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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52 - Page 31 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52

    Post  PapaDragon Tue Jan 23, 2024 6:17 am

    Rodion_Romanovic wrote:"Tweet" from Kim Dotcom

    [i]There are whispers from Kyiv that Zaluzhny will be fired and CIA favorite Kyrylo Budanov is taking over the Ukrainian Armed Forces. If it’s true here’s why:

    The real President of Ukraine, Victoria Nuland, needs someone crazy enough to blow up a nuclear power plant and Budanov is her guy. She needs a pretext for NATO troops to enter Ukraine, urgently. Russia is winning the US proxy war and Nuland is running out of options.

    In her deranged mind the best way to get NATO involved is to harm Europeans with a radioactive cloud from a nuclear power plant that Russia allegedly destroyed. The Propaganda media would sell the story and suppress the truth as it has done throughout the war.....

    This would be excellent, Russia should zap Zalluzni themselves to speed this up

    Once NATO troops are in Ukraine Russians can do whatever they want to them consequence-free

    They can kill them in Ukraine consequence-free, they can use nukes on them in Ukraine consequence-free, it would be dream come true

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52 - Page 31 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52

    Post  Kiko Tue Jan 23, 2024 7:20 am

    Guess I'll have to propose marriage to all 4 of them (Maria, Elena, Valeria & Irina) and form up a harem.

    Kyiv has found Russia's weak point, by Irina Alksnis for RiaNovosti. 01.23.2024.

    Judging by the incoming news, the situation in Kyiv is turning from difficult to literally desperate.

    On the one hand, there is simply a shortage of money there: the funds already allocated are running out, and the US and EU, due to internal squabbles, are still unable to provide the promised financial and military support. According to The Wall Street Journal , this year the Ukrainian budget deficit will be more than $40 billion, of which about $30 billion should be covered by Western injections, and they are needed to ensure basic government expenses - payment of salaries, pensions and social benefits.

    The Americans and Europeans are quarreling, and the resolution of the issue is being pushed back to February at best. Meanwhile, Kyiv needs money right now, forcing it to choose from alternatives one worse than the other: either launching a printing press with automatic acceleration of inflation, or freezing social obligations to the population. Considering that Ukrainian society has already begun to unravel and the government’s ratings are falling, unpopular measures threaten sharp destabilization with completely unpredictable consequences.

    On the other hand, the situation at the front is covered in a dense fog of war. In general, the positional confrontation continues, but at the same time, the Russian army has recently achieved several notable tactical successes, which were recognized on the other side. And in combination with the first point, one gets the impression that the enemy is seriously afraid of the “straw” factor, which will break the camel’s back and cause the collapse of the front. Moreover, by the enemy we must understand not only the Kiev authorities, but also the coalition of anti-Russian forces in the West as a whole, who have put everything against Moscow.

    Obviously, it finally dawned on the decision-makers there that in the format of the conflict that has now been determined in the form of a war of attrition, it is our country that has the strategic advantage.

    The West has a shortage of resources, while Ukraine is running out of time. The forces concerned there need to take steps right here and now that: a) if they don’t turn the corner, at least freeze the situation at the front; b) they will force the Russian leadership to take ill-conceived and unfavorable measures for the country; c) silence those dissatisfied with the support of Ukraine in the West itself; d) they will force the disputing Western elites to come to an agreement among themselves so that they can resume uninterrupted funding for Kyiv.

    In this situation in Ukraine - and almost certainly much to the west - a decision was made to switch to openly terrorist methods in order to try to destabilize Russia, which was in a state of sustainable development and a strong national consensus, with targeted attacks on the civilian population and critical infrastructure. On New Year's Day there was Belgorod , last Sunday - Donetsk , a UAV attack on the Novatek terminal in Ust-Luga - in the same piggy bank. Some people strongly hope that they will be able to either undermine public support for the Russian state, or provoke the Kremlin and the Ministry of Defense to make some unfavorable decisions for our troops at the front. And then, lo and behold, the Western establishment, disillusioned with Ukraine, will again believe in it and begin to actively invest.

