Vector vaccine is completely synthetic, that is, there are no pieces there, ”explains Kozlov.

    The doctor draws attention to the fact that both vaccines, according to published data, are highly effective and safe, therefore, they are equally good to use.

    “To whom to apply which vaccine - doctors will have to determine, analyzing the individual indicators of each patient. The fact is that there is a certain category of people who are suitable for both one and the other vaccine, but the decision about which drug is best for him should be made by a specialist. I do not see any fundamental differences between the two vaccines in terms of determining the contingent, ”the source said.

    He also noted that those who have already had a coronavirus infection should still continue to comply with the anti-epidemic measures recommended by Rospotrebnadzor and the operational headquarters.

    “Those who have been ill do not need to be vaccinated yet. They have, in fact, developed a certain amount of antibodies, so the introduction of a vaccine can lead to unpleasant consequences. First, those contingents who were not sick are vaccinated. Those who have recovered should wait a little while. But, again, these indications are determined by the doctor individually, ”concluded Kozlov.

    Earlier, experts talked about the features of three Russian vaccines against coronavirus infection "Sputnik V", "EpiVacCorona" and vaccines of the Chumakov Center, and also said why scientists need to develop different drugs at all.

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    Post  Vann7 Tue Jan 19, 2021 10:24 pm

    As Pfizer Side Effects Emerge, Why Is the West Still Overlooking
    Russian Anti-Covid Vaccines?

    After becoming the first coronavirus vaccine registered in the world, Sputnik V faced backlash in the western media, which implied that the medicine lacked scale in trials to be deemed safe. However, despite numerous signs of the Pfizer vaccine having side effects, the American shot has not received that much scrutiny in the mainstream media.

    Finally about fucking time , the Always slow to react , the russian government gamaleya institute
    is warning people about the unstability of pfizer vaccine.. wondering what this anglovax loyalist
    will now say , accuse the creator of sputnik V of being an anti vaxxer crazy nut? lol1

    Most of the reports shows the clear obvious western anglo hypocrisy ,how  they
    were all the time spitting on the russian vaccine claiming it was "unsafe" , even when
    noone was killed or suffered any major negative health condition ,while pfizer and moderna
    with up to 80% of vaccinated with moderna showing unexpected negative side effects
    and a lot of deaths from pfizer and moderna , still yet don't negative press from major media
    in the west .

    The most interesting part is what the creator of sputnik V told about
    the pfizer (and moderna) vaccine.. that warned today the world today oct 19 2020
    ,of pfizer and moderna vaccines for the very risky gamble of what they are doing
    with their vaccine.    Suspect

    Unstable RNA in Pfizer's Vaccine Possibly Responsible for Alleged (very negative) Side Effects

    A possible cause for the alleged side effects of Pfizer's vaccine might be its use of nucleoside-modified messenger RNA – a technology which has so far been only utilized in vaccines for animals and never before for humans.

    Gamaleya's chief Alexander Gintsburg pointed out, however, that unlike DNA, RNA is more labile – prone to sudden changes. This process might happen even in the process of the vaccine's production and, as a result, several batches of the same Pfizer vaccine might differ from each other, with "spoiled" ones potentially having  unexpected side effects, the academic stressed .

    "In Israel, they faced mild facial paralysis in those who had been vaccinated [with Pfizer's shot]. However, we do not currently have a comprehensive understanding of what other complications can happen [under the influence of this drug]. For example, it could be paralysis of the oesophageal musculature or heart nerve palsy", Gintsburg stressed.

    So there you have it ,a big warning from the mouth of gamaleya top scientist.  Smile
    that is a major gamble ,to vaccinate with pfizer .or moderna vaccines that use similar
    untested ,unproven ,unreliable technologies.

    omg  Shocked    Laughing
    Those lucky that don't die could face ,Facial paralysis ,neurological damage , heart muscular damage,
    and this is not mentioning the long time effects . we could see millions dying in a year ,for the vaccine shot they taking today and the same idiots who defends this vaccine in the media and paid doctors who did not warned , will not even apologise to the people for deceiving them

    Hopefully the covid-tards  who defend pfizer and moderna vaccines will learn about that all over the
    world , that they are being used as laboratory rats ,because the technology behind those vaccines

    Personally i'm aware of one hospital top doctor of a major important private hospital ,that is warning his own family members to not vaccinate with pfizer not yet ,to wait . he is not very impressed
    with what pfizer vaccine. Unfortunately their voices will never be heard in the corrupt main stream media. the press is largely responsible for many of this deaths in combination with corrupt doctors who sponsor this genetical bioexperiments on mass scale population .

    Last edited by Vann7 on Tue Jan 19, 2021 10:56 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Post  kvs Tue Jan 19, 2021 10:56 pm

    The one moron disliking the above post is indeed a moron.

    It is a factual and relevant post. I was not aware of the mRNA stability issue. So the Pfizer crapcine can fuck up without
    any effort.

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    Post  Vann7 Tue Jan 19, 2021 11:13 pm

    kvs wrote:The one moron disliking the above post is indeed a moron.

    It is a factual and relevant post.   I was not aware of the mRNA stability issue.   So the Pfizer crapcine can fuck up without
    any effort.  

    yep , this is a big deal..

    he exposed how unstable is pfizer tech with mRNA and how this will provoke that not all
    vaccines will end being not the same with injected in people's blood. So you could have
    100,000 vaccines from pfizer and in one place they could all behave as they expect..
    but in another 100,000 batch in another city in a totally different way , and so is impossible
    to know which vaccine is safe and which ones are not ,because the ingredients inside pfizer use
    are not stable on its own and create unpredictable results..  he warned that no only facial paralysis
    are the risk but heart illness too. Shocked  

    if Russia top scientist estimates are correct. we are speaking here about millions of people could end dying by pfizer vaccine in the long term ,  , and it will not be blamed on the vaccine ,but their "Age" or "poor health"   The sad thing later is they will say "will be investigating" but continue with the vaccination ,business as usual..  No  

    i predict chinese and russian vaccines will totally eclipse the pfizer and moderna in the world.
    americans have a new one the johnson and johnson ,but haven't heard anything from it ,this one
    is one of the last to enter in market from western pharma . Russia have another one in development that claims 100% efficiency.  Smile  if they manage to pull that in practice ,  this will end all the myths that exist in the world ,that is "normal" that a few dozens or hundreds people die when vaccinated per country .. this is only normal ,if the pharma industry is totally careless for people lives and want to rush  vaccines without properly testing them just for not losing sales and making big money.

    about the topic of dislikes ,that doesn't bother me ,not even a little bit .  lol1

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