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    Taliban takeover of Afghanistan


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    Taliban takeover of Afghanistan - Page 13 Empty Re: Taliban takeover of Afghanistan

    Post  nomadski Tue Aug 24, 2021 11:31 pm

    The manpad  if used against any civilian aircraft , will invite immediate and massive retaliation against Taliban . But track record of Taliban shows that they are not interested in expanding the war internationally . As they have said , unlike ISIS , they have no international agenda . However they remain an extremist jihadist and sectarian force , and not a nationalist force . Their monopolist and exclusive and  reactionary  and expansionist policy will surely lead to massive civilian displacement . Some estimate as many as four million refugees . And guess where they will settle ......Iran , as before .

    I think that other popular and moderate forces from other tribes will have no choice but to defend themselves against the Taliban . And the formation of a light infantry by them , will stop this catastrophe . All they need is some basic light arms and moral support . I think unless Taliban withdraw and allow formation of government , that it is a practical and moral duty by the Afghan neighbours to help build this self defence force . This will stop the extremists and stop the refugees flooding the region . All that the Afghans need is a mere 100,000 AK 47  in the hands of the northern alliance . Stop the Talibs occupation on the ground . Stop ISIS . Stop refugee problem . Stop extremism in Central Asia . Stop security risk to China and even Russia or Iran . A few sticks also work well , where many carrots failed before .

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    Cowboy's daughter
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    Taliban takeover of Afghanistan - Page 13 Empty Re: Taliban takeover of Afghanistan

    Post  Cowboy's daughter Wed Aug 25, 2021 12:32 am

    Afghani pop star Aryana flees from country amid fear of life under Taliban rule

    Afghanistan’s biggest pop star has fled the country on a US flight out of Kabul as the Taliban took control over the capital city of Kabul and the country’s government collapsed in totality.

    With the Taliban’s rise in Afghanistan, democracy will crumble as the militant group announced to impose strict Sharia law. According to the new establishment in Afghanistan, women in general will have most of their rights quashed including having to cover themselves in burqa (head to toe covering), not leave their homes without a man as an escort or their right to education. The Taliban now also says that religious scholars will decide whether girls can go to school and if women can work.

    Thus the pop star Aryana Sayeed, a singer and judge on the Afghan version of The Voice, fled the country on a US cargo jet. Sharing with her fans the news of her escape, she shared a picture from the plane. In another post, she can be seen sleeping with her mask on as the caption reads: “I am well and alive and after a couple of unforgettable nights, I have reached Doha, Qatar and am awaiting my eventual flight back home to Istanbul.”
    Aryana has been a prominent supporter of the Afghan Army and spoke out many times in support of them before the Taliban took the country. She is married to Hasib Sayed, who is also her producer.

    Meanwhile, Afghani director Hassan Fazili has expressed concerns not just over the safety of his fellow Afghans back home, but also the overall state of art and culture under the impending Taliban regime. "Even if we just pray or hope that the common Afghanis won’t have to face any execution or arrest, there’s simply no denying that the culture, cultural aesthetics or movement will stop. Filmmaking or performing art seems to be on the verge of destruction now."

    UK evacuation from Kabul to end within ‘24 to 36 hours’, defence sources say

    Exclusive: small window for RAF flights evacuating those at risk after Johnson fails to convince Biden to extend deadline

    Britain’s evacuation from Kabul is expected to end within “24 to 36 hours”, potentially abandoning thousands of Afghans, defence sources said as the increasingly bullish Taliban moved to prevent them travelling to the airport to flee.

    The US president, Joe Biden, rejected pleas from the UK for the humanitarian airlift to continue beyond 31 August at a virtual meeting of G7 leaders on Tuesday, triggering claims from Conservative MPs that the “special relationship” is over and that US-UK relations were “about to enter their lowest point since Suez”.

    After the G7, UK defence sources told the Guardian that the US military is believed to need two to three days to close down its operations at Kabul airport, and British troops want to be at least 24 hours ahead of that – leaving a small window for RAF flights evacuating those at risk from the Taliban’s takeover. All western forces are set to leave within days.