    By the way, the latest decree of Vladimir Zelensky “On the territories of the Russian Federation historically inhabited by Ukrainians” serves exactly the same purpose. Firstly, to additionally reassure Moscow of Kyiv’s complete insanity and inability to negotiate - and in the most successful case, push it to ill-conceived measures to radically resolve the “Ukrainian issue.” And secondly, to cut off the escape routes for adequate forces in the West, which are currently gaining strength and louder voices.

    Time will tell how Russia will respond to this new challenge. True, one thing can be said with confidence: neither Kyiv nor the West will definitely be able to provoke the country’s military-political leadership to take any rash steps.
    However, some assumptions about Moscow’s possible response can be made. For example, when France defiantly decided to become a European leader in the fight against Russia, 60 French mercenaries lost their lives in Kharkov and a couple dozen more ended up in hospital beds. Paris , of course, puts a good face on a bad game, but there is a suspicion that with such “PR” it will have problems recruiting new personnel for the “eastern front”, where the last hopes of victory over the Russian bear are already rapidly fading.

    Time will tell how Russia will respond to this new challenge. True, one thing can be said with confidence: neither Kyiv nor the West will definitely be able to provoke the country’s military-political leadership to take any rash steps.
    However, some assumptions about Moscow’s possible response can be made. For example, when France defiantly decided to become a European leader in the fight against Russia, 60 French mercenaries lost their lives in Kharkov and a couple dozen more ended up in hospital beds. Paris , of course, puts a good face on a bad game, but there is a suspicion that with such “PR” it will have problems recruiting new personnel for the “eastern front”, where the last hopes of victory over the Russian bear are already rapidly fading.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52 - Page 31 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52

    Post  ALAMO Tue Jan 23, 2024 8:54 am

    Seems like just another disco night all around 404 ...
    At least 12 Tu-95s reportedly airborne, with Tu-22 and Su-35 assistance ...
    Ballistic missiles joined the party, too.
    The bulk of the attack was to eliminate manpower, so expect "schools, hospitals, and small puppy shelters" to be shown today.

    Mark the Ch-101 releasing decoys before the strike at the end :

    Something in regard of mood :

    What is your wish?
    My wish is for my leg to be torn off under the knee.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52 - Page 31 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52

    Post  GarryB Tue Jan 23, 2024 11:24 am

    They can kill them in Ukraine consequence-free, they can use nukes on them in Ukraine consequence-free, it would be dream come true

    That is the amusing thing it would be difficult to justify the use of nukes in this conflict against the Ukraine, but when HATO troops start to enter the conflict then that represents a mortal threat to Russian soverignty and nukes actually become an option... not to win, but to show the west they can't win and stop escalating, and show Russia is serious.

    When HATO troops start setting foot on the battlefield then the gloves would have to come off... contracts become null and economic targets in the Ukraine are added to the military targets to force the issue.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52 - Page 31 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52

    Post  Hole Tue Jan 23, 2024 11:39 am

    he Western establishment, disillusioned with Ukraine, will again believe in it and begin to actively invest.
    Has nothing to do with believe but with capacity.
    So little left in the west that the creation of Cocainskys 500.000 men army is impossible. Even if they could find so many

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52 - Page 31 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52

    Post  JohninMK Tue Jan 23, 2024 12:48 pm

    The very latest Ukrainian 1HP/4 hoof drive military winter transport. Very Happy

    Note the man not in military garb on the left, probably the farmer driving the horse.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52 - Page 31 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52

    Post  ALAMO Tue Jan 23, 2024 1:12 pm

    JohninMK wrote:The very latest Ukrainian 1HP/4 hoof drive military winter transport. Very Happy

    Note the man not in military garb on the left, probably the farmer driving the horse.

    Would have been funny, if not being sad.

