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Walther von Oldenburg
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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4


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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4 - Page 6 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4

    Post  kvs Sat Oct 30, 2021 4:35 am

    With 99.7% of adults in the Irish county of Waterford having received the COVID shots, they have the highest per-capita case rate of COVID anywhere in the country. Are they now going to suggest it's the fault of the 0.3%?!

    The Irish Times reported last week that with one Waterford city district at a 14-day incidence rate of 1,486 cases per 100,000 of the population, Waterford has the highest incidence rate of anywhere in Ireland. The COVID case rate is three times the national average, which in itself has been increasing steadily in recent weeks, despite 91% of Irish adults being vaccinated. However, Waterford takes the cake.

    "Waterford has the highest rate of vaccination in the country with 99.7 per cent of adults over the age of 18 (as registered in the last census) fully vaccinated," reports the Irish Times. "The county has gone from having one of the lowest rates of Covid-19 infection in Ireland to one of the highest."

    The same pattern as in other high vaccination rate countries and regions. I checked, Ireland pimps mRNA "vaccines".

    So these mRNA "vaccines" appear to promote the spread of the virus. That is very interesting. What sort of gain of function
    research was involved behind them? Are these "anti-vaccines"?

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4 - Page 6 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4

    Post  GarryB Sat Oct 30, 2021 9:06 am

    Hahaha... those vaccines are not looking so bad now are they.... Twisted Evil Twisted Evil Twisted Evil

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4 - Page 6 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4

    Post  Mir Sat Oct 30, 2021 9:25 am

    Yeah you're right! It's a good way to "refresh" the gene pool. Wink

    Does the world really need parents that will consent to giving their healthy toddler an experimental jab for a virus that has ZERO chance of killing or even seriously effect that child?

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4 - Page 6 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4

    Post  Vann7 Sat Oct 30, 2021 10:41 pm

    In related news to the pandemic and another controversial topic called vladimir putin.
    Hopefully this report will open your eyes , about how mediocre is the Russian president.
    In times that the world face ,the biggest genocide of humanity. that the new NAZIS are the
    anglo fascism system that have transformed entire nations and continents in concentration
    genetical experiments camps to kill hundreds of millions on each country in the next 2-5 or more years.

    Vladimir putin in G20 conference , the only thing that imbecile care , when it comes to the pandemic,
    is that "more cooperation need" with the west ,  of mutual recognition of the vaccines.  Rolling Eyes

    Did you know @KVS that in most democracies ,when a crime is done on civilians ,human and children ,the people that watch the crime and do nothing ,say nothing ,and remain passive and do not denounce this injustice also are complicity in this crime and are jailed too? for their silence and complicity?

    This guy , is only worried about more vaccines , more worried about selling more gas to europe and making more money ,than about saving lives.  No  

    @KVS hopefully this will open your eyes..

    Putin will not lift not even slightly a finger , not even say a word about this international crime , why he is doing that?   he is pretending as he always does , after china and russia attacked with this virus ,that they are not a new scalation of war , pretending that this is just a nature virus and not a weapon used by the west. even china accused the west of being behind the virus . and US accuse china back.. but putin behave as if nothing happens ,is all great and more cooperation with the west is need.  No

    You know why @KVS that imbecile midget Putin cooperates with the west ,even in doing evil ???

    For the stupid gas station project of Russia , he did the same thing , during world trade center  911 terrorist attacks.. That you and me knows was an inside job , but putin runs the western bullshit bin laden story .This is Putin second strike.. second betrayal , when faced an opportunity to defend humanity from evil..  I personally saw a video of putin being asked by public about world trade centers attacks.. and you know what putin told ?  He reprimanded people for telling conspiracies theories . he completely defended US murder of their own citizens and starting wars of conquest in the world invading nations.  

    In other words.. Putin is the kind of person ,that will rather allow US to exterminate 90% of the world population as long they don't touch Russia..

    Likely putin negotiated with the west this crime too , and is part of the genocide , in the sense that he will remain quiet ,and shut up ,when millions start to die from western mRNA hacks that are now being forced in the most of the countries in the world ,i can't imagine any other reason ,why he remain passive other than he negotiated a deal ,that they allow russia to remain semi independent and selling gas to europe in peace ,in change for him ,to shut up and say nothing about this pandemic.   even Russia retired generals that worked with putin (i posted last year a video ) are saying this is a depopulation agenda of the world and also to weaken Russia and China ,slow down their economies and if possible to break them ,through a biological war.

    Truly i don't see a hope of humanity future ,if that future depended of Russia ,with the imbecile president they have , that is only interested in selling more vaccines in the west ,that remain totally passive in times , he needs to alarm nations in the world about this vaccines.  

    remember a good old saying ,that is truth.

