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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #38


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #38 - Page 33 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #38

    Post  Regular Sat Feb 18, 2023 3:00 am

    Sladkov and Starshiy Eddie confirm the shortages, but not just Wagner. Many reasons for that. Overexpendature, warehouse fires, bad storage for reserve munitions, enemy attacks (from last year that is). Basically, a backlog

    Then again, he says that factories are pumping out shells so they will eventually end up on the frontline

    Vladlen also commens about it

    They are the voice of frontal troops

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #38 - Page 33 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #38

    Post  kvs Sat Feb 18, 2023 3:10 am

    This is all BS. From the yammering you would think that Russia has less munitions than Ukria. What a retarded joke.

    Quantify the shortage or shut the f*ck up.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #38 - Page 33 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #38

    Post  Regular Sat Feb 18, 2023 3:21 am

    Ok, so these people who are on the ground and their videos are shared here as truth now suddenly lie? Did Americopidors bought them? Will they loose accreditation for frontlines for their lies?

    No one is talking about Ukrainian shortages here, they can fight in underwear for what it matters. For russians on the ground they are targets than need to be worked on using artillery, no matter their situation.

    Ukrianians are also running short for 6 months and this is known fact.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #38 - Page 33 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #38

    Post  Regular Sat Feb 18, 2023 3:31 am

    Not sure why everyone is surprised, main thing is for Russia not to run out before Ukraine and they are already running lean

    Best comment was from Eddie and it explains today’s realities. Reshared by Lobaev, Sladkov and almost all bigwigs from Russian Z movement.

    By the way, the demands of the Americans to save shells (amers demand this from the Armed Forces of Ukraine) once again reminds us that a protracted high-intensity conflict between more or less technologically equal powers is extremely difficult for post-industrial states.

    50 years ago, no one would even have noticed such a consumption of shells, remember that the United States dropped more bombs and shells on Vietnam than was spent during WWII. Now everything is quite the opposite.

    The phrase: kamon, what a war, in the yard of the 21st century, penetrated the brains of government officials in all countries of the First World. Now state managers are scratching their heads and thinking, how could grandfathers simultaneously steer millions of armies and produce megatons of ammunition (in TNT equivalent).

    Against all this background, Greta Thunberg and other asexual "general people" are sad somewhere. The pseudo-civilizational shell a few microns thick has disappeared, and the brute force of the male world has returned in its place. A world soaked in gunpowder, blood, smoke from factories.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #38 - Page 33 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #38

    Post  Backman Sat Feb 18, 2023 4:44 am

    ^ Kremlin spinsters.

    I posted a quote from someone from the front of the SMO zone who says it's all a bunch of piffle. And it was posted by Ghost Z. Who was also posting the counter claims.

    And if it was true , that inventories are running short , and production has to increase , that is the job of purchasers and logisticians. And is none of anyone's business except theirs. And anyone jumping on social media to post this kind of thing should be shot.

    Last edited by Backman on Sat Feb 18, 2023 4:52 am; edited 2 times in total

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #38 - Page 33 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #38

    Post  GarryB Sat Feb 18, 2023 4:44 am

    I have a question for you.
    At the price of one Su-35S or Su-57, which will be more expensive than the Su-35S, how many tanks and howitzers, multiple rocket launchers, mortars can be built and who will cause more damage on the front ? Smile
    If we add to that the price of the flight hour on the plane and the maintenance, then the matter becomes even worse.

    My opinion is not authoritative, but I would allocate 50% more money to equip the army with T-14 tanks and 2S35 howitzers than for the Su-57.

    I have an answer that is a question.... if you run a multibillion dollar business with 100K employees and you do regular evaluations on what is the most efficient worker in your company, and you find them... say they are an accountant... do you fire everyone else and just have accountants as employees? What would an accountant do in a company that has no other type of workers?

