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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #24


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #24 - Page 27 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #24

    Post  JohninMK Wed Sep 14, 2022 1:43 pm

    Mir wrote:
    Big_Gazza wrote:

    Actually, I'll correct myself.  Its inaccurate to liken the hryvnia to toilet paper, as the shit smeared upon it is worth more than the note. Twisted Evil

    Toilet paper is already a scares and sought after commodity in Europe Smile

    Plenty here in the UK so far.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #24 - Page 27 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #24

    Post  Stealthflanker Wed Sep 14, 2022 1:44 pm

    Hole wrote:
    Who is that guy?  scratch

    The comedian turned hero in western world. who else.

    regardless people opinion on him..he is currently the poster boy of current war because he plays in most propaganda part not Brandon or some NATO guy called Stoltenberg or Boris Johnson.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #24 - Page 27 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #24

    Post  Serberus Wed Sep 14, 2022 1:50 pm

    Man I was away for a while and come back to this mess… Why the **** did Russia bother liberating these lands and losing men if they were not going to sufficiently man them and mount proper defences. On top of that and the worst betrayal of all , they left the civilians who finally thought they were free and put their trust in Russia, at the mercy of the Nazis.
    They are now brimming with morale and are launching attacks all along the lines, have even taken a town in Luhansk. Put Liman under pressure, still pushing in Kherson, appear to be staging counters in Zaporozhye.
    Belgorod oblast being shelled continuously  and now reports of gun fights inside Russia. The Fuhrer and his henchmen taking pictures openly in Izyum without a care in the world because they know Russia won’t do shit, all while Putin  twiddles his thumbs, plays pointless war games and now offering the EU free fertiliser and food while they arm the Nazis to kill Russians, un—fucking beliavable.

    Anyone rightfully criticising this cluster **** is being attacked, called a doomer and banned from TG groups, acting just as bad as the Ukronazis in that regard. The excuses from the Russian mod about a regrouping which they themselves didn't seem to know about until they started running, and copium from the community is pathetic, thought we were better than this.

    Last edited by Serberus on Wed Sep 14, 2022 1:53 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #24 - Page 27 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #24

    Post  GarryB Wed Sep 14, 2022 1:53 pm

    Not to belittle the impact but i';m kinda feel this "media report" are more into hysteria than anything. As if Russia will lost their EW edge and such. or even goes as far as Russia cannot make anymore or fix anything that got compromised.

    Very much expecting them to say it is no good and full of western components...

    If we take example of Kub.. it was compromised back in 1982's but still killing aircraft in 1995 it just as deadly as it was. The problem for Russia now is time, do they have enough time to fix ? as it can actually take years.

    When a MiG-25P was flown to Japan they upgraded it to the MiG-25PD to offset any intel advantages the enemy might have gained from examining the aircraft... even though the missiles were not captured they upgraded them too.

    How old are these pods... perhaps an upgrade is in order.

    As you also say this frees that pod up for export and they can use money earned to develop a short term upgrade and a long term replacement.

    Afghanistan withdrawal was a complete fiasco and shame. Nothing to add.

    It was initiated by Trump... Biden just couldn't wiggle out of it, while the Ukraine operation is the democrap party baby with bidens son grifting along with the best of them...

    There was no long term planning, and while they terribly mismanaged the withdrawal from afghanistan it was a good idea to leave... you could have been there another 20 years and still not made a difference.

    I think Arkanghelsk did.. and i agree massive strike should be accompanied by advancing army and some grounds secured.

    Why not follow up a massive strike with 10 more massive strikes?

    How can a clown like Martyanov claim "military supremacy" when forces are retreating forward? And when our army advanced backwards?

    You are misusing words... Russian forces moved out of the path of a powerful blow rendering it totally harmless... it was supposed to wipe out Russian forces who stood and fought. The enemy has struck a powerful blow forwards but Russian forces moved with the blow making the blow ineffective except the distance Russia moved to avoid it. The enemy put a lot of energy and men and equipment and weapons into that blow... that is not the sort of blow they will be delivering every day... they might have already over balanced with this blow to allow Russia to deliver attacks to make it so this blow can never happen again and more troops would need to be moved to the front by the enemy to deliver more blows in the future.

    We just don't know yet.

    I thought that Ukraine was demilitarized in March and was a "guerilla" army "incapable " of offensive actions , and was only a guerilla capable of trench warfare only?

