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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #2


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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #2 - Page 35 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #2

    Post  Kiko Mon Mar 01, 2021 9:39 pm

    Sputnik V could bring Russia hundreds of billions of dollars
    24 February

    After the publication in the authoritative medical journal The Lancet of the results of the third phase of the clinical trial of the Russian vaccine "Sputnik V", it began to conquer international markets. Almost on a weekly basis, a new country is added to the geography of its distribution, the voices of skeptics are heard less and less.

    A billion first doses

    According to the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF), which is responsible for promoting the Sputnik V vaccine, more than 50 countries have received applications for the purchase of over 1.2 billion doses of the drug. We are talking about the doses needed to vaccinate 1.2 billion people. The cost of the dose (vaccination is carried out in two stages, two injections are made) is about $ 20, respectively, the income from the sale of the vaccine could be $ 24 billion - this is twice the amount that Russia receives from the sale of weapons.

    Western manufacturers are also planning to make billions. The EU intends to order about 300 million ampoules from Pfizer vaccine manufacturers in the first trimester of 2021; taking into account that the cost of one ampoule is 15.5 euros, the amount will be 4.65 billion euros. The German company CureVac, one of whose largest investors is the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, plans to sell 225 million doses to Europe at a price of 10 euros, with revenues of 2.25 billion euros.

    At the moment, the Russian vaccine is registered in 30 countries, including Russia, Belarus, Serbia, Argentina, Bolivia, Algeria, Palestine, Venezuela, Paraguay, Turkmenistan, UAE, Hungary and others. More than 10 sitesin India , China, Brazil, South Korea and Kazakhstan, the Russian vaccine is being produced. An application has been submitted for its registration in the European Union. Against this background, Ukraine stands out, where the governmentissued a decree banning the registration of Russian vaccines against coronavirus in the country.

    Attempts to prick "Sputnik"

    The head of the RDIF Kirill Dmitriev announced the interest in the Sputnik V vaccine in more than 30 countries back in September last year. However, after the vaccine was registered in Russia and until the end of the third phase of its trials, foreign media were full of headlines about the drug's ineffectiveness.

    The French newspaper Le Monde wrote: "... Since the Russian vaccine has not yet been tested on a large group of people, the international scientific community expresses doubts about its quality, effectiveness and safety." The Swedish publication Dagens Nyheter stated: “... We do not know how effective the vaccine is in small human studies, and therefore we do not know how well it works in different groups (for example, the elderly). There is also no information on what side effects were found. " "In Russia, they don't know if their vaccine actually works," was the headline of an article by Bloomberg.

    However, the results of the third phase of trials of the Russian vaccine, published in February in The Lancet, confirmed "a sustained strong protective effect in all age groups." The study involved 21,977 volunteers.

    During the tests, scientists have found that immunity is formed within 18 days after the first dose of the drug. According to published data, the vaccine is 91.6 percent effective and 91.8 percent among people over 60. Antibodies appeared in 98 percent of the study participants, and cellular immunity in all. According to the director of the NITsEM named after V.I. NF Gamalei Alexander Gintsburg, vaccination with the "Sputnik V" vaccine will allow the formation of immunity for at least two years.

    A vaccine for the whole world

    The Lancet magazine is one of the most respected in the medical world. Of course, this publication lends weight to the Russian vaccine. But the question of whether it is the best in the world, whether there is a vaccine corresponding to it in terms of quality, is a difficult one, - the Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Biological Sciences Yevgeny Lilin comments on Octagon. - We do not see long-term results of vaccinations with Pfizer, AstraZeneca or our vaccines, so we cannot say which one is the best. But we have reasons to hope that the Russian vaccine will be quite competitive in this market, and very serious ones.

    After the publication, international experts became supportive of Sputnik V. According to Hildegund Ertl, MD, professor at the Center for Vaccines and Immunotherapy at Vista Institute (USA), Sputnik V is more effective than vaccines from AstraZeneca or Johnson & Johnson.