    It is funny you ask the question because three or four years ago if you asked the question everyone here would say tanks are useless because of Javelin and Howtizers and rocket launchers wont last long because of enemy air power and suicide drones and other shit, while fighter aircraft can cover an enormous area of territory and shoot down enemy air power... which tanks and guns and rockets can't manage to do... but most ironically I am sure your own answer would be that Russia has nukes so it doesn't need 20K tanks or artillery... who would be stupid enough to take part in a conventional war with Russia?

    T-72s weren't good enough, they needed all T-14s... well they seem to have done a reasonable job too...

    The first claim was that "petrol and diesel are dirty".
    Now its that "using energy is bad".

    Now that the west has made it expensive for the west it is bad, but for Asia cheap gas is on its way and is likely going to be an affordable alternatives to other types of energy.

    In current (schizo) world political climate Russians will have hard time to sell big items to 'neutral' or inbetween states, some of those are NATO, Russia used to sell big stuff to them too. Now it will be harder to compete on the market because Americans will "regulate" that by force of coercion. In current times it's a lot more logical to reroute funds to conventional items.

    Conversely that is a good thing because no country really likes being openly told what to do... except obviously western countries, so this sort of bullying might have the opposite effect like it did with Turkey and once the US gets the hump over them doing this they keep picking at it and whining and putting more pressure on them to change their mind, which often has the opposite effect in convincing the country they were right to cut ties with the US in particular.

    The rest of the world is a huge largely untapped market that many countries don't appreciate because of the bright lights of the west.

    Western companies didn't enter the Russian market for charity to help Russia... the rest of the world market is huge and there is a lot of untapped resources and money to be made developing new markets.

    Think of it in housing terms... the first ones in make the most money, it is a growing market but eventually as the prices go up there is less margin to make really big money except very occasionally.

    It is necessary to have all branches of the armed forces, yes, but the importance of the ground forces remains as in any previous period of time - there is no replacement.

    For Russia their air power was a very important component in the conflict in Syria... in fact more important for Russian troops than armour, though that was important too.

    Who gives a shit? Since when are those vermin more valuable than Russians?

    Obviously every human being in the Ukraine is a staunch nazi and Zelensky supporter.... except Zelensky won by being the peace candidate... Porochenko was the war guy and the population rejected him... so they chose the peace promising jew over the warmongering nazi...

    If the goal is to murder them all why not just use nukes... it would work out cheaper and would create a nice buffer zone where no one could live...

    Says who? You? Greta Tunberg? Angelina Jolie? That's bullshit

    This is war not sensitivity training

    Extinction of the enemies is the objective

    It's definitely one that Russian enemies have

    America tried carpet bombing in almost every war they took part in in the early 20th century and even they worked out that killing everyone is not possible and certainly not practical because it is too expensive.

    A US fighter pilot described it best... as he approached a hill in Vietnam it was theirs... he released his napalm tanks and when they exploded the hill was his... as the fires burned out... it was theirs again.

    They are not being used, they volunteered

    The people doing the dragging people away for the draft perhaps and the government officials with degrees from western universities and/or western citizenship, but not the people in the places that are currently being fought over.

    Ukraine doesn't have a future and can't be allowed to have one

    If Ukraine ends up having a future it means that Russia will not have a future

    Imperial Britain and Nazi Germany all rolled in to one... listen to you...

    Not forever, only until they run out of Ukrainians

    But they are not going to run out... they are used to hardships fat western pricks would never put up with... like no wifi at bus stations...

    If you think that Russians should keep being retarded pussies with impending expiration date that's fine by me just don't expect me to agree with the idea of it being intelligent approach

    If Russia wants to become a genocidal Imperial force then they would lose a lot of support, and of course you are entitled to your opinion, but note whose opinion they seem to be following...

    The collective West, employing its still far from exhausted ex-Warsaw Pact supplies of ammo, bulk purchases from Pakistan, South Korea and others, and its own armaments industries which its currently attempting to expand

    But can it even afford to completely exhaust the ammo and weapon supplies of eastern european HATO countries at a time when they are struggling to build their own tanks and guns and ammo for those vehicles having eastern european allies with no tanks and no guns and no ammo... it would put them in a very vulnerable position... they would have to send money to eastern european arms factories and lose money they could earn for themselves...