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52 - Page 31 Photo288

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52 - Page 31 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52

    Post  franco Tue Jan 23, 2024 1:27 pm

    MOSCOW, January 23 - RIA Novosti. About 300 Ukrainian militants have already been convicted of war crimes in the Donbass, said Rodion Miroshnik, Ambassador of the Russian Foreign Ministry on special assignments for crimes of the Kiev regime, on the Rossiya 24 TV channel .
    “At the moment, about 300 militants have already received their sentences, and these are very serious sentences - from 10-12 years to life,” Miroshnik said. According to him, “in the courts of Donetsk , Lugansk , Rostov-on-Don , simply terrible pictures are revealed when these militants give evidence.”

    MOSCOW, January 23 - RIA Novosti. At the future tribunal over representatives of the Kiev regime, there will definitely be international observers, and its format is now being discussed, said Rodion Miroshnik, Ambassador of the Russian Foreign Ministry for Special Assignments for the crimes of the Kiev regime, on the Rossiya 24 TV channel .
    There will definitely be (some) form of trial, it will be. It is now being discussed in a political format. But everyone needs to understand that the decision on it will be similar to the Second World War, when the decision was made on the Nuremberg Tribunal. This is Yalta , this is in a few months until the end of the war. The same decision will be made in this case. As soon as we come to the end of the conflict, we will understand exactly in what form the political leadership of Kiev bears responsibility," Miroshnik said.
    He noted that “military executors, they are already responsible.” In addition, in the near future, “larger trials are possible, at which more significant characters who are now in captivity should be sentenced, who give testimony, at which the Investigative Committee collects the entire necessary package of data in order to bring it to trial.”
    “The issue of the form of the tribunal is a matter of agreement. We hope that there will definitely be a certain foreign segment. There will be observers from other countries who are ready to monitor the purity of the process, to perceive the information that we are ready to provide - a complete evidence base,” - Miroshnik reported.

    MOSCOW, January 22 - RIA Novosti. Russia remembers every crime of the Kyiv regime and records it, every culprit will receive a well-deserved punishment, said Vice-Speaker of the Federation Council Inna Svyatenko.
    “I cannot help but note that Russia remembers everything and forgets nothing. Every crime is recorded, and every criminal will sooner or later suffer a well-deserved punishment. The Investigative Committee and the Prosecutor General’s Office have been investigating crimes committed against civilians in Donbass for 10 years,” she said she during a meeting of the parliamentary commission investigating crimes against children in Kiev . She noted that “more than 200 Ukrainian military personnel” have already been sentenced to long terms of imprisonment and life imprisonment for murders and cruel treatment of civilians.

    The senator also proposed instructing the committees of the Federation Council and the State Duma on international affairs to think about which international organizations, foreign human rights activists, and correspondents “we can ask to help ensure that Kiev ensures transparency of information about the whereabouts of children.”
    “On the initiative of... Senator Irina Valeryevna Rukavishnikova, back in the fall, we came up with a proposal at the legislative level to tighten responsibility for the abduction of minors in a military conflict or during a period of mobilization. Namely, to establish punishment for committing such a crime in the form of imprisonment for a term of 8 up to 20 years old. I am glad to announce that our initiative was supported by the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation. I think everyone will agree with me that we need to adopt this law as soon as possible," the parliamentarian recalled.

    Speaker of the State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin previously proposed to instruct Vice Speaker of the State Duma Anna Kuznetsova to prepare proposals for conducting a parliamentary investigation into the crimes of the Kiev regime against the children of Donbass . On June 20, the State Duma approved a resolution to support the start of such an investigation. On June 21, the Federation Council formed the senatorial part of the parliamentary commission; the former vice-speaker Galina Karelova became the co-chairman on the chamber’s side . Later, this position was taken by the new vice-speaker of the chamber, Inna Svyatenko.
    The commission included four working groups with specialized tasks. The first collects materials and facts about the crimes of the Kyiv regime against minors, analyzes and evaluates them. The second group deals with issues of international legal assessment of violations of the rights and freedoms of minors by the Kyiv regime, the third - issues of improving protective mechanisms for minors from attacks on their rights and freedoms by foreign states. The fourth working group is working to improve measures of social support and rehabilitation of minors who suffered from the actions of the Kyiv regime.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52 - Page 31 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52