    "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing..."

    And while the world is being poisoned to death ,that insecure and passive clown in moscow is only worried about recognizing each other vaccines..   what the hell that means?  That Russia will now be selling pfizer and moderna in Russia.?  Laughing

    it will not surprise me anything from putin ,  I told you a prediction , people that is very weak , insecure and ignorants as putin is ,are more like to cooperate with evil ,that to fight them . The west know this ,that putin weakness is an asset the west have ,that they can play with it.. this is why they can bomb russian soldiers in their face ,later say sorry ,"Was a mistake" and he will happily accept the apoligies..  in israel case there is not even an apology , whenever they bomb their allies and killed their 12 officers in the spy plane.. they travelled to Russia to laugh at putin face ,saying their air defenses don't work.  No  

    Putin is the kind of person ,that breaks when he face a life threatening situation of his country, and is more likely to cooperate with evil ,if that is what takes to keep selling oil and gas to europe.. this was the reason ,PUTIN cooperated with the west on the fraudulent narrative of world trace center 911 terror attacks..

    I emailed one time , veterans some years ago , i think it was Jim W. Dean, or Gordon duff , about the major question i had about 911 ,and it was Russia passiveness and cooperation with the western bullshit story , than gave the pretext for endless war for NATO in middle east, and his response?

    me : question
    Why putin covered the whole 911 story

    Gordon duff:  Because he is owned by the FUCKING JEWS!!!! .

    That was his reply and was surprising ,how much i triggered his anger in his response.
    And that was more than 10 years ago , putin in my opinion , is only 1-2 step away ,from becoming a full scale tyrant , fully cooperative with the west . Weak and insecure people will rather choose cooperation with evil , than to fight evil . because they are chicken cowards , and do not feel is their duty to stand for injustice in the world , they only interested in holding power forever as putin is doing ,because likely he fear ,he could be jailed for this criminal cooperation he did with the west in many things..  putin even covered the whole thing , of how their soldiers airforce officers in the spy plane got killed, it wasn't an s-200 missile ,because syria denied that.. it was israel airforce who did it .. even Russia military own animation suggest that. in fact russia military own animation shows ,how israeli planes bombs very close to russian base..  ie.. they were seeking to intimidate/scare Russia military with a big bomb fired next to their base. And putin response? to go an hide on his closet and say it was a "Tragical accident", but it was not , and his own military rejected this ,and forced him to tell a story , more closer to the truth , in order to avoid a fight with israel.. that was.. that by "mistake" israel flew close to the russian plane and an s-200 missile "confuse the target" .  But syria told they only fired at israeli planes , when there was nothing standing between their air defenses and israeli airforce.. i believe in syria version and russian military initial version ,that israel provoked the shutdown of their plane. they wanted to get killed those soldiers ,in the intel plane ,and got away with this ,because of a very coward president. that when he needs to confront strong enemies , he rather run away and betray his own military and people ,as he did many times..  by doing nothing ,when facing evil . for pure cowardice.

    Remember one truth being told for generations..

    "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing..."

    And what is putin doing in times that more Evil is being done , than in any other time in human history ? even more than during hitler war on europe and nazi concentration camps?  

    He is doing nothing , he is watching passively , how anglo power exterminate world population with pharma industry.  No  Not a single word of warning from putin against this western experiments.
    only is releasing few facts here or there , but that's done by americans who work there.

    Putin solution to stop the "pandemic" is basically offering ....
    sputnik light for the west , as a booster shot , on top of western poison .

    this is so pathetic , you don't know weather you need to laugh of cry , how stupid is that man ,
    in charge of the biggest nation in earth , in the place with the biggest waste of talent in any nation in the planet , for being lead by a incompetent and insecure and  very coward person .

    how stupid this is this idea?  in what way @KVS  putin is now offering to help the world to "fight the pandemic" , by offering a booster shot on top of western mRNA poison ?   Suspect  No  

    So no worries @kvs, .
    just take the pfizer shot or moderna shot ,because putin comes to the rescue with a booster shot offered as the third one.   Rolling Eyes   No

    im officially done with this traitor , he should be chased ,like a war criminal ,for cooperating with this ,genocide narrative on humanity ,by staying silent.