    "Sputnik V, which, unlike the equally effective RNA vaccines of Pfizer and Moderna, can be refrigerated, will go a long way in tackling the global COVID-19 pandemic."
    Hildegund Ertl
    Professor of the Center for Vaccines and Immunotherapy, Vista Institute (USA)

    The general tone of publications in the media has also changed. The Swedish publication Dagens Industri writes: “We must continue to trade with Russia, especially if it offers something as important as the vaccine we needed yesterday. Sputnik V cannot be rejected just because the vaccine is produced in this country. ”

    “Apparently, Russia's statement that Sputnik V is a“ vaccine for the whole world ”has come true, at least in most of the world. While Europe is discussing the refusal to order vaccines, about 20 countries have already approved the Russian vaccine, ”the German newspaper Berliner Zeitung notes.

    At first, there was skepticism about our vaccine, including in Russia - for example, in the Russian segment of Facebook and other social networks, because there are always people who, like the heroes of the film "Unfinished Piece for a Mechanical Piano", say that they are grimy to play can not, - shares with "Octagon" Professor of the Department of Virology at the Institute named after Belozersky Moscow State University Alexei Agranovsky. “And such people here spoke and wrote in unison with what they wrote in the West. But behind this lie not only emotions, but also great commercial interests, unfair competition and, of course, politics.

    Now, according to the scientist, the attitude has begun to change, and it is difficult to argue with the conclusions of The Lancet. The main challenge now is to maintain good quality in mass production, which is a challenge for any vaccine.

    Some drugs have shown rather modest results in mass use, in particular, there are questions about the effectiveness of the AstraZeneca vaccine. Doctors are already asking to abandon it, includingdue to the large number of side effects.

    Apparently, in the West, there is now an underproduction of vaccines, and this opens up good prospects for our vaccine. The Sputnik concept itself turned out to be better, because it uses two adenoviruses, two platforms. And if you have antibodies to one virus, then it is unlikely to the second one, because it is almost impossible for a person to get sick with two adenoviruses. And it is more efficient than the chimpanzee adenovirus platform, which is used, for example, by AstraZeneca. Therefore, our vaccine can make a great contribution to the victory over the pandemic, says Agranovsky.

    It is difficult to say how successful the fate of the new Russian drug will be on international markets, the promotion process is taking place in conditions of serious competition from other manufacturers.

    Export "Vector"

    Today, more than 20 types of vaccines for COVID-19 are being developed in Russia. Most of them are in preclinical or initial clinical trials. But there are only two obvious leaders so far - "Sputnik V" and "EpiVacCorona", created in the state scientific center of virology and biotechnology "Vector".

    Its creators were in no hurry to register and lost the championship to Sputnik V. But they spent more time researching and testing. The "Vector" vaccine was created using a different technology. According to the head of the Department of Zoonotic Infections and Influenza of the Vector Scientific Center, Candidate of Biological Sciences Alexander Ryzhikov, it was developed on the basis of synthetic peptides - artificially created short fragments of viral proteins to which an immune response is formed.

    "The preparation lacks a live virus, as well as a viral genome, which makes the vaccine harmless and less reactogenic," the scientist noted. In his opinion, the fact that 40 thousand volunteers took part in the post-registration trials of the vaccine gives a fairly complete picture of its effect on humans.

    “The advantage of the EpiVacCorona vaccine is, first of all, its highest safety profile. It is completely areactogenic and can be used both for older people and for people with various immunosuppressive diseases, allergy sufferers. "
    Rinat Maksyutov
    General Director of the Research Center "Vector" Rospotrebnadzor

    At the same time, the creators of the drug themselves note that it will provide immunity for a shorter period than Sputnik V.

    The third vaccine, which may become one of the leaders, was created by the Federal Scientific Center for Research and Development of Immunobiological Preparations named after V.I. M.P. Chumakova. It received the name "KoviVak", it was registered on February 20, 2021. Considering the success of Sputnik V, these developments also have great export potential.

    Alexey Koryakov

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    Post  kvs Wed Mar 03, 2021 8:54 am

    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #2 - Page 35 EvahP-9WQAUysod?format=jpg&name=medium

    More inanity. Why not just live like the boy in the bubble.