    Nobody was declaring victory in March, but the hardest fighting has been in built up areas.

    The current Russian actions seems to be drawing them out of towns and cities into open areas...

    Lets see how that goes.

    Many Western people get dazzled by shine and splendor of Kremlin.
    It's a golden wrapped shit.

    What? Most western people think the Kremlin is evil personified... their understanding is based on western propaganda... all powerful... able to change election results anywhere in the world without leaving a trace, able to get Europeans in the streets protesting energy prices when in fact they are Putins puppets it seems, yet at the same time on the verge of collapse... with 18 deputies from St Petersburg and Moscow thinking he should step down... there are over 1,500 deputies in Moscow alone but lets not let facts get in the way...

    The corruption and economic malaise of the USSR could have been overcome - somehow the Chinese maintained social cohesion and became an economic superpower.

    China was economically crippled third world country with nukes... it wasn't even a gas station... it was a sweat shop... western investment and clever government policies turned it in to what it is today and India was sucking up to the US to try to get the investment to do the same...

    Scholz urged Putin to find a diplomatic solution as soon as possible based on a ceasefire, the complete withdrawal of Russian troops, and respect for the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine;


    Scholz stressed to Putin that any further Russian steps towards annexation would not go unanswered and would not be recognized under any circumstances, and also stated the need to ensure the safety of the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant;

    The EU and US and HATO and the west have chosen sides and are not neutral parties to this conflict, so Putin has no reason to listen to this guy or respect anything he says or demands.

    Notice all these decades and Germans think they can demand things from Russia...

    Scholz emphasized the important role of the grain deal and appealed to Putin not to discredit the agreement and to continue to fully implement it.

    Only western leaders think they can break a deal and expect the other side to honour their commitments... how about Kiev honour the Minsk agreements... no... well same answer for you if you are breaking your commitments.

    Please don't tell the World, otherwise known as the SCO, this week that 95% plus of the Ukrainian grain shipped out has come to the EU, mainly as animal feed, not to the starving countries in Africa as was implied when the deal was agreed.

    And also don't tell the world that in return the west was going to drop sanctions against ships hauling Russian grain and insurance and other aspects of shipping grain and fertiliser from Russian ports to the world. And they haven't.

    The difference is that the US choose to leave both Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan because of political decisions, it wasnt because the enemy had forced them out with thier military.

    Politically they wanted to stay in all of those places, but they were unable to defeat their enemy and stabilise the situations so it was a military failure that led to the political decision to run away.

    The Soviets had the same in Afghanistan... with the Middle East and west funding and supporting some nutters in Afghanistan it became clear to the Soviets that there was no point in staying.

    Henceforth I announce my switch to a pro Ukrainian position. The recent events no longer allow me to maintain a pro Russian attitude.

    Hahaha... you think the Orcs might win so you change sides... hilarious... I realise it is countries like Italy and France that are accused this sort of thing.

    We don't want you back when things on the battlefield go against your new adopted side... a bit disturbing how you can embrace unashamed nazis who murder their own civilians accused of helping the enemy... like that wont turn into a witch hunt.

    All of them!
    So maybe even 12, who knows .

    Two probably already broke down...

    So you tacitly admit the losers in Moscow have decided to make an agreement ?

    He doesn't know... he is guessing... based on him not being a coward...

    Instead Medvedev is throwing a fit and a tantrum while we are lectured like a defeated state

    That censored is a German and all German politicians speak to Russia like that... it is why Putin ignores them.

    What was the point of SMO if they were gonna take it in the ass anyway ?

    There would be no point which suggests your fears of Russian capitulation is you talking out your arse.

    Chechen wars were large counterinsurgency operations. Here you have two large conventional armies fighting with fall they have. Scale of fighting is not even close.

    Silly billy... they are all police actions... like the Vietnam War.

    come on your older than 18 right? you clicked the link which you have to solve captchas for to open video. next time i will tell you its gore.

    The rules are very clear. Zero tolerance for any porn and anything adult in nature needs a warning so a member knows what they are going to see before the click the link.

    got it I forgot there could be female users on this forum that are the sensitive type.

    This is an open forum that anyone can join and view, there are no age or gender restrictions, which means we have to have rules.

    So, what is going on with this massive Russian retreat, what are they up to?

    They are just reaching the Pacific Ocean.

    Eastern euopeans are use to the cold right? I wish they were more like the americans or the western europeans to pussy out.