    He is now offering to help the west , to make it more easier ,for the west , to brainwash society ,  by mutual recognition of each other vaccines.  No  what the west can do now , is buy a few thousands of sputnik light from russia, and later swap the vaccines , in the states , and fool people ,into thinking the  booster shots they getting are from Russia and not from pfizer and moderna.  No   but if anyone find the fraud , opps,, it was a mistake..  Rolling Eyes  

    i will not mind putin to be overthrow , for incompetent and being massive coward . in times evil are closer to set up their trap ,for the world depopulation ,that imbecile president is only making things more easier for the west , for fooling their population.. now there will be "freedom of choice" of vaccines , if they accept. but is just a game , the west will continue using their poison and not any sputnik shot. but they can accept putin offer for later saying.. see? even russia recognize our vaccines as safe and now there is no more excuses.. even russia agreed to work with us with this vaccine "to improve it" .   No

    I tell you , all the good things putin did in the past for russia in defending sovereignty of his country and stabilizing the economy, will will mean nothing if in the end he capitulates and cooperate with this poisonous depopulation criminal operation ,for genocide of billions , this is evil dimension never heard of ,in any time of human history ,that surpass anything in the past . And putin is seeking to cooperate with them ,this is what he is doing . better be friends with evil , than to fight them. No
    and this is not only treason against Russia , but against the entire world.

    Last edited by Vann7 on Sun Oct 31, 2021 12:11 am; edited 3 times in total

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4 - Page 6 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4

    Post  kvs Sat Oct 30, 2021 11:27 pm

    Vaccination of 5 to 11 year olds is basically poisoning of children. Five times more myo and pericarditis cases than covid
    case prevention.

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4 - Page 6 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4

    Post  Vann7 Sun Oct 31, 2021 12:25 am

    kvs wrote:

    Vaccination of 5 to 11 year olds is basically poisoning of children.   Five times more myo and pericarditis cases than covid
    case prevention.

    don't miss the comments section , you usually find even more interesting things there , than in the original video you find in youtube.

    Chris P
    3 days ago
    Another thing that confirmed my bias towards not giving this shot to my kids is the fact one of the FDA approval members mentioned during a live video recording is “we don’t know how safe this is til we start giving it out, it’s just the way it is”.


    Use this vaccine but we don't know yet how safe this vaccine is..   Wtf !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    how can you give a vaccine for billions of children vaccinate if you don't know how safe it is?
    lets vaccinate millions of children and later cross fingers ,that nothing happens?  No  No
    is this is now how science going to work ? 3 months for authorizing vaccines experiments with zero knowledge of long term effects , and medium term , how retarded is that?

    And the guy mathematics ,nailed it , he is not a flat earther conspiracy nut, but a doctor in pharmacy and his channel in you teach people about the science in pharmacy , so is someone well educated ,far more than garryb claims to be .   and he even believe in the importance of vaccines ,but his own numbers show ,that you need to vaccinate a million of children ,to supposedly save a few dozen kids , using FDA own numbers.   This is lunacy , of the highest level..  lest vaccinated a million children ,and put at risk their lives , to save a dozen of potential loses of kids . Laughing  

    This pfizer and moderna experiments are lottery with people lives , and is working as intended , only few hundreds killed there or over there from each million ,but this is only at short term , a preparation for the big genocide that will come next , in the long term ,when people fall like flies , in the millions ,do to mysterious heart attacks , or brain blood clot. or if it is true ,that completely suppress the immune system of defenses ,it will increase cancer deaths dramatically and any other deaths of others conditions too. and people killed in the millions and humanity fooled into thinking it was something else and not the vaccine ,what did it. No


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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4 - Page 6 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4

    Post  kvs Sun Oct 31, 2021 1:51 pm

    So vaccine side effects are not tracked by the OSHA in the USA. Then we have clowns claiming that your risk is small. Based on
    what data?

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4 - Page 6 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4

    Post  kvs Sun Oct 31, 2021 5:01 pm

    The down vote fag is down voting facts. What a retard.


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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4 - Page 6 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4

    Post  Mir Sun Oct 31, 2021 5:38 pm

    Don't even bother about some turd's down votes.

    On the same note as your youtube post on not tracking the side effects. Apparently one of the cartoonist's associates made a prank call to three leading labs involved with the covid scam in South Africa. All three apparently confirmed that they actually don't test for any variants!

    Things are getting interesting.

    Apparently 19 U.S. states mounted multiple federal lawsuits on Friday against the Biden administration over its COVID-19 vaccine mandate for federal workers and contractors.

    Florida Now Has the LOWEST Rate of New Covid Cases Per Capita in the US. Florida has remained open with No Mandates, No Masks, and Almost No Restrictions.

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4 - Page 6 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4

    Post  Vann7 Mon Nov 01, 2021 12:06 am

    Mir wrote:Don't even bother about some turd's down votes.

    On the same note as your youtube post on not tracking the side effects. Apparently one of the cartoonist's associates made a prank call to three leading labs involved with the covid scam in South Africa. All three apparently confirmed that they actually don't test for any variants!