    The key here is that the virus will not disappear. It will get you eventually. So these ridiculous protection
    efforts are just clown

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    Post  Maximmmm Wed Mar 03, 2021 12:45 pm

    kvs wrote:Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #2 - Page 35 EvahP-9WQAUysod?format=jpg&name=medium

    More inanity.   Why not just live like the boy in the bubble.

    The key here is that the virus will not disappear.   It will get you eventually.   So these ridiculous protection
    efforts are just clown

    These have to be comedians, I refuse to believe it Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing

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    Post  GarryB Thu Mar 04, 2021 2:03 am

    Actually in some places that will be awesome... small biting insects can drive you crazy in some places around the world...

    I actually was walking on a track a while back and a chap walked past who had bought a 2m by 2m square of fine netting that he had draped over a large wide brimmed hat and had it hanging down over his body like a poncho and tucked into his belt to stop insects getting in under it. It hung down below his belt though so he was able to cover his backpack and had his arms inside the net so he could walk normally and eat snacks and drink but remained covered by this fine screen net... totally brilliant and effective.

    Obviously would not stop Covid.

    Must say years ago I thought Asian people in Japan and China you saw on the telly wearing masks because of pollution were mad, but now I understand better... but I really don't like wearing masks in hot weather, but on cold night walks walking the dog a mask is something I wear now... not that it actually gets very cold here.

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    Post  kvs Thu Mar 04, 2021 2:47 am

    A very long time ago my family bought a sort of netting plus brimmed head wear that was not very well designed and not fun
    to wear in the summer. The mesh was too tight for stopping mosquitos or black flies which is what it was supposed to be for.
    It resembled the protective head gear that beekeepers wear. I haven't used it in a long time. I agree that such a concept is
    not a bad idea, but these clowns are wearing cumbersome mini-tents which are much worse and naturally look absurd.


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    Post  Kiko Fri Mar 05, 2021 12:23 am

    Putin today: Russian vaccines against Covid-19 are the world's most effective and safest

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    Post  kvs Fri Mar 05, 2021 1:35 am

    Kiko wrote:Putin today: Russian vaccines against Covid-19 are the world's most effective and safest

    There is something to be said for a conservative approach for sure. Pulling GMO stunts like Pfizer is criminal.


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    Post  GarryB Fri Mar 05, 2021 7:18 am

    I agree that such a concept is
    not a bad idea, but these clowns are wearing cumbersome mini-tents which are much worse and naturally look absurd.

    Well I agree the 360 degree 100% protection is rather negated with the enormous side openings for the arms which are excessively big and open to airflow... though I suppose to stop virus laidan sneeze particles it would have to be water tight, so I guess the armholes also stop suffocation...

    On the west coast of the South Island in some places the annual rainfall is measured in metres so perhaps two potential uses but not a good implementation... might as well make it bigger and use it as a tent...

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    Post  kvs Fri Mar 05, 2021 5:43 pm

    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #2 - Page 35 050321nosy1

    Apparently this inanity is not a joke. Even if you breath through the nose, you still exchange air through the mouth to some extent.
    This contraption would require that there by tape placed over the mouth. Absurdity in full bloom.


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    Post  magnumcromagnon Fri Mar 05, 2021 7:41 pm

    kvs wrote:

    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #2 - Page 35 050321nosy1

    Apparently this inanity is not a joke.    Even if you breath through the nose, you still exchange air through the mouth to some extent.
    This contraption would require that there by tape placed over the mouth.   Absurdity in full bloom.

    Navalny needs that so he could stop snorting Peruvian Marching Powder.

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    Post  Kiko Sat Mar 06, 2021 8:52 pm

    Venezuela's Maduro received today the first dose of Sputnik jab:

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    Post  elconquistador Mon Mar 08, 2021 1:18 pm

    Russian Disinformation Campaign Aims to Undermine Confidence in Pfizer, Other Covid-19 Vaccines, U.S. Officials Say
    Websites linked to Russian intelligence services publish false information questioning vaccines’ safety, efficacy

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    Post  elconquistador Mon Mar 08, 2021 1:23 pm

    Meanwhile in Israel

    Death Rates Skyrocket in Israel Following Pfizer

    “This is a new Holocaust” – Haim Yativ and Dr. Seligmann

    We have previously reported how Israel rapidly vaccinated the highest percentage of their population with experimental COVID vaccines after the Israeli government struck a bargain with Pfizer to secure millions of doses of their mRNA COVID vaccines.