    Even if they complained what good will it do... kiev doesn't give a shit about them and would portray their suffering as proof of how evil Russia is.

    Putin has not lost a war yet or been defeated in any geopolitical gamble either other than perhaps the Maidan revolution in 2014; but Yanukovich was not really Moscow's man anyway.

    So I suggest you have a little faith in the leadership.

    FP I am thinking of posting that as the Forum Motto.... Twisted Evil Twisted Evil Twisted Evil especially coming from you... Twisted Evil Twisted Evil Twisted Evil

    Napoleon sent a huge mass of soldiers to russia they all died from the weather and scorch earth tactics.

    Hitler sent a huge mass of soldiers to russia they all died from the weather and scorch earth tactics.

    Zelensky sent a huge mass of soldiers of 40K+ soldiers all of a sudden the charges have reached a halt meaning their momentum has stopped, with electric and gas out with this war dragging we will see Ukraines response later.

    It may look like Napoleon, Hitler and Zelensky were winning, but my faith sort of became restored when the huge offensives came to a grinding halt so far which now depends if Ukraine wants to send more bodies.

    The Soviets drip fed soldiers and equipment into Stalingrad to control the advance of the German forces there and when they were about to take the last few square kilometres of the city the Soviets launched a pincer attack to encircle the entire city and all the german forces within.

    The encirclement required a lot of men and equipment... men and equipment they could have simply fed into Stalingrad at night across the river and do all their fighting in the city where the German air power advantage was neutralised.

    By the time the trap was sprung the Soviets had built up a superior ground force and also a superior air contingent too and it was a rout... soldiers lost captured and gear lost captured or just destroyed.

    and that's only Kharkov power plant bomb ... kaboom i guess it wasn't KAB-25

    When I first saw that I thought it was a fertiliser storage area... like that big boom in Beriut... which was also ammonium nitrate.

    I'll be honest i would love to see Su-34 with KAB-500 or 1500 or that new bomb they put on Su-35's. Leave the iron bombs for Su-25 and Su-24's.

    Actually against area targets iron bombs would be just as good with the computer based aiming systems they have they could put the bombs where they want them easily enough.

    That's because the EU leaders, over time, have been bought and paid for.
    Campaign donations are a powerful tool to get who you want into positions of power.
    Zelensky is a perfect example.

    The enormous and powerful US spy network spent more time spying on allies than enemies... spying on allies means leverage to control and have them do things against their own and their peoples interests... that is what the west is.

    The last attack on infrastructure in Ukraine on September 11 was just a propaganda effort. Later, the firing was much weaker, limited only to Kharkiv. Russia has the ability to destroy infrastructure in Western Ukraine, etc. They would have to do it intensively and often to produce results.

    To be fair it would have the most impact in the middle of winter when the weather is hard and fixing things difficult too.

    Poor Napoleon, he didn't
    win because the Rosshians burned Moscow. Stop and engage what few brain cells you have to and think over
    that claim. The Rosshians are bad because they did not surrender to Napoleon once he "took" the capital.

    But expert Nazi HATO generals said that Germany would have won that war if they had just taken Moscow... like Napoleon did...

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #24 - Page 27 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #24

    Post  Scorpius Wed Sep 14, 2022 1:54 pm

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #24 - Page 27 Photo_18
    Data on air targets intercepted by Russian air defense systems, excluding aviation.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #24 - Page 27 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #24

    Post  GarryB Wed Sep 14, 2022 2:04 pm

    The Orcs have massed up a very large force to attack the Russian positions... the positions they attacked were lightly manned because most of it is empty space and as mentioned not critical to the conflict.

    We don't know what sort of reception the locals gave the Russians and those that were helpful could leave with the Russians if they had any brains at all.

    Many of these people don't think of themselves as Russian, they think they are Ukrainian.

    It is not that hard to understand... English speaking Americans don't think they are English and if China spent big money and bought some elections in the US and some southern states did not like that the new government has banned speaking english and only Chinese or Native American languages were official and could be used without getting fined.

    Well if those southern states rose up and rebelled it wont be because they want the English back to rule them... it is just that they don't like the censored in Washington.

    Well these people might not like Kiev or the EU or US, but that does not make them Russian.

    There is enough evidence of abuse to justify moving with the Russian forces, but this conflict is about attrition and standing and fighting to save some towns and villages from Orc forces with 10 times the man power is just pissing away soldiers.