    That was a goal... empty HATO of cold war era non western stuff so it needs to be replaced with new expensive western shit... the profit margins even on artillery shells is going to be very profitable... the 2% GDP goal is going to become 20% as GDPs shrink and shopping lists get longer and longer.

    Nice weapon. A little bit clumsy for trench warfare.

    The AS is a great weapon but I suspect you mean the musical instrument... depends how good he is...

    A very simple answer: if you stop the Su-35 and Su-57 production plant, it will not increase the production capacity for the construction of tanks and artillery. You will simply be left without the S-35 and Su-57.

    And equally if you are going down that road why not just stop producing any weapons or ammo at all and just make suicide drones with HE for soft targets and HEAT warheads for hard targets... that is all you need isn't it? (Hint... no it isn't).

    The shape is really easy to distinguish.
    Stugna-P that Ukrs delivered en mass to own troops has an oversized warhead part.

    That is funny because Russia has nothing that looks or operates like Javelin.... EXCEPT JAVELIN.

    This sort of propaganda action is right up their ally... the whole think appeared to start at Maiden when mysterious snipers were murdering civilians and police... now why would they be shooting people on both sides and how could they shoot people on both sides without shooting their own people?

    The US and Orcs have form for killing their own and blaming their enemy for it... in other words murdering their own people and then lying about it.

    AFAIK Russia does not have that MO.

    We have no description except the ones provided by CNN which I wouldn't believe... they are not interested in the truth and have been faking news for decades... it is their job to bend the views of Americans to support American imperialism around the world.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #38 - Page 33 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #38

    Post  PapaDragon Sat Feb 18, 2023 4:48 am

    Werewolf wrote:With people like you I really have no questions why Yugoslavia and all it's members have such a disastrous downfall. I may use your own words, "If you can't protect it you shouldn't have it".

    If you like Yugoslavia so much you can take it and shove it up your ass

    That commie monstrosity was the worst thing that happened to Serbs in our entire history

    Centuries of Turkish rule did far less damage than that abomination

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #38 - Page 33 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #38

    Post  Podlodka77 Sat Feb 18, 2023 7:04 am

    This time Papadragon is right and very right.
    SFRY was a Bolshevik-Communist creation designed to destroy the Serbs to the end.
    And that same Bolshevik and Ustasha who attacked Serbia with the Austro-Hungarian army in the First World War later became its president + marshal and is known to you as Tito. And that smelly Bolshevik Tito NEVER went to Jasenovac, one of the largest concentration camps in the Second World War, because the majority of Serbs died there, and many Serbs.
    That same "Independent State of Croatia", as it was called in WW2, is the only country in the history of human civilization that had camps for children, specialized camps for children in a place called Stara Gradiška.
    Towards the end of his reign, that Ustasha (and then Bolshevik) Tito gave autonomy to Vojvodina and Kosovo, the same Vojvodina that Serbia won with the victory in the First World War.
    However, if there was no Lenin, there would be no Tito, so the biggest Bolshevik fag of all time is absolutely Lenin.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #38 - Page 33 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #38

    Post  Isos Sat Feb 18, 2023 7:24 am

    Talk as much as you want, Yugoslavia was a very developed country in the 1990. They had and produced pretty much everything including fighter jets.

    Their science, r&D and universities were very advanced.

    They were also recognized as diplomatic leader on the world that refused both US and Russian hegemony.

    Now you have a bunch of puppets there, including Serbia.