    Vera Sharav wrote:

    It is astonishing that the government of Israel entrusted the health of the people to Pfizer; by entering into a secret contract that enrolled the Israeli population to become research subjects, without their knowledge or consent.


    Are More People Being Harmed by the Pfizer Experimental “Vaccine” than from COVID? Israeli Population Now the World’s Lab Rats Sold Out to Pfizer
    To date, Israel has vaccinated over 53% of their population, twice the percentage of the next closest nation, Britain, with 26.9%.


    The “official news” published by the corporate media claiming that the vaccines have been effective in reducing rates of COVID in Israel has been scrutinized and examined by Aix-Marseille University Faculty of Medicine Emerging Infectious and Tropical Diseases Unit’s Dr. Hervé Seligmann and engineer Haim Yativ, who published their results on a discussion forum website called “Nakim.”

    The information quickly went viral, and has now been translated into several languages and addressed on various news sites around the world, including Arutz Sheva 7,

    Mordechai Sones writes:

    A front-page article appeared in the FranceSoir newspaper about findings on the Nakim website regarding what some experts are calling “the high mortality caused by the vaccine.”

    The paper interviews Aix-Marseille University Faculty of Medicine Emerging Infectious and Tropical Diseases Unit’s Dr. Hervé Seligmann and engineer Haim Yativ about their research and data analysis.

    They claim that Pfizer’s shot causes “mortality hundreds of times greater in young people compared to mortality from coronavirus without the vaccine, and dozens of times more in the elderly, when the documented mortality from coronavirus is in the vicinity of the vaccine dose, thus adding greater mortality from heart attack, stroke, etc.”

    Dr Hervé Seligmann works at the Emerging Infectious and Tropical Diseases Research Unit, Faculty of Medicine, Aix-Marseille University, Marseille, France. He is of Israeli-Luxembourg nationality. He has a B. Sc. In Biology from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and has written over 100 scientific publications.

    FranceSoir writes that they follow publications, data analyzes, and feedback from various countries on vaccination, and have therefore taken an interest in the Nakim article, asking to interview them in order to understand their analysis and its limitations.

    The authors of the article declare they have no conflicts or interests other than having children in Israel.

    After a presentation, the authors discussed their data analysis, the validations carried out, limitations, and above all, their conclusions that they compare with data received via a Health Ministry Freedom of Information Act request.

    Their findings are:

    There is a mismatch between the data published by the authorities and the reality on the ground.
    They have three sources of information, besides the emails and adverse event reports they receive through the Internet. These three sources are Israeli news site Ynet, the Israeli Health Ministry database, and the U.S. federal Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database.
    In January 2021, there were 3,000 records of vaccine adverse events, including 2,900 for mRNA vaccines.
    Compared to other years, mortality is 40 times higher.
    On February 11, a Ynet article presented data related to vaccination. The authors of the Nakim article claim to have debunked this analysis based on data published by Ynet itself: “We took the data by looking at mortality during the vaccination period, which spans 5 weeks. By analyzing these data, we arrived at startling figures that attribute significant mortality to the vaccine.”
    The authors say “vaccinations have caused more deaths than the coronavirus would have caused during the same period.”
    Haim Yativ and Dr. Seligmann declare that for them, “this is a new Holocaust,” in face of Israeli authority pressure to vaccinate citizens.
    They also invite specialists to complete their analyses, and intend to pursue legal follow-up to their discovery. The Health Ministry was not available for comment on a FranceSoir query regarding the findings.

    The authors also deplored “the fact of not being able to communicate on this vital information” to their fellow citizens.