    A statement from Boris Johnson after the G7 summit focused on what he called a “roadmap for future engagement with the Taliban”, a tacit acceptance that world leaders are powerless in the face of the group’s takeover of Afghanistan after the 20-year war.

    The UK prime minister did not mention sanctions, but instead set out conditions for unfreezing billions of dollars in aid, including the education of girls up to the age of 18. “If those huge funds are going to be unfrozen eventually for use by the government and people of Afghanistan, then what we’re saying is Afghanistan can’t lurch back into being a breeding ground of terror, it can’t become a narco state, girls will be educated up to the age of 18, and so on,” he said.

    “UK-US relations are about to enter their lowest point since Suez,” one senior MP said. “The special relationship is very, very damaged.” Another said: “We have always pretended there’s a special relationship with the US and Washington has always let us.” A minister added: “Biden’s America seems to have chosen to back off just when it was obvious only they could step up.”

    Such fury remains largely focused on Biden, but Downing Street will be aware that the G7 meeting will be seen as another sign of Johnson’s limited sway with the White House.

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    Taliban takeover of Afghanistan - Page 13 Empty Re: Taliban takeover of Afghanistan

    Post  Cowboy's daughter Wed Aug 25, 2021 12:49 am

    Natiq Malikzada
    More than 20,000 people are said to have been armed in Panjshir to resist any attack by the Taliban.
    During Afghanistan's disarmament process in 2001-2007, Panjshir refused to cooperate with the US and Karzai gov, and did not surrender its weapons except for Stinger Rockets.

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    Taliban takeover of Afghanistan - Page 13 Empty Re: Taliban takeover of Afghanistan

    Post  Cowboy's daughter Wed Aug 25, 2021 3:00 am

    Dem Rep. Jason Crow breaks with Biden on Afghanistan withdrawal deadline: 'Conditions have changed'

    Rep. Crow said America has a 'moral obligation' to get citizens and Afghan partners home
    "All I know is that we have a moral obligation to ensure that we get American citizens out, and our Afghan partners out," Crow said during the press conference on Capitol Hill. "There are more of those folks in the country in Afghanistan right now than we have the capability to evacuate between now and the end of the month."

    "That's why the mission must be extended, and we have to do what's necessary to get people out, but it doesn't have to do with a date on the calendar," Crow continued.

    Crow – an Army veteran and one of the Democrats’ impeachment managers against former President Donald Trump – said Aug. 31 was the date the U.S. set at a "different time" and under "different conditions."

    "Those conditions have changed," Crow remarked. "We’re in a different world now than we were in when that date was originally set."

    "We have to respond to that different world and that different reality," Crow said. "And we have to get the mission done."

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    Taliban takeover of Afghanistan - Page 13 Empty Re: Taliban takeover of Afghanistan

    Post  Cowboy's daughter Wed Aug 25, 2021 3:01 am

    'Ready To Resist,' Residents Of Last Anti-Taliban Stronghold, Panjshir, Brace For Uncertain Future

    Many residents of Panjshir hope that resistance to the Taliban spreads from Panjshir to the neighboring Badakhshan, Baghlan, Kapisa, Parwan, and Takhar provinces, where ethnic Tajiks compose local majorities.

    They have historically been wary of the Taliban movement, which is dominated by ethnic Pashtuns.

    Unconfirmed reports also say that "thousands" of mainly ethnic Uzbek militiamen led by Yar Mohammad Dostum are joining the resistance in Panjshir. Yar Mohammad Dostum is the son of Abdul Rashid Dostum, an ethnic Uzbek warlord who led troops against the Taliban two decades ago before spending various stints in senior government defense positions and other posts.

    "The Taliban will continue losing districts that surround Panjshir, and there will always be supply routes for us through these areas," said a Panjshir resident who is close to the resistance forces.

    "Anti-Taliban sentiment is very high in this area and it will be extremely difficult for the Taliban to keep them under control," he said on condition of anonymity.
    In the Rokha district, 42-year-old Jamshid recalls hardships in late 1990s when food prices skyrocketed, "with a pack of salt selling for about $7" in local bazaars.