    They were massed up and they have thrust forward and are attacking things, but they are also being shelled and bombed and fired at... big gristly chunks of meat take time and energy to grind down into mince.

    No one here has been banned for being pussies and crying about the plan.... lots of stalins who think the Russian response to the threat to friendly civies getting killed when their areas get over run should be to murder all Ukrainians over the rest of the country in enormous numbers... oh mans inhumanity to man.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #24 - Page 27 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #24

    Post  Podlodka77 Wed Sep 14, 2022 2:18 pm

    Serberus wrote:Man I was away for a while and come back to this mess… Why the **** did Russia bother liberating these lands and losing men if they were not going to sufficiently man them and mount proper defences. On top of that and the worst betrayal of all , they left the civilians who finally thought they were free and put their trust in Russia, at the mercy of the Nazis.
    They are now brimming with morale and are launching attacks all along the lines, have even taken a town in Luhansk. Put Liman under pressure, still pushing in Kherson, appear to be staging counters in Zaporozhye.
    Belgorod oblast being shelled continuously  and now reports of gun fights inside Russia. The Fuhrer and his henchmen taking pictures openly in Izyum without a care in the world because they know Russia won’t do shit, all while Putin  twiddles his thumbs, plays pointless war games and now offering the EU free fertiliser and food while they arm the Nazis to kill Russians, un—fucking beliavable.

    Anyone rightfully criticising this cluster **** is being attacked, called a doomer and banned from TG groups, acting just as bad as the Ukronazis in that regard. The excuses from the Russian mod about a regrouping which they themselves didn't seem to know about until they started running, and copium from the community is pathetic, thought we were better than this.

    I disagree with you this time.
    From the very beginning, the Russians have decided how many soldiers they will deploy for a special military operation. Since it still doesn't change then I'm sure this is part of some plan.
    Ukroshitstan is already a completely destroyed state that the West is only artificially maintaining.
    And at the end of the day, Putin is still a gentleman in a suit and not some freak who appears with a beard and in a military uniform, even though his (cocksucker Elensky) economy and military industrial complex have been destroyed.
    Where is it written and when did the Russians say they wanted Kharkov, Odessa, Nikolaev ? Did the Russians give a single hint about it ?
    Serberus, it is not possible that neither you nor I know the plans and goals better than the Russian state and military leadership. The Russian plan is certainly different from the plans on the Russian military forum, I'm sure of that.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #24 - Page 27 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #24

    Post  Firebird Wed Sep 14, 2022 2:22 pm

    GarryB wrote:The Orcs have massed up a very large force to attack the Russian positions... the positions they attacked were lightly manned because most of it is empty space and as mentioned not critical to the conflict.

    We don't know what sort of reception the locals gave the Russians and those that were helpful could leave with the Russians if they had any brains at all.

    Many of these people don't think of themselves as Russian, they think they are Ukrainian.

    It is not that hard to understand... English speaking Americans don't think they are English
    and if China spent big money and bought some elections in the US and some southern states did not like that the new government has banned speaking english and only Chinese or Native American languages were official and could be used without getting fined.

    Well if those southern states rose up and rebelled it wont be because they want the English back to rule them... it is just that they don't like the censored  in Washington.

    Well these people might not like Kiev or the EU or US, but that does not make them Russian.

    There is enough evidence of abuse to justify moving with the Russian forces, but this conflict is about attrition and standing and fighting to save some towns and villages from Orc forces with 10 times the man power is just pissing away soldiers.

    They were massed up and they have thrust forward and are attacking things, but they are also being shelled and bombed and fired at... big gristly chunks of meat take time and energy to grind down into mince.

    No one here has been banned for being pussies and crying about the plan.... lots of stalins who think the Russian response to the threat to friendly civies getting killed when their areas get over run should be to murder all Ukrainians over the rest of the country in enormous numbers... oh mans inhumanity to man.

    Half of the country voted for pro Russian, Russian langauge policies from 1991 til 2014 when the democracy was replaced with a junta.

    Infact the S East had a big Communist secondary support, so all things considered the country was more pro Russia than US satanic globalism. But its Establishment had been poisoned by US globalism, and the Establishment had far too much power to deceive, corrupt and intimidate.

    As for "Ukrainian", its probably only a 1/4 of the region. Surzhyk is a dialect NOT Ukrainian but it is often misrepresented as such.