    Things are getting interesting.

    Apparently 19 U.S. states mounted multiple federal lawsuits on Friday against the Biden administration over its COVID-19 vaccine mandate for federal workers and contractors.

    Florida Now Has the LOWEST Rate of New Covid Cases Per Capita in the US. Florida has remained open with No Mandates, No Masks, and Almost No Restrictions.

    Yep... and will not be surprising if garryb is the one downvoting your post..

    he have been an impostor for a very long time..  pretending he is against the western evil and corruption . but now his real face is shown , as being in bed with this tyranny . All this anti liberal
    anti western fake news media rants , was fake.. he is on the same side , of what CNN and BBS are saying about the vaccines.. isn't that amazing obvious , he support this criminal depopulation project in the world ?   Because ignorance is not.. he himself have said the western pharma is corrupt , but yet still support their vaccines.. lol1   so what kind of ass backward logic is that ?    you never trust your life in corrupt and evil companies ,with long story of greed and little care for human health , human life.. they even force you to sign a paper , in case something happens to you..  

    so if the vaccine injure you,, is your problem ,you have to pay with your own money the hospitalization. if the western pharma industries are not evil and corrupt , then what it is ?
    they injecting poison on population and there is plenty of evidence of this , japan even returned
    2 millions vials cargo ship , not because the label was wrong , but because exactly that.. metalic poison inside.  Canadian doctors also confirmed this poison too of Garryb's vaccines..  so he can pretend all he wants.. that his lovely vaccines are safe , but his sponsored vaccines are poison to murder millions , over long term and only the elites ,part of the western system and the politicians that runs those anglo governments , they were given waivers to not vaccinate..  lol1   This is an an obvious mass scale genocide operation on population . And this killer vaccines are for the masses , not for the elites.

    anglo pharma don't give a shit of anyone who dies , and now pushing this poison on children ,with
    almost zero cases of deaths from covid. Yet like garryb says. the benefits  outweight the risk  bla bla bla.. this is the same slogan that western pharma use and ,garryb too..  he should get a job with them in propaganda, and promotional services.. because they need many propagandist actors like garryb... in social media ,they can be very useful in promoting their depopulation experiments .  Smile


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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4 - Page 6 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4

    Post  Mir Mon Nov 01, 2021 7:05 am

    Vann7 I somehow don't think GaryB is the one who down voted KVS. I have an idea but I'm not going to throw names around. Anyway GaryB fell for the fear porn (millions over the world did) and chose to take the jab as they believe it is the only way to fight this virus. Nothing much we can do about that.

    My biggest concern is the push for mandatory vaccines and vaccinating children under the age of 18.

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4 - Page 6 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4

    Post  GarryB Mon Nov 01, 2021 11:33 am

    I have already said I have only ever downvoted one post on this forum and that was my own post for testing purposes.

    If I was down voting posts don't you think I would take the time to down vote every one of your posts on this thread Vann... particularly the one I gave you a very specific warning for?

    Why would I lie... do you think I might think I would hurt your feelings.

    If I don't agree with something and can be bothered to respond, I would not simply click dislike.

    I can understand some other members not wanting to invest the time and energy to discuss the issue... but do you think I would be such a member?

    Does the world really need parents that will consent to giving their healthy toddler an experimental jab for a virus that has ZERO chance of killing or even seriously effect that child?

    Looking forward to see the data you base that claim on.

    The virus does not effect small children let alone kill any?

    Very impressive claim you must have extensive data and evidence to back up such a bold claim... looking forward to reading it.

    I am amazed at how certain some of you are about very specific things... it is very interesting... especially when the medical community is not 100% sure of everything either...

    It is this blind ignorance that makes me happy with the choices I have made and the views I hold.

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4 - Page 6 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4

    Post  Mir Mon Nov 01, 2021 12:23 pm

    I will gladly give you some figures recently published in the Lancet but first you should note that I referred to healthy toddlers in my post.

    You should also take note that most of the toddler that have died due to Covid were in individuals with an underlying disability.

    Does the world really need parents that will consent to giving their healthy toddler an experimental jab for a virus that has ZERO chance of killing or even seriously effect that child?

    Referring to children under 18 years of age the Lancet concludes that the need for intensive care was “incredibly rare”.

    Here are the death rates for children and as you can see the numbers are extremely small for toddlers despite the fact that babies between 0-2 years are at risk>>

    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4 - Page 6 Childr10

    "Ignorance is bliss" Laughing

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    Post  kvs Mon Nov 01, 2021 12:38 pm

    Here is something that all the mandates may achieve in the long run. The mRNA GMO "vaccines" infest human cells with spike protein
    production (assuming that only the corresponding mRNA is included, which is not clear). We know that viruses cause cancer. But
    the "thinking" behind the mRNA vaxes is that the cells die from the hijacking.