    Jamshid is also worried about people getting killed or maimed by new fighting.

    "We are tired of war, but we already have experience living under a Taliban siege and we will do it again if necessary," Jamshid told Radio Azadi. "We will resist anyone who tries to impose misery, injustice, and chaos upon us."

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    Taliban takeover of Afghanistan - Page 13 Empty Re: Taliban takeover of Afghanistan

    Post  Sujoy Wed Aug 25, 2021 9:57 am

    Leader from the Pakistani government: "Taliban have announced that they will join hands with Pakistan to liberate Kashmir"

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    Taliban takeover of Afghanistan - Page 13 Empty Re: Taliban takeover of Afghanistan

    Post  Cowboy's daughter Wed Aug 25, 2021 12:24 pm

    Vaibhav Singh
    Ahmad Massoud has Rejected Taliban’s offer to Join 12 Member Leadership Council to Rule Afghanistan.

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    Taliban takeover of Afghanistan - Page 13 Empty Re: Taliban takeover of Afghanistan

    Post  Russian_Patriot_ Wed Aug 25, 2021 12:43 pm

    Russian Defense Ministry evacuates 500 citizens of Russia, CSTO and Ukraine from Afghanistan. 

    The Russian Defense Ministry, on behalf of Russian President Vladimir Putin, is organizing the evacuation of more than 500 citizens of the Russian Federation, the CSTO countries and Ukraine from Afghanistan by four military transport aircraft. This was reported to journalists on Wednesday in the Russian Defense Ministry.

    "On August 25, on behalf of Russian President Vladimir Putin, Russian Defense Minister General of the Army Sergei Shoigu organized the evacuation of more than 500 citizens of the Russian Federation, CSTO member states (Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan) and Ukraine by military transport aircraft from the territory of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan" – the defense Ministry said.

    They specified that "an aviation group of four military transport aircraft has been created." The planes are already concentrated at the airport in Ulyanovsk.

    "Each Russian military transport aircraft carries medical teams of military medics with the necessary medical equipment and medicines to provide medical care and support to evacuated citizens of Russia and other countries during the flight" – the Russian Defense Ministry said.

    In addition, the planes have a supply of drinking water, blankets and individual food rations.


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    Taliban takeover of Afghanistan - Page 13 Empty Re: Taliban takeover of Afghanistan

    Post  nomadski Wed Aug 25, 2021 12:47 pm

    The Pakistanis are crazy , just as crazy as the Turks . The Turks riding on a wave of pan - Turkish sentiment , decided badly to attack and occupy Kurdish areas . Thereby defeating the separatist Kurdish movement ! But by doing so , they would unite the Kurdish lands into a bigger whole and create a Kurdish state by stealth . One that will have a much better chance of breaking Turkey into pieces . Like a good Christmas dinner .

    The Pakistanis by supporting the Pashtoon separatists in Afghanistan , indirectly give rise to a greater pashtoonistan . The Pashtoon in Pakistan become United with Pashtoon in Afghanistan and then break away . Perhaps we should leave the terror manufacturing nation of Pakistan to their own devices . Their own worst enemy . Yes Pakis , support the Taliban , and Balouch separatist in Iran and Kashmir separatist in India still will be short of a nation......

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    Taliban takeover of Afghanistan - Page 13 Empty Re: Taliban takeover of Afghanistan

    Post  GarryB Wed Aug 25, 2021 1:08 pm

    I appreciate the message you were trying to convey Airbornewolf, but without warnings those pictures broke the forum rules so I deleted them.