    Half of the country considers itself "of the Russian World" even tho it is not of the Russian Federation as of Feb 2022.
    They didn't want to split the Pukraine because if that happened, you'd have a Nazi state next door. |Why should they acquiesce to the Washington filth?

    Finally your USA/English speaking example doesn't work.
    The Ukraine was part of Russia til 1991. Infact most of it was part of Russia since around 878 AD, barring the Nazi, Mongol and Polak invasions. And the USSR was Russia, just with administrative divisions, NOT separate countries.

    Russians or "Russkaya" cannot speak up right now if Nazi filth are going to kill them, can they?

    Ultimately, most of the region is Russian, just like Chechnya was.
    You don't seem to understand the subtleties of it Garry.
    Russia isn't like N Zealand or England. Its more like England vs Cornwall. Or USA vs Texas etc.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #24 - Page 27 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #24

    Post  Isos Wed Sep 14, 2022 2:40 pm

    Letting those EW pods on that su-30 was dumb.

    But they have worked on Himalya ECM for su-57 which is a generation ahead. They will get them upgraded to that standard.

    Also that thing fell on the ground from the sky and must be broken. I don't think they will get anything valuable. Measures are also taken to not allow enemy analyze it if they capture one. When the pilots eject generally they have inboard systems that burn critical components, like those explosives that destroy the canopy.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #24 - Page 27 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #24

    Post  Arkanghelsk Wed Sep 14, 2022 2:43 pm

    🇷🇺🇺🇦 The Russian army is transferring reserves to Krasny Liman, into which the enemy is constantly trying to break through

    A huge column of military equipment has recently passed towards Krasny Liman. The enemy will not take the city.


    Hope its real


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #24 - Page 27 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #24

    Post  ALAMO Wed Sep 14, 2022 2:44 pm

    Firebird wrote:
    Half of the country voted for pro Russian, Russian langauge policies from 1991 til 2014 when the democracy was replaced with a junta.
    Infact the S East had a big Communist secondary support, so all things considered the country was more pro Russia than US satanic globalism. But its Establishment had been poisoned by US globalism, and the Establishment had far too much power to deceive, corrupt and intimidate.
    As for "Ukrainian", its probably only a 1/4 of the region. Surzhyk is a dialect NOT Ukrainian but it is often misrepresented as such.
    Half of the country considers itself "of the Russian World" even tho it is not of the Russian Federation as of Feb 2022.
    They didn't want to split the Pukraine because if that happened, you'd have a Nazi state next door. |Why should they acquiesce to the Washington filth?
    Finally your USA/English speaking example doesn't work.
    The Ukraine was part of Russia til 1991. Infact most of it was part of Russia since around 878 AD, barring the Nazi, Mongol and Polak invasions. And the USSR was Russia, just with administrative divisions, NOT separate countries.
    Russians or "Russkaya" cannot speak up right now if Nazi filth are going to kill them, can they?
    Ultimately, most of the region is Russian, just like Chechnya was.
    You don't seem to understand the subtleties of it Garry.
    Russia isn't like N Zealand or England. Its more like England vs Cornwall. Or USA vs Texas etc.

    Oh give me a break, there was nothing like "voting pro Russian" ever.
    Yanuk rules were just the same level of "friendly" as all the others.
    He might only express that better, but the message was clear : bribe us, or we will let the others do so.
    Do you really consider that it was a relationship based on mutual friendship or even common interests??
    John brought a great example from the history of the Crimean struggle.
    It was Kuchma who sent the special forces and siloviki to strangle the Crimean independence.
    Already proclaimed!!
    The very same Kuchma who cheered Boris and drink a barrel of vodka with him.
    In reality, he was one of the most nationalistic rulers the Ukro had, and it was his job to encourage radical groups who rallied freely already in 1992, when he was a prime minister. He was considering it as a "nation building glue".
    Was Kravchuk even better? They dissolved the Soviet Union to take a piece of cake for each other, all that bunch or morrons. All the nice words they were speaking to each other didn't change the situation : that was a fuckin coup made in a bania, with a box of vodka to seal that. Against the w whole Soviet referendum.
    Ask a random citizen about referendums that were performed in the USSR - they will get their eyes wide open, hearing first time in their entire life about that.