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    Post  Podlodka77 Sat Feb 18, 2023 8:04 am

    Isos, it's not worth discussing and it's not the topic of this section so I'm not going to continue on this topic.
    And let's face it, you don't live in a free country either. dunno

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #38 - Page 33 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #38

    Post  Arrow Sat Feb 18, 2023 9:49 am

    And using close air-support or striking tactical targets from the air is problematic for Russia, due to the density of air defenses which are in hiding but which can start to receive tracking data as soon as radars in the Ukraine or Poland or Romania pick up Russian aircraft. wrote:

    FP this indicates that Russia has not achieved air dominance over all of Ukraine after a year of war. VKS is only used near the front line. Targets deep inside Ukraine are being attacked by cruise missiles. Russia does not want to risk large VKS losses as the work can be done by cruise missiles.
    This also shows how dangerous a relatively modern anti-aircraft defense is for standard aviation. It is a huge challenge for modern aviation. Russia's air defense is the strongest in the world and would pose a huge threat to the entire NATO air force. Conversely, NATO has very weak air defense, it is not much of a threat to ordinary subsonic cruise missiles. There is no chance against hypersonic missiles, which pose a huge threat to NATO infrastructure.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #38 - Page 33 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #38

    Post  nomadski Sat Feb 18, 2023 10:23 am

    And they still talk about a long war , or war of attrition . They talk about winning this attritional war by technological means . Treasure against blood . But treasure is blood and vice versa . But if we are under the impression that Russia is doing well economically , say compared to the collective West , and war production can be maintained for a year or more than a year , for two years or ten , and we believe that 100,000 Ukrs killed and 300,000 wounded , compared to 20,000 Russian dead . Then an attritional war lasting ten years will mean an effective tactic of meat grinder .

    But if as some say " ...Artillery ammo was not given out , perhaps because of shortage ... " then if true , this means a technological attritional war of long term meat grinder is in danger of failing . In this case then , if Russia also not willing to spend too much blood , what to do ? Rationing comes to mind . Bring back bolt action Rifles or disable auto - fire mode on assault Rifles . 20 rounds of ammo is enough per soldier per day ! Ration artillery fire and only allow firing at short ranges with much less error . At present Artillery used at great distances , missing most of targets . Send planes to destroy Roads and Bridges and Rail , use older planes . Too much treasure and not enough blood spent ! You have to spend one or the other , spend most of what you have most .

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #38 - Page 33 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #38

    Post  Rodion_Romanovic Sat Feb 18, 2023 10:25 am

    You are now succumbing to a media lie yourself. Talk to East Germans. Talk to those who write in forums. Difference like day and night. Germany is US und GB occupied, is a Nazi country through West Germany. You will set yourself free, but it will hurt.

    I had a colleague that used to be a Mig29 pilot in his youth. He had on its desk a funny print that said:"if you can read this you are an east German" (as it was a German sentence written in the Cyrillic alphabet). And a few years ago he even went to see the MAKS airshow in Moscow.

    By the way this was a polite version of something that was typical in the DDR

    "Венн ду дас лезен каннст, бист ду кайн думмер весси"

    (In Latin alphabet:
    "Wenn du das lesen kannst, bist du kein dummer wessi"


    "If you can read this, then you're not some stupid West German"

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #38 - Page 33 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #38

    Post  JohninMK Sat Feb 18, 2023 11:07 am

    This is from a Latvian pro-ukraine site, so likely an overstatement.

    Close to 15K Russians killed in Ukraine since start of invasion identified through open sources
    5:50 pm, February 17, 2023
    Source: Meduza

    Mediazona and BBC News Russian have confirmed the names of 14,709 Russians killed in Ukraine since the start of the full-scale invasion, based on open sources.

    Journalists have identified 1,679 people who were killed only in the first two weeks of February. This marks the greatest acceleration in weekly Russian losses since the start of the war, as pointed out by BBC News. The outlet connects this trend with Russia’s new offensive in the Donbas.

    For most of 2022, open sources registered 250–300 Russian war casualties per week. This average suddenly began to grow in late December, and doubled by January.

    The two publications have also identified 1,121 draftees who were killed after being mobilized by Vladimir Putin’s September decree. Forty percent of this group were killed after January 1, 2023.