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    Post  kvs Mon Mar 08, 2021 5:51 pm

    elconquistador wrote:

    Russian Disinformation Campaign Aims to Undermine Confidence in Pfizer, Other Covid-19 Vaccines, U.S. Officials Say
    Websites linked to Russian intelligence services publish false information questioning vaccines’ safety, efficacy

    I would like to see proof that the "Russian intelligence services publish false information" on Pfizer's crapcine. In which
    exact articles on which sites.

    "U. S. Officials Say" is now a meme. These faceless officials accuse Russia over every internet hack without a shred
    of proof. We had the inane cheese about "cyrillic" characters being left behind during the alleged hack of the hub computers
    in the electoral balloting in 2016. As if

    1) Russians would require non-Latin alphabet for hacking. All internet tools use Latin characters and Russian hackers
    would be proficient in such tools. The US can thank itself for dominating the creation of the internet and thus making
    it Latin alphabet based.

    2) Log turds with other ASCII sets is some sort of proof that cannot left by anyone other than Russians.

    Also it is thick and rich of for these faceless officials to yammer about disinformation campaigns from Russia about
    US vaccines when US and aligned MSM were spreading obvious misinformation about Russia's vaccines. So we have
    the propaganda logic that if the squeaky clean western MSM lying through its teeth then that is holy and kosher but
    Russia supposedly needs to prop up websites to spread "disinformation".

    1) So anyone who questions Pfizer's crapcine must be Putin's agent.

    2) Having western bloggers make up stories about Putin's billions is legit, but even non Russian bloggers making valid
    criticism of some BS and unnecessary vaccine concoction from Pfizer is somehow not legit.

    Freedom of thought and speech, eh?

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    Post  Kiko Tue Mar 09, 2021 12:25 am

    This is it! Biden government accuses Russia of spreading fake news against Western vaccines:

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    Post  kvs Tue Mar 09, 2021 12:30 am

    Kiko wrote:This is it! Biden government accuses Russia of spreading fake news against Western vaccines:

    They need a pretext to ban Russian vaccines and to sanction Russian vaccine makers.

    The west is a collection of sore losers.


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    Post  Kiko Tue Mar 09, 2021 1:19 am

    kvs wrote:
    Kiko wrote:This is it! Biden government accuses Russia of spreading fake news against Western vaccines:

    They need a pretext to ban Russian vaccines and to sanction Russian vaccine makers.

    The west is a collection of sore losers.

    The news above is also related to this:
    RDIF signs agreement to manufacture Sputnik V in Italy.

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    Post  PapaDragon Tue Mar 09, 2021 4:07 am


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    Post  kvs Tue Mar 09, 2021 7:49 am

    CNN provided a platform for NYU medical ‘ethics’ professor Arthur Caplan Sunday, who argued that Americans skeptical of taking the COVID vaccine will soon come around and accept it if their freedoms otherwise remain restricted.

    Caplan argued that allowing people to have their freedoms returned after lockdown is the most “powerful incentive” to push the vaccine.

    Fcuking scumbag poser. His credentials are worth precisely shit since he merely assumes that all vaccines are the same. Anyone pushing
    the Pfizer GMO crapcine is a criminal either willfully or through negligence.

    My "freedom" in Canada is to take they risky AstraZeneca primate adenovirus vector vaccine but only when there is enough of it available.
    I can only dream of being forced to take Sputnik V. I intend not to take any approved vaccines for as long as possible. I am isolated
    anyway so am not a spreader.

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    Post  Kiko Tue Mar 09, 2021 12:55 pm

    What happened to facts and science? Western propaganda about ‘vaccine disinformation’ is just another Russiagate
    Nebojsa Malic

    By accusing Moscow of spreading disinformation about Covid-19 vaccines, US propagandists that spread the original ‘Russiagate’ conspiracy are doing it again, stoking fear and hatred and projecting amid a pandemic.

    Over the weekend, the Wall Street Journal quoted an unnamed State Department official to claim that Russia is using four websites “linked to” intelligence agencies to “inject false narratives” about Western vaccines against Covid-19 that “can be amplified” by other media.