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    Walther von Oldenburg
    Walther von Oldenburg

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    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Wed Sep 14, 2022 2:45 pm

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #24 - Page 27 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #24

    Post  Firebird Wed Sep 14, 2022 3:03 pm

    Like I said, half the country (sometimes more) wanted pro Russia policies. And like I said, it was the scum in the Pukraine Establishment renaged on that. mandate and eventually destroyed the place.

    Even Yanukovich chose to join the Eurasian Union before the Americunt coup.

    ALAMO wrote:
    Oh give me a break, there was nothing like "voting pro Russian" ever.
    Yanuk rules were just the same level of "friendly" as all the others.
    He might only express that better, but the message was clear : bribe us, or we will let the others do so.
    Do you really consider that it was a relationship based on mutual friendship or even common interests??
    John brought a great example from the history of the Crimean struggle.
    It was Kuchma who sent the special forces and siloviki to strangle the Crimean independence.
    Already proclaimed!!
    The very same Kuchma who cheered Boris and drink a barrel of vodka with him.
    In reality, he was one of the most nationalistic rulers the Ukro had, and it was his job to encourage radical groups who rallied freely already in 1992, when he was a prime minister. He was considering it as a "nation building glue".
    Was Kravchuk even better? They dissolved the Soviet Union to take a piece of cake for each other, all that bunch or morrons. All the nice words they were speaking to each other didn't change the situation : that was a fuckin coup made in a bania, with a box of vodka to seal that. Against the w whole Soviet referendum.
    Ask a random citizen about referendums that were performed in the USSR - they will get their eyes wide open, hearing first time in their entire life about that.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #24 - Page 27 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #24

    Post  thegopnik Wed Sep 14, 2022 3:25 pm

    akhmat forces on the way

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #24 - Page 27 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #24

    Post  GunshipDemocracy Wed Sep 14, 2022 3:27 pm

    ALAMO wrote:

    It was not the Russkie who beat us, but the General Winter!

    Either tanks!
    And SPG - oh, the SPG were notorious for not needing accumulators, lubricants, fuel, they just drove & shoot using snow&mud.
    It was all the General Winter fault, as Russkie Untermaenschen could not defeat the Arian elite, oh no!
    It was like that, 100%!
    I wouldn't lie to you, would I?!?

    I got even a twitter grade proof from the reddit frontline

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #24 - Page 27 4ee8d70a8b8bb937da67f2c21bc37d89

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #24 - Page 27 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #24

    Post  Airbornewolf Wed Sep 14, 2022 3:57 pm

    footage of RF Airforce engaging Ukrainian assault force heading for Zaporizhya powerplant

    LPR Artillery calls on Ukrainian troops in Artemovsk to lay down their arms

    RF Paratroopers destroy Ukrainian bmp near Nikolaev

    Missile system Iskander night launch on Ukrainian facility's

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #24 - Page 27 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #24

    Post  Stealthflanker Wed Sep 14, 2022 3:59 pm

    Arkanghelsk wrote:🇷🇺🇺🇦 The Russian army is transferring reserves to Krasny Liman, into which the enemy is constantly trying to break through

    A huge column of military equipment has recently passed towards Krasny Liman. The enemy will not take the city.


    Hope its real

    It should be damn real.. otherwise why Russians are even occupying that area if they dont intend to defend it.


    So i watched the Kupyansk "collaborator execution"... disgusting. But unfortunately reprisal is a thing.. in Afghanistan.. God knows what happened to those"American collaborators" in shape of translators that didnt managed to evacuate or be evacuated.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #24 - Page 27 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #24

    Post  Hole Wed Sep 14, 2022 4:05 pm

    Stealthflanker wrote:
    Hole wrote:
    Who is that guy?  scratch

    The comedian turned hero in western world.  who else.

    regardless people opinion on him..he is currently the poster boy of current war because he plays in most propaganda part not Brandon or some NATO guy called Stoltenberg or Boris Johnson.
    He is a nobody.

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    Post  Hole Wed Sep 14, 2022 4:20 pm

    You are misusing words... Russian forces moved out of the path of a powerful blow rendering it totally harmless... it was supposed to wipe out Russian forces who stood and fought. The enemy has struck a powerful blow forwards but Russian forces moved with the blow making the blow ineffective except the distance Russia moved to avoid it. The enemy put a lot of energy and men and equipment and weapons into that blow... that is not the sort of blow they will be delivering every day... they might have already over balanced with this blow to allow Russia to deliver attacks to make it so this blow can never happen again and more troops would need to be moved to the front by the enemy to deliver more blows in the future.