    1) The physical disruption of the a human cell from spike protein production is not the same as from production of virus copies.
    These proteins migrate to the cell wall but it cannot be assumed that they just build up there and cause catastrophic failure
    of the cell wall. In particular, they have a narrow anchor that is designed to slot into the fatty acid "forest" that makes up
    a cell wall or virus casing. They are 30 nm in length (their longest dimension) and are very small compared to most cells that
    are over 4 microns in diameter (factor of 133). Nothing stops the spike proteins from detaching from the cell wall and exiting
    the cell altogether if there is a crowding effect. The migration of spike proteins through the cell wall is much less traumatic
    than migration of whole virus copies which have an effective 160 nm diameter.

    2) Clearly even with actual virus infections we have cases where instead of the cell being destroyed, it is turned into a cancer
    cell. So there is a failure to fully integrate the virus genetic material into the host cell DNA causing irreversible damage or there
    is sufficient mitochondrial damage. The same thing can happen with the mRNA from Pfizer and Moderna. The nanoparticle
    vectors can carry up to 10 mRNA strands which viruses do not. There can be competitive disruption just from this alone.
    We have a noisy molecular environment and not clockwork mechanics.

    So the potential for a surge of cancers down the line from these mRNA mandates cannot be dismissed. But I expect that when
    the wave hits, we will have the standard excuse that "nobody could have seen it coming". "Nobody" would be the willfully blind
    Big Pharma whore politicians and MSM hacks.

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4 - Page 6 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4

    Post  kvs Mon Nov 01, 2021 12:47 pm


    That table is actually misleading since it lumps covid with all cause deaths and does not differentiate if the deaths were
    due to other factors. We have the usual manipulation where if the deceased had the virus, then that must have been
    the cause of death. The video I posted of the myocarditis victim from the mRNA concoctions should guide people to
    the mentality of hospital doctors. Would you trust a doctor who wants to commit a vax victim to a psychiatric ward
    with reporting truthfully on the cause of deaths? Hospitals have direct financial incentives for attributing deaths to covid.
    All data reported from hospitals is totally suspect.

    The treatment of dead bodies during this pandemic reflects total hysteria and detachment from "the science". Bodies
    are treated like they emit anthrax spores when physically they spread nothing. There is no coating of covid viruses
    on their surface and they are not breathing or outgassing the virus. Standard morgue procedures are more than sufficient
    but the response is grossly over the top.

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4 - Page 6 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4

    Post  Mir Mon Nov 01, 2021 12:50 pm

    The famous French virologist Luc Montagnier said recently that we need to learn how to cremate.

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4 - Page 6 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4

    Post  Mir Mon Nov 01, 2021 1:12 pm

    That table is actually misleading since it lumps covid with all cause deaths and does not differentiate if the deaths were
    due to other factors. We have the usual manipulation where if the deceased had the virus, then that must have been
    the cause of death.

    Yes that is a huge problem but they will keep on spinning the numbers like this just to get those numbers UP.

    What I do like about the chart is that they actually give the population of the different age groups.

    In the UK >> with 8 million toddlers between the age of 0-9 years old - 7 have died of "covid related issues" over a period of one year. 3.5 (and more) of those that died had an underlying condition. We have a pandemic of unprecedented proportions! Almost all toddlers will be wiped out within ONE(million)YEAR(s). What a Face

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4 - Page 6 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4

    Post  franco Mon Nov 01, 2021 10:21 pm

    Ministry of Defense to help

    The meeting was not without discussion of the epidemiological situation in the country. Vladimir Putin admitted that a difficult situation is developing in Russia with the spread of the coronavirus . Over the past day, over 40 thousand new cases of the disease have been recorded in the Russian Federation. In addition, 1155 people died from the infection. In total, the number of victims of COVID-19 exceeded 239 thousand. In terms of the number of deaths, the Russian Federation ranks fifth after the United States, Brazil, India and Mexico. Vladimir Putin, in particular, pointed to the high mortality rate from coronavirus among the older generation.

    Despite the fact that new drugs for coronavirus are currently being developed, which may soon begin to be used in the treatment of patients, vaccination remains the main weapon in the fight against COVID-19, the president is sure. In Russia, the proportion of those vaccinated is only 32.41%. According to this indicator, the Russian Federation ranks 96th in the world. For comparison, in the UK 72.33% of the population is fully vaccinated, in China - 77.79%, in the USA - 59.38%. By the way, Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu confirmed that vaccination of the army personnel helped to halve the death rate in the RF Armed Forces. According to him, now 95% of the military personnel have been vaccinated.