    Asked about this on Monday, White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki said the Biden administration is “monitoring” and “taking steps to address” these efforts. Meanwhile, the WSJ report was being, well, amplified on Twitter by prolific influencers declaring the alleged Russian behavior to be a “crime against humanity.”

    Thing is, all of this amounts to a disinformation and influence operation itself – by the very methodology the people involved are using. The WSJ source is someone from the Global Engagement Center, set up in 2016 as a propaganda shop against Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS) terrorists, which was later expanded to advancing “fact-based narratives that support United States allies and interests” and countering “Russian disinformation.”

    The claim that the four websites were Russian spy cutouts was “a result of a joint interagency conclusion,” the Journal cited an unnamed State Department spokesman as saying. In other words, just like the infamous ‘Intelligence Community Assessment’ that made Russiagate official.

    The WSJ article also previews a “report” – published Monday – by the Alliance For Securing Democracy, a project of the German Marshall Fund NGO notorious for their 'Hamilton68 dashboard' that promoted and amplified Russiagate by seeing ‘Kremlin bots and trolls’ everywhere.

    Now we’re getting somewhere! Except the report itself ends up being full of qualifications, weasel-words and hair-splitting parsing of how certain headlines in the media are “coded,” in an effort to, well, promote a narrative.

    ASD analyzed tweets – of course they did – from Russian, Chinese and Iranian media and concluded that “there were few instances of any studied country promoting verifiably false information about vaccines” but that reports about certain Western vaccines “were often sensationalized while downplaying or completely omitting key contextual information.”

    Keep in mind that demanding “context” is a favorite trick of so-called fact-checkers to argue that something is false even when factually true.

    As ASD itself admits, Russia, China and Iran sought to persuade their own public that their vaccines were “safer, more effective, and more affordable than certain vaccines produced in the West.”

    Except, that’s what clinical trial results published in reputable Western medical journals such as Lancet literally say when it comes to Sputnik V. Doesn’t matter, it’s now “disinformation” to point out facts that the Russian vaccine costs less than the mRNA vaccines made in the West, or doesn’t require their expensive cold storage.

    ASD even admits in a tweet that they believe “info strategies” of Russia, China and Iran “represent a balancing of public health needs, economic pursuits, geopolitical posturing, & other strategic interests” rather than targeting Western vaccines with negative messaging – which is itself a strawman of ASD’s own construction, but whatever.

    By now it should be obvious that the allegations of a ‘Russian disinformation campaign’ are about as dishonest as the original Russiagate, which isn’t surprising considering it’s coming from the same quarters. It is also reminiscent of last year’s attempt by the EU’s propaganda shop to allege the same thing, only to be torched by independent academics as “border[ing] on disinformation” by their own definition of the term.

    To the Wall Street Journal’s credit, they did reach out to Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov, and quoted his dismissal of the State Department and ASD claims as “nonsense.” Peskov also said that Russian intelligence has “nothing to do with any criticism against vaccines.”

    If Russia treated every negative story about Sputnik V as a result of Western spy efforts “we would go crazy,” Peskov added, because such stories are published daily. That’s a verifiable fact, and the examples are legion.

    In his inaugural speech, Joe Biden told Americans he would value facts and science. The science on Sputnik V is pretty clear, while even “troll hunters” admit the reports of side effects of certain other vaccines are factual as well. So why defy both facts and science to allege some sort of Russian conspiracy – again?

    Could it be that Biden and his VP Kamala Harris have spent the past year demonizing President Donald Trump’s coronavirus policies and even vaccines, only to do a 180 now that they’re in charge? So we get things like making up stories about “starting from scratch” or accusing Russia of “amplifying narratives” or some such nonsense, to deflect blame from their own statements sowing vaccine skepticism among Americans.

    While both hypocrisy and scapegoating come as easily as breathing to someone who’s been in politics for 50 years now, there’s a pandemic on and people are dying. So c’mon man, kindly knock it off.