    Post  JohninMK Tue Jan 23, 2024 1:38 pm

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    Post  JohninMK Tue Jan 23, 2024 1:44 pm

    Back to my big bangs

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    Post  Big_Gazza Tue Jan 23, 2024 4:01 pm

    JohninMK wrote:The very latest Ukrainian 1HP/4 hoof drive military winter transport. Very Happy

    Armour has been reduced to maximise speed and mobility. Brilliant military engineers these Ukrainians, one really must admit.... Razz

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52 - Page 31 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52

    Post  Belisarius Tue Jan 23, 2024 4:43 pm

    In Russia, trials of anti-drone missiles are concluding, and they are expected to be deployed on the air defense missile systems in the Special Military Operation soon, according to a source cited by RIA Novosti.

    The mini-missiles will be utilized within upgraded "Pantsir" systems. These new missiles follow the standard "Pantsir" configuration with an acceleration stage and a cruising stage but significantly reduced in size both in diameter and length.

    As a result, each "Pantsir-SM" combat vehicle can now be equipped with 48 anti-drone missiles instead of the standard 12.

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    Post  thegopnik Tue Jan 23, 2024 4:49 pm

    Belisarius wrote:In Russia, trials of anti-drone missiles are concluding, and they are expected to be deployed on the air defense missile systems in the Special Military Operation soon, according to a source cited by RIA Novosti.

    The mini-missiles will be utilized within upgraded "Pantsir" systems. These new missiles follow the standard "Pantsir" configuration with an acceleration stage and a cruising stage but significantly reduced in size both in diameter and length.

    As a result, each "Pantsir-SM" combat vehicle can now be equipped with 48 anti-drone missiles instead of the standard 12.

    sweet, make sure to post it in the pantsir thread.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52 - Page 31 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52

    Post  The-thing-next-door Tue Jan 23, 2024 5:00 pm

    PapaDragon wrote:

    This would be excellent, Russia should zap Zalluzni themselves to speed this up

    Once NATO troops are in Ukraine Russians can do whatever they want to them consequence-free

    They can kill them in Ukraine consequence-free, they can use nukes on them in Ukraine consequence-free, it would be dream come true

    They would more likely use those nuclear missiles on nato bases and population centres, wipe the vermin off the continent. The question is, would the pindos pussy out or commit suicide for the sake of posturing.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52 - Page 31 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52

    Post  mnztr Tue Jan 23, 2024 5:22 pm

    Arrow wrote:"Ukraine should behave „aggressively” towards Russia and launch as many strikes as possible, including strikes against civilians, if this will lead to a final victory over Moscow. With such a statement on the air of the Ukrainian YouTube channel „Vyshka” was made by Harry Tabach, former chief of staff of the NATO military mission in Moscow.

    The retired U.S. Navy captain of the first rank believes that all means are good for defeating the enemy, so Kiev does not need to „shy away” from strikes on civilians. He believes that the more ordinary people die, the faster victory will come."

    'cos this has always worked so well in the past?🙄🤣

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    Post  Arkanghelsk Tue Jan 23, 2024 5:29 pm

    The-thing-next-door wrote:

    They would more likely use those nuclear missiles on nato bases and population centres, wipe the vermin off the continent. The question is, would the pindos pussy out or commit suicide for the sake of posturing.

    USA won't risk its own cities for European ones

    They are just posturing, Ukraine showed that

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    Walther von Oldenburg
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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52 - Page 31 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52

    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Tue Jan 23, 2024 5:29 pm

    Every attack on Russian civilians just increases Russia's will to win and makes more people support the SMO.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52 - Page 31 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52

    Post  Arkanghelsk Tue Jan 23, 2024 6:01 pm

    Walther von Oldenburg wrote:Every attack on Russian civilians just increases Russia's will to win and makes more people support the SMO.