    Despite all the measures taken, from the expanded network of vaccination points to the introduction of QR codes, the number of people with coronavirus continues to grow, said State Duma deputy Irina Pankina. This, in particular, is due to the slow pace of vaccination in certain regions, the parliamentarian said.

    - There, as a rule, people face failures in the electronic recording system and long queues, when they are forced to spend several hours at the vaccination point. Someone is afraid of getting infected in the queue, so they refuse to visit medical facilities. At the same time, we are witnessing strong anti-vaccination campaigning on the Internet and social networks, when people are openly intimidated with some terrible anti-scientific arguments, ”the deputy told Izvestia.

    Against the background of a difficult epidemiological situation, Vladimir Putin instructed the Ministry of Defense not to stop providing support to the medical sector.

    - If required, perhaps, include your capabilities of the building complex. Because there is a need to continue work on the construction of pre-fabricated medical facilities, - said the head of the Russian Federation.

    According to Izvestia sources in the Defense Ministry, several regions have already asked the military to build hospitals. Projects and estimates are already ready, so the department can start building facilities immediately.

    Modern technologies make it possible to quickly create such structures on any suitable site, Oleg Zheltonozhko, an expert in the field of radiation, chemical and bacteriological protection, told Izvestia.

    - Modern buildings are being erected that meet all the requirements: with separate entrances, with filtration points, with separate entrances to the chambers. And this was done in the shortest possible time. The military has similar technologies, and the scaling of such structures can be done very easily. And due to the fact that the situation is somewhat complicated, most likely, more such hospitals will be needed, - said the expert.

    There are no complaints about those hospitals that were built in 2020 after the start of the pandemic, the expert summed up. According to him, objects are being built quickly, with high quality and in the places where it is necessary. The Ministry of Defense, for example, has already built multifunctional medical centers for the treatment of patients with coronavirus in the Astrakhan region, Pskov and Severomorsk.


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    Post  kvs Mon Nov 01, 2021 10:29 pm

    1200 daily deaths and around 40,000 daily new cases is low for a country with 146 million people. The US was hitting over 300,000 cases
    per day and several thousand deaths. So the 33% vaccination is not explanatory and not even relevant.

    Russia has very high rates of metabolic syndrome. This is the main variable in covid severity and mortality. Vaccination
    is not going to save a 70 year old with atherosclerosis and type 2 diabetes.

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    Post  franco Mon Nov 01, 2021 10:34 pm

    Still too many, situation could have been handled better IMO.

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    Post  kvs Mon Nov 01, 2021 10:48 pm

    franco wrote:Still too many, situation could have been handled better IMO.

    The responsibility is all on the public. I know from family contacts how they behave. The Russian government has been doing
    stellar job balancing lockdowns and the economy. Of course all the covidiots blame the "regime" for their own stupidity.

    We are seeing new strains working their way through the population. Covid clearly has enough antigenic drift to give the flu a
    run for its money.

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    Post  Vann7 Tue Nov 02, 2021 12:03 am

    Even American liberal media ,are telling the true ,when it comes to vaccines for children..
    check this..

    This is the way Garryb likes it..

    An FDA adviser said we need to give kids vaccines to fully understand their safety. Here’s the crucial context.

    But I do think that it’s a relatively close call. As Dr. [Ofer] Levy just said, and Dr. [Hayley] Gans said, it really is going to be a question of what the prevailing conditions are. But we’re never going to learn about how safe this vaccine is unless we start giving it. That’s just the way it goes.

    So the people in charge of influencing the FDA to whether or not give this poison to children is saying. That the only way to know , if pfizer shot is that mass vaccination start ,quickly to see , if it is safe for children (or not) , . this is the way it goes.. lol1

    Will not be surprising if Garryb support this crap , because he appears to cares no shit about people deaths ,he might start endorsing children he knows , to be used as laboratory rats.. because this is exactly what it is.. not even the washington post support this idea. but garryb is a radical western pharma nut , and will not be surprising he endorse this bullshit , of children to become experiments for this poison ,that kills many people.  There are reports of lifetime inuries in children  with this poison pfizer and garryb promotes..

    So is not safe for children and neither safe for adults. any idiot that comes and tell you other wise ,is either an ignorant , not aware of mountain of information they are not , or that they are actually trolls , that are recruited to promote this poisonous mRNA vaccines.

    This news is viral , in all internet..  
    RT have its own report..