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    Post  kvs Tue Mar 09, 2021 5:09 pm

    The Pfizer GMO crapcine can only work through the death of human cells since the mRNA only works via hijacking cellular machinery just like a viral infection.
    There is no virus for the macrophages to ingest. A lipid drop will not be recognized as infectious matter so the mRNA and its lipid coating does not get
    attacked. By contrast the classical adenovirus vector vaccines are using the natural infection modality. The adenoviri are attacked directly (even if not
    all of them at once) and the immune system acquires a target template without a much lower risk of confusion with human proteins.

    Dead human cell debris is a confusion rich environment since the large molecules involved can form complexes. There are plenty of electric
    moments spread out on these molecules, that is why they are not simple strings but typically wrap up. They also have different functional
    groups that give them structure. So a virus protein fragment can easily get attached to a human protein and give a macrophage a hard
    time. Even if the macrophage can physically separate the two different proteins during consumption, this is not a 100% certain result
    given how the virus protein fragment is lodged in a human protein. This depends on the genetics of the human since not all immune systems
    have "20/20 vision".

    You may ask why does the confusion not always happen since viri do infect human cells and create confusion potential. The trick is that
    the immune system operates on an "evolutionary model". The antibodies evolve based on their effectiveness. Having antibodies develop
    based on direct attack of viri in the blood (or extra-cellular fluid) is competing with antibodies developed from consumption of dead cell
    debris. Also, full virus infected cells are producing full viruses and not just viral protein fragments. Full viruses have evolved shells that
    do not clump up with every molecule they encounter. So the it is highly unlikely that the dead infested cell environment is full of
    molecular complexes that will confuse the immune system.

    All these fcuking "experts" trotted out by propaganda orifices such as CNN should be dismissed out of hand unless they say something that
    is obviously true (e.g. taking vaccines is a good idea). When they start shilling for Pfizer by dismissing any risk from their GMO crapcine, then
    they are no longer doing the health of the public any service.

    According to a the State Department and assorted "security organizations" operating in NATzO, I must be a Putin-bot. Stay on the plantation
    and believe that you are only fed God's holy truth by Pfizer and its government and other shill backers.

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    Post  GarryB Wed Mar 10, 2021 10:33 am

    elconquistador wrote:

    Russian Disinformation Campaign Aims to Undermine Confidence in Pfizer, Other Covid-19 Vaccines, U.S. Officials Say
    Websites linked to Russian intelligence services publish false information questioning vaccines’ safety, efficacy

    www. wall street journal... stopped reading there. ...and also immediately checked no money had been stolen from my wallet...

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    Post  magnumcromagnon Thu Mar 11, 2021 3:52 pm

    US diplomats in Russia have asked to receive Sputnik V Covid-19 vaccine after Washington failed to supply doses

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    Post  Vann7 Thu Mar 11, 2021 7:23 pm

    kvs wrote:
    elconquistador wrote:Decided to check the subreddit CovidVaccine for some laughs. Well, people died so it's not exactly a funny matter but the amount of programming these people have undergone makes them behave so bizar that it can only be answered by a good old fashioned laugh

    Case study number 1. Dude's mom dies after the vaccine. HE DECIDES TO GET IT ANYWAY

    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #2 - Page 35 Screen45

    How cute the Hepatitis C drug combo has been discontinued about 3 years after it was approved.  

    Do you think they will give the real reason?   There is a fine bridge I have for sale in Brooklyn if you think they will.

    But Anglo pharma industry Vaccines are very safe , haven't you heard that before . Rolling Eyes
    So called "experts" will tell you how they are safe ,because in the past they were safe for them.  Laughing

    RT in my opinion , have been incredibly timid ,in reporting the huge problems anglo pharma industry is facing , this is not reported in the main news media anywhere ,  neither they reported how california stopped vaccinations in hundred of hospitals for some time with moderna (billgates) vaccine . and neither reporting the new holocaust happening in Israel with the military industrial complex /black rock hedge funds owned pfizer vaccine.

    now is the turn for Aztraseneca.. sorry but i warned too about this one , is currently now stopped vaccinations in baltics countries and others ,including austria too after so many reports of people deaths.  No

    Denmark, Estonia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Latvia suspend AstraZeneca Covid vaccine after reports of potentially fatal blood clots

    The rollout of the AstraZeneca Covid vaccine in Denmark, Estonia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Latvia has been suspended as the health authorities investigate a possibly serious side effect in the form of fatal blood clots.
    On Thursday, Danish Health Minister Magnus Heunicke tweeted that the country would be suspending the use of the Anglo-Swedish vaccine, which has already come under intense scrutiny across Europe and further afield.