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    Taliban takeover of Afghanistan - Page 13 Empty Re: Taliban takeover of Afghanistan

    Post  Cowboy's daughter Wed Aug 25, 2021 1:46 pm

    The desperate last scramble for freedom: Terrified civilians plead with soldiers to let them on planes at Kabul airport amid fears of a fatal STAMPEDE - after Biden's decision to stick to Aug 31 deadline leaves them with just hours to flee

    Desperate Afghans waded through sewage at Kabul airport today in a last-ditch effort to escape Taliban rule

    Western nations warn that civilian mercy flights may stop in as little as 24 hours so that troops can begin withdrawing ahead of an August 31 deadline for them to be out of the country

    Fears are growing that crowds could try to storm the airport and spark a fatal stampede or that opportunistic terrorists will launch an attack - fears that will only grow as troop numbers dwindle

    Those not already at airport now have little chance of escape, as Taliban stop all Afghan citizens reaching it
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    Taliban takeover of Afghanistan - Page 13 Empty Re: Taliban takeover of Afghanistan

    Post  Cowboy's daughter Wed Aug 25, 2021 1:49 pm

    Muslim Shirzad
    Now - Another “Maneuver Walking” inside of the #Panjsher valley.

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    Taliban takeover of Afghanistan - Page 13 Empty Re: Taliban takeover of Afghanistan

    Post  Cowboy's daughter Wed Aug 25, 2021 1:50 pm

    Muslim Shirzad
    Same tragic story - Kabul airport


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    Taliban takeover of Afghanistan - Page 13 Empty Re: Taliban takeover of Afghanistan

    Post  Airbornewolf Wed Aug 25, 2021 1:51 pm

    GarryB wrote:I appreciate the message you were trying to convey Airbornewolf, but without warnings those pictures broke the forum rules so I deleted them.

    No worries Garry, i understand.
    Ill keep the graphic image policy in mind for next time.

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    Taliban takeover of Afghanistan - Page 13 Empty Re: Taliban takeover of Afghanistan

    Post  Cowboy's daughter Wed Aug 25, 2021 1:58 pm

    Muslim Shirzad
    Rahman of Tajikistan to Quraishi of Pakistan: Tajiks make up 46% of Afghanistan's population and should play a valuable role in the future government. We don’t recognize the tyrannical government in Afghanistan. We condemn killing and looting of Afghan people, especially Tajiks

    Emomali Rahmon (Tajik: Эмомалӣ Раҳмон, romanized: Emomalî Rahmon/Emomalī Rahmon;[a] [emɔmæli ɾæhmɔn]; born 5 October 1952) is a Tajikistani politician who has served as the 3rd President of Tajikistan since 16 November 1994. Previously, he served as the Chairman of the Supreme Assembly of Tajikistan, as the de facto head of state from 20 November 1992 to 16 November 1994 (the post of president was abolished during this period).

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    Taliban takeover of Afghanistan - Page 13 Empty Re: Taliban takeover of Afghanistan

    Post  Mir Wed Aug 25, 2021 4:58 pm

    A great piece from one of my favorite journos -one of three from Australia Smile

    John Pilger: The Great Game of smashing countries

    " As a tsunami of crocodile tears engulfs Western politicians, history is suppressed. More than a generation ago, Afghanistan won its freedom, which the United States, Britain and their “allies” destroyed.

    In 1978, a liberation movement led by the People’s Democratic Party of Afghanistan (PDPA) overthrew the dictatorship of Mohammad Daud, the cousin of King Zahir Shar. It was an immensely popular revolution that took the British and Americans by surprise."

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    par far

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    Taliban takeover of Afghanistan - Page 13 Empty Re: Taliban takeover of Afghanistan

    Post  par far Wed Aug 25, 2021 7:55 pm

    Cowboy's daughter wrote:
    par far wrote:
    JohninMK wrote:If true, why did the Afghan Army have them?

    Murad Gazdiev
    The Taliban has seized a vast amount of weapons, including hundreds of MANPADS (shoulder-launched anti-aircraft missiles) - Russian Defense Minister

    I really hope these MANPADS make their way to the EU< would be something to see a civilian jet liner go down with one of these.

    What is wrong with you?! You want to see more innocent persons die? How old are you?

    Western countries are responsible for shooting down Russian civilian planes in Egypt and harassing Iranian civilian planes over Syria, let them feel the dose of their own medicine.

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    Taliban takeover of Afghanistan - Page 13 Empty Re: Taliban takeover of Afghanistan

    Post  Cowboy's daughter Wed Aug 25, 2021 8:25 pm

    Mir wrote:A great piece from one of my favorite journos -one of three from Australia Smile

    John Pilger: The Great Game of smashing countries

    " As a tsunami of crocodile tears engulfs Western politicians, history is suppressed. More than a generation ago, Afghanistan won its freedom, which the United States, Britain and their “allies” destroyed.