    FDA approves Pfizer jab for kids, but even they don’t seem sure it’s safe   No  No  No

    So what bullshit excuse you have now @Garryb to excuse Pfizer now? confused
    And their desire to vaccinate billions of children ,that virtually 99.9% of them are immune to covid ,with a vaccine not even FDA know if it is safe or not? ,   No   Im curious to see how you will twist and spin now this one ,as you always do in defending this criminal vaccinations on population with very poison gmo experiments in people  blood.   .   No

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    Post  Vann7 Tue Nov 02, 2021 12:34 am

    kvs wrote:
    franco wrote:Still too many, situation could have been handled better IMO.
     The Russian government has been doing stellar job balancing lockdowns and the economy.   Of course all the covidiots blame the "regime" for their own stupidity.

    We are seeing new strains working their way through the population.   Covid clearly has enough antigenic drift to give the flu a
    run for its money.

    i disagree with those claims..

    -Putin have probed that Russia was absolutely not prepared to deal with a biological war..
    while China probed they are ready to deal with that.
    -Putin is endorsing the depopulation project of the west.. with this silence , that makes him complicit ,he also offered the sputnik light as a booster shot ,on top of western killer vaccines..  what kind of crap is that ? he is helping the west in justifying people to vaccinate , because the booster will be russian..  Rolling Eyes
    - patriotism means nothing , if put politics above people lives first.. A true leader is someone that put people first ,and not politics or profits of their business.

    Instead of denouncing the world biggest genocide operation by the west on humanity ,with their mRNA vaccines . the idiot is now talking about promoting greater cooperation with the west and
    recognition of each other vaccines..   Rolling Eyes

    you don't cooperate with EVIL  @KVS  , you simply don't do it.. you fight evil , and not offer cooperation.  that will be like offering transportation and planes to hitler ,to execute civilians in their concentration camps.  Mad

    Will you now consider Putin offer of a booster shot as a "help" ?  will you vaccinate with pfizer or moderna if they later tell you the booster shot will be Russian sputnik light?
    Don't defend that traitor , putin have consistently shown that he will always prefer to cooperate with evil , even if they are killing his own nation soldiers.. than to fight them , for pure cowardice . is that he do it.

    Now is not russian soldiers the ones being killed ,but the entire world ,with western depopulation vaccines, and putin offering help the west. put him ,as part of the problem.  

    he supported US false flags like 911 , and cooperate with the climate change hoax too.. and now he is offering cooperation to the west ,with this killer vaccines.  i don't see how can you think putin is doing a good job.. he is endorsing genocide in the entire world ,with his silence and with his calls of offering sputnik as a booster shot.   Suspect

    This will be like a criminal with an axe , seeking to chop a family ,then putin comes and tell him..
    hey wait.. he can sell you band aids.. too ,in case you cut your finger while using the axe.  Rolling Eyes
    putin is a traitor to Russia and to the world . there are millions of russians in europe and in america and he have not spoken a single word of this killer mRNA vaccines in 2 years. and now offering recognition of western vaccines..  

    so what else you need @kvs , to see putin is a traitor scumbag ?  that he start offering mRNA vaccines in Russia ,will that convince you ?   he is a coward , that for fear of comfronting his enemies ,he is capable of cooperating with them.. this act of putin what he is really doing is offering submission for peace.. ,submission in change of frienship.  No  this is putin treason of the highest level. And this is the real fucking reason ,the world is so shit today . for people that support this western corrupt system , or for cowards like putin ,that for fear of economic sanctions to his pipelines to Europe ,cooperated with the anglo world.  in whatever criminal adventure they start.. now is the whole world , the entire planet , most of humanity ,what their lives is in danger , if the west allowed to continue pushing their mRNA vaccines.  Russian scientist efforts to save lives ,will not help in anything ,if their coward president in the end submit to the west , and encourage mutual recognition of this mRNA vacines.

    the right aptitude , the right way to see things.. is  how people react.. in RT forums..

    this is the correct aptitude to have..

    VallejoD • 2 hours ago
    You want civil war? Try to jab my beautiful, perfect 5-year old grandson with this rushed to market no liability experimental drug. I'll tear down city hall before THAT happens.

    I have never been so angry in my entire 74 years on this planet.

    Number of US children under 18: 74 MILLION
    Number of US children under 18 who have died from Covid: Less than 600
    Risk of US child under 18 dying from Covid: .00075% (.0000075)

    For that infintesimal risk you want to use my grandchild as an EXPERIMENT? i.e.: "“We’re never going to learn about how safe the vaccine is unless we start giving it." Holy mother of god.

    Protection provided to others: ZERO - the vaccines do not stop viral load and the vaxxed are MORE likely to spread more contageous variants. So much for "protecting grandma." Even if the vaccines worked, what grandparent would risk a grandchild's health and life for a disease which the grandparents isn't even likely to get?