    Last edited by JohninMK on Sat Feb 18, 2023 11:13 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Post  JohninMK Sat Feb 18, 2023 11:11 am

    There must be a strong possibility that when Prigozhin says that Wagner is running out of ammo and that Artyomovsk won't be liberated before April, he is being deceptive at the request of the MoD as part of a deceptive propaganda operation.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #38 - Page 33 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #38

    Post  littlerabbit Sat Feb 18, 2023 11:18 am

    @ Isos

    You have to know that after the WW2, dozens of factories from central Serbia were moved to Slovenia and Croatia. Truck, plane factories etc. Serbia was de-industrialized in the first decade of Tito's ruling. No

    That's why Slovenia and Croatia had 2 - 3 times better standard than Serbia in 1990. No

    Add to that almost pathological hate towards Serbs and ethnic cleansing in Kosovo and Metohija, also in other parts of ex-Yugoslavia...and you will get better picture what kind of process was going on for more than 4 decades. Suspect

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #38 - Page 33 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #38

    Post  Hole Sat Feb 18, 2023 11:27 am

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #38 - Page 33 Fpon6a10
    This is what 100+ Bill. $ in military "aid" buys you. 
    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #38 - Page 33 Fpoypr10
    Badge: Don´t follow me, I´m lost, too.
    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #38 - Page 33 Fppiy810

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    Post  JohninMK Sat Feb 18, 2023 11:34 am

    Chronicle of the Special Military Operation for 17 Feb 2023⚡

    🔹#Russia's Border Areas:

    ▪ In the #Bryansk region, the AFU attempted to attack the airport in the regional centre. The attack was repelled by air defence forces, with no casualties or destruction.

    ▪ In the #Kursk region, the enemy terrorists shelled the villages of #Gornal and #Guevo, as well as the village of #Krasnooktyabrsky.

    ▪ In the #Belgorod region, the AFU terrorists struck #Shebekino and Novaya Tavolzhanka. Residential buildings and power lines were damaged and one woman was wounded.
    ➖ Russian air defences were triggered near #Belgorod, with no damage.

    🔹#Starobelsk Direction (MAP):

    ▪ Despite the absence of a change in the frontline, there are artillery and mortar duels in all areas.
    ➖ The AFU is expecting an offensive by the RF Armed Forces, additional defensive lines are being set up near #Kupyansk and artillery is being transferred. Furthermore, UAV reconnaissance activity is noted.

    ▪ In the #Liman sector, AFU units attempted to retake lost positions near #Ploshchanka. Russian troops repulsed the attack, the enemy withdrew to the initial lines with losses.

    🔹#Soledar (#Bakhmut) Direction (MAP):

    ▪ Wagner PMC assault squads have taken #Paraskoviyevka, opening another direction for the attack on #Berkhovka, north of #Bakhmut. The expansion of the control zone allows increased pressure on #Bakhmut from the north.
    ➖ Russian forces, supported by artillery and aviation, are also advancing towards Orekhovo-Vasilevka and Dubovo-Vasilevka.

    ▪ In the urban area of #Bakhmut, fierce fighting continues . Russian forces are pushing through the enemy defences in the northern, eastern and southern districts of the city.

    ▪ Southwest of #Bakhmut, Russian assault squads have advanced close to the outskirts of #Krasnoye, advancing from the south and southeast.

    🔹#Donetsk Direction:

    ▪ In #Maryinka, heavy fighting continues west of Druzhba Avenue. Weather conditions make it difficult to use unmanned and classic aviation, which does not reduce the intensity of fighting.

    ▪ The AFU terrorists continued indiscriminate shelling of the #Donetsk agglomeration. #Donetsk and #Makeyevka, among others, were hit by barrel artillery.

    🔹#Kherson Direction:

    ▪ In #Kherson region, the situation has not changed significantly, with both sides exchanging artillery strikes. Russian forces hit enemy targets in and around #Kherson.

    ▪ The Ukrainian terrorist formations struck civilian facilities in #Kakhovka, Novaya Kakhovka and #Alyoshki.