    In 1978, a liberation movement led by the People’s Democratic Party of Afghanistan (PDPA) overthrew the dictatorship of Mohammad Daud, the cousin of King Zahir Shar. It was an immensely popular revolution that took the British and Americans by surprise."

    Very sad

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    Taliban takeover of Afghanistan - Page 13 Empty Armed US fighter jets launched from a Navy aircraft carrier are flying overwatch for evacuations in the Afghan capital

    Post  Finty Wed Aug 25, 2021 9:25 pm

    From last week but didn't get round to posting till now

    US military fighter jets are flying armed overwatch missions over Kabul as US forces continue round-the-clock evacuations, defense officials said at the Pentagon Thursday.

    In the last 24 hours, "F/A-18s from the Ronald Reagan carrier strike group flew armed overwatch flights over Kabul to ensure enhanced security," US Army Maj. Gen. William "Hank" Taylor, the Joint Staff deputy director for regional operations, told reporters.

    "We maintain a watchful eye and are continuously conducting in-depth assessments to protect the safety of Americans," he said. "We will use all of the tools in our arsenal to achieve this goal."

    Pentagon press secretary John Kirby said that these flights were not low-pass flights or shows of force, but were, instead, at-altitude overwatch missions in line with those conducted as the US steadily withdrew its forces.

    The Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan arrived in the US Central Command area in late June to support the withdrawal.

    The Navy said at the time that the carrier "provide airpower to protect US and coalition forces as they conduct drawdown operations from Afghanistan."

    "Force protection is a high priority," Kirby said Thursday. "We're going to have at our disposal all the assets and resources necessary to make sure we can accomplish this mission safely and efficiently just like we were accomplishing the previous mission of drawdown safely and efficiently."

    "The Ronald Reagan has been there providing support," Taylor said. "These F/A-18s are flying more than just yesterday."

    Asked if the US was prepared to conduct airstrikes in Kabul, Kirby said that he "is not going to talk about potential future operations." He did, however, say that "we've made it very clear to the Taliban that any attack upon our people in our operations at the airport would be met with a forceful response."

    The US has been working to evacuate US personnel and Afghan partners and their families following the capitulation of the Afghan armed forces and the collapse of the Afghan government in the face of a sweeping Taliban offensive that reached Kabul on Sunday.

    The US has more than 5,200 troops on the ground providing security and supporting the ongoing evacuation operations at Hamid Karzai International Airport in the Afghan capital. So far, roughly 7,000 evacuees have been moved out of Afghanistan.

    "We're ready to increase throughput," Taylor said. The Pentagon has indicated that it hopes to ramp up operations to the point that it could move as many as 5,000 to 9,000 people out per day.

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    Taliban takeover of Afghanistan - Page 13 Empty Re: Taliban takeover of Afghanistan

    Post  PapaDragon Wed Aug 25, 2021 10:21 pm

    Russian plane in Kabul picking up their load:

    Taliban takeover of Afghanistan - Page 13 1629893849153812211

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    Taliban takeover of Afghanistan - Page 13 Empty General Sir Nick Carter: Army fell apart after abrupt cut in support

    Post  Finty Wed Aug 25, 2021 10:24 pm

    he “abrupt” removal of foreign military support in Afghanistan made it “very challenging” for the country’s army to fight back against the Taliban, the head of the British Armed Forces said on Wednesday.

    General Sir Nick Carter said the Afghan army’s disintegration in the face of the Taliban’s sweeping advance came because the troops did not want to fight for their government.

    “Morale just collapsed,” he told BBC Radio 4’s Today show. “We have often seen that in history before. Armies can collapse very, very quickly if the momentum is seen to be going so radically against them.”

    Chief of the Defence Staff, General Sir Nick Carter (Andrew Matthews/PA)

    Chief of the Defence Staff, General Sir Nick Carter (Andrew Matthews/PA) / PA Wire
    He added that the removal of foreign support “in a very abrupt way over the course of two or three months was something that was very challenging for them to come back from”.