    We just don't know yet.
    It was the opposite of the famous Kursk battle. Instead of preparing fortifications and massing troops to stop the attack the Russians went out of the way... and destroyed at least 40% of the equipment the whole of NATO collected for months, according to pro-UkroNazi channels.

    Since July there was only a small force there. The General Staff in Moscow was propably sitting around and waiting, thinking what took NATO so long to take the bait.

    All those videos of moving vehicles, heavy helicopters bringing in stuff, special forces and EW stuff pretending to be a much larger force... 

    Now the huge "victory" with photo ops. Next time NATO will think that all is real and that they can gain another "easy" victory. They will take the bait much faster. And be surprised by the outcome.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #24 - Page 27 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #24

    Post  JohninMK Wed Sep 14, 2022 4:25 pm

    Hole wrote:
    Stealthflanker wrote:
    Hole wrote:
    Who is that guy?  scratch

    The comedian turned hero in western world.  who else.

    regardless people opinion on him..he is currently the poster boy of current war because he plays in most propaganda part not Brandon or some NATO guy called Stoltenberg or Boris Johnson.
    He is a nobody.

    A very rich nobody praying that he lives to enjoy it and not just his wife/widow having a good time.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #24 - Page 27 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #24

    Post  Scorpius Wed Sep 14, 2022 4:31 pm

    Reported large losses of the enemy in manpower at Sukhoi Stavok.

    Russian aviation struck the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine near the locality of Sukhoi Stavok in the Kherson region. As a result, according to the Military Chronicle, the reconnaissance company of the 73rd Naval Center of the Special Operations Forces (SSO) of Ukraine was almost completely destroyed.
    The naval special forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were transferred to the Kherson region from the base in Ochakov to reconnoiter the positions of the Russian army, but the unit was ambushed by the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

    The group was discovered using the optical-electronic surveillance complex "Irony".

    The complex detects enemy equipment at a distance of 7 km using a thermal imager. Irony can detect a person at a distance of 2.5—3 km.

    The fighters of the 73rd center tried to get out of the fire bag and took shelter by the road 2 km from Sukhoi Stavok. Aviation was called to the place of fire contact by the Russian military. The positions of the AFU Marines were attacked by front-line Su-34 bombers with the help of unguided bombs FAB-250 and FAB-500.

    Paratroopers from the 46th ODSHB covered the Ukrainian Marines. After the VKS strikes, the paratroopers withdrew. In fact, they abandoned the naval special forces on the front edge of the front without support.

    As a result, up to 120 personnel and several infantry fighting vehicles were destroyed.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #24 - Page 27 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #24

    Post  SeigSoloyvov Wed Sep 14, 2022 4:36 pm

    Serberus wrote:Man I was away for a while and come back to this mess… Why the **** did Russia bother liberating these lands and losing men if they were not going to sufficiently man them and mount proper defences. On top of that and the worst betrayal of all , they left the civilians who finally thought they were free and put their trust in Russia, at the mercy of the Nazis.
    They are now brimming with morale and are launching attacks all along the lines, have even taken a town in Luhansk. Put Liman under pressure, still pushing in Kherson, appear to be staging counters in Zaporozhye.
    Belgorod oblast being shelled continuously  and now reports of gun fights inside Russia. The Fuhrer and his henchmen taking pictures openly in Izyum without a care in the world because they know Russia won’t do shit, all while Putin  twiddles his thumbs, plays pointless war games and now offering the EU free fertiliser and food while they arm the Nazis to kill Russians, un—fucking beliavable.

    Anyone rightfully criticising this cluster **** is being attacked, called a doomer and banned from TG groups, acting just as bad as the Ukronazis in that regard. The excuses from the Russian mod about a regrouping which they themselves didn't seem to know about until they started running, and copium from the community is pathetic, thought we were better than this.

    Well said.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #24 - Page 27 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #24

    Post  thegopnik Wed Sep 14, 2022 4:51 pm for those interested keep in mind his twitter shows alot of war footage of russians decimating ukrops.

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    Post  thegopnik Wed Sep 14, 2022 5:00 pm

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #24 - Page 27 Screen33

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #24 - Page 27 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #24

    Post  caveat emptor Wed Sep 14, 2022 5:10 pm

    Azerbaijanis hit two locations of Russian peacekeepers with artillery.

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