    F@uk putting , he is a traitor and he cooperate with the Evil experiment of the west , for depopulating the world ,a crime done ,under the world noses , with the help of corrupt international media and their pharma, and cowards like putin ,that not only do nothing , but remain silent.  that is becomes complicit in this crime , by promoting mutual recognition of mRNA vaccines , if they allow $$ sputnik booster shots to be sold too in the west.  That idiot is so desperate for $$ dollars , that will sell his soul to the west , for a little bit of peace...    but in the end he will get nothing . neither peace , neither security for Russia ,because he allows evil to grow and do nothing to stop it. and keep silent , when he knows Russia scientist ,that are world respected , could send a powerful message ,to warn the world about mRNA vaccines that are being used to reduce population and control it.

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    Post  GarryB Tue Nov 02, 2021 6:34 am

    I will gladly give you some figures recently published in the Lancet but first you should note that I referred to healthy toddlers in my post.

    You should also take note that most of the toddler that have died due to Covid were in individuals with an underlying disability.

    That is a sharp change in language... you said the virus had zero effect on healthy toddlers, but now you qualify that with Most of the toddler deaths due to the virus had other problems... that is a serious change in your statement, which makes your first statement a lie.

    Referring to children under 18 years of age the Lancet concludes that the need for intensive care was “incredibly rare”.

    Zero is not incredibly rare... it is zero...

    "Ignorance is bliss"

    Lying to support your case is worse than ignorance...

    The last line of the chart... 231 dead children.

    That is not zero.

    How many different strains of virus are we talking about being included in these statistics... newer versions have shown themselves to be rather more infectious and also more lethal to healthier people, so best case scenario 231 children die from covid....

    is not going to save a 70 year old with atherosclerosis and type 2 diabetes.

    The stats given for Sputnik V suggest that in fact it does.

    Still too many, situation could have been handled better IMO.

    Any situation can always be handled better, but in this case it could only be handled better by handling it worse... ie mandatory vaccinations and total lockdowns.

    So the people in charge of influencing the FDA to whether or not give this poison to children is saying. That the only way to know , if pfizer shot is that mass vaccination start ,quickly to see , if it is safe for children (or not) , . this is the way it goes..

    He is telling you and obvious truth and you are still whining like a little bitch.

    There is no value in doing test on rats for this sort of thing, you only learn by doing it and monitoring the results.

    I realise in mr fucking perfect world where you live they already know all its effects because it was all planned in advance, but here in the real world where I live covid was unexpected and the differences in each persons bodies and environments means no one can say for sure if it will work or not.

    And stop with the whining about giving children vaccines... children have been getting vaccines for as long as I have been alive and will continue to do so.

    Will not be surprising if Garryb support this crap , because he appears to cares no shit about people deaths ,he might start endorsing children he knows , to be used as laboratory rats..

    One week.

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4 - Page 6 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4

    Post  Mir Tue Nov 02, 2021 12:13 pm

    I must say that ever since you took the jab your comprehension has gone from bad to worse my friend!!

    I said the following:
    [the virus] has ZERO chance of killing or even seriously effect that child[

    There is a HUGE difference from what you are implying below that I may have said. I never said thevirus had zero effect on healthy toddlers.

    That is a sharp change in language... you said the virus had zero effect on healthy toddlers, but now you qualify that with Most of the toddler deaths due to the virus had other problems... that is a serious change in your statement, which makes your first statement a lie.

    Same story below. This was my original statement - and it has absolutely ZERO to do with dying! It's all about the incredibly rare chance CHILDREN under 18 has for ending up in ICU!
    Referring to children under 18 years of age the Lancet concludes that the need for intensive care was “incredibly rare”.

    Versus what you said>>
    Zero is not incredibly rare... it is zero...

    So who's attempting to lie now!  Laughing

    Anyway the 231 dead children includes everyone up to the age of 18 - so it's a lot more than just toddlers included here.
    If you take the first group of kids between 0-9 years old you'll get 106 deaths. I don't even consider all these kids as toddlers but never the less we'll use this number (106).

    So lets see how much of a lie did I tell:

    If you take this number and you add the total population of ALL the countries mentioned in the above graphic together you will get a grand total of 707 000 000 people (rounded down).

    One hundred and six (106)is 0.000014992927864214993% of the population of all those countries mentioned. That's pretty close to ZERO don't you think?  Laughing
    Even 231 is also pretty close to zero at 0.000032673267326732674%

    Last edited by Mir on Tue Nov 02, 2021 1:27 pm; edited 1 time in total

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