    He also warned the scramble to evacuate thousands of UK nationals and Afghans from Kabul was facing a “critical” 24 hours. He spoke of the “challenges on the ground” getting people out of Afghanistan — hours after the first repatriation plane carrying Afghans fleeing the Taliban touched down in the UK.

    The military aircraft landed at RAF Brize Norton in Oxfordshire at about 11pm on Tuesday evening.

    Sir Nick said Britain hoped to get around 1,000 people out of the country on Wednesday and around seven aircraft would be heading to Kabul.

    “There are a lot of desperate people trying to get to the airport, and subject to the situation remaining calm, which the Taliban are working hard to achieve alongside us, the system will work, we believe,” he said.

    He added: “At the moment we are collaborating with the Taliban on the ground, who are providing security.”

    Royal Navy Vice Admiral Sir Ben Key earlier said British armed forces were working to evacuate about 6,000 people from Afghanistan via Kabul.

    He told Sky News: “How long have we got to do it? We don’t really know, so every day we are working as hard as we can to bring as many forward into this pipeline as we possibly can.”

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    Taliban takeover of Afghanistan - Page 13 Empty Re: Taliban takeover of Afghanistan

    Post  Airbornewolf Wed Aug 25, 2021 10:51 pm

    par far wrote:
    Cowboy's daughter wrote:
    par far wrote:
    JohninMK wrote:If true, why did the Afghan Army have them?

    Murad Gazdiev
    The Taliban has seized a vast amount of weapons, including hundreds of MANPADS (shoulder-launched anti-aircraft missiles) - Russian Defense Minister

    I really hope these MANPADS make their way to the EU< would be something to see a civilian jet liner go down with one of these.

    What is wrong with you?! You want to see more innocent persons die? How old are you?

    Western countries are responsible for shooting down Russian civilian planes in Egypt and harassing Iranian civilian planes over Syria, let them feel the dose of their own medicine.

    This is factually untrue, ISIS bombed the russian airliner Metrojet Flight 9268.
    different party and modus operandi.

    If you want to make an proper arguement for your statement you really have to try better than this.
    Otherwise its just the same blind hatred insurgents cram out.

    And history is full of civilian airliners going down by (unintended) millitary action by all kinds of sides.
    You kill an millitary radar target, you might kill an crew of 1 to 5 engaged in hostilities.
    You kill an civilian radar target, you kill over an hundred that have nothing to do with the combat going on.
    You do not know from an radar contact what it is. There is something out there reflecting radar waves.

    If it's inexperience, you might want to give Fleet Command a go. its 10 euro on Steam.
    I played it myself when i was 20 years younger, it gives an good basic impression of real-life scenarios.
    It teaches you that things are not as simple as they might seem.
    Like this reviewer points out right here at 4 minutes and 30 seconds.

    i made my point, two times now.
    if you do not get the message here, it propably is useless for people to respond to this any further.

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    Taliban takeover of Afghanistan - Page 13 Empty Re: Taliban takeover of Afghanistan

    Post  Cowboy's daughter Wed Aug 25, 2021 10:56 pm

    Aug 23
    Afghanistan has a history that Panjsher always fought like a lion and USSR, UK and Taliban  could never win.
    PanjshirResistance led by AmrullahSaleh and AhmadMassoud will give a befitting reply to Taliban.

    WomenPower in NorthernAllianceForces

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    Taliban takeover of Afghanistan - Page 13 Empty Re: Taliban takeover of Afghanistan

    Post  Cowboy's daughter Wed Aug 25, 2021 10:57 pm

    Fleeing Violence Or Forced Marriage, Afghan Women Seek Safety In Tajikistan

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    Taliban takeover of Afghanistan - Page 13 Empty Re: Taliban takeover of Afghanistan

    Post  JohninMK Wed Aug 25, 2021 11:47 pm

    UK 2 Para.

    Taliban takeover of Afghanistan - Page 13 E9VVCOmXEAIwK5T.jpg?auto=compress%2Cformat&fit=scale&h=768&ixlib=php-3.3

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