    Here is the reality dude

    Russia has become ultra-patriotic, I am afraid to use the word ultra-nationalist, but to some degree yes

    What people here term, "6th column turbo patriots" have become the new standard and majority of Russian society

    It doesn't matter which region you are in, Bashkortostan, Siberia, Chechnya, Moscow, Far east, everyone is outdoing each other in patriotism

    Voenkors now shape the discourse and narrative of everyday life, Noone gets their information from media on TV anymore, the words of the Voenkors are the new diet of the people

    If you are against it, you get doxxed and shamed, arrested, beaten , and if you are in the government, your whole identity will be destroyed

    Look at Peskov and Shoigu, they had to rebrand themselves completely, and they are completely different politicians now

    Medvedev is like the new Zhirinovsky , a bellweather of society, and the fact his rants are tolerated, a former president of Russia, only proves this trend/direction

    The new society of Russia are led by the so called "Ura patriots" that so many like to make fun of here

    This is the new face of social unity in Russia

    There's no more "moderate" and being a liberal gives you at most 48 hours if your information is revealed

    Everything has changed, Putins political life will also change as the society changes, remember the Kremlin is a reflection of social narratives

    So 2008-2022 was the Era of moderate Russia trying to find its place in the world, although with some attempt to work around liberal democratic perspectives

    2022-? Is the Era of Ultra Patriotic Russia, no attention is paid to any of the old ideas, and completely new ones take hold, it's no longer a question for bureaucracy, it's defacto imposed by the war

    And the SMO is like gravitational force which pulls Russia further down that path, Noone can stop it

    Hence the telegram "Don't stop war"

    These are all narratives of what is taking place

    The elections are just a simulacrum of that

    And everyone more or less understands that if Putin goes, we will have someone more similar to Prigozhin

    And that is the Kremlin big problem, so they must become like Prigozhin, or face becoming redundant and obsolete

    So now Peskov, Shoigu, Putin are all tough talking nationalists whereas only last year the 3 of them were liberal caricatures of Russias "sovereign democracy"

    Dude those days are over, there's no need to hide anything, people themselves want Stalin, Lenin and the whole show - look at the recent polls from this week

    This in all, is a fatal error of the west, there's no way for Trump to negotiate anything with Putin unless it's conciliatory, and much more than territories will be given to Russia

    I reiterate that was the purpose of the treaty on mutual security , issued to NATO in December of 2021

    For Trump to present the instrument of surrender, after the comprehensive defeat of the American deep state

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    Post  JohninMK Tue Jan 23, 2024 6:54 pm

    So some were not mercenaries at all, but French military intel or equipment specialist officers. No wonder the French Ambassador got such a hard time in Moscow. Now this!

    🇫🇷 It looks like the French got it in Kharkov again.

    It is reported that the strike in Kharkov was carried out on officials from the French Ministry of Defense at the time of handing over to them the identified bodies of French military intelligence officers killed during the previous strike.

    And according to the Come and See channel, Poles and Britons suffered in Kharkov:

    The strike hit a building in the Kievsky district of the city. It housed foreign mercenaries... We are talking about Poles and English-speaking mercenaries.

    According to the channel's source, there are serious losses among the mercenaries. - FRWL reports

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52 - Page 31 GEiveEEW4AAQP6G?format=png&name=small

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52 - Page 31 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52

    Post  Odin of Ossetia Tue Jan 23, 2024 8:23 pm

    We are talking ethnic Ukrainians from Poland, not real ethnic Poles, at least not for the most part.


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52 - Page 31 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52

    Post  Arkanghelsk Tue Jan 23, 2024 8:29 pm

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52 - Page 31 Img_2322

    Zaporozhye. The Pyatikhatki district is silent for now. But near Rabotino, the enemy group of almost 20 thousand, sandwiched here, is being stormed from five directions at once.
    What you need to know about the main features of this section of the front. It’s probably no longer a secret that we have a large number of airborne assault brigades concentrated here. Therefore, we will hope for a quick breakthrough of the front and access to Orekhov. Why is it important.
    Through the Orekhov-Velikaya Novoselka-Ugledar road, supplies from Zaporozhye go to the entire Tauride group of the enemy. This is by far the most powerful group of dill - about 40 plus relatively fresh teams. It is she who is now responsible for Avdiivka. By blocking Orekhov, we will significantly complicate logistics.