    ▪ A Ukrainian drone attempted to attack the Balaklava thermal power plant in #Sevastopol. Russian defences intercepted the device on approach, with no damage to the plant.

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    Post  JohninMK Sat Feb 18, 2023 11:37 am

    Our source reports that at Zelensky’s request to increase the supply of artillery ammunition, Western partners reacted coldly, to put it mildly, or simply “froze off”. Zelensky was advised to concentrate on training infantry (mobilize more) for urban warfare. That is, to turn every city into ruins along the route of the RF Armed Forces.

    This suggests a simple logical conclusion: the following goals are important to the West:

    1. The destruction of the country / cities, which the West is likely to leave behind the Russian Federation.

    2. Increasing the number of dead Ukrainians in order to increase the historical wound in the war between the Russian Federation and Ukraine, which for centuries had a common culture and history.

    3. To drag out the conflict for as long as possible at a high price for the Ukrainians, but a minimal cost for the West with a good profit for them.

    The shortage of ammunition will continue to worsen, and the Bakhmut meat grinder will have to hold back valuable heavy losses among the infantry.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #38 - Page 33 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #38

    Post  Firebird Sat Feb 18, 2023 11:44 am

    So, for that reason, perhaps its time to strangle the Pukraine from the West. Or the "neck" from Belarus to Transnistria
    around 150km West of Kiev.
    And levelling Lvov is no tragedy for Russia, because lets face it, its Vermin Central in regards being the NaziFascist epicentre.

    Russia could go heavy handed in the West and say "U can leave the East and Central, or we flush you out from the West and Eastwards. But its better you just give up now".

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    Post  flamming_python Sat Feb 18, 2023 2:03 pm

    Pretty funny Serbs blaming the commies for Yugoslavia or calling it a socialist creation. I'd say Poland has a greater claim to being created by the communists.

    Yugoslavia in fact was a creature of the Treaty of Versailles, that's to say the British and the French, and its initial form of government was that of a monarchy. There was nothing even the slightest bit communist about it for the first couple decades of its existence.

    The actual commies at the time in revolutionary Russia, who were back then the only communists anywhere in the world in power - actually opposed its creation and viewed it as nothing more than a puppet of the capitalist powers in the Balkans

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    Post  Arrow Sat Feb 18, 2023 2:29 pm

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    Post  higurashihougi Sat Feb 18, 2023 2:39 pm

    PapaDragon wrote:*Comments about carpet bombing Ukraine to rubble*

    PapaDragon, I would like to remind you that you are human and therefore, don't pull yourself down to the standard of monster.

    What the NATO piece of garbage did to your countries back then was essentially war crimes, and any decent humans not brainwashed by Western propaganda are definitely on your side about that issue.

    Therefore, do not wish for such horrible war crime to repeat in Ukraine and do not pull yourself down to the level of the monsters who commit horrible crimes against Serbian people.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #38 - Page 33 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #38

    Post  caveat emptor Sat Feb 18, 2023 2:42 pm

    So, for that reason, perhaps its time to strangle the Pukraine from the West. Or the "neck" from Belarus to Transnistria
    around 150km West of Kiev.
    You do realize that is more than 300 kilometers in straight line? And that Russian troops in Transnistria are 1500 peacemakers with light weapons. Which means they wouldn't be able to help at all.

    flamming_python, PapaDragon, Odin of Ossetia and Broski like this post

    caveat emptor
    caveat emptor

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #38 - Page 33 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #38

    Post  caveat emptor Sat Feb 18, 2023 2:48 pm

    To all Serbians, Yugoslavia was created by megalomaniac Aleksandar Karađorđević, Serbian king. And it was even more disfunctional during Interbellum period.
    I would say that he, and he alone, is responsible for fucking away greatest Serbian war victory and not protecting Serbian interests. Not to mention that country itself was complete garbage.
    And no, Serbia was never richer or more developed than Croatia and Slovenia as a whole. Vojvodina was more developed than Croatia, but that goes to the credit of K und K monarchy

    PapaDragon and littlerabbit like this post

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