    “The health authorities have, due to precautionary measures, suspended vaccination with AstraZeneca following a signal of a possible serious side effect in the form of fatal blood clots. It is currently not possible to conclude whether there is a connection. We act early, it needs to be thoroughly investigated #COVID19dk,” Heunicke wrote on Twitter.

    This news comes after the European Medicines Agency (EMA) on Wednesday published its view on a number of side effects supposedly linked to the administration of the AstraZeneca vaccine in Austria.

    And the real bad news here is that i don't think this is the start of the genocide of world population by the anglozionist world super billionaires elite. The real holocaust will start when all sheep-population vaccinated . Because if they want to reduce population by 50% or more ,it will not work well if people start falling like flies during the vaccination period. Seems the anglowestern billionaires  elites underestimated the safetyness of their vaccines trap. You know when you build a mouse trap , is not supposed to trigger too early ,or will not catch the rat and they will learn through observation is not safe to go there.

     I really think , that they wanted their vaccines to appear to be as safe as possible ,that their poison triggers late and not early and have a smooth process during the vaccination with their poisonous vaccines. but they had apparently to rush this pandemic plan earlier ,at the rapid growth of china ,and russia , challenging their world hegemony.

    I don't think this evil pandemic plans will prevail for long time , they will give up with this biological war , you will see. Without europe support on board with the anglozionist pharma depopulation plans
    ,it will not be possible to take down economic super power China ,or even less isolate them ,by blaming covid19 on china. that was their most important goal and miserably failed. So looks like a major gamble they tried on this man made pandemic , that hoped to get everyone aligned behind their anglosaxon world dictatorship project. But it actually did the opposite of what they intended , to have Russia and china as the saviors of the world ,with their vaccines ,will be the worse possible thing to happen for the anglozionist empires. Because will open the door very wide open ,to Russia and china ,not only to their pharma industry but also to absolutely all other of their business.

    What people need to be aware is that Evil is never short of tricks and games ,and that just by switching from vaccine A to vaccine B or Vaccine C , will not guarantee at all any safety of the vaccines , if those who controls the process wants to kill you in the long term ,like the anglo west elites is doing with their pharma industries. So this means europeans could be told ,in an hospital ,they will be vaccinated using aztraseneca for example ,but in reality is a pfizer or moderna shot with a fake label. Or once Russia supply sputnik to europe , some countries who hate Russia ,could replace secretly the shot by pfizer or moderna . Means you can't trust at all in any NATO country government vaccination program ,controlled by puppets of US or UK , if the process is not fully supervised by Russia or china.

    So it will not surprise me , if in some european countries , Russia sputnik vaccine mysteriously start behaving very different ,than how it is doing in their main land , latin america or asia. Because i can see evil governments trying the switch vaccine trick ,and fool population into getting the poisonous vaccine they want , by telling them ,is another "new vaccine" from Russia or china. Later people die and russia and china will be blamed by their deaths. So hopefully Russia and china demands they to fully monitor the vaccination process ,so their shots are not replaced by another vaccine ,or that there is sabotage on their vaccines ,leaving them in the sun for days ,before applying it to people.

    So dirty games ,being played in some european states , against Russia and china vaccines , they will have to monitor the entire process ,to guarantee that people will get the vaccine shot ,it was advertised and in the proper quality conditions.

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    Post  magnumcromagnon Fri Mar 12, 2021 2:08 am

    Today we celebrate a major global milestone as 50 countries have now authorized Sputnik V!
    Let's win the fight against the #COVID19 pandemic together!
    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #2 - Page 35 EwNGCo_WQAMMPt5?format=jpg&name=900x900

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