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    Post  Arkanghelsk Tue Jan 23, 2024 8:30 pm

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52 - Page 31 Img_2323

    Then, as we predicted, active hostilities begin near Urozhainy. Our guys entered the village. We'll see how events develop here, since the terrain here is very difficult. The village of Staromayorskoye is in the lowlands, Urozhaynoye is at the heights, and between them is the same river Mokrye Yaly, on which more than one subdivision has been planted with dill.

    But what’s interesting is that at the same time ours began to probe the defense of dill from Novodonetsky. That is, apparently, they are preparing a deep coverage of the enemy group entrenched here (about 2 brigades). The goal is still the same - access to Velikaya Novoselka and blocking the main road of this section of the front.

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    Post  Arkanghelsk Tue Jan 23, 2024 8:31 pm

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52 - Page 31 Img_2324
    Go ahead. Ugledar is still quiet. But here's what's interesting. Between Ugledar and Maryinka, the dill created a powerful fortified area, which juts out strongly into our line of defense. It is somewhat similar to the Avdeevka agglomeration. There are about 5 enemy brigades sitting here.

    Now in the Novomikhailovka area they are trying to cut it into two. And at the same time ours are moving towards Konstantinovka from the direction of Pobeda. But the main military operations in this area are taking place in the Maryinsky direction.

    Remember before the new year they reported that ours had taken Marinka, and now our troops are already on the outskirts of Georgievka. Progress is very important, since Georgievka is the key to Kurakhovo - one of the most important strongholds of the entire southern front of the enemy.

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    Post  Arkanghelsk Tue Jan 23, 2024 8:33 pm

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52 - Page 31 Img_2325

    Well, further activity continues along the entire front. Our people are rushing to Krasnogorovka and Nevelskoye. We went to Pervomaiskoe. This is very important - I told you how complex the configuration of the front is here due to the cascades of ponds. And now, finally, we overcome this.

    Well, the most important thing, of course, is that ours broke through the southern front of Avdeevka and finally took that boring Tsar’s Hunt restaurant. I am especially pleased to talk about this, since my native Slav plays a vital role in these battles. We will analyze all these situations in detail in the following issues. For now, let's move on.

    Today Avdeevka is being stormed along almost the entire northern line. Considering the breakthrough in the south, how long the enemy will be able to hold out here is a big question.

    In general, if we talk about the entire southern sector of the front, we can state that ours are so far very successfully solving the task of defeating the most combat-ready enemy group - the Tauride group. Which, by the way, is led by the famous General Tarnavsky. This is one of the enemy’s most secret military leaders and is considered to be a direct creation of the Americans. That it is he, and not Zaluzhny, who, if something happens, will become a replacement for Zelensky. The Americans are actively promoting Tarnavsky as an alternative to Zelensky for negotiations with Russia.
    By definition, the Kremlin will not talk to Zelensky, nor will it speak to Zaluzhny, since he is considered a creature of Great Britain. But with Tarnavsky, a servant who carried out orders, such a dialogue is possible. This is the requested position of Americans among conspiracy theorists. Nevertheless, it will be interesting to speculate on this topic, especially in the context of who actually leads the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52 - Page 31 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52

    Post  Arkanghelsk Tue Jan 23, 2024 8:34 pm

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52 - Page 31 Img_2326

    Go ahead. Bakhmut agglomeration - here our troops attack in two directions at once near Kleshcheevka towards the village of Ivanovskoye. According to some reports, ours are already on the outskirts of this important settlement. Khromovo is already ours, there are battles for Bogdanovka. Between this village and Khromovo, the Ukrainians created a powerful line of fortifications, and now ours are breaking it.

    There are active battles in the Spornoe-Veseloye area. In Serebryansky forestry. And further along the entire front right up to Sinkovka.

    The most important thing, of course, is that we took the village of Krakhmalnoye and are moving along the N-26 highway, which can be called one of the two most important roads of this war.

    We will analyze the situation on each section of the front in more detail in the following issues. But for now, we can say that the year started on a high note